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Cyber Security

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The key takeaways are that cybersecurity involves protecting computers, networks and data from malicious attacks. It can be divided into categories like network security, application security, etc.

Some of the main cybersecurity risks of remote working are lack of security on home networks and devices, family members accessing work devices, and issues with video conferencing software.

The Internet of Things refers to physical devices that connect to the internet besides traditional devices. It is a growing area that increases opportunities for cybercrime. IoT devices include smart home appliances and wearables.

What is Cybersecurity?

• Cyber security is the practice of defending computers, servers,
mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from
malicious attacks. It's also known as information technology
security or electronic information security. The term applies in a
variety of contexts, from business to mobile computing, and can be
divided into a few common categories.
• Cybersecurity is the protection of internet-connected systems such
as hardware, software and data from cyber threats. The practice is
used by individuals and enterprises to protect against unauthorized
access to data centers and other computerized systems.
Trends in Cybersecurity Events
and Protection Techniques
1. Remote working cybersecurity risks
• Since the pandemic, working from home has become much more
widespread worldwide. Even once the pandemic fades, many
predict that remote working will remain prevalent across multiple
sectors. While working from home is convenient and has many
benefits, it also exposes both individuals and businesses to a range
of cybersecurity risks. That’s why it is essential to give serious
consideration to home cybersecurity. By following best practices,
you can mitigate most cybersecurity work from home threats quite
How to stay safe when working from home
• 1. Use antivirus and internet security software at home
• 2. Keep family members away from work devices
• 3. Invest in a sliding webcam cover
• 4. Use a VPN
• 5. Use a centralized storage solution
• 6. Secure your home Wi-Fi
• 7. Beware of Zoom and video conferencing
• 8. Make sure your passwords are strong and secure
• 9. Protect your online banking
• 10. Be wary of email scams and your email security
2. The Internet of Things (IoT) evolving
• The expanding Internet of Things (IoT) creates more opportunities
for cybercrime. The Internet of Things refers to physical devices
other than computers, phones, and servers, which connect to the
internet and share data. Examples of IoT devices include wearable
fitness trackers, smart refrigerators, smartwatches, and voice
assistants like Amazon Echo and Google Home. It is estimated that
by 2026, there will be 64 billion IoT
devices installed around the world. The trend towards remote
working is helping to drive this increase.
How to protect IoT systems and devices
• 1. Introduce IoT security during the design phase
• 2. PKI and digital certificates
• 3. Network security
• 4. API security
3. The Rise of Ransomware
• Ransomware isn’t a new threat – it’s been around for about two
decades – but it is a growing one. It’s estimated that there are now
over 120 separate families of ransomware, and hackers have
become very adept at hiding malicious code. Ransomware is a
relatively easy way for hackers to gain financial rewards, which is
partly behind its rise. 
Protection against ransomware – how to
prevent an infection
• 1. Never click on unsafe links
• 2. Avoid disclosing personal information
• 3. Do not open suspicious email attachments
• 4. Never use unknown USB sticks
• 5. Keep your programs and operating system up to date
• 6. Use only known download sources
• 7. Use VPN services on public Wi-Fi networks
4. Increase in cloud services and cloud security threats

• Cloud vulnerability continues to be one of the biggest cyber security

industry trends. Again, the rapid and widespread adoption of
remote working following the pandemic increased the necessity for
cloud-based services and infrastructure drastically, with security
implications for organizations.
Tips to Prevent Cloud Security Threats

• 1. Educate your employees.

• 2. Secure a data backup plan.
• 3. Who has access to the data?
• 4. Encryption is key.
• 5. Take passwords seriously.
• 6. Test, test, test.
• 7. Establish thorough cloud governance policies.
5. Social Engineering Attacks Getting Smarter

• Social engineering is the practice of using psychological techniques

to manipulate behavior. Social engineering happens by exploiting
human error and encouraging victims to act against their interests.
In information security, the social engineering definition refers to
getting people to divulge private data online like login details or
financial information.
How to prevent social engineering

• Change your spam email settings

• Research the source
• If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is
• Use reliable security software
6. Continued rise of artificial intelligence (AI)

• The sheer volume of cyber security threats is too much for humans
to handle alone. As a result, organizations are increasingly turning
to AI and machine learning to hone their security infrastructure. 
Privacy Considerations for AI

• Data accuracy
• Data protection
• Data control
7. Multi-factor authentication improving

• Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is regarded as the gold standard

of authentication. However, malicious actors are finding new ways
to bypass it – specifically, authentication carried out via SMS or
phone calls
How to Enhance Your Security Through
Multi-Factor Authentication

• The Problem with Traditional Security Methods

• Adding MFA to an IT Security Strategy
• Risks and Limitations of MFA
• Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication Effectively
• Helping Businesses Secure Their IT Environments
8. Mobile cybersecurity becoming front and center

• The trend towards remote working is also accelerating the growth

of mobile. For remote workers, it’s normal to switch between a
range of mobile devices, such as tablets and phones, using 
public Wi-Fi networks and remote collaboration tools. As a result,
mobile threats continue to grow and evolve. The ongoing rollout of
5G technology also creates potential security vulnerabilities which,
as they become known, will need to be patched.
How to Make Your Mobile Phone Safe
and Secure 

• Passwords Are the Key

• Use Antivirus Software
• Never Connect to Open or Free WiFi Networks
• Never Engage With Suspicious Websites or Apps
Skill Qualifications of Cybersercurity

• responsible for protecting IT • Set and implement user access

infrastructure, edge devices, controls and identity and access
networks, and data. management systems
• Monitor network and application
performance to identify and
irregular activity
• Perform regular audits to ensure
security practices are compliant
• Deploy endpoint detection and
prevention tools to thwart
malicious hacks
• Problem-Solving Skills - need to find • Fundamental Computer Forensics Skills - having
creative ways to take on and a foundation in computer forensics can help you
address complex information excel in your cybersecurity career to be able to
security challenges effectively protect organizations' digital assets.
• Desire to Learn -  need to be committed to
• Technical Aptitude - Ability to keeping current with best practices and
reason with logic emerging industry trends.
• Knowledge of Security Across • Understanding of Hacking - To effectively protect
Various Platforms - cybersecurity an organization's network and infrastructure,
isn't just limited to computers you'll need to know how they can be exploited
in the first place
• Attention to Detail – requires to be • Communication Skills - t's important to be able
highly vigilant and detail-oriented, to effectively communicate and explain your
in order to effectively detect findings, concerns, and solutions to others
vulnerabilities and risks. 


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