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Cardshark v. Gucci America - Complaint

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Case 1:18-cv-05803 Document 1 Filed 06/27/18 Page 1 of 5



Case No. _________
Complaint for Patent Infringement
Demand for Jury Trial
GUCCI America, Inc.




Plaintiff CardShark, LLC (“CardShark” or “Plaintiff”) by and for its Complaint against
Defendant Gucci Americas, Inc. (“Gucci” or “Defendant”) hereby alleges as follows:
1. This is an action for patent infringement arising under the patent laws of the
United States. Plaintiff holds the rights in U.S. Patent No. 8,381,904 (“the 904 Patent”). The
United States patent laws grant the holder of a patent the right to exclude infringers from
making, using, selling or importing the invention claimed in a patent, and to recover damages for
the infringer’s violations of these rights, and to recover treble damages where the infringer
willingly infringed the patent. Plaintiff is suing Defendant for infringing its patent and seeks to
recover damages from Defendant.
2. The ‘904 patent generally relates to a wireless handheld device protective wallet
covering with certain features, including a window housing on the front side of the product, a
rear protective face, with an externally accessible pocket that allows the insertion and removal of
cards or paper currency.
Case 1:18-cv-05803 Document 1 Filed 06/27/18 Page 2 of 5

3. Plaintiff, CardShark, LLC is a company organized and existing under the laws of
the State of New York, with a principal place of business at 7764 North Sheridan Road, Chicago,
Illinois 60626. CardShark designed and manufactured a product called the “CardShark Wallet
Skin,” which is covered by U.S. Patent No. 8,047,364. This product was previously sold on the
CardShark website: and is currently being redesigned based on the
invention disclosed in the ‘904 Patent. The CEO of CardShark is Kip Azzoni, who is also the
inventor of the patent-in-suit. Ms. Azzoni is also owner of Veteran Roasters and co-owner of
Rags of Honor, two businesses that employ homeless and chronically unemployed veterans and
CardShark’s assembly and distribution facility for its redesigned “CardShark Wallet Skin” will
similarly employ homeless and chronically unemployed veterans.
4. Upon information and belief, Defendant Gucci America, Inc. is a corporation
organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York with its principal place of
business at 685 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022.
5. This is an action for patent infringement arising under the patent laws of the
United States of America, more specifically under 35 U.S.C. § 100, et seq. Subject matter
jurisdiction is proper in this Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338.
6. The Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendant because Defendant, among

other things, resides in the State of New York. In addition, upon information and belief,
Defendant through its own acts and/or through the acts of its affiliated companies (acting as its
agents, retailers or alter egos) makes, uses, offers to sell, sells (directly or through
intermediaries), imports, licenses and/or supplies, in this District and elsewhere in the United
States, products, through regular distribution channels, knowing such products would be used,
offered for sale and/or sold in this District. For example, Defendant, Gucci offers products for
sale through its website Plaintiff’s cause of action arises directly
from Defendant’s contacts and other activities in the State of New York and in this District.
Case 1:18-cv-05803 Document 1 Filed 06/27/18 Page 3 of 5

7. Upon information and belief, Defendant directly or through its subsidiaries or

intermediaries, makes, uses, offers for sale, sells, imports, advertises, makes available and/or
markets and, at all relevant times has made, used, offered for sale, sold, imported, advertised and
made available and/or marketed products within the Southern District of New York, through its, thereby infringing the ‘904 patent.
8. Venue properly lies within this judicial district and division, pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
§§ 1391(b), (c), and (d), and 1400(b). Upon information and belief, Defendant resides in this
District for the purposes of venue, insofar as it is subject to the personal jurisdiction in this
District and its principal place of business is in this District. In addition, upon information and
belief, Defendant has committed acts of infringement in this District, solicits business in this
District, and conducts other business in this District.
9. Plaintiff incorporates by reference the allegations set forth in the preceding
10. On February 26, 2013, the ‘904 patent, entitled “Protective Covering For Personal
Electronic Device,” was duly and lawfully issued based upon an application filed by the
inventor, Kip Azzoni (formerly known as “Kip Longinotti-Buitoni”). A true and correct copy of

the ‘904 Patent is attached hereto as Exhibit 1.

11. Plaintiff is the assignee and the owner of all right, title and interest in and to the
‘904 patent, and has the right to sue and recover damages for infringement thereof.
12. Upon information and belief, Defendant has engaged in the design, manufacture,
marketing, offer for sale and sale of one or more GUCCI-branded phone cases, including but not
limited to Gucci Signature iPhone 7 case, Gucci Signature iPhone 7 Plus case, GG Supreme
canvas iPhone 7 Plus case, GG Supreme bees iPhone 7 case, GG Supreme canvas iPhone 7 case,
Gucci Animalier Bee Leather iPhone 7 Case, Gucci Embroidered Angry Cat GG Supreme
iPhone 7 Case, Gucci GG Love iPhone 7 Case, Gucci Tiger L'Aveugle Par Amour Leather
Case 1:18-cv-05803 Document 1 Filed 06/27/18 Page 4 of 5

iPhone 7 Case, and any other phone case that infringes at least one claim of the ‘904 patent
(collectively “the ‘904 Accused Products”).
13. Upon information and belief, Defendant has been and continues to be engaged in
making, using, importing, selling and/or offering for sale infringing products, including, but not
limited to, the ‘904 Accused Products in the United States generally, and in the Southern District
of New York specifically. The ‘904 Accused Products are available for retail purchase through
the website.
14. Upon information and belief, by acts including, but not limited to use, making,
importation, offers to sell, sales and marketing of products that fall within the scope of at least
claim 1 of the ‘904 patent, Defendant has directly infringed literally and/or upon information and
belief, equivalently, and is continuing to infringe the ‘904 patent and is thus liable to Plaintiff
pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271.
15. Defendant has indirectly infringed and continues to infringe at least claim 1 of the
‘904 patent by inducement under 35 U.S.C. 271(b). Defendant has induced and continues to
induce users, retailers and dealers of the ‘904 Accused Products to directly infringe at least claim
1 of the ‘904 patent.
16. Upon information and belief, Defendant knowingly induced users, retailers and
dealers to market, sell, and/or use the Accused Products, including, for example, by promoting

such products online (e.g.,

17. Defendant’s infringement of the ‘904 patent is without consent of, authority of, or
license from Plaintiff.
18. As a result of Defendant’s acts of infringement, Plaintiff has suffered and will
continue to suffer damages in an amount to be proven at trial.
1. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff requests this Court enter judgment as follows:
A. That the ‘904 patent is valid and enforceable;
Case 1:18-cv-05803 Document 1 Filed 06/27/18 Page 5 of 5

B. That Defendant has directly and indirectly infringed at least claim 1 of the ‘904
C. That Defendant account for and pay to Plaintiff all damages pursuant to 35 U.S.C.
§ 284 to adequately compensate Plaintiff for Defendant’s infringement of the ‘904 patent, but in
no event less than a reasonable royalty for the use made by Defendant of the invention set forth
in the ‘904 patent;
D. That Plaintiff be granted pre-judgment and post-judgment interest in accordance
with 35 U.S.C. § 284 on the damages caused to it by reason of Defendant’s infringement of the
‘904 patent;
E. That Plaintiff receive enhanced damages, in the form of treble damages, pursuant
to 35 U.S.C. § 284;
F. That this is an exceptional case under 35 U.S.C. § 285;
G. That costs be awarded to Plaintiff under 35 U.S.C. § 284; and
H. That Plaintiff be granted such other and further relief as the Court may deem just
and proper under the circumstances.
Plaintiff hereby demands a trial by jury on all issues so triable in this action.


By: _/Zachary Silbersher/______
Zachary Silbersher (ZS4391)
Gaston Kroub (GK6970)

305 Broadway, 7th Floor

New York, NY 10007
Telephone No.: (212) 323-7442
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US0083 81904B1

(12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,381,904 B1

Longinotti-Buitoni (45) Date of Patent: *Feb. 26, 2013

(54) PROTECTIVE COVERING FOR PERSONAL 6,616,111 B1* 9/2003 White ...................... .. 248/3091
ELECTRONIC DEVICE 6,634,494 B1* 10/2003 Derr et a1. ..... .. 206/305
6,646,864 B2* 11/2003 Richardson 36l/679.3
. . . . . 6,669,014 B2* 12/2003 Onmoriet a1. . 206/232
(76) Inventor: Kip Longlnottl-Bultonl, New York, NY 6,845,863 B1,. V2005 Riley ''''''''''''''''' '''“ 206/39

(Us) 6,935,497 B1* 8/2005 Domotoretal. 206/320

7,204,398 B1 * 4/2007 Smith, Sr. .... .. 224/607
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis 13574319 5 * 55/2008 Andre etfll D3/269
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 7,464,814 B2: 12/2008 Camevah 206/320
U S C 154(b)b Oda S D597,089 S 7/2009 et a1. .. .. Dl4/250
~ ~ ~ y y ~ D619,130 s * 7/2010 Felllg .... .. .. D14/250
' ' ' ' ' _ D626,ll9 S * 10/2010 Fellig .... .. .. Dl4/250
Tlhis patent is subieci to a ienmnai 415 1,631,246 S , mu Bower ,,,,,,,,,,, H D3018
C almer- 8,047,364 B2* 11/2011 Longinotti-Buitoni 206/320
D653,656 S * 2/2012 Charnas et a1. ...... .. .. Dl4/250
(21) Appl. N0.: 13/286,257 2002/0175096 A1* 11/2002 Linihan ........ .. 206/305
2004/0173482 Al* 9/2004 Nieves ...... .. 206/320
(22) Filed; NW1, 2011 2007/0057004 A1* 3/2007 Butler et a1. ..... .. 224/669
2007/0215663 Al* 9/2007 Chongson et a1. . 224/930
. . 2007/0223183 Al* 9/2007 Oja .................. .. 361/681
Related U-s-APPhcatlon Data 2008/0121322 A1* 5/2008 Thomson ..... .. 150/143
(63) Continuation of application No. 12/848,548, ?led on Zoos/0142129 A1 * 6/2008 Reamer et a1‘ """"""" " ISO/131
Aug. 2, 2010, now Pat. No. 8,047,364, which is a * Cited by examiner
continuation of application No. 12/619,629, ?led on
Nov. 16, 2009, now abandoned. Primary Examiner * Steven A. Reynolds
(60) Provisional application No. 61/114,689, ?led on Nov. (74) Attorney’ Agent’ or Flrm i Andrew S‘ Langsam; Pryor
14, 2008' Cashman LLP

(51) Int- Cl- (57) ABSTRACT

B65D 65/02 (2006.01) A personal electronic device protective wallet covering. A
(52) U.S. c1. ...................... .. 206/320; 206/38;455/575.8 main housing is dimensioned to ?t Securely and snugly
(58) Field of Classi?cation Search ................ .. 206/320, éround a Pérsonal électronic device- The main housing
206/305’ 701’ 38; 455/5758; 150/131’ 132; lncludes a w1ndow dlsposed on a front s1de of'the houslng
224/929’ 930 allow1ng usable access to a front surface of a dev1ce dlsposed
See application ?le for Complete Search history in the housing. A rear protective face at least partially covers
a rear surface of the device disposed inside. A preferably
(56) References Cited externally accessible pocket is formed coextensively with the
rear protective face, adapted to allow insertion and removal of
US. PATENT DOCUMENTS cards or paper currency into and out of the pocket in the
3,949,916 A * 4/1976 Yount ......................... .. 224/240
manner of a wallet. The window may be an absence of hous
3,958,690 A * 5/1976 Gee, Sr. .... .. 206/232 ing material, allowing direct user contact with the front of the
4,071,065 A * 1/1978 Halbich ... ... . . . . . .. 206/320 device, or it may thin and transparent, allowing functional
5,080,223 A * 1/1992 Mitsuyama .. 206/39.5 contact therethrough. The pocket may be formed between the
5,265,720 A * 11/1993 Meliconi .. ... . . . . . .. 206/305

5,360,108 A * 11/1994 Alagia .... .. 206/320

housing and the device or between the housing and an addi
5,445,199 A * 8/1995 Jia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 150/136
tional layer.
6,102,266 A * 8/2000 Chacon et a1. .... .. 224/679
D459,346 S * 6/2002 Powell . .... ... . . . . .. D14/250 6 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets


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US 8,381,904 B1
1 2
PROTECTIVE COVERING FOR PERSONAL over the PDA; and camera-case style bags that are usually
ELECTRONIC DEVICE soft, pliable, cushioned, and signi?cantly larger than the PDA
RELATED APPLICATIONS Each of these categories has its draWbacks. The ?rst cat
egory, the “skin” covering is quite popular, hoWever it serves
This continuation application claims priority from US. only to cover the device; it cannot hold anything else.
patent application Ser. No. 12/848,548 Which Was ?led on The second category, hard clamshell-style cases, includes
Aug. 2, 2010 and issued on Nov. 2, 2011 as US. Pat. No. the abovementioned Chang US patent application and the
8,047,364. The issued US patent is based on an application abovementioned Kajiya, Madsen, Jenks, and Kim et al. US
Which claimed priority on US. patent application Ser. No. patents. While these cases may protect the PDA inside, they
12/619,629, ?led Nov. 16, 2009, Which itself claims priority must be fully opened in order to use the PDA. Also, these
from US. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/114,689, cases are not designed to hold anything but the PDA itself.
entitled “Protective Covering for Electronic Device” and ?led The third category is ?ip/folio-style cases; this category
Nov. 14, 2008, the entirety of all of Which is hereby incorpo includes the abovementioned Oja US patent application and
rated by reference. the abovementioned Nieves, Grossman, Shink, and Felkner
US patents. As With the clamshell cases, a cover ?ips open and
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION closed over the PDA, usually With a securing mechanism such
as a snap, a magnet, or hook and loop fasteners (e.g., Vel
1. Field of the Invention cro®). In order to use the PDA, the cover must be opened,
The invention relates to protective coverings for personal 20 thereby exposing the front of the device. This is inconvenient.
digital/data assistants (PDAs), cellular telephones, and simi Additionally, the presence of a ?ip-openable cover adds such
lar portable and/or hand-held electronic devices. More spe a signi?cant amount of bulk to the otherWise pocket-siZed
ci?cally, the invention relates to protective coverings for PDA so as to render it less convenient to carry. As an example,
PDAs that are capable of also carrying other items as Well as the Shink patent teaches a diaper-bag-like roll that has not one
the PDA. 25 fold-over ?ap of a cover but four fold-over panels. Also, the
2. Description of Related Art majority of this style of case can only hold the PDA itself,
In many countries, the majority of the population carries at although some such as Felkner, Nieves, and Shink may have
least one hand-held or otherWise portable electronic device, an internal pocket. By providing a pocket internal to the case,
such as a cell phone, a PDA (e.g., a Blackberry®, made by the case must be opened in order to access the pocket. This is
Research in Motion, Ltd., of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and/ 30 inconvenient, and risks injury to the PDA for the sake of
or an iPhone®, made by Apple, Inc., of Cupertino, Calif.), or accessing the pocket.
similar device Which carries both their personal and business Finally, the fourth category of camera-bag-style coverings
data (hereinafter collectively and generically “PDAs” or “per includes the above-mentioned Chongson et al. US patent
sonal electronic devices”). There has been a trend toWards application. This style likely offers the most protection (de
combining several functions of different types Within the 35 pending on the amount of cushioning provided), hoWever it is
same device so as to minimiZe pocket or purse clutter and to potentially the most dangerous and the least convenient. For
make the products more integrated, useful and convenient. one, not only cannot the user use the PDA When the bag is
There has also been a trend to shrink the siZe of PDAs to make closed, the PDA must be Wholly removed from the safety of
them as portable as possible, preferably pocket-siZed (mean the bag in order to be used. Thus, in order to use the PDA, the
ing, able to ?t Within the average person’ s pants pocket com 40 user must render the PDA complete susceptible to cata
fortably). strophic damage (e. g., by dropping it). Moreover, the bagstyle
HoWever, if one is out and about With one’s cell phone or covering is so large as to render the PDA no longer so small to
PDA, one still must carry a Wallet for one’s cash, credit cards, be convenient; for example, in Chongson, the bag is so large,
train passes, identi?cation cards or badges, and the like. The the user must Wear the bag With the PDA inside. It is no longer
greater the number of such items a person carries around, the 45 pocket-siZed, and thus unacceptable for many users; one may
greater the likelihood that she Will either forget one or more of as Well carry a backpack or a suitcase.
the items at home, and the greater the likelihood that she Will Thus, there is a long-felt need to provide a PDA cover that
misplace one in a restaurant, bar, of?ce, etc. Even Were one protects the device, and makes the device more convenient
not to lose or misplace anything, fumbling around looking for and e?icient, While keeping true to the pocket-siZed portable
a Wallet While holding a PDA or vice versa Wastes time, is 50 and personal nature of a PDA.
uncomfortable for the user, and reduces the “cool” factor of
having a cutting edge PDA. There is a long-felt need to SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
somehoW make carrying a PDA even more convenient and
e?icient. The invention is a protective covering for a personal elec
A number of different types of protective coverings are 55 tronic device such as the devices mentioned above. More
available for PDAs. For example, see: US Patent Application speci?cally, the invention is a personal electronic device pro
No. 2007/0223183 to Oja; US Patent Application No. 2007/ tective Wallet covering.
0215663 to Chongson et al.; US Patent Application No. 2002/ In one embodiment, the covering includes a main housing
0101411 to Chang; US. Pat. Nos. 6,892,880to Nieves; 6,758, having an inner housing con?guration dimensioned to ?t
335 to Kajiya; 6,483,697 to Jenks et al.; 6,445,577 to Madsen 60 securely around a personal electronic device having an outer
et al.; 6,347,796 to Grossman et al.; 6,239,968 to Kim et al.; physical device con?guration. The main housing includes a
5,348,347 to Shink; or 5,006,699 to Felkner et al. These primary WindoW disposed on a front side of the housing
conventional coverings tend to fall into four general catego alloWing usable access to a front surface of a personal elec
ries: a soft covering or “skin” that hugs the contour of the tronic device disposed in the housing. The main housing also
PDA, made from a resilient material such as silicone rubber; 65 includes a rear protective face at least partially covering a rear
hard shell cases made from plastic or metal; ?ip/folio-style surface of the personal electronic device disposed in the hous
coverings that provide an openable and closeable front cover ing. In the preferred embodiment, at least a ?rst portion of the
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US 8,381,904 B1
3 4
rear protective face is disposed a distance away from the rear layer may be substantially transparent to alloW the contents of
surface of the personal electronic device in the housing so as the pocket to be visible from outside the pocket. Optionally, a
to form a pocket betWeen the rear protective face of the stiff panel is disposed Within the pocket and secured to one of
housing and the rear surface of the personal electronic device the rear protective face or the second rear layer. The stiff panel
disposed therein. At least one pocket access slot is formed in preferably has a smooth surface facing the other of the rear
the main housing, preferably in the rear protective face, and in protective face or the second rear layer so as to facilitate
communication With the pocket; the slot alloWs access to the removal of the contents from the pocket. In the case Where the
pocket, i.e., insertion and removal of cards or paper currency second rear layer is disposed atop the rear protective surface
or the like into and out of the pocket in the manner of a Wallet. of the main housing and made transparent, the stiff panel
In this embodiment, preferably, the rear protective face Would be secured to the rear protective surface of he main
further includes a second portion disposed substantially in housing so as not to obscure the transparency of the second
contact With, and not a distance aWay from, the rear surface of rear layer.
the personal electronic device in the housing. Preferably, the In one embodiment, the rear protective includes at least a
pocket-forming ?rst portion is substantially centrally located ?rst portion disposed a distance aWay from the rear surface of
on the rear protective face and the second portion at least the personal electronic device in the housing so as to form the
partially surrounds the ?rst portion so as to de?ne an inner pocket betWeen the rear protective face and the rear surface of
shoulder around the pocket. the personal electronic device. In this case, the rear protective
The main housing may be pliable and elastic in the manner face preferably further comprises a second portion disposed
of a conventional PDA “skin” made from silicone or the like. substantially in contact With, and not a distance aWay from,
Alternatively, it may be made from a substantially rigid, 20 the rear surface of the personal electronic device in the hous
inelastic, but at least slightly resilient material and be more in ing. The ?rst portion is preferably substantially centrally
the form of a hard shell. located on the rear protective face, and the second portion at
The primary WindoW on the housing may be formed from least partially surrounds the ?rst portion so as to de?ne an
an absence of housing material on a front face of the main inner shoulder around the pocket.
housing, thereby alloWing direct user access to the front sur 25 The rear protective face may include at least one secondary
face of the personal electronic device in the housing. Alter WindoW. Depending on its dimensions, the secondary Win
natively, the primary WindoW may be made from a transparent doW can serve to reveal the contents of the pocket (e.g., an
material through Which a user can access (e.g., by pressure or identi?cation card) Without alloWing the contents to fall out,
body heat) the front surface of the personal electronic device or it may serve to reveal simply that there are contents in the
in the housing. 30 pocket Without revealing too many details about the contents.
The rear protective face may include at least one secondary Optionally, the secondary WindoW may be primarily decora
Window. Depending on its dimensions, the secondary Win tive.
doW can serve to reveal the contents of the pocket (e.g., an As above, the main housing may be pliable and elastic or
identi?cation card) Without alloWing the contents to fall out, may be a hard shell made from a substantially rigid, inelastic,
or it may serve to reveal simply that there are contents in the 35 but resilient material. As above, the primary WindoW may be
pocket Without revealing too many details about the contents. an absence of material on a front face of the main housing
Optionally, the secondary WindoW may be primarily decora alloWing direct user access to the front surface of the personal
tive. A stiff panel may be provided secured to an inner surface electronic device in the housing. Alternatively, the primary
of the ?rst portion of the rear protective face. The panel WindoW may be a transparent material through Which a user
preferably has a smooth surface facing the rear surface of the 40 can access the front surface of the personal electronic device
personal electronic device to facilitate removal of the contents in the housing.
from the pocket. Additionally or in the alternative, the pocket The bene?ts of the invention are manifold. First, the inven
access slot may further include a ?nger cut-out portion tion protects the PDA from damage from being dropped or
adapted to expose a portion of the contents disposed in the spilled on or scratched While doubling as a small Wallet/
pocket and facilitate a user grasping and removing the con 45 billfold residing directly on the PDA atop/Within the cover
tents from the pocket. ing. The simplicity of the design keeps the overall pro?le of
More generally, the invention is a personal electronic the PDA slim and pocket-siZed, While also alloWing pertinent
device protective Wallet covering, With a main housing having cards and money to be in one place alongside one’s PDA. The
an inner housing con?guration dimensioned to ?t securely invention also eliminates the need to carry both a PDA and a
around a personal electronic device having an outer physical 50 separate Wallet or billfold. Finally, by providing the primary
device con?guration. The main housing includes a primary front WindoW, the inventive Wallet covering enables perma
WindoW disposed on a front side of the housing alloWing nent and constant usage of the PDA inside the covering With
usable access to a front surface of a personal electronic device out removing the PDA from the housing (as in the camera
disposed in the housing. The main housing also includes a case-style previous attempts) or opening any portion of the
rear protective face at least partially covering a rear surface of 55 housing (as in the ?ip folio-style previous attempts). Thus, the
the personal electronic device disposed in the housing. A inventive Wallet covering protects the PDA even during use
pocket is formed coextensively With the rear protective face, and not risking catastrophic damage by not requiring removal
adapted to alloW insertion and removal of cards or paper of the protective housing from the PDA.
currency into and out of the pocket in the manner of a Wallet.
The pocket may include at least one second rear layer 60 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
secured to at least one of an outer surface or an inner surface
of the rear protective face on at least a majority of a perimeter FIG. 1A is a front perspective vieW of an electronic device
of the second rear layer but not the entire perimeter of the protective Wallet covering in accordance With the invention.
second rear layer, thereby leaving an opening through Which FIG. 1B is a rear perspective vieW of the protective Wallet
cards or paper currency can be inserted into or removed from 65 covering of FIG. 1A.
the pocket. In the case Where the second rear layer is secured FIG. 1C is an alternate con?guration of the protective
to the outer surface of the rear protective face, the second rear Wallet covering of the invention.
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US 8,381,904 B1
5 6
FIG. 2A is a front perspective vieW of another electronic provided With a rubberized or otherWise stretchable border
device protective Wallet covering in accordance With the around the open front WindoW. Using these materials, the
invention. extra layer or panel may be glued, seWn, or secured in any
FIG. 2B is a rear perspective vieW of the protective Wallet other appropriate manner to the main body of the covering.
covering of FIG. 2A. The pocket may be formed on the outside of the covering.
FIG. 3 is a rear perspective vieW of another alternate con This provides easy access to the contents of the pocket With
?guration of an electronic device protective Wallet covering out requiring the removal of the covering from the PDA.
in accordance With the invention. Optionally, either the extra panel or the stiff inner panel are
FIGS. 4A-F are various elevation (FIGS. 4A, C, D, and F) substantially opaque to conceal the contents of the pocket and
and sectional (FIGS. 4B and E) vieWs of an electronic device decrease the probability of the theft of the device or the
protective Wallet covering in accordance With the invention. contents of the pocket. As another option, the extra panel may
FIG. 5 is a perspective vieW of the covering of FIG. 4 in use
be made from a substantially transparent material, so that an
covering a PDA and retaining contents in its pocket.
identi?cation card or the like may be functionally visible from
FIGS. 6A-B are rear elevation vieWs of secondary Win
doWs formed in an electronic device protective Wallet cover
the outside Without removing it from the pocket.
ing similar to that of FIG. 4. Alternatively, the pocket may be formed on the inside of
FIG. 7 is a side sectional vieW of an electronic device the covering. This is less convenient for access, hoWever it has
protective Wallet covering similar to that of FIG. 4 having an the added bene?t of being hidden; it is less likely an unautho
open top. riZed person Would ?nd the contents of the pocket or even
20 knoW of the pocket’s existence With an internal pocket.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Optionally, both inside and outside pockets may be provided
AND DRAWINGS in the same covering.
With speci?c reference to the draWings, as shoWn in FIG.
Description of the invention Will noW be given With refer 1A, a typical PDA 2 includes a display screen 4 and buttons or
ence to FIGS. 1-7. It should be understood that these ?gures 25 a keyboard 6. Of course, PDA 2 may have a touchscreen
are exemplary in nature and in no Way serve to limit the scope instead of or in addition to actual buttons or keyboard 6; a
of the invention, Which is de?ned by the claims appearing virtual keyboard can be provided on the touch screen. In any
hereinbeloW. event, inventive skin or covering 10 is disposed snugly around
FIGS. 1-3 depict a Wallet coverings 10 and 110 in accor PDA 2. On the front side, covering 10 preferably includes a
dance With the invention. The pliable covering or skin sur 30 primary WindoW 12 Which alloWs the user to be able to access
rounds at least most of the electronic device, e. g., the back, the keyboard/touchscreen 6 and see display 4. WindoW 12 may be
sides, the top and bottom. Preferably, the covering leaves the an opening (i.e., an absence of material); alternatively, Win
front of the device exposed, i.e., has a front WindoW, so that it doW 12 may include a thin, light transmissible material 112
may be used in a normal manner. Optionally, the covering that Will be suf?ciently thin and transparent to alloW a user to
also covers the front of the device, but the material of at least 35 use keyboard 6 and see display screen 4 even through section
the portion of the covering that covers the front of the device 112. (Some opening in main housing 11 Will be required to
is suf?ciently thin and transparent so as to enable usage of the enable covering 10 to be secured around PDA 2.) In either
device even With the covering over the front thereof. The event, WindoW 12 (With or Without material 112) enables the
covering is usually made form a rubber-like thin material so user to use the PDA even When covered by covering 10. Some
that it can be stretched over the PDA and held in place Without 40 PDAs are provided With a small speaker or a camera; a hole or
fasteners. series of small holes (not shoWn) may be formed in covering
The covering includes a ?at pocket formed on the backside 10 to alloW sound from the speaker to be heard clearly and in
of the covering to enable the carriage of credit cards, business an unmuf?ed fashion, or to alloW the camera to function.
cards, and cash. The pocket here is formed as an extra layer or Covering 10 may also have holes 14 (see FIG. 1B) on one or
?ap of the pliable material atop the backside of the covering. 45 more sides, the top, the back, or bottom locations to alloW the
The pocket is substantially secured to the main body of the user to access any buttons, camera lenses, or the like that may
covering on at least a majority of the perimeter of the pocket be provided on PDA 2. Each different model or make of PDA
but not the entire perimeter of the pocket leaving an opening, 2 Will preferably have a corresponding covering 10 that has
thereby enabling user access to the space betWeen the extra the appropriate overall shape as Well as holes that correspond
layer or panel, i.e., enabling the user to place items inside the 50 to the relevant buttons and features.
pocket through the opening. For example, if the pocket Were FIG. 1B depicts the rear side of covering 10. The rear side
rectangular in shape, three of the four sides of the extra layer of covering 10 is provided With pocket 20, formed from
or ?ap Would be sealed or secured to the main body of the second layer or panel 21 being sealed or secured to main
covering. housing 11 of covering 10 at seams 22. Seams 22 may be heat
The covering may also include a thin stiff support sheet or 55 seals, adhesive seals, threaded seams, or any other type of
panel disposed Within the pocket to facilitate removal of the securing method. It is preferred, hoWever, that the securing
pocket’s contents and prevent the contents from sticking to method used to create seams 22 does not signi?cantly add to
either the main body or the extra ?ap. Further, the support the thickness of covering 10, since it is preferred to minimize
sheet also serves to separate the main body from the extra ?ap the overall pro?le of a PDA encased in covering 10 and keep
and prevent sticking therebetWeen, thereby ensuring easy 60 it pocket-siZed, i.e., not noticeably larger than the PDA itself.
access into the pocket as Well. Regardless of the method employed, it is preferred that a
The inventive covering may be made from a pliable, majority of the perimeter of panel 21 be secured to main
stretchable silicone rubber, or a polymer such as polyurethane housing 11, but not the entirety of the perimeter. So, for
or the like. Using this material, the extra layer or panel is example, in the embodiment shoWn in FIG. 1B having a
preferably glued, heat-sealed, or secured in any other appro 65 rectangular panel 21, only three sides of panel 21 are secured
priate manner to the main body of the covering. Alternatively, to main housing 11 at seams 22, thereby alloWing access into
the covering may be made from a fabric, such as nylon, and the interior of pocket 20 via the unsealed side 23. Panel 21
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7 8
may be of any shape, so long as at least a portion of its the contents of pocket 120 from unintentionally falling out, a
perimeter is not secured to main housing 11 to alloW access fastener 126 may be provided to selectively close the free
therebetWeen. unsealed edge 123 of panel 121. Fastener 126 may take the
One contemplated material for covering 10 is silicone rub form of a dot or strip of a hook and loop fastening system such
ber or a similar pliant, ?exible, stretchable material. It is as Velcro®, or it may be a reusable adhesive, or it may have a
preferred that panel 21 of pocket 20 be made from the same longitudinal tongue and groove con?guration similar to
material, but other materials can be used. One option is to reclosable plastic food storage bags (e.g., of the type manu
make panel 21 from an opaque material so that the contents of factured by SC. Johnson & Son, Inc. under the Ziploc®
pocket 20 are hidden; theft is thus deterred. As another option, brand). Again, Whatever fastening device serves as fastener
panel 21 is made from a substantially transparent material so 126, it is preferred that it not add signi?cantly to the overall
that an identi?cation card, a train or bus pass, or the like can thickness or pro?le of PDA 2 disposed inside covering 110.
be functionally visible While still inside pocket 20 and With As above, covering 110 may be provided With an internal
out needing to be removed therefrom. pocket (not shoWn) in addition to or in the alternative to
Optionally, a thin, relatively hard, smooth, and in?exible external pocket 120.
sheet or panel 24 is provided inside pocket 20, secured to Other modi?cations are contemplated. For example, in
either ?ap 21 or the rear surface of main housing 11. Panel 24 both FIGS. 1 and 2, the pockets are shoWn to be rectangular
is provided to prevent ?ap 21 from sticking to main body 11 With one of the long sides left free and unsecured to the main
and thus hampering access to pocket 20. So as to prevent body of the covering. HoWever, as shoWn in FIG. 3, a short
panel 24 from coming out of pocket 20, it is preferred that side may be left free and unsecured as edge 23 or 123, leaving
panel 24 be adhered or otherWise secured to one of main 20 the other three sides to be attached to the main body via seams
housing 11 or ?ap 21. 22 or 122. Indeed, the shape of the pocket need not be rect
Because panel 24 is smooth (preferably much smoother angular but may be any shape.
than the silicone rubber ?ap or main body), panel 24 provides As another modi?cation, the protective Wallet covering
a slippery surface against Which cards, currency, etc. may be need not have a secondary layer or panel either atop or
easily inserted and removed. Yet despite the ease of inserting 25 beneath the rear protective surface of the main housing.
and removing items into and out of pocket 20, the high coef Instead, a pocket may be formed as a void volume or gap
?cient of friction provided by the other interior surface of betWeen the rear protective surface of the main housing and
pocket 20 (i.e., the exterior surface of main body 11), items the rear surface of a PDA disposed inside the covering. A
placed inside the pocket Will remain inside the pocket until a Wallet covering having this feature is shoWn in FIGS. 4-7.
person reaches inside the pocket to retrieve them. Panel 24 is 30 Here, as shoWn best in FIG. 4, cover 210 has a main
preferably made from an inexpensive hard plastic such as housing 211 With a primary WindoW 212 formed in front face
polypropylene, polystyrene, resin- or acrylic-based sub 211A and a rear protective face 211B on the back. Side faces
stances, their bioplastic counterparts, and the like. Alterna 211C (FIG. 4D) and top and bottom faces 211D (FIG. 4F) are
tively, a slippery yet ?exible panel or sheet such as vinyl may also preferably provided for maximum protection. One or
be used. In either event, it is preferred that panel 24 be as thin 35 more of the front, side, top, or bottom faces 211A,C, D may be
as possible so as to minimiZe the overall pro?le or thickness eliminated as Will be explained beloW. As above, a variety of
of a PDA secured inside covering 10. In addition, panel 24 can functional apertures 250 are preferably provided in the main
be opaque so as to hide the contents of pocket 20 from outside housing 211 so as to alloW the user to access the various
vieW. buttons, ports, and the like of the PDA disposed inside, or so
FIG. 1C shoWs an alternate con?guration of the invention. 40 as not to cover a camera, a speaker, etc.
Here, pocket 20A is formed on the interior surface of covering As best illustrated in the sectional vieWs of FIGS. 4B and
10; ?ap 21 is in dotted lines because it is hidden from vieW. In 4E, rear protective face 211B has tWo regions: a ?rst region
all other respects, pocket 20A is substantially identical to 216 and a second region 214. The second region 214 is dimen
pocket 20. Pocket 20 provides the user With easy access to the sioned so as to abut against the rear surface of a PDA placed
contents of the pocket Without having to remove covering 10 45 inside housing 211, hoWever the ?rst region 216 is disposed a
from PDA 2. Pocket 20A is not as convenient to use, hoWever small distance aWay from the second region 214 and thus a
pocket 20A has the added feature of being hidden; thus, it is small distance aWay from the rear surface of a PDA inside the
more di?icult for a Would-be thief to locate. It is also contem housing (as depicted in FIG. 4B in dotted lines). This tWo
plated that a given covering 10 may be provided With both an tiered structure of rear protective face 211B creates a shoulder
external pocket 20 and an internal pocket 20A. One might 50 218 Where the ?rst and second regions 216 and 214 meet and
place small bills and less important cards in the external creates a Well 219 Within ?rst region 216 With respect to
pocket 20 While hiding larger bills and more important cards second region 214. When a PDA is placed inside covering
in the internal pocket 20A. 210, Well 219 forms pocket 220 betWeen the rear surface of
FIGS. 2A-B shoW a slight modi?cation for the inventive the PDA and the inner surface 211B-2 of rear protective face
covering. Here, covering 110 includes a main housing 111 55 211B.
made from a fabric-like material such as nylon, polyester, or The preferred depth of Well 219 (i.e., the height of shoulder
the like. As above, it is provided With primary WindoW 12 to 218) Will depend on the siZe of the overall dimensions of
alloW access to keyboard 6 and display screen 4 of PDA 2. housing 211. As an example, for an embodiment designed for
Surrounding the perimeter of WindoW 12 is an elastic band an iPhone® 3G, Well 219 is about 4 mm deep, su?icient to
116 (see FIG. 2A) Which keeps main housing 111 secure and 60 accommodate a feW cards and/or banknotes as contents 300
snug around PDA 2. On the obverse, panel 121 is attached to (see FIG. 5) Without signi?cantly increasing the overall pro
main housing 111 to form pocket 120. Panel 121 is seWn or ?le of the PDA, and thus maintaining the PDA’ s pocket- siZed,
otherWise attached as above, i.e., around the majority of the portable, and personal nature and appeal. If covering 210 is
perimeter of panel 121 at seams 122. Edge 123 is left unat made from an elastic, pliable material, such as silicone rub
tached to alloW one to access the interior of pocket 120. If the 65 ber, then Well 219 may stretch a bit to accommodate more
fabric chosen is su?iciently slippery, an internal sheet or cards, currency, etc., as shoWn in FIG. 5 (note slot 230 boWing
panel such as sheet 24 may not be required. HoWever, to avoid slightly to accommodate contents 300). If covering 210 is
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US 8,381,904 B1
made from a hard shell-type material, the material may still be provided on the bottom or one (or both) of the sides. If the
a bit resilient (e.g., hard plastic or thin sheet metal), and a material is not soft and pliable, like rubber, it is preferred that
resilient hinge may be provided at the top or bottom or sides, it at least be someWhat resilient, in the manner of hard plastic
as Will be described beloW. or sheet metal. If the top (or bottom) and sides are eliminated,
To maximize the convenience of protective Wallet covering a resilient hinge 217 is formed at the bottom (or top) of the
210, it is preferred that the user be able to access pocket 220 covering.
from the outside of covering 21 0 Without removing it from the The invention is not limited to the above description. For
PDA. To that end, a pocket access slot 230 is formed in and example, the primary WindoW is described and shoWn as
fully through rear protective face 211B, from external surface being formed in the front face of the covering. HoWever, the
211B-1 to external surface 211B-2. Pocket access slot 230 is primary WindoW can be made so big as to subsume the entire
in communication With Well 219, and thus pocket 220, so that front, i.e., extend from side to side and from top to bottom,
a user may grab a card or the like disposed inside pocket 220 leaving substantially no front surface at all. Also, the ?gures
and remove it, or insert a card or the like into pocket 220 via shoW that the outer surface of the rear protective face is ?at,
access slot 230. Slot 230 is preferably provided With a ?nger that the exteriors of the ?rst and second portions of the rear
cut out 232 so as to expose a small portion of the contents and protective face are coplanar. HoWever, they need not be copla
make it easier for the user to obtain a ?nger purchase on the nar; the ?rst portion Which forms the Well may stick out a bit
contents and remove them from pocket 220. from the second portion to some extent, as long as the overall
FIGS. 4-5 depict rear protective face 211B as substantially pro?le of the covered PDA remains pocket-siZed. Other
covering the PDA and contents, hoWever it does not have to modi?cations are also contemplated.
cover the PDA and contents completely. As mentioned above, 20 Having described certain embodiments of the invention, it
it may be advantageous to make contents 300 at least partially should be understood that the invention is not limited to the
visible even While disposed in pocket 220. For example, one above description or the attached exemplary draWings.
may Wish to be able to shoW identi?cation (e.g., a driver’s Rather, the invention is de?ned by the claims appearing here
license, a commuting pass, etc.) Without removing the iden inbeloW and includes any equivalents thereof as Would be
ti?cation from pocket 220. 25 appreciated by one of ordinary skill in the art.
As such, as shoWn in FIG. 6, at least one secondary WindoW The invention claimed is:
may be provided in rear protective surface 211B to enable 1. A protective Wallet covering for a personal electronic
contents disposed in pocket 220 to be seen from the outside of digital assistant device, comprising:
covering 210. The secondary WindoW can be of any reason a main housing having an inner housing con?guration
able siZe, depending on the desired function of the WindoW, as 30 dimensioned to ?t securely around a personal electronic
long as the WindoW is not so large that contents 300 can fall digital assistant device, When held therein, having an
out of the Window (assuming the Window is an opening, see outer physical device con?guration, said main housing
beloW). FIG. 6A depicts secondary WindoW 240 taking up a including:
fair amount of the area of rear protective face 211B. WindoW a primary WindoW disposed on a front side of said housing
240 is suf?ciently large to enable someone to see the details of 35 alloWing usable access to a front surface of the personal
a piece of identi?cation (e.g., a birth date, a month/year expi electronic digital assistant device disposed in said hous
ration of a commuter pass, etc.). Alternatively, it may be ing;
desirable simply to have a WindoW that shoWs that something a rear protective face substantially covering a rear surface
is inside the pocket Without disclosing many of the details of of the personal electronic digital assistant device When
the contents. Consequently, a smaller secondary WindoW may 40 disposed in said housing; and
be provided. For example, as shoWn in FIG. 6B, secondary a planar layer, substantially extended over the rear surface
WindoWs 240' are narroW slits through Which the presence or of the personal electronic digital assistant device, said
absence of pocket contents can be detected Without revealing planar layer and said rear protective face forming a hold
much information about the contents (e.g., it can be evident ing pocket, the cavity of said holding pocket being
that paper currency is inside pocket 220, but not What denomi 45 physically separate from the rear surface of the personal
nation of currency). FIG. 6B depicts three narroW slots as electronic digital assistant device, and adapted in siZe to
WindoWs 240', hoWever WindoWs 240' couldbe of any number alloW insertion and removal of credit and/or business
and any shape, revealing any amount of the contents as cards or folded paper currency into and out of said
desired by the manufacturer. pocket in the manner of a Wallet, said pocket further
As With the primary WindoW, the secondary WindoW can be 50 comprising a ?nger cut-out portion adapted to expose a
made as an opening or absence of housing material, or it could portion of the contents disposed in saidpocket and facili
be a transparent panel or panels formed With the rear protec tate a user frictionally grasping and removing the con
tive face 211B. The former is preferred, as it is easier and less tents from said pocket;
expensive to manufacture. Wherein said planar layer of said holding pocket comprises
In connection With FIGS. 4-6, covering 210 includes front 55 a smooth texture in contact With the rear surface of the
face 211A, rear protective face 211B, side faces 211C, and top personal electronic digital assistant device.
and bottom faces 21 1D for maximum protection. HoWever, as 2. A protective Wallet covering for a personal electronic
mentioned, one or more of the front, side, top, orbottom faces digital assistant device according to claim 1, further compris
211A,C, D may be eliminated to save on materials and to ing at least one secondary WindoW formed in said rear pro
make it easier to apply and remove the covering from the 60 tective face.
PDA. Eliminating one or more of the front, side, top, or 3. A protective Wallet covering for a personal electronic
bottom faces is especially advantageous if the covering is digital assistant device according to claim 1, Wherein said
made from a hard shell substantially inelastic material. As main housing comprises at least one of a pliable and elastic
shoWn in FIG. 7, covering 210' is substantially similar to material or a hard shell made from a substantially rigid inelas
covering 210 but has no top face and rather has a top opening 65 tic material.
215. Here, the PDA may be slid into covering 210' via top 4. A protective Wallet covering for a personal electronic
opening 215. Of course, top opening 215 may be instead digital assistant device according to claim 1, Wherein said
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11 12
personal electronic digital assistant device comprises a planar rial through Which a user can access the front surface of the
touch screen and said primary WindoW comprises an absence personal electronic digital assistant device secured in said
of housing material on a front face of said main housing housing.
around said planar touch screen to thereby alloW a user to 6. A protective Wallet covering for a personal electronic
have complete ?nger sliding access to the entire front screen 5 digital assistant device according to claim 1, Wherein saidrear
surface of the personal electronic digital assistant device protective face is substantially transparent to alloW contents
secured in said housing Without lifting of the user’s ?nger. of said holding pocket to be visible from outside said holding
5. A protective Wallet covering for a personal electronic pocket.
digital assistant device according to claim 1, said primary
WindoW comprising a thin, protective and transparent mate

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