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Cummings 6th Ed Titles

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Volume One

Part 1: Basic Principles l:ililor: Paul W. Flint

CHAPTER 1 Genetics and Otolaryngology 3 CHAPTER 48 Simulation and Haptics in Otolaryngology

Training 45
William J. Kimberling
CHAPTER 2 Fundamentals of Molecular Biology
Marvin P. Fried, Gregory J. Wiet, and
and Gene Therapy II Babak Sadoughi
CHAPTER 5 Outcomes Research 52
Bert W O'Malley, Jr., Daqing Li,
Waleed M. Abuzeid, and Hinrich Staecker Amy Anne Lassig and Bevan Yueh
CHAPTER 3 Laser Surgery: Basic Principles and CHAPTER 6 Interpreting Medical Data 59
Safety Considerations 25
Richard M. Rosenfeld
C. Gadyn Garrett, Robert H. Ossoff,
CHAPTER 7 Evidence-Based Performance
and Lou Reinisch Measurement 76
CHAPTER 4A Surgical Robotics In Otolaryngology 38 David R. Nielsen
David J. Terris

Part 2: General Otolaryngology Eriiwr: Paul W Hint

CHAPTER 8 History, Physical Examination, and the CHAPTER 14 Deep Neck Space Infections 201
Preoperative Evaluation 93
Eric R. Oliver and M. Boyd Gillespie
Marion Everett Couch
CHAPTER 15 Head and Neck Manifestations In the
CHAPTER 9 General Considerations of Anesthesia and Immunocompromised Host 209
Management of the Difficult Airway 108
Theresa B. Kim, Steven D. Pletcher, and
Lynette Mark, Kurt Herzer, Seth Akst, Andrew N. Goldberg
and James Michelson
CHAPTER 16 Special Considerations in Managing
CHAPTER 10 Surgical Management of the DIfficult Geriatric Patients 230
Adult Airway 121
Meena Seshamani and
Nasir Islam Bharti Marthew L. Kashima
CHAPTER 11 Overview of Diagnostic Imaging CHAPTER 17 Pain Management in the Head
of the Head and Neck 130 and Neck Patient 239
Nafi Aygun and S. James Zinreich Edward B. Braun, Jeremy A. Scarlett,
CHAPTER 12 Odontogenic Infections 177 Todd J. Schwedt, and Robert A. Swarm
James M. Christian CHAPTER 18 Sleep Apnea and Sleep Disorders 250

CHAPTER 13 Pharyngitis In Adults 191 Stacey L. Ishman, Tamekia L. Wakefield,

and Nancy A. Collop
Brian Nussenbaum and Carol R. Bradford

Part 3: Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery I:rJ;lOr: J. R('~:ln TItOI1l.i,

Section 1: facial Surgery CHAPTER 21 Scar Revision and Camouflage 295
CHAPTER 19 Aesthetic Facial Analysis 269 J. Regan Thomas and Steven Ross Mobley
Marc S. Zimbler CHAPTER 22 Facial Trauma: Soft Tissue lacerations
and Burns 302
CHAPTER 20 Recognition and Treatment of
Skin Lesions 281 Justin D. Hill and Grant S. Hamilton, III
Andrea Willey, Neil A. Swanson, and CHAPTER 23 Maxillofacial Trauma 318
Ken K. Lee
Robert M. Kellman
xxxvi Contents

CHAPTER 24 Reconstruction of Facial Defects 342 CHAPTER 33 Otoplasty 475

Shan R. Baker Peter A. Adamson, Suzanne K. Doud Galli,

CHAPTER 25 Nasal Reconstruction 364 and Theodore Chen

Norman N. Ge, C. Rose Rabinov, and Section 2: Rhinoplasty

Roger L. Crumley CHAPTER 34 The Nasal Septum 481
CHAPTER 26 Hair Restoration: Medical and Russell W H . Kridel, Paul E. Kelly, and
Surgical Techniques 373
Allison MacGregor Holzapfel
Kevin H . Ende and Sheldon S. Kabaker CHAPTER 35 Nasal Fractures 496
CHAPTER 27 Management of Aging Skin 390
Burke E. Chegar and
Stephen W. Perkins and Henry D. Sandel Sherard A. Tatum, III
CHAPTER 28 Rhytidectomy 405 CHAPTER 36 Rhinoplasty 508
Shan R. Baker M. Eugene Tardy, Jr. , and
CHAPTER 29 Rejuvenation of the Aging Brow J. Regan Thomas
and Forehead 428 CHAPTER 37 Special Rhinoplasty Techniques 545
Paul S. Nassif Richard T. Farrior, Edward H. Farrior,
CHAPTER 30 Blepharoplasty 439 and Raymond Cook
Oren Friedman, Renzo A. Zaldivar, CHAPTER 38 Noncaucasian Rhinoplasty 568
and Tom D . Wang Stephen S. Park and Hong Ryul Jin
CHAPTER 31 Uposuction 452 CHAPTER 39 Revision Rhinoplasty 580
Edward H. Farrior and Stephen S. Park David W Kim, Manuel A. Lopez, and
CHAPTER 32 Mentoplasty and Facial Implants 461 Dean M. Toriumi
Jonathan M. Sykes and John L. Frodel, Jr.

CHAPTER 40 Immunology of the Upper Airway and CHAPTER 48 Fungal Rhinoslnusitls 709
Pathophysiology and Treatment of
Allergic Rhinitis 597 Berrylin J. Ferguson
CHAPTER 49 Benign Tumors of the Sinonasal Tract 717
Fuad M. Baroody and Robert M. Naclerio
CHAPTER 41 Physiology of Olfaction 624
Piero Nicolai and Paolo Castelnuovo
CHAPTfR 50 Medical Management of Nasoslnus
Donald A. Leopold and Eric H. Holbrook
Infectious and Inflammatory Disease 728
CHAPTER 42 Evaluation of Nasal Breathing Function
with Objective Airway Testing 640
Scott C. Manning
CHAPTER 5: Primary Sinus Surgery 739
Jacquelynne Corey and John Pallanch
CHAPTER 43 Nasal Manifestations of Devyani Lal and James A. Stankiewicz
Systemic Diseases 657 CHAPTER e Concepts of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery:
Causes of Failure 759
Rose Stavinoha and Thomas V McCaffrey
CHAPTER 44 Radiology of the Nasal Cavity and James N. Palmer and David W Kennedy
Paranasal Sinuses 662 CHAPTER 53 Management of the Frontal Sinuses 775
Nafi Aygun and S. James Zinreich Nick S. Jones
CHAPTER 45 Epistaxis 682 CHAPTER 54 Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea 785
Daniel B. Simmen and Nick S. Jones Martin J. Citardi and Samer Fakhri
CHAPTfR 46 Nonallergic Rhinitis 694 CHAPTER 50 Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy 797
Stephanie A. Joe and Sundip Patel Erik Kent Weitzel and Peter-John Wormald
CHAPTER 4 The Pathogenesis of Rhinosinusitis 703
Michael S. Benninger
Contents xxxvII

Part 5: Laryngology and Bronchoesophagology /::.aitor: Paul W. Flint

Section 1: Evaluation and Management of Laryngeal Section 2: Management of Unilateral Vocal

and Pharyngeal Disorders Fold Paralysis
CHAPTER 56 Laryngeal and Pharyngeal Function 805 CHAPTER 66 Mediallzation Thyroplasty 904

Gayle Ellen Woodson Carole Fakhry, Paul W Flint, and

CHAPTER 57 Visualization of the Larynx 813 Charles W Cummings
CHAPTER 67 Arytenoid Adduction 912
Robin A. Samlan, Jackie Gartner-Schmidt,
and Melda Kunduk Gayle Ellen Woodson
CHAPTER 58 Voice Evaluation 825 CHAPTER 68 Laryngeal Reinnervation 917

Robin A. Samlan and George S. Goding, Jr.

Julie Barkmeier-Kraemer
Section 3: Management of Acquired Disorders
CHAPTER 59 Neurologic Evaluation of the Larynx and and Trauma
Pharynx 832
CHAPTER 69 Chronic Aspiration 925
Gayle Ellen Woodson, Andrew Blitzer,
Steven D. Pletcher and David W. Eisele
Ronda E. Alexander, and
CHAPTER 70 Laryngeal and Esophageal Trauma 933
Nazaneen N. Grant
CHAPTER 60 Neurologic Disorders of the Larynx 837
Guri S. Sandhu and Reza S. A. Nouraei
CHAPTER 71 Surgical Management of Upper
Andrew Bliczer, Ronda E. Alexander, Airway Stenosis 943
and Nazaneen N. Grant
Ayesha N. Khalid and David Goldenberg
CHAPTER 61 The Professional Voice 844

Mark S. Courey, Gregory N. Postma, Section 4: Bronchoesophagology

and Robert H. Ossoff CHAPTER 72 The Esophagus: Anatomy. Physiology.
and Diseases 953
CHAPTER 62 Benign Vocal Fold Mucosal Disorders 859
Michael F. Vaezi
Robert W. Bastian
CHAPTER 73 Transnasal Esophagoscopy 981
CHAPTER 63 Acute and Chronic Laryngitis 883
Neil N. Chheda and Gregory N. Postma
Albert 1. Meraci
CHAPTER 74 Zenker's Diverticulum 986
CHAPTER 64 Laryngeal and Tracheal Manifestations
of Systemic Disease 889 Richard 1. Scher
Kevin P. Leahy CHAPTER 75 Tracheobronchial Endoscopy 998

CHAPTER 65 Upper Aerodigestive Manifestations Rex C. Yung and Emily F. Boss

of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease 894

Jonathan E. Aviv and Savita Collins Index

Volume Two

Part 6: Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology Edilors: Bruce' H. llaughcy and K. Thomas Robbins
Section 1: General Considerations CHAPTER 79 Skin Flap Physiology and Wound Healing 1064
CHAPTER 76 Biology of Head and Neck Cancer 1015
Eugene A. Chu, Patrick J. Byrne,
Steven Chang and Patrick Ha Rick M. Odland, and
CHAPTER 77 Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer: George S. Goding, Jr.
Radiation Physics, Radiobiology, CHAPTER 80 Free Tissue Transfer 1080
and Clinical Principles 1030
Douglas A. Girod, Terance T. Tsue, and
Aron Popovtzer and Avraham Eisbruch Yelizaveta Shnayder
CHAPTER 78 Chemotherapy and Targeted Biologic Integrating Palliative and Curative Care
Agents for Head and Neck Cancer 1051 Strategies in the Practice
William N. William, Jr., and of Otolaryngology 1100
Merrill S. Kies Rhonda Johnson and Gary Johnson
xxxviii Contents

CHAPTER 82 Management of Head and Neck Melanoma CHAPTER 98 Prosthetic Management of Head and
and Advanced Cutaneous Malignancies 1106 Neck Defects 1329
Cecelia E. Schmalbach, Jeffery C. Markt, Thomas J. Salinas, and
Timothy M . Johnson, and William Donald Gay
Carol R. Bradford
Section 4: Pharynx and Esophagus
CHAPTER 83 Malignancies of the Paranasal Sinus 1121
CHAPTER 99 Benign and Malignant Tumors of
Ernest A. Weymuller, Jr. , and the Nasopharynx 1348
Greg E. Davis Luke Tan and Thomas Loh
Section 2: Salivary Glands CHAPTER 100 Malignant Neoplasms of the Oropharynx 1358
CHAPTER 84 Physiology of the Salivary Glands 1133 VIi H arreus
Ravindhra G. Elluru CHAPTER 101 Reconstruction of the Oropharynx 1375
CHAPTER 85 Diagnostic Imaging and Fine-Needle S. Mark Taylor and Bruce H . Haughey
Aspiration of the Salivary Glands 1143
CHAPTER 102 Diagnostic Imaging of the Pharynx
JoAnne Lacey and Esophagus 1393
CHAPTER 86 Inflammatory Disorders of the Barton F. Branstetter, IV
Salivary Glands 1151
CHAPTER 103 Neoplasms of the Hypopharynx and
Jeremy Rogers and Thomas V. McCaffrey Cervical Esophagus 1421
CHAPTER 87 Benign Neoplasms of the Salivary Ravindra Vppaluri and John B. Sunwoo
Glands 1162
CHAPTER 104 Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy of
Gabriel G. Calzada and Ehab Y. Hanna Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the
CHAPTER 88 Malignant Neoplasms of the Hypopharynx and Esophagus 1441
Salivary Glands 1178 Jean-Louis Lefebvre and Antoine Adenis
John B. Sunwoo, James S. Lewis, Jr., CHAPTER 105 Reconstruction of the Hypopharynx
Jonathan Mcjunkin, and and Esophagus 1448
Sunitha Sequeira Douglas B. Chepeha
Section 3: Oral Cavity Section 5: Larynx
CHAPTER 89 Physiology of the Oral Cavity 1200 CHAPTER 106 Diagnostic Imaging of the Larynx 1462
Joseph B. Travers, Susan P. Travers, Franz J. Wippold, II
and James M . Christian
CHAPTER 107 Malignant Tumors of the Larynx 1482
CHAPTER 90 Mechanisms of Normal and
Abnormal Swallowing 1215 William B. Armstrong, David E. Vokes,
and Robert H. Maisel
Jeri A. Logemann
CHAPTER 108 Management of Early Glottic Cancer 1512
CHAPTER 91 Oral Mucosal Lesions 1222
Henry T. Hoffman, T im A. Iseli,
James J. Sciubba
Lucy H . Karnell, Timothy M. McCulloch,
CHAPTER 92 Oral Manifestations of John M . Buatti, and Gerry F. Funk
Systemic Diseases 1245
CHAPTER 109 Transoral Laser Mlcroresection of
Jonathan A. Ship and Michael D . Turner Advanced Laryngeal Tumors 1525
CHAPTER 93 Odontogenesls, Odontogenic Cysts, and Michael L. Hinni, John R. Salassa, and
Odontogenic Tumors 1259
Bruce W. Pearson
John W Hellstein CHAPTER 110 Conservation Laryngeal Surgery 1539
CHAPTER 94 Temporomandibular Joint Disorders 1279
Gregory S. Weinstein, Ollivier Laccourreye,
Bruce E. Rotter Christopher H . Rassekh, Ralph P. Tufano,
CHAPTER 95 Benign Tumors and Tumor-Like Lesions and Niels Kokot
of the Oral Cavity 1287 CHAPTER 111 Total Laryngectomy and
Timothy S. Lian Laryngopharyngectomy 1563

CHAPTER 96 Malignant Neoplasms of the Oral Cavity 1293 Christopher H. Rassekh and
Bruce H . Haughey
Richard O. Wein, James P. Malone,
and Randal S. Weber CHAPTER 112 Radiation Therapy for the Larynx
and Hypopharynx 1577
CHAPTER 97 Reconstruction of the Mandible 1319
Alice Cheuk and Parvesh Kumar
Brian Nussenbaum
Contents xxxix

CHAPTER 113 Vocal and Speech Rehabilitation CHAPTER 120 Radiation Therapy and Management
Following Laryngectomy 1594 of the Cervical lymph Nodes and
Malignant Skull Base Tumors 1682
Frans ]. M . H ilgers and
M ichiel W. M . van den Brekel Vincent Gregoi re and Nancy Lee
CHAPTER 114 Diagnosis and Management of CHAPTER 121 Neck Dissection 1702
Tracheal Neoplasms 1611 K. Thomas Robbins, Sandeep Samant,
Chadrick D enl inger and and Ohad Ronen
G . Alexander Patterson CHAPTER 122 Complications of Neck Surgery 1726
Section 6: Neck Frederick C. Roediger and David W Eisele
CHAPTER 115 Penetrating and Blunt Trauma
SectIon 7: Thyroid/Parathyroid
to the Neck 1625
CHAPTER 123 Disorders of the Thyroid Gland 1735
D avid B. H o m and Robe n H . Maisel
Phillip K. Pellitteri, Steven lng, and
CHAPTER 116 Differential Diagnosis of Neck Masses 1636
Brian Jameson
Amy Chen and Kristen ]. O tto 1750
CHAPTER 124 Management of Thyroid Neoplasms
CHAPTER 117 Ultrasound Imaging of the Neck 1643
Stephen Y. Lai, Susan J. Mandel, and
Mikhail Vays berg and David L. Steward Randal S. Weber
CHAPTER 118 Neoplasms of the Neck 1656 CHAPTER 125 Management of Parathyroid Disorders 1773
Terry A. Day, Luke Buchmann, Phillip K. Pellitte ri , Robert A. Sofferman,
Zoran Rumboldt, and John K. Joe and Gregory W Randolph
CHAPTER 119 Lymphomas Presenting in the Head CHAPTER 126 Management of Thyroid Eye Disease
and Neck 1673 (Graves' Ophthalmopathy) 1806
Nancy L. Bartlett Douglas A. Girod and Richard D. Wemer

Part 7: Otology, Neuro-otology, and Skull Base Surgery Editor: John K. Nil'arko

Section 1: Basic Science CHAPTER 135 Neuroradiology of the Temporal Bone and
Skull Base 1916
CHAPTER 127 Anatomy of the Temporal Bone,
External Ear, and Middle Ear 1821 Frank M . Warren, C lough Shelton, and
Howard W Francis Richard H. W iggins, III

CHAPTER 128 Anatomy of the Auditory System 1831 CHAPTER 136 Interventlonal Neuroradlology of the Skull
Base, Head, and Neck 1932
Christina L. Runge-Samuelson and
Richard E. Latchaw and Sheri L. Albers
David R. Friedland
CHAPTER 129 Physiology of the Auditory System 1838 Section 3: External Ear
Wade Chien and D an iel J. Lee CHAPTER 137 Infections of the External Ear 1944

CHAPTER 130 Anatomy of the Vestibular System 1850 Joel Guss and M ichael J . Ruckenstein

Anna Lysakowski CHAPTER 138 Topical Therapies of External

Ear Disorders 1950
CHAPTER 131 Anatomy and Physiology of the
Eustachian Tube 1866 Joyce Colton H ouse and Daniel ]. Lee

Robert C. O 'Reilly and Isamu Sando Section 4: Middle Ear. Mastoid, and Temporal Bone
CHAPTER 132 Neural Plasticity In Otology 1876 CHAPTER 139 Chronic Otitis Media, Mastoiditis,
and Petrositis 1963
Robert V. Harrison
Richard A. C hole and Holger H. Sudhoff
Section 2: Diagnostic Assessment
CHAPTER 140 Complications of Temporal
CHAPTER 133 Diagnostic Audiology 1887 Bone Infections 1979
Paul R. Kileny and Teresa A. Zwolan Hussam K. EI-Kashlan , Lee A. H arker,
CHAPTER 134 Electrophysiologlc Assessment Clough Shelton , Nafi Aygun, and
of Hearing 1904 John K. Niparko
Carolyn J. Brown and Tiffany A. Johnson
xl Contents

CHAPTER 141 Tympanoplasty and Ossiculoplasty 1999 CHAPTER 144 Otosclerosis 2028
Meredith E. Adams and John W House and
Hussam K. EI-Kashlan Calhoun D. Cunningham, III
CHAPTER 142 Mastoidectomy 2009 CHAPTER 145 Management of Temporal Bone Trauma 2036
Paul R. Lambert Hilary A. Brodie
CHAPTER 143 Clinical Assessment and Surgical
Treatment of Conductive Hearing Loss 2017 Index

Alejandro 1. Torres and Douglas D. Backous

Volume Three

Part 7: Otology, Neuro-otology, and Skull Base Surgery-cont'd EdifOr.- John K. Niparko

Section 5: Inner Ear CHAPER 158 Cochlear Implantation: Patient Evaluation

and Device Selection 2219
CHAPTER 146 Cochlear Transduction and the Molecular
Basis of Auditory Pathology 2049 P. Ashley Wackym and
JoAnn McGee and Edward J. Walsh Christina L. Runge-Samuelson
CHAPTER 147 Genetic Sensorineural Hearing Loss 2086 CHAPTER 159 Cochlear Implantation: Medical and
Surgical Considerations 2234
Michael S. Hildebrand, Murad Husein,
and Richard J. H . Smith Thomas J. Balkany, Kevin D. Brown,
and Bruce J. Gantz
CHAPTER 148 OtolOgiC Manifestations of
Systemic Disease 2100 CHAPTER 160 Cochlear Implants: Results, Outcomes,
Rehabilitation, and Education 2243
Saumil N. Merchant and
Joseph B. Nadol, Jr. Charles J. Limb, Howard W Francis,
Sue Archbold, Gerard O 'Donoghue, and
CHAPTER 149 Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Adults 2116
John K. Niparko
H. Alexander Arts CHAPTER 161 Central Neural Auditory Prosthesis 2258
CHAPTER 150 Tinnitus and Hyperacusls 2131
Robert J. S. Briggs
Carol A. Bauer CHAPTER 162 Hearing Aids: Strategies of Amplification 2265
CHAPTER 151 Noise-Induced Hearing Loss 2140
Brad A. Stach and
Brenda L. Lonsbury-Martin and Virginia Ramachandran
Glen K. Martin
Section 7: Vestibular Disorders
CHAPTER 152 Infections of the Labyrinth 2153
CHAPTER 163 Principles of Applied Vestibular
Larry E. Davis Physiology 2276
CHAPTER 153 Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease 2164 John P. Carey and Charles C. Della Santina
Steven D. Rauch, Marc A. Cohen, and CHAPTER 164 Evaluation of the Patient with Dizziness 2305
Michael J. Ruckenstein
Timothy E. Hullar, David S. Zee, and
CHAPTER 154 Vestibular and Auditory Ototoxicity 2169 Lloyd B. Minor
Leonard P. Rybak CHAPTER 165 Peripheral Vestibular Disorders 2328
CHAPTER 155 Pharmacologic and Molecular Therapies Benjamin T. Crane, David A. Schessel,
of the Cochlear and Vestibular Labyrinth 2179
Julian Nedzelski, and Lloyd B. Minor
Anil K. Lalwani and John F. McGuire CHAPTER 166 Central Vestibular Disorders 2346
CHAPTER 156 Otologic Symptoms and Syndromes 2194
Benjamin T. Crane, Scott D. Z. Eggers,
Carol A. Bauer and Herman A. Jenkins David S. Zee, and Robert W Baloh
CHAPTER 167 Surgery for Vestibular Disorders 2359
Section 6: Auditory Prosthetic Stimulation, Devices,
and Rehabilitative Audiology Steven A. Telian
CHAPTER 157 Implantable Hearing Aids 2203 CHAPTER 168 Vestibular and Balance Rehabilitation:
Lawrence R. Lustig and Program Essentials 2372
Charles C. Della Santin a Neil T. Shepard, Steven A. Telian, and
Audrey B. Erman
Contents xII

Sectfon 8: Facial Nerve Disorders CHAPTER 175 Transnasal Endoscopic-Assisted Surgery

of the Anterior Skull Base 2471
CHAPTER 169 Tests of Facial Nerve Function 2381
Aldo Cassol Stamm and
Rodney C. Diaz and Robert A. Dobie Shirley S. N. Pignatari
CHAPTER 170 Clinical Disorders of the Facial Nerve 2391 CHAPTER 176 Temporal Bone Neoplasms and Lateral
Douglas E. Mattox Cranial Base Surgery 2487

CHAPTER 171 Intratemporal Facial Nerve Surgery 2403 Michael Marsh and Herman A. Jenkins
Bruce J. Gantz, Jay T. Rubinstein, CHAPTER 177 Neoplasms of the Posterior Fossa 2514
Ravi N. Samy, and Samuel P. Gubbels Derald E. Brackmann and
CHAPTER 172 Rehabilitation of Facial Paralysis 2416 Moises A. Arriaga
James M. Ridgway, Roger L. Crumley, CHAPTER 178 Intraoperative Monitoring of Cranial
Nerves in Neurotologic Surgery 2542
and Jason H. Kim
Yasmine A. Ashram and
Section 9: Cranial Base
Charles D. Yingling
CHAPTER 173 Surgical Anatomy of the Lateral
CHAPTER 179 Stereotactic Radiation Therapy of
Skull Base 2434
Benign Tumors of the Cranial Base 2557
Oswaldo Laercio M. Cruz
D. Bradley Welling and Mark D. Packer
CHAPTER 174 Surgery of the Anterior and Middle
Cranial Base 2442
Colin D. Pero, Frank Culicchia,
Rohan R. Walvekar, Bert W O'Malley, Jr.,
and Daniel W N uss

Section 1: General CHAPTER l Velopharyngeal Dysfunction 2676

\ General Considerations in Pediatric Harlan Muntz, Marshall E. Smith, and

Otolaryngologic Surgery 2569 Cara Sauder
J. Scott McMurray C. APTER 1 Congenital Malformations of the Nose 2686
CHAPTER 1 ·· Anatomy and Developmental Embryology Ravindhra G. Elluru and
of the Neck 2577
Christopher T. Wootten
Daniel O. Graney and Kathleen C. Y. Sie CHAPT£R 1 Pediatric Facial Fractures 2697
CHAPTER 1 Anesthesia in Pediatric Otolaryngology 2587 Peter J. Koltai and Paul R. Krakovitz
Veronica C. Swanson, Heike Gries, and
Section 3: Hearing Loss and Pediatric Otology
Jeffrey Koh
Early Detection and Diagnosis of Infant
C -APTER 1 Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome 2602 Hearing Impairment 2718
Laura M. Srerni and David E. Tunkel Susan]. Norton, Prabhat K. Bhama,
Section 2: Craniofacial and Jonathan A. Perkins
! Characteristics of Normal and Abnormal CHAPTER :I Congenital Malformations of the
Postnatal Craniofacial Growth and Inner Ear 2726
Development 2613
Robert K. Jackler
Frederick K. Kozak and CHAPTER 192 Microtia Reconstruction 2741
Juan Camilo Ospina
Craig S. Murakami, Vito C. Quatela,
CHAPTER 1 Craniofacial Surgery for Congenital and Kathleen C. Y. Sie, and Joseph Shvidler
Acquired Deformities 2638
CHAPTER 193 Reconstruction of the Auditory Canal
Jonathan Z. Baskin and and Tympanum 2752
Sherard A. Tatum, III
Antonio De la Cruz and Karen B. Teufert
CI.fAV'ER:I - Cleft Lip and Palate 2659
Oren Friedman, Tom D. Wang,
and Henry A. Milczuk
xlii Contents

CHA "'T[ q l ' Acute Otitis Media and Otitis Media with CHAPTER 203 Voice Disorders 2876
Effusion 2761
Sukgi S. Choi and George H. Zalzal
Margaretha L. Casselbrant and
CHAPT ~n 2v4 Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis 2884
Ellen M. Mandel
Craig S. Derkay and Russell A. Faust
Section 4: Infections and Inflammation
CHAPTER 205 Evaluation and Management of the
Pediatric Chronic Sinusitis 2778 Stridulous Child 2896
Rodney P. Lusk David Albert, Simone Boardman,
" .... 1\ Tf p 1 Pharyngitis and Adenotonsillar Disease 2782 and Marlene Soma
W. PeytOn Shirley, Audie L. Woolley, CH1.PTER 2')6 Glottic and Subglottic Stenosis 2912
and Brian J. Wiatrak George H. Zalzal and Robin T. Cotton
l ~"A",rE P 1 Infections of the Airway in Children 2803 "HAPTER 207 Diagnosis and Management of Tracheal
Anomalies and Tracheal Stenosis 2925
NewtOn O. Duncan
Greg R. Licameli and Mark A. Richardson
Section 5: Head and Neck
CHAPTER 208 Foreign Bodies of the Airway
Differential Diagnosis of Neck Masses 2812 and Esophagus 2935
Ralph F. Wetmore and Lauren D. Holinger and
William P. Potsic Sheri A. Poznanovic
Cr 14 ,no" 1 Vascular Anomalies of the Head CHl\PT.r~ 209 Gastroesophageal Reflux and
and Neck 2822 Laryngeal Disease 2944
Jonathan A. Perkins and Eunice Y. Chen Philippe Contencin,
CHAPTE 2 Pediatric Head and Neck Malignancies 2835 Thierry Van den Abbeele, and
Carol]. MacArthur and Natacha Teissier
Richard]. H. Smith CHf\PTER 210 Aspiration and Swallowing Disorders 2948
()-i " rE.ti .: Salivary Gland Disease in Children 2850 David J. Brown, Maureen A. LeftOn-Greif,
Gresham T. Richter, David L. Wainer, and Stacey Ishman
and Charles M. Myer, III CHIIPFR 211. Caustic Ingestion 2956

Section 6: Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, and Esophagus Glenn B. Williams, Rose Mary S. StOcks,
J. Dale Browne, and James N. Thompson
Congenital Disorders of the Larynx 2866
Anna H. Messner Index

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