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Unit 1: Introductions, Family, and You!

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Introductions, Family, and You!

Objectives Objetivos

By the end of this unit you will be able to… Al fin de esta unidad, serás capaz de…
1. Greet and say goodbye to others 1. Saludar y despedirte de otros
2. Introduce yourself 2. Presentarte a ti mismo
3. Describe family relationships 3. Identificar los nombres de miembros de la familia
4. Substitute pronouns for nouns 4. Sustituir pronombres por sustantivos
5. Use the verbs “to be” and “to have” 5. Usar los verbos “to be” y “to have”
to introduce yourself and tell about your family para presentarte a ti mismo y hablar sobre tu familia
6. Use possessives to talk about members of your 6. Usar posesivos para hablar sobre miembros de tu
family familia
7. Spell your name in English 7. Deletrear tu nombre en inglés

de trabajo
Unit 1 Introductions, Family, and You!
Lesson 1

Write the definition for each expression.

Escribe la definición para cada expresión.

My name is Hello/Hi.
What´s your name? Welcome!
Nice to meet you! See you tomorrow.
I am pleased to meet you! See you later.

Family relationships*
Lesson 1

Elena Gaby Oscar Anna


Juan Ximena

Complete each sentence with the correct word.

Completa cada frase con la palabra correcta.

1. Elena is Roberto’s _________________________. 11. Roberto is Ximena’s _____________________________.

2. Roberto is Elena’s _________________________. 12. Gaby is Elena and Roberto’s _____________________.
3. Gaby is Anna’s ____________________________. 13. Oscar is Elena and Roberto’s _____________________.
4. Oscar is Anna’s ___________________________. 14. Elena is Gaby’s _________________________________.
5. Pedro is Ximena’s _________________________. 15. Roberto is Oscar’s ______________________________.
6. Blanca is Ximena’s ________________________. 16. Roberto and Elena are the _______________________.
7. Ximena is Pedro’s _________________________. 17. Gaby, Anna, and Oscar are the ___________________.
8. Oscar is Pedro’s ___________________________. 18. Oscar is Rosa’s ________________________________.
9. Ximena is Roberto’s _______________________. 19. Ximena is Gaby’s ______________________________.
10. Elena is Ximena’s _________________________. 20. Ximena and Gaby are __________________________.

Unit 1 Introductions, Family, and You!
To be & To have*
Lesson 1

Complete the charts below.

Completa las tablas de abajo.

I ___________ We ______________ I ___________ We ______________
You __________ You __________ You __________ You __________
He/she/it________ They____________ He/she/it________ They____________

Role play practice

Lesson 2

Practice in a group of three.

Practica en un grupo de tres personas.

Student 1: Hi, how are you? My name is _____________________.

Student 2: Hello, _______________. I´m _________________.
Student 1: Hi, _______________. This is my brother/sister, ________________.
Student 2: Hi, _______________. Nice to meet you.
Student 3: It´s very nice to meet you, too.
Student 2: I have to go to class. See you later!
Students 1 & 3: Goodbye!

Pronoun mania*
Circle the correct word. Use the charts and examples to help you.


I we my our mine ours
you you your your yours yours
he/she/it they his/her/Its their his/hers/its theirs
Examples: Examples: Examples:
• I have a dog. • The dog is my dog. • The dog is mine.
• They have a house. • It is their house. • The house is theirs.

1. You/Your/Yours family is big.

2. Claire is I/my/mine cousin.
3. We have a store. The store is we/our/ours.
4. Mary is he/his/his wife.
5. He has a car. The car is he/his/his.

Unit 1 Introductions, Family, and You!
The Alphabet
Lesson 2

Practice spelling your name in English with partners.

Practica deletrear de tu nombre en inglés con tus compañeros.

Example: Hi. My name is Nancy. I spell my name N-A-N-C-Y.

Hi. My name is ________________. I spell my name _________________.

What is your name? How do you spell your name? 

Comprehension Challenge: Moving to the United States*

Lesson 2

Listen to the telephone conversation. Mario: Yes, it will be a great experience for you to live
Fill in the blanks using the words from the word bank. and work with your cousins. (6)___________ with my aunt
Escucha la conversación telefónica. Llena los espacios en and uncle. They want us to visit them in Guadalajara.
blanco con la palabra correcta del banco de palabras. Can we stop in Guadalajara on our way to Los Angeles?

Word Bank Antonia: Sure! Let´s meet your aunt and uncle. We
can visit them in Guadalajara. Are you excited to start
trip business live (7)___________in California?
I am excited school They are moving
Mario: Yes, I am very excited to go to school. I can´t
I spoke study work
wait to (8)___________ (9) ___________! But, I am also
sad to leave Oaxaca.
Narrator: Antonia and Mario are about to go on a long
trip. (1) ______________________from Oaxaca, México Antonia: Yes, I will miss my home and family in Oaxaca.
to Los Angeles, California. Listen as they discuss their I have to go now. See you tomorrow!
upcoming trip.
Mario: Goodbye!
Antonia: Hello?

Mario: Hi, Antonia. This is Mario. How are you?

Antonia: I´m fine. Thanks. How are you, Mario?

Mario: I’m great! Are you excited about our

(2)___________ to California?

Antonia: Yes, (3)_________________ to move to

California! I spoke with my cousin, Brenda. She can´t
wait for me to (4)___________with her in Los Angeles.
I am also excited to (5)___________with Brenda in our
family´s restaurant.

Unit 1 Introductions, Family, and You!

Independent Practice

Verb challenge*
Write the correct form of to be or to have in the blanks.
Escribe la forma correcta de los verbos “to be” o “to have” en los espacios.

1. I _________ a sister. She lives in Texas.

2. You _________ my mother. I am your daughter.
3. He ___________ 2 brothers. Their names are Paul and Pat.
4. We ___________ students. We study English.
5. They __________ a dog. It is white and large.
6. I ___________ a teacher. I teach Spanish.

Match each pictures with the correct pronoun.
Haz coincidir cada dibujo con el pronombre correcto.

1. We ____________. 3. He ______________. 5. They ____________. 7. I _____________.

2. You ____________. 4. She ______________. 6. it ________________.

A. B. C. D. E. F. G.

To be* To have*
Circle the correct form of the verb “to be”. Circle the correct form of the verb “to have”.
Encierra en un círculo la forma correcta del verbo Encierra en un círculo la forma correcta del verbo
“to be”. “to have”.

1. They am /are / is my cousins. 1. He has/have 3 brothers.

2. You am /are /is very nice. 2. I has/have a sister.
3. She am /are /is a girl. 3. They has/have a store.
4. I am /are /is from Mexico. 4. We has/have 2 grandsons.
5. It am / are /is a book. 5. She doesn´t has/have a son.
6. We am /are /is students. 6. Do you has/have children?
7. He am /are /is a boy. 7. Does she has/have a dog?
8. It am /are /is nice to meet you! 8. You and I has/have the same mother.

Unit 1 Introductions, Family, and You!
Possesive Adjectives*
Select the correct possessive adjective to complete the sentences.
Selecciona el adjetivo posesivo correcto para completar las oraciones.

1. The family owns Pedro´s Organic Market. 2. Ximena loves _______ family.
It is _______ store. a. her
a. my b. his
b. their

3. It is nice to meet you! What is _______ 4. _____ family is very big. I have
name? 4 brothers and 5 sisters!
a. our a. My
b. your b. Your

Possesive Pronouns*
Write the correct possessive pronoun.

1. Oscar loves his skateboard. 3. It is my ball. 5. This is our apartment.

The skateboard is __________. The ball is __________. The apartment is __________.

2. It is their store. 4. This is your room. 6. It is her calculator.

The store is __________. The room is __________. The calculator is __________.

Answer Key
1. wife 2. husband 3. sister 4. brother 1. have 2. are 3. has 4. are 5. have 6. am
5. grandfather 6. grandmother 7. granddaughter
8. grandson 9. niece 10. aunt 11. uncle 12. daughter PRONOUNS
13. son 14. mother (mom) 1. C 2. A 3. G 4. B 5. F 6. D 7. E
15. father (dad) 16. parents 17. children (kids)
18. nephew 19. cousin 20. cousins TO BE:
1. are 2. are 3. is 4. am 5. is 6. are 7. is 8. is
TO BE: I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, you are, they are TO HAVE:
TO HAVE: I have, you have, he/she/it has, we have, 1. has 2. have 3. have 4. have 5. have 6. have 7. have 8. have
you have, they have
PRONOUN MANIA 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A
1. Your 2. my 3. ours 4. his 5. his
COMPREHENSION CHALLENGE: MOVING TO THE 1. his 2. theirs 3. mine 4. yours 5. ours 6. hers
1. They are moving 2. trip 3. I am excited 4. live
5. work 6. I spoke 7. school 8. study 9. business

Unit 1 Notes

Unit 1 Notes

I Can …

Say hello and goodbye
Introduce myself
Identify family members
Use pronouns
Use the verbs “to be” and “to have”
Use possessives
Spell my name in English

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