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Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery

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Dr. J. Irish and Dr. B. Papsin
Yvonne Chan, Neety Panu and Evan Propst, chapter editors
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Airway Problems in Children
Head and Neck Signs of Airway Obstruction
Ear Acute Laryngotracheobronchitis - (Croup)
Nose Acute Epiglottitis
Oral Cavity Subglottic Stenosis
Nasopharynx (NP) Laryngomalacia
Hypopharynx and Larynx Foreign Body
Otoneurological Examination
DYSPHAGIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
AUDIOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Oropharyngeal Causes of Dysphagia
Pure Tone Audiometry
Speech Audiometry DEEP NECK SPACE INFECTIONS (DNSI) . . . .32
Impedance Audiometry Peritonsillar Abscess (Quinsy)
Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) Retropharyngeal Abscess
Ludwig’s Angina
HEARING LOSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Acute Tonsillitis and Tonsillectomy
Otitis Externa (OE)
Acute Otitis Media and Otitis Media with Effusion HOARSENESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Cholesteatoma Acute Laryngitis
Mastoiditis Chronic Laryngitis
Otosclerosis Vocal Cord Polyps
Congenital Sensorineural Hearing Loss Vocal Cord Nodules
Presbycusis Benign Laryngeal Papillomas
Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss Laryngeal Carcinoma
Drug Ototoxicity
Noise-Induced Sensorineural Hearing Loss SALIVARY GLANDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Acoustic Neuroma (AN) Sialadenitis
Temporal Bone Fractures Sialolithiasis
Aural Rehabilitation Salivary Gland Manifestations of Systemic Disease
VERTIGO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 NECK MASSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Evaluation of the Dizzy Patient Approach
Differential Diagnosis
TINNITUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Evaluation
Congenital Neck Masses in Detail
OTALGIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
FACIAL NERVE PARALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Principles of Management
Bell’s Palsy Carcinoma of the Lip
Salivary Gland Neoplasms
NASAL OBSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity
Acute Rhinitis Carcinoma of the Oropharynx
Allergic Rhinitis Carcinoma of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses
Vasomotor Rhinitis Carcinoma of the Nasopharynx (NP)
Adenoid Hypertrophy Carcinoma of the Hypopharynx
Nasal Polyps Carcinoma of the Larynx
Septal Deviation Thyroid Neoplasms
Septal Hematoma Thyroid Carcinoma
Septal Perforation
SURGICAL PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
EPISTAXIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Surgical Airway Management
SINUSITIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Tracheostomy
Acute Suppurative Sinusitis Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS)
Chronic Sinusitis Nasal Packing
PEDIATRIC OTOLARYNGOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Myringotomy (Ear) Tubes
Acute Otitis Media (AOM) Thyroidectomy
Otitis Media with Effusion (OME)
Adenoid Hypertrophy REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Acute Tonsillitis

MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT1

Inspection of Head and Neck
❏ position of head
❏ symmetry of facial structure
❏ look for neck scars, asymmetry, masses, enlarged thyroid
Palpation of Head and Neck
❏ lymph node examination (see Figure 12)
• observe size, mobility, consistency, tenderness, warmth, regular/irregular border
• occipital, posterior auricular, preauricular, superficial posterior cervical, deep cervical,
tonsillar, submandibular, submental, supraclavicular
❏ salivary gland examination
• palpate parotid and submandibular glands for tenderness, swelling, masses, or nodules
Thyroid Gland
❏ inspection of gland symmetry and mobility
❏ palpation via anterior or posterior approach
• note size, shape, and consistency of gland
• identify any nodules or areas of tenderness
❏ if gland is enlarged, auscultate with bell
• listen for thyroid bruit suggestive of a toxic goiter


triangular fossa helix

helical crus

scapha tragus


Figure 1. Surface Anatomy of the Ear

Illustration by Aarti Inamdar

Incus (long process)


Tympanic membrane
flaccid portion

Malleus (handle)
Tympanic membrane
tense portion
Posterior Cone of light

Figure 2. Normal Appearanc of Right Tympanic Membrane on Otoscopy

Diagram from Lucente FR, Sobol SM. Essentials of Otolaryngology 3rd Edition. Raven Press, 1993, New York, New York. Page 5.

OT2 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes


Physiology of the Ear

Cochlea Auditory nerve Plane of section Hair cells Tectorial membrane
Pinna Semicircular
Spiral ganglion
neurons of

Plane of section of cochlea

Malleus opened up Basilar membrane
Tympanic Incus Eustachian tube
membrane Organ of Corti

• in normally hearing individuals, sound travels down the auditory canal and vibrates the tympanic membrane
• these vibrations are amplified by the middle ear ossicles (malleus, incus, stapes) and are transmitted to the oval window of the cochlea
• varying pressure on the fluid in the cochlea causes movement of the basilar membrane
• hair cells housed within the organ of Corti (which rests on the basilar membrane) are stimulated by this movement
• the auditory signal is transduced to a neural code, which is passed along spiral ganglion neurons of the auditory nerve (CN VIII) and up to the
inferior colliculi (centers for auditory reflex) and via the medial geniculate body in the thalamus to the auditory cortex (Brodmann’s area 41).

Figure 3. Physiology of Normal Hearing

Illustration by Evan Propst
External Examination of Ear (see Figure 1)
❏ inspect external ear structures
• note position of ear
• look for deformities, nodules, inflammation, or lesions
• potential findings
• microtia or macrotia: congenitally small or large auricles
• cauliflower ear: deformity of pinna due to subperichondrial hematomas resulting from
repeated mechanical trauma
• small sinus in front of tragus : remnant of first branchial arch
• tophi: sign of gout
• discharge: note colour and consistency
❏ palpate external ear structure
• examine for infection of external ear
• pain elicited by pulling pinna up or down, or pressing on tragus
• apply pressure on mastoid tip
• tenderness may indicate infective process of the mastoid bone
Otoscopic Examination (see Figure 2)
❏ select largest speculum that will fit into external canal with minimal discomfort
❏ inspect external canal
• look for evidence of inflammation, foreign bodies, or discharge
❏ inspect tympanic membrane (TM)
• normal membrane: intact, translucent, gray
• Use E.M.I.L.Y. method
• Eustachian tube: consider how tube affects mobility and appearance of TM
Erythema: normal at the following areas:
• junction where cartilage becomes bone
• vessels on long process of malleus
• veins on tympanic membrane
• tympanic membrane when child is crying
• Malleus: assess the short process, long process, umbo
• Insufflation
• only if there is a question of middle ear infection
• pneumatic otoscopy to demonstrate decreased movement of tympanic membrane
• Light Reflex: directed anteroinferiorly
• Yellow: look for colour of fluid behind tympanic membrane
• gray: hemorrhage
• yellow: infection
• clear yellow: serous otitis media
• possible abnormal findings
• acute otitis media: erythema of pars flaccida and tensa, malleus not visualized due to
inflammation, lack of motion of tympanic membrane, absence of light reflex
• otitis media with effusion: erythema of malleus, pars tensa injected, prominent short process of
malleus, limited motion, decreased light reflex, yellow serous fluid behind tympanic membrane
• tympanosclerosis: dense white plaques
• membrane perforation

MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT3


Auditory Acuity
❏ mask one ear and whisper into the other
❏ tuning fork tests - see Table 1
• Rinne's Test
• 512 Hz tuning fork is struck and held firmly on mastoid process to test bone conduction (BC).
When it can no longer be heard it is placed close to ear to test air conduction (AC)
• if it can then be heard then AC > BC or Rinne positive
• a loss of approximately 15 dB is required to reverse the Rinne (BC > AC)
• Weber's Test
• vibrating fork is held on vertex of head and patient states whether it is heard centrally
(Weber negative) or is lateralized to one side (Weber right, Weber left)
• lateralization indicates ipsilateral conductive hearing loss or contralateral sensorineural
hearing loss
• place vibrating fork on patient’s chin while they clench their teeth,
or directly on teeth to elicit more reliable response
• a difference of approximately 5 dB is required for the Weber to lateralize
Table 1. The Interpretation of Tuning Fork Tests
Examples Weber Rinne

Normal or Bilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss Central AC>BC (+) bilaterally

Right Sided Conductive Hearing Loss, Normal Left Ear Lateralizes to Right BC>AC (–) right

Right Sided Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Normal Left Ear Lateralizes to Left AC>BC (+) bilaterally

Right Sided Severe Sensorineural Lateralizes to Left BC>AC (–) right *

Hearing Loss or Dead Right Ear, Normal Left Ear

* a vibrating fork on the mastoid stimulates both cochleae, therefore in this case, the left cochlea is stimulated by the Rinne test
on the right, i.e. a false negative test
These tests are not valid if the ear canals are not free of cerumen (i.e. will create conductive loss)

External Examination of Nose
❏ inspect nose
• look for swelling, trauma, congenital anomalies, deviation
• test patency of each nostril if deviation is suspected
❏ palpate sinuses
• tenderness over frontal and maxillary sinuses may indicate sinusitis
Internal Examination of Nose
❏ inspect with nasal speculum
• position of septum
• colour of nasal mucosa
• normally pink and moist with a smooth clean surface, blue/grey secondary to allergies, and red
secondary to inflammation
• size, colour and mucosa of inferior and middle turbinates
• possible abnormal findings
• septal deviation or perforation
• exudate, swelling, epistaxis
• nasal polyps

OT4 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes


❏ ask patient to remove dentures
❏ lips
• colour of skin and mucosal surface, presence of lesions
❏ buccal mucosa
• use two tongue blades and slowly move around the mouth
• identify Stensen’s duct (parotid gland duct orifice) opposite upper
first or second molar
❏ gingivae and dentition
• 32 teeth in full dentition; colour and condition of gingiva
• look for malocclusion
❏ hard and soft palates
• examine for symmetry
• inspect for ulceration or masses
❏ tongue
• inspect for colour, mobility, masses, tremor, and atrophy
• use tongue depressor to manipulate tongue to examine undersurface
and sides Figure 4. Sagittal Section
• palpate tongue for any masses with Divisions of
• test cranial nerve XII Nasopharynx, Oropharynx,
❏ floor of mouth Hypopharynx
• palpate for any masses
• identify Wharton's ducts (submandibular gland ducts) on either side Figure from Essentials of Otolaryngology. 4th ed.
just lateral to frenulum of tongue Lucente FE and Har-EIG. (eds)
• bimanually palpate submandibular glands
❏ anterior faucial pillars, tonsils, tonsillolingual sulcus
• depress middle third of tongue with tongue depressor and scoop tongue forward to visualize tonsils
• note size and inspect for tonsillar exudate or lesions
❏ posterior pharyngeal wall
Postnasal Mirror (Indirect)
❏ ensure good position of patient
• must sit erect with chin drawn forward (“Sniffing Position”)
• instruct patient to breathe through nose, allowing palate to depress and nasopharynx to open
❏ with adequate tongue depression, the warmed mirror is placed next to uvula and almost touches the
posterior pharyngeal wall
❏ rotate mirror to inspect the following areas
• choana
• posterior end of the vomer: should be in midline
• inferior, middle, and superior meatus
• may see pus dripping over posterior end of inferior meatus (sign of maxillary sinusitis)
• eustachian tubes
• adenoids (mostly in children)
Nasopharyngolaryngoscope (Direct)
❏ detailed view of nasal cavities and nasopharynx
Indirect Laryngoscopy
❏ ensure good position of patient
❏ while holding tongue with gauze, introduce slightly warmed mirror into mouth
and position mirror in oropharynx
❏ ask patient to breathe normally through mouth while mirror is pushed
upward against the uvula
• touching the uvula and soft palate usually does not elicit a gag reflex, unlike touching the back of
the tongue
• the gag reflex can be suppressed if patients are told to pant in and out
❏ image seen in mirror will be reversed (see Figure 5)
❏ inspect the following, noting any irregularity of the edges, nodules or ulcerations
• circumvallate papillae and base of tongue, lingual tonsils, valleculae epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds and
pyriform fossae, false vocal cords, true vocal cords
• note position and movement of cords
• quiet respiration
• cords are moderately separated
• inspiration
• cords abduct slightly
• ask patient to say "eeee"
• cords adduct to midline
• look for signs of paralysis or fixation

MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT5


Coronal Section Superior View

valeculla anterior

thyroid cartilage

ventricular folds
(false cords)
vocal folds
(true cords)
trachea posterior
pyriform fossa
Posterior View arythroid cartilage
Figure 5. Anatomy of Normal Larynx
Illustration by Glen Oomen

Direct Laryngoscopy with Fibreoptic Nasopharyngolaryngoscope

❏ prepare patient with topical anesthetic administered by nasal anaesthetic/decongestant spray
❏ flexible scope passed via nasal cavity to view structures in the larynx as mentioned above
❏ otoscopy
❏ cranial nerve testing (II-XII inclusive)
❏ cerebellar testing
❏ assess nystagmus - describe quick phase, avoid examining in extremes of lateral gaze
❏ horizontal nystagmus that beats in the same direction = peripheral vestibular disorder
• the lesion is usually on side of the slow beat, with the fast phase beating away from the side of
the lesion
❏ horizontal nystagmus that changes direction with gaze deviation = central vestibular disorder
❏ vertical upbeating nystagmus = brainstem disease
❏ vertical downbeating nystagmus, usually = medullocervical localization (e.g. Arnold-Chiari)
Assess Brain Perfusion
❏ carotid bruits, subclavian stenosis
❏ positional blood pressure measurements
Balance Testing
❏ Romberg’s test: patient stands upright with feet together, eyes closed, and arms folded in front of chest
• sway is associated with loss of either joint proprioception or a peripheral vestibular disturbance
• the patient leans or tends to fall toward the side of the diseased labyrinth
❏ Unterberger’s test: marching on the spot with the eyes closed
• peripheral disorders: rotation of body to the side of the labyrinthine lesion
• central disorders: deviation is irregular
Electronystagmography (ENG)
❏ electrodes placed around eyes
❏ eye is a dipole, cornea (+), retina (–)
❏ used to measure rate, amplitude, and frequency of nystagmus elicited by different stimuli
Caloric Stimulation Test
❏ with the patient supine, the neck is flexed 30º to bring the horizontal semicircular canal into a vertical position
❏ the volume of endolymph is changed by irrigating the labyrinthine capsule with water
at 30ºC or 44ºC for 35 seconds
❏ the change in volume causes deflection of the cupula and subsequent nystagmus through the
vestibuloocular reflex (VOR)
❏ the extent of response indicates the function of the stimulated labyrinth
❏ cold water will result in nystagmus to the opposite side of irrigation and warm to the same side irrigation
(COWS - Cold Opposite, Warm Same)

OT6 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes


Dix-Hallpike Positional Testing with Frenzel's (Magnifying) Eyeglasses (See Figure 6)

❏ the patient is rapidly moved from a sitting position to a supine position with the head hanging over the end
of the table, turned to one side at 45º. This position is held for 20 seconds
❏ onset of vertigo is noted and the eyes are observed for nystagmus

Figure 6. The Dix-Hallpike Test of a Patient with Benign Positional Vertigo Affecting
the Right Ear
Source: Furman JM nad Cass SP. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. The New England Journal of Medicine. Vol. 341 (21): 1590-1596. 1999.

MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT7

❏ threshold is the faintest intensity level at which a patient can hear the tone 50% of the time
❏ the lower the threshold, the better the hearing
❏ typical conversation is at 45 dB
❏ thresholds are obtained for each ear for frequencies 250 to 8000 Hz
❏ air conduction thresholds are obtained with headphones and measure outer, middle,
inner ear, and auditory nerve function
❏ bone conduction thresholds are obtained with bone conduction oscillators which effectively
bypass outer and middle ear function
Clinical Pearl
❏ Air conduction thresholds can only be equal to or greater than bone conduction thresholds.
Degree of Hearing Loss
❏ determined on basis of the Pure Tone Average (PTA) at 500, 1000, 2000 Hz
0-15 dB normal 56-70 dB moderate-severe
16-25 dB slight 71-90 dB severe
26-40 dB mild 91 + dB profound
41-55 dB moderate
Types of Hearing Loss

Figure 7. Types of Hearing Loss and Associated Audiograms

OT8 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes


1. Conductive Hearing Loss (CHL)

❏ the conduction of sound through the entire ear to the cochlea is impaired
❏ can be caused in external and middle ear disease
❏ features
1. bone conduction in normal range
2. air conduction outside of normal limits
3. gap between AC and BC thresholds >10 dB (“an air-bone gap”)
2. Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SNHL)
❏ the sensory component of the cochlea acoustic nerve (CN VIII), brainstem or cortex is damaged
❏ unilateral SNHL should be investigated to rule out acoustic neuroma
❏ can be caused by inner ear disease
❏ features
1. both air and bone conduction thresholds below normal
2. gap between AC and BC < 10 dB (“no air-bone gap”)
❏ otosclerosis shows a typical dip in the audiogram at 2,000 Hz (Carhart’s notch)
❏ noise induced hearing loss shows a dip at 4,000 Hz because the temporal bone resonates at this frequency
when exposed to prolonged noise (i.e. machinery)
3. Mixed
❏ the conduction of sound to the cochlea is impaired, as is the transmission through the cochlea to the cortex
❏ features
1. both air and bone conduction thresholds below normal
2. gap between AC and BC thresholds > 10 dB (“an air-bone gap”)
Speech Reception Threshold (SRT)
❏ lowest hearing level at which patient is able to repeat 50% of two syllable words
("spondees", e.g. “hotdog”, “baseball”)
❏ SRT and best pure tone threshold in the 500-2,000 Hz range (frequency range of human speech)
usually agree within 5 dB. If not, suspect a retrocochlear lesion or functional hearing loss
Speech Discrimination Test
❏ percentage of words the patient correctly repeats from a list of 50 monosyllabic words (e.g. boy, aim, go)
❏ tested at a level 35-50 dB > SRT, so degree of hearing loss is taken into account
❏ classification of speech discrimination testing
90-100% excellent 40-60% poor
80-90% good < 40% very poor
60-80% fair
❏ patients with normal hearing or conductive hearing loss score > 90%
❏ score depends on amount of sensorineural hearing loss present
❏ a decrease in discrimination as sound intensity increases is typical of a retrocochlear lesion (rollover effect)
❏ investigate further if scores differ across ears by > 20%
❏ the eustachian tube equalizes the pressure between external and middle ear
❏ tympanogram is a graph of the compliance of the middle ear system over a pressure gradient ranging from
+200 to –400 mm H2O
❏ peak of tympanogram occurs at the point of maximum compliance where the pressure in the external canal is
equivalent to the pressure in the middle ear
❏ normal range: -100 to +50 mm H20
Type A Tympanogram Type B Tympanogram Type C Tympanogram

– O + – O + – O +
normal pressure peak at 0 no pressure peak negative pressure peak
note that with otosclerosis the peak poor TM mobility indicative of middle ear indicative of chronic eustachian tube
is still at 0mm H2O but has a lower effusion (e.g. otitis media with effusion) insufficiency (e.g. serous or secretory
amplitude (an As Tympanogram) or perforated TM otitis media)

MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT9


Static Compliance
❏ volume measurement reflecting overall stiffness of the middle ear system
❏ normal range: 0.3 to 1.6 cc
❏ negative middle ear pressure and abnormal compliance indicate middle ear pathology
Acoustic Stapedial Reflexes
❏ stapedius muscle contracts when ear is exposed to loud sound and results in increased stiffness or
impedance of middle ear system (TM and ossicles)
❏ acoustic reflex thresholds occur at 70-100 dB above hearing threshold
❏ if hearing threshold is greater than 85 dB, the reflex is likely to be absent
❏ stimulating either ear causes reflex to occur bilaterally and symmetrically
❏ reflex pathway involving vestibulocochlear cranial nerve, cochlear nucleus, trapezoid body, superior olivary
nucleus, facial nucleus, and facial nerve (i.e. a measure of central neural function)
❏ for reflex to be present, CN VII must be intact and there must be no conductive hearing loss in the monitored
ear. If reflex is absent without conductive loss or severe sensorineural loss, suspect CN VIII lesion
❏ acoustic reflex decay test: tests the ability of the stapedius muscle to sustain contraction for 10 s at
10 dB stimulation
❏ normally, little reflex decay occurs at 500 and 1000 Hz
❏ with cochlear hearing loss the acoustic reflex thresholds are typically 25-60 dB
❏ with retrocochlear hearing loss (e.g. acoustic neuroma) may find absent acoustic reflexes or significant reflex
decay (> 50%) within 5 second interval
❏ the patient is exposed to an acoustic stimulus while an electroencephalogram is recorded to assess any
changes in brain activity
❏ delay in brainstem response is suggestive of cochlear or retrocochlear abnormalities (for the latter think
tumour or multiple sclerosis (MS))

Clinical Pearl
❏ This objective test can be used in screening newborns or much more rarely to uncover
normal hearing in malingering patients.

Hearing Loss +less common

Conductive Sensorineural

External Ear Canal Middle Ear Congenital Aquired

* cerumen * acute otitis media - hereditary defects * presbycusis common in elderly
* otitis externa * serous otitis media - prenatal TORCH infection + Meniere’s disease
+ foreign body * perforation of TM - perinatal TORCH infection + noise-induced
+ congenital atresia + otosclerosis - postnatal TORCH infection + ototoxic drug
+ keratosis obturans + congenital: ossicular fixation + head injury
+ tumour of canal + trauma (hemotympanum) + sudden SNHL
+ tumour (cholesteatoma) + labyrinthitis
+ meningitis
+ demyelinating disease
+ trauma (temp bone #1)
+ tumour

OT10 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes



Clinical Pearl
❏ Otitis externa has two forms: a benign painful infection of the outer canal that could occur
in anybody and a potentially lethal less painful (damaged sensory nerves) disease which
usually occurs in old, immunosuppressed or diabetic patients.
❏ caused by
• bacteria: P. aeruginosa, P. vulgaris, E. coli, S. aureus
• fungi: Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger
❏ more common in summer
❏ associated with swimming ("swimmer's ear"), mechanical cleaning (Q-tips, skin dermatitides)
❏ acute
• pain aggravated by movement of auricle (traction of pinna or pressure over tragus)
• +/– unilateral headache, +/– low grade fever
• otorrhea - sticky yellow purulent discharge
• conductive hearing loss - due to obstruction of external canal with purulent debris
• post-auricular lymphadenopathy
❏ chronic
• pruritus of external ear +/– excoriation of ear canal
• atrophic and scaling epidermal lining
• +/– otorrhea, +/– hearing loss
• wide meatus but no pain with movement of auricle
• tympanic membrane appears normal
❏ clean ear under magnification with irrigation, suction, dry swabbing, and C+S
❏ bacterial etiology
• if membrane intact, give topical aminoglycoside antibiotics +/- corticosteroids
(e.g. Garamycin, Neosporin, Corticosporin)
• if perforated membrane, give ciprofloxacin otic drops, because aminoglycosides can be ototoxic
• introduction of fine gauze wick (pope wick) if external canal edematous
• +/– 3% acetic acid solution to acidify ear canal
• systemic antibiotics if either:
1. cervical lymphadenopathy
2. cellulitis
❏ fungal etiology
• alcohol/acetic acid instillation, clotrimazole, locacortin (Vioforme)
❏ +/– analgesics
❏ chronic otitis externa pruritus without obvious infection - corticosteroid alone e.g. diprosalic acid
Malignant Otitis Externa (rare)
❏ osteomyelitis of temporal bone, 99% of which are due to Pseudomonas
❏ associated with diabetics, elderly, perichondritis, cellulitis, parotitis, +/– chronic symptoms
❏ requires hospital admission, debridement, IV antibiotics and emergent CT scan
(see Pediatric ENT section)
CHOLESTEATOMA (see Colour Atlas OT5)
❏ in growth of keratinized squamous epithelium in middle-ear or mastoid as a result of retraction of the TM
❏ behind an intact tympanic membrane “small white pearl", not associated with otitis media
❏ usually presents with conductive hearing loss
❏ frequently associated with retraction pocket in pars flaccida and marginal perforations of the tympanic
❏ erodes mastoid bone, then ossicles
❏ associated with chronic otitis media with painless otorrhea
❏ chronic otitis media
❏ CNS dysfunction/infection
❏ late complications: hearing loss, vertigo, facial palsy
❏ excision via cortical, modified radical, or radical mastoidectomy depending on the extent of disease
+/– tympanoplasty
❏ tympanic membrane repair and ossicle reconstruction if no sign of recurrence
MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT11

❏ osteomyelitis (usually subperiosteal) of mastoid air cells, most commonly seen approximately two weeks after
onset of untreated (or inadequately treated) acute suppurative otitis media
❏ previously common but is now rare due to rapid and effective treatment of acute otitis media with antibiotics
❏ pinna displaced laterally and inferiorly
❏ persistent throbbing pain and tenderness over mastoid process
❏ development of subperiosteal abscess, post-auricular swelling
❏ spiking fever
❏ hearing loss
❏ otorrhea with tympanic membrane perforation (late)
❏ radiologic findings: opacification of mastoid air cells by fluid and interruption of normal trabeculations of cells
❏ IV antibiotics with myringotomy and ventilating tubes
❏ cortical mastoidectomy
• debridement of infected tissue allowing aeration and drainage
• requires lifelong follow-up with otolaryngologist
❏ indications for surgery
1. failure of medical treatment after 48 hours
2. symptoms of intracranial complications
3. aural discharge persisting for 4 weeks and resistant to antibiotics
OTOSCLEROSIS (see Figure 7)
❏ commonest cause of conductive hearing loss between 15 and 50 years of age
❏ autosomal dominant, variable penetrance approximately 40%
❏ female > male - progresses during pregnancy (hormone responsive)
❏ 50% bilateral
❏ progressive conductive hearing loss first noticed in teens and 20s
(may progress to sensorineural hearing loss if cochlea involved)
❏ +/– pulsatile tinnitus
❏ tympanic membrane normal +/– pink blush (Schwartz's sign) associated with the neovascularization
of otosclerotic bone
❏ characteristic dip at 2,000 Hz (Carhart's Notch) on audiogram (Figure 7)
❏ stapedectomy with prosthesis is definitive treatment
❏ hearing aid may be used, however usually not a good long term solution
❏ genetic factors are being identified increasingly among the causes of hearing loss
Hereditary Defects
❏ non-syndrome associated (70%)
• often idiopathic
• autosomal recessive
❏ syndrome associated (30%)
• Waardenburg's - white forelock, heterochromia iridis, wide nasal bridge and increased distance
between medial canthi
• Pendred's - goiter
• Treacher-Collins - first and second branchial cleft anomalies
• Alport's - hereditary nephritis
Prenatal TORCH Infections
❏ Toxoplasmosis, Others (e.g. HIV), Rubella, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Herpes simplex
❏ Rh incompatibility
❏ anoxia
❏ hyperbilirubinemia
❏ birth trauma (hemorrhage into inner ear)
❏ meningitis
❏ mumps
❏ measles
OT12 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes

High Risk Registry (For Hearing Loss in Newborns)

❏ risk factors
• low birth weight/prematurity
• perinatal anoxia (low APGARs)
• kernicterus - bilirubin > 25 mg/dL
• craniofacial abnormality
• family history of deafness in childhood
• 1st trimester illness - CMV, rubella
• neonatal sepsis
• ototoxic drugs
• perinatal infection, including post-natal meningitis
• consanguinity
❏ 50-75% of newborns with sensorineural hearing loss have at least one of the above risk factors, and 90% of
these have spent time in the NICU
❏ presence of any risk factor: Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) study done before leaving NICU and at
3 months adjusted age
❏ refer for hearing assessment
❏ if not identified and rehabilitated within six months, intellectual deterioration in deaf children occurs
❏ must detect and rehabilitate hearing loss near birth in every case so that the child can reach his/her potential
PRESBYCUSIS (very common) (see Figure 7)
❏ hearing loss associated with aging - 5th and 6th decades
❏ most common cause of sensorineural hearing loss
❏ hair cell degeneration
❏ age related degeneration of basilar membrane
❏ cochlear neuron damage
❏ ischemia of inner ear
❏ progressive, gradual bilateral hearing loss initially at high frequencies, then middle frequencies
❏ loss of discrimination of speech especially with background noise present -
patients describe people as mumbling
❏ recruitment phenomenon: inability to tolerate loud sounds
❏ tinnitus
❏ hearing aid if hearing loss > 30-35 dB
❏ +/– lip reading and auditory training
❏ presents as a sudden onset of significant hearing loss (usually unilateral) +/– tinnitus
❏ unexplained etiology (?autoimmune, viral, microcirculation, trauma)
❏ rule out transient ischemic attack (TIA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
❏ CT to rule out tumour or cerebrovascular attack (CVA) if associated with any other focal neurological signs
(e.g. vertigo, ataxia, abnormality of CN V or VII, weakness)
❏ treat with
• low molecular weight dextran
• corticosteroids (systemic or intratympanic)
• bedrest
❏ prognosis
• 70% resolve spontaneously within 10-14 days
• 20% experience partial resolution
• 10% experience permanent hearing loss
❏ increased toxicity with oral administration
❏ can occur with topical preparations in patients with perforated tympanic membranes
❏ destroys sensory hair cells
❏ high frequency hearing loss develops earliest
❏ ototoxicity occurs days to weeks post-treatment
❏ streptomycin (vestibulotoxic), kanamycin and tobramycin (toxic to cochlea),
gentamycin (vestibulotoxic and cochlear toxic)
❏ must monitor levels with peak and trough levels when prescribed, especially if patient has neutropenia,
history of ear or renal problems
❏ q24H dosing, with amount determined by creatinine clearance not serum creatinine alone
❏ hearing loss with tinnitus, reversible if discontinued

MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT13


Quinine and Antimalarials

❏ tinnitus
❏ reversible if discontinued but can lead to permanent loss
❏ treat drug ototoxicity with IV low molecular weight dextrans
❏ may be occupational, often associated with tinnitus
❏ 85-90 dB over months or years causes cochlear damage
❏ early-stage hearing loss at 4000 Hz (because this is the resonant frequency of the temporal bone),
extends to higher and lower frequencies with time
❏ speech reception not altered until hearing loss > 30 dB at speech frequency, therefore considerable damage
may occur before patient complains of hearing loss
❏ difficulty in discriminating, especially in situations with competing noise
Phases of Hearing Loss
❏ dependent on intensity level and duration of exposure
❏ temporary threshold shift
• when exposed to loud sound, decreased sensitivity or increased threshold for sound
• with removal of noise, hearing returns to normal
❏ permanent threshold shift
• hearing does not return to previous state
❏ hearing aid
❏ prevention
• ear protectors: muffs, plugs
• machinery which produces less noise
• limit exposure to noise with frequent rest periods
• regular audiologic follow-up
ACOUSTIC NEUROMA (AN) (see Neurosurgery Chapter)
❏ Schwannoma of the vestibular portion of CN VIII
❏ most common intracranial tumour causing hearing loss
❏ starts in the internal auditory canal and expands into cerebellopontine angle (CPA),
compressing cerebellum and brainstem
❏ may be associated with Type 2 neurofibromatosis (NF2) (bilateral tumours of CN VIII in internal auditory canal,
cafe-au-lait lesions, multiple intracranial lesions) (see Neurology Chapter)
❏ usually presents with unilateral sensorineural hearing loss
❏ dizziness and unsteadiness may be present, but no true vertigo
❏ facial nerve palsy and trigeminal (V1) sensory deficit (corneal reflex) late complications
❏ enhanced CT/MRI
❏ audiogram - puretone threshold elevated
❏ poor speech discrimination and stapedial reflex
❏ absent or significant reflex decay
❏ Acoustic Brainstem Reflexes (ABR) - increase in latency of the 5th wave
❏ electronystagmography (ENG)
❏ conservative “wait and see”
❏ definitive management is surgical excision
❏ other options, such as gamma knife
1. transverse fractures
• extends into bony labyrinth and internal auditory
meatus (20%)
2. longitudinal fractures
• extends into middle ear (80%)
2 • in reality, the fractures rarely adhere to either of these patterns

Figure 8. Types of Temporal Bone Fractures

Illustration by Teddy Cameron
OT14 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes

Table 2. Features of Temporal Bone Fractures (see Figure 8)

Transverse Longitudinal

Incidence 10-20% 70-90%

Etiology frontal/occiptal lateral skull trauma

CN pathology CN VII palsy CN VII palsy (10-20%)

Hearing loss sensorineural loss due to direct cochlear injury conductive hearing loss secondary
to ossicular injury

Vestibular symptoms sudden onset vestibular symptoms due to direct rare

semicircular canal injury (vertigo, spontaneous nystagmus)

Other features • intact external auditory meatus, tympanic membrane • torn tympanic membrane
+/– hemotympanum with hemotympanum
• spontaneous nystagmus • bleeding from external auditory canal
• CSF leak in eustachian tube to nasopharynx +/or • step formation in external auditory canal
rhinorrhea (risk of meningitis) • CSF otorrhea
• Battle’s sign = mastoid ecchymoses
• Raccoon eyes = periorbital ecchymoses

❏ otoscopy
❏ do not syringe or manipulate external auditory meatus due to risk of inducing meningitis via TM perforation
❏ radiology
• CT
❏ facial nerve tests (for transverse fractures), EMG, Schirmer's test, gustometry, stapedial reflexes, ENG
❏ hemotympanum signifies significant force sustained, therefore monitor hearing until it returns to normal
❏ medical - expectant, prevent otogenic meningitis
• IV antibiotics if suspect CSF leak (penicillin G for 7-10 days)
❏ surgical - explore temporal bone, indications are
1. early meningitis (mastoidectomy)
2. bleeding from sinus
3. CSF otorrhea
4. CN VII palsy (complete)
5. gunshot wound
6. depressed fracture of external auditory meatus
❏ acute otitis media +/– labyrinthitis +/– mastoiditis
❏ meningitis / epidural abscess / brain abscess
❏ post-traumatic cholesteatoma
❏ dependent on degree of hearing loss, communicative requirements and difficulties, motivation and
expectations, age, and physical and mental abilities
❏ factors affecting prognosis with hearing aid/device
• poor speech discrimination
• narrow dynamic range (recruitment)
• unrealistic expectations
• cosmetic
❏ types of hearing aids
• behind the ear - BTE
• all in the ear - ITE
• bone conduction
• contralateral routing of signals (CROS)
❏ assistive listening devices
• direct/indirect audio output
• infrared, FM, or induction loop systems
• telephone, television, or alerting devices
❏ cochlear implant
• electrode is inserted into the cochlea to allow direct stimulation of the auditory nerve
• for profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss not rehabilitated with conventional hearing aids
• established indication: post-lingually deafened adults and children

MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT15

❏ patients can present with a wide range of subjective descriptions of their symptoms: dizziness, spinning,
lightheadedness, giddiness, unsteadiness
❏ true vertigo is defined as an illusion of rotary movement of self or environment, made worse in the absence of
visual stimuli
❏ it is important to distinguish vertigo from other disease entities that may present with similar complaints
(e.g. cardiovascular, psychiatric, neurological, aging)
❏ diagnosis is heavily dependent upon an accurate history
• description of rotary movement
• onset and duration
• hearing and tinnitus
• effect of dark/eye closing
• relation to body position
• alcohol and drug history (antihypertensives, aminoglycosides)
• medical history (vascular disease, anxiety disorder)


Dysequilibrium Vertigo Presyncope Psychological Physiological

Without Vertigo Dizziness Dizziness
-Ototoxicity -Cardiac Arrhythmias -Anxiety -Motion Sickness
(bilateral vestibular hypofunction) -Vasodepressor syncope -Panic Disorder -Mal de Debarquement
-Presbystasis -Orthostatic Hypotension -Phobic Dizziness
-Sensory Ataxia -Hypoglycemia
-Myelopathy or peripheral -Hyperventilation
neuropathy -Anemia
-Cerebellar Atrophy
-Apraxia Syndromes
-Extrapyramidal Disorders
-Endocrine Disorders

Peripheral Central Systemic

-Benign Paroxysmal Postional Vertigo -Tumour -Medications
-Meniere’s Disease -Multiple Sclerosis (aminoglycosides,
-Recurrent Vestibulopathy (post-viral or -Transient Ischemic Attacks alcohol, anticoagulants)
post traumatic) -Vertebrobasilar Artery Insufficiency
-Transient Ischemic -Migraine-associated dizziness
-Labyrinthitis -Seizure Disorders
-Acoustic Neuroma -Syphilis
-Trauma (skull fractures, barotrauma)

Figure 9. Differential Diagnosis of Dizziness (all those in bold = Otolaryngologist’s domain)

Table 3. Differential Diagnosis of Vertigo

Condition Duration Hearing Loss Tinnitus Aural Fullness Other Features

Benign Paroxysmal seconds none none none
Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
Meniere's Disease minutes-hours uni/bilateral + pressure/warmth
precedes attack
Recurrent Vestibulopathy minutes to hours none none none
Vestibular Neuronitis hours-days unilateral none none
Labyrinthitis days unilateral whistling none recent AOM
Acoustic Neuroma chronic progressive none none ataxia CN Vll palsy
(see OT14)

Clinical Pearl
❏ True nystagmus and vertigo will never last longer than a couple of weeks if caused
by a peripheral lesion because compensation occurs; such is not true for a central lesion.

OT16 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes


Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

❏ most common cause for episodic vertigo
❏ acute attacks of transient vertigo initiated by certain head positions lasting seconds to minutes, accompanied
by nystagmus that fatigues on repeated testing
❏ due to migration of a small flake of bone or detached mineral crystals from utricular otolith organ
(cupulolithiasis) into posterior semicircular canal ––> floats to rest on one of the sensitive balance organs
• may occur following a head injury, viral infection (URTI), degenerative disease or idiopathic
• results in slightly different signals being received by the two balance organs
resulting in sensation of movement
❏ diagnosed by history and positive Dix-Hallpike manoeuvre (see Otoneurological Examination section)
❏ treat symptomatically and reassure patient that process resolves spontaneously
• commonly treated with particle repositioning maneuvers
(Epley’s manoeuvre or Brandt-Daroff exercises)
• drugs to suppress the vestibular system delay eventual recovery and are therefore not used
Meniere's Disease (endolymphatic hydrops)
❏ peak incidence (40-60 years)
❏ characterized by vertigo, fluctuations in hearing loss, tinnitus, and aural fullness, +/– drop attacks (N/V)
❏ vertigo (lasting minutes to hours) disappears with time and patient is left only with hearing loss
❏ early in the disease, hearing returns to normal in the attack-free states
❏ later stages are characterized by a unilateral, fluctuating low-frequency hearing loss and a persistance
of tinnitus (most hearing loss becomes bilateral with time)
❏ attacks come in clusters and may be very debilitating to the patient, may be triggered by stress
❏ pathogenesis: inadequate absorption of endolymph leads to endolymphatic hydrops
(over accumulated) that distorts membranous labyrinth
❏ treatment
• acute management may consist of bedrest, IV antiemetics, antivertiginous drugs (Serc),
and low molecular weight dextrans
• longterm management may be
• medical
• low salt diet, K+ sparing diuretics (e.g. triamterene, amiloride)
• local application of gentamicin to destroy vestibular end-organ
• surgical - selective vestibular neurectomy or transtympanic labyrinthectomy
• may recur in opposite ear after treatment
Recurrent Vestibulopathy
❏ peak age 30-50 years old, M = F
❏ episodic vertigo lasting hours to minutes
❏ no hearing loss, tinnitus, or focal neurological deficit
❏ etiology unknown (?post-traumatic, ?post-viral, ?deafferentation of CN VIII)
❏ treatment: symptomatic, most eventually go into remission
Vestibular Neuronitis
❏ severe vertigo with nausea, vomiting, and inability to stand or walk
❏ symptoms can last for 3 to 4 days (risk of dehydration from vomiting)
❏ attacks leave patient with unsteadiness and imbalance for months
❏ repeated attacks can occur
❏ unknown etiology (microvascular upset due to infection, autoimmune process, or a metabolic disorder)
❏ sudden onset of vertigo, nausea, vomiting, whistling tinnitus, and unilateral hearing loss,
with no associated fever or pain
❏ lasts for days
❏ may occur through spread from a cholesteatomic fistula or throughdirect infection after a transverse fracture of
the temporal bone or post-operative infection
❏ treat with IV antibiotics, drainage of middle ear +/– mastoidectomy
❏ beware of meningeal extension and labyrinth destruction

MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT17

❏ an auditory perception in the absence of stimulation, often very annoying to the patient
❏ etiology
• presbycusis (most common cause in elderly)
• serous otitis media (most common cause in young)
• Meniere's Disease
• acoustic trauma
• labyrinthitis = acoustic neuronitis
• Acoustic Neuroma
• multiple sclerosis (MS)
• drugs (NSAIDs, salicylates, aminoglycosides, antimalarials, caffeine, alcohol)
❏ pulsatile (objective) tinnitus (rare)
• bruits due to vascular lesions (e.g. glomus jugulare, hemangiomas, carotid body tumours, AVM, internal
carotid artery bruits)
• patulous eustachian tube
❏ clicking tinnitus
• myoclonus of muscles - stapedius, tensor tympani, levator and tensor palati
• tetany
❏ avoid loud noise to prevent worsening of symptoms
❏ mask tinnitus
• white noise masking devices
• hearing aid
• music earphones
❏ tinnitus workshops
❏ psychotherapy
❏ trial of tocainamide

Local Causes
❏ furuncle (boil), usually as a result of a Staph Aureus infection
❏ foreign body in external auditory canal/impacted cerumen
❏ infection
• otitis externa
• acute otitis media and its complications
• acute mastoiditis and its complications
❏ trauma to tympanic membrane and canal
❏ barotrauma
Referred (10 T's + 2)
❏ CN V and CN X refer to external canal and CN IX to middle ear
1) eustachian Tube
2) TMJ (tempromandibular joint) syndrome
3) Trismus (i.e. pterygoids, quinsy)
4) Teeth - impacted
5) Tongue
6) Tonsillitis, tonsillar cancer, post tonsillectomy
7) Tic (CN IX) - glossopharyngeal neuralgia
8) Throat - cancer of larynx, vallecula, pyriform fossa
9) Trachea - foreign body, tracheitis
10) Thyroiditis
11) Geniculate herpes and Ramsey Hunt Syndrome
12) +/– CN VII palsy

OT18 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes

❏ supranuclear and nuclear (MS, poliomyelitis, cerebral tumours)
❏ infranuclear
• Bell's palsy (see Colour Atlas OT9)
• diagnosis of exclusion, so must rule out other causes
• acute onset of unilaeral, lower motor neuron (LMN) paralysis or paresis
• idiopathic (viral, herpes zoster oticus)
• 84% recover, 13% recurrrence
• sequelae: corneal abrasions, “crocodile tears”
• treat with steroids (oral prednisone), stellate ganglion block or low molecular weight dextrans
• possible nerve decompression
• trauma: blunt, penetrating or surgical
• acute onset
• if paresis - function usually returns
• surgical repair as soon as possible
• Ramsay Hunt syndrome
• Herpes zoster infection of external auditory meatus and auricle,
• may affect CN VII
• tumour invasion
• in parotid gland or cerebellar pontine angle (CPA)
• slow progression to complete paralysis
• infection: otitis media mastoiditis, direct CN VII infection, lyme disease, HIV
• birth: congenital, birth trauma (forceps delivery)
• other: MS, Guillian-Barré syndrome
❏ treat according to etiology plus provide corneal protection with artificial tears, nocturnal lid taping,
tarsorrhaphy, gold weighting of upper lid

Table 4. Differentia1 Diagnosis of Nasal Obstruction
Acquired Congenital
Nasal Cavity
Rhinitis - acute/chronic Nasal dermoid
- vasomotor Encephalocele
- allergic Glioma
Foreign bodies
Enlarged turbinates
- benign - inverting papilloma
- malignant - squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
nasal septum
Septal deviation Dislocated septum
Septal hematoma/abscess
Adenoid hypertrophy Choanal atresia
Tumour - nasopharyngeal carcinoma
- benign - juvenile nasopharyngeal
- malignant - nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Table 5. Nasal Discharge: Character and Associated Conditions

Character Associated Conditions
watery/mucoid allergic, viral, vasomotor, CSF leak
mucopurulent bacterial, foreign body
serosanguineous neoplasia
bloody trauma, neoplasia, bleeding disorder, hypertension/vascular disease

MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT19


❏ irritation of nasal mucosa due to any cause
❏ most common cause is common cold
❏ children < 5 years most susceptible
❏ spread by droplet contact from sneezing

Figure 9. Causes of Rhinitis

Reproduced with permission from Churchill Livingston, Dhillon, R.S, East, C.A.
Ear, Nose and Throat and Head and Neck Surgery. Churchill Livingston, UK, 1994.

❏ viral (ususally rhinovirus), may have secondary bacterial infection
❏ irritation/burning sensation in nasopharynx; sneezing
❏ serous nasal discharge, may be purulent if secondary bacterial infection
❏ nasal obstruction, mucosal swelling and erythema
❏ +/– fever and malaise
❏ symptoms subside in 4-5 days
❏ sinusitis
❏ otitis media
❏ bronchitis
❏ tonsillitis
❏ pneumonia
❏ rest, fluids, normal diet
❏ oral decongestants for symptomatic relief
❏ +/– analgesics, antihistamine, corticosteroid spray (e.g. triamcinolone, fluticasone, betamethasone)
❏ no indication for antibiotics, unless secondary bacterial infection present
Clinical Pearl
❏ Congestion reduces nasal airflow and allows the nose to repair itself.
Treatment should focus on the initial insult rather than at this defense mechanism.


❏ acute and seasonal or chronic and perennial
❏ perennial allergic rhinitis often confused with recurrent colds
❏ early onset (< 20 years)
❏ past history or family history of allergies/atopy
❏ nasal: obstruction with pruritus, sneezing
❏ clear, recurrent rhinorrhea (containing increased eosinophils)
❏ eyes: itching of eyes with tearing
❏ frontal headache and pressure
❏ mucosa - swollen, pale, lavender colour, and “boggy"
❏ seasonal (summer, spring, early autumn)
• pollens from trees
• lasts several weeks, disappears and recurs following year at same time
❏ perennial
• inhaled: house dust, wool, feather, foods, tobacco, hair, mould
• ingested: wheat, eggs, milk, nuts
• occurs intermittently for years with no pattern or may be constantly present
❏ chronic sinusitis/polups
❏ serous otitis media
❏ history
❏ direct exam
❏ nasal airflow test
OT20 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes

❏ identification and avoidance of allergen
❏ topical steroid sprays, e.g. fluticasone (Flonase) - effective for seasonal rhinitis
❏ nasal irrigation with saline
❏ oral decongestants
❏ antihistamines
❏ injection of long-lasting steroid if severe
❏ desensitization by allergen immunotherapy
❏ neurovascular disorder of nasal parasympathetic system (vidian nerve) affecting mucosal blood vessels
❏ nonspecific reflex hypersensitivity of nasal mucosa
❏ caused by
• temperature change
• alcohol, dust, smoke
• stress, anxiety, neurosis
• endocrine - hypothyroidism, pregnancy, menopause
• parasympathomimetic drugs
• beware of rhinitis medicamentosa: reactive vasodilation due to prolonged use (> 2 days) of nasal drops
and sprays (Dristan, Otravin)
❏ chronic intermittent nasal obstruction, varies from side to side
❏ rhinorrhea: thin, watery, worse with temperature changes, stress, exercise, EtOH
❏ nasal allergy must be ruled out
❏ mucosa and turbinates: swollen, pale between exposure
❏ symptoms are often more severe than clinical presentation suggests
❏ elimination of irritant factors
❏ parasympathetic blocker (Atrovent nasal spray)
❏ decongestants (nose drops/oral)
❏ steroids (e.g. Beclomethasone)
❏ surgery: electrocautery, cryosurgery, laser treatment or removal of inferior or middle turbinates
❏ vidian neurectomy (rarely done)
❏ symptomatic relief with exercise (increased sympathetic tone)
ADENOID HYPERTROPHY (see Pediatric ENT section)
NASAL POLYPS (see Colour Atlas OT6)
❏ benign pedunculated/sessile masses of hyperplastic ethmoidal mucosa caused by inflammation
❏ antrochoanal polyps - (uncommon) arise from maxillary sinus and extend beyond the soft palate into
the nasopharynx
❏ may obstruct airway
❏ mucosal allergy (majority)
❏ sinonasal rhinosinusitis
❏ note: triad of polyps, aspirin sensitivity, asthma (Samter’s triad)
❏ cystic fibrosis/bronchiectasis (child with polyps - cystic fibrosis until proven otherwise)
❏ progressive nasal obstruction, hyposmia, snoring
❏ post-nasal drip, stringy colourless/purulent rhinorrhea
❏ solitary/multiple glazed, smooth, transparent mobile masses (often bilateral)
❏ eliminate allergen
❏ steroids (preoperative prednisone) to shrink polyp
❏ polypectomy - treatment of choice, however, polyps have marked tendency to recur
❏ sinusitis
❏ mucocele
❏ nasal widening (pseudohypertelorism)

Clinical Pearl
❏ Bilateral nasal polyps virtually never occur in children in the absence of Cystic Fibrosis.

MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT21


❏ developmental - unequal growth of cartilage and/or bone of nasal septum
❏ traumatic - facial and nasal fracture or birth injury
❏ unilateral nasal obstruction (may be intermittent)
❏ anosmia, crusting, facial pain
❏ septum: S-shaped, angular deviation, spur
❏ compensatory middle/inferior turbinate hypertrophy on nasal space
❏ if asymptomatic - expectant management
❏ if symptomatic - submucous resection (SMR) or septoplasty
Complications of Surgery
❏ post-op hemorrhage (can be severe)
❏ septal hematoma, septal perforation
❏ external deformity (saddle-nose)
❏ anosmia (rare but untreatable)
❏ most common in children - secondary to trauma, even mild trauma
❏ may lead to infection ––> abscess ––> cavernous sinus thrombosis
❏ septal perforation
❏ ischemic necrosis of septum and saddle deformity
❏ nasal obstruction
❏ pain/tenderness
❏ occurs in anterior part of septum
❏ swollen nose
❏ incision and drainage with nasal packing
❏ antibiotics
❏ trauma: surgery, physical, digital
❏ infection: syphilis, tuberculosis
❏ inflammatory: systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
❏ neoplasia: squamous/basal cell, malignant granuloma infection
❏ miscellaneous: cocaine sniffing, chromic gases
❏ perforation seen on exam
❏ crusting
❏ recurrent epistaxis
❏ whistling on inspiration/expiration
❏ refer suspected neoplasia for biopsy
❏ surgical closure for small perforations, occlusion with Silastic buttons, free fascial graft, mucosal flap

OT22 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes


anterior ethmoid

posterior ethmoid
frontal sinus

sphenoidal sinus

septal branch of
branch from
superior labial greater palatine

Figure 10. Nasal Septum and its Blood Supply

Illustration by Victoria Rowsell

Blood Supply to the Nasal Septum

1. Superior Posterior Septum
• internal carotid ––> ophthalmic ––> anterior/posterior ethmoidal
2. Posterior Septum
• external carotid ––> internal maxillary ––> sphenopalatine artery
3. Lower Anterior Septum
• external carotid ––> facial artery ––> superior labial artery
❏ these arteries all anastomose to form Kiesselbach’s plexus, located at Little’s area (anterior portion of the
cartilaginous septum), this area is responsible for approximately 90% of nosebleeds
❏ bleeding from above middle turbinate is internal carotid, from below, external carotid

Table 6. Etiology of Epistaxis

Type Causes

Local Idiopathic
Injection (vestibulitis)
Trauma (digital, dry air)
Foreign body
Benign - juvenile angiofibroma (occurs in adolescent males)
- polyps
Maligant - squamous cell carcinoma

Systemic Hypertension
Drugs (anticoagulants, e.g. aspirin and coumadin)
Bleeding disorders
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu disease)

❏ aim is to localize bleeding and achieve hemostasis
1. First-aid
❏ patient sits upright with mouth open (to prevent swallowing)
❏ firm pressure is applied for 5 minutes superior to nasal alar cartilages (not bony pyramid!)
2. Assess Blood Loss (it can be a potentially fatal hemorrhage)
❏ pulse, blood pressure (BP), and other signs of shock
❏ IV NS, cross match for 2 units packed RBCs if significant

MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT23


3. Determine site of bleeding

❏ if suspicion, coagulation studies
❏ insert cotton pledget of 4% cocaine, visualize nasal cavity with speculum and aspirate excess blood and clots
❏ anterior/posterior hemorrhage defined by location in relationship to bony septum
4. Control the bleeding
❏ first line topical vasoconstrictors (Otrivin, cocaine)
❏ if first line fails and can adequately visualize bleeding source can try and cauterize with silver nitrate
❏ do not attempt to cauterize both sides of the septum because of the risk of septal perforation
A. Anterior hemorrhage treatment
❏ if fail to achieve hemostasis with cauterization
❏ anterior pack with half inch vaseline and bismuth-coated gauze strips or absorbable packing (i.e. Gelfoam)
layered from nasal floor toward nasal roof extending to posterior choanae for 2-3 days
(see Surgical Procedures section)
❏ can also attempt packing with Merocel or nasal tampons of different shapes
B. Posterior hemorrhage treatment
❏ if unable to visualize bleeding source, then usually posterior source
❏ insert cotton pledget with 4% cocaine
❏ different ways of placing a posterior pack with a Foley catheter, gauze pack or a Nasostat balloon
❏ bilateral anterior pack is layered into position
❏ antibiotics for any posterior pack or any pack in longer than 48 hours
❏ admit to hospital with packs in for 3 to 5 days watch for complications such as hypoxemia
(naso-pulmonic reflex) and toxic shock syndrome (if present remove packs immediately)
C. If anterior/posterior packs fail to control epistaxis
❏ selective catheterization and embolization of branches of external carotid artery
❏ vessel ligation of
❏ anterior/posterior ethmoid artery
❏ internal maxillary
❏ external carotid
5. Prevention
❏ prevent drying of nasal mucosa with humidifiers, saline spray, or topical ointments
❏ avoidance of irritants
❏ medical management of hypertension

Development of Sinuses
❏ birth - ethmoid and small maxillary buds present
❏ age 9 - maxillary full grown, frontal and sphenoid cell starting
❏ age 18 - frontal and sphenoid cell full grown
Drainage of Sinuses
❏ frontal, maxillary, anterior ethmoids: middle meatus
❏ posterior ethmoid: superior meatus
❏ sphenoid: sphenoid ostium (at level of superior meatus)
Pathogenesis of Sinusitis
❏ inflammation of the mucosal lining of the paranasal sinuses
❏ anything that blocks air entry into the sinuses predisposes them to inflammation

Figure 11. The Paranasal Sinuses

Reproduced with permission from Churchill Livingston, Dhillon, R.S, East, C.A. Ear, Nose and Throat and Head and Neck Surgery. Churchill Livingston, UK, 1994.

OT24 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes



❏ associated with
• common cold
• swimming/diving
• diseased tooth roots
❏ organisms
• S. pneumonia (with H. Influenza, accounts for 50%)
• H. influenza
• S. aureus - diabetic
• Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, anaerobes
• in immunocompromised patients beware of fungal sinusitis ––> mucormycoses 50% fatal
❏ stuffy nose, purulent rhinorrhea
❏ malaise, fever, headache exacerbated by bleeding
❏ pressure/pain over involved sinus
• maxillary - over cheek and upper teeth
• ethmoids - medial and deep to eye
• frontal - forehead
• sphenoid - vertex
❏ mucosa hyperemic and edematous with enlarged turbinates
❏ x-ray - involved sinus opaque +/– fluid level (see Colour Atlas OT12 and OT13)
❏ analgesics and decongestants - systemic and nose drops
❏ hot compresses
❏ antibiotics - oral with maxillary, and IV with frontal or ethmoid sinus involvement or orbital complications
❏ first line: amoxicillin, if failure can go to amoxicillin + clavulanic acid (Clavulin) or cefaclor
❏ surgery
• maxillary - antral puncture and lavage
• frontal/ethmoid - trephine of superior medial orbital canthus, irrigate, and drain
• sphenoid - drain via posterior ethmoids
❏ irreversible changes in lining membrane of one or more sinuses due to
• neglect of acute and subacute phase
• recurrent attacks or obstruction of osteomeatal complex
(by polyp, deviated septum, FB, allergic rhinitis, or anatomic narrowing)
❏ chronic nasal obstruction
❏ pain over sinus or headache
❏ halitosis
❏ yellow-brown post-nasal discharge
❏ dependent upon involved sinus, as confirmed by coronal CT of head
❏ decongestants, antibiotics, steroids; if fails, then surgery
Surgical Treatment
❏ removal of all diseased soft tissue and bone, post-op drainage and obliteration of pre-existing sinus cavity
❏ Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS)

❏ inflammation of middle ear associated with pain, fever, irritability, anorexia, or vomiting
❏ 60-70% of children have at least 1 episode of AOM before 3 years of age
❏ 18 months to 6 years most common age group
❏ peak incidence January to April
❏ one third of children have had 3 or more episodes by age 3
❏ S. pneumoniae - 35% of cases
❏ H. influenzae - 25% of cases
❏ M. catarrhalis
❏ S. aureus and S. pyogenes (all ß-lactamase producing)
❏ anaerobes (newborns)
❏ viral
MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT25

Predisposing Factors
❏ eustachian tube dysfunction/obstruction
• swelling of tubal mucosa
• upper respiratory tract infection (URTI)
• allergies/allergic rhinitis
• chronic sinusitis
• obstruction/infiltration of eustachian tube ostium
• tumour - nasopharyngeal CA (adults)
• adenoid hypertrophy (not due to obstruction but by maintaining a source of infection)
• barotrauma (sudden changes in air pressure)
• inadequate tensor palati function - cleft palate (even after repair)
• abnormal spatial orientation of eustachian tube
• Down's Syndrome (horizontal position of eustachian tube), Crouzon's, and Apert's syndrome
❏ disruption of action of
• cilia of eustachian tube - ?Kartagener's syndrome
• mucus secreting cells
• capillary network that provides humoral factors, PMNs, phagocytic cells
❏ immunosupression/deficiency due to
• chemotherapy
• steroids
• diabetes mellitus
• hypogammaglobulinemia
• cystic fibrosis
Risk Factors
❏ bottle feeding
❏ passive smoke
❏ crowded living conditions (day care/group child care facilities) or sick contact
❏ male
❏ family history
❏ obstruction of eustachian tube ––> air absorbed in middle ear ––> negative pressure
(an irritant to middle ear mucosa) ––> edema of mucosa with exudate ––> infection of exudate
❏ triad of otalgia, fever (especially in younger children), and conductive hearing loss
❏ otorrhea if tympanic membrane perforated (see Colour Atlas OT4)
❏ pain over mastoid
❏ infants/toddlers
• ear-tugging
• irritable, poor sleeping
• vomiting and diarrhea
• anorexia
❏ otoscopy of tympanic membrane (see Colour Atlas OT1)
• hyperemia
• bulging
• contour of handle of malleus and short process disappear (middle ear effusion)
❏ antibiotic treatment hastens resolution - 10 day course
• amoxicillin - 1st line
• trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole (Bactrim) - if penicillin-allergic
• AOM deemed "unresponsive" if clinical signs/symptoms and otoscopic findings persist beyond
48 hours of antibiotic treatment
• change to broad spectrum: cefaclor (Ceclor), Clavulin, erythromycin + sulfisoxizole (Pediazole),
cefixime (Suprax)
• clarithromycin (Biaxin) for recurrent AOM
❏ antipyretics (e.g. acetaminophen)
❏ no role for decongestants in AOM
❏ myringotomy with tubes - indications (see Surgical Procedures section)
1. complications of AOM suspected
2. recurrent AOM (> 5 in a year)
3. immunologically compromised child
4. failure of 3 different antibiotics - fever and bulging of drum
❏ adenoidectomy
Complications of AOM
❏ extracranial
• chronic suppurative otitis media
• acute mastoiditis
• facial nerve paralysis
• febrile seizures
• nystagmus - bacterial labyrinthitis
• TM perforation
❏ intracranial
• meningitis
• extradural, subdural, cerebral abscess
• petrositis
• lateral sinus thrombosis
OT26 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes


❏ not exclusively a pediatric disease
❏ chronic middle ear effusions (may or may not be associated with initial episode of pain and fever)
❏ follows AOM frequently in children
❏ fullness - blocked ear
❏ hearing loss +/– tinnitus
• confirm with audiogram and tympanogram (flat)
❏ minimal pain, possibly low grade fever, no discharge
❏ otoscopy of tympanic membrane (see Colour Atlas OT2)
• discolouration - amber or dull grey with “glue” ear
• meniscus fluid level
• air bubbles
• retraction pockets/TM atelectasis
• foreshortening of malleus
• prominent short process
• tenting of tympanic membrane over short process and promontory of malleus
• most reliable finding with pneumotoscopy is immobility
❏ expectant - 90% resolve by 3 months
❏ no statistical proof that antihistamines, decongestants, antibiotics clear faster than no treatment
❏ surgery: myringotomy +/- ventilating tubes +/– adenoidectomy (if enlarged) (see Colour Atlas OT3)
❏ ventilating tubes
• indications
• persisting effusion > 3 months
• hearing loss > 30 dB
• speech delay
• atelectasis of tympanic membrane
• function
• equalization of middle ear pressure
• aeration and drainage of middle ear
• restoration of hearing and balance
• duration - 9 to 18 months
• complications
• tympanosclerosis
• persistent TM perforation
• persistent otorrhea
Complications of Otitis Media with Effusion (OME)
❏ hearing loss, speech delay, learning problems in young children
❏ chronic mastoiditis
❏ ossicular erosion
❏ cholesteatoma especially when retraction pockets involve pars flaccida or postero-superior TM
❏ retraction of tympanic membrane, atelectasis, ossicular fixation
❏ size peaks at age 5 and resolves by 12 to 18 years of age
❏ increase in size with repeated URTI and allergies
❏ nasal obstruction
• adenoid facies (open mouth, dull facial expression)
• hypernasal voice
• history of snoring
• long term mouth breather; minimal air escape through nose
❏ choanal obstruction
• chronic sinusitis/rhinitis
• obstructive sleep apnea
❏ chronic inflammation
• nasal discharge, post-nasal drip and cough
• cervical lymphadenopathy
❏ enlarged adenoids on mirror nasopharyngeal exam or nasopharyngoscopic (direct) exam
❏ enlarged adenoid shadow on lateral soft tissue x-ray
❏ lateral view of the nasopharynx may show a large pad of adenoidal tissue
❏ eustachian tube obstruction leading to serous otitis media
❏ interference with nasal breathing, necessitating mouth-breathing
❏ malocclusion
❏ sleep apnea/respiratory disturbance
MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT27

Indications for Adenoidectomy

❏ chronic upper airway obstruction with sleep disturbance/apnea +/– cor pulmonale
❏ chronic nasopharyngitis resistant to medical treatment
❏ chronic serous otitis media and chronic suppurative otitis media
❏ recurrent acute otitis media resistant to antibiotics
❏ suspicion of nasopharyngeal malignancy
❏ chronic sinusitis
Contraindications for Adenoidectomy
❏ bleeding disorders
❏ recent pharyngeal infection
❏ short or abnormal palate
❏ Group A ß-hemolytic Streptococcus and Group G Streptococcus
❏ Pneumococci
❏ S. aureus
❏ H. influenza
❏ M. catarrhalis
❏ Epstein Barr virus (EBV)
❏ symptoms
• sore throat
• dysphagia, odynophagia, trismus
• malaise, fever
• otalgia (referred)
❏ signs
• cervical lymphadenopathy especially submandibular, jugulodigastric
• tonsil enlarged, inflamed +/– spots (see Colour Atlas OT7)
• strawberry tongue, scarlatiniform rash (scarlet fever)
• palatal petechia (infectious mononucleosis)
❏ swab for C&S
❏ latex agglutination tests
❏ Monospot - less reliable children < 2 years old
❏ bedrest, soft diet, ample fluid intake
❏ gargle with warm saline solution
❏ analgesics and antipyretics
❏ antibiotics
• only after appropriate swab for C&S
• start with penicillin or amoxicillin (erythromycin if allergic to penicillin) x 10 days
• rheumatic fever risk emerges approximately 9 days after the onset of symptoms: antibiotics are
utilized mainly to avoid this serious sequela and to provide earlier symptomatic relief
• no evidence for the role of antibiotics in the avoidance of post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis
❏ uncommon since the use of antibiotics
• rheumatic heart disease
• poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
• arthritis
• scarlet fever
❏ deep neck space infection
❏ abscess: peritonsillar (quinsy), intratonsillar
❏ sepsis

OT28 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes


TONSILLECTOMY (see Surgical Procedures section)

Absolute Indications
❏ acute airway obstruction +/– cor pulmonale
❏ excisional biopsy for suspected malignancy (lymphoma/squamous cell carcinoma)
Relative Indications
❏ age 1-4 years: tonsillar hypertrophy leading to
• sleep apnea ––> cor pulmonale
• mouth breathing ––> malocclusion
• difficulty swallowing ––> FTT
❏ school age: chronic recurrent tonsillitis if > 5 episodes
❏ any complication of tonsillitis
• quinsy, parapharyngeal abscess, retropharyngeal abscess
• Strep bacteremia: rheumatic heart disease, nephritis, arthritis
• Strep carrier: infective or has halitosis
Differential Diagnosis
❏ extralaryngeal
• choanal atresia
• nasopharyngeal dermoid, glioma, encephalocele
• glossoptosis - Pierre-Robin sequence, Down's syndrome, lymphangioma, hemangioma
❏ laryngeal
• laryngomalacia - most common cause of stridor in children
• laryngocele
• vocal cord palsy (Arnold-Chiari)
• glottic web
• subglottic stenosis
• laryngeal cleft
❏ tracheal
• tracheoesophageal fistula
• tracheomalacia
2-3 Months
❏ congenital
• laryngomalacia
• vascular: subglottic hemangioma (more common), innominate artery compression, double aortic arch
• laryngeal papilloma
❏ acquired
• subglottic stenosis - post intubation
• tracheal granulation - post intubation
• tracheomalacia - post tracheotomy and tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) repair
Infants - Sudden Onset
❏ foreign body aspiration
❏ croup
❏ bacterial tracheitis
❏ caustic ingestion
❏ epiglottitis
Children and Adults
❏ congenital
• lingual thyroid/tonsil
❏ infection
• Ludwig's angina
• peritonsillar-parapharyngeal abscess
• retropharyngeal abscess
❏ neoplastic
• squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) (adults): larynx, hypopharynx
• retropharyngeal: lymphoma, neuroblastoma
• nasopharyngeal: carcinoma, rhabdomyosarcoma
❏ allergic
• angioneurotic edema
• polyps (suspect cystic fibrosis in children)
❏ trauma
• laryngeal fracture, facial fracture
• burns and lacerations
• post-intubation
• caustic ingestion
MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT29


Clinical Pearl
❏ Symptoms and signs of airway obstruction require a full assessment to
diagnose potentially serious causes.
❏ note quality, timing
❏ body position important
• lying prone: subglottic hemangioma, double aortic arch
• lying supine: laryngomalacia, glossoptosis
❏ site of stenosis
• larynx or above: inspiratory stridor
• trachea: biphasic stridor
• bronchi/bronchioles: expiratory stridor
Respiratory Distress
❏ nasal flaring
❏ supraclavicular and intercostal indrawing
❏ sternal retractions
❏ use of accessory muscles of respiration
❏ tachypnea
❏ cyanosis
Feeding Difficulty and Aspiration
❏ supraglottic lesion
❏ laryngomalacia
❏ vocal cord paralysis
❏ post laryngeal cleft ––> aspiration pneumonia
❏ tracheoesophageal fistula
❏ inflammation of tissues in subglottic space +/-tracheobronchial tree
❏ swelling of mucosal lining and associated with thick viscous, mucopurulent exudate which compromises
upper airway (subglottic space narrowest portion of upper airway)
❏ normal function of ciliated mucous membrane impaired
❏ viral: parainfluenzae I (most common), II, III, influenza A and B, RSV
❏ age 4 months - 5 years
❏ preceded by URTI symptoms
❏ generally occurs at night
❏ biphasic stridor and croupy cough (loud, sea-lion bark)
❏ appear less toxic than with epiglottitis
❏ supraglottic area normal
❏ rule out foreign body and subglottic stenosis
❏ "steeple-sign" on AP of neck (x-ray) (see Colour Atlas P3)
❏ if recurrent croup, think subglottic stenosis
❏ humidified O2
❏ racemic epinephrine via nebulizer q1-2h, prn
❏ systemic corticosteroids (e.g. dexamethasone, prednisone)
❏ adequate hydration
❏ close observation for 3-4 hours
❏ intubation if severe
❏ hospitalize if poor response to steroids after 4 hours and persistent stridor at rest
❏ consider alternate diagnosis if poor response to therapy (e.g. bacterial tracheitis)
❏ acute inflammation causing swelling of supraglottic structures of the larynx without involvement of vocal cords
❏ virtually unknown disease since HIB immunization
❏ H. influenza type B
❏ relatively uncommon condition due to HiB vaccine

❏ any age, most commonly 1-4 years
❏ rapid onset
❏ toxic-looking, fever, anorexia, restless
❏ cyanotic/pale, inspiratory stridor, slow breathing, lungs clear with decreased air entry
❏ prefers sitting up, open mouth, drooling, tongue protruding, sore throat, dysphagia

OT30 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes


Investigations and Management

❏ investigations and physical examination may lead to complete obstruction, thus preparations for intubation or
tracheotomy must be made prior to any manipulation
❏ ENT/Anesthesia emergency consult(s)
❏ lateral neck radiograph - cherry-shaped epiglottic swelling ("Thumb Sign" - if stable) (see Colour Atlas P4)
❏ WBC (elevated), blood and pharyngeal cultures after intubation
❏ IV access with hydration
❏ antibiotics - IV cefuroxime, cefotaxime, or ceftriaxone
❏ moist air
❏ extubate when leak around tube occurs and afebrile
❏ watch for meningitis
❏ diameter of subglottis < 4 mm in neonate (due to thickening of soft tissue of subglottic space or
maldevelopment of cricoid cartilage)
❏ following nasotracheal intubation due to
• long duration
• trauma of intubation
• large tube size
• infection
❏ biphasic stridor
❏ respiratory distress
❏ recurrent/prolonged croup
❏ laryngoscopy
❏ CT
❏ if soft tissue - laser and steroids
❏ if cartilage - do laryngotracheoplasty (LTP) single stage now done first - rarely do tracheostomy first
❏ most common laryngeal anomaly
❏ elongated omega-shaped epiglottis, short aryepiglottic fold, pendulous mucosa
❏ high-pitched crowing inspiratory stridor at 1-2 weeks being constant or intermittent
and more pronounced supine
❏ associated with feeding difficulties
❏ symptoms gradually subside at 18-24 months as larynx grows and thus requires no treatment
FOREIGN BODY (FB) (see Colour Atlas P6)
❏ usually stuck at cricopharyngeus
❏ coins, toys
❏ presents with drooling, dysphagia, stridor if very big
❏ usually stuck at right mainstem bronchus
❏ peanuts, carrot, apple core, popcorn, balloons
❏ presentation
• stridor if in trachea
• unilateral "asthma" if bronchial, and therefore is often misdiagnosed as asthma
• if impacts to totally occlude airway: cough, lobar pneumonia, atelectasis, mediastinal shift,
Diagnosis and Treatment
❏ inspiration - expiration chest x-ray (if patient is stable enough)
❏ bronchoscopy and esophagoscopy with removal
❏ rapid onset, not necessarily febrile or elevated WBC

MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT31

❏ there are both oropharyngeal and esophageal causes of dysphagia
(see Gastoenterology Chapter for esophageal causes)
Oral Cavity
❏ inflammatory/infectious
❏ viral ulcers (gingivitis): Coxsackie, aphthous, Herpes
❏ Ludwig’s angina
❏ trauma (including caustic ingestion)
❏ tumour
❏ structural (cleft palate)
❏ inflammatory
❏ tonsillitis/tonsillar hypertrophy/pharyngitis
❏ retropharyngeal abscess
❏ tumour: tonsillar carcinoma
❏ neuromuscular disturbance: pharyngeal/palatal paralysis
❏ tumour: intrinsic or extrinsic (thyroid mass and other neck masses)
❏ trauma (including caustic ingestion)
❏ foreign body (FB)
❏ neuromuscular disturbance
• pharyngeal/laryngeal paralysis
• cricopharyngeal spasm
❏ inflammatory: Plummer-Vinson syndrome (iron deficiency anemia anddysphagia associated with a
post-cricoid web)


❏ most deep neck space infections (DNSI) contain mixed flora
❏ most common cause is odontogenic which will have anaerobes
❏ salivary gland infections in adults
❏ pharyngeal and tonsillar infections in children
❏ note: infections of the retropharyngeal space can spread to the superior mediastinum
❏ fever, pain, swelling
❏ +/– trismus, fluctuance, dysphagia, and dental abnormalities
❏ rule out mediastinitis if associated with dyspnea, chest pain and fever
❏ CT or MRI
❏ ultrasound
❏ chest x-ray may show mediastinal widening if mediastinitis present
❏ soft tissue lateral x-rays of the neck can be diagnostic for retropharyngeal abscess
❏ with all DNSI assess and secure airway
❏ identify and drain space, either by incision and drainage or by needle aspiration +/– U/S guidance
❏ IV antibiotics
❏ cellulitis of space behind tonsillar capsule extending onto soft palate leading to abscess
❏ once thought to be due to inadequately treated chronic tonsillitis
❏ now thought to be secondary to infection of peritonsillar salivary gland
❏ can develop from acute tonsillitis
❏ unilateral, most common in 10-30 year old age group
❏ bacterial: Group A Strep (GAS) (accounts for half of cases), S. pyogenes, S. aureus, H. influenzae and anaerobes

OT32 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes


❏ fever and dehydration
❏ sore throat and dysphagia
❏ extensive peritonsillar swelling but tonsil may appear normal
❏ edema of soft palate
❏ uvula deviated across midline
❏ “hot potato” voice (edema->failure to elevate palate->hot potatoe voice)
❏ increased salivation and trismus (trigeminal nerve disturbance with spasm of masticatory muscles and
❏ unilateral referred otalgia
❏ cervical lymphadenopathy
❏ may dissect inferiorly and rupture into airway or penetrate mediastinum
❏ may extend laterally and weaken wall of carotid artery
❏ may ascend and penetrate skull base
❏ surgical drainage (incision or needle aspiration) - do C&S
❏ possible tonsillectomy at presentation or 6 weeks later
❏ IV antibiotics (clindamycin)
❏ warm saline irrigation
❏ most commonly in young infants/children < 2 years old
❏ in children
• due to accumulation of pus between posterior pharyngeal wall and prevertebral fascia
• pus is from breakdown of lymph node in retropharyngeal tissue
• often secondary to posterior pharyngeal trauma
(e.g. endotracheal tube (ETT) or suction in neonate, popsicle stick abrasion in child)
❏ in adults
• secondary to spread from parapharyngeal space due to an abscess or trauma of posterior
pharyngeal wall
❏ child
• acute throat pain, difficulty swallowing, loss of appetite, speech change
• unexplained high fever post URTI
• stiff neck, stridor
❏ adult
• dysphagia
• odynophagia
• symptoms of airway obstruction
• pain and swelling in neck
❏ lateral soft tissue radiograph showing increased soft tissue between pharyngeal airway and cervical vertebral
bodies +/– trapped air
❏ barium swallow (rarely necessary)
❏ IV antibiotics
❏ surgery: incision and drainage with airway secured
❏ cellulitis/inflammation of submandibular, sublingual, and submental spaces
❏ causes firmness of floor of mouth, tongue protrudes upward and back causing airway obstruction
❏ most commonly secondary to a dental infection
(multiple organisms involved usually - including anaerobic bacilli)
❏ suppurative lymph node in submaxillary space
❏ incision through midline and prepare for possible tracheostomy because of the difficulty in intubation
❏ IV penicillin + metronidazole/clindamycin
(see Pediatric ENT and Surgical Procedures section)

MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT33

❏ hoarseness: change in voice quality, ranging from voice harshness to voice weakness
❏ reflects abnormalities anywhere along the vocal tract from oral cavity to lungs
❏ dysphonia: describes a general alteration in voice quality
❏ aphonia: no sound is emanated from vocal folds
Clinical Pearl
❏ If hoarseness present for > 2 weeks in a smoker, laryngoscopy must be done to rule
out cancer.
❏ Acute < than 2 weeks, chronic > 2 weeks.

Table 7. Differential Diagnosis of Hoarseness

1. Infectious ❏ acute viral laryngitis
❏ bacterial tracheitis/laryngitis
❏ laryngotracheobronchitis (croup)
2. Inflammatory ❏ from gastro-esophageal reflux (GERD), smoke irritation, or chronic cough
• vocal cord polyps
• Reinke’s edema
• contact ulcers or granulomas
• vocal cord nodules
3. Trauma ❏ external laryngeal trauma
❏ endoscopy and endotracheal tube
4. Neoplasia ❏ benign tumours
• vocal cord polyps
• papillomas
• chondromas, lipomas, hemangiomas
❏ malignant tumours
• squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
• Kaposi’s sarcoma
5. Cysts ❏ retention cysts
❏ laryngoceles
6. Systemic ❏ endocrine
• hypothyroidism
• virilization
❏ connective tissue disease
• rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
❏ angioneurotic edema
7. Neurologic (vocal cord paralysis) ❏ central lesions
• cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
• head injury
• multiple sclerosis (MS)
• Arnold-Chiari
• neural tumours
❏ peripheral lesions
• tumours: glomus jugulare, thyroid, bronchogenic, esophageal, neural
• surgery: thyroid surgery, cardiovascular or thoracic/esophageal surgery
• cardiac: left atrial enlargement, aneurysm of aortic arch
❏ neuromuscular
• myasthenia gravis
• presbylaryngeus
• spasmodic dysphonia
8. Functional ❏ psychogenic aphonia (hysterical aphonia)
❏ habitual aphonia
❏ ventricular dysphonias
9. Congenital ❏ webs, atresia
❏ laryngomalacia

OT34 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes


❏ viral +/– URTI - influenza, adenovirus, GAS
❏ voice abuse
❏ toxic fume inhalation
❏ URTI symptoms and hoarseness, aphonia, cough attacks, +/– dyspnea
❏ indirect laryngoscopy shows true vocal cords erythematous and edematous with vascular injection and normal
cord mobility
❏ self-limited
❏ voice rest with humidification to prevent further irritation of inflamed cords
❏ removal of irritants (e.g. smoking)
❏ if bacterial - treat with antibiotics

❏ long standing inflammatory changes in laryngeal mucosa
❏ repeated attacks of acute laryngitis
❏ exposure to irritating dust/smoke
❏ voice abuse
❏ esophageal disorders: Zenker's diverticulum/hiatus hernia/GERD
❏ systemic: allergy, hypothyroidism, Addison's
❏ longstanding hoarseness and vocal weakness - rule out malignancy
❏ indirect laryngoscopy - cords erythematous, thickened with normal mobility
❏ remove offending cause
❏ treat related disorders
❏ speech therapy with voice rest
❏ +/– antibiotics, +/– steroids to decrease inflammation


❏ commonest benign tumour of vocal cords
❏ usually in men between 30 and 50 years of age
❏ vocal abuse or misuse
❏ agents causing laryngeal inflammation (reflux, allergies, tobacco)
❏ hoarseness, aphonia, cough attacks +/– dyspnea
❏ laryngoscopy shows polyp on free edge of vocal cord on a pedicle or sessile
❏ avoid causative factors
❏ remove with endoscopic laryngeal microsurgery


❏ called screamer’s or singer’s nodules
❏ more frequently occur in females, singers and children
❏ chronic voice abuse
❏ URTI, smoke, alcohol
❏ laryngoscopy shows red, soft looking nodules, often bilateral at the junction of the anterior and middle 1/3 of
vocal cords
❏ chronic nodules may become fibrotic, hard and white
❏ voice rest
❏ speech therapy
❏ avoidance of aggravating factors
❏ surgery is rarely indicated
MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT35


❏ biphasic distribution - birth to puberty (most common laryngeal tumour) and adulthood
❏ human papilloma virus (HPV) types 6, 11
❏ ?hormonal influence
❏ hoarseness and airway obstruction
❏ can seed into tracheobronchial tree
❏ recurs after treatment
❏ some juvenile papillomas resolve spontaneously at puberty
❏ papillomas in adults may undergo malignant degeneration
❏ laryngoscopy shows wart-like lesions in supraglottic larynx and trachea
❏ CO2 laser and microsurgery
❏ +/– interferon if pulmonary involvement

LARYNGEAL CARCINOMA (see Neoplasms of the Head and Neck section)

❏ major salivary glands: paired parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands
❏ sialoadenitis: inflammation of salivary glands
❏ obstructive vs. non-obstructive
❏ bacterial: (commonly S. aureus) patient prone to bacterial infection when salivary flow is decreased
or obstructed
❏ viral: most common infectious cause
❏ acute onset of pain and edema of parotid or submandibular gland that may lead to marked swelling
❏ +/– fever
❏ +/– leukocytosis
❏ +/– suppurative drainage from punctum of the gland
❏ mumps usually presents with bilateral parotid enlargement, +/– sensorineural hearing loss, +/– orchitis
❏ imaging with U/S employed to differentiate obstructive vs. non-obstructive sialoadenitis
❏ bacterial: treat with cloxacillin +/- abscess drainage
❏ viral: no treatment
❏ ductal stone with chronic sialadenitis
❏ 80% occurs in the submandibular gland, <20% in parotid gland, ~1% in sublingual gland
❏ predisposing factors:
• any condition causing duct stenosis or a change in salivary secretions
(e.g. dehydration, diabetes, EtOH,hypercalcemia)
❏ pain and tenderness over involved gland
❏ intermittent swelling related to meals
❏ by digital palpation of calculi
❏ sialogram
❏ remove calculi by dilating duct and orifice or excision through floor of mouth
❏ if calculus is within the gland parenchyma then the whole gland must be excised
❏ Sjögrens syndrome: chronic disorder characterized by immune-mediated destruction of exocrine glands
(triad of conjunctivitis sicca, xerostomia, parotidenlargement) diffuse non-tender, asymptomatic
enlargement of the parotid glands and occasionally other salivary glands
❏ bulemia nervosa: bilateral swelling of parotid glands, approximately 30% of patients will have resolution
with control of bulemia
OT36 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes
Submental triangle
(anterior belly)
Digastric triangle

Digastric Anterior triangle

(posterior belly)
Carotid triangle

Posterior triangle

Occipital triangle

(inferior belly)

(superior belly) Subclavian triangle
Figure 11. Anatomical Triangles of the Neck
Illustration by Evan Propst


Figure 12. Lymphatic Drainage of the Neck Figure 13. Zones of the Neck

Reproduced with permission from Churchill Livingston, Dhillon, R.S, East, C.A. Ear, Nose and Throat and Head and Neck Surgery. Churchill Livingston, UK, 1994.

The stemocleidomastoid divides the neck into two triangles (see Figure 11)
❏ Anterior triangle
• bounded by anterior border of sternocleidomastoid, midline of neck and lower border of mandible
• divided into
• submental triangle: bounded by both anterior bellies of digastrics and hyoid bone
• digastric triangle: bounded by anterior and posterior bellies of digastric, and inferior border
of mandible
• carotid triangle: bounded by sternocleidomastoid, anterior belly of omohyoid, and posterior
belly of digastric
• contains tail of parotid, submandibular gland, hypoglossal nerve, carotid bifurcation and lymph nodes
❏ Posterior triangle
• bounded by posterior border of sternocleidomastoid, anterior border of trapezius, and middle third of
• divided into
• occipital triangle: superior to posterior belly of the omohyoid
• subclavian triangle: inferior to posterior belly of omohyoid
• contains spinal accessory nerve and lymph nodes


❏ ensure that the neck mass is not a normal neck structure (hyoid, transverse process of C1 vertebra)
❏ duration
• if 7 days: inflammatory
• if 7 months: neoplastic
• if 7 years: congenital

MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT37


Table 8. Acquired Causes of Neck Lumps According to Age

Age(years) Possible Causes of Neck Lump

< 20 inflammatory neck nodes (e.g. tonsillitis, infectious mononucleosis)


20-40 salivary gland pathology (e.g calculi, infection, tumour)

thyroid pathology (e.g. goitre, infection, tumour)
granulomatous disease (e.g. TB, sarcoidosis)

> 40 primary or secondary malignant disease


Neck Mass

Inflammatory/Infectious Congenital Neoplastic

❏ reactive lymphadenopathy
❏ Tb or atypical mycobacteria
❏ infectious mononucleosis Midline Lateral Malignant Benign
❏ abscesses
❏ cat scratch fever
❏ sarcoidosis • thyroglossal duct cyst • branchial cleft cyst • salivary gland
• thyroid tumour/goitre • cystic hygroma neoplasm
• pyramidal lobe of (pleomorphic
thyroid gland adenoma,
• midline dermoid cyst Warthin’s tumour)
• thymus cyst • lipoma
• fibroma
• vascular
• paragangliomas
• neurofibromas
• schwannomas

Primary Metastatic
• lymphoma • head and neck
(Hodgkin’s or primary
NHL: see • infraclavicular primary
Hematology • leukemia
• thyroid
• sarcoma
• salivary gland
adenoid cystic,
acinic cell)

OT38 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes


❏ history and physical (including nasopharynx and larynx)
❏ indirect tests - supply information about physical characteristics of mass
• WBC - infection vs. lymphoma
• Mantoux TB test
• thyroid function tests and scan
• neck U/S
• CT scan
• angiography - vascularity and blood supply to mass
❏ direct test - for histologic examination
• fine needle aspiration (FNA) - less invasive
• needle biopsy
• open biopsy-for lymphoma
• radiologic exam of stomach, bowel and sinuses
• search for the primary tumour (panendoscopy: nasopharyngoscopy, laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy with
brushings, esophagoscopy)
• biopsy of normal tissue of nasopharynx, tonsils, base of tongue and hypopharynx
❏ if primary found (95%), stage and treat
❏ if primary still occult (5%) - excisional biopsy of node for diagnosis,
manage with radiotherapy or neck dissection (squamous cell carcinoma)
Branchial Cleft Cysts/Fistulae (see Colour Atlas OT11)
❏ at 6th week of development, the second branchial arch grows over the third and fourth arches and fuses with
the neighbouring caudal pre-cardial swelling forming the cervical sinus
❏ branchial fistula formed by persistence of external opening of sinus while persistent parts of the cervical sinus
without an external opening cause branchial cysts
❏ 2nd branchial cleft cysts most common
❏ clinical presentation
• fistulas with an internal or external communication usually manifest during infancy as a small opening
anterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle
❏ branchial cysts that do not have an external or internal opening present in teens and twenties as a smooth
painless slowly enlarging lateral neck mass, often following an acute URTI infection
❏ treatment
• surgical removal of cyst or fistula tract
❏ if infected - allow infection to settle before removal
Thyroglossal Duct Cysts (see Colour Atlas OT10)
❏ thyroid originates as ventral midline diverticulum of floor of pharynx caudal to junction of 1st and 2nd
branchial arches (foramen cecum)
❏ thyroid migrates caudally along a tract ventral to hyoid then curves underneath and down to cricoid with
thyroglossal duct cysts being vestigial remnants of tract
❏ clinical presentation
• usually presents in the second to fourth decades as a midline cyst that elevates with swallowing and
tongue protrusion
❏ treatment
• consists of pre-operative antibiotics to reduce inflammation followed by complete excision of cyst and
tract up to foramen cecum at base of tongue with removal of central portion of thyroid (Sistrunk
Cystic Hygroma
❏ lymphangioma arising from vestigial lymph channels of neck
❏ clinical presentation
• usually presents by age 2 as thin-walled cyst in tissues from floor of mouth down to mediastinum,
usually in posterior triangle or supraclavicular area
• infection causes a sudden increase in size
❏ treatment
• surgical excision if it fails to regress - difficult dissection due to numerous cyst extensions

MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT39

Table 9. Summary of Head and Neck Neoplasia
Location Presentation Risk/Etiological Factors Diagnosis Treatment
Lip white patch on lip UV light biopsy 1º surgery
lip ulcer poor hygiene radiation 2nd line
Salivary Gland painless mass radiation fine needle biopsy surgery
nickel exposure CT
Oral Cavity neck mass smoking/EtOH biopsy 1º surgery
ulcer +/– bleeding poor hygiene radiation 2nd line
Oropharynx odynophagia smoking and EtOH biopsy 1º radiation
otalgia surgery 2nd line
enlarged tonsil
fixed tongue with trismus
Nose/Paranasal nasal obstruction hardwood dust clinical suspicion surgery + radiation
Sinus epistaxis nickel on CT biopsy
dental pain/numbness chromium
Nasopharynx nasal obstruction EBV flexible scope 1º radiation
neck mass salted fish biopsy surgery 2nd line
epistaxis nickel exposure CT/MRI
unilateral SOM poor hygiene
Southern Chinese
Hypopharynx pain and dysphagia smoking and EtOH rigid scope 1º radiation
otalgia CXR surgery 2nd line
cervical node CT
Larynx dysphagia, otalgia odynophagia smoking and EtOH indirect and 1º radiation
hoarseness direct laryngoscopy surgery 2nd line
foreign body feeling CT
Thyroid thyroid mass radiation exposure see figure 14 1º surgery
vocal cord paralysis family history I131 for metastatic
cervical nodes deposits
hyper/hypo thyroid

❏ 6-8% of all malignancies in the body

❏ most lesions are squamous cell carcinomas
❏ historically M>F however increased incidence in female population in last 10-15 years due to increased
prevalence of smoking in females
❏ initial metastatic screen includes chest x-ray
❏ scans of liver, brain, and bone only if clinically indicated
❏ TMN (tumour, metastases, nodes) classification varies slightly depending on the specific
type of head and neck tumour
❏ TNM classification widely used for staging in order to:
• guide treatment planning
• indicate prognosis
• assist in evaluating results of treatment
• facilitate accurate exchange of information
❏ treatment depends on
• histologic grade of tumour
• stage
• physical and emotional situation of patient
• facilities available
• skill and experience of the oncologist and team
❏ in general
• primary surgery for malignant tumours of the oral cavity with radiotherapy reserved for salvage or for
poor prognostic indicators
• primary radiotherapy for malignancies of the nasopharynx,
oropharynx, hypopharynx, and larynx with surgery reserved for salvage
• very minor role for chemotherapy in tumours of the head and neck

OT40 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes



❏ 50-70 year age group
❏ whites > blacks
❏ M:F = 30:1
❏ 95% squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
❏ UV light - to lower lip
❏ poor oral hygiene
❏ smoking and alcohol contribute but are less significant than in other head and neck SCC
❏ 85% lower lip
❏ dyskeratosis manifests as white patch on lip (actinic chelitis)
❏ ulcer formation may indicate carcinoma
❏ incisional biopsy
❏ primary surgery including wedge excision with primary closure and careful approximation of vermilion border
❏ local flap may be required to repair an extensive surgical defect
❏ radiotherapy second line - for salvage or extensive disease
❏ 85% 5-year survival following surgery
❏ 80% 5-year survival following radiation therapy
❏ M=F
❏ 80% of salivary gland tumours are parotid
❏ submandibular tumours uncommon (10%), sublingual rare (1%)
❏ only 20% of parotid swellings are malignant, whereas 75% of submandibular gland swellings are malignant
❏ generally the smaller the gland the greater chance of malignancy
❏ malignant
• mucoepidermoid (low vs. high grade) 40%
• adenoid cystic 30%
• acinic cell 5%
• malignant mixed 5%
• lymphomas 5%
• adenocarcinoma
❏ benign
• benign mixed (pleomorphic adenoma) 80%
• Warthin's tumour (5-10% bilateral M>F) 10%
• cysts, lymph nodes and adenomas 10%
• oncoctyoma <1%
Parotid Gland Tumour
❏ painless slow-growing mass
❏ if bilateral, suggests benign process (Warthin's tumour, Sjögren's, bulemia, mumps) or possible lymphoma
❏ signs suggestive of malignancy
• pain or CN VII involvement
• rapid growth
• involvement or invasion of overlying skin
• facial nerve dysfunction
• cervical lymphadenopathy
❏ fine needle biopsy
❏ CT scan to determine depth of tumour
❏ surgery is the treatment of choice for salivary gland neoplasms
❏ benign tumours are also excised due to small but potential risk of malignant transformation of pleomorphic
❏ superficial lesion
• superficial parotidectomy above plane of CN VII, +/– radiation
• incisional biopsy contraindicated
❏ deep lesion
• near-total parotidectomy sparing as much of CN VII as possible
• if CN VII involved then it is removed and cable grafted

MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT41


❏ benign: excellent, although pleomorphic adenomas may recur (< 5%)
❏ mucoepidermoid: good if low grade - 80% 5-year survival
❏ others: fair, but tend to recur - 40% 5-year survival
❏ if neck nodes involved: 20% 5-year survival


❏ oral cavity consists of the lip (described above) anterior/oral tongue, the floor of mouth, the alveolus, the
retromolar trigone, the buccal mucosa, and the hard palate above
• 1.5-3% of all cancers occurring in North America
• most common site of head and neck cancers
❏ 50% of oral cavity cancer occurs on the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
❏ historically, far more prevalent among males, but recent increase in female smokers has changed this
❏ 50 to 60 year old age group
❏ 95% squamous cell (others include salivary gland: mucoepidermoid, adenoid cystic, acinic cell, also sarcoma
and melanoma)
❏ heavy smoking (note smokeless tobacco)
❏ alcohol (synergistic with tobacco)
❏ association with poor oral hygiene, chronic dental irritation, oral lichen planus, mucosal atrophy
❏ leukoplakia or erythroplakia may signify pre-malignant lesion or carcinoma in situ
❏ 30% present as an asymptomatic mass in the neck
❏ ulcer with raised edges +/– bleeding
❏ pain with radiation to ear and neck
❏ dysphagia or dysphonia may occur
❏ oral fetor
❏ sialorrhea
❏ 10-15% of oral cavity tumours have cervical metastases at time of presentation
❏ lymph node metastasis in tumours of tongue and anterior floor of mouth tend to involve the submental and
upper deep jugular chains
❏ purplish brown lesions on palate or buccal mucosa suggest Kaposi's sarcoma in HIV patients
❏ adequate visualization is key
❏ small local biopsy of lesion
❏ imaging studies generally not required unless mandibular involvement is suspected or planning
extensive resection
❏ carcinoma of the oral cavity is primarily a surgical problem with post-operative radiotherapy reserved for
patients with poor prognostic indicators (see below)
❏ primary radiotherapy occasionally employed in older or infirm patients
❏ surgery consists of:
• partial/total glossectomy +/– mandibular resection
• neck dissection if > 2 cm lesion or palpable nodes
• reconstruction: none (if small defect), skin grafts, fascio/osseocutaneous vascularized free flaps,
dental plates
❏ poor prognostic indicators include:
• site of tumour (tongue worse than floor of mouth) and deep invasion
• multiple positive cervical nodes
• extra-capsular spread
• peri-neural or peri-vascular involvement
• close (< 5 mm) surgical margins
❏ early stage (T1 and T2) 75% disease free survival at 5 years
❏ late stage (T3 and T4) 30-35% disease free survival at 5 years
❏ no change in mortality in last 15-20 years but significant decrease in morbidity due to new reconstructive and
rehabilitative techniques

OT42 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes



❏ oropharynx consists of the tongue base (area behind the circumvallate papillae) to the back of the pharynx
including the tonsillar fossae and pillars, and the soft palate down to the superior aspect of the supraglottis
❏ M:F = 4:1
❏ 50 to 70 year old age group
❏ etiologic agents include smoking and alcohol abuse
❏ 90% squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) - poorly differentiated
❏ tend to present late (especially tongue base)
❏ odynophagia
❏ otalgia
❏ indistinct speech – “hot potato” voice
❏ ulcerated/enlarged tonsil
❏ oral fetor
❏ bleeding with blood-stained sputum
❏ tongue fixed with trismus
❏ induration of tonsil or tongue base
❏ 60% have nodal metastases at presentation (15% bilateral) - including small lesions
❏ parapharyngeal and retropharyngeal nodes at risk
❏ 7% distant metastases to lung, bone and liver
❏ clinical suspicion
❏ confirmatory biopsy
❏ radiotherapy is primary modality with surgery reserved for salvage
❏ surgery depends on extent of disease and may employ composite resection, +/– neck dissection and flap
❏ radiotherapy preferred modality due to high morbidity associated with surgery and inaccessibility of at-risk
nodal groups
❏ site dependent
❏ base of tongue: control rates for T1 lesions reported at > 90%, however poor control rates (13-52%) reported
for T4 lesions
❏ tonsils: cure rates of 90-100% reported for T1 and T2 lesions using external beam radiation; control rates for
advanced lesions are very poor - 15-33% reported for T4 lesions


❏ rare tumours with decreased incidence over the last 5-10 years
❏ most frequently presents during the 5th to 7th decades
❏ risk factors - dust from hard woods (ethmoid sinus and nose), nickel (maxillary sinus cancer), chromium
❏ 99% occur in maxillary and ethmoid sinuses
❏ 75-80% squamous cell carcinoma
❏ 10% arise from minor salivary glands (i.e. adenoid cystic + mucoepidermoid)
❏ 10% sarcomas
❏ symptoms begin to occur after tumour has invaded through the bony confines of the sinus
❏ depends where the erosion through bone has occurred
• nose - nasal obstruction, epistaxis, pain
• orbit - proptosis, diplopia, ophthalmoplegia, pain, epiphora due to nasolacrimal duct obstruction
• nerves - numbness, palatal palsy, CN VII palsy, facial pain
• dental - tooth/oral pain, loosening of teeth
• skin - occurs late
• intracranial or skull base extension - headache
❏ based on clinical suspicion
❏ confirmed with CT or MRI (CT used routinely)
❏ biopsy for histopathology
❏ almost all sinus cancers are treated with a combined approach involving surgery and post-operative
❏ overall 5-year survival = 25% (poor due to late presentation)
• 55% if inferior antral involvement only

MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT43



❏ continuous with the oropharynx above and extending inferiorly to the esophagus, the hypopharynx includes
the area from the tip of the epiglottis to the lower surface of the cricoid cartilage
❏ 3 areas: 1) posterior pharyngeal wall (10% of tumours); 2) pyriform sinus (60%); 3) post-cricoid space (30%)
❏ 8-10% of all head and neck malignancies
❏ 95% squamous cell carcinoma
❏ 50-60 year old age group; M>F
❏ etiological factors include tobacco, alcohol
❏ associated with Plummer-Vinson syndrome (post-cricoid region)
❏ often presents late
❏ odynophagia
❏ dysphagia
❏ referred otalgia
❏ cervical node
❏ +/– hoarseness
❏ clinical suspicion - definitive diagnosis often by rigid endoscopy
❏ chest x-ray to rule out pulmonary metastases
❏ CT to evaluate deep extension
❏ radiation employed as primary modality
❏ rigid endoscopy to determine 8-10 week post-treatment response
❏ favorable response to radiotherapy can be followed for 5-10 years
❏ if radiation fails: surgical resection of larynx and hypopharynx +neck dissection
❏ reconstructive options include closure of the pharynx, pedicle flap reconstruction (e.g. pectoralis major) free
jejunal interposition, and gastric pull-up
❏ generally poor: 60% cure rates have been reported for T2-T3, 25-40% five year survival with T4 lesions
❏ post-operative morbidity with fistula formation in 20-25% of previously irradiated patients
❏ gastric pull-up associated with 14% peri-operative mortality


❏ the nasopharynx is the cuboidal space bounded anteriorly by the posterior choanae of the nose, posteriorly
by the clivus, C1 and C2 vertebrae, superiorly by the body of the sphenoid and inferiorly by the soft palate
❏ the eustachian tubes open onto the lateral walls of the NP which are comprised of pharyngeal fascia
❏ incidence 0.8/100 000; markedly increased among those of Southern Chinese origin
(100 fold increased incidence)
❏ 50-59 year old age group, M:F = 2.4:1
❏ etiological factors include EBV, salted fish consumption, nickel exposure, poor hygiene
❏ squamous cell carcinoma most common (approximately 90%)
❏ lymphoma (approximately 10%)
❏ neck mass at presentation in 60-90% (note: deep posterior cervical node at mastoid tip)
❏ nasal obstruction/discharge, epistaxis
❏ voice change, mandibular neuralgia, decrease in soft palate mobility, dysphagia
❏ unilateral serous otitis media and/or hearing loss
❏ proptosis (secondary to tumour extension into orbit)
❏ cranial nerve involvement in approximately 25% (CN III-VI can be involved by cavernous sinus extension;
CN IX-XII can be involved by retropharyngeal space encroachment or lymphadenopathy)
❏ clinical findings (include digital palpation)
❏ flexible nasopharyngoscopy for direct visualization
❏ biopsy with topical anesthetic
❏ CT/MRI for assessment of extent of tumour invasion and involvement of adjacent structures
❏ primary radiotherapy of nasopharynx and adjacent parapharyngeal and cervical lymphatics is the
treatment of choice
❏ +/– radical neck dissection for salvage and recurrence
❏ use of chemotherapy controversial
❏ excellent local control possible for T1 lesions (90-95% control rates reported)
❏ 5 year survival rates vary according to stage:
• I: 78%; II: 72%; III: 50-60%; IV: 36-42%

OT44 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes



❏ squamous cell carcinoma most common
❏ 45% of head and neck carcinoma
❏ common between 45-75 years of age
❏ M:F = 10:1
❏ etiologic agents include heavy smoking and heavy alcohol consumption
❏ classified according to site within larynx:
• supraglottic (30-35%)
• rich in lymphatics
• early nodal spread with 30-40% having occult or palpable neck disease at presentation
• primary tumour enlarges substantially before causing symptoms (usually presents with
• glottic (60-65%)
• few lymphatic channels
• nodal metastasis rare
• tumour remains local for a long period
• produces hoarseness early giving a better prognosis (usually presents with dysphonia)
• subglottic (1%)
• abundant lymphatics, lateral neck and paratracheal nodes are involved at presentation in 20%
• symptoms occur late (usually airway compromise or respiratory problems)
• may be difficult to distinguish if primary tumour arises in subglottis or in trachea
❏ dysphagia, odynophagia, or referred otalgia (suggest supraglottic lesion)
❏ hoarseness (suggests glottic involvement)
❏ clearing throat/foreign body feeling
❏ dyspnea/stridor
❏ cough/hemoptysis
❏ regional lymphadenopathy
❏ direct and indirect laryngoscopy to assess site and extent of tumour and cord mobility
❏ bilateral nodal metastasis more common if carcinoma crosses midline
❏ CT/MRI imaging: to assess depth of spread and involvement of underlying cartilage
❏ organ preservation is goal of therapy
❏ primary radiotherapy for all laryngeal carcinomas except for bulky T4 lesions with radiographic evidence of
cartilaginous involvement
❏ surgery reserved for salvage or for late stage lesions
• microsurgical decortication of vocal cords
• cordectomy
• partial to total laryngectomy with trachestomy +/– neck dissection
❏ voice and speech rehabilitation options
• tracheo-esophageal puncture to allow phonation
• esophageal voice
• electrolaryngeal devices
❏ 10-12% of small lesions will fail radiotherapy and can be treated with partial laryngectomy and muscle flap
❏ glottic lesions:> 90% of early lesions (mobile cords) controlled with primary radiation; this drops to 30-60%
with cord fixation
❏ 70% of T3 supraglottic lesions controlled by radiation alone
❏ 5 year survival of > 40% has been reported for T4 lesions following laryngectomy and post-operative radiation

THYROID NEOPLASMS (see Endocrinology Chapter)

Differential Diagnosis
❏ benign
• colloid nodule
• multinodular goitre (hyperplastic or regenerative nodule)
• thyroid cyst
• follicular adenoma
• thyroiditis
❏ malignant (16% of thyroid nodules)
• papillary carcinoma 60-70%
• follicular carcinoma 15-20%
• medullary carcinoma 2-5%
• anaplastic 1-5%
• Hürthle cell 1-5%
• lymphoma 3%
• metastatic 1-2%

MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT45


❏ F > M for nodules but in males a nodule is more likely to be malignant
❏ history of head and neck irradiation
❏ occupational/environmental radiation exposure associated with papillary carcinoma
❏ local compressive neck symptoms - hoarseness, dysphagia, dyspnea, and aspiration
❏ family history of multiple endocrine neoplasia type II (MEN II) (medullary cancer)
❏ nodule in patient with a history of Hashimoto's - at risk for lymphoma
❏ rapid increase in size of nodule - may indicate malignancy
Physical Findings
❏ palpation of thyroid - solitary, hard, irregular nodule is suggestive of malignancy, multinodular suggestive
❏ benign indirect laryngoscopy - vocal cord paralysis increases suspicion of malignancy
❏ cervical lymphadenopathy - deep cervical chain suggestive of metastatic disease
❏ signs of hypo/hyperthyroidism

Papillary Follicular Medullary Anaplastic
Adenocarcinoma Adenocarcinoma Carcinoma
Incidence 60-70 % 10% 2-5% 5%
(% of all thyroid cancers) (10% familial, 90% sporadic)
Route of Spread Lymphatic Hematogenous Lymphatic and
Orpan Annie nuclei hematogenous
Histologic Findings Psammoma bodies Capsular or blood vessel Amyloid Giant cells, spindle cells
invasion delign malignancy secrete calcitonin
Other P’s of papillary F’s of follicular cancer M’s of medullary cancer
adenocarcinoma - Faraway mets - MEN (associated with
- Papillary cancer - Female (3:1) MEN II)
- Popular - FNA, NOT (can’t be - Multiple endocrine
(most common) diagnosed by FNA) neoplasia
- Palpable lymph nodes - Favourable prognosis
- Positive 131I uptake
- Positive prognosis
- Post-op 131I scan to
diagnose treatments
10 yr survival rate 95% 90% - 50%
- 20% if detected when - Survival past 2 years is
clinically palpable rare
Treatment - Small tumours: - Small tumours: - Total thyroidectomy - Small tumours:
(see Surgical Procedures - Near total - Near total and median lymph node - Total thyroidectomy
section) thyroidectomy thyroidectomy/lobectomty dissection ± external beam
or/thyroid lobectomy /isthemectomy - Modified neck dissection, - Airway compromise:
- Diffuse/bilateral - Large/diffuse tumours if lateral cervical nodes are debulking surgery and
- Total thyroidectomy total thyroidectomy positive tracheostomy

Thyroid Nodule
warm = increased 131I
Hx, Px, TSH, T4, ± thyroglobulin ± antithyroid antibody ± U/S* or 99mT uptake
= functioning/
FNA (if do U/S still must do a FNA) hyperfunctioning
benign inflammatory cells papillary follicular or indeteminant Cold = decreased 123I
or indeterminant (false postive < 1%) (high false negative) or 99mT uptake
= nonfunctionting
T4 suppression repeat OR U/S

cystic solid

T4 suppression thyroid scan

cold functioning (warm)

short term T4 suppression longer term T4 suppression

Figure 14. Investigation and Management of the Thyroid Nodule
*U/S findings: cystic: risk of malignancy < 1%, solid: risk of malignancy approx. 10%, solid with cystic components:
risk of malignancy same as if solid
OT46 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes
❏ surgical airway: the surgical creation of secondary airway in the neck
❏ indications
• to bypass obstruction
• airway protection
• prolonged ventilation > 1-2 weeks, to prevent endotracheal tube-induced glottic/subglottic stenosis
• bronchial toilet
• treatment of obstructive sleep apnea
• elimination of dead space ventilation
❏ in adults, most causes of obstruction are inflammatory or neoplastic
❏ in children, most causes of obstruction are inflammatory or congenital
❏ complications
• hemorrhage: innominate artery
• midline scar
• subglottic stenosis
• esophageal perforation
• infection
❏ indications
• in emergency situations, it is the preferable method to secure an airway since the cricothyroid
membrane is easily palpable at the skin surface, little dissection is involved
• palliative treatment
• in the presence of anatomic variations that prevent standard tracheotomy
❏ contraindications
• pediatric patients
• presence of laryngeal infection or inflammation
• endotracheal tube (ETT) already in place for > 1 week
❏ brief procedure description
• right-handed surgeon stands on patient’s right side
• thyroid cartilage secured with right hand, as left index finger locates the cricothyroid membrane
~2-3 cm below thyroid notch (1.5-2 cm below vocal cords)
• membrane is ~ 10 mm in height
• quick stab is placed through overlying skin and directly through cricothyroid membrane with scalpel in
right hand
• knife handle is then inserted into subglottic space and twisted vertically and enlarging access for tube
Ref: Weissler MC. Tracheotomy and Intubation. Chapter 57. In Bailey BJ (ed). Head & Neck Surgery - Otolaryngology 2nd ed. Loppincott-Raven Publishers. Philadelphia. 1998.
Causes of Upper Airway Obstruction
Site Adult Pediatric
Nasal cavity Neoplasm, Trauma Bilateral choanal atresia
Enlarged adenoids
Congenital stenosis of pyriform aperture
Tumour (glioma, dermoid, encephalocele)
Oral cavity Neoplasm, Trauma Macroglossia
Iatrogenic (surgery at base of tongue) Micrognathia (Pierre-Robin sequence)
Angioedema Down’s syndrome
Infection (Ludwig’s angina, Hemangioma or lymphangioma of tongue
retropharyngeal abscess) Dermoid cyst or cystic hygroma of mouth
Ludwig’s angina
Pharynx Neoplasm, Trauma Lingual thyroid
Infections (abscess) Large thyroglossal duct cyst
Large branchial cleft cyst
Dermoid cyst
Enlarged tonsils and adenoids, Angioedema
Infections (abscess: peritonsillar, retropharyngeal, parapharyngeal)
Any site Neoplasm, Trauma
Iatrogenic (surgery or intubation)
Foreign Body
Supraglottic Bilateral vocal cord paralysis Laryngomalacia
Angioedema Supraglottic cyst
Glottic Bilateral vocal cord paralysis Bilateral vocal cord paralysis
Laryngospasm Vocal cord web
Stenosis (d/t prolonged intubation) Stenosis
Subglottic Stenosis (d/t prolonged intubation) Congenital stenosis
Acquired stenosis d/t prolonged intubation
Subglottic cyst
Intrinsic Neoplasm, Trauma Foreign body (FB)
Foreign body Tracheobronchial malacia
Extrinsic Neoplasm Vascular anomaly
Vascular anomalies Tracheobronchogenic cyst
Tumour (thyroid, thymus)

MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT47


❏ tracheotomy is a temporary alternative airway, whereas tracheostomy is a permanent or semi-permanent
tracheocutaneous fistula. In practice, the two are often used interchangeably
❏ indications
• airway obstruction
• long-term ventilatory support
• prevention of aspiration by allowing suctioning of excessive airway secretions
❏ tracheostomy
• open surgical tracheostomy
• first incision is horizontal, midway between the sternal notch and cricoid cartilage
(~2 fingerbreadths above the sternal notch)
• this incision is continued down through skin, subcutaneous tissue, and platysma
• separate the sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscle pairs with a midline vertical dissection
• these muscles are pulled away from midline with retractors, revealing the thyroid isthmus
• isthmus is transected vertically and each side is suture-ligated
• a cricoid hook (placed between the cricoid cartilage and the 1st tracheal ring) is used to pull the
trachea superiorly while the tracheal incision is placed at the level of 2nd tracheal ring
• removal of circular window of cartilage
• placement of double lumen tracheostomy tube
• percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy
• frequently used within many ICU settings
• translaryngeal tracheostomy
• the most recent technique
❏ complications
• hemorrhage
• tube obstruction
• mortality rate is < 2%
MacCallum PL et. al. Comparison of open, percutaneous,and translaryngeal tracheostomies. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000;122:686-90.
Weissler MC. Tracheotomy and Intubation. Chapter 57. In Bailey BJ (ed). Head & Neck Surgery - Otolaryngology 2nd ed. Loppincott-Raven Publishers. Philadelphia. 1998.


❏ endoscopic techniques aimed at restoring the functional physiology of sinus aeration and drainage via the
expanded osteomeatal complex while minimizing changes to the normal anatomic pathways
❏ reduced length of hospitalization and discomfort
❏ indications
• refractory sinusitis
• complicated cases of sinusitis
• recurrent polyps
• severe allergies
• history of previous external procedures
• expansive mucoceles
• invasive fungal sinusitis
• suspected or actual neoplasms
• symptoms of pressure, discharge, and obstruction most likely will respond
• pain is less responsive to surgery
❏ different FESS techniques are used to gain access to the various sinuses
❏ complications
• cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak
• orbital hematoma
• hemorrhage
• symptomatic lacrimal duct obstruction requiring surgery
• middle turbinate adhesions
• lamina papyracea penetration
• sinus infection
• epistaxis
• bronchospasm
• loss of smell

OT48 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes


Open Surgical Approach for Extensive Disease

❏ Ethmoid
• intranasal ethmoidectomy via endoscopy - fenestration made into the maxillary sinus which usually
restores mucociliary clearance
• complications of unresolved ethmoid sinusitis
• first signs - proptosis, diplopia, chemosis, ophthalmoplegia, poor acuity
• periorbital or orbital edema, cellulitis, abscess
• periostitis
• phlegmon
❏ Frontal
• trephination
• frontoethmoidectomy - removal of mucosa and floor of sinus together with an ethmoidectomy
• complications of frontal sinusitis
• mucocele
• Pott's puffy tumour (osteomyelitis of frontal bone often with fistula formation)
❏ Maxillary
• antrostomy by either enlarging the natural ostium or removing a segment of the sinus floor
• Caldwell-Luc operation - a sublabial approach to removal of diseased lining of the sinus
• complications
• mucocele
• oroantral fistula
• facial cellulitis
• tooth-loosening
• osteomyelitis of skull vault bones or upper jaw
Nasal Packing – Anterior (see Figure 15)
❏ there are several types of anterior nasal packing (traditional ribbon gauze pack, prefabricated expandable
packs, intranasal balloons).
❏ packing works by direct pressure and by creating inflammation and edema.
❏ the traditional anterior pack
• spray cocaine and lidocaine mixture into nose
• local anaesthesia decreases discomfort, and blocks nasal-vagal reflex thus decreasing risk of
apnea, bradycardia, hypotension.
• if possible, place single layer of absorbable material such as Surgicel, Oxycel, or Gelfoam
over bleeding site to prevent rebleeding after pack removal
• prepare vaseline impregnated gauze packing strips 0.5 x 72-inch
• squeeze antibiotic ointment into the gauze to prevent growth of S.aureus and toxic shock
• may use prophylactic antibiotics to prevent sinusitis caused by sinus drainage obstruction
(amoxil and clavulanic acid)
• use nasal speculum to open nostril
• grasp gauze with bayonet approximately 4 inches from end of strip, and lay packing in nose in a
pleated fashion, starting inferiorly along the floor and paking superiorly. (only closed loops of of gauze
are placed posteriorly to prevent single strands from hanging into the nasopharynx)
• leave pack in for 2 to 5 days
Reference: Santos PM, Lepore ML. Epsitaxis, Chapter 38. In: Head and Neck Surgery – Otolaryngology, Second Edition, edited by J. Bailey. Lippincott-Raven Publishers,
Philadelphia, 1998.

Figure 15. Placement of Traditional Anterior Nasal Pack

Reproduced with permission from Byron J. Bailey, Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, Second Edition.
Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, 1998.
MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT49

❏ excision of tonsils
❏ indications
• most common reason: obstructive tonsillar hyperplasia
• absolute
• obstructive sleep apnea or cor pulmonale
• malignancy or suspected malignancy
• tonsillitis resulting in febrile convulsions
• persistent or recurrent tonsillar hemorrhage
• relative
• recurrent acute or chronic tonsillitis
• peritonsillar abcess
• eating or swallowing disorders
• tonisllolithiasis
• haletosis
• orofacial or dental abnormalities
• contraindications
• blood dyscrasias
• uncontrolled systemic diseases (diabetes, etc.)
• cleft palate
• acute infections
❏ technique: electrocautery (hot) vs. “cold steel” (uncommon)
❏ complications
• bleeding
• airway obstruction
• velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI)
• pulmonary edema
• dehydration and weight loss


❏ incision into tympanic membrane that allows drainage of middle ear secretions
❏ most tubes stay in place ~3-18 months (average 9 months)
❏ indications
American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Bulletin June 2000 Vol. 19 No. 6

severe acute otitis media (AOM)

hearing loss > 30 dB in patients with otitis media with effusion

poor response to antibiotics for otitis media

impending mastoiditis or intracranial complications due to otitis media

otitis media with effusion for greater than 3 months

recurrent episodes of acute otitis media (more than 3 episodes in 6 months
or more than 4 episodes in 12 months)
• chronic retraction of tympanic membrane or pars flaccida
• barotrauma
• autophony (hear body sounds such as breathing) due to patulous (wide open) eustachian tube
• craniofacial anomalies that predispose to middle ear dysfunction (e.g. cleft palate)
• middle ear dysfunction due to head and neck radiation and skull base surgery
❏ complications (generally uncommon)
• external auditory canal laceration
• persistent otorrhea
• granuloma formation
• cholesteatoma
• chronic tympanic membrane perforation
• structural changes: tympanic membrane retraction, faccidity, myringosclerosis
❏ avoid insertion into posterior superior quadrant
• most compliant part of pars tensa
• chronic perforation, atrophic scarring, or retraction
• possible injury to ossicles

OT50 – Otolaryngology MCCQE 2002 Review Notes


❏ excision of the thyroid gland
• can be total, subtotal, lobectomy and isthmusectomy
• neck dissection with preservation of sternodedomastoid if lymph nodes clinically involved
• radical neck dissection of extensive infiltrating tumour
❏ indications
• any thyroid abnormality in a patient with previous irradiation of neck
• a solitary nodule in patient less than 20 years old
• a solitary nodule in male patient
• a nodule associated with signs suggestive of malignancy, inducing recurrent nerve paralysis,
palpable nodes in the neck, extreme hardness, or extension into adjacent tissues
• a solitary thyroid nodule in a patient over 60 years of age
• most (solitary) nodules
• a normal thyroid gland in a patient with proven metastatic thyroid cancer
• a patient with an abnormal calcitonin stimulation test
❏ complications
• damage to recurrent laryngeal nerves (hoarseness if unilateral, airway obstruction if bilateral)
• damage to superior laryngeal nerve (deeper and quieter voice)
• damage to parathyroid glands = hypoparathyroidism (signs of hypocalcemia)
• excessive bleeding

Becker W, Naumann HH and Pfaltz CR. Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases. 2nd edition. 1994. Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc. New

Furman JM and Cass SP. BPPV. 1999. NEJM. 341 (21): 1590-1596.

MacCallum PL et al. Comparison of open, percutaneous and translaryngeal tracheostomies. Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery.
2000. 122: 686-690.

Mente FE and Har-El G (eds). Essentials of Otolaryngology. 4th edition. 1999. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. USA.

MCCQE 2002 Review Notes Otolaryngology – OT51

Illustration by Betty Lee

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