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Water Distribution Systems

ISBN: 978-0-7277-4112-7

ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

doi: 10.1680/wds.41127.331


Page numbers in italics refer to figures not on same page as text.

ABC see activity-based costing networks, 220

above-ground assets, 229 performance indicators, 233–240, 254–255
abstracted water, 62, 63, 81–83, 86, 90–91 planning, 50, 203, 220, 227–261
ACO see ant colony optimisation regulations, 229–232, 237
activity-based costing (ABC), 272 whole-life costing, 253–257
adaptation of systems, 186 asset management plans (AMPs), 50, 203, 220
adequacy of distribution systems, 172–173 automated calibration, 165
advanced payment cards, 67 automatic control valves, 132–134
affinity laws, 127 average zone night pressures (AZNPs), 140
affordability, 302 axial flow pumps, 124–125
afforestation, 76 AZNPs see average zone night pressures
age of water, 149
age of infrastructure, 183 Babayan, A., 184
air-scouring, 215–216 BABE see bursts and background estimates
air valves, 131–132 balance see water balance
air vessels, 142 ball float valves, 136
Aldersgate Group, 322 Banyard, John, 1–22, 227–397
aleatoric uncertainty, 154 barrier pipe protection systems, 116–117
altitude control valves, 134, 135 bath tub curve, 245, 246
Altman, T., 44 Bayesian pipe deterioration model, 248–249
AMPs see asset management plans Bayesian-based calibration, 167
AMs see area meters behavioural change, 67
analysts (design), 175–176 below-ground assets, 229
anchor blocks, 117–118 benefit-cost ratio, 291, 293, 294
ant colony optimisation (ACO), 177 Bentham, Jeremy, 312, 325
Anytown design problem, 159–161, 162 Bernoulli (energy) equation, 28, 34–35, 37
AoS see appraisal of sustainability black water, 63
appliance efficiency, 64 BMVs see burst main valves
appraisal of sustainability (AoS), 319 bonds, 275
see also project appraisal Boulos, P. F., 44
aqueducts, 2–3, 7, 12, 111 Boxall, J., 193–226
aquifers, 80, 83–85 branched pipe networks, 16, 17, 35, 36
area meters (AMs), 56, 58 Broad Street pump incident, 4–5
asbestos cement pipes, 9 brownfield sites, 114–116
asset management, 19, 227–261 Brundtland definition, 312, 325
assessment techniques, 237–242 burst main valves (BMVs), 134
definitions, 228–229 burst rates, 245
deterioration of assets, 244–250 bursts and background estimates (BABE),
drivers, 231–232 205
failure consequences, 249–253 Butler, David, 49–71
interventions, 242–244 butt-fused joints, 120
key challenges, 257–258 butterfly valves, 130, 131


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calibration of models, 155, 165–169 resource systems, 88–89

call centres, 232 sustainability, 19, 315–318, 327
CAMSs see catchment management strategies Climate Impacts Programme, UK, 89
Canada, 177–178 CO2 see carbon dioxide
canals, 2 coagulation, 6, 97–98
CAPEX see capital expenditure Code for Sustainable Homes, 65
capital costs, 271 Colebrook–White equations, 15–16, 30–32,
capital expenditure (CAPEX), 159–160, 243, 165
254, 325–326 colour of water, 91–92, 94, 251–253, 252
carbon dioxide (CO2), 315–316, 318, 321, 322, commercial demand, 53, 59–60
326 Common Framework, UKWIR, 241–242
see also climate change communication, 266–267
carbon, non-traded price, 299 computational fluid dynamics (CFD), 101
CARE-W research project, 256–257 computers, 16–18, 100–101
Casey, Rob, 23–48, 145–170 see also network modelling
cash flow, 272–273, 288–289, 292 concrete pipes, 11
Cashman, Adrian, 263–307 Consumer Council for Water, UK, 196
catchment management strategies (CAMSs), consumption of water, 156–158
90 see also demand
cathodic pipe protection, 115–116 contingency storage, 139
Cave Review 2009, 21 continuity equation
cavitation, 126 Hardy Cross method, 37
CBA see cost–benefit analysis mass conservation, 26
CEA see cost-effectiveness analysis steady flow analysis, 34–35
cement pipes, 9 unsteady flow analysis, 41, 43
centrifugal pumps, 124–125, 127 corrosion of iron pipes, 9
centrifugal spinning process, 8 cost–benefit analysis (CBA), 278, 280–281
CFD see computational fluid dynamics applications, 291–293
Chadwick, E., 3–4 economic efficiency, 274
chalk soils, 76–80, 83–85 MCA, 297–298
Channel Tunnel, 278 sustainability, 319–320
characteristics surge pressure analysis, 43 cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), 278–280
chemical coagulants, 6, 97 costs
Cheung, P. B., 179 asset interventions, 243–244
Chezy, Antoine, 12 energy reductions, 211
Chezy pipe flow formula, 12–13 least-cost systems, 177–181, 212, 278–279
chloramine, 104 project appraisal, 266, 269–272, 277–279
chlorine, 104–105 realistic estimates, 277
contingency storage, 139 whole-life costing, 253–257, 282–284, 303
historical aspects, 6–7, 18 Craig Goch reservoir, 82
modelling water quality, 148–150, 159 creditworthiness of companies, 277
network quality analysis, 44–46 Cryptosporidium, 92, 100, 237
water treatment, 91 customer reactions, 104
see also water quality customer service
cholera, 3–6 decision-making, 219
Chung, G., 44 improvement, 232
circumferential pipe breaks, 122 Ofwat performance indicators, 233–234
clay, 7, 80 performance criteria, 172–173
climate change pressure management, 213–214
Act 2008, 316, 327 water quality, 201
carbon emissions, 318 ‘willingness to pay’, 178–179
demand management, 56, 67–68 see also service
design uncertainties, 181–182
discounting, 287 DA see decision analysis
impact effects, 317 DAF see dissolved air flotation


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Darcy, Henry, 13, 30 DG2/3 see Director General Measure 2/3

Darcy–Weisbach equation, 13–15, 30–32, 165 DHV treatment simulation, 100–101
data, 155–158, 161–165 diameters of pipes, 164–165
collection, 155, 161–165 digital elevation models (DEMs), 164
demand assessment, 156–158 dimensional analysis, 12–13
flow data, 196–200 direct costs, 271–272
MAIDE analysis, 202–208 directional drilling, 209–210
model building diagram, 155 Director General Measure 2/3 (DG2/3), 196,
network modelling, 155–158, 161–165 203, 233, 237, 250–251, 252
pressure data, 196–200, 203–206 discharges (pumps), 125–126, 128–129
statistical pipe deterioration models, discolouration modelling, 251–253, 252
246–247 discounted cash flow (DCF), 188, 288–289,
water companies, 155–156 292, 302
water consumption, 156–158 discounting, 284–287, 300–301, 304–306,
DCF see discounted cash flow 325–326
DCMs see domestic consumption monitors disease, 3–7
DDA see demand-driven analysis disinfectants, 104–105, 139
decision analysis (DA), 188–189 see also chlorine
decision-making dissolved air flotation (DAF), 96–97
condition performance grading, 239–240 distribution management areas (DMAs), 197,
decision-makers, 175–176 198, 203
ExSoft tool, 254–256 distribution networks, 111–143
flexible design, 189 control of, 129
MAIDE cycle, 218–221 pipes, 111–123
MCA, 294–295 pumps, 123–129
project appraisal, 266, 283, 294–295 service reservoirs, 136–139, 140
sustainability, 311 surge control, 141–142
whole-life costing, 283 system integration, 139–140
DEFO/P pressure deficiencies, 180 valves, 129–136
demand, 49–71 distribution operation and maintenance
components, 53–56 strategies (DOMSs), 203, 220
drivers, 56 district metered areas (DMAs), 102, 140, 157,
estimation of, 56–59 220
forecasting, 59–62 diurnal water usage, 157–158
future vision, 66–68 DMAs see distribution management areas;
lifestyle modification, 66 district metered areas
management, 62–65, 213–214 domestic consumption monitors (DCMs),
network modelling, 156–158, 164 56–60
processes diagram, 51 domestic demand, 53, 56, 60–62
variations, 52 DOMSs see distribution operation and
water neutrality, 65–66 maintenance strategies
demand-driven analysis (DDA), 40–41 Drake’s Leat, 3
DEMs see digital elevation models drinking water, 91–95, 97, 100, 103, 105, 321
density, 23 Drinking Water Directive, EU, 139–140, 200
design, 171–192 Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI)
basic principles, 173 asset management, 230–231
flexible design, 185–189 distribution networks, 140
objectives, 171 MAIDE cycle, 195, 200, 202–203, 206–207
optimal design, 173–181 water supply, 93–95
performance indicators, 172–173 dual systems, 67
pipes, 112 Dublin Principles, 323–324
requirements, 171–173 ductile iron pipes, 8–9, 11, 115, 117, 119–120
uncertainty, 181–185 DWI see Drinking Water Inspectorate
deterioration of assets, 183, 244–250 dynamic models, 44–45, 157
Dewis, N., 193–226 see also unsteady flow analysis


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dynamic thrust, 118 evapotranspiration (ET), 181

dynamic viscosity, 24, 26 event management, 207
expenditure, 159–160, 243, 254, 269–272,
EA see Environment Agency 325–326
eccentric plug valves, 131 ExSoft decision support tool, 254–256
ECF see electro-coagulation-flotation extended period simulation (EPS), 41, 146,
economic appraisal, 267–269 148, 149, 151
economic efficiency, 274 externalities, 269
economic level of leakage (ELL), 54, 56, 204,
268 fauna and flora, 86, 90
economic sustainability, 318–321, 325–326 feed tanks, 142
education, 66–67 Fenton’s reagent, 99
efficiency, 64–65, 172–173, 212, 274 filtration, 5–6, 95–96
EGL see energy grade line finance, 263–307
EIAs see environmental impact assessments financial appraisal, 267–269
electro-coagulation-flotation (ECF), 97–98 obtaining finance, 274–278
electrofused joints, 120 PFI, 275–276
ELL see economic level of leakage see also project appraisal
emissions see carbon dioxide fire-fighting, 136, 195
empirical pipe flow formulae, 13–15 fixed-head network nodes, 35–37
energy, 26–35 flange adaptors, 121
conservation law, 26–29, 33 flanged joints, 120
equation (Bernoulli), 28, 34–35, 37 flexible design, 113, 185–189
kinetic, 26–28, 33 see also design
losses, 28, 30–34 flora and fauna, 86, 90
potential, 26–28 flow
pressure, 26–28, 33 data analysis, 196–200, 203–206
energy grade line (EGL), 29 equations, 25–29
Environment Agency (EA), 230–231, 298–299, flow analysis, 25, 34–43
318, 321 laminar, 25–26, 30
environmental impact assessments (EIAs), measurement instruments, 197–198
273, 281–282 pipe flow calculations, 11–16
environmental issues rates, 105, 125–126
abstraction, 86 fluid dynamics, CFD, 101
‘Catch-22’, 321–322 fluid properties, 23–25
cost/benefits, 302–303 flushing, 150, 216
EIAs, 273, 281–282 forecasting demand, 59–62
hydrological processes, 73–80 forests, 76
pipelines, 112–114 Fourier, J., 12
see also climate change; sustainability fresh water, 73–74
EPANET software, 38, 40, 45–46, 146–147 see also drinking water
epistemic uncertainty, 154 friction, 28, 30–32, 43
EPR pipe deterioration model, 247–248 Frontinus (Roman engineer), 2–3, 7, 12
EPS see extended period simulation Fuller, George W., 6
ET see evapotranspiration future vision, 66–68, 223
European Union (EU) Future Water report, 313–315, 318
Drinking Water Directive, 139–140, 200
Habitat Directive, 90 GAasset model, 256
SEA Directive, 319 ‘garbage in, garbage out’ syndrome (GIGO),
sewage disposal, 281, 299 145
Water Framework Directive, 49, 86, 313, GAs see genetic algorithms
321 gate valves, 129–130
evaluation Gedman, K., 193–226
MAIDE cycle, 221–223 genetic algorithms (GAs), 177–178, 184,
evaporation, 77–78 255


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geographic information system (GIS) hidden populations, 58–59

call centres, 232 historical aspects, 1–22
data collection, 156, 161, 163 Holden, Barrie, 73–109
ExSoft tool, 254 household service models, 324–325
network modelling, 146, 151, 156, 161, 163 hurdle rates, 300
pipes, 238, 251 hydraulic grade line (HGL), 29
germ theory, 5 hydraulics, 23–48
Germanopolous, G., 240 flow equations, 25–29
GGR see global gradient algorithm fluid properties, 23–25
GHGs see greenhouse gases losses in pipes, 30–34
GIGO see ‘garbage in, garbage out’ syndrome models, 159, 205–206, 244, 250
gilts, 275 pipe flow, 11–16
GIS see geographic information system pipe network analysis, 16–18
Giustolisi, O., 41, 184 principles, 23–48
glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) pipes, 11 steady flow analysis, 34–41
global changes, 181–183 transients, 150–151
global gradient algorithm (GGR), 39–40 unsteady flow analysis, 41–43
government project promoters, 274–276 water quality analysis, 44–46
GPRS data transfer, 199–200 hydrographs, 77–78, 79
gradient flow analysis method, 38–40 hydrological cycle/processes, 73–80, 310
Graham, Nigel J. D., 73–109
graphical analysis of surge pressure, 43 implicit calibration models, 167
graphical user interfaces (GUIs), 18, 146–147, incident management, 207
151 indirect costs, 271–272
green water, 62–63 industrial demand, 53–54
greenhouse gases (GHGs), 316–317, 321, 322 infiltration, 76–77
see also carbon dioxide infrastructure
grey iron, 8–10, 115, 117 ageing/deterioration, 183
grey water, 63–64 assets, 229
Grimshaw, Frank, 171–192 project appraisal, 268
ground movement, 112, 114, 117–118 sustainability, 318
groundwater, 76–80, 83–85, 87, 92, 95–97 whole-life costing, 253
GRP see glass-reinforced plastic interception, 75–76
GSM data transfer, 199–200 interest rates, 285–286
Guaranteed Standards Scheme (GSS), 196 see also discounting
Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, WHO, internal rate of return (IRR), 291–293, 300
93 International Water Association (IWA), 51,
GUIs see graphical user interfaces 205, 236
H equations, 37–39 asset management, 242–244
Habitat Directive, EU, 90 MAIDE cycle, 208–218
Hardy Cross method, 17, 37–38 whole-life costing, 253–254
Hazen–Williams equation, 14–16, 30, 32, 36, inventory of assets, 237–238
165 iron pipes, 8–11, 115
HDA see head-driven analysis IRR see internal rate of return
HDNs see heuristics derived from nature irreducible uncertainty, 154
head generation, 125–128 irrigation canals, 2
head loss, 32–34 iterative models, 17, 167
head-driven analysis (HDA), 40–41 IWA see International Water Association
headroom, 68, 83
Heal, G., 326 Jain see Swamee–Jain
Herrington, P. R., 324 Johnson, Adrian, 309–329
heuristics derived from nature (HDNs), joints, 9, 10, 116–122
176–177 Joukowski equation, 42–43, 142
HGL see hydraulic grade line Jowitt, Paul, 309–329


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junction nodes, 35–36, 38 Manning, Robert, 14

see also ordinary nodes Manning’s pipe flow formula, 14–16
Manual of British Water Engineering Practice,
Kapelan, Zoran, 23–48, 145–170, 227–261 34
Key, Myles, 111–143 mass conservation, 26, 44–45
kinematic viscosity, 25 master planning models, 158
kinetic energy, 26–28, 33 MCA see multi-criteria analysis
Kroon, J. R., 45 medium-density polyethylene (MDPE), 10–11
membrane treatment, 6, 99–100, 323
lakes, 96 metering, 64–66
laminar flow, 25–26, 30 area meters, 56, 58
lead, 7, 9 future change, 20
leakage water consumption, 157–158, 214
data analysis, 204–205 Metrex treatment simulation, 100–101
decision-making, 221 Metropolis Water Act 1852, 4
demand, 52, 54, 56, 58, 158 miasmic theory of disease, 4–5
DMAs, 102 micro-analytic population simulation, 62
ExSoft tool, 256 micro-component demand forecasts, 61
metering, 20 micro-organisms, 91–92
pressure management, 213 MIEX see magnetic ion exchange
social acceptability, 303 Mitchell, G., 59
least-cost systems, 177–181, 212, 278–279 mixed-flow pumps, 125
legislation, 299–300, 327 modelling see network modelling
see also regulations MODFLOW software, 87
licenses, 90–91 monasteries, 3
life-cycle analysis, 281–282 monitoring, 195–202
lifestyle modification, 66 decisions, 220–221
line valves, 129–131 flora/fauna, 86
lining pipes, 103, 117, 216, 217 near-real-time, 221–222
Liou, C. P., 45 over-engineered systems, 195
Llyn Clywedog reservoir, 82, 85 quality of water, 93–95, 200–202
local loss, 30, 32–34 quantity of water, 196–200
London, 3–5, 80, 81, 83, 96 regulations, 93–95, 195–196
longitudinal pipe breaks, 122 system integration, 139–140
looped pipe networks, 16, 17, 35, 36 Moody diagram, 15–16, 30, 31
losses, energy, 28, 30–34 multi-criteria analysis (MCA), 293–298, 320
low pressure, 250–251 multi-objective optimisation techniques,
low use systems, 66–67 175–177, 179–181, 184
Lower Thames Operating Agreement, 90 Mutikanga, Harrison, 171–192
lowest-cost see least-cost
nanofiltration membrane treatment plants,
McDonald, Adrian, 49–71 323
Machell, J., 193–226 National Health Service, UK, 276
MacKay, D. J. C., 315 National Water Meter Trials, 64
magnetic ion exchange (MIEX), 98 natural organic matter (NOM), 98–99
MAIDE cycle, 194–223 net positive suction head (NPSH), 126–127
monitoring, 195–202 net present value (NPV)
analysis, 202–208 asset management, 239, 241, 254
interventions, 208–218 design of systems, 174, 179
decisions, 218–221 economics, 325–326
evaluation, 221–223 project appraisal, 289–293, 297, 299–301,
mains, 8, 103, 114, 208–211, 215–218 304–306
maintenance, 193–226 network modelling, 145–170
see also MAIDE cycle Anytown design problem, 159–161, 162
Managing Leakage report, 205 basic principles, 151–155


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building models, 158–165 constraints, 174

calibration, 165–169 example applications, 177–181
complexity of model, 151–153 least-cost design, 177–181
data, 155–158, 161–165 mathematical formulae, 174–175
EPS, 148 methods, 176–177
hydraulic transients, 150–151 multi-objective, 175–177, 179–181, 184
lowest cost transmission, 212 objective functions, 174
models, 145–151 problem formulation, 174–175
purpose of model, 158–161 reliability design, 177–181
steady-state modelling, 147–148 variables, 174
uncertainty, 153–155 see also design
water quality, 148–150, 208 optimal systems, 167, 211–213, 223
networks, 111–170 options in flexible design, 187–188
asset management, 220 ordinary network nodes, 35–36, 38
history, 194–195 OTTER treatment simulation, 100–101
modelling, 145–170 ovalisation of pipes, 113
nodes, 35–41, 163–165 overall performance assessment (OPA),
steady flow analysis, 34–41 202–203, 233
water quality, 44–46 oxidants, 98
Newton’s equation, 24 ozone treatment, 98–99
Newton–Raphson iteration method, 37–38
nightline demand, 58 Pasteur, Louis, 5
nodes, 35–41, 163–165 Paton, R. Grant, 310
NOM see natural organic matter payback period, 287–288, 292
non-infrastructure assets, 229 payment cards, 67
non-return valves (NRVs), 134–135 PE (polyethylene) pipes, 10–11, 120–122
non-traded price of carbon, 299 peak demand, 52, 211
NPSH see net positive suction head per capita consumption, 52, 60, 156–157
NPV see net present value percolation, 76
NRVs see non-return valves performance, 193–226
asset management, 233–240, 254–255
Occam’s razor, 152, 325 design, 172–173, 177–181
Office of Water Services (Ofwat) indicators, 172–173, 233–240, 254–255
asset management, 50, 230, 233–236, MCA matrices, 295–298
238–240 OPA, 202–203, 233
legislation impacts, 299 pumps, 125–127
MAIDE cycle, 195–196, 202 resources, 86–90
pipe condition grading, 238–240 WLC, 283–284
responsibilities, 140 see also MAIDE cycle
service indicators, 233–236 PFI see public finance initiative
sustainability, 319 physical pipe deterioration models, 245
water pressure, 102 piezometric head, 28
OPA see overall performance assessment pigging, 215
open cut mains pipeline replacement, 208–209 pinholes, 123
operation management models, 158–159 pipes, 111–123, 208–211
operation of systems, 193–226 bursting, 210
see also MAIDE cycle design, 112
operational costs, 271–272 deterioration modelling, 245–250
operational expenditure (OPEX), 159–160, diameters, 164–165
243, 254, 325–326 energy losses, 28, 30–34
operational experience, 17 failure, 121–123, 250–251
operational zones, 102 flow calculations, 11–16
OPEX see operational expenditure GIS systems, 238, 251
opportunity costs, 272 history of, 111–112
optimal design, 173–181 inserting new pipes, 210–211


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pipes (continued ) comparing projects, 292–293

interventions, 208–211, 215–218 costs, 266, 269–272, 277–279
joints, 9, 10, 116–122 discounting, 284–287
linings, 103, 117, 216, 217 economic efficiency, 274
local environment, 112–114 evaluation, 287–298
mains, 8, 103, 114, 208–211, 215–218 exercise of judgement, 265
materials, 7–11, 102, 112 expenditures, 269–272
networks, 16–18, 35, 36 impacts of project, 273
Ofwat condition grading, 238–240 mandatory projects, 298–300
protection systems, 115–117 obtaining finance, 274–278
restraints, 117–118 optional approaches, 264–265
roughness, 164–165, 168 optional projects, 300–301
size, 114–115 phasing projects, 301–302
types, 102 project promoters, 274–275
planning, 158–159, 181–185, 227–261 systematic approach, 264
see also water safety plans techniques, 278–284
plastic pipes, 112, 116–117, 120–122 value for money, 265–266
PMAs see pressure managed areas worked examples, 304–306
Pocock, Michael, 73–109 promoters of projects, 274–275
pollution, 80, 99 PRVs see pressure-reducing valves
polyethylene see PE PSVs see pressure-sustaining valves
polyvinyl chloride see PVC public companies, 276–277
population, 56, 58–59, 60–62, 182–183 public finance initiative (PFI), 275–276
positive rate of time preference, 284 public water supply, 87–88
potable water see drinking water puddle flanges, 120
potential energy, 26–28 pumps/pumping, 123–129
pre/post rehabilitation assessment (PPRA), 203 bypasses, 142
precipitation, 73–77, 80–81, 89 demand management, 214
pressure efficiency improvement, 212
data, 196–200, 203–206 network modelling, 159–160, 165
deficiencies (DEFO/P), 180 OPEX, 159–160
energy, 26–28, 33 performance, 125–127
heads, 29 power generation formula, 125
low pressure, 250–251 proposed project, 301
management, 213–214 scheduling, 211–213
measurement instruments, 197–198 selection, 127–129
Ofwat, 102 series/parallel, 126, 129
PMAs, 140 surge control, 142
surges/waves, 41–43, 141–142 pure rate of time preference, 285
valves, 133–134, 140, 213–214 push-fit mechanical joints, 121
velocity change, 141–142 PVC (polyvinyl chloride) pipes, 10, 121
see also pumps
pressure managed areas (PMAs), 140 Q equations, 37–39
pressure-reducing valves (PRVs), 133–134, qualitative sustainability assessment, 320
140, 213–214 quality see water quality
pressure-sustaining valves (PSVs), 134 quotas, 67
prestressed concrete pipes, 11
private companies, 276–277 Railtrack, 278
proactive management, 218–219, 222–223 rainfall, 74–77
process demand model, 59–60 rainwater, 62–64, 80–81
project appraisal, 263–307 Randall-Smith, Mark, 227–261
basic concepts, 267–274 Ranking, MCA, 295
boundaries, 303 Raphson see Newton–Raphson
cash flow, 272–273 rapid crack propagation (RCP), 122
communication, 266–267 rapid gravity filters, 6


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rating, MCA, 295, 297 river water, 96–97

raw water, 50, 92, 95 ROA see real options analysis
RCP see rapid crack propagation Rome, 2–3, 7–8, 12, 111, 193–194
reactive management, 218–219, 222 rotodynamic pumps, 124
real options analysis (ROA), 188–189 roughness of pipes, 164–165, 168
real-time monitoring/control, 221–223 Rouse, H., 15
recharging mechanisms, 89–90
reducible uncertainty, 154 Saint Gobain Pipelines, 113, 118
Regional Municipality of York, Canada, sand filtration 323, 96–97
177–178 sandstone, 83, 84, 85
registers of assets, 237–238 saturation, 76
regulations, 194–196 Saul, A., 193–226
abstraction, 90–91 Savić, Dragan, 1–48, 145–170, 227–261
asset management, 229–232, 237 SCADA systems, 129–131, 156, 161–166, 199
Cryptosporidium, 100 scarce resources, 264–265
history, 194–195 SEA see strategic environmental assessment
monitoring, 93–95, 195–196 sealing rings, 9
project appraisal, 299–300 security, 326
sewage disposal, 299 sediment transport models, 150
sustainability, 322 sensitivity analysis, 293
system integration, 139–140 sensors, 105
water quality/treatment, 93–95 service, 68, 172–173, 178–179, 232–236
WRAS, 196 see also customer service; serviceability
see also individual regulations service pipes, 114–115
rehabilitation of systems, 179–181, 203 service reservoirs, 136–139, 140
reliability serviceability
design, 177–181 assets, 238–240, 241
information, 236 systems, 172–173
relining pipes, 216, 217 whole-life costing, 283
Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Severn Trent Water data, 179, 182
Labouring Population of Great Britain sewage disposal, 281, 298–299
1842, 3–4 shadow pricing, 299
reservoirs, 82–83, 96, 136–139, 140, 148 Shah, N. B., 185, 186, 189
residuals management, 101–102 Shang, F., 46
resources, 73–91 shareholders, 277
abstraction, 86 shear deformation of fluids, 23–24
augmentation, 89–90 Shropshire Groundwater Scheme, 85
characteristics, 85 SIC see Standard Industrial Classification
conjunctive use, 85 simulation models, 145–146, 148, 154, 244
exploitation, 87–89 Skane region, Sweden, 183
hydrological processes, 73–80 skeletonisation, 153
management, 73–91 Skipworth, P., 238, 253, 282
nature of, 80–85 slow sand filtration (SSF), 96–97
performance, 86–90 sludges see residuals
regulations, 90–91 sluice valves, 129–130
scarce, 264–265 ‘smart’ assets, 202, 223
restrained flexible weld bead joints, 119 Snow, John, 4–5
restrictions on water usage, 310 social change, 67–68
Reynolds numbers, 15, 26, 30–31 social costs/benefits, 302–303
Reynolds, Osborne, 25–26 social sustainability, 318–321, 323–325
Ridgewell, Clare, 49–71 socket and spigot push-fit joints, 119
rigid pipes, 113 software
risk, 207, 240–241, 252 asset management, 254–257
River Severn EPANET, 38, 40, 45–46, 146–147
UK, 82, 85 ExSoft tool, 254–256


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software (continued ) conflicts, 321–323

network modelling, 145–147 drivers, 312–315
steady flow analysis, 38 economic, 318–321, 325–326
soil types, 114 environmental, 318–323
SPEA see strength Pareto evolutionary failure, 310, 326
algorithm framework development, 311–312,
species of flora/fauna, 86, 90 318–319
specific speed, 127 history of, 312
SSF see slow sand filtration hydrological cycle, 310
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), 53 key objectives, 312–313
standards need for change, 311–312
service, 68 reductions, 90
water quality, 93–95, 201–202 rethinking systems, 326–327
static head, 29 shared principles, 314
static pipeline systems, 27–29 social, 318–321, 323–325
static thrust, 118 water security, 326
statistical demand model, 59–60 swabbing, 215
statistical pipe deterioration models, 245–249 Swamee–Jain equation, 31–32
steady flow analysis, 34–41 Sweden, 183
demand-driven vs head-driven, 40–41 swing check valves, 135
Hardy Cross method, 37–38 system costs, 270
networks, 34–41
Todini–Pilati method, 38–40 Tanyimboh, Tiku, 111–143
steady-state modelling, 147–148 tariffs, 64–65, 66–67
steady-state water quality models, 44–45 teamwork, 19
steel pipes, 11, 115–117 Techneau treatment simulation, 101
stepped couplers, 121 technical management methods, 62–64
Stern Report, 285 thrust blocks/formula, 117–118, 119
Stiglitz, Joseph, 287 tied joints, 119
Stimela treatment simulation, 100–101 time series flow/pressure data, 198–199
storage, 136–139, 148, 199 time-limited licences, 90–91
see also reservoirs Todini, E., 41
straight couplers, 121 Todini–Pilati flow analysis method, 38–40
strategic environmental assessment (SEA), 319 toilet systems, 66–67
strategic planning models, 158 topographic maps, 164
streamflow hydrographs, 77–78, 79 total head, 27, 29
strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm tracing analysis, 251, 252
(SPEA), 180–181 traffic loading, 112–113
stub flange joints, 120–121 transfer payments, 271
sunk costs, 270, 290 transient flow analysis, 41–43
supervisory control and data acquisition see transient populations, 58–59
SCADA transients, 141–142, 150–151
supply, 73–109 transitional flow, 25–26
distribution systems, 102–105 transpiration, 77
historical development, 1–7 treatment see water treatment
interruptions, 250–251 trial-and-error calibration models, 167
management, 73–91 trihalomethanes, 323
resources, 73–91 trunk mains, 114
treatment, 91–102 Tsegaye, Seneshaw, 171–192
WSPs, 50 turbidity, 91–92, 94, 150
surface water, 81–83, 85, 87 turbulent flow, 25–26
surges, 41–43, 141–142, 150–151 Twort, A. C., 61
sustainability, 19, 309–329 typhoid, 3–7
assessment, 318–326
climate change, 19, 315–318, 327 UK Accreditation Service (UKAS), 201–202


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UK Water Industry Research (UKWIR), war bonds, 275

241–242 waste processes, 101–102
UKAS see UK Accreditation Service wastewater, 323
UKWIR see UK Water Industry Research Water Acts, UK, 194–195, 200
ultraviolet (UV) irradiation, 100 water age modelling, 149
unbilled water, 50, 54 water balance, 136–138, 204
uncertainty, 89, 153–155, 181–187 water consumption, 156–158, 214
uniform flow, 25 see also demand
United Kingdom (UK) water distribution see distribution
chlorine usage, 6 Water Framework Directive, EU, 49, 86, 313,
Climate Impacts Programme, 89 321
Consumer Council for Water, 196 Water Industry Act 1991, 196, 206
EA, 230–231, 298–299, 318, 321 water into supply (WIS) zones, 140
Future Water report, 313–315, 318 Water Loss Task Force, IWA, 51
history of networks, 194–196 water mains, 8, 103, 114, 208–211, 215–218
London, 3–5, 80, 81, 83, 96 water neutrality, 65–66, 89
MDPE pipes, 11 Water for People and the Environment
National Health Service, 276 strategy, 318
optimal service levels, 178–179 water pressure zones, 158
precipitation, 74 water quality
PVC pipes, 10 contingency storage, 139
resources strategy, 318 data analysis, 206–208
River Severn, 82, 85 decision-making, 221
Severn Trent Water data, 179, 182 deterioration, 195
sustainability, 313–318, 327 distribution systems, 103–105
UKAS, 201–202 hydraulics, 44–46
UKWIR, 241–242 interventions, 214–218
water demand/usage, 49–50 models, 148–150, 159, 166
see also regulations monitoring, 93–95, 200–202
United States of America (USA), 5–11, 302 regulations, 93–95
unsteady flow, 25, 41–43 standards, 93–95, 201–202
urbanisation, 182–183 treatment, 91–93
USA see United States of America see also Water Supply (Water Quality)
user awareness campaigns, 214 Regulations 2000
UV see ultraviolet irradiation water quantity, 196–200, 203–206, 208–214
Water Regulations Advisory Scheme
Vairavamoorthy, Kalanithy, 171–192 (WRAS), 196
valves, 129–136 Water Research Centre (WRc), 238
air valves, 131–132 water safety plans (WSPs), 94–95, 100, 105,
automatic control, 132–134 201
ball float, 136 water security, 326
controlling networks, 129 water sellers, 12
line valves, 129–131 water service providers (WSPs)
NRVs, 134–135 demand, 50, 53–54
PRVs, 133–134, 140, 213–214 economic appraisal, 268
regulation, 211–213 mutual support, 68
variable-head network nodes, 35–36 PRVs, 133
vegetation, 74–77 supply, 50
velocity, 25–26, 141–142 tariffs, 64–65
viscosity, 23–25 water quality, 92
vision for future, 223 Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations
Vitruvius (architect), 2, 7 2000
void properties, 54, 55 Amendment 2007, 140, 207
incident management, 207
Wagner, J. M., 40 monitoring, 140, 200–201


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Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations wells, 2–3

2000 (continued ) Wheater, Howard S., 73–109
service reservoirs, 137, 139 White see Colebrook–White
standards, 93 WHO see World Health Organisation
water supply zones, 201, 206 whole-life costing (WLC), 253–257, 282–284,
water table, 76–78 303
water towers, 137 WiLCO asset management tool, 255
water treatment, 91–102 Williams see Hazen–Williams
conventional processes, 95 ‘willingness to pay’, 178–179, 302
historical development, 1–7 WIS see water into supply zones
monitoring, 93–95 WLC see whole-life costing
regulation, 93–95 working capital, 270–271
residuals, 101–102 World Health Organisation (WHO), 93–94,
standards, 93–95 200–201
sustainability, 323 WRAS see Water Regulations Advisory
typical methods, 95–101 Scheme
water quality, 91–93 WRc see Water Research Centre
Water UK, 196 WSPs see water safety plans; water service
Water Undertakers (Information) Direction providers
2004, 207
Waterwise, 65 zero-inflated NHPP pipe deterioration model,
Weisbach, Julius, 30 248–249
Weisbach pipe flow formula, 13, 15
see also Darcy–Weisbach


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