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FPL Bayfront

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THIS SOLAR LICENSE AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made this ____ day of

____________, 2018 (“Effective Date”), by and between the City of Miami, Florida, a
municipal corporation of the State of Florida (“Licensor” or “City”) and Florida Power & Light
Company, a Florida corporation (“Licensee or “FPL”). City and FPL are sometimes
individually referred to herein as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.”


WHEREAS, City is the fee simple owner of that certain real property located in the City
of Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida, as more particularly described on Exhibit A attached
hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (“Property”); and

WHEREAS, within and upon the Property, City desires to permit FPL to utilize areas
depicted on Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (“Licensed
Premises”) upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement; and

WHEREAS, FPL desires to license the Licensed Premises from City, and City desires to
license the Licensed Premises to FPL, for the installation of certain renewable energy generating
equipment, including, without limitation, solar panels, solar canopy structures, electrical power
inverters, interconnection equipment, electrical wiring, underground conduit, collection lines,
wire management systems, charging stations, batteries, electric meters, metering and switch
cabinets, power distribution boxes and racking systems, steel structures, fabric curtains, curtain
deployment systems, cabling, foundation, cladding, lighting, and signage (individually and
collectively, the “Equipment”) as more particularly described and depicted on the attached
Exhibit C, upon the terms and conditions set forth herein, which Equipment, upon installation,
shall be made available for use by the public, including City staff, as a public facility, but
shall be the personal property of FPL.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and for
other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby
acknowledged, the Parties hereby agree as follows:

Terms and Conditions:

1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by
this reference.

2. Licensed Premises. City hereby licenses the Licensed Premises to FPL, and FPL
hereby licenses the Licensed Premises from City, upon the terms, covenants and conditions set
forth in this Agreement.

3. Use. The Licensed Premises shall be used by FPL for the purposes of
constructing, installing, operating, inspecting, maintaining, repairing, enlarging, modifying,
removing, testing and replacing the Equipment for solar power purposes, and any additional

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equipment required to generate, measure, and transmit solar power, but for no other utility
purposes, together with the following rights:

(a) Access. At all times during the Term (as defined in Section 5 below)
during the regular operation hours of the Property, FPL, FPL Parties (as defined in Section 6
below) and/or any persons specifically designated by FPL shall have access to the Licensed
Premises, including the right of ingress and egress to and from the Licensed Premises; provided
however, in the event of an emergency requiring immediate access to repair or mitigate damage
to the Equipment, FPL and/or FPL Parties shall have twenty-four (24) hours-a-day, seven (7)
days-a-week access to the Licensed Premises. FPL Parties shall not unreasonably interfere with
City’s use and operation on the Property, inclusive of public’s enjoyment of Bayfront Park, or
the enjoyment of events at Bayfront Park .

(b) Signage. The right, at FPL’s sole cost and expense, to install signage on
and around the Equipment (to the extent allowed by applicable law) similar to the form depicted
in Exhibit C for any and/or all of the following purposes: (i) identifying FPL’s ownership of the
Equipment and prominently displaying FPL’s corporate name, trade name(s), trademark(s), and
logo(s) on the Equipment and all structures supporting the Equipment; (ii) describing the
Equipment and its purpose and operation to interested parties accessing the Licensed Premises
(i.e. telling the distributed solar generation story); (iii) instructing parties accessing the Licensed
Premises to use caution so as not to damage the Equipment; and (iv) provide all necessary safety
and hazard warnings. As necessary and appropriate, safety signage shall be installed, which
signage shall be for the limited purpose of advising the public of any hazards that may exists in
or around the Equipment. Such signage shall be removed by FPL upon the final removal of the
Equipment from the Licensed Premises in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Subject
to Section 8(a) below, City shall have the right, at City’s sole cost and expense to co-brand on
FPL’s signage, provided that City first obtains FPL’s prior written consent, which FPL may
approve or withhold such consent in its absolute and sole discretion.
City hereby further grants to FPL the exclusive license and right to name the Equipment
located on the Demised Premises, together with the existing and future stage, amphitheater and
seating area located on and around the Demised Premises (collectively, the “Venue”) pursuant to
the terms hereunder (“Name”). FPL will be entitled to have certain signage or other forms of
exposure of such Name placed on the Venue exterior (collectively, the “Venue Signage”). The
appearance and location of the Venue Signage will be mutually agreed upon by the Parties. FPL
shall have the right to change the Name from time to time in FPL’s sole discretion. The Name
and Venue Signage referred to in this section will be the sole and exclusive naming and signage
rights for the Venue, and permitted on the exterior of the Venue.

Within sixty (60) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement, the Parties shall use
commercially reasonable efforts to negotiate a mutually acceptable amendment to this
Agreement allowing FPL the right, at FPL’s sole cost and expense, to install programmable
signage capable of scrolling images and messages (“Programmable Signage”) on and around
the Equipment, to the extent allowed by applicable law, including FPL’s right use the
Programmable Signage for advertising.
FPL will comply with City and County Sign Codes.

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(c) Power Monitoring. The right to incidental access and use of City’s
electrical systems for purposes of powering FPL’s computer equipment used in monitoring the
power generated from the Equipment at the Licensed Premises. Additionally, if, and so long as,
City provides an internet access system for use by guests and other visitors to the Property, City
will permit FPL to use, at no cost to FPL, such internet access system in connection with FPL’s
power monitoring system described in the preceding sentence, and City shall provide FPL with
the necessary access codes and other necessary information to use such internet access system;
provided, however, City does not warrant the stability, security or continuous operation of any
such internet access system.

(d) Construction Laydown Area. During the Construction Term (as defined
in Section 5 (a) below), a temporary construction and laydown lease on, over, under, through and
across that portion of the Property described and depicted on the attached Exhibit B-1, which
exhibit is incorporated herein by this reference (“Construction Laydown Area”) for the
placement and storage of materials and equipment incidental to FPL’s use granted herein. Within
thirty (30) days after completion of construction of the Equipment, but in no event later than the
end of the Construction Term, FPL shall remove its materials and equipment stored on
Construction Laydown Area and return the surface of the Construction Laydown Area to
substantially the same condition as it existed prior to FPL’s use thereof.

(e) Electric Utility Easement. City shall grant FPL an approximately twenty
foot (20’) by twenty foot (20’) utility easement but not more than ______in a mutually agreeable
location in, on, over, under, through and across a portion of the Property to be identified by the
Parties in the form attached hereto as Exhibit F.

(f) Change in Use. City shall not change the current use of the Demised
Premises as an amphitheater without FPL’s prior written consent, which shall not be
unreasonably refused, conditioned or delayed. .

(g) Promotional Materials. In the event City desires to use the Name, FPL
name, and/or FPL’s trade names, trademarks and service marks (collectively, the “FPL’s
Marks”) in its advertising or promotion of the Venue and/or the Property, or any event located at
the Venue and/or the Property during the Term, City must first obtain FPL’s prior written
approval before designing and implementing any such marketing, advertising, press releases, or
other promotional materials (collectively, the “Promotional Materials”) related to the
Equipment, the Venue, the Property, or the FPL’s Marks. If Owner does not approve or reject
such Promotional Materials in writing within fourteen (14) days after its receipt of request for
approval by City, FPL shall be deemed to have rejected such request. Any use of the approved
Promotional Materials shall conform to the guidelines provided to City by FPL.

4. Licensor’s Rights. FPL agrees to never claim any interest or estate of any kind or
extent whatsoever to or in the Licensed Premises by virtue of this License or the occupancy or
use hereunder. FPL's use of the Licensed Premises shall always be subordinate to City's rights to
and in the Licensed Premises. City hereby reserves the right to enter upon the Licensed Premises
at any time and for any purposes and FPL shall notify its employees, agents, contractors,
subcontractors, FPLs, and invitees accordingly. City, its employees and contractors are not and

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shall not be responsible or liable for any injury, damage or loss to FPL resulting from FPL's use
of the Licensed Premises, unless caused by City's negligence or misconduct, in which City's
liability shall be limited in accordance with the limits set forth in Fla. Stat. § 768.28.

5. Term.

(a) Construction Term. The initial construction term of this Agreement

shall commence on the Effective Date and continue for eighteen (18) months (“Initial
Construction Term”), unless FPL is then actively engaged in constructing or installing the
Equipment, in which case the Initial Construction Term shall automatically extend, upon the
same terms and conditions as set forth herein, for an additional six (6) months (“Extended
Construction Term”). The Extended Construction Term shall end twenty-four (24) months after
the Effective Date unless before that date FPL notifies City that FPL elects to terminate this
Agreement or that the Commercial Operations Date has occurred. The Initial Construction Term
and Extended Construction Term, if any, are hereafter collectively referred to as the
“Construction Term”. For purposes of this Agreement, “Operations Date” shall mean the date
on which the Equipment becomes operational as determined by FPL. For the purposes of this
section, “operational” means the date on which FPL has (i) received any and all approvals,
licenses, and permits necessary to operate the Equipment, (ii) the Equipment is installed on the
Licensed Premises and is connected to the electric transformer, and (iii) the Equipment is
generating solar power. City shall have the right, but not the obligation, to terminate this
Agreement with respect the Licensed Premises if FPL fails to complete FPL's construction of the
Equipment on the Licensed Premises and such equipment is not operational within the
Construction Term. There shall be no recourse against the City form a termination in accordance
with this Section.

(b) Operating Term. The “Operating Term” of this Agreement shall

commence on the day immediately following the last day of the Construction Term, and continue
for a term ending on the twenty-fifth (25th) anniversary of the Commercial Operations Date. The
Operating Term and the Construction Term are collectively referred to herein as the “Term.” In
the event the Term expires on any day other than the last day of the calendar year, the Term shall
be automatically extended to expire on December 31 of the final year of the Term.

6. Installation and Location of Equipment. From and after the Effective Date,
FPL, as well as any permitting, licensing, regulating or approving entity, agency or authority,
and agents, employees, contractors, subcontractors, consultants and representatives of each
(collectively, the “Licensee Parties”), shall have ingress, egress and access to the Licensed
Premises during regular operating times of the Property, unless otherwise agreed in writing by
the City, and except in the case of emergency repairs as set forth above in Section 3(a), during
the Term, for and including to inspect, construct, install, maintain, repair, modify, remove,
replace, test and operate the Equipment. City shall cooperate as necessary with FPL (at no cost to
City) in FPL’s efforts to obtain all permits, licenses, and approvals necessary for the installation
and operation of the Equipment. Except as otherwise expressly set forth herein, FPL shall have
no right to access or utilize any other portion of the Property other than the Licensed Premises.
FPL may locate and install the Equipment on the Licensed Premises as is reasonably necessary
in order to achieve optimal solar power generation, provided that the FPL's installation of the

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Equipment does not have a material adverse impact on the City's facilities, as reasonably
determined by the City. Installation of the Equipment shall be in compliance with all applicable
laws, codes, and ordinances and shall not result in the imposition of any fine, penalty, notice of
violation, or the creation of a lien against any portion of the Licensed Premises.

7. License Fee. FPL shall pay a fee to City annually, in advance, on or before July
15 of each year during the Term the amount of Ten and No/100 Dollars (“License Fee”). In the

event the Term commences on a date other than July 15th, FPL shall pay City upon
commencement of the Term an amount equal to the pro-rata portion of the applicable License
Fee for such partial annual period. License Fee shall be payable to City electronically per the
attached Exhibit D, which exhibit is incorporated herein by this reference. In the event this
Agreement expires or is terminated at a time other than on the last day of an annual period, then
License Fee shall be pro-rated as of the date of this Agreement’s expiration or earlier termination
for any reason (other than an uncured and continuing default by FPL) and all prepaid License
Fee that has not yet accrued shall be immediately refunded to FPL.

8. Interference. During the Term, City shall not Interfere, or cause or permit to be
caused any Interference, with the Equipment. For purposes of this Agreement “Interfere” and
“Interference” shall mean interference with FPLFPL’s use, operation, access, maintenance or
repair of the Equipment on a sustained basis as a result of City’s direct or indirect actions,
including without limitation the following:

(a) Placement of any equipment, sign, logo, seal, structure, or improvements

on, across, under or over any portion of the Equipment without the prior written consent of FPL,
which FPL may approve or withhold such consent in its absolute and sole discretion;

(b) Placement of any equipment, sign, logo, seal, structure or improvements in

a location that interferes with any portion of the Equipment’s exposure to sunlight, as determined
by FPL in its sole but reasonable discretion;

(c) Interference in any way with any portion of the Equipment’s ability to
generate solar power, as determined by FPL in its sole discretion;

(d) Causing any portion of the Equipment to become subject to any lien,
mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement, mechanics lien or other such encumbrance not
caused by FPL;

(e) Causing any portion of the Licensed Premises to be maintained, altered,

modified, repaired, replaced or compromised in such a way that it can no longer support the
Equipment or any portion of the Equipment or the use of any portion the Equipment is impaired,
as determined by FPL in its sole but reasonable discretion;

(f) Causing disruption with FPL’s access to any portion of the Licensed
Premises, except as otherwise expressly permitted by this Agreement; and/or

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(g) Sale, transfer, assignment, lease or sub-lease any portion of the Licensed
Premises, other than subject to City’s obligations under this Agreement.

In the event of that City Interferes or causes Interference, FPL will provide City with a
written summary documenting such Interference (“Interference Notice”). In the event City is in
violation of any of the above-listed items in this section, and such violation continues for
thirty (30) days or more following FPL’s delivery of an Interference Notice, then in addition to
the rights granted FPL under Section 21 below, FPL may elect to terminate this Agreement
immediately upon delivering written notice to City.

9. Mechanics’ Liens.

(a) Licensee’s Actions. Installation of the Equipment on the Licensed

Premises shall not result in the imposition or creation of a lien against any portion of the
Property. If any mechanic’s, contractor’s or material supplier’s lien is asserted against all or any
part of the Property in connection with FPL’s installation, construction or operation of the
Equipment or any related activities, FPL shall indemnify City against any loss, claim, damage or
expense, including attorneys’ fees, that City may incur in connection with such assertion of such
lien, and, if any notice or statement of lien is filed or recorded in any public office in connection
with FPL’s installation, construction or operation of the Equipment or any related activities, FPL
shall cause such notice or statement of lien to be released or bonded off, within thirty (30) days
from the date City gives written notice of such lien. FPL’s obligations under this section shall
survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement.

Licensor’s Actions. Under Florida law, it is unlawful to place a lien , or security

interest on City owned property, or for a City to allow or permit a lien or security
interest on City property. Nonetheless, if any mechanic’s, contractor’s or material
supplier’s lien is asserted against all or any part of the Licensed Premises or
Property by anyone having provided labor, services, material or equipment at the
request of City, and if FPL is made a party to any action or proceeding to
foreclose any such asserted lien,
10. Maintenance; Repair; Replacement; Reinstallation.

(a) During the Term, FPL shall, at the FPL’s own and cost , , operate,
maintain, repair, and/or replace the Equipment, including the fabric curtains, curtain deployment
systems, and appurtenant equipment to open and close the curtain located within the Venue, in
good working order and in a safe, clean manner,.

(b) In the event the Equipment or any portion thereof is damaged or destroyed
at any time during the Term, FPL shall have the right, but not the obligation, to repair, replace or
reinstall the Equipment or any portion thereof within the Licensed Premises. In the event FPL
elects not to repair or replace such Equipment, FPL shall remove such Equipment and all debris
associated with such Equipment, and restore the Licensed Premises to substantially the same
condition as practical as it was on the Effective Date at FPL’s sole cost and expense, normal
wear and tear excepted; provided however, in the event the Equipment was destroyed as a result
of the negligence or misconduct of City, then City, at City’s sole cost and expense, shall be
required pay FPL for (i) any and all costs incurred or expended by FPL in connection with the
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removal of the Equipment from the Licensed Premises, (ii) the value of the Equipment
destroyed, (iii) the cost of the disposal of the Equipment, and (iv) the cost to restore the Licensed
Premises to substantially the same condition as practical as it was on the Effective Date. The
Parties hereby agree that the actions of third parties, (e.g., park patrons) shall not be attributed to
the City, unless such actions were done with the deliberate indifference or consent of City.

(c) City shall conduct, or cause to be conducted, all routine and necessary
maintenance of the Property for the duration of the Term. If City has to replace or engage in
widespread repair of the paving or other improvements located on or near the Licensed Premises
during the Term, then City shall provide FPL with at least ninety (90) days prior written notice
and FPL will coordinate protection of the Equipment with City as appropriate in order to
accommodate City’s construction schedule.

(d) If the Licensed Premises are substantially destroyed by fire or other

casualty, FPL may by written notice, given not later than ninety (90) days after the date of such
destruction, terminate this Agreement, in which event License Fee paid for the period beyond the
date of destruction shall be refunded to FPL, together with an insurance proceeds received by
City in connection therewith. If the Licensed Premises are not substantially destroyed but FPL
cannot reasonably operate the Equipment during repairs, License Fee shall abate until such time
as FPL may recommence operating the Equipment.

(e) FPL shall have the right, at FPL’s sole cost and expense, to repair, replace
or reinstall any affected Equipment on the Licensed Premises following complete or partial
destruction of City’s improvements to the Licensed Premises and/or FPL’s Equipment thereon.
Following complete destruction of City’s improvements to the Licensed Premises, City may
provide FPL with a mutually acceptable alternative location on or off the Property approved by
FPL on which FPL may install the Equipment. If, however, City is unable to provide an
alternative location for the Equipment that meets such standard, and FPL does not approve such
alternate site, FPL shall have the right, upon written notice to City, to terminate this Agreement,
and receive an immediate return from City of its prorated portion of License Fee paid. If such
new location is acceptable to FPL, Exhibit B (and, if necessary, other exhibits) to this
Agreement will be amended to reflect the new location of the Licensed Premises.

(f) FPL shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to remove all or a portion of
the Equipment at any time during the Term, and such removal shall not constitute a default or be
deemed a termination under this Agreement. Following the removal of any Equipment the
License Fee shall be proportionally adjusted and FPL shall restore the property pursuant to
Section 22 . .

(g) City, at City’s sole cost and expense, subject to available and approved
funding, shall install additional landscaping around the entrance to the Venue as more
particularly described and shown on attached Exhibit G, remove and replace all dead or diseased
landscaping within the Licensed Premises, and prune all landscaping that may interfere with

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11. Taxes. City is exempt from payment of property taxes for the Property. If in the
future, City’s exemption is no longer valid, City shall when due all real property taxes for the
Property and FPL shall reimburse City for all the incremental increases in any real property taxes
for the Licensed Premises attributable to the Equipment including by offsetting such amount
from any License Fee due to City or otherwise. City hereby grants to FPL the right to challenge,
whether in a court, administrative proceeding, or other venue, on behalf of City and/or FPL, any
personal property or other tax assessments that may affect the Licensed Premises as a result of
the Equipment. If Licensor receives notice of any personal property or other property tax
assessment against the Licensor which may affect FPL or the Equipment and is attributable, in
whole or in part, to the Equipment, City shall provide timely notice of such assessment to FPL
sufficient to allow FPL to consent to or challenge such assessment if a right to challenge the
assessment is then available under applicable law. Further, City will provide to FPL any and all
documentation in the possession of City that is associated with such assessment and will execute
any and all documents reasonably necessary to effectuate the intent of this section, provided that
City shall not be required to incur any expense or any risk of material liability.

12. Insurance. FPL will maintain at all times during the Term, the insurance
designated in this section in accordance with the terms and conditions required by this section.
FPL shall provide the following certificates of insurance to the City evidencing the issuance of

(a) Commercial General Liability Insurance with limits of Three Million

Dollars ($3,000,000) per occurrence combined single limit for bodily injury and property
damage at Licensed Premises. The policy shall name City of Miami, Florida as an additional

(b) Business Automobile Liability Insurance with limits of Two Million

Dollars ($2,000,000) for bodily injury and property damage. The policy shall name City of
Miami, Florida as an additional insured.

(c) Workers' Compensation Insurance in compliance with Florida Statutes,

Chapter 440. Coverage shall include Employer’s Liability Coverage with limits of One Million
($1, 000, 000) per accident.

FPL has the right to meet the insurance designated in this section through any
combination of self-insurance, primary or excess coverage. Should FPL self-insure, then prior to
accessing the Licensed Premises, FPL will provide City with a letter of such self-insurance
which will include a reference to publicly available financial statements and annual reports.

All insurance policies required above shall be issued by companies authorized to do

business under the laws of the State of Florida, with the following qualifications: The company
must be rated no less than "A-" as to management, and no less than "Class VII" as to financial
strength by AM. Best Company, Oldwick, New Jersey, or its equivalent, subject to the approval
of the County Risk Management Division.

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City and FPL, for themselves and their respective insurers, waive any right to assert any
claim against the other Party, to the extent such claim is covered by the waiving Party’s
insurance. Each Party shall waive all rights of subrogation of their respective insurers.

FPL expressly understands and agrees that any insurance protection required by this
Agreement or otherwise provided by FPL shall in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify,
keep and save harmless and defend the County or its officer, employees, agents and
instrumentalities as provided in this Agreement.

13. Indemnification. FPL shall indemnify, hold harmless , and defend at its own
cost City from and against all losses, claims, damages or expenses, including reasonable
attorneys’ fees and costs, incurred by City in connection with any third-party claims for personal
injury or death to persons and damage to City’s personal property arising during the Term, to the
extent arising from the negligence or willful misconduct of FPL, its agents, employees,
representatives, contractors, or sub-contractors.CityCity. In no event shall City or FPL be liable
to the other for consequential, special, exemplary, punitive, indirect or incidental losses or
damages, nor shall any parent, subsidiary, affiliate or employee of City or FPL have any liability
under this Agreement. Neither City nor FPL, nor their respective insurer, shall, without the prior
written consent of the other Party, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld, enter into
the settlement or compromise of any claim brought against the indemnified Party which is the
subject of indemnification under this Agreement. This section shall survive the expiration or
earlier termination of this Agreement.

14. Construction of Improvements on Licensor’s Property. FPL agrees that it shall

comply with any requirements imposed by federal, state, or local statutes, ordinances and
regulations, which are in effect as of the date of construction and operation of the Equipment on
the Licensed Premises.

15. Equipment to Remain Personal Property of Licensee. The Equipment is and

will remain the property of FPL, its successors or assigns, regardless of its use or manner of
attachment to the Licensed Premises. City agrees to execute such further documentation as is
reasonably necessary to ensure that the Equipment does not constitute, and is not deemed to be, a
fixture attached to the Licensed Premises. Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, City
will have no right, title, or interest in the Equipment, and no right to purchase or otherwise
acquire title to or ownership of the Equipment, and City hereby expressly disclaims any right,
title or interest in or to the Equipment, whether arising by lien, by operation of law, or otherwise.

16. Subordination. City is prohibited from mortgaging or having any lien placed on
the City’s real property, including the Licensed Premises.

17. Representations and Warranties. City represents and warrants to and

covenants with FPL that: (a) City has good and unencumbered title to the Licensed Premises; (b)
to the best of City’s knowledge, City’s execution and performance of this Agreement will not
violate any laws, ordinances, covenants, or the provisions of any mortgage, lease, or other
agreement binding on City; (c) to the best of City’s knowledge, there are no agreements with any
third parties that may adversely affect the Equipment or the Equipment’s exposure to sunlight,
(d) during the Term, provided that the FPL is not in default or its obligations under this
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Agreement beyond any applicable notice of cure period (including as to the payment of the
Licensee Fee), City will not enter into any agreements with any third parties that may adversely
affect the Equipment or the Equipment’s exposure to sunlight, and (e) all times during the Term,
FPL’s quiet enjoyment of the Licensed Premises or any part thereof shall not be disturbed.

18. Default by Licensee. The happening of any one or more of the following events,
upon the expiration of any applicable notice and cure period, shall be events of default under this

(a) The failure of FPL to pay any installment of License Fee or other charge or
money obligation herein required to be paid by FPL within fifteen (15) calendar days after
written notice of such default from City to FPL; or

(b) The failure of FPL to fully perform any other of its covenants under this Agreement
within sixty (60) calendar days after FPL receives written notice of such default from City;
provided, however, if such non-monetary default cannot reasonably be cured within such sixty
(60) day time period, FPL shall not be deemed in default hereunder if FPL has commenced to
cure such default within said sixty (60) day time period and thereafter continues with diligence to
complete the cure of such default.

19. Licensor’s Remedies. City’s exclusive remedies for events of default by

FPL shall be limited to the following:

(a) Upon an event of default for non-payment of License Fee as set forth in
Section 18(a) above, and after the expiration of the applicable notice and cure period, City may
recover from FPL the amount in default, with interest on the unpaid amount at the annual rate of
twelve percent (12%).

(b) Upon an event of default as set forth in Section 18(b) above, and after the
expiration of the applicable notice and cure period, City may perform, or cause to be performed,
on behalf and at the expense of FPL, any or all of the undertakings or obligations as to which
FPL remains in default, in which event FPL will reimburse City for such actual reasonable costs
and expenses, within forty-five (45) days following FPL’s receipt of City’s invoice and
supporting documentation. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, City may not perform any
obligation of FPL under Section 8(a) or take any other action that relocates or physically alters
any of the Equipment that at the time is in operable condition.

(c) City may exercise any other remedy available at law or in equity.

In any action or proceeding to enforce any of FPL’s obligations under this Agreement,
City may recover all court costs, , incurred by City in connection with such action or proceeding
or any appeal therefrom or review thereof. Each party shall bear their own respective attorney’s

20. Default by Licensor. The failure of City to fully perform any term, provision, or
covenant of this Agreement within sixty (60) calendar days following written notice of such
default from FPL; provided, however, that if such default cannot reasonably be cured within such

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sixty (60) day time period, City shall not be deemed in default hereunder if City has commenced
to cure such default within said sixty (60) day time period and thereafter continues with diligence
to complete the cure of such default.

21. Licensee’s Remedies. Upon an event of default by City as set forth in Section 20
above, and after the expiration of the applicable notice and cure period, in addition to and not by
way of limitation of the exercise by FPL of any and all rights and remedies FPL may have at law
or in equity, FPL may: (a) cure the default and be reimbursed by City within thirty (30) days
following City’s receipt of FPL’s invoice and supporting documentation of costs and expenses
associated with curing the default; (b) terminate this Agreement; and/or (c) exercise any remedy
FPL may have at law or in equity. In the event that City fails to timely make such
reimbursement payments to FPL as set forth in subsection (b) above, FPL may deduct such
amounts owed by City to FPL from License Fee due. In any action or proceeding to enforce any
of City’s obligations under this Agreement, FPL may recover all court costs as the prevailing
party Each party shall bear their own reasonable attorneys’ fees, FPL in connection with such
action or proceeding or any appeal therefrom or review thereof.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that City Interferes or causes Interference
with the Equipment of this Agreement, and such Interference is not cured within the thirty (30)
day time period set forth in Section 8 above, the remedies are as set forth in this Section,
CityFPLFPLFPLFPLCityRemoval. Upon the expiration or earlier termination of the Term by
FPL through no fault of City for defaulting under the terms of this Agreement, FPL shall
continue to have the right of reasonable access to the Licensed Premises in order to remove the
Equipment, and repair and restore the affected portions of the Licensed Premises to substantially
the same condition as practical as existed immediately prior to FPL’s installation of the
Equipment, at FPL’s sole cost and expense, within sixty (60) days such expiration or earlier
termination of the Term; provided, however, in the event that City causes FPL to terminate this
Agreement (including Sections 8 and 21 above) prior to the expiration of the Term, the removal
and disposal or relocation costs of the Equipment, and repair and restoration of the Licensed
Premises, shall be at City’s sole cost and expense.

22. Holding Over. If FPL continues to occupy and/or use the Licensed Premises, or
any part thereof, after the expiration or earlier termination of this License, then no tenancy,
ownership or other legal interest in the Licensed Premises to the benefit of FPL shall result
therefrom, but such holding over shall be an unlawful detainer. If the FPL is holding over they
shall pay the City $______ per day until the equipment .

23. Environmental. FPL agrees that no hazardous substance, as the term in defined
in Section 101 (14) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability
Act (“CERCLA”) (42 USC Section 9601 [14]), petroleum products, liquids or flammables shall
be placed upon, under, transported across, or stored upon the Licensed Premises, which restricts,
impairs, interferes with, or hinders the use of the Licensed Premises by City or the exercise by
City of any of its rights thereto.

(a) If FPL directly causes any Environmental Conditions to occur as a result

of the performance of its activities contemplated by this License, FPL shall notify City

18-1912/ Solar License Agreement- Bayfront Park

immediately upon discovery. Any release notifications required to be submitted to federal, state
or local regulatory agencies, because of the actions of FPL pursuant to this License or any other
notifications based on Environmental Conditions, shall be coordinated with City. FPL, at its
sole cost and expense, shall be responsible to remediate any Environmental Condition caused by
FPL in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local regulations.

(b) If FPL, or its employees, contractors, subcontractors or anyone else

working at the direction of FPL directly causes Environmental Conditions on the Licensed
Premises, or directly causes contamination that originates on the Licensed Premises, FPL, on its
own behalf and on behalf of its shareholders, officers, directors, employees, servants, agents,
and affiliates, shall and hereby does forever hold harmless, indemnify, and release City, and its
shareholders, officers, directors, employees, servants, agents and affiliates (collectively, “City
Entities”) of and from all claims, demands, costs, loss of services, compensation, actions or
investigations on account of or in any way growing out of the Environmental Conditions, and
from any and all known and unknown, foreseen and unforeseen damages, and the consequences
thereof, resulting from the Environmental Conditions, unless caused by or through City
negligence or misconduct.

24. Tax Credits, Financial Incentives, Sale of Energy. Installation and operation of
the Equipment on the Licensed Premises may result in the availability of federal and/or state tax
credits, and other financial incentives (collectively hereinafter “Incentives”). FPL is and shall
be the sole recipient and beneficiary of any and all such Incentives, which shall be distributed,
disbursed and/or assigned in FPL’s sole discretion. City shall have no right to any Incentives,
except as otherwise agreed to in writing by FPL. Furthermore, any and all solar power electricity
produced by or relating to the Equipment (“Energy”), and the right to utilize and/or sell the
same, shall be the sole property and right of FPL.

25. Assignment; Leasehold Financing.

(a) Except as permitted by Section 26(b) below, FPL shall not assign this
Agreement or any interest herein without the prior written consent of City. City shall not assign
its interest in this Agreement to anyone other than a purchaser or FPL of the Licensed Premises
without the prior written consent of FPL. Neither Party will unreasonably withhold, condition or
delay its consent to an assignment by the other Party. The terms and conditions of this
Agreement will bind and benefit the respective successors and permitted assigns of the Parties.
Following any permitted assignment or transfer by operation of law, the terms “City” and
“FPL” shall be deemed to refer to the relevant transferee or successor, unless the context clearly
indicates that the term refers only to the original Party so identified.

(b) City acknowledges that FPL’s interests under this Agreement and in the
Equipment are and will be encumbered by FPL’s existing mortgage. The FPL’s existing
mortgage is that certain ______Additionally, FPL may, upon notice to City, mortgage or grant a
security interest in this Agreement and the Equipment, and may assign this Agreement and the
Equipment to any of FPL’s future mortgagees or holders of security interests, including their
successors or assigns (FPL’s existing mortgagee and any future FPL mortgagees or security
interest holders are collectively referred to herein as the “Mortgagees” as identified in ______),
and such Mortgagees shall have the right, but not the obligation, to assume FPL’s rights and

18-1912/ Solar License Agreement- Bayfront Park

obligations under this Agreement. In such event, City shall execute such consent to leasehold
financing as may reasonably be required by Mortgagees. City agrees to notify FPL and FPL’s
Mortgagees simultaneously of any default by FPL and to give Mortgagees the same right to cure
any default as FPL, except that the cure period for any Mortgagees shall not be less than thirty
(30) calendar days after receipt of the default notice, as provided in Section 18 above. All such
notices to Mortgagees shall be sent to Mortgagees at the address specified by FPL. Failure by
City to give Mortgagees such notice shall not diminish City’s rights against FPL, but shall
preserve all rights of Mortgagees to cure any default as provided in Section 18 above. No
mortgage will attach to any City owned property.

26. Condemnation. In the event of condemnation of some or all of the Licensed

Premises, City and FPL shall each be entitled to pursue their own separate awards with respect to
such taking, as their respective interests appear. Sale of all or part of the Property to a purchaser
with the power of eminent domain in the face of the exercise of the power shall be treated as a
taking by condemnation for purposes of this Agreement.

27. Notices. All notices, demands, requests, consents, approvals and other
instruments required or permitted to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing,
signed by the notifying Party, or officer, agent or attorney of the notifying Party, and shall be
deemed to have been effective upon delivery if served personally, including but not limited to
delivery by messenger, overnight courier service or by overnight express mail, or on the third
(3rd) business day after posting if sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return
receipt requested, and addressed as follows:

To Licensor: City of Miami

3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, Florida 33128
Attn: Emilio T. Gonzalez – City Manager

With copy to: City of Miami – Government Building

444 S.W. 2nd Ave
Miami, Florida 33133
Attn: Victoria Mendez – City Attorney

To Licensee: Florida Power & Light Company

700 Universe Boulevard, CEA/JB
Juno Beach, Florida 33408
Attn: Vice President of Corporate Real Estate

With copy to: Florida Power & Light Company

700 Universe Boulevard, LAW/JB
Juno Beach, Florida 33408
Attn: General Counsel

The address to which any notice, demand, or other writing may be delivered to any Party as
above provided may be changed by written notice given by such Party.

18-1912/ Solar License Agreement- Bayfront Park

28. Memorandum of License. It is specifically understood and agreed by both
Parties hereto that a Memorandum of License (“Memorandum”) in substantially the form of the
attached Exhibit E will be executed by the Parties and recorded in the Public Records of the
county in which the Licensed Premises is located, indexed in the land records of that office in the
names of both Parties hereto and will be a matter of public record. Upon completion of the
installation of the Equipment by FPL, FPL shall provide City with an “as-built” survey of the
Equipment installed on the Licensed Premises which shall serve as a replacement to the exhibit
attached to the Memorandum, and City hereby authorizes FPL to execute and record an
amendment to the Memorandum without the City’s signature effectuating such change.

29. Miscellaneous.

(a) Entire Agreement; Modification; Waiver. All of the representations

and obligations of the Parties are contained herein and no modification, waiver or amendment
of this Agreement or of any of its conditions or provisions shall be binding upon a Party unless
in writing, signed by that Party or a duly authorized agent of that Party empowered by a written
authority signed by that Party. The waiver by either Party of a breach of any provision of this
Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of that
provision by the same Party, or of any other provision or condition of this Agreement. No
waiver shall be implied by delay or any other act or omission of either Party.

(b) Governing Law; Waiver of Jury Trial. This Agreement shall be subject
to and governed by the laws of the State of Florida, without regard to its conflict of laws
principles. The Parties agree that this Agreement is not a lease and does not create a tenancy or
any estate involving the right to possession of the property under Chapter 83 of the Florida
Statutes. The Parties agree that any action or proceeding arising out of or related in any way to
this Agreement shall be brought solely in a court of competent jurisdiction in Miami-Dade
litigation each party shall bear their own attorney’s fees.

(c) Severability. Should any provision of this Agreement be held, in a final

and un-appealable decision by a court of competent jurisdiction, to be either invalid, void or
unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect,
and the Parties shall negotiate in good faith to restore insofar as practicable the benefits to each
Party that were affected by such ruling.

(d) Headings and Gender. All headings in this Agreement are inserted only
for convenience and ease of reference and are not to be considered in the construction or
interpretation of any provision of this Agreement. In construing this Agreement, the singular
shall be held to include the plural, the plural shall include the singular, and the use of any gender
shall include every other and all genders.

(e) Authority. Each Party represents to the other that it has complete
authority to enter into this transaction.

18-1912/ Solar License Agreement- Bayfront Park

(f) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of
counterparts, each of which, upon execution of a substantively identical counterpart by each
Party, shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute a single instrument.

(g) Binding Effect. This Agreement shall bind and benefit the Parties and
their respective successors and assigns.

(h) Publicity; Tours. The Parties acknowledge that each of them has a
legitimate business interest in receiving public recognition of their participation in the transaction
contemplated by this Agreement. In order to coordinate the timing, tone and content of any
publicity, however, each Party agrees that neither of them shall issue any press release or
otherwise publicize the existence or the terms of this Agreement without the prior written
approval of the other Party, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed,
provided that general advertising that refers to a “partnering” (or other terminology of similar
import) of either Party with the other Party for the purposes of any of the transactions
contemplated hereby, but does not expressly reference this Agreement or disclose any of the
terms hereof, shall not be subject to the provisions of this subsection. No filing that FPL is
required by applicable law to make with any regulatory authority shall, by itself, be deemed to
violate the preceding sentence. FPL shall have the right to give site tours of the Equipment on
the Licensed Premises for visitors and other interested parties.

(i) Construction. This Agreement shall not be construed more strictly

against one Party than against the other, merely by virtue of the fact that it may have been
prepared by counsel for one of the Parties, it being recognized that both City and FPL have
contributed substantially and materially in the negotiation and preparation of this Agreement,
and that the normal rule of construction to the effect that any ambiguities are to be resolved
against the drafting party shall not be employed in the interpretation of this Agreement or any
exhibits, schedules, addendums or amendments hereto.

(j) Force Majeure. City and FPL (except with respect to the payment of any
monetary obligation) shall be excused for the period of any delay in the performance of any
obligation hereunder when such delay is occasioned by causes beyond its control, including but
not limited to work stoppages, boycotts, slowdowns or strikes; shortages of materials, equipment,
labor or energy; unusual weather conditions; or acts or omissions of governmental or political

(k) Exhibits. All of the schedules and exhibits attached to this Agreement (or
attached from time to time after the Effective Date) are incorporated in, and made a part of, this

(l) Amendments. This Agreement may not be changed, altered or modified except
by an instrument in writing duly signed by both Parties.

(m) Calculation of Time Periods. The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be
when it has been signed by the last party to sign same and when it has thereupon been mutually delivered.
For purposes of this Agreement, any time period that falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday under
laws of the State in which the Property is located, will be extended to the next business day. The final
day of any such period shall be deemed to end at 5:00 p.m., local time where the Property is located.

18-1912/ Solar License Agreement- Bayfront Park

[Remainder of page intentionally blank; Signature pages follow]

18-1912/ Solar License Agreement- Bayfront Park

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by
their respective duly authorized officers as of the date first above written.


City of Miami, Florida,

a municipal corporation of the State of Florida

Print Name: Emilio T. Gonzalez
Title: City Manager


Print Name: Todd B. Hannon
Title: City Clerk

Approved as to Legal Form and Correctness

Print Name: Victoria Mendez
Title: City Attorney

Approved as to Insurance Requirements

Print Name: Anne-Marie Sharpe
Title: Risk Management Director

18-1912/ Solar License Agreement- Bayfront Park

Witness: LICENSEE:

Florida Power & Light Company,

_________________________________ a Florida corporation
Print Name:_______________________
Timothy Oliver,
_________________________________ Vice President of Corporate Real Estate
Print Name:_______________________

18-1912/ Solar License Agreement- Bayfront Park


Description of the Property


Depiction of Licensed Premises


Depiction of Construction Laydown Area

18-1912/ Solar License Agreement- Bayfront Park


Description of the Equipment



Wire Transfer Form and Direct Deposit Form

Financial Electronic Data Interchange Agreement


[“FEDI Agreement”]


 This FEDI Agreement is for purposes of facilitating electronic payments to your Company’s account at a
specified Financial Institution (“Bank”) in lieu of payment by check transmitted by U.S. Mail to Company’s
 Company must fill in Section B COMPLETELY. The signature by your representative authorizes FPL to
satisfy payment obligations by initiating funds transfers resulting in a deposit into your specified Bank and
 Company is solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all information provided in Section B,
below, and FPL is authorized and directed to rely on such information. FPL is under no duty to detect any
inaccurate, inconsistent or incomplete information provided to FPL by Company in connection with any
service or materials provided to FPL. If necessary to give effect to instructions for any service or materials
provided to it, FPL may change the information provided to it, including names and account numbers.
 Remittance information will be sent to the Company's Bank in CTX format via an FEDI transaction set 820.
How the remittance information is communicated to the Company, as well as any costs associated with this
communication, is between the Company and its Bank.
 Payments will be processed by our respective Financial Institutions in accordance with the rules of the
National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA).
 Payments will be made in accordance with the payment terms of applicable contracts.
 Any subsequent changes to the Bank Identification Number (ABA) or Company’s Account Number listed
below will require fifteen (15) days’ advance notice and transmittal of a revised FEDI Agreement to your
business contact at FPL and/or transmittal by mail to:
 NextEra Energy
 Attention: Accounting - Vendor Maintenance
 P. O. Box 88888
 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 -or- email to: AP-vendor-maintenance-nextera-

Company Name:
Company Address:

Federal Tax ID Number:

Company Accounting Contact Person
Name: Title:
Phone #: Fax #: Email:
Bank Information (Contact Financial Institution to obtain this information)
Bank Name: Branch:
City: State:
(i) B



[ABA…Must be 9 digits]
Company’s Account Number: Checking: Savings:
Bank Contact Person: Phone:
Company Authorization Signature
Authorized By: Date:
Print Name: Title:


Vendor #: Entered By: Date:


Form Memorandum of License

This Instrument has been prepared by or under

the supervision of (and after recording return to):

Seth S. Sheitelman, Esq.

Florida Power & Light Company (LAW/JB)
700 Universe Boulevard
Juno Beach, Florida 33408


This Memorandum of Master Solar License Agreement (“Memorandum”) is executed

and effective this _____ day of _________, 20___ by and between the City of Miami, Florida, a
municipal corporation of the State of Florida (“Licensor”) and Florida Power & Light Company,
a Florida corporation (“Licensee”).


WHEREAS, on event date herewith, City and FPL entered into a written Master Solar
License Agreement (“Agreement”) related to certain property situated in Miami-Dade County,
Florida more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof
(“Property”); and

WHEREAS, City and FPL desire to provide record notice of the Agreement pursuant to
this Memorandum.


NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of
which is hereby acknowledged, City and FPL hereby give record notice of the following:

1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by

2. License. In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, City has
licensed that certain portion of the Property to FPL more particularly described in Exhibit B
attached hereto and made a part hereof (“Licensed Premises”) for the purpose of constructing,
installing, operating, inspecting, maintaining, repairing, testing, enlarging, modifying, removing,
and replacing the solar Equipment (as defined in the Agreement), together with a temporary
construction laydown area adjacent to the Licensed Premises for the placement and storage of
materials and equipment as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibit B-1.

3. Term. The term of the Agreement commenced on the effective date of the
Agreement and continues for a term ending on the twenty-fifth (25th) anniversary of the
Commercial Operations Date (as such term is defined in the Agreement), unless extended.

4. Notice. This Memorandum is being executed by the parties solely to give public
notice of the interest of FPL in the Licensed Premises and is not intended to modify, amend or
alter in any respect whatsoever, the terms, covenants and agreements contained in the

5. Counterparts. This Memorandum may be executed in one or more counterparts,

each of which is an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same

[Signatures and Acknowledgements Appear on Following Pages]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Licensor and Licensee have executed this Memorandum on
the date hereinabove written.

Executed in the presence of: Licensor:

City of Miami, Florida, a municipal

corporation of the State of Florida

_____________________________ By: ______________________________

Name: _______________________ Name: ______________________________

Name: ________________________


COUNTY OF _____________ )

On this _____ day of ________________, 20___, before me, the undersigned notary
public, personally appeared ________________________, as _____________________ of the
City of Miami, Florida, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, personally known to me
to be the person who subscribed to the foregoing instrument or who has produced
_________________________, as identification, and acknowledged that he/she executed the
same on behalf of said _____________ and that he/she was duly authorized so to do.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.


Executed in the presence of: Licensee:

Florida Power & Light Company,

a Florida corporation

_____________________________ By: ______________________________

Name: _______________________ Name: Timothy Oliver
Title: Vice President of Corporate Real Estate

Name: ________________________



On this _____ day of _______________, 20____, before me, the undersigned notary
public, personally appeared Timothy Oliver, as Vice President of Corporate Real Estate of
Florida Power & Light Company, a Florida corporation, personally known to me to be the person
who subscribed to the foregoing instrument or who has produced
_________________________, as identification, and acknowledged that he executed the same
on behalf of said corporation and that he was duly authorized so to do.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.



Utility Easement

This Instrument has been prepared by or under

the supervision of (and after recording return to):

Seth S. Sheitelman, Esq.

Florida Power & Light Company (LAW/JB)
700 Universe Boulevard
Juno Beach, Florida 33408


The undersigned, in consideration of the payment of $1.00 and other good and valuable
consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grant and give to
Florida Power & Light Company, a Florida corporation, its affiliates, licensees, agents,
successors, and assigns (collectively, “FPL”), a non-exclusive easement forever for the
construction, operation and maintenance of underground electric utility facilities (including
cables, conduits, appurtenant equipment, and appurtenant above-ground equipment) to be
installed from time to time; with the right to reconstruct, improve, add to, enlarge, change the
voltage as well as the size of, and remove such facilities or any of them within an easement
described as follows:

See Exhibit “A” (“Easement Area”)

Together with the right to permit any other person, firm, or corporation to attach wires to any
facilities hereunder and lay cable and conduit within the Easement Area and to operate the same
for communications purposes; the right of ingress and egress to the Easement Area at all times;
the right to clear the land and keep it cleared of all trees, undergrowth and other obstructions
within the Easement Area; the right to trim and cut and keep trimmed and cut all dead, weak,
leaning or dangerous trees or limbs outside of the Easement Area, which might interfere with or
fall upon the lines or systems of communications or power transmission or distribution; and
further grants, to the fullest extent the undersigned has the power to grant, if at all, the rights
hereinabove granted on the Easement Area heretofore described, over, along, under and across
the roads, streets or highways adjoining or through said Easement Area.

[Signature appears on following page]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has signed and sealed this instrument on
_______________, ________.

Signed, sealed and delivered

in the presence of: Grantor:

City of Miami, Florida, a municipal

corporation of the State of Florida

_____________________________ By: ______________________________

Name: _______________________ Name: ______________________________

Name: ________________________


COUNTY OF _____________ )

On this _____ day of ________________, 20___, before me, the undersigned notary
public, personally appeared ________________________, as _____________________ of the
City of Miami, Florida, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, personally known to me
to be the person who subscribed to the foregoing instrument or who has produced
_________________________, as identification, and acknowledged that he/she executed the
same on behalf of said _____________ and that he/she was duly authorized so to do.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.





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