09 Chapter 24
09 Chapter 24
09 Chapter 24
concluded that the HPC with water binder less than 0.3 has lower
strength than the control group at early stages before 28 days and at
than the strength of the concrete at the age of 28 days. The strength of
HPC with silica fumes is higher than HPC with slag by partial
water binder ratios ranging from 0.26 to 0.42 and silica fume binder
increased with silica fume incorporation and the results showed that
that the ratios of flexural tensile strength and uniaxial tensile strength
admixture and concluded that the combined use of silica fume (15%
strength to steel rebar. The bond strength attained was higher than
the aggregates of very low and very high modulus, concrete modulus
including 5 different ratios of silica fume (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%), three
water to cementitious materials ratio (0.24, 0.3 and 0.4) and three
selected. 540 cylinder specimens were cast, cured and tested after 7,
humidity were carried out. The results indicate that the poison’s ratio
strength concrete.
that this model can predict the age of first cracking through the
Jianyong and Yao Yan (2001)61 studied the creep and drying
cement content, Ground granular blast slag (GGBS) and silica fume,
measured with the Chinese Standard GBJ 82-85. The effects of GGBS
and silica fume on creep and drying shrinkage of HPC were compared
and the mechanism was analysed. Addition of silica fume and GGBS
are cast and cured in the field under hot weather conditions. The
shrinkage strains in both the plain and silica fume cement concrete
fume and good curing for avoiding cracking of concrete due to plastic
microstructure. Durability
with water binder ratio between 0.3 and 0.4 concluded that HPC is
more durable than ordinary concrete not only because of less porous
but also capillary and pore networks are somewhat discontinued due