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Jay Scott Lawsuit 2

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3:18-cv-03173-SEM-TSH # 1 Page 1 of 24 E-FILED

Tuesday, 10 July, 2018 09:48:58 AM

Clerk, U.S. District Court, ILCD


Plaintiffs, ) JURY DEMAND
v. ) Case No. 18-CV-_____
COUNTY OF MACON, a unit of local )
government and ALBERT JAY SCOTT, )
Defendants. )



(“CONE”) by their attorneys, Costigan & Wollrab, P.C., and for their Complaint against

the Defendants, COUNTY OF MACON, a unit of local government by and through its

Chairman of the Board and Members of the COUNTY OF MACON (“MACON”) and

ALBERT JAY SCOTT, (“SCOTT”) hereby state the following:


1. Jurisdiction is proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1331 (2012) as the claims of

LEWIS and CONE arise under the Constitution, laws or treaties of the United States. In

particular, the claims of LEWIS and CONE are being brought pursuant to 42 U.S.C.

§1983 as well as the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

2. Additionally, this Court has jurisdiction of the state law claims asserted

herein on the basis of its exercise of ancillary jurisdiction.

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3. Venue is proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1391(b), in that the Defendant,

MACON is a municipal corporation subject to the personal jurisdiction of this district and

the claims of LEWIS and CONE arose in Macon County and in this district as alleged



4. At all times relevant to the matters set forth in this Complaint, LEWIS was

a resident of Macon County, Illinois.

5. At all times relevant to the matters set forth in this Complaint, CONE was

a resident of Moultrie County.

6. During all times relevant to the matters set forth in this Complaint, LEWIS

and CONE were employees of MACON.

7. At all times relevant to the matters set forth in this Complaint, SCOTT

was a resident of Macon County, Illinois.

8. At all times relevant to the matters set forth in this Complaint, MACON

was a unit of local government situated in Macon County, Illinois. MACON is a

municipal corporation, duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois, and

MACON was the employer of LEWIS and the employer of CONE.

9. At all times relevant to the matters set forth in this Complaint MACON

acted through its Chairman of the Board and Members of the County Board of MACON

and held its meetings and oversaw the operations of MACON in Macon County, Illinois.

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10. That LEWIS was hired by MACON on or about October 6, 1994 where

LEWIS remained employed with MACON until July 7, 2016 when her employment with

MACON was terminated.

11. That CONE was hired by MACON in and around 1998 where

CONE remained employed with MACON until July 7, 2016 when

her employment with MACON was terminated.

12. That LEWIS was hired as a full time employee of MACON beginning in

October of 1994. She was initially hired to work in the Circuit Clerk of Macon County;

and later joined the Macon County State’s Attorneys’ office in January of 1996. During

her tenure as an employee of MACON, LEWIS received various promotions including as

a Domestic Violence Coordinator and Victim Advocate until her position with MACON

was terminated on July 7, 2016.

13. That CONE was hired as a full time employee of MACON beginning

on or about July 28, 1997. During her tenure as an employee of MACON, CONE

received various advancements and or promotions. That CONE was employed as a

Deferred Prosecution Coordinator with the MACON at the time of the termination of her

employment with MACON on July 7, 2018.

14. That during the course of their employment LEWIS and CONE both

executed an acknowledgement affirming their respective receipt of a copy of the

MACON Employee Handbook governing their employment as employees of MACON.

15. That pursuant to the provisions of the MACON Employee Handbook,

MACON promised to provide LEWIS and CONE with a work environment free of

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discrimination, harassment or retaliation.

16. At all times relevant to the matters set forth in this Complaint,

SCOTT was the elected State’s Attorney of the County of Macon.

17. That at all times relevant to the matters set forth in this Complaint, Kim

Tarvin was employed by MACON and assigned to work in the office of the State’s

Attorney of Macon County. That at all times relevant to the matters set forth in this

Complaint, Kim Tarvin was acting in the course and scope of her employment with

MACON, under color of state law, ordinance and or regulation.

18. That at all times relevant to the matters set forth in this Complaint Kim

Tarvin was subject to the provisions of the MACON Employee Handbook.

19. That on or about July 6, 2015, LEWIS and CONE reported to Gregory

Mattingly and other MACON supervisory personnel, including the Personnel Director of

the State’s Attorney’s Office of Macon County that Kim Tarvin and other employees of

the State’s Attorney’s Office of Macon County had violated certain provisions of the

MACON Employee Handbook prohibiting employees of MACON from subjecting

employees of MACON to “direct or indirect political influence or coercion….” In

particular, employees of MACON were prohibited from requiring other employees of

MACON to participate in or contribute financially to political campaigns; and were

otherwise prohibited from requiring employees of MACON to have a particular political

affiliation or support any particular political party or candidate for election to an office of

the county or state as a condition of continued employment with MACON.

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20. LEWIS and CONE notified personnel of MACON, including but not

limited to Greg Mattingly and the Personnel Director of the State’s Attorney’s Office of

Macon County that employees of MACON, including but not limited to Kim Tarvin were

violating the Political Activity Policy of MACON by soliciting and electioneering during

hours when Kim Tarvin was working for MACON at the urging and with the consent of

SCOTT and making support of SCOTT’s political party and his political campaign for re-

election a condition of continued employment with MACON in violation of the

applicable provisions of the MACON Handbook and other applicable Illinois statutory

provisions, including but not limited to the provisions of the Illinois Right to Privacy in

the Workplace Act. LEWIS and CONE also notified MACON that Kim Tarvin and

SCOTT had violated other laws of the State of Illinois protecting employees from

discrimination, harassment and retaliation. In particular, LEWIS and CONE advised

MACON that certain employees of MACON were committing acts in violation of the

provisions of the MACON Employee Handbook and also federal and state laws

prohibiting discrimination and harassment of employees based on certain protected


22. Thereafter, on or about July 7, 2016, Greg Mattingly and other senior

management personnel of MACON confronted SCOTT regarding the allegations asserted

against Kim Tarvin and SCOTT, and in particular confronted SCOTT about the various

alleged and reported federal and state law violations committed by Kim Tarvin and

SCOTT and other employees of MACON.

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23. That as a result of the reports and complaints made to SCOTT regarding

the allegations of LEWIS and CONE, MACON by and through its agents terminated the

employment of LEWIS and CONE on July 7, 2016.

24. That the proffered reason for the termination of the employment of

LEWIS and CONE on July 7, 2016 was due to budgetary cuts, which reason was “pre-

text” for unlawful discrimination and adverse employment action taken against LEWIS

and CONE for their reporting of illegal and unlawful actions of Kim Tarvin, SCOTT and

other employees of MACON who violated the provisions of the Political Activity policy

of MACON and the laws of the State of Illinois and federal laws including the First and

Fourteenth Amendment rights of LEWIS and CONE.

25. That in addition to the foregoing, MACON also ignored violations of law

committed by Kim Tarvin despite reports that Kim Tarvin was performing election work

for SCOTT during periods when she was employed by MACON and being paid wages by

MACON, which acts of Kim Tarvin were illegal and in violation of state and federal law

prohibiting the use of government funds for promotion of candidates for election or


35. That thereafter on July 7, 2016, MACON completed a

“Macon County Employee Status Change Sheet” advising LEWIS and CONE that their

respective employment with MACON was terminated effective July 7, 2016.

36. That MACON’s asserted reason for the termination of employment of

LEWIS and CONE was pre-text for illegal harassment and retaliation. In particular,

MACON’s termination of the employment of LEWIS and CONE was in retaliation for

their report of the illegal acts of Kim Tarvin, SCOTT and other employees of MACON to

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the authorities of MACON, including but not limited to the Human Resources

Department of MACON and Greg Mattingly in his capacity as Chairman of the Judicial

Committee and in his official capacity with MACON.

37. That as a result of the termination of the employment of LEWIS and

CONE with MACON each of them have has sustained damages, including but not limited

to the loss of employee benefits and wages.



NOW COMES Plaintiff, LEWIS, and for Count I of her Complaint alleged

against Defendant, MACON, hereby states the following:

1. That LEWIS repeats and realleges paragraphs 1-37 of the general

allegations of her Complaint as paragraphs 1-37 of Count I of her Complaint.

38. That during the course of her employment with MACON,

LEWIS was exposed to a work place environment that was tainted by overtly

hostile animus and hostilities which were known to MACON.

39. During her employment with MACON, the Chairman of the Board of

MACON and members of the Board of Directors of MACON, knew or in the exercise of

reasonable care should have known that employees and senior management personnel of

MACON, including but not limited to Kim Tarvin were engaging in unlawful actions

against employees of MACON, including but not limited to LEWIS that were hostile,

illegal, outrageous, malicious and detrimental to the well-being of employees of MACON

including LEWIS.

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40. During her employment with MACON, the Chairman of the Board of

MACON and members of the County Board of MACON, knew or in the exercise of

reasonable care should have known that personnel of MACON, including but not limited

to Kim Tarvin were engaging in actions against employees of MACON that were in

violation of the provisions of the MACON Employee Handbook.

41. That despite MACON’s knowledge of the illegal actions of its personnel

and MACON’s corporate counsel, Edward Flynn, MACON terminated LEWIS in

violation of the provisions of its Employee Handbook, which termination of the

employment of LEWIS was unlawful and illegal harassment and retaliatory.

42. As a result of the acts and omissions of MACON by and through its

members of the County Board of MACON, asserted in this Count I, LEWIS has sustained

damages, including but not limited to the following:

a. Compensation for back pay and other employer sponsored benefits owed

to LEWIS as a result of the foregoing acts and omissions of MACON;

b. Compensation for front pay and other employer sponsored benefits lost by

LEWIS as a consequence of the foregoing acts and omissions of MACON;

c. All other compensatory damages available under the federal and state laws

applicable to the matters set forth herein.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, ROBYN LEWIS, hereby prays for the following relief

against Defendant, County of MACON:

A. Reinstatement to her position with MACON, with all back pay, employee

benefits, and pension benefits;

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B. If no comparable position is available, then an award for front pay and all

prospective lost benefits; and

C. All other compensatory damages available under the federal and state laws

applicable to the matters set forth herein; and

D. Such other and further relief as this Court deems equitable and proper.



NOW COMES Plaintiff, CONE, and for Count II of her Complaint alleged

against Defendant, MACON, hereby states the following:

1. That CONE repeats and realleges paragraphs 1-37 of the general

allegations of her Complaint as paragraphs 1-37 of Count II of her Complaint.

38. That during the course of her employment with MACON,

CONE was exposed to a work place environment that was tainted by overtly

hostile animus and hostilities which were known to MACON.

39. During her employment with MACON, the Chairman of the Board of

MACON and members of the Board of Directors of MACON, knew or in the exercise of

reasonable care should have known that employees and senior management personnel of

MACON, including but not limited to Kim Tarvin were engaging in unlawful actions

against employees of MACON, including but not limited to CONE that were hostile,

illegal, outrageous, malicious and detrimental to the well-being of employees of MACON

including CONE.

40. During her employment with MACON, the Chairman of the Board of

MACON and members of the County Board of MACON, knew or in the exercise of

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reasonable care should have known that personnel of MACON, including but not limited

to Kim Tarvin were engaging in actions against employees of MACON that were in

violation of the provisions of the MACON Employee Handbook.

41. That despite MACON’s knowledge of the illegal actions of its personnel

and MACON’s corporate counsel, Edward Flynn, MACON terminated CONE in

violation of the provisions of its Employee Handbook, which termination of the

employment of CONE was unlawful and illegal harassment and retaliatory.

42. As a result of the acts and omissions of MACON by and through its

members of the County Board of MACON, asserted in this Count II, CONE has sustained

damages, including but not limited to the following:

a. Compensation for back pay and other employer sponsored benefits owed

to CONE as a result of the foregoing acts and omissions of MACON;

b. Compensation for front pay and other employer sponsored benefits lost by

CONE as a consequence of the foregoing acts and omissions of MACON;

c. All other compensatory damages available under the federal and state laws

applicable to the matters set forth herein.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, LEAH CONE, hereby prays for the following relief

against Defendant, County of MACON:

A. Reinstatement to her position with MACON, with all back pay, employee

benefits, and pension benefits;

B. If no comparable position is available, then an award for front pay and all

prospective lost benefits; and

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C. All other compensatory damages available under the federal and state laws

applicable to the matters set forth herein; and

D. Such other and further relief as this Court deems equitable and proper.



NOW COMES Plaintiff, LEWIS, and for Count III of Complaint alleged in the

alternative to Count I of her Complaint alleged against Defendant, MACON, hereby

states the following:

1. That LEWIS repeats and realleges paragraphs 1-37 of the general

allegations of her Complaint as paragraphs 1-37 of Count I of her Complaint.

38. That during the course of her employment with MACON,

LEWIS was exposed to a work place environment that was tainted by overtly

hostile animus and hostilities which were known to MACON.

39. During her employment with MACON, the Chairman of the Board of

MACON and members of the Board of Directors of MACON, knew or in the exercise of

reasonable care should have known that personnel of MACON, including but not limited

to Kim Tarvin were engaging in actions against employees of MACON, including but not

limited to LEWIS that were hostile, illegal, outrageous, malicious and detrimental to the

well-being of employees of MACON including LEWIS.

40. During her employment with MACON, the Chairman of the Board of

MACON and members of the County Board of MACON, knew or in the exercise of

reasonable care should have known that personnel of MACON, including but not limited

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to Kim Tarvin were engaging in actions against employees of MACON that were in

violation of the provisions of the MACON Employee Handbook.

41. That despite MACON’s knowledge of the illegal actions of its supervisory

personnel and MACON’s corporate counsel, Edward Flynn, MACON terminated LEWIS

in violation of the provisions of its Employee Handbook, which termination of her

employment was unlawful and illegal harassment and retaliatory.

Count III of her Complaint brought in the alternative to Count 1 of her Complaint.

42. At all times relevant to the matters set forth in this Complaint there was in

effect in the State of Illinois a certain statute known as the Illinois Whistleblower

Protection Act (740 ILCS 174/1 et seq.)

43. At all times relevant to the matters set forth in this Amended Complaint,

the provisions of 740 ILCS 174/15 provided in pertinent part the following:

(a) An employer may not retaliate against an employee who discloses information

in a court, an administrative hearing, or before a legislative commission or

committee, or in any other proceeding, where the employee has reasonable cause

to believe that the information discloses a violation of a State or federal law, rule,

or regulation.

(b) An employer may not retaliate against an employee for disclosing information

to a government or law enforcement agency, where the employee has reasonable

cause to believe that the information discloses a violation of a State or federal

law, rule, or regulation.

Section 20 of the Act also provided in pertinent part that:

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Retaliation for certain refusals prohibited. An employer may not retaliate against

an employee for refusing to participate in an activity that would result in a

violation of a State or federal law, rule, or regulation, including, but not limited

to, violations of the Freedom of Information Act.

Section 20.1 further provided:

Any other act or omission not otherwise specifically set forth in this Act, whether

within or without the workplace, also constitutes retaliation by an employer under

this Act if the act or omission would be materially adverse to a reasonable

employee and is because of the employee disclosing or attempting to disclose

public corruption or wrongdoing.

44. LEWIS refused to participate in or otherwise overlook the illicit and

illegal actions of employees of MACON and SCOTT.

45. As a consequence of her refusal to remain silent about or otherwise

overlook the actions of personnel of MACON, and due to the affirmative reporting by

LEWIS of the foregoing illicit and illegal acts of personnel of MACON, LEWIS was

retaliated against in the workplace and eventually her employment was terminated on or

about July 7, 2016.

46. The actions of MACON violated the provisions of 740 ILCS 174/1, and

more specifically, the applicable provisions of Section 15, 20 and 20.1, by retaliating

against LEWIS as a result of her disclosure to MACON that employees of MACON and

SCOTT were believed to be violating the laws of the State of Illinois and other federal

and local laws and statutes applicable to MACON.

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47. As a result of the foregoing acts and omissions of MACON by and

through its members of the County Board of MACON asserted in this Count III, LEWIS

has sustained damages, including but not limited to the following:

a. Compensation for back pay and other employer sponsored benefits owed

to LEWIS as a result of the foregoing acts and omissions of MACON;

b. Compensation for front pay and other employer sponsored benefits lost by

LEWIS as a consequence of the foregoing acts and omissions of MACON;

c. All other compensatory damages available under the federal and state laws

applicable to the matters set forth herein.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, ROBYN LEWIS, hereby prays for the following relief

against Defendant, County of MACON:

A. Reinstatement to her position with all back pay, employee benefits, and

pension benefits;

B. If no comparable position is available, then an award for front pay and all

prospective lost benefits; and

C. All other compensatory damages available under the federal and state laws

applicable to the matters set forth herein; and

D. Such other and further relief as this Court deems equitable and proper.

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NOW COMES Plaintiff, CONE, and for Count IV of her Complaint alleged in the

alternative to Count II of her Complaint alleged against Defendant, MACON, hereby

states the following:

1. That CONE repeats and realleges paragraphs 1-37 of the general

allegations of her Complaint as paragraphs 1-37 of Count I of her Complaint.

38. That during the course of her employment with MACON,

CONE was exposed to a work place environment that was tainted by overtly

hostile animus and hostilities which were known to MACON.

39. During her employment with MACON, the Chairman of the Board of

MACON and members of the Board of Directors of MACON, knew or in the exercise of

reasonable care should have known that personnel of MACON, including but not limited

to Kim Tarvin were engaging in actions against employees of MACON, including but not

limited to CONE that were hostile, illegal, outrageous, malicious and detrimental to the

well-being of employees of MACON including CONE.

40. During her employment with MACON, the Chairman of the Board of

MACON and members of the County Board of MACON, knew or in the exercise of

reasonable care should have known that personnel of MACON, including but not limited

to Kim Tarvin were engaging in actions against employees of MACON that were in

violation of the provisions of the MACON Employee Handbook.

41. That despite MACON’s knowledge of the illegal actions of its supervisory

personnel and MACON’s corporate counsel, Edward Flynn, MACON terminated CONE

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in violation of the provisions of its Employee Handbook, which termination of her

employment was unlawful and illegal harassment and retaliatory.

Count IV of her Complaint brought in the alternative to Count 1I of her Complaint.

42. At all times relevant to the matters set forth in this Complaint there was in

effect in the State of Illinois a certain statute known as the Illinois Whistleblower

Protection Act (740 ILCS 174/1 et seq.)

43. At all times relevant to the matters set forth in this Amended Complaint,

the provisions of 740 ILCS 174/15 provided in pertinent part the following:

(a) An employer may not retaliate against an employee who discloses information

in a court, an administrative hearing, or before a legislative commission or

committee, or in any other proceeding, where the employee has reasonable cause

to believe that the information discloses a violation of a State or federal law, rule,

or regulation.

(b) An employer may not retaliate against an employee for disclosing information

to a government or law enforcement agency, where the employee has reasonable

cause to believe that the information discloses a violation of a State or federal

law, rule, or regulation.

Section 20 of the Act also provided in pertinent part that:

Retaliation for certain refusals prohibited. An employer may not retaliate against

an employee for refusing to participate in an activity that would result in a

violation of a State or federal law, rule, or regulation, including, but not limited

to, violations of the Freedom of Information Act.

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Section 20.1 further provided:

Any other act or omission not otherwise specifically set forth in this Act, whether

within or without the workplace, also constitutes retaliation by an employer under

this Act if the act or omission would be materially adverse to a reasonable

employee and is because of the employee disclosing or attempting to disclose

public corruption or wrongdoing.

44. CONE refused to participate in or otherwise overlook the illicit and illegal

actions of employees of MACON and SCOTT.

45. As a consequence of her refusal to remain silent about or otherwise

overlook the actions of personnel of MACON, and due to the affirmative reporting by

CONE of the foregoing illicit and illegal acts of personnel of MACON, CONE was

retaliated against in the workplace and eventually her employment was terminated on or

about July 7, 2016.

46. The actions of MACON violated the provisions of 740 ILCS 174/1, and

more specifically, the applicable provisions of Section 15, 20 and 20.1, by retaliating

against CONE as a result of her disclosure to MACON that employees of MACON and

SCOTT were believed to be violating the laws of the State of Illinois and other federal

and local laws and statutes applicable to MACON.

47. As a result of the foregoing acts and omissions of MACON by and

through its members of the County Board of MACON asserted in this Count IV, CONE

has sustained damages, including but not limited to the following:

a. Compensation for back pay and other employer sponsored benefits owed

to CONE as a result of the foregoing acts and omissions of MACON;

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b. Compensation for front pay and other employer sponsored benefits lost by

CONE as a consequence of the foregoing acts and omissions of MACON;

c. All other compensatory damages available under the federal and state laws

applicable to the matters set forth herein.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, LEAH CONE, hereby prays for the following relief

against Defendant, County of MACON:

A. Reinstatement to her position with all back pay, employee benefits, and

pension benefits;

B. If no comparable position is available, then an award for front pay and all

prospective lost benefits; and

C. All other compensatory damages available under the federal and state laws

applicable to the matters set forth herein; and

D. Such other and further relief as this Court deems equitable and proper.



NOW COMES Plaintiff, ROBYN LEWIS, and for Count V of her Complaint

alleged against Defendant, MACON, hereby states the following:

1. That LEWIS repeats and realleges paragraphs 1-37 of the general

allegations of her Complaint as paragraphs 1-37 of Count V of her Complaint.

38. That during the course of her employment with MACON,

LEWIS was exposed to a work place environment that was tainted by overtly

hostile animus and hostilities which were known to MACON.

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39. During her employment with MACON, the Chairman of the Board of

MACON and members of the Board of Directors of MACON, knew or in the exercise of

reasonable care should have known that personnel of MACON, including but not limited

to Kim Tarvin were engaging in actions against employees of MACON, including but not

limited to LEWIS that were hostile, illegal, outrageous, malicious and detrimental to the

well-being of employees of MACON including LEWIS.

40. During her employment with MACON, the Chairman of the Board of

MACON and members of the County Board of MACON, knew or in the exercise of

reasonable care should have known that personnel of MACON, including but not limited

to Kim Tarvin were engaging in actions against employees of MACON that were in

violation of the provisions of the MACON Employee Handbook.

41. That despite MACON’s knowledge of the illegal actions of its supervisory

personnel and MACON’s corporate counsel, Edward Flynn, MACON terminated LEWIS

in violation of the provisions of its Employee Handbook, which termination of her

employment was unlawful and illegal harassment and retaliatory.

42. That at all times relevant to the matters set forth in this Amended

Complaint there was in full force and effect a certain statute found at 42 U.S.C.A. Section

1983 which provided in pertinent part the following:

Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or
usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to
be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the
jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities
secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an
action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress.... 42 USCS §
1983 West (2018).

43. That as a consequence of the acts of MACON set forth herein, MACON

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violated LEWIS’ First Amendment right to associate with persons holding political

affiliations other than those held by SCOTT and other than those promoted for the benefit

of those seeking to re-elect SCOTT.

44. That as a result of MACON’s termination of LEWIS’ employment for

her refusal to be subjected to illegal electioneering and the obligation imposed by SCOTT

and other employees of MACON to support SCOTT and his political party, MACON

violated the constitutionally protected rights of LEWIS afforded under the First


45. As a result of the foregoing acts and omissions of MACON by and

through its members of the County Board of MACON asserted in this Count V, LEWIS

has sustained damages, including but not limited to the following:

a. Compensation for back pay and other employer sponsored benefits owed

to LEWIS as a result of the foregoing acts and omissions of MACON;

b. Compensation for front pay and other employer sponsored benefits lost by

LEWIS as a consequence of the foregoing acts and omissions of MACON;

c. All other compensatory damages available under the federal and state laws

applicable to the matters set forth herein.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, ROBYN LEWIS, hereby prays for the following relief

against Defendant, County of MACON:

A. Reinstatement to her position with all back pay, employee benefits, and

pension benefits;

B. If no comparable position is available, then an award for front pay and all

prospective lost benefits; and

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C. All other compensatory damages available under the federal and state laws

applicable to the matters set forth herein; and

D. Such other and further relief as this Court deems equitable and proper.



NOW COMES Plaintiff, LEAH CONE, and for Count VI of her Complaint

alleged against Defendant, MACON, hereby states the following:

1. That CONE repeats and realleges paragraphs 1-37 of the general

allegations of her Complaint as paragraphs 1-37 of Count VI of Amended Complaint.

38. That during the course of her employment with MACON,

CONE was exposed to a work place environment that was tainted by overtly

hostile animus and hostilities which were known to MACON.

39. During her employment with MACON, the Chairman of the Board of

MACON and members of the Board of Directors of MACON, knew or in the exercise of

reasonable care should have known that personnel of MACON, including but not limited

to Kim Tarvin were engaging in actions against employees of MACON, including but not

limited to CONE that were hostile, illegal, outrageous, malicious and detrimental to the

well-being of employees of MACON including CONE.

40. During her employment with MACON, the Chairman of the Board of

MACON and members of the County Board of MACON, knew or in the exercise of

reasonable care should have known that personnel of MACON, including but not limited

to Kim Tarvin were engaging in actions against employees of MACON that were in

violation of the provisions of the MACON Employee Handbook.

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41. That despite MACON’s knowledge of the illegal actions of its supervisory

personnel and MACON’s corporate counsel, Edward Flynn, MACON terminated CONE

in violation of the provisions of its Employee Handbook, which termination of her

employment was unlawful and illegal harassment and retaliatory.

42. That at all times relevant to the matters set forth in this Amended

Complaint there was in full force and effect a certain statute found at 42 U.S.C.A. Section

1983 which provided in pertinent part the following:

Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or
usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to
be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the
jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities
secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an
action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress.... 42 USCS §
1983 West (2018).

43. That as a consequence of the acts of MACON set forth herein, MACON

violated CONE’S First Amendment right to associate with persons holding political

affiliations other than those held by SCOTT and other than those promoted for the benefit

of those seeking to re-elect SCOTT.

44. That as a result of MACON’s termination of CONE employment for

her refusal to be subjected to illegal electioneering and the obligation imposed by SCOTT

and other employees of MACON to support SCOTT and his political party, MACON

violated the constitutionally protected rights of CONE afforded under the First


45. As a result of the foregoing acts and omissions of MACON by and

through its members of the County Board of MACON asserted in this Count VI, CONE

has sustained damages, including but not limited to the following:

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a. Compensation for back pay and other employer sponsored benefits owed

to CONE as a result of the foregoing acts and omissions of MACON;

b. Compensation for front pay and other employer sponsored benefits lost by

CONE as a consequence of the foregoing acts and omissions of MACON;

c. All other compensatory damages available under the federal and state laws

applicable to the matters set forth herein.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, LEAH CONE, hereby prays for the following relief

against Defendant, County of MACON:

A. Reinstatement to her position with all back pay, employee benefits, and

pension benefits;

B. If no comparable position is available, then an award for front pay and all

prospective lost benefits; and

C. All other compensatory damages available under the federal and state laws

applicable to the matters set forth herein; and

D. Such other and further relief as this Court deems equitable and proper.



NOW COMES Plaintiff, ROBYN LEWIS, and for Count VII of her Complaint

alleged against Defendant, SCOTT, hereby states the following:

1. That LEWIS repeats and realleges paragraphs 1-37 of the general

allegations of her Complaint as paragraphs 1-37 of Count VII of her Amended


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38. As a direct result of the actions of SCOTT, LEWIS’ business relationship

with MACON and her employment with MACON were terminated on July 7, 2016.

a. All compensatory damages available under laws applicable to the matters

set forth herein;

b. Such other relief as this Court deems equitable and proper.


Respectfully Submitted,


BY: s/Dawn L. Wall

Dawn L. Wall Bar Number 6196948
Attorney for Plaintiffs
Costigan & Wollrab, P.C.
308 E. Washington St.
Bloomington, Illinois 61701
(309) 828-4310 phone

3:18-cv-03173-SEM-TSH # 1-1 Page 1 of 1 E-FILED
Tuesday, 10 July, 2018 09:48:58 AM
Clerk, U.S. District Court, ILCD

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