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Bronchial Asthma

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The key takeaways are that asthma is a chronic inflammatory airway disease treated long term with controllers to reduce inflammation and prevent symptoms and quick relief medications are used for symptom relief. Treatment depends on severity.

The main drug classifications for asthma include bronchodilators like beta-2 agonists and anticholinergics, and anti-inflammatory agents like corticosteroids, mast cell stabilizers, and leukotriene modifiers.

The main devices for delivering asthma medications include metered dose inhalers, nebulizers, and dry powder inhalers.



Dr. Shrinivas R Raikar

Asst. Professor
 Definition
 Drug classification
 Individual drugs and mechanism of action
 Choice of treatment
 Aerosol drug delivery
 Drugs to be avoided
 Conclusion
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder
of the airways.
1.Hyper responsiveness

3.Mucus plugs

4.Reversible airway obstruction

Drugs used in Bronchial Asthma

 Sympathomimetics - β2 agonists
 Anticholinergics -Ipratropium,
- Tiotropium
 methylxanthines - Theophylline, Aminophylline
2.Anti-inflammatory agents
1. Corticosteroids
2. Mast Cell Stabilizers
3. Leukotriene Modulators
4. Monoclonal Anti-lgE Antibody - Omalizumab
Drugs used in Bronchial Asthma
1. Selective β2- Agonists 2. Non-selective
Short acting Sympathomimetics
 Salbutamol  Adrenaline
 Terbutaline  Ephedrine,
 Remiterol  Isoprenaline.
 Fenoterol

 Salmeterol,
 Formoterol,
 Bambuterol.
1. β2-Selective adrenoceptor agonist
 most widely used drugs .
1. Short acting:- Salbutamol,Terbutaline
used only for acute attack
1. Long acting:- Salmeterol, Formeterol
used for only prophlaxis
β2 receptor agonist-mechanism of

Stimulation of Intracellular
β2-receptors cAMP

Bronchial smooth
muscle relaxation
Selective β2 receptor agonists
1. Route of administration:
 Usually delivered via a metered dose inhaler with
immediate effect
 i.v used for acute attack.
 S.C. (terbutaline)
 Nebulization
Selective β2 receptor agonists
2. Adverse effect:
 Cardiac arrhythmias (at high dose has β1
 Tolerance to β agonist action.

 Skeletal muscle tremors.

Non-selective Sympathomimetics

 Agonist of α and β receptor
 Adverse effect of cardiovascular system likeTachycardia,
Hypertension, Worsening of angina and even arrhythmias.
 less used
 S.C. injection( 0.5 ml of 1:1000 adrenaline)
Muscarinic antagonist - ipratropium
 Quaternary derivative of atropine
 Act by competitive blocking of muscarinic receptors
(M3 subtype) in brochioles
 Also decrease mucus gland secretion
 Reverses acute bronchospasm and vagally mediated
 Ineffective in allergen or exercise induced asthma
Ipratropium bromide - use

 Alternative in patients with β2 agonist allergy

 DOC for bronchospasm due to β blocker medication.

 Adjunct in moderate to severe asthma

MDI – 18mcg/puff; 2-4 puffs every 6 hour

Route of administration: Metered dose inhalers

Tiotropium bromide
 Long acting ( action last 24 hours)
 Patients of asthmatic bronchitis, COPD and
psycogenic asthma
Mechanism of action :

1.Inhibit activity of PDE cAMP bronchial

2. cAMP 5AMP

3. Inhibition of the cell surface receptor of adenosine

 Metabolised by P450 enzyme system
 Microsomal enzyme inhibitor

Route of administration: Orally( 200mg, 300mg TDS)

Adverse effects
 It has a narrow therapeutic index
 Its therapeutic and toxic effects are related to its plasma
 <20mg/L: Nausea, vomiting, headache, anxiety,
abdominal discomfort.
 20-40mg/L: Arrhythmia
Anti-inflammatory drugs
Targets of anti-nflammatory drugs

 Mechanism:
1. Depress the inflammatory response in bronchial mucosa
thus diminish bronchial hyperresponsiveness.

2. Anti-inflammatory effect (inhibit phospholypaseA2)

3. Immunosuppressive effect.
Glucocorticoids -Route of administration

 Metered dose inhaler: (deeply & slowly inhale)
 Budesonide 200 to 400 µg BD or QID
 Beclomethasone 50µg or 100µg per meter dose

 Intravenous used for: severe asthma, status
asthmaticus (hydrocortisone 100 mg 8th hourly)
 oral- prednisolone ( 10mg BD)
Inhlational steroids – side effects
 Cough

 Dysphonia

 Oralcanidiasis
 Minimised by using inhalation chamber and mouth
 May occur with high dose therapy
 Adrenal suppresssion, osteoporosis etc.
Mast cell stabilizers

 Drugs
 Sodium Cromoglycate, Nedocromil, Ketotifen

 Modulate mast cell mediator release

 Decrease eosinophil recruitment
 Inhibit both early and late responses to allergen
challenge and exercise induced asthma
Mast cell stabilizers
Dose and route
 Cromolyn – 800mcg per puff ( 2-4 puffs 4 times a day)
 Ketotifen ( oral dose 1 to 2 mg BD)

 Long term control medications that prevent
asthma symptoms
 Improve air way function in mild persistent asthma
 May help to reduce the dose of steroids
Leukotriene modifiers
Drugs :
 5-Lipoxygenase inhibitor: Zileuton
Mechanism :
 Block leukotriene production
 Block lipo-oxygenase enzyme

Use :
 Alternatives to low dose steroids in mild persistent

Leukotriene modifiers
 LT-receptor Antagonists: Zafirlukast, Montelukast.
 Block receptors LT1 receptors and block the effects of
LTC4, LTD4, and LTE4.
 Alternatives to low dose steroids in mild

persistent asthma for prophlaxis

 Allergic rhinitis
dose and Adverse efffects
 Zileuton - 600mg QID
 reversible elevation of aminotransferases
 Montelukast - 10mg OD in evening
 A/E
 Churgstrass syndrome
Monoclonal anti IgE antibody
Mechanism of action:
 Prevents the binding of IgE to mast cell & thus prevents
mast cell degranulation
Rout of administration:
 i.v or s.c
Side effects:
 Redness, stinging, itching, induration.
Choice of treatment

1. Mild episodic asthma

Inhaled short-acting beta2 agonist at onset of each episode
2. Seasonal asthma
start regular inhaled cromoglycate/low dose
inhaled steroid(200-400µg/day) 3-4 wks before
anticipated seasonal attacks continue till 3-4 wks
after the season is over treat individual episodes
with inhaled short acting β2 agonist.
3. Mild chronic asthma with occasional
regular inhaled sodium cromoglycate, short acting β2

4. Moderate asthma with frequent

increase doses of steroid (up to 800μg/day) +inhaled
long acting β2 agonist(step-3)
5. Severe asthma:

Regular high dose inhaled (steroids 800-2000μg/day)

though a large volume spacer device + inhaled long-

acting β2 agonist (salmeterol) twice daily .

6. Status asthmaticus
 Any pt of asthma has the potential to develop acute severe

asthma which may be life Threatening.

 upper respiratory tract infection is the most

common precipitant.
Status asthmaticus
 Acute severe exacerbation of asthma
charactarized by
 Severe limitation of airflow
 Increased work of breathing

 Hypoxia (low tissue pO2)

Management of status asthmaticus

 Hydrocortisone hemisuccinate 100mg I.V stat followed

by 100-200mg 4-8 hourly infusion

 Nebulized salbutamol (2.5-5mg)+ipratropium bromide

(0.5mg) intermittent inhalations driven by 02.

Management of status
 High flow humidified oxygen inhalation.

 Salbutamol/terbutaline 0.4mg i.m/s.c may be added,

since inhaled drug may not reach smaller bronchi due to

severe narrowing/plugging.

 Intubation & mechanical ventilation, if needed.

 Treat chest infection with intensive antibiotic therapy.

 Correct dehydration and acidosis with saline+sod.

bicarbonate/lactate infusion.
Aerosol Delivery of Drugs

 High local concentration in bronchioles

 Low systemic side effect.

 Increased bioavailability.

 Optimal particle size for deposition in small

airways – 1to 5μm

Aerosol Delivery Devices:

Liquid aerosols
 Metered dose inhaler (MDI)
 Nebulizer

Powdered drugs
 Dry powder inhaler (DPI), Spinhaler, Rotahaler

NEBULIZER DPI(Dry powder inhaler)
Drugs to be avoided in patient with
bronchial asthma
1. NSAIDS like aspirin, ibuprofen,diclofenac
etc.(paracetamol can be used)

2. Non selective Beta-adrenergic blockers

3. Cholinergic agents.
 Asthma is treated with two types of
 Long term control - to reduce airway
inflammation and prevent asthma
 Quick-relief medicines relieve asthma
symptoms that may flare up.
 Initial treatment will depend on severity of the


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