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Tie-Ups: Adding New Dimension To Marketing

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Adding New Dimension To

Marketing Tie–ups

As distribution tie-ups increasingly become the norm of the day among

construction equipment manufacturers, companies having entered into
marketing collaborations, are scouting for innovative sales promotional
strategies for their parents. All to gain greater market access and
depth. P. P. Basistha finds out the details.

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he present growth of the channels well structured, through
construction equipment market in upgrading networking capabilities,
India is increasingly being through adequate, well trained service
characterized by marketing engineers deployment, and sufficient
collaborations among equipment components availability. All to aid better
manufacturers. The backdrops behind product promotion and create brand
the collaborations is burgeoning value for their parents.
equipment demand, which a better Product sales are being done through
marketing tie-up among manufacturers business development, in case of newer
can take upon. Tie-ups are also being equipment as well by distributors, who
carried with the business intention to are also manufacturers in many cases.
promote newer products, for the fast Notwithstanding, challenges confront
becoming mechanized construction many in way of sales through tie-ups.
Consolidation of market position is Sound Product
also one of the "prime intentions" behind Placement
collaborations in the fast growing
Right product positioning has allowed
competitive market. As per the
notable equipment manufacturers drive
equipment industry estimates, size of
sales. Coupled with this have been
India’s construction equipment market,
adequate market knowledge base to
based on its value is likely to reach Rs
push up sales.
12,000 crores in 2008 from Rs.9,000
The proven case is Telcon, excavators
crores during 2007.
manufacturing major, with more than fifty
A comprehensive random survey
five percent market share in the Indian
done among country’s construction
excavators market.
equipment marketing companies across
Explaining the success
the value chain shows, behind looking
behind the wholesome
for greater market access, companies
market share, Mr.
are banking on their existing market
Vikram Raje, Vice
network under their own product
President and General
domain. On this, manufacturers are
Manger, Sales &
undertaking right product positioning
Marketing, Telcon said,
coupled with making promotional

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“the success behind our markets share of construction equipment in its basket,
has been our product offering, consisting like heavy duty crawler lattice boom
wide range of excavators, based on the cranes, used for construction of ports,
customised requirements of the end refinery, power stations etc. Telcon is the
users.” distributor of Hitachi-Sumitomo crawler
He points out, “to gain business lattice boom cranes in India.
volumes in a construction market like Success for Telcon has also been
India having heterogeneous demand due to its adequate back up service and
requirement, it is much pertinent for an component support capabilities. The
equipment manufacturer, precisely one’s company has a mother warehouse at
involved in producing earthmoving Nagpur and four feeder warehouses. In
equipment to place wide range of addition, it has 35 dealers and 150
products for its customers.” service outlets, operating across the
Mr. Raje informs, “Telcon can offer country for providing after sales services
excavators ranging from capacity of 2 support.
tonnes-120 tonnes and even beyond Taking service support further
through import from Hitachi, our efficient, over the years, Telcon has been
principal technical collaborating laying emphasis in offering customized
partner.” support solutions and maintenance
However, Mr. Raje points out Telcon’s packages for the customer at a mutually
success has also to be greatly attributed agreed cost. Under the maintenance
to the competitive features of its package it undertakes upkeep of the
excavators, which the company has been equipment for the customers over its
able to gain through its technical lifetime.
collaboration with Japan’s Hitachi Right product positioning, efficient
Construction Machinery Limited, ever market knowledge, adequate network
since 1984. This has allowed Telcon access locations across the country
create brand value for its excavators in complemented with networking
the market over the years. capabilities, through offering requisite
Mr. Raje elaborates, “Hitachi being service support have also yielded
a world leader in hydraulic technology illustrious success for
have enabled us to create machines, ECEL. As Mr. Rajesh
which can operate with high productivity. Sharma, Chief General
Besides, Hitachi technology has allowed Manager Sales, Escorts
Telcon in creating machines by operating Construction Equipment
all its integrating functions, functions of Limited points out, “for
the engine with the boom, engine with efficient product
the under carriage and so on. promotion market
Improvements through the collaboration knowledge base is the
have been done to reduce the overall prime tool. However, this has to be much
weight of the machine to make it more complemented with right product
flamboyant in its performance. The placement having competitive features.
reduced overall weight of the machine Further, product offerings have to be
as a consequence have gone on to backed by adequate service and
minimize fuel consumption, thus component support and ECEL as a major
checking its lopsided performance.” Indian construction equipment
He adds, “All the refined operational manufacturer have always heavily
features created through the adhered to this norm.”
collaboration have gone on creating Rightfully said this, today ECEL is
acceptance of the product in an the market leader in pick-n-carry cranes
increasing order over the years.” with more than 66 percent of the market
Technical collaboration with Hitachi share. ECEL manufactures wide range of
has allowed Telcon introduce new range
92 NBM&CW MAY 2008
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hydraulic pick-n-carry and its forklift trucks. ECEL as of now, has

rough terrain cranes. The 550 service engineers in field and it has
cranes have a lifting capacity sold 1,500 units of Doosan's forklift trucks
ranging from 12 tonnes to 40 ever since its tie-up with the company in
tonnes. The company has 1996.
recently introduced TRX series Through the tie-ups, supported by its
yard cranes with a lifting marketing and service network, ECEL
capacity ranging from 16–23 has been able to provide sizeable
tonnes. business volumes to its partners. As per
The wide lifting capacities figures provided by ECEL, it has been
and operational features of the able to book 35 IHI crawler cranes since
ECEL’s cranes are suited for September 2008 onwards. For Weihai
assorted industrial material Huata, it was able to sell 62 units of
lifting and construction tower cranes during 2007-08. For Fassi,
application. Making in turn the tie up which has been seven to eight
ECEL the cranes market leader months back the manufacturer could sell
in India giving it a competitive 37 units.
marketing edge. The voluminous sales backed by wide
Coupled with being a prime marketing and distribution network have
crane manufacturer allowing it reinforced ECEL’s position to become a
to have a competitive edge, further competitive equipment
ECEL has well calibrated manufacturing and distributing company
distribution channels across the in India.
country. The equipment
manufacturing major, has 88 Right Network Access
distributors and dealers across ECEL’s well laid marketing network has
the nation. It intends to take enabled Alpha Services reap dividends
the number to 100 by the first as well.
quarter of 2008 and further to Alpha Services is a leading
135 till the year 2009. Its well manufacturers of Mobile Tower Cranes
placed dealer and distribution & EOT Cranes having its works at
network have been allowing Bhiwadi (Rajasthan) and marketing
ECEL gain sizeable business headquarter at New Delhi. Recently
volumes. The company was Alpha Services tied up with ECEL, the
able to sell 2,800 machine units during dominant player in material handling and
2006 and 4,200 units during 2007-08. construction equipment for marketing of
ECEL’s well spread distribution Mobile Tower Cranes.
channels have allowed it forge further Besides manufacturing Alpha
marketing tie-ups with number of Services is the distributor for ECEL
prominent, global construction equipment products range covering tandem vibratory
companies for distributing their products roller, hydraulic mobile Pick-n-Carry
in India. cranes, slew cranes, tower cranes and
This consists its tie-up with crawler Forklift Truck in the National Capital
cranes manufacturing major like IHI of Region of Delhi.
Japan, for distributing its high capacity On the tie-ups Mr.
crawler cranes, with Weihai Huata Umesh Punjabi,
Building Machinery of China for its tower Manager Sales, Alpha
cranes in India. Italy’s Fassi for its Services mentioned,
articulated boom cranes. US’s Altec for “arrangement with ECEL
its power and Telecom Utility Equipment has allowed us to sell
the collaboration was entered a month around 37 units of mobile tower cranes
ago and with Doosan for distribution of ever since our marketing collaboration

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agreement since December 2007.” He

added, “simultaneous gains has also been
for ECEL through us.” Mentioning that
Alpha has been able to sell more than
800 ECEL’s equipment in the NCR region
ever since its tie-up with the equipment
major from the year 2000.
Alpha is also distributor of Chinese
equipment manufacturer Sany for its
motor grader and concrete pump and
has sold more than 100 concrete pumps
in last one year. It is also the authorize
dealer of US based JLG for Arial work
Alpha is a thirty year old company; it
has a well established service department
at Delhi with Branch offices at
Chandigarh, Pune and Chennai for
rendering after sale service.
Successful product promotion, based
on right market knowledge and well
structured back up support can be cited
for Mumbai based tower crane
distributing company, Spartan
Engineering India Private Limited as well.
Spartan Spartan is the distributor of Chinese
Spartan Engineering Industries Pvt. Ltd. has the distinction of made JWY tower cranes in India. The
being one of the most innovative and successful market players in company entered into a marketing
the field of development, manufacture and marketing of collaboration agreement with the Chinese
construction equipment. Spartan’s construction machineries and equipment company three years ago.
the products are well accepted and acclaimed by users like Ever since, it has been able to sell at
Defense, Infrastructure Developments, Contractors and Reputed least 50 units of tower cranes in the
Builders throughout India and abroad due to their hard to match country. With the booming cranes
competence, in depth experience, and the outstanding innovational demand, Spartan aims to sell more
strength. number of cranes in the coming years.
Some of its products range include man and material hoist, On large number
Bar cutting and Bar banding machines, Tower crane and so on. of cranes sold by the
company for its
parent, JWY, Mr.
Vikram Mehta,
Managing Director
Spartan Engineering
India Private limited
says,” behind the burgeoning sales have
been our market knowledge for the
product based on its demand areas.” The
company claims to have created its
market knowledge base out of selling
bar cutting and bar bending machines to
contractors across the country.
Spartan has a pan Indian presence
with its offices located in Bangalore,
96 NBM&CW MAY 2008
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Hyderabad, Cochin, Mumbai, Ahmedabad venture company with a 50 percent equity

and Kolkata. The offices perform the participation between CDE of Ireland and
role of sales and service points. Kolkata based crusher manufacturer,
Making dividends out of tie-ups, Torsa Machines. CDE’s
supported by right network access is product line consists of
another Hyderabad based crane sand washing plant.
distributor, Conmech Auto Consultants As per Mr. Manish
India Private Limited, Conmech is the Bhartia, Managing
distributor of Chinese crane Director, CDE, “the
manufacturer, CMAC-CMAX. It is also joint venture tie up has
the distributor of passenger & material been much beneficial
hoists and suspended rope platforms. for CDE, with the tie-
Conmench entered into a up taking place CDE has been able to
distribution agreement with CMAC-CMAX get access of Torsa’s Machine’s customer
during 2006. Since then, the company base.” He informed, “CDE has been
has sold 26 products of greatly helped by Torsa’s market
its parent. Mentioning knowledge base consisting the mineral
on the success of its tie- belts. This has helped CDE exploit the
up, Mr. Ram Babu market potential of its plants.”
Cheruve, Director Mr. Bhartia adds, “Torsa’s local
Conmench says, “our technical contacts have proved to be
success has been based much beneficial for CDE in selling its
on the fact that we sell
the products entirely on
the requirements of the market. This is
based on the requirements of the
specific construction project.” He adds,
“understanding the project requirement
is our knowledge base.”
Conmech also takes to its credit on
the right service support, based on
annual maintenance contracts it takes
for its customers among other services.
Well structured distribution channels products, besides contacts with technical
supplemented with market knowledge consultants also helped in promoting the
base have been paying dividends to the technology involving the product.” He
CDE-Asia Ltd tie-up. CDE-Asia is a joint informed, “Torsa’s local contacts enabled
CDE to set up its factory within a record
period of five months, which other wise
would have been not possible.”
CDE has been able to sell 11 plants
as a complete package till May. The
company have made a target to sell 15
plants during the 2008-09 fiscal. The
company imports 65 percent of the plant
and machinery with the rest being locally
For efficient back up service support
for its plants, CDE undertakes a
sustained six months training for its
service personnel in UK as an ongoing
exercise. According to CDE, it has a

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complete team of experienced project locations are in Ajmer, New Delhi,

managers and engineering team to offer Bangalore, and Kolkata.
complete after sales backup support, Mr. Mathur mentions, “successful
post installation of the plants. promotion of the trenchless machines
The case of increased product sales could be made by us through
based on well structured marketing dissemination of the technology linked to
channels is also for World Wide the product, at the grass root level
Machinery Solutions, exclusive among the project implementing
equipment distributors of Vermeer Corp agencies, comprising municipal bodies,
of US. World Wide markets Vermeer’s gas and telecom companies made
trench less cable laying machines and underground utility construction
surface excavators. The collaboration companies accept the product in
which has been ten and half years old increasing order over the period of time.”
have allowed World Wide sell more than He highlights, “the same marketing
475 machine units till 2008. It is looking strategy applies for the surface miners
for selling additional 100 units during as well.”
2008. Adequate component and service
Behind the support allowed further World Wide,
promotional success, cement Vermeer’s position. World Wide
Mr. Navneet Mathur, has tie-up with logistics major DHL for
Partner, World Wide importing components from US. The
informs, “our strategic company also maintains stocks for the
sales location across the fast moving components for the
country have aided in the equipment.
sales of the products. The Company to promote products, based
strategic sales locations have been on right network access and networking
complemented with our regional sales capabilities is US based
and service locations. The strategic mining lubrication
sales point of World Wide are located in equipment manufacturer
the potential demand markets of, Graco. As per Mr.
Hyderabad, Chennai, Lucknow and Ramesh Magadi-
Ahmedabad. While its regional sales Country Manager, Graco,
“our marketing edge is
our prompt back service
support within 12 hours of reporting time
with our well–qualified US trained
engineers.” He says, “for efficient
marketing of the products distributors

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Greaves As per Mr. Prashant

Kumar, Senior Manager
Greaves Cotton Limited, one of India’s leading and well-diversified
Marketing, Hess Polytech,
engineering companies manufactures a wide range of industrial
“long standing experience
products having core competencies in diesel/petrol engines, gensets,
in the concrete industry
agro equipment and construction equipment.
have allowed us to go for
To meet the challenges of construction industry, Greaves
a marketing arrangement with Hess.”
manufactures wide range of Road and Concrete equipment. The
He says, “our main marketing USP for
complete range of concrete equipment like Transit Mixers, Concrete
selling the Hess machines is that we
Pumps, Batching Plants, etc. are manufactured at the Company’s
sell the block making machine as an
ISO 9001 certified Plants at Chennai and Gummidipoondi (Tamil
entire package with Polytech’s concrete
Nadu). Greaves also manufactures the complete range of
batching plant, to customers having large
compaction equipment like Vibratory Soil Compactors, Heavy Tandem
requirements of blocks comprising two
Rollers, Light tandem Rollers.
million blocks per project or even more.”
Greaves markets the entire range of CIFA and BOMAG machines,
Mr. Kumar says, the collaboration
which include Shotcrete pumps, Tunnel forms, Moulds, Tampers,
which is a year old, has so far allowed
Plate compactors, Pneumatic tyre rollers, Recyclers and Refuge
Polytech, sell two machines as of now.
compactors amongst many other machines.
However, with greater awareness of the
Greaves construction equipment is mainly used for construction
of roads, bridges, buildings, ready mix concrete applications, etc.
Greaves caters to the service
and spare parts requirement
of customers through their
large network of qualified and
trained service engineers
located a various branches
and dealerships.
Greaves also represents product, Polytech expects to sell large
Sheffild Forgemasters Rolls number of machines. Polytech would be
Ltd., UK, internationally targeting construction companies
renowned manufacture of engaged in construction of shopping
rolls for cold rolling and hot malls, IT parks having large requirement
rolling steel mills. Further, of blocks for the machines. It would also
Greaves represents special be looking for cement producing
Metal Wiggin Ltd., UK for nickel alloys used in process and companies for the product.
chemical industries as well as Timet, UK for titanium alloys used in Similar approach to promote
petro-chemical industries. products based on required solutions
have been for Chowgule & Company
are well trained on the application and Private Limited. Chowgule & Co has a
utility of the product.” Mr. Magadi cranes division and is the distributor of
mentioned, “for enhanced service Japanese Furukawa’s truck and tractor
support, we are looking to appoint more mounted telescopic cranes
distributors.” in the country.
Mr. Arjun Chowgule,
Sales on Required Senior Manager, Chowgule
& Co says, “we have a
Solutions comprehensive knowledge
Appropriate market network and
data base on the lifting
products for customized construction
requirements ranging from
solutions have been good for Hess
core construction, real
Polytech Pvt Ltd. Hess is a fully owned
estate and industrial lifting applications.
subsidiary of Polytech, concrete batching
Based on the budget and lifting
plant manufacturer. Hess Polytech is the
requirement, we provide the solutions
distributor of German made Hess block
making machines in the country.
104 NBM&CW MAY 2008
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through the products.” The Furukawa Indian market, crawler telescopic cranes.
telescopic cranes have been in use The wide range of cranes on offer by
by majority of the construction TCM can be used for various customized
companies in the country. lifting applications, ranging from
Chowgule has its sales and industrial to construction applications.”
service locations based in Mumbai, Mr. Shah informs to sell TCM
Goa, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, products, C. S Diesel would be looking
Hyderabad, Bangalore Ahmedabad, to market the cranes directly to the end
and Pune. The company have been users, comprising, industrial users,
able to sell 150 units ever since its construction companies rather that crane
tie-up with Furukawa three and half hiring companies.
years ago. C.S Diesel, which incidentally is the
Company willing to make ground distributor of L&T Komatsu’s excavators
in the construction market through in Mumbai and Goa and also for
offering customized lifting solutions Cummins, have adequate market network
is Mumbai based, C.S. Diesel base on the equipment requirement of
Engineering Pvt Limited. C.S Diesels construction industry.
which has entered into a marketing
alliance with Italian crane Solutions on other end of
manufacturer, TCM during mid Value Chain
September 2007 wants to make it big in
Offering products to suit customized
the Indian crane market.
construction solutions for end users is
Mentioning on the tie-up and wide
also the marketing strategy for
range of cranes available
distributors, selling products, away from
with TCM, Mr.
the core value chain.
Sowmil.C.Shah, Director,
The top most category to fill this slot
C.S Diesel mentiones,
can be accorded to Multiquip. The
“TCM manufactures wide
company has reaped success on
range of truck mounted
marketing collaborations front, through
cranes, rough terrain
offering products for tailor made
cranes and also a crane,
construction solutions is also for Multiquip
apparently new for the
Construction Equipment Pvt Limited.
C.S Diesel Multiquip Construction Equipment is the
distributor of US based, Multiquip’s
C.S.Diesel is the sole distributor of TCM cranes in India. TCM is
construction equipment in Indian
a dynamic Italian company specialized in design, construction
subcontinent, Middle East and at
and assembly of cranes. TCM is an ISO and CE market company
Common Wealth of Independent States
and works with most countries in the world.
of the erstwhile, Soviet Union.
Among the few prominent products,
The company
Multiquip sells out of its wide range of
produces wide range
construction equipment includes,
of truck-mounted
hydraulic power trowels, super screed
cranes from 30 tons
fixed form pavers, generators, lighting
to 180 tons capacity
systems for construction sites etc.
for booms extension
Multiquip Construction Equipment Pvt
with hydraulic system
Ltd, entered into a distribution
for lifting capacity
collaboration with Multiquip during 2004.
and return with boom
Ever since the tie-up, it has sold around
in horizontal position.
1000 various equipment registering a 10
percent increase in turn over in recent
years. Apart from distribution, the

106 NBM&CW MAY 2008

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company has recently started

manufacturing light towers for Multiquip
USA in India.
Multiquip Behind the successful
Multiquip Construction Equipment Private Limited (MQ-India) distribution tie up, Mr.
is incorporated to promote the Sales and Services of Multiquip Narinder Jit Singh,
(MQ) manufactured/distributed brand products in the Indian Director, Multiquip
sub-continent as Multiquip Inc.’s sole distributor. Construction says, “ our
Multiquip Inc., USA (MQ has grown to one of the largest success has been based
and most diversified suppliers of construction equipment and on our ability to offer wide
is a world-wide well–known Manufacturer/Distributor of light range of construction
and medium sized construction equipment. MQ’s diverse equipment, that a contractor can require
product lines include the highest quality equipment for soil for his project.” He further adds,
compaction, concrete vibration, placement, smoothing and “Multiquip’s success has also been based
finishing, concrete masonry, rebar cutting and bending, power on the sustained efficient service of its
buggies, water and material pumping, portable power sub-distributors to the end customers.”
generation, jobsite lighting and welders. It presently has four distributors and
MQ-India maintains products, accessories and spare parts aims to increase it to 10 by 2009 fiscal.
warehouse in Mumbai and provides its customers certain ex- Mumbai based Multiquip, has its
stock equipment, spares, and accessories. It provides prompt sales and service points at Pune,
after sales support and services to customers and also offer Hyderabad, Bangalore and Coimbatore
technical solutions for selection of proper and appropriate for service and component support. The
MQ equipment, keeping in view the required utility and company’s mother warehouse is at
economical usage. Mumbai.
Second to fill the category to offer
range of products could be Delhi based,
BellStone Hi-Tech International.
BellStone offerings consists of,
construction machinery, survey
equipment, laboratory testing equipment,
tools & hardware sourced from number
of foreign and domestic equipment
As per Mr. Ashish Sethi, Managing
Director, BellStone, “we at
BellStone have different
departments for offering
different construction
equipment, with stock
intact.” He adds, “zxwe
regularly keep on collecting
regular feed–back from the
construction market on its requirement
of equipment, based on which we
maintain our stocks and also introduce
new range of equipment.” However, Mr.
Sethi mentions, “in order to maintain a
brand loyalty we keep a product of a
single brand at our disposal.”
Bell Stone International, which owes
its credit to its construction department
store for range of products to be offered,

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explained by Mr. Ashok. A.

Bellstone Rao, Director, Allen
Bellstone, an ISO 9001 certified having a big inventory of Buildwell, "Our Tie up with
construction equipment survey and safety, lab and testing equipment Pioneers in this field, such
under one roof. The company has a unique construction department as M/s. Guntert &
store which has its own Research and Development facility with Zimmerman Inc. USA, M/s.
over 300 employees including 80 Engineers and has precision Power Curbers Inc. USA,
Instrument, advanced equipment powerful technical force, complete and M/s. Power Pavers Inc. USA. M/s.
testing means and strict quality control system. QICKERBER, Australia have given the
Bellstone Hitech International plans to add new state-of-the- Indian contractors a large range of
art-equipment to its equipment to cover all types of concrete
stock, including slipforming jobs." The technical support
high-tech lifts. The provided by these companies before and
company has also after the machine is commissioned,
plans to set-up cannot be matched by our competitors.
such construction Like Allen Buildwell, all our principales
departmental believe in Quality and not in Quantity. We
stores in different do not want to be the Largest/Biggest,
parts of the country like our competitors aim to be but we
in view of good are striving to be the Best with most
response to its customer satisfaction. It is our effort to
existing venture. educate the clients on proper selection
of the equipment and the accessories.
We have not appointed any sub-dealers
or agents to avoid the clients being sold
has a common service department for wrong equipment because of the zeal of
providing service back up support. The the dealers in procuring orders at any
common service department coordinates cost. We have found this to our advantage
with the department heads below for during sales and after sales. The client
offering component and service support. is directly in touch with us and our
principals, there is absolute transparency
Promotion on Value
maintained in all dealing between Allen
Addition Buildwell, customers and our principals.
Offering improved product line under This results in quick actions and decisions
their own domain of product expertise in case of any breakdown or need for
is also a promotional strategy adopted urgent replacements. The Logo of Allen
by certain distributors. For this, they have Buildwell is a giant tortoise with a slogan
entered into marketing tie-ups with that says “SLOW BUT SURE”. Considering
foreign equipment manufacturers to the excellent 100% growth since 2005,
promote new range of products in the this has paid richly to our being accepted
country. This can be cited by the in the Indian market as manufacturers
reference of Mumbai based, Allen and representatives of qualitative with
Buildwell Pvt Ltd, distributors of US
made Allen concrete pavers in India.
“Allen Buildwell have been very
active since 1996 in promoting several
interesting Construction equipment
connected to Concrete Mixing and
equipment for Slipforming Roads,
Aprons, Irrigation Canals, Drains,
Barriers, Kerbs and so on.
The marketing of wide range of
110 concrete slipform paving equipment is NBM&CW MAY 2008
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Voltas Mining & Construction Equipment Division (M&CE) has
been serving the cause of mechanisation and modernisation for
almost 50 years, serving as a vital value-adding link between
manufacturers, suppliers and end-users.
Over the decades, it has established a large and appreciative
customer base from both public and private sector. In conjunction
with globally renowned manufacturers, M&CE offers its
customers a comprehensive package–proven expertise, long
experience, the world’s best equipment and value-added service
support. compared to other construction labor
Voltas offers the world’s best technologies for infrastructure material lifting platforms in terms of its
building, along with a highly professional support engineering safety offerings.”
team. Voltas has technical tie-ups with some of the most reputed He says, “the rack and pinion
names in the field, such as Boss Trucks–UK and Terex Inc–USA, technology used in the platforms makes
Terex Mining O&K, Germany, Terex Equipment, Scotland, Hyundai, it lift larger quantity of load and also
Dressta, Powerscreen and P&H for their world-class equipment renders it safer as compared to
which they represent in India. conventional bamboo platforms.” Ispat,
which entered into a collaboration with
Piat during the year 1995 has in its
credit to sell 140 platform units till
date. Ispat has its mother component
warehouse at Mumbai, while it has its
sales and service branches at Mumbai,
Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad, and
Offering value added products is also
Mumbai based, Mehta EarthMovers
under it’s business domain. The company
has a distribution tie-up with Korean rock
breaking equipment manufacturers for
distribution of their products in the
satisfactory service support throughout country. It has tie-ups with manufacturers
the lifetime of the equipment. based on the time period ranging from
Sales through offering value added 7-10 years each. Mehta Earthmovers is
products is the marketing strategy also into the business of crane rentals.
adopted by umpteen number of Indian Behind the gain
construction equipment manufacturers made from the tie-ups
and distributors, representing the bottom Mr. Mehul Mehta,
end of the value chain, through their Director, Mehta Earth–
marketing tie ups with foreign Movers says, “wide
manufacturers. range of product
This category is filled by Mumbai placement, aided by
based, Ispat Infrastructure India Pvt Ltd. sincerity and efficient
Ispat has a distribution arrangement with customer support have
Piat of Italy for enabled us to gain dividends.”
marketing its rack and In the category to offer value added
pinion passenger and products also comes, Pakona Engineers
material hoists and (India) Limited. Pakona Engineers is a
platforms. As per Mr. joint venture company with Colombia
Kapil Ghai, Director, Machines, Inc USA. It manufactures
Ispat Infrastructure “the automatic plant for interlocking pavers,
platforms have its valued USP as
112 NBM&CW MAY 2008
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Pakona Engineers (I) Pvt Ltd. has been manufacturing machine since 1983
and has a well-proven track record of service backup. The company
manufactures model 15L machines at its plant at Vadodara in India under
license from Columbia Machine Inc. USA. The model 15 L can produce
4,000 blocks of 20x20x40 cm or 10,000 unistone pavers (225x112.5x80mm)
or 30,000 flyash bricks per 8 hr. shift.
Columbia Machine Inc is a world leader with over 70 years experience
in manufacturing machines for producing a limitless range of concrete
products with its unique vertical vibratory sysem that enables the production
of all types of premolded concrete products, including concrete blocks and
pavers with quick and simple change of moulds and saving in cement

Similar claims are

made by Mr. Kamlesh
Jain, Managing Director,
Nakoda Machinery.
Nakoda has a marketing
tie-up with South–Korea
based MSD Corp for
selling its rock breakers in the country.
He says, ”the rugged features of the
MSD rock breakers have provided
greater acceptability for the products.”
He mentioned to enhance its back up
support Nakoda would be expanding its
dealer network by appointing 8-10
hollow and solid blocks, flyash bricks, dealers more across the country.
kerb stones, retaining wall blocks etc.
The company claims the value added
features of its products owing to its
rugged and high output features.
Competitive product
features to marketing is
also claimed by Mr. P.S.
Gupta, MD, K.K. Manhole
Grating. He says,
“Macroza’s wall chasing
machine, used for
electrical and plumbing applications are
much convenient to use than the hand
made tools and can work well both on
concrete and cement blocks.”
K.K Manhole is the distributor of
Spanish made, Marcoza’s wall chasing
machine in India. The company owes its
credit in selling 20 machines in the
country, ever since its tie up a year and
half back. K.K plans to sell 40 machines
during 2008-09.
114 NBM&CW MAY 2008
Cover Story

modest business development initiatives

Dar Tiee
and follow up by the dealers appointed
Dar Tiee Inc. founded in 1972 and headquartered in Taichung, Taiwan.
by us with the municipal departments.”
Dar Tiee manufactures wide range of products that include Rolling Mill
However, the company is on the way to
Equipment, Deform Bar Cutting and Bending Equipment, and steel
equipment related products. correct the anomaly.
Dar Tiee has made its mark by maintaining the highest standards Be as it may, challenges in way for
for quality at competitive prices. The manufacturing and distributing companies
goal of the company is to build long- looking for sales is a silver lining. This
term relationship with customers and can prove to be good learning exercise
strictly perform the quality control, and for the companies in making their
closely evaluate and analyze the marketing strategies reoriented and
performance of its products and keep distribution channels well organized and
up customer’s satisfaction. be partner of the greater lot of the
IPCC Interglobal Projects & country’s equipment marketing fraternity,
Construction Co. Delhi is the authorized that is enjoying business success.
dealer of Dar Tiee products in India. Dar
Tiee delivers top quality products at
competitive prices. Kam Avida
Kam Avida, an ISO 9001:2000 certified
Confronting Challenges company has evolved itself to make
Though marketing tie-ups both with sewer maintenance program more
Indian and foreign partners and may effective by providing the world-class
have proved to be dividend paying for sewer maintenance equipment to keep
one and many distributors but the story the roads, drain etc clean by using the
has also been not too rosy with couple contemporary method.
of distributors. Growing industrialization has resulted
As the case goes for Right Vision in an explosion in urbanization which has
India Pvt Ltd, representative of caused a tremendous load on the existing
Germany’s Lasco Brick civic infrastructure, thereby making it
making machines. As per almost mandatory for the civic bodies to
Mr. B.P. Bharti, “Director find better methods to carry their sewer
though our tie up with Lasco maintenance programs.
has been four years old
but we are yet to make
head way in sales.” He
attributes to the negative sales of the
machines owing to its high capital
investment cost. However, to promote
sales, Right Vision would be targeting
power sector and the steel industry.
Promotion of equipment sales based
on tie-ups has also brought its set of
challenges for, Kam-Avida, Enviro-
Engineers Pvt Ltd. Kam Avida is the Kam Avida is the India’s largest
Indian distributor of U.K based Johnston manufacturers of drain cleaners, garbage
made road sweepers and also U.K based collection and transportation system in a
Thredfort municipal garbadge wide range such as walk behind and
compaction equipment. Ride on type sweepers in association
As per Mr. Manish Chandra, G.M, with ISAL, chassis mounted sweepers in
Sales, Kam-Avida “the products, which association with JOHNSTON and other
are used in municipal applications have attachment sweepers.
been finding slow acceptance due to

116 NBM&CW MAY 2008

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