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Sangamon County Animal Control Peer Comparisons

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Sangamon County, Illinois

Animal Control – Peer Comparisons

March 3, 2022

Project Charter
The consultant staff has worked with animal control operations across the
country. Some citizens have advocated for changes in Sangamon County.
As part of considering this, the County sought input on how its approach
compares to other Central Illinois counties.

• Sangamon County commissioned this study to address these issues:

• Is the Sangamon County’s Animal Shelter operating within the range
of other Central Illinois counties?
• How do Central Illinois peer counties use volunteers?

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 2

Executive Summary
• Compared to mid-sized counties in central Illinois, the Sangamon County
Animal Control Shelter operates within the range of its peers.
• Typically, volunteer efforts in other counties focus on direct service to
animals. In Sangamon County, volunteers are also vocal advocates for
changes in service.
• Whether changes are warranted depends in part on whether services
are below industry standards. We find that the County operates within
the range of its peers.

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 3

Project Methodology
• We collected data and conducted Interviews around the following topics:
• Service area
• Veterinary and other services
• Staffing
• Volunteer staffing
• Facility capacity
• Key performance indicators
• Finances
• Policy
• Public engagement
• Administrative oversight
• Qualitative data
• As part of the review, we were to interview representatives of similar departments in:
• Champaign County
• Macon County
• McLean County (McLean County data came from public documents. The County was unable to
participate because of flooding at the animal control facility)
• Peoria County

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 4

The State of Illinois Inspects County Animal Control Shelters
• Sangamon County Animal Control is licensed by the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) as an animal
control facility. The last inspection was at the end of 2021.
• IDOA applies the criteria in several statutes / guidelines:
• Animal Welfare Act
• Animal Welfare Rules
• Humane Care for Animals Act
• IDOA has inspected the County’s facility and the County is subject to random, unannounced inspections to
ensure compliance with the Acts
• The following table summarizes IDOA’s ratings from its most recent inspections of the peers. For Facility and
Sanitation, the options were Acceptable or Unacceptable. For Animals, options were Good, Fair or
County Date of Facility Sanitation Animals
Champaign 4/22/21 Acceptable Acceptable Good

Macon 2/7/19 Acceptable Acceptable Good

McLean 1/30/20 Acceptable Acceptable Good

Peoria 1/21/21 Acceptable Acceptable Good

Sangamon 3/12/21 Acceptable Acceptable Good

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 2

Sangamon County and Peers

County Population Service Area Reports to Private Shelters

Sangamon 198,000 Countywide including 26 Public Health 1 large shelter
municipalities Dept 2-3 small shelters
2-3 micro-shelters
Champaign 210,000 Unincorporated area plus some County One humane society
villages Executive
Macon 104,000 Decatur and unincorporated area Sheriff Dept One small shelter
Peoria 180,000 Countywide including 15 Assistant
municipalities County

Note: McLean County did not participate in the peer survey

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 3

Veterinary Services
• It is difficult to retain full-time veterinarians. Sangamon County veterinarians are helpful on a
contractual basis. Peer counties’ veterinary services are shown below.

Sangamon The County’s budget for services is $63,500. Outside vets charge $60/hour to
provide pre-adoption wellness checks, rabies vaccinations, and exams after bite
observation period. This is equivalent to 20 hours per week.
Champaign One part-time vet at 3.25 hours per day provides vaccinations, bites and quarantine
releases, provides medication. Use University of Illinois emergency clinic as needed.
Macon One full-time vet at $70,000 per year, plus vet assistant, provide all medical services
including orthopedics. Vet assistant funded through Foundation. No nearby
emergency clinic.
Peoria No vets on staff. Vet services provide via contract with Peoria County Medical
Association. Dept pays $7,500 per quarter for “vet of the day” coverage from M-F
during the lunch hour. Vet can see 15-20 animals per day. Performs spays/ neuters at
$35/$55 each plus shots/diagnostics/ears/eyes. Emergencies seen at local
emergency center.

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 4

Other Services
• Table below shows services provided by Sangamon and peer counties. Services are similar across the
Sangamon Champaign Macon Peoria
Licensing Env Health issues Yes Yes. Decatur issues Yes
licenses. AC pays licenses and sends
cost and gets revenue to County.
Adoptions Yes No Yes Yes
Spay/Neuter No. Private clinic Yes, by contract Yes, in-house by Yes
does spay/neuters with mobile unit. staff Vet.
for AC.
Euthanasia Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dead Animal Pick- Yes No Yes, domestic Yes, domestic
up/Disposal animals and wildlife animals only
Stray Pick-up Yes Yes Yes Yes, days only
Humane Yes Yes, if ordinance Yes Yes
Investigations violation.

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 5

Other Services (continued)
Euthanasia Protocol
Sangamon 4 certified euthanasia technicians (one vacant, but replacement being trained). Euthanize based
on health/temperament/biting history. Do not euthanize based on lack of space, as shelter is not
full. Euthanasia numbers have gone down significantly in last 20 years.

Champaign Director euthanizes for health/behavior reasons. Performs modified SAFER test. Humane Society
also tests for adoptability and takes adoptable animals. Policy is to keep identified animals 7 days,
non-identified animals 5 days, feral cats, 3 days.

Macon Euthanize based on unanimous decision by committee of 3-4 admin staff who confer with kennel
attendants. Try to get rescue groups to take them if possible.

Peoria Euthanize for public walk-ins upon request, as well as in-house sheltered animals following
behavioral assessments. If animals pass assessment, they’re transferred to other organizations. If
they fail and can’t be transferred or adopted, they’re euthanized.

Sangamon County’s services are similar to the services other counties provide.

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 6

Staffing - County
Sangamon Champaign Macon Peoria
5 ACOs: $17-$19/hr 3 ACOs: $17-$20/hr 6 ACOs 4 FT/1 PT Animal Control Specialists:
5 Kennel Attendants (2 vacant): $16- 2 FT/1 PT Kennel Attendants: $15/hr 6 FT/5 PT Kennel Attendants 3 FT/1 PT Kennel Technician: $15-
$17/hr $23/hr
3 Clerk Typists: $14/hr 1 Clerk: $15/hr 1 Shelter Manager 2 Admin Assistants: $14-$22/hr
1 Clinic Support Supv: $51,090/yr 1 PT Vet: $48/hr 1 Rabies Secretary 2 Supervisors: $45K-$55K/yr

1 Director of Ops: $75,033/yr 1 Director: $82,685/yr 1 Veterinarian 1 Director

1 Vet Assistant
1 Dispatcher
1 Promotions Coordinator
(funded by Foundation)
Based on the data below, staffing in Sangamon County is within the range of the peers. Macon County benefits from foundation funding. If Macon were
excluded, the peer average would be .60 staff per 10,000, compared to .71 per 10,000 in Sangamon County.

Champaign Macon Peoria Average Macon Sangamon
Population (2019) 210,000 104,000 180,000 164,667 195,000 198,000
Shelter Staff (Est) 9 23 14 15 12 15
Staff Per 10,000 Population 0.43 2.21 0.78 0.93 0.60 0.76

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 7

Staffing – Volunteers
Sangamon • 20-25 volunteers walk and bathe dogs, transport animals, put on events.
• Citizens Advisory Committee incudes volunteers but hasn’t met in over a year.
• According to the Health Department, Friends of Sangamon County volunteer group is a challenging
situation that complicates the County's ability to establish strategy and direct operations. They don’t
speak to Shelter Director, instead they voice their complaints to County management. They
advocate for Sangamon County to adopt approaches like Macon County policy. They’ve also
petitioned City of Springfield to cancel their shelter services contract with the County.

Champaign • No volunteers. Not an adoption facility so they can’t utilize volunteers.

Macon • 5-7 volunteers provide enrichment support (walking dogs, etc.)
• No volunteers are involved in policy discussions.
• In the past volunteers “had run of shelter”. Promoted their own training business, tried to interfere
in euthanasia. New Director came onboard and “put a stop to it”.
• Foundation provides funding for medical supplies plus one position. Don’t get along with shelter
staff. Would like to influence policy but Sheriff won’t allow it.

Peoria • Volunteers coordinated by Peoria Humane Society (PHS). Help with training and walking dogs and
public education.
• PHS voices their opinions, but all policy decisions are made by Shelter Director, County Admin, and

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 8

Staffing – Volunteers
Volunteer Services Volunteer Committees/ Are Volunteers permitted in policy
Provided Foundations/ Organizations discussions?

Sangamon Walking/bathing dogs, • Citizens Advisory Committee – Yes. Friends of Sangamon County Animal
transporting animals, hasn’t met since pre-COVID Control is a volunteer group whose involvement
adoption events, • Friends of Sangamon County began with providing enrichment support for
guided tours for those animals, primarily walking and other interaction
wishing to adopt. Non- with animals. Their assistance was initially well
routine medical care received, and their involvement has evolved
arrangements and over time. It has now reached the point that
payments the group has demanded an active oversight
role in day-to-day staff operations of the shelter
as well as all major policy decisions.
Champaign No volunteers No volunteers No volunteers

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 9

Staffing – Volunteers
Volunteer Services Volunteer Committees/ Are Volunteers permitted in policy
Provided Foundations/ Organizations discussions?
Macon Enrichment support Macon County Animal Shelter No. They have in the past but current
(walking dogs, etc.) Foundation. Shelter Director (Sheriff) doesn’t include
Foundation raises a lot of money, them in policy discussions.
enabling them to provide robust
program support to County including
renovation of shelter in 2006,
medical supplies/equipment, and
two County staff positions
Peoria Training, walking dogs, Peoria Humane Society No. All policy decisions are made by
public education. Shelter Director, County Admin, and
Coordinated by Peoria Board.
Humane Society (PHS).

Conclusion: Volunteers are more involved in Sangamon County policy issues.

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 10

Age Kennel Drains Capacity

Sangamon Built 1999-2000. Kennel Trough drain surface, front & back systems, 8 84 dogs, 100 cats
replacement essentially rooms, all connected, goes to city sewer.
Champaign 40 years old. Retrofitted in 2005. Cages individually drained, flow into giant floor 45 dogs, 45 cats
drain. No grates.
Macon Renovated in 2006 Each kennel has own drain, each room has two. 135 dogs, 156 cats
Decatur Public Building Commission maintains
facility including drains.
Peoria Built in 1986. Some remodeling Floor drains. Dog drains deep cleaned daily. Cat 65 dogs, 100 cats.
since then. drains spot cleaned daily.
Sangamon County capacity is comparable to the peers. If Macon County were excluded, the average for Champaign and Macon would be 6.54 per 10,000. Sangamon
County does operate below capacity.

Champaign Peoria Average Sangamon

Facility Capacity 90 165 128 184
Capacity Per 10,000 Population 4.29 9.17 7.74 9.29
Estimate of Capacity Utilized 85% 50% 68% 50%

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 11

Quantitative Topics
Sangamon Champaign Macon Peoria
Capacity/Utilization 50% 85%-100% 60% 50%
Reporting used for Chameleon Chameleon Chameleon Chameleon
# of Spays/Neuters 2020: Dogs 219, Cats 2020: Dogs 13, Cats 2020: Dogs 306, Cats Approx. 1,500/year
188 188 583
2019: Dogs 298, Cats 2019: Dogs 79, Cats 2019: Dogs 379, Cats
247 200 795

Annual Intakes 2020: 2,006 2020: 1,843 2020: 1,933 2020: 3,372
2019: 2,679 2019: 2,931
Sangamon County appears to be less likely than the peers to spay or neuter.

Champaign Macon Peoria Average Sangamon

Number of Spays and Neuters 201 889 1,500 863 269
Annual Intakes 1,843 1,933 3,372 2,383 2,006
Sapys and Neuters / Annual
Intakes 10.9% 46.0% 44.5% 36.2% 13.4%

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 12

• The number of animals euthanized in Sangamon
County dropped from 1,736 in 2011 to 638 in
2020. Recent data shows:
Sangamon Champaign Macon McLean Peoria

Intakes 2,006 1,843 1,933 NA 3,372

Euthaniz- 638 408 319 130 91

Percent 31.8% 22.1% 16.5% NA 2.7%

• Sangamon County has a higher rate of euthanizing

cats and dogs, which it is investigating.

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 13

Finances / Fees Summary
• Sangamon County has similar fee categories to peer counties
• Counties often waive fees
• The County's current fees are at or near the top of the range of the fees the peers
• None of the peers have a sliding fee schedule but fee waivers are common
• The County’s budget is in line with the peers below

Champaign Peoria Average Sangamon

Population (2019) 210,000 180,000 195,000 198,000

Operating Budget $ 764,810 $ 1,295,435 $ 1,030,123 $ 1,136,106

Budget Per Capita $ 3.64 $ 7.20 $ 5.28 $ 5.74

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 14

Examples of Fees (Published Data)
Fee Type Sangamon Champaign Macon McLean Peoria

Boarding $14 $10 $7 $10 $10

Impoundment (first) $102 $32-$100 $15
Registration $17 $15 $15 $12 $18
1 year)
Adoption $97 N/A $75 $10 $100
Rabies $18 $8 $30 $50
Fines Failure to $35
vaccinate or
register $100
Euthanasia $52-$58 $25 $55 $25-$50
Spay / Neuter N/A $30/$40 $35
Several of Sangamon County’s fees are higher than the peers’ fees. Sangamon County based its fees on an independent cost
of service analysis in 2016. The County’s policy is to review fees in several departments on a 5 to 6 year cycle.

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 15


Sliding Fees/Payment Plans Collection Efforts Last Fee Study

Sangamon No (informal payment plans No collection agency. Collect 2016

are possible) fees as they catch them.
Champaign No. Recently started None. None in last 10 years.
accepting credit cards.
Macon No official payment plans. Decatur collections license None in last 10 years.
Shelter Manager sometimes fees and they do use collection
arranges unofficially. agency.

Peoria No. None. Received grant so have 2012

eased up on collections.

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 16

Policy – Common Types of Policies
Policy Sangamon County Peers
Adoption • Staff can deny • Staff can deny
• Staff check with landlord if applicant is a renter
• For homeowners, confirm current tax status and that other
pets are vaccinated
Eligibility of • 13% were deemed • Ranged from 16% to 20%
Pets for "unadoptable"
Behavior • No formal tool • 2 peers have no formal tool and rely on staff evaluation
Evaluation • Two staff are trained to evaluate • 1 peer uses ASPCA Safer Test
Fostering • Use sparingly • Either screen on a case-by-case basis or limit to kittens
Community • Not officially allowed • 2 peers don't officially allow
Cats • 1 peer only allows in rural areas

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 17

Public Engagement
Area Comments

Reporting • Sangamon County publishes an annual report, consistent with statutory requirements
• Peers publish monthly statistical reports posted on website
Community Education • Sangamon County holds meetings upon request by schools and neighborhood groups
• Peers:
• 1 peer does not provide
• 1 peer provides upon request to schools
• 1 peer has a full-time education coordinator and works with volunteers to provide programs.
Agreements with • Sangamon County has agreements with private shelters and rescue groups for transporting pets
Community Groups • Peers:
• 1 peer has no formal agreements
• 1 peer has no agreements but separate foundation transports animals
• 1 peer has agreement with humane society
• Non-routine medical care and payments are a volunteer effort
Stakeholder Meetings • Sangamon County:
• Citizens Advisory Committee had been meeting quarterly pre-Covid
• Friends of Sangamon County meet on ad hoc basis
• Peers:
• 2 peers do not convene stakeholder meetings, but stakeholders may attend County Board
• 1 peer's Board committee meets monthly; separate Foundation meets monthly and invites
animal control director for opening only of its meetings

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 18

Administrative Oversight
Type Sangamon County Peers
Budget • Board of Health reviews budget and then • County Administrator and/or County Board
submits to County Board. approve all budgets
• County Board has final budget approval and
sets the levy.

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 19

Qualitative Data
General Observations Trends Adoption Rate Change Due to
Sangamon Shelter Director is well-respected by peers Did not discuss but reductions Intakes and adoptions declined.
in other counties. in animals euthanized.
Shelter Director happy with shelter
performance. They are a resource for other
counties and have good staff.
Would like to incentivize public to commit
to behavioral training of dogs when
Champaign Public needs to be better educated on pet Spay/neuter increase has N/A
ownership. made a difference.

Macon County staff paid less than peers. If wages Barn cat program Spays/neuters put on hold during
were commensurate, turnover would be pandemic. Currently adoptions
less. have increased due to $25 special.

Peoria Peoria & Sangamon shelter directors sit on Community cat models. Intakes/calls for service
two boards together. decreased. Fosters/adoptions

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 20

• Sangamon County operates within the range of its peers
• All counties follow a formal budget approval process starting with
animal control and passing through traditional administrative and
elected channels
• Budgets address personnel and administrative expenses
• None of the counties use performance metrics
• All peer counties, other than Champaign, involve volunteers for
activities such as education, pet care and adoption
• County staff and officials in all the peers set policies for operation of
their facilities
• Local veterinarians should increase policy oversight of Sangamon
County’s shelter operations
• Sangamon County should publish operational data more frequently

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 5

Project Charter and Conclusions
• Is the Sangamon County Animal Shelter • What governance structures do counties
operating within Illinois local government use?
norms? • All counties follow a formal budget approval process
• Sangamon County operates within the range of its starting with animal control and passing through
peers traditional administrative and elected channels
• All counties follow a formal budget approval process • County staff and officials in all the peers set policies
for Animal Control for operation of their facilities
• The County and peers release public reports at least • Local veterinarians should increase policy oversight of
once a year Sangamon County’s shelter operations
• All peer counties, other than Champaign, involve • In the peer counties, volunteers are not involved in
volunteers for activities such as education, pet care setting governance policies
and adoption

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 6

1. Health Director and Shelter Director should engage more local veterinarians in
oversight of shelter operations.
2. Health Director and Shelter Director should convene quarterly public meetings. These
meetings would focus on operations of animal control programs and review of
quarterly operations statistics, budget status, and operational concerns. We
recommend that advisory functions be led by veterinarians.
3. Health Director should provide minutes and meeting summaries to County
Administrator. Senior County management should direct all questions and comments
to the Health Director and Animal Shelter Director so they can respond to the public.
4. The County could increase its outreach efforts to schools and civic organizations.
5. The County understands that investing more in Animal Control would affect the
program. Yet Sangamon County operates within the range of its peers. Given the
finite amount of public funding available, Sangamon County could only invest more in
the Animal Control program at the expense of competing priorities. That would be a
matter for the Board to decide.

Sangamon County, Illinois Animal Control – Peer Review l FINAL REPORT 7

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