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Cuaderno de Apuntes Taller de Inglés - 2018

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Taller de Inducción Inglés 2018-1


Unidad 1
Interactuar en un nivel básico del idioma inglés, en forma oral y escrita, produciendo mensajes
contextualizados y relacionados con variadas situaciones sociales que incluyen expresiones y frases
de uso diario en diferentes niveles de formalidad, y siendo capaz de complementar y relacionar
significativamente sus competencias profesionales con las referidas al uso del idioma inglés en sus
distintas formas.

I Aprendizaje Esperado:

Entregan información personal básica propia y de terceros, aplicando tiempo verbal presente,
generando situaciones comunicativas elementales formales e informales.

1- Saying Hello.

There are different ways to say hello, depending on the level of formality. Here you have some

You use “hello” when you speak with adult people o when you are in a formal situation like an
interview or you want to show a certain respect to someone.

“Hi” is used in an informal situation; for example, when you speak with friends.

There are many ways of greeting people depending on the moment of the day and the people who
you are talking to.

Good Morning. Good Afternoon.

Good Evening.
Taller de Inducción Inglés 2018-1

2- Titles

They are words added to someone’s name to show certain respect or social position.


Mr. Ms. Single or Married

Miss Single

Mrs. Married.

Exercise: Write an M if you are talking about a man and a W if you are talking about a woman.

1.-Mr. Brown 2. - Miss Cortés

3.-Ms. Chen ____________ 4. - Mrs. Kendall

3- Saying good bye.

There are many ways of expressing good-bye, depending on the formality and the specific

A: It`s late, I have to go home. Good bye! (formal)

Don’t forget that “good
B: night” is a good-bye
expression. If you want to
- Bye say “hello” during the
night, you have to use
- See you
- See you later
- See you around
- See you anytime
- Good night

Everyday questions and expressions.

A: How are you? (Formal)


- I am fine
- Just fine
Taller de Inducción Inglés 2018-1

- Very well
- Very bad
- Not so bad
- Not so good
- Terrible
- Great

A: How’s it going? (Informal)


- Very good
- Pretty good
- Okay(OK)
- Good
- Terrific
- Awful

Some special situations

Happy birthday / Happy New Year BUT… Merry Christmas

Good luck!

Good for you! / Congratulations!

Thank you/Thanks You’re welcome.


I’m sorry / Excuse me.

Bless you! / Cheers!

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As a summary:

Formal Expressions Less Formal Expressions

Yes. Yeah - Yep
Thank you. Thanks
Hello / Good morning, afternoon, Hi / Hey
How are you? How are you doing? / How is it going? / What’s up?
I’m fine. OK / Pretty good / Good / Cool.
Good bye. Bye / See you (later, tomorrow, soon, etc) / Take care

4- The English alphabet.

The Alphabet is used a lot in the countries where people speak English. There are many names and
last names which they are pronounced in the same way; however, the spelling is completely different.

Example: KOWASKY and KOWASKI are pronounced the same but one is written by “Y” and the
second one is written by I. This is why the spelling is very important to clarify.

A (ei) B (bi) C (si) D (di)

E (i) F (ef) G (lli) H (eich)

I (ai) J (llei) K (kei) L (el)

M (em) N (en) O (ou) P (pi)

Q (kiú) R (ar) S (es) T (ti)

U (iu) V (vi) W (dábliu) X (eks)

Y (wai) Z (zed) British

(zi) American

Exercise: Practice the alphabet, spelling aloud the following names:

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5- Talking about numbers

* Note: When you say phone numbers, the 0 (“zero”) can be pronounced like “oh”

Robert: What’s your phone number? The number “0” can
Jason: It is eight, seven, oh, four, five. (8 7 0 4 5) be pronounced “oh”
or “zero”.

Exercise: Write the results with numbers and words in the following operations:

1) 30+ 40 =
2) 9X 7 =
3) 10: 2 =
4) 13-1 =
5) 55+ 20 =
6) 3x 3 =
7) 90 + 10=
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6- Exchanging Personal Information with TO BE.

When you are meeting someone and you want to get information about this person, it is
necessary to remind the following questions:


Excuse me. What is your name? It’s Felipe

What’s your last name? It’s Kowasky

Where are you from? I am from Chile.

How old are you? I am twenty two years old.

What are you like? I am tall, thin and handsome.

What’s your nationality? I am Peruvian.

How are you? I am fine, thanks.

What’s your phone number? It’s 666-555-378


Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I AM a good student. I AM NOT (‘m not) Steven Carson. AM I in the correct class?

Richard IS my friend. It IS NOT (‘s not / isn’t) the English class. IS Laura sick?

Sue IS at the library. My mom IS NOT (‘s not / isn’t) at work. Where IS Ben from?

They ARE my classmates. We ARE NOT twenty years old. How old ARE your parents?

Exercise: Complete the conversation using to be. Practice with a partner.

A: Jason. (a) You and Robert from Canada?

B: Yes, we (b) .
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A: (c) you from Ottawa?

B: No,(d) not.(e) from Vancouver.

A: (a) Hillary from U.S?

B: No,(b) not. She’s from England.

A: (c) she from London?

B: Yes, she(d) . But her parents (e) from France originally.

7- Asking for specific information using Wh-questions.

When you want to get information in a conversation, it is necessary to use wh questions.


WHAT…? Things (concrete or abstract) WHAT is your last name?

WHO are those people?

WHO…? People (plural or singular)
WHO’s your English teacher?
WHERE are you from?
WHERE…? Places
WHERE is your sister?
WHEN is your birthday?
WHEN…? General time
WHEN are your parents leaving?
WHY are you so happy?
WHY…? Reason
WHY is he at the office today?
HOW are you?
HOW…? Manner
HOW is she going home this week?
WHAT TIME is the meeting?
WHAT TIME…? Exact time
WHAT TIME are you coming back?
Taller de Inducción Inglés 2018-1

II Aprendizaje Esperado:

Entregan información sobre la ubicación física de personas y diversos objetos, aplicando el

tiempo verbal presente simple, generando situaciones comunicativas elementales escritas y

1- Objects in a classroom.
Write the name of the corresponding objects.

1_____________________ 7_____________________
2_____________________ 8_____________________
3_____________________ 9_____________________
4_____________________ 10____________________
5_____________________ 11____________________
6_____________________ 12____________________

Checking the Indefinite Articles: A – AN: “Referring to singular objects”

A= followed by Consonant AN= followed by a Vowel

Example: It is a dog. Example: It is an apple.

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Exercise: Mary Brown, a Teacher of English, has many objects on the desk because she wants to
practice English with her students.

Teacher : Let me see Carol. This is something for rain. Look at this. What is this?

Carol : It is (1)

Teacher : Very well. Okay. Let’s continue. Angelica, look at these objects. They are useful to
write. What are these?

Angelica : Let me think. Oh yes. They are (2)

Teacher : Good. What about you, Robert? Look at this object.

It is used for carrying copybooks, pencils, etc. What is this?

Robert : It is(3)

Teacher : There you are. Let me see. Mary, look at these. They are very delicious when you

have a cold. What are these?

Mary : I cannot see very well. Oh yes, I can see. They are(4) .

Teacher : Congratulations everybody! You did a very good job today.

2- Describing People

Utilizamos el verbo to be para describir personas, en los siguientes aspectos.

Age Body Personality
(Edad) (Cuerpo) (Personalidad)
He (She) is . . . He (She) is . . . He (She) is . . .
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young - joven tall - alto intelligent (smart) -

a teenager - un short - bajo dumb - tonto
middle aged - de fat - gordo funny - cómico
old - viejo overweight - sobrepeso serious - serio
elderly - anciano thin - delgado nice - simpático
20 years old - 20 años de strong - fuerte lazy - flojo (perezoso)
in his thirties – en sus weak - débil hard-working - trabajador

Look at the picture. What are these men like? Give at least five characteristics of each man.

Peter Victor Sam

1-Peter is .
He is .
His hair is .
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Look at the picture and answer the questions. Give two or more characteristics for each person.

Paula Andrew Sophie

1. What’s Claudia like?

2. Is Andrew tall and thin?

3. Is Sophie talkative and outgoing?

Read the text and answer the questions.

Hi! My name is Carmen. My family and I are from Mexico originally, but we’re in England now. My
parents are very nice and friendly. My mother’s name is Angelica. She’s 45 years old. She’s very pretty
and quiet. My father’s name is Alejandro. He is really funny and very talkative. He’s 54 years old.
I’m 16 years old. I think I’m a nice girl, but I’m really shy.

1. What is Carmen’s mother’s name?

2. How old is she?

3. What is Carmen’s father like?

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3- Prepositions of Place

Look at the pictures and guess…


1. Write a sentence for each picture. Use prepositions from the box.

behind – in – in front of – next to – on – under

III Aprendizaje Esperado:

Ser capaz de describir acciones del momento utilizando el Presente Continuo.

1- Present Continuous.

When we talk about actions or activities performed at the moment, that is, now, it is necessary
to get familiar with Present Continuous. The period of time can be:

a) Short and momentary: Example: Pamela is studying now. Don’t bother her.

b) Longer: Example: Pamela is studying English at Aiep this semester.

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Let’s remember how to use Present Continuous in different forms: Affirmative, Negative
and interrogative.


I am eating pizza now I am not working this week. Are you speaking English now?
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My mom is cooking now. Robert is not looking for a job. What are you doing now?

We are playing tennis now. Camila and Peter are not reading a Is your sister singing in the festival?

Exercise: Look at the chart where there are some people doing different activities now. Answer the questions
given below.





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2- Talking about Clothes.

It is important to know the names of the clothes so you can buy or get dressed properly according to
formal and information situation.
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It is useful to know the colors since it allows you to choose the clothes and accessories better.

White black red blue brown green yellow gray Pink orange purple beige

Exercise: Read carefully and answer the questions.

The Fashion Show

And now ladies and gentlemen, here is Camila. Camila’s wearing a white blouse and a black skirt.
It’s made of wool. She is wearing orange shoes, silver earrings and and she is carrying an elegant
purse. Also she has a golden necklace around her neck. Thank you Camila.
Now, here’s Jim. He’s wearing dark blue pants and a brown sport coat. He is wearing a pink shirt
and a yellow striped tie. Thank you Jim.
Finally, here’s Margaret. She is wearing a big hat, golden earrings, sunglasses, a white blouse, a
beige skirt and purple high heels. Thank you Margaret.
Thank you all of you for coming to this first fashion show.


1) Is Jim wearing brown pants?

2) Who is carrying an elegant purse?

3) What color is Camila’s skirt?

4) Is Margaret wearing a small hat?

5) Who has a golden necklace around her neck?

6) What is Camila’s skirt made of?

3- Describing the different types of “presents” used in different situations

i. Temporary Situations:

When we describe activities that last a short and specific period of time, we use the Present
Continuous Tense.

The only way in which we can identify and describe these situations is through Time
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Robert is selling pizza this week. (You can understand that’s a specific and a short period of time).


Pamela is not going to Aiep this weekend.

ii. Everyday Situations

When we perform activities that we do every day (like routines and habits), we use The
Present Simple Tense. It is also applicable to facts.

Again, we can identify and describe these situations is through Time Expressions and
Adverbs of Frequency.


Manuel goes to the disco every Saturday. (It means that Manuel goes not only one
Saturday but every Saturday like a routine)


My mom always makes doughnuts for tea. (It means that my mom not only makes
doughnuts once but all the time).

IV Aprendizaje Esperado:
Ser capaz de expresar acciones de la vida diaria y rutinas utilizando el Presente Simple.

1- Simple Present


I eat pizza every weekend. I do not eat pizza on weekends. Do you eat pizza on weekends?

She eats pizza every weekend. Camila does not eat pizza every day. Does she eat pizza on weekends?

We eat pizza every weekend. We do not eat pizza on weekends. Do your friends eat pizza?

Don’t forget that ………

The Simple Present is formed by
The subject + action
verb (S) + complement
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Exercise: Complete these conversations using the Present Simple Tense or the Present

A: Is anyone in your family looking for a job?
B: Yes, my brother is. He (work) part time in a restaurant now, but he
(look) for a job in a theater company. He (love) acting.
A.: What is your sister doing now these days?
B: She (go) to Aiep Institute this semester. She (like) it a lot.
She (study) Construction.
A: Where do your parents live?
B: They (live) in Minnesota most of the time, but they (stay)in
South Dakota this summer. They (have) a house here.
A: What is Melissa studying this semester?
B: Well, She (study) Graphics Design now but she (think)
to study another career when she (finish).


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