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Drug Dosage Action/Indication Side Effect Contraindications Nursing Responsibility Ampicillin

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Drug Dosage Action/Indication Side Effect Contraindications Nursing Responsibility

Ampicillin 330 mg, q6,  Inhibit cell wall synthesis during  Nausea and  Contraindicated in patients  Prior to administration skin test is to be
IVTT bacterial multiplication. vomiting, diarrhea, hypersensitive to drug or done to determine signs and symptoms
abdominal pain, other penicillin and of hypersensitivity
 Indication: fatigue, headache, cephalosporin  Monitor seizures when giving high
Respiratory tract or skin-structure dysuria, urinary doses.
infection. retention  Do not miss a dose unless ordered by
 Instruct mother to report signs and
symptoms of upper infection.
 Instruct patient not to take new
Ranitidine 13mg, q8  Inhibits the action of histamine  Nausea and  Hypersensitivity may occur; medication without consulting
IVTT at the H2 receptor site located vomiting, diarrhea, some oral liquids contain physician.
primarily in gastric parietal cells abdominal pain, alcohol and should be  Allow 1 hour between any other
resulting in infection of gastric fatigue, headache, avoided in patients with antacid and ranitidine
acid secretion dysuria, urinary known intolerance.  Avoid excessive alcohol
retention  Assess patient for epigastric or
abdominal pain.
 Indication:  Inform patient that it may cause
Treatment and prevention of drowsiness or dizziness.
heartburn, acid indigestion and  Inform patient that increased fluid and
sour stomach. fiber intake may minimize constipation
Prophylaxis of GI haemorrhage
from stress ulceration.

Semiticone 2ml drops,  Changes surface tension of gas  There are no reports  There are no reports of any  Instruct the client or the S.O to take the
TID, PO bubbles and causes collapse of of any side effects contraindications due to the medicine after meals and at bedtime.
foam bubbles, thus allowing due to the medication.  Measure liquid doses carefully.
easier passage of gas and medication.  Instruct the client to put the medicine
preventing gas pockets in GI right in the mouth toward the cheek or
tract. mixed with formula, water or other
 Indication: liquid.
Relieve discomfort due to the
accumulation of gas in the stomach
and the intestines.

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