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Present Perfect Simple and Continuous Exercices

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A.Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect

1. A: (you / take) the dog for a walk yet?

2. B: I (work) all day. I (come / just) home from work and I (have /
not) the time yet to walk the dog.

3. A: How long (the dog / be) home alone?

4. B: For about 6 hours. You (walk / not) the dog for a long time. Don't you
want to go?

5. A: Well, I (laze / not) about all day either, you know. I have a very
important meeting tomorrow and I still (finish / not) my presentation.

6. B: Okay, I will go then. Where (you / put) collar and leash?

7. A: They are in the kitchen. By the way, (you / eat) anything yet? If not,
could you get us something from the supermarket?

8.A: I (call) for you for half an hour. Where (be) ? And why are your
clothes so dirty?

B: I (tidy) up the shed in the garden.

9.A: (you / find) a box with old photos there? I (look) for it for ages.

B: I (discover / not) it yet, but I (work / not) for a long time yet.
10.I (come / just) in to eat something.

11.A: I (cook / not) anything yet because I (talk) to our neighbour.

B.Fill in the correct form (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).

1. Tom: Hi Ana. I (try) to ring you several times today. Where (you /
be) ?

2. Ana: I (be) at home all the time. But I (clean) the house all day, so
maybe I didn't hear the phone ring.

3. Tom: (you / clean) everything now?

4. Ana: No, not yet. I (tidy / not) up the kitchen yet. But why are you here?
5. Tom: Don't you remember? Jane (invited) us to her birthday party and
we (buy / not) a present for her yet.

6. Ana: Oh, that's right. (you / find out / already) what she wants?

7. Tom: Well, she (learn) Spanish for a year and wants to spend her next
holiday in Mexico. Maybe we could get her a guide book.
8. Ana: That's a good idea. There is a good bookshop in the big shopping centre.
I (see) some nice books about Mexico there recently

9.How much money (Jack / spend) in the casino?

10.How long (she / sit) there?

11.How many short messages (send / you) this month?

12.(you / empty) the bin yet?

13.Lucy, (you / bathe) your dolls? The bathroom floor is absolutely wet.

C.Fill in the correct form (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).

1. Daughter: Mum, Jane (phone / just) to ask if I will go to the cinema with
her. May I?

2. Mother: (you / do) your homework yet?

3. Daughter: Well, I (do) it for about 2 hours now, but I (finish /

not) it yet.

4. Mother: If you (complete / not) your homework, you cannot go. School
comes first. Remember, you (promise) me to study harder this year.

5. Daughter: But mum, I (work) really hard this year and I (improve /
already) in Maths and Chemistry.

6. Mother: But that's only because I (push / always) you to do something.

7. Daughter: But I also need a break some time. Look, I (be / not) to the
cinema for two months. May I go? Just this once.
D. Folositi Present Perfect Simple sau Continuous in locul infinitivelor din paranteze:
1. He (fish) for two hours but he (catch) nothing yet.
2. We (know) each other for several years.
3. The radio (play) since 7 a.m. I’m tired of it.
4. I (shop) all day and I want to have a rest now.
5. How long you (wear) glasses?
6. I (cook) all the morning.
7. How many dishes you (cook)?
8. Why you (be) in the garden so long?
9. I (water) the flowers.
10. He (sleep) for 10 hours now. It’s time we woke him up.
11. I (ask) you to clean your room for two days. When are you going to do it?
12. Ever since that woman came to work here, she (try) to make trouble.
1. I’m tired, because I …… ..………. (work) very hard.
2. He ………………………………………… (write) letters all morning.
3. Catherina is getting fatter because she …………………………………… (eat) too
4. My mother ………………………………………….. (peel) the potatoes all afternoon.
5. Cathy …………………………………………… (attend) a cookery course since March.
6. How long …………… you ………………………………………….. (learn) English?
7. Where are my eye-glasses? I …………………………………………….. (look) for them
for an hour.
8. Charles ………………………………………………. (escape) from the police for years.
9. How long …………… you ………………………………………… (use) a computer?
10. Elizabeth ………………………………………….. (live) with Mike for three years.
11. She ………………………………………………. (earn) quite a lot of money for the last
two years.
12. It …………………………………………………. (rain) fro six hours.
to fill in the blanks:
1. I’ve bought / have been buying a new pair of shoes.
2. Have you finished / Have you been finishing reading that book yet?
3. They’ve eaten / have been eating fruit all afternoon, ever since they came from
4. I’ve been reading / have read this book now, so you can have it back.
5. I’ve been writing / have written eight pages already.
6. Your exam paper is completely blank! What have you been doing / have you
7. Oh, no! There’s nothing to eat. My sister has been eating / has eaten everything I
left in the kitchen.
8. Oh, no! There’s no wine to drink. They have drunk / have been drinking all the
9. No wonder your eyes hurt. You’ve been playing / have played computer games
ever since you had your breakfast.
10. I haven’t seen / haven’t been seeing you for ages.
11. God! Hakan has scored / has been scoring.
12. They have danced / have been dancing for an hour.
13. I have been waiting / have waited for you for ages.
14. I’ve finished / ‘ve been finishing my work.
15. I’ve been writing / have written this letter for an hour.
16. He has visited / has been visiting ten museums this week.
17. I’m very tired. Because I have travelled / have been travelling around Istanbul all
18. She has found / has been finding a good job.
19. I’m hot because I have been running / have run.
20. I have written / have been writing letters for weeks.
to fill in the blanks:

1. I’m trying to study. I …………………………………………….. (try) to study for the last

hour, but something always seems to interrupt me. I think I’d better go to the library.
2. The children are playing basketball right now. They ………………………………………
(play) for almost two hours. They must be getting tired.
3. The telephone …………………………………………… (ring) four times in the last
hour, and each time it has been for my roommate.
4. The telephone …………………………………………… (ring) for almost a minute. Why
doesn’t someone answer it?
5. It ……………………………………………….. (rain) all day. I wonder when it will stop.
6. We ………………………………………… (have) three accidents so far this week. I
wonder how many more we will have if you keep using the tools carelessly.
7. We ……………………………………………………. (live) here since last June.
8. My little son is dirty from head to foot because he ………………………………………
(play) in the mud.
9. What’s the matter? Your eyes are red and puffy. I hope you
……………………………… (not / cry). Oh, now I understand. You
…………………………………………….. (peel) some onions.
10. I …………………………………………………. (not / be) able to reach my boss on the
phone yet. I ………………………………………………………. (try) for the last twenty
minutes, but the line …………………………………….. busy.
11. We …………………………………………. (have) three major snowstorms so far this
winter. I wonder how many more we will have.
12. I ………………………………………………… (write) them three times, but I still
haven’t received a reply.
13. A: Dr. Harrison is a good teacher. How long ……………… he ……………………. (be)
at the university?
B: He ………………………………………… (teach) here for almost 25 years.
14. A: What are you going to order for dinner?
B: Well, I ……………………………………………… (have / have) pizza. So I think, I’ll
order that.
15. My uncle …………………………………………………. (paint) the outside of his house
for three weeks and he’s still not finished.
16. The Smiths are presently in Tunisia. They ………………………………………. (travel)
throughout North Africa since the middle of May. They’ll return home in another
to fill in the blanks:
1. I’m tired. We ………………………………………………. (walk) for over an hour. Let’s
stop and rest for a while.
2. The zoo isn’t far from here. I ………………………………………………… (walk) there
many times.
3. I …………………………………………………. (write) my friends at least a dozen
letters since I left home and come home.
4. Sally is writing a letter to her boyfriend. She ……………………………………….
(write) it since she got home from class. It’s going to be a long letter.
5. The telephone …………………………………………….. (ring) four times in the last
hour, and each time it has been for my roommate.
6. The telephone ……………………………………………… (ring) for almost a minute.
Why doesn’t someone answer it?
7. She is 80 and she ………………………………………… (never / read) a book in her
8. The secretary is very tired. She ………………………………………………… (type) all
9. Tom is reading a book. He started two hours ago and he is on page 53. He
……………………………………….. (read) for two hours.
10. Hello! I …………………………………………… (clean) the windows. So far I
………………………………………… (clean) five of them and there are two more to
11. My grandfather ……………………… (died) 30 years ago. I ……………………………..
…………………. (never / meet) him.
12. A: Is your father at home?
B: No, I’m afraid he ……………………………………………… (go) out.
A: When exactly ………………………………………………… (he / go) out?
B: About ten minutes ago.
I.Traduceti in limba engleza folosind Past Tense Simple sau Present Perfect Simple sau
1. Unde ti-ai petrecut vacanta anul acesta?
2. M-am gândit adesea sa-mi iau carnet de conducere.
3. De cât timp inveti engleza?
4. Vremea s-a incalzit in ultimul timp.
5. El este ministru de doi ani.
6. Traduc un text de doua ore si nu l-am terminat inca.
7. El a scris numai doua scrisori de când a plecat in strainatate.
8. Un copil a spart geamul. Trebuie sa-l inlocuim.
9. Ninge de doua ore.
10. Am mers pe jos 10 km pâna acum.
11. Mergem pe jos de la ora 3.
12. De când mi-am cumparat masina, am mers arareori pe jos la slujba.
13. -La ce te-ai uitat? -A fost un accident.
14. Ai vazut ziarul de azi?
15. A plecat John?
16. Ti-ai luat deja micul dejun?
17. Ai mai fost in acest oras?
18. Ei lucreaza la aceasta casa de un an si nu au terminat-o inca.
J.Read the text and answer the questions
You were born with 30 billion fat cells in your body! These remarkable cells act like microscopic
balloons which store excess fat. (Imagine a balloon filled with oil, and that's roughly what a fat
cell looks like.) Each fat cell can grow to more than 1,000 times its original size. Once it reaches
full capacity, the fat cell divides. Now you have more fat cells for life, and you are more prone to
gain weight.
To lose weight, you must shrink fat cells. But the idea of giving up on all your favorite food
would be a severe punishment which leads more often to disappointment. Have you ever asked
yourself why most of your dieting attempts didn't work properly? There are several reasons for
that. First, dieting actually makes your fat cells fatter. By starving your fat cells, they improve
their ability to preserve fat. Second, very low-calorie diets trigger a chain reaction that tells your
metabolism to slow down, and consequently, your energy level deteriorates. Third, diets lead to
binge eating. If you deprive yourself, you are more likely to eat twice as much once you give in.
When you are active, your body draws open two sources for energy: the food you eat or the fat
you have stored in those balloons. If you are inactive, your body will store more fat than it
burns. You can definitely lose weight not by following certain diets but by changing your eating
habits, such as eating more often-but decreasing your portions-and increasing your energy level
to help burn excess calories and stored fat.
If you are serious about safety removal of your extra weight, we can design a program to fit
your specific needs, lifestyle, and budget without any of the above concerns! You will not be
hungry or deprived of any basic nutrient. Your energy level will soar, and we will counsel you
through the entire program. Our program comes with an unconditional 30-day, money-back
guarantee! Upon filling out the confidential survey, you will be contacted by one of out
associates who puts you on the right track to the life you deserve.
1. According to the article, how do people gain weight?
2. Is the writer in favor of following a certain diet program? Explain.
3. What would the article lose if the last paragraph was omitted?
4. Where do you think you can come across articles like this? Justify your answer.
5. Are such programs popular in your country? Explain.
Find words in the text which most likely have the following meanings.
1. having the wish or tendency (paragraph 1) _______________________

2. start or cause something (paragraph 2) ______________________

3. keep from having or doing (paragraph 2) _______________________

4. A regulated selection of food (paragraph 3) _______________________

5. rise above the ordinary level (paragraph 4) _______________________

6. give suggestions; advise (paragraph 4) _______________________

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