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Transportation Cost and Benefit Analysis II – Literature Review

Victoria Transport Policy Institute (

2. Transportation Cost Literature Review

This chapter summarizes previous transport cost studies, including several that focus on freight costs.

2.1 Index
2. Transportation Cost Literature Review .................................................................. 1
2.2 Introduction ............................................................................................... 1
2.2 General Cost Studies ................................................................................ 3
2.3 Freight Cost Studies .................................................................................. 18
2.4 Information Resources .............................................................................. 22

2.2 Introduction
Several previous studies have investigated various types of transportation costs. This chapter
summarizes some of them.

Different types of studies have different purposes, which affects their perspective, methodologies and
scope. For example, most highway cost allocation and investment evaluation studies are primarily
concerned with direct market costs, such as road construction and maintenance, travel time, vehicle
operating costs, and crash damages, and how these vary depending on vehicle type and roadway
conditions. They assumed that the total amount of vehicle travel does not change and so were
unconcerned with vehicle ownership and parking costs. Other types of studies incorporate
environmental impacts, primarily air pollution, but sometimes also noise and water pollution, and
various categories of land use impacts. Some studies only consider tax subsidies or external costs
(Delucchi and Murhpy 2008). Their results differ significantly due to differences in methodology and
scope (for discussion see Quinet 2004).

The following factors should be considered when comparing cost studies:

 The purpose of the analysis, and therefore its perspective, such as whether it considers only
short-run marginal costs, long-run costs, and or total social costs.
 Categories of impacts considered, including vehicle costs, travel time costs, roadway costs,
traffic services, parking costs, congestion impacts on other road users, delays to nonmotorized
travelers, accident costs, pollution emissions and other environmental impacts.
 Data sources and methodologies used to calculate costs, particularly non-market costs such as
the costs of accident injuries and deaths, and environmental damages.
 How possible double-counting is addressed, such as whether taxes are counted as costs or
economic transfers, and whether congestion costs are summed with travel time costs.
 Geographic scope and time period evalauted, and the inflation indecies and exchange rates
used to convert values to a common monetaory unit.1

1 Unless otherwise noted, in this document other currencies are converted in the base year to US dollars and then
adjustments for inflation are done by consumer price index (CPI). The source for both currency conversion factors
and CPI adjustment factors is Samuel H. Williamson (2008) MeasuringWorth For a
discussion of the significant variation possible using different methods see Lawrence H. Officer and Samuel H.
Williamson (2007), Measures of Worth. 2007; at

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Victoria Transport Policy Institute (

 Driving conditions, such as whether the costs represent urban-peak, total urban, rural or overall
average driving conditions.
 Differences in measurement units, such as between miles and kilometers, and between vehicle
miles and passenger miles.
 The types of vehicles considered, such as whether cost estimates are for cars, automobiles, the
fleet of personal vehicles, total roadway vehicles (including freight vehicles) or total motor
vehicles (including train, air and marine vehicles).
 Whether cost estimates are point values or ranges.

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Victoria Transport Policy Institute (

2.2 General Cost Studies

Cost Estimates Summary Table

The table below identifies which costs are described or estimated in each report.

Table 2.2-1 Transport Costs in Current Literature (D = Described; Q = Quantified/Monetized)

Study No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 35 36 37 38

Becker, Becker & Gerlach 2012

Cost Categories

Smith, Veryard & Kilvington

Clark and Prentice 2009
Tran. Canada 2003 / 05

Maibach et al. EC 2008

Miller & Moffet 1993

Maddison et al. 1996

Poorman CDTC 1995

Ricardo-AEA, 2014
Land Trans. NZ 2006
INFRAS 2000 / 2004
FHWA 1997 & 2000
DS & JF (TRB) 1997

Sansom, et al 2001
US DOT, FRA 1993
Apogee, CLF 1994
Mac Kenzie 1992

Works N.Z. 1993

Black et al. 1996

EPA, Aust. 1994

Elwanger 2000

Auckland 2006
Delucchi 1996
Kågeson 1993

NZMOT 2005
Hanson 1992

Quinet 2004
Keeler 1975

KPMG 1993

COWI, 2009
OTA 1994
CEC 1994

IIEC 1997
Lee 1995
IBI 1995

CE 2004
Vehicle Costs Q D Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
Travel Time Q D Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
Accidents Q D Q Q Q Q Q D Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q D Q Q Q Q
Parking Q D Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q D Q
Congestion Q D Q D Q Q Q D Q Q Q Q Q D Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q D Q Q Q
Facilities Q D Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q D Q
Roadway Land Q D D Q D Q Q Q Q D Q Q Q Q Q Q
Mun. Services Q D Q D Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q D Q Q Q Q Q Q D D
Local Air Pollution Q D Q Q Q D D Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q D Q Q Q Q
Global Air Pollution D Q Q D D Q Q Q Q Q Q D Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q D Q Q Q Q
Noise &Vibration Q D Q Q Q D D Q Q Q Q Q Q D Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q D Q Q Q
Resources/Energy D Q Q D D Q Q Q Q Q Q D D Q Q Q Q Q D Q Q
Barrier Effect D D D Q D D D D
Land Use/Sprawl D Q D D D Q D D D Q Q Q D Q D Q
Inequity D Q D D D
Water D D Q D Q Q D Q Q Q Q D D Q Q Q D
Waste Disposal D Q Q Q D D Q Q
Activity Benefits Q D Q Q
This table indicates which costs are described (D) or quantified (Q) in the various studies summarized below.

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Victoria Transport Policy Institute (

This section describes specific transportation cost studies.

1. Keeler, et al (1975), The Full Costs of Urban Transport; Intermodal Comparisons, Institute of Urban
and Regional Development (Berkeley).
This report compares commuting costs of automobile, bus and rail in the San Francisco Bay area. It
includes marginal congestion costs, public services, noise, air pollution, facilities, accidents, parking, and
user costs. This is the oldest study of its type. The analysis is still highly regarded.

2. Mark Hanson (1992), Results of Literature Survey and Summary of Findings: The Nature and
Magnitude of Social Costs of Urban Roadway Use, U.S. Federal Highway Administration.
This report identifies external costs of urban roadway transport and describes costing methods. It also
includes recommendations for better calculating external costs, incorporating costs into user prices, and
applying least-cost planning to transportation.

3. James MacKenzie, Roger Dower, and Donald Chen (1992), The Going Rate, World Resources
Institute (Washington DC;; at
This is a comprehensive study of U.S. motor vehicle costs. Cost categories include roadway facilities and
services, parking, air pollution, oil import costs, congestion, traffic accidents, noise, and land loss.
Concludes that driving incurs $300 billion annually in external costs.

4. Per Kågeson (1993), Getting the Prices Right; A European Scheme for Making Transport Pay its True
Costs, European Federation for Transport and Environment (
This study estimates pollution, crash and infrastructure costs in European countries. Cost summaries for
the UK are shown in Table 2-1. Similar estimates are made for other countries.

Table 2.2-2 External Transport Costs (ECU/1000 passenger km)

Mode Air Pollution CO2 Noise Accidents Total Total ($/mile)
Car 14.6 4.5 0.9 8.9 28.9 $0.060
Electric train 0.9 2.2 0.2 3.8 7.1 $0.015
Aircraft 7.3 9.2 1.2 0.2 17.9 $0.037

5. KPMG (1993), The Cost of Transporting People in the British Columbia Lower Mainland, Transport
2021/Greater Vancouver Regional District (; summary at
This study develops cost estimates for 12 modes using local research and generic estimates. Costs are
listed in Table 2.2-3.

Table 2.2-3 Costs of Transporting People in B.C. Costs

Indirect Transport Urban Environmental
Direct User Parking Infrastructure Time Sprawl and Social
Fixed vehicle Residential Road construction Personal Infrastructure Unaccounted
costs Commercial Road maintenance Commercial Loss of open accident costs
Variable vehicle Government Road land value delays space Air pollution
costs Future Noise pollution
Transit land value
Parking fees transport Water pollution
Protection services

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6. Works Consultancy (1993), Land Transport Externalities, Transit New Zealand (Wellington).
This comprehensive study is part of New Zealand’s efforts to rationalize transport planning. It attempts
to describe all external costs of road transport, and identify costing methodologies. Cost categories are
shown in Table 2.2-4.

Table 2.2-4 Works Consultancy Cost Categories

Pollution Effects Intrusion Effects Interference Effects Land Use
Air Pollution & Dust Visual Effects Community Disruption
Impacts on the Global Habitat impacts Urban and Rural Blight
Atmosphere Effects on Landscape and Stress of Change
Effects on Water Systems Archaeological Sites Lighting Effects
Noise & Vibration Cultural & Spiritual Effects Community Severance
Disposal of Waste and Accessibility
Recreational Effects
Hazard Effects
Strategic Effects

7. Peter Miller and John Moffet (1993), The Price of Mobility, Natural Resources Defense Council
This study attempted to quantify total costs for automobiles, buses, and rail transport in the U.S. It is
one of the most comprehensive efforts in terms of costs described and quantified. Costs included are
listed in the table below.

Table 2.2-5 The Full Cost of Transportation in the U.S.A.

Personal Gov. Subsidies Societal Unquantified
Automobile ownership Capital and operating Energy Wetland lost
Transit fares Local government Congestion Farmland lost
Parking Historic property
Accidents Property value impacts
Noise Inequity
Vibration Sprawl
Air pollution
Water pollution

8. Apogee Research (1994), The Costs of Transportation, Conservation Law Foundation (
This study estimates user, accident, congestion, parking, road facilities and services, air pollution, water
pollution, energy, and noise costs. Urban sprawl and aesthetic degradation are mentioned but not
estimated. A costing model is developed which calculates the total cost of trips by nine modes, in three
levels of urban density, during peak and off-peak periods. This model is applied to case studies of
Boston and Portland, Maine urban travel costs.

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9. FRA (1993), Environmental Externalities and Social Costs of Transportation Systems - Measurement,
Mitigation and Costing, Federal Railroad Administration, Office of Policy (Washington DC).
This study describes various motor vehicle social costs. It includes two charts that describe a taxonomy
of costs and mitigation strategies, summarized in Table 2.2-6.

Table 2.2-6 Federal Railroad Administration Costs

Social Costs
Land Use Community Energy Safety Congestion
Direct land use for Divides community Oil spills Accidents cause death, Wasted time
facilities Impacts local Air pollution injuries, insurance and Wasted fuel
Alters land use government Political instability legal costs, lost Added pollution
patterns (sprawl) Visual pollution from foreign oil productivity, medical
Lost productivity
costs, emotional
Relocation impacts Oil price fluctuations Vehicle repair and
losses, congestion.
affecting world insurance costs
economy Stress
Land use impacts
Environmental Costs
Air Noise Water Electromagnetic Fields Hazardous
Carbon Monoxide Construction/ repair Air pollution fallout (Cost of electric vehicles) Accidental releases
VOCs Night operations Fuel releases and Possible biological
SO2 Engines spills hazard Intentional releases
NOx Wheels/tires Construction/ Possible hazard to
CO2 Congestion maintenance migrating birds
Air Toxics Braking/acceleratio De-icing Problems to electronic
n Runoff from roads equipment
Idling and parking lots
Odor Whistles

10. CEC (1994), California Transportation Energy Analysis Report, California Energy Commission
This report attempted to “fully evaluate the economic and environmental costs of petroleum use, and
the economic and environmental costs of other transportation fuels, including the costs and values of
environmental externalities, and to establish a state transportation energy policy that results in the least
environmental and economic cost to the state.” Includes congestion, accidents, infrastructure
maintenance, services, air pollution (including global warming), petroleum spills, and energy security
costs. These are monetized (per vehicle mile or gasoline equivalent gallon), and presented as a point
value or range.

11. EPA (1994), “The Costing and Costs of Transport Externalities: A Review,” Victorian Transport
Externalities Study, Environment Protection Authority (Melbourne, Australia).
This report discusses external cost implications, costing methods, and estimates some costs.

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12. OTA (1994), Saving Energy In US Transportation, Office of Technology Assessment (Washington DC);
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of transportation costs and their economic and
environmental impacts. Includes estimates of total U.S. motor vehicle costs based on research by Mark
Delucchi of UC Davis. Discusses various policy options for improving energy efficiency.

13. John Poorman (1995), Estimating Marginal Monetary Costs of Travel in the Capital District, Capital
District Transportation Committee (Albany).
This report describes a Least Cost framework and model, with performance measures and monetized
costs for evaluating transport investments and policies, and comparing various modes.

14. Douglas Lee (1995), Full Cost Pricing of Highways, USDOT Volpe National Transportation Systems
Center (
This study analyzes efficient road pricing. Table 2.2-7 summarizes its external costs.

Table 2.2-7 Estimates of Highway Costs Not Recovered From Users ($1,000/yr)
Cost Group Cost Items Estimate
Land (interest) $74,705
Capital Expenditures 42,461
Highway Capital Interest 26,255
Land acquisition and clearance
Relocation of prior uses and residents
Neighborhood Disruption
Removal of wetlands, acquirer recharge
Uncontrolled construction noise, dust and runoff
Heat island effect
Highway Maintenance Pavement, ROW, and structure maintenance 20,420
Administration and research 6,876
Administration Traffic police 7,756
Commuting 52,877
Parking Shopping, recreation, services 14,890
Environmental degradation
Vehicle Ownership Disposal of scrapped or abandoned vehicles 706
Pollution from tires 3,000
Vehicle Operation Pollution from used oil and lubricants 408
Pollution from toxic materials 1
Strategic Petroleum Reserve 4,365
Fuel and Oil Tax subsidies to production 9,000
Government compensation for natural disaster
Accidental Loss Public medical costs 8,535
Uncompensated losses 5,850
Air 43,444
Water 10,861
Pollution Noise and vibration 6,443
Noise barriers 5,117
Local fuel sales tax exemptions 4,302
Federal gasohol exemption 1,129
Social Overhead Federal corporate income tax 3,389
State government sales taxes 13,218
Local government property taxes 15,962

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Total $382,134
Current User Revenues 52,096
Loss 330,037
cents/VMT $0.152

15. IBI Group (1995), Full Cost Transportation Pricing Study, Transportation and Climate Change
Collaborative (Toronto).
This study estimates costs for truck, rail, automobile, public transit and air travel in Ontario, Canada.
Reviews cost estimates from previous studies. Costs are divided into user charges, external costs, and
“basic subsidies” (government costs minus revenues). This is used to evaluate potential measures to
encourage sustainable transport.

16. William Black, Dean Munn, Richard Black and Jirong Xie (1996), Modal Choices: An Approach to
Comparing the Costs of Transportation Alternatives, Transportation Research Center, Indiana University
The report and ALTERNAT software provide a framework for comparing highway, bus and rail projects.
Costs are listed in Table 2.2-8. Estimates are based on previous published research.

Table 2.2-8 Costs Recognized In Modal Choices Model

 Accident costs not covered by insurance.  Parking costs (fines and fees only)
 Capital costs not covered through transport taxes.  Air pollution costs
 Operating costs of vehicles.  Rehabilitation costs
 Value of time (personal and commercial)

17. David Maddison, David Pearce, Olof Johansson, Edward Calthrop, Todd Litman, and Eric
Verhoef (1996), The True Costs of Road Transport, Blueprint #5, Earthscan (London).
This book discusses the economic efficiency and equity implications of roadway transport externalities.
Develops estimates of external costs in the U.K., including air pollution, noise, congestion, roadway
facility costs, and accident costs. Also includes individual chapters on roadway externalities in Sweden,
North America, The Netherlands, and international estimates.

18. Christopher Zegras with Todd Litman (1997), An Analysis of the Full Costs and Impacts of
Transportation in Santiago de Chile, International Institute for Energy Conservation (; at
This is one of the first comprehensive transport cost studies in the developing world. Includes vehicle,
roadway, parking, congestion, crash, and environmental costs. Although automobile ownership is
relatively low compared with developed countries, rapid (10% annual) growth in vehicle ownership
imposes considerable medium-term costs in terms of increased congestion, facility needs, pollution,
etc. Because Chile imports most vehicles and fuel, increased automobility also imposes macroeconomic
costs by capturing a major portion of foreign exchange and potential investment funds.

19. Mark Delucchi (1996), Annualized Social Cost of Motor Vehicle Use in the United States, Based on
1990-1991 Data, University of California at Davis (, 1996-97; summarized in “Total
Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use,” Access (, No. 8, Spring 1996, pp. 7-13, and updated in The

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Social-Cost Calculator (SCC): Documentation of Methods and Data, and Case Study of Sacramento,
UCD-ITS-RR-05-37 at
This series of 20 comprehensive reports attempts to identify, categorize and estimate total U.S. motor
vehicle costs. Table 2.2-9 summarizes ranges of major cost categories.

Table 2.2-9 Delucchi’s Estimates of Motor Vehicle Costs

Cost Item Examples Per Veh. Year Per Veh. Mile
Personal nonmonetary costs Motorist personal travel time and
of using motor vehicles accident pain and suffering. $2,180-3,189 17.4-25.5¢
Private-sector motor-vehicle
goods and services Vehicle expenses, paid travel time. $5,020-5,659 40.2-45.3¢
Bundled private sector costs Parking subsidized by businesses. $337-1,181 2.7-9.4¢
Public infrastructure and Public roads, parking subsidized by local
services governments. $662-1,099 5.3-8.8¢
Monetary externalities External accident damages, congestion. $423-780 3.4-6.2¢
Nonmonetary externalities Environmental damages, crash pain. $1,305-3,145 10.4-25.2¢
Total $9,927-15,053 $0.79-1.20

20. FHWA (1997 and 2000), 1997 Federal Highway Cost Allocation Study Final Report (and Addendum),
Federal Highway Administration (; at
This report is concerned with whether various motor vehicle categories (automobiles, light trucks, and
various types of heavy vehicles) are charged according to the costs they impose on the highway system.
Focuses on Federal user fees and federal highway payments, but also includes costs for total roadway
expenditures, plus costs of congestion, crashes, air pollution and noise (based mainly on Delucchi’s
estimates). Table 2.2-10 summarizes these costs.

Table 2.2-10 Vehicle Costs Under Various Conditions (1997 cents per mile)
Vehicle/Highway Pavement Congestion Crashes Air Pol. Noise Total
Autos/Rural Interstate 0 0.78 0.98 1.14 0.01 2.91
Autos/Urban Interstate 0.1 7.70 1.19 1.33 0.09 10.41
40 kip 4-axle SU Truck/Rural Int. 1.0 2.45 0.47 3.85 0.09 7.86
40 kip 4-axle SU Truck/Urban Int. 3.1 24.48 0.86 4.49 1.50 34.43
60 kip 4-axle SU Truck/Rural Int. 5.6 3.27 0.47 3.85 0.11 13.30
60 kip 4-axle SU Truck/Urban Int. 18.1 32.64 0.86 4.49 1.68 57.77
60 kip 5-axle Comb/Rural Int. 3.3 1.88 0.88 3.85 0.17 10.08
60 kip 5-axle Comb/Urban Int. 10.5 18.39 1.15 4.49 2.75 37.28
80 kip 5-axle Comb/Rural Int. 12.7 2.23 0.88 3.85 0.19 19.85
80 kip 5-axle Comb/Urban Int. 40.9 20.06 1.15 4.49 3.04 69.64
SU = Single Unit; Comb. = Combination

21. Patrick Decorla-Souza and Ronald Jensen-Fisher (1997), “Comparing Multimodal Alternatives in
Major Travel Corridors,” Transportation Research Record 1429, TRB (, pp. 15-23.
Table 2.2-11 summarizes the various costs for comparing investment alternatives.

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Table 2.2-11 Examples of Unit Costs

Cost Item Automobile Bus Rail
Vehicle Operation 7.4 cents/VMT $1.50-3.00/Trip $4.25/Trip
Vehicle Ownership $3.12/Trip
Parking, Downtown $3.00
Parking, Other $1.00
Highway Operations 1.8 cents/VMT 2.9 cents/VMT
Added Highway Capacity 62¢/Peak-VMT 99¢/Peak-VMT
Public Services 1.1 cent/VMT 1.1 cent/VMT 0.22 cents/VMT
Accident (Market) 4.2 cents/VMT 8.4 cents/VMT 1.68 cents/VMT
Accidents (Nonmarket) 7.8 cents/VMT 15.6 cents/VMT 3.12 cents/VMT
Air Pollution 2.4 cents/VMT
Water Pollution 0.2 cents/VMT
Noise 0.16 cents/VMT
Solid/Chemical Waste 0.2 cents/VMT
Oil Extraction 1.5 cents/VMT

22. Gunther Ellwanger (2000), “External Environmental Costs of Transport - Comparison of Recent
Studies,” Social Costs and Sustainable Mobility, ZEW, Physica-Verlag, pp. 15-20.
These paper provides estimates of external costs for Car, Bus, Rail, Air and Water-way transport
(passenger and freight) based on four previous European studies, as summarized in Table 2.2-12.

Table 2-11 External Costs of Transport in Western Europe

Passenger (ECU/1,000 Pkm) Freight (ECU/1,000 Tkm)
Road Rail Road Rail
IWW/INFRAS 50.1 10.0 58.4 7.3
ECMT, 1996 50-65 10-19 18-30 4-7.5
ECMT, 1998 49 12 62 9
EU-Greenbook 35.5 8.0 33.2 5.3
ZEW-QUITS 44.3 4.9 30.6 2.8

23 Silvia Banfi, et al (2000), External Costs of Transport: Accident, Environmental and Congestion Costs
in Western Europe, INFRAS ( and IWW (
This study develops estimates of accidents, noise, air pollution, climate change risks, other
environmental and non-environmental effects, and congestion for four modes (road, rail, air and water
transport) in 17 European countries for 1995 and 2010. It calculates total and marginal costs for each
country. Marginal costs are intended for pricing. An updated version was published in 2004 by the
Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies ( and the International
Union of Railways ( It concluded that in 2000, external costs for all modes combined
totaled 650 billion euro, or 7.3 % of European GDP, up 12% since 1995, indicating am increase in the
economic and social burden. The direct causes of this increase are traffic volume growth, especially in
road and air transport, and incresed pollution costs. Road transport accounts for 84% of external costs,
followed by air transport with 14%. Rail is responsible for 1.9 % of these costs, and waterways, 0.4 %.
Two-thirds of the overall costs stem from passenger transport and one third from freight transport.

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24. Tom Sansom, C. A. Nash, Peter J Mackie, J. D. Shires and S. M. Grant-Muller (2001), Surface
Transport Costs and Charges, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds
(, for the UK DETR.
This study compares the social costs of road and rail transport with current user charges. UK roadway
costs are estimated for 1998 on two different bases - marginal costs associated with an additional
vehicle km, and fully allocated costs. The resultant analysis framework and empirical results are
intended to inform policy making in the areas of charging, taxation and subsidies. The analysis includes
infrastructure, vehicle, congestion, crash, and pollution costs. Estimates that automobile use generally
covers costs, but underprices with respect to marginal costs.

Table 2.2-13 UK Road Costs and Revenues (1998 UK Pence Per Veh-Km)
Fully Allocated Costs Marginal Costs
High Low High Low
Infrastructure capital costs 0.78 1.34 n/a n/a
Infrastructure operating costs and depreciation 0.75 0.97 0.42 0.54
Vehicle operating costs 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87
Congestion n/a n/a 9.71 11.16
Mohring effect (public transit vehicle only) n/a n/a -0.16 -0.16
External accident costs 0.06 0.78 0.82 1.40
Air pollution 0.34 1.70 0.34 1.70
Noise 0.24 0.78 0.02 0.78
Climate change 0.15 0.62 0.15 0.62
VAT not paid 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
Cost subtotal 3.34 7.20 12.32 17.05
Fares (public transit vehicles only) 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84
Vehicle excise duty 1.10 1.10 0.14 0.14
Fuel duty 4.42 4.42 4.42 4.42
VAT on fuel duty 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77
Subtotal of revenues 7.14 7.14 6.17 6.17
Difference (costs-revenues) -3.79 0.07 6.15 10.88
Ratio (revenues/costs) 2.13 0.99 0.50 0.36
This table summarizes estimated costs and revenue of UK road transport using two perspectives, full
allocation (i.e., total costs allocated to users) and marginal (incremental costs).

25. Emile Quinet (2004), “Meta-Analysis Of Western European External Cost Estimates,” Transportation
Research D, Vol. 9 (, Nov. 2004, pp. 465-476.
This study compares results of 14 transportation cost studies performed in Western Europe from 1998-
2003 (one from 1991). It analyzes their methodologies and compares their results using regression
analysis. It finds that external cost estimates vary significantly, but these differences can be explained
by differences in they types of costs and conditions evaluated, and that issues of scientific uncertainty
are a smaller contribution of variation. It concludes that, when properly applied, cost studies can
provide justifiable values that are useful for economic analysis.

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26. NZMOT (2005), Surface Transport Costs and Charges: Summary of Main Findings and Issues, New
Zealand Ministry of Transport (
This study analyzes the full costs of road and rail travel in New Zealand, both passenger and freight,
including internal costs (vehicle, travel time and internal accident risk), and external costs (road and rail
infrastructure, accident externalities, environmental externalities and resource opportunity costs such
as land value). The table below summarizes estimates of external costs. It estimates that cars directly
pay 64% of their costs, trucks directly pay 56% of their costs and buses directly pay 68% of their costs.
Long-distance truck transport imposes external costs of 2.9¢ to 3.4¢ per tonne-kilometer, compared
with 0.1¢ to 0.8¢ for rail.

Table 2.2-14 Total Road System External Costs (Million NZ$, 2001-02)
Cost Best Estimate Minimum Maximum
Road system operation $770 $750 $850
Road system maintenance $380 $380 $380
Road system assets (roadway land value) $750 $300 $980
Accident externalities $670 $330 $1,340
Environmental impacts $1,170 $600 $2,400
Totals $3,740 $2,360 $5,950

27. Transport Canada (2003-2007), Investigation of the Full Costs of Transportation: A Discussion Paper
& documents covering transmodal, road, rail and other subjects. Economic Analysis Policy Group,
Transport Canada ( Technical analysis discussed in Anming
Zhang, Anthony E. Boardman, David Gillen and W.G. Waters II (2005), Towards Estimating the Social
and Environmental Costs of Transportation in Canada, Centre for Transportation Studies, University of
Britsh Columbia (; at
This three-year project investigates the full costs of transportation, including comprehensive financial
and social costs (accidents, noise, congestion delays and environmental damages) associated with
infrastructures, services, vehicles, and with the movement of people and goods.

28. CE (Vermeulen, et al) (2004), The Price of Transport: Overview of the Social Costs of Transport, CE
Delft; van Essen, et al (2004), Marginal Costs of Infrastructure Use – Towards a Simplified Approach, CE
Delft (; at
These related studies analyze the social costs of various transport modes, including road and rail
transport (both passenger and freight) and inland shipping (freight only), in The Netherlands. It
discusses cost categories, the magnitude of these costs, the share of the costs borne directly by user
groups, and the extent to which existing pricing is efficient.

29. Astrid Jakob, John L. Craig and Gavin Fisher (2006), “Transport Cost Analysis: A Case Study of
the Total Costs of Private and Public Transport in Auckland,” Environmental Science & Policy, Vol. 9
(, pp. 55-66.
This study assesses the external (unpaid) and internal (user paid) cost of transport. It focuses on
estimating the total cost of both private and public transport, using a case study for Auckland, New
Zealand’s largest city. The external costs (primarily external accident costs, air pollution, and climate
change) are significant, 2.23% of regional GDP. Of this private transport generated 28 times more
external cost than public transport. The internal cost assessment showed that total revenues collected
did not even cover 50% of total transport cost. The study concludes that current pricing results in
economically excessive motor vehicle travel.

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30. M. Maibach, et al. (February 2008), Handbook on Estimation of External Cost in the Transport
Sector: Produced within the study Internalisation Measures and Policies for All external Cost of Transport
(IMPACT), Version 1.1, CE Delft, for the European Commission DG TREN; at
This study provides a comprehensive overview of approaches for estimating external transport costs for
policy and pricing analysis. It provides best available input values for such calculation (e.g. value of one
life year lost), and default unit values of external cost for different traffic situations (e.g. air pollution
cost of a vehicle in Euro per kilometre).

31. Land Transport New Zealand (2006-2017) Economic Evaluation Manual (EEM) - volumes 1 & 2
(; at
Land Transport NZ’s Economic evaluation manual (EEM) outlines comprehensive standards for
economic evaluation of transport infrastructure projects and transportation demand management
(TDM) strategies. This is one of the few resources to specify monetary values for the health benefits of
physical activity resulting from infrastructure improvements and TDM strategies that increase walking
and cycling activity, as shown in the table below. This source assumes that half of the benefit is internal
to the people who increase their activity level by walking or cycling, and half are external benefits to
society such as hospital cost savings.

Table 2.2-15 Active Transportation Health Benefits2

2005 $ NZ/km 2007 USD/km 2007 USD/mile
Cycling 0.16 0.12 0.19
Walking 0.40 0.30 0.48

32. Harry Clarke and David Prentice (2009), A Conceptual Framework For The Reform Of Taxes
Related To Roads And Transport, School of Economics and Finance, La Trobe University, for the
Australia Treasury Australia's Future Tax System review; at
This report evalutes transportation pricing efficiency in Australia. It discusses various economic
principles related to efficient prices and taxes, estimates various transportation-related external costs
(road and parking facilities, congestion, accidents, energy consumption and pollution), evaluates the
efficiency of current pricing and taxes, and recommends various reforms to help achieve transportation
planning objectives.

33. Sangjune Park (2009), “KRW 53 Trillion (5.4% of GDP), “Estimates of the External Costs of
Transport in 2007,” KOTI World-Brief, Vol. 1, No. 3, Korea Transport Institute (, July 2009,
pp. 8-10; at
This study estimates that in South Korea during 2007, household expenditures on transportation totaled
11.4% of GDP, and external transportation costs (congestion delays, accident damages and pollution
emissions) totaled 5.4% of GDP. The study compares Korea’s transport costs with other countries, and
indicates changes over time. Recommends using this information for policy analysis and pricing.

2 Land Transport New Zeland (2006 / 2005) Economic Evaluation Manual (EEM) – volumes 1 & 2
(; at (Active transportation health
benefits data is found in Volume 2, section 3.8, p 3-22).

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34. Swiss ARE (2005 and 2010), External Cost of Transport In Switzerland, Swiss Federal Office of
Spatial Development (; at
This Swiss government sponsored research program estimates various transportation costs, including
accidents, noise, building damages, environmental damages (air pollution, climate, natural and
landscape damages) and traffic congestion. Table 2.2-16 summarizes the estimated costs for 2005.
These estimates are based on accident statistics, pollutant or noise emissions and aerial photo analysis.
The transport-related proportions were determined and converted into costs. Those costs not
amenable to direct quantification were estimated using the so-called willingness-to-pay approach. The
values and assumptions underlying the calculations are deliberately cautious. The adopted methods
result in an understatement of the effective external transport costs. As a result, the figures presented
reflect conservative estimates.

Table 2.2-16 Swiss External Transportation Costs (million CHF)

Cost Road Rail Total
Accidents 2,017 30 2,047
Noise 1,101 74 1,174
Health 1,834 121 1,954
Building damage 274 15 289
Climate 1,256 7 1,264
Other environmental costs 906 98 1,004
Nature and landscape 687 110 797
Subtotal 8,074 455 8,529
Congestion 1,240 --- 1,240
Total 9,314 455 9,769

35. TC (2008), Estimates of the Full Cost of Transportation in Canada, Economic Analysis Directorate of
Transport Canada (; at
This report summarizes the results of Transport Canada’s Full Cost Investigation (FCI) project, which
included a number of studies concerning various transportation costs, including costs of vehicle
ownership and operations, infrastructure ownership and operations (including land opportunity costs),
congestion, accidents and environmental costs. Tables 2.2-17 and 2.2-18 summarize these cost
estimates. They indicate, for example, that roadway infrastructure annualized costs total $40. 4 billion
of which $12.61 billion is paid by user charges.

Table 2.2-17 Financial Cost Estimates by Major Mode (Billion 2000$CA)

Mode Vehicle & Infrastructure Minus User Sector
Carrier Capital Operating Land Total Charges Total
Road $128.57 $28.68 $4.91 $6.81 $40.4 $12.61 $156.35
Rail $4.30 $2.92 $1.77 $0.26 $4.95 $0.17 $9.08
Marine $1.91 $0.50 $0.53 $0.19 $1.22 $0.09 $3.04
Air $15.16 $0.95 $1.37 $0.17 $2.49 $1.76 $15.89
Total $149.93 $33.06 $8.57 $7.43 $49.06 $14.63 $184.36
This table summarizes estimated infrastructure and vehicle costs of various modes in Canada.

In addition, roadway transportation also imposes $29.59 billion in social costs. Other modes also
impose uncompensated costs, which are smaller in total magnitude compared with roadway costs, but

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not necessarily smaller per passenger-mile or as a portion of user charges. The study analyzes these
costs in various ways, including by activity (local passenger, intercity passenger and freight transport),
by province and city, and per passenger-trip and passenger-km for various modes. The study also
compared transportation costs as a portion of GDP between Canada and various other countries.

Table 2.2-18 Social Cost Estimates by Major Mode (Billion of 2000CA$)

Mode Accidents Congestion Air GHG Noise Total
Delay pollution
Road $15.78 $5.17 $4.73 $3.68 $0.22 $29.59
Rail $0.30 Not covered $0.44 $0.19 $0.00 $0.93
Marine $0.06 Not covered $0.54 $0.24 Not covered $0.84
Air $0.10 Not covered $0.03 $0.47 $0.03 $0.64
Total $16.24 $5.17 $5.74 $4.58 $0.26 $32.00
This table summarizes estimated non-market costs of various modes in Canada.

36. Nariida C. Smith, Daniel W. Veryard and Russell P. Kilvington (2009), Relative Costs And Benefits
Of Modal Transport Solutions, Research Report 393, NZ Transport Agency (; at
This report describes the outcomes of a study commissioned by the NZ Transport Agency to inform local
authorities about the costs and benefits of transport modes. The aim of the study has been to provide
general advice on the relative cost and benefits of alternatives with a focus on passenger transport in
urban areas. It explores the issues decision makers face in estimating costs, and sets out an approach to
providing estimates. It provides estimates of various cost, including vehicle costs, infrastructure,
operating, travel time, accident risk, health impacts, and pollution costs, which can then be applied to
the number of vehicles and the distance they travel, so readers may tailor comparisons to their own
situation. This quantitative exercise is supplemented by contextual discussion of some important issues
in urban transport including drivers of the transport mix, the relationship between land use and
transport planning, and road space and traffic management. A selection of case studies drawn from
mainly New Zealand urban areas provides some specific illustrations of the issues raised.

36. COWI (2009), Economic Evaluation of Cycle Projects - Methodology and Unit Prices,
Samfundsøkonomiske Analyser Af Cykeltiltag - Metode Og Cases and the accompanying note
Enhedsværdier for Cykeltrafik, prepared by COWI for the City of Copenhagen (
The City of Copenhagen has developed a standard cost-benefit analysis (CBA) methodology for
evaluating cycle policies and projects, and applied that model in two case studies. Table 2.2-19
summarizes unit cost values used in the economic analysis. The unit costs for cars are from the Ministry
of Transportation’s official unit cost catalogue (Transportøkonomiske Enhedspriser). The external values
for cars are reported for gasoline cars under urban off-peak conditions. In total, cycling is estimated to
have net costs (costs minus health benefits) of 0.60 Danish Kroner per kilometer. Health benefits
include reduced medical and disability costs valued at 1.11 Danish Kronor (DKK) to users and 2.91 DKK
to society, plus 2.59 DKK worth of increased longevity. Car travel is estimated to have net costs (costs
minus duties, which are large because Denmark has very high fuel taxes) of 3.74 Danish Kroner per
kilometer. This would be even higher under urban-peak conditions due to higher congestion costs.

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Table 2.2-19 Average Costs Per Kilometre For Cycling (2008 Danish Kroner)
Cycling (16 km/h) For Reference: Car (50 km/h) in city
Internal External Total Internal External Duties Total
Time costs (non-work) 5.00 0 5.00 1.60 0 0 1.60
Vehicle operating costs 0.33 0 0 2.20 0 -1.18 2.20
Prolonged life -2.66 0.06 -2.59 0 0 0 0
Health -1.11 -1.80 -2.91 0 0 0 0
Accidents 0.25 0.54 0.78 0 0.22 0.22
Perceived safety + (?) + (?) ? ? ? ?
Discomfort ? 0 ? ? ? 0 ?
Branding/tourism 0 -0.02 -0.02 ? ? 0 ?
Air pollution 0 0 0 0 0.03 0 0.03
Climate changes 0 0 0 0 0.04 0 0.04
Noise 0 0 0 0 0.36 0 0.36
Road deterioration 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.01
Traffic congestion 0 0 0 0 0.46 0 0.46
Total 1.81 -1.22 0.60 3.80 1.13 -1.18 3.74
This table summarizes unit cost values used for economic evaluation of cycling projects.

37. Ing. Udo J. Becker, Thilo Becker and Julia Gerlach (2012) , The True Costs of Automobility: External
Costs of Cars Overview on Existing Estimates in EU-27, TU Dresden (; at
This report estimates the external costs of automobile travel, including accidents, noise, air pollution
and climate change emissions. It concludes that motor vehicle travel imposes significant net external
costs, beyond user charges and taxes.

Figure 2.2-1 Average External Costs From Cars Per 1,000 Vkm By Country

38. Ricardo-AEA (2014), Update of the Handbook on External Costs of Transport Final Report, European
Commission (; at

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This study for the European Commission provides a comprehensive overview of approaches for
estimating the external costs of transport, and recommends a set of methods and default values for use
when conceiving and implementing transport pricing policy and schemes. The study also provided
technical support to the Commission services to carry out an impact assessment of strategies to
internalise transport external costs. It coveres external environmental, accident and congestion costs
for various motorized transport modes. The focus was on the marginal external costs of transport
activity as a basis for the definition of internalisation policies such as efficient pricing schemes. The
Handbook does not include information on the existing taxes and charges and does not include
information on infrastructure costs. It updates research by Maibach et al., (2008) as an output of the
IMPACT study.

39. Akshaya Kumar Sen, Geetam Tiwari and Vrajaindra Upadhyay (2010), “Estimating Marginal
External Costs of Transport in Delhi,” Transport Policy, Vol. 17, pp. 27–37; at
This article developed a model and methodology for estimating the marginal external cost of congestion,
air pollution, road accidents and noise for automobiles and buses operating in Delhi, India. This is one of
the few studies of transport external costs in developing countries.

Table 2.2-20 Marginal External Costs in Delhi, India (Sen, Tiwari and Upadhyay 2010)
Vehicle Type Congestion Air Pollution Accidents Noise Total Total
(Rs./km) (US$/km)
Petrol Car
Peak small 4.91 0.28 0.067 0.05 5.307 0.118
Peak large 4.91 0.31 0.067 0.05 5.337 0.119
Off-peak small 0.32 0.27 0.067 0.13 0.787 0.017
Off-peak big 0.32 0.30 0.067 0.13 0.817 0.018
Diesel Car
Peak small 4.913 1.674 0.067 0.05 6.704 0.149
Peak large 4.913 2.736 0.067 0.05 7.766 0.173
Off-peak small 0.316 1.030 0.067 0.13 1.543 0.034
Off-peak big 0.316 1.665 0.067 0.13 2.178 0.048
Peak 9.826 14.140 1.771 0.49 26.227 0.583
Off-peak 0.632 9.106 1.771 1.28 12.788 0.284
This table summarizes various estimated external costs for motor vehicles operating in Delhi, India.

40. ATAP (2017), Australian Transport Assessment and Planning Guidelines, ATAP Steering Committee
Secretariat ( Australia Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development.
The Australian Transport Assessment and Planning (ATAP) Guidelines (the Guidelines) provide a
comprehensive framework for planning, assessing and developing transport systems and related
initiatives. It provides guidance for Travel Demand Modelling, Cost Benefit Analysis, Wider Economic
Benefits, Productivity Metrics, Distributional (Equity) Effects, and Benefit Management, for various modes
and strategies (active transport, public transport, automobile, rail and behavior change). Economic
impacts include vehicle operation, travel time values, crash costs, health impacts, and environmental

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2.3 Freight Cost Studies

The studies below focus on freight transport costs.

F-1. Transport Concepts (1994), External Costs of Truck and Train, Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way
Employees (Ottawa).
This study compares external costs of train and truck freight transport to justify increased truck
taxes or increased subsidies for rail. Table 2.3.1 summarizes their results.

Table 2.3-1 External Costs of Train Vs. Truck (1994 Canadian Cents per Tonne Kilometer)
Intercity Truck Rail Rail Rail Rail Rail
Truck Semi Truck System Piggy Con- Box Car Hopper
Cost Average Trailer B-Train Average Back tainer Car
Accidents 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06
Pollution 0.71 0.72 0.58 0.23 0.36 0.29 0.25 0.15
Interference 0.64 0.65 0.52 - - - - -
Infrastructure 0.67 0.69 0.52 - - - - -
Cash Subsidy 0.09 - - 0.28 0 0 0 0
Cost Subtotal 2.51 2.46 2.02 0.57 0.42 0.35 0.31 0.21
Fuel Taxes -0.29 -0.29 -0.22 -0.06 -0.09 -0.07 -0.04 -0.04
License Fees -0.07 -0.07 -0.07 - - - - -
Revenue Subtotal -0.36 -0.36 -0.29 -0.06 -0.09 -0.07 -0.04 -0.04
Net External Costs 2.15 2.10 1.73 0.51 0.33 0.28 0.27 0.17

F-2. Transmode Consultants Inc. (1995), Ontario Freight Movement Study, National Round Table on the
Environment and the Economy (Toronto).
This study focuses primarily on air pollution, particularly greenhouse gas emissions. Component
2 uses case studies to evaluate the feasibility of more efficient practices.

F-3. Committee for Study of Public Policy for Surface Freight Transport (1996), Paying Our Way;
Estimating Marginal Social Costs of Freight Transport, TRB (
This study uses previous cost research and case studies to estimate and compare marginal costs
of freight transport, including internal costs to carriers, congestion, accidents, air pollution,
energy consumption externalities, noise, and public facility costs. The study concludes that
external costs represent an additional 7-20% cost over existing internal costs, and tend to be
higher for truck and barge than for rail. The greatest external costs are associated with urban
freight distribution where congestion and high population densities increase these costs. Policy
applications and further research needs are discussed.

F-4. Thomas Bue Bjørner (1999), “Environmental Benefits from Better Freight Transport Management:
Freight Traffic in a VAR Model,” Transportation Research D, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 1999, pp. 45-64.
This article summarizes various estimates of the external costs of freight. Concludes that these
costs (air pollution, noise, accidents and congestion) are about four times higher for one truck-
kilometer than for a private car.

F-5. David Gargett, David Mitchell and Lyn Martin (1999), Competitive Neutrality Between Road and
Rail, Bureau of Transport Economics, Australia (

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This study uses estimates of the full costs of road and rail freight to estimate the price changes
that would result from full-cost pricing. The study indicates that current pricing tends to favor
trucks over rail by failing to internalize many costs.

Table 2.3-2 External Costs of Rail Vs. Truck (Australian Cents Per Net Tonne-Km)
Rail Truck
Cost Payment Balance Cost Payment Balance
Infrastructure Use 0.87 0.87 0.0 0.97 0.64 0.33
Accident Costs 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.32 0.16 0.16
Enforcement Costs NA 0.0 0.0 0.05 0.0 0.05
Congestion NA 0.0 0.0 0.03 0.0 0.03
Air Pollution 0.004 0.0 0.004 0.01 0.0 0.01
Noise 0.02 0.0 0.02 0.034 0.0 0.034
Totals 0.924 0.88 0.044 1.454 0.84 0.614
This table indicates the estimated external costs of each mode, how much they pay under the current
price structure, and the balance of external costs that result.

F-6. David Forkenbrock (1999 & 2001), “External Costs of Intercity Truck Freight Transportation,”
Transportation Research A, Vol. 33, No. 7/8 (, Sept./Nov. 1999, pp. 505-526;
David Forkenbrock, “Comparison of External Costs of Rail and Truck Freight Transport,” Transportation
Research A, Vol. 35, No. 4, May 2001, pp. 321-337.
These articles summarize existing intercity truck internal costs. Internal costs are estimated at
$1.25 per vehicle-mile, or 8.42¢ per ton-mile in 1994 (these values are disaggregated by cost
category and trip length). Rail external costs are much smaller in magnitude but larger as a
portion of internal (private) costs. Estimates of external costs are as indicated in Table 2.3-3.
Concludes that heavy truck road user charges would need to approximately triple to internalize
these costs.

Table 2.3-3 Estimated External Costs of Intercity Truck

Cost Category 1994 Cents Per Ton-Mile
Accidents 0.59
Air pollution 0.08
Greenhouse gases 0.15
Noise 0.04
Roadway external costs 0.25
Total 1.11

F-7. H. Link, J.S. Dodgson, M. Maibach and M. Herry (1999), The Costs of Road Infrastructure and
Congestion in Europe, Physcia-Verlag (
This book is based on the final report of a project funded by the European Commission (DGVII) entitled
“Infrastructure Capital, Maintenance and Road Damage Costs for Different Heavy Goods Vehicles in the
EU” (Project No.: B1-B97-B2 7040-SIN 5317-ETU). It examines the ways in which the costs of transport
infrastructure and congestion can be calculated and allocated to different types of traffic, focusing
mainly on road freight transport.

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F-8. Oxford Economic Research Associates (1999), The Environmental and Social Costs of Heavy
Goods Vehicles and Options for Reforming the Fiscal Regime, English, Welsh, and Scottish Railway,
This report investigates the full social and environmental costs of road freight, including factors such as
pollution and uncovered costs of structural damage, and concludes that road freight currently pays only
70% of its full costs. Including interest payments on the capital costs of road infrastructure lowers the
ratio of paid costs to full costs to 59%. The report discusses alternatives for incorporating full costs into
road freight charges, including a time-based payment along the lines of the Eurovignette scheme
currently in use in several European countries, or a distance-based scheme in operation in Sweden and
New Zealand.

F-9. TRB (2002), “Comparison of Inland Waterways and Surface Freight Modes,” TR NEWS 221,
Transportation Research Board (, July-August 2002, p. 10-17.
Includes information comparing various freight modes, as summarized in the table below.

Table 2.3-4 Freight Modes Compared (per ton-mile)

Costs Fuel Hydrocarbons CO NOx
Units Cents Gallons Lbs. Lbs. Lbs.
Barge 0.97 0.002 0.09 0.20 0.53
Rail 2.53 0.005 0.46 0.64 1.83
Truck 5.35 0.017 0.63 1.90 10.17

F-10. ICF Consulting (2001), Freight Benefit/Cost Study: Compilation of the Literature, Office of Freight
Management and Operations, Federal Highway Administration
(, 2001.
This study includes a review of freight transport costing and describes a comprehensive analysis tool
that can capture the full benefits and costs of freight transportation improvements.

F-11. Vermeulen, et al. (2004), The Price of Transport: Overview of the Social Costs of Transport, CE
Delft; van Essen, et al. (2004), Marginal Costs of Infrastructure Use – Towards a Simplified Approach, CE
Delft (; at
These studies analyze the social costs of various transport modes, including road and rail transport
(both passenger and freight) and inland shipping (freight only), in The Netherlands. They discusses cost
categories, the magnitude of these costs, the share of the costs borne directly by user groups, and the
extent to which existing pricing is efficient.

F-12. Michael F. Gorman (2008), “Evaluating The Public Investment Mix In US Freight Transportation
Infrastructure,” Transportation Research A, Vol. 42, 1 (, Jan. 2008, pp. 1-14.
This study evaluates truck and rail freight social costs (congestion, safety and pollution) and
investments. Estimates that governments currently spend $18.7 billion annually on roadways to
accommodate trucks, 24% of which is subsidized (not paid by users), and that public investments in rail
would be more cost effective overall.

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F-13. TC (2008), Estimates of the Full Cost of Transportation in Canada, Economic Analysis Directorate of
Transport Canada (; at
This report, which summarizes the results of Transport Canada’s Full Cost Investigation (FCI) project,
includes costs of vehicle ownership and operations, infrastructure ownership and operations (including
land opportunity costs), congestion, accidents and environmental damages for freight transport activity.

Table 2.3-5 Freight Cost Estimates and Activity Level

Financial Social Full Tonne- Financial Social Full Social/
Costs Costs Costs Kms Costs Costs Costs Full Costs
Billion 2000$CA Billion 2000$CA per tonne-km
Truck $49.83 $4.01 $53.84 244.97 $0.203 $0.016 $0.220 7%
Rail $6.73 $0.90 $7.63 322.44 $0.021 $0.003 $0.024 12%
Air $1.24 $0.03 $1.27 2.04 $0.607 $0.016 $0.623 3%
Total $60.21 $5.72 $65.94 569.46 $0.106 $0.010 $0.116 9%
This table summarizes the estimated costs of freight transport modes in Canada.

F-15. M. Piecyk and A. McKinnon (2007), Internalising The External Costs Of Road Freight Transport In
The UK, Logistics Research Center, Heriot-Watt University (; at
Mid-range estimate is that the total infrastructural, environmental and congestion costs attributable to
UK-registered heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) in 2006 were £7.1 to £7.6 billion, of which special taxes on
these vehicles paid about two-thirds of these costs. The proportion of the total cost internalised varied
by vehicle class, with the lightest category of rigid vehicles covering only 55% of their allocated costs,
but the heaviest rigid vehicles covering 79%. Overall, the analysis suggested that taxes on lorries would
have to rise by around 50% to fully internalise infrastructural, environmental and congestion costs.
About 40% of the total external costs is attributable to congestion, 23% to infrastructure, 19% to traffic
accidents, 8% to greenhouse gases, 7% to other air pollution emissions, and 2% to noise.

F-16 GAO (2011), Comparison of the Costs of Road, Rail, and Waterways Freight Shipments That Are
Not Passed on to Consumers, Government Accountability Office (; at
Analysis in this report indicates that truck freight transport tends to generate significantly more costs
(infrastructure, air pollution, accidents and traffic congestion) that are not passed on to consumers than
rail or water freight transport. It estimates that costs not passed on to consumers were at least 6 times
greater for truck than rail and at least 9 times greater than waterways costs per ton-miles of freight
transport. Most of these costs were external costs imposed on society. These are considered lower-
bound estimates.

f-17 David Austin (2015), Pricing Freight Transport to Account for External Costs, Congressional
Budget Office (; at
This study describes and estimates external costs of freight transport including wear and tear on roads
and bridges, traffic congestion delays, accident, and pollution damages; how to efficiently price these
impacts, and the effects that would result.

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2.4 Information Resources

Information on transportation cost analysis studies are described below.

Steve Abley, Paul Durdin and Malcolm Douglass (2010), Integrated Transport Assessment Guidelines,
Report 422, Land Transport New Zealand (; at

ATAP (2017), Australian Transport Assessment and Planning Guidelines, ATAP Steering Committee
Secretariat ( Australia Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development.

David Austin (2015), Pricing Freight Transport to Account for External Costs, Congressional Budget Office
(; at

Andrea Avni, et al. (2015), Literature Searches and Literature Reviews for Transportation Research
Projects How to Search, Where to Search, and How to Put It All Together: Current Practices,
Transportation Research Circular E-C194, Transportation Research Board (; at

Udo J. Becker, Thilo Becker and Julia Gerlach (2012), The True Costs of Automobility: External Costs of
Cars Overview on Existing Estimates in EU-27, TU Dresden (; at www.greens-

Booz Allen Hamilton (2005), Surface Transport Costs and Charges Study, Ministry of Transportation New
Zealand (

CE, INFRAS, ISI (2011), External Costs of Transport in Europe – Update Study for 2008, Studie im
Auftrag des Internationalen Eisenbahnverbandes (UIC), CE Delft (, INFRAS AG, Zürich,
Fraunhofer-ISI, Karlsruhe, External Transport Cost Study (; at

Harry Clarke and David Prentice (2009), Conceptual Framework For The Reform Of Taxes Related To
Roads And Transport, La Trobe University, for the Australia Treasury Australia's Future Tax System
review; at

Commuter Solutions (2010), How Much Does It Really Cost You To Drive?, Commuter Solutions
(; at

COWI (2009), Economic Evaluation Of Cycle Projects - Methodology And Unit Prices,
Samfundsøkonomiske Analyser Af Cykeltiltag - Metode Og Cases and the accompanying note
Enhedsværdier for Cykeltrafik, prepared by COWI for the City of Copenhagen (

Felix Creutzig and Dongquan He (2009), “Climate Change Mitigation And Co-Benefits Of Feasible
Transport Demand Policies In Beijing,” Transportation Research D, Vol. 14, pp. 120-131; at www.user.tu-

Mark Delucchi (1996), Annualized Social Cost of Motor Vehicle Use in the United States, Based on 1990-
1991 Data, Institute of Transportation Studies (; at

Mark Delucchi (2005), The Social-Cost Calculator (SCC): Documentation of Methods and Data, and Case
Study of Sacramento, Sacramento Area Council of Governments and the Northeast States for
Coordinated Air-Use Management, UCD-ITS-RR-05-37, (; at

Mark Delucchi (2007), Do Motor-Vehicle Users In The US Pay Their Way?, Transportation Research A,
Vol. 41/10, Dec., pp. 982-1003 (

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Mark A. Delucchi and James J. Murphy (2008), “How Large Are Tax Subsidies To Motor-Vehicle Users in
the US?” Transport Policy, Vol. 15/3, pp. 196 – 208; at

M. A. Delucchi and D. M. McCubbin (2010), “External Costs of Transport in the U. S.,” Chapter 9 of the
Handbook in Transport Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing.

DfT (2006-2017), Transport Analysis Guidance, UK Department for Transport (; at

Jos M.W. Dings, Marc D. Davidson, Maartje N. Sevenster (2003), External And Infrastructure Costs Of
Road And Rail Transport - Analysing European Studies, CE Delft (; at

EC (2005), ExternE: Externalities of Energy - Methodology 2005 Update, Directorate-General for

Research Sustainable Energy Systems, European Commission (

EDRG (2007), Monetary Valuation of Hard-to-Quantify Transportation Impacts: Valuing Environmental,

Health/Safety & Economic Development Impacts, NCHRP 8-36-61, National Cooperative Highway Research
Program (; at

EEA (2007), Size, Structure and Distribution of Transport Subsidies in Europe, European Environmental
Agency (; at

European Transport Pricing Initiatives (, including ExternE (,

GRACE (, and UNITE (

EU (2014), Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investment Projects Economic appraisal tool for Cohesion
Policy 2014-2020, European Commission (; at

Caroline Evans, et al. (2015), Updating Environmental Externalities Unit Values, Austroads
(; at

FHWA (1998), Surface Transportation Efficiency Analysis Model, FHWA (

FHWA (1997 and 2000), 1997 Federal Highway Cost Allocation Study (including appendices) USDOT

FHWA (annual reports), Highway Statistics, FHWA, USDOT

( include roadway expenditure and user fee revenue data.

Vijay Gill and John Lawson (2013), Where the Rubber Meets the Road: How Much Motorists Pay for Road
Infrastructure, Conference Board of Canada (; at

David Greene, Donald Jones and Mark Delucchi (1997), Full Costs and Benefits of Transportation,
Springer (

Michael F. Gorman (2008), “Evaluating The Public Investment Mix In US Freight Transportation
Infrastructure,” Transportation Research A, Vol. 42, Is. 1 (, January, pp. 1-14.

Stefan Gössling and Andy S. Choi (2015), “Transport Transitions in Copenhagen: Comparing the Cost of
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