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Proposal Curriculum For Table-Tennis Sport For Students of Faculty of Physical Education

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World Journal of Sport Sciences 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

ISSN 2078-4724
© IDOSI Publications, 2010

Proposal Curriculum for Table-Tennis Sport for

Students of Faculty of Physical Education

Medhat Ali Aboseree

Department of Curriculum and Methods Teaching,

Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science, Benisuif University, Egypt

Abstract: The research aims to establish a proposal curriculum for table- tennis sport for intended sample (100
young men+50girls) grade one students of Faculty of Physical Education, represents 100% of the research
community in order to identify: the most appropriate basic motor skills of table-tennis and methods of
performance, cognitive build about( the performance and legalistic motor skills,sport rules, the types playing
and competitions kinds of table Tennis sport) by using descriptive analytical approach and experimental
approach designed one-pool,through research tools such as: data collection instruments, interview with 20
experts (academics lecturers and qualified professional trainers) and questionnaire (prepared by the researcher
to appoint14 table Tennis motor skills, designed14 motor skills teaching unite, establishing up-to-date
cognitive tests(80-yes, no - questions), 12motor skills performance test, over one semester. Conclusions
depended on statistics (percentage, average, correlation and t test,). The proposed Curriculum was an
appropriate curriculum for teaching basic motor skills for the table Tennis sport. Teaching units for table Tennis
motor skills which used to acquire motor skills performance conciliate to achieve proposed the aims of the
curriculum. Cognitive test, motor skills performance tests which used to measure the performance levels were
appropriate too.

Key words: Curriculum % Cognitive % Table Tennis % Motor skills % Measurements

INTRODUCTION the educational unit. Through research and exploration

researcher found that reliance on the diversity of styles
This approach is considered a seminar including of teaching to teach motor skills for the sport of speed
courses and other educational skills as well as interest may be more positive to confirm the importance of
different growth of students and enabling them to acquire creative ways of modern education which helps learners
appropriate expertise through interaction with the to think creatively and have the learner a greater role in
environment [1]. Also the term curriculum is called on a the educational process, prompting the researcher to make
range of courses, known as the core curriculum of the this research, which seeks to develop a proposal
school, which is on the experiences of organization curriculum for the table-Tennis sport to students of the
revolves around the achievement of specific goals in Faculty of Physical Education, Beni Suef University .
specific time and has developed the platform for physical
education and now has all the activities practiced by the Research Problem: Through expert of the researcher as
student in the lesson and the activity of internal and racket sports lecturer, table-tennis international umpire,
external [2]. notice that there is no appointed curriculum for Table
So, it was to be a learning method or form or medium tennis sport as general and specially for Faculty of
determines the pedagogical approach appropriate for each Physical Education University, Beni Suef university for
table -tennis motor skill so as not to overlook the use of that the researcher tried to established new proposed
teaching aids and age group of the learner and define the curriculum for table tennis sport to first-grade student’s
role of both the teacher and the learner accurately within in physical education faculties in Egypt.

Corresponding Author: Medhat Ali Aboseree, Department of Curriculum and Methods Teaching,
Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science, Benisuif University, Egypt.
World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

Research Aims: C Play the individual competitions are valid tests to

measure the level of student performance of basic
C Research aimed at developing for the table tennis skills of the proposed decision table tennis sport.
sport in the Racquet Sports subject for the first C Tests measuring the students performance of in the
graders, Faculty of Physical Education, Beni Suef proposed skills of double playing valid tests to
University to identify: measure the students skills performance of the to
C Basic skills for the Table tennis sport and the double play y proposed decision within the proposed
proposed decision as the content of the course. table tennis sport .
C Modes of basic skills performance as the content of C There are significant differences between the
the proposed curriculum. cognitive test scores pre and post for the post test
C The most important knowledge about the for students of the Faculty of Physical Education on
performance of legalistic skills, systems of play, table tennis sport knowledge.
types of play in the table tennis sport.
C Preparation of educational modules for basic table Abdul Aziz [3] performed a study aimed at
tennis skills as the content of the proposed identifying the effect of a training program using a
curriculum. launcher balls to improve the skills of defense near the
C The effectiveness of the proposed education table at table tennis researcher used the experimental
program to teach basic skills with the decision of method (design groups) on a sample of deliberate hit (7)
Table tennis sport at the level of students of the for player of the City Club of victory under 18 years. The
Faculty of Physical Education. results showed a positive statistical training program
C Play the individual contests the use of tests to using a ball launcher used in improving the skill level of
skills of defense near the table.
measure the level of student performance of basic
Hassanein [4] studied the effectiveness of proposed
skills of the proposed decision Table tennis sport
program to develop accuracy and speed of some of the
C Prepare tests to measure the skills performance of
skills of offensive and defensive on the technical
students in double play in the proposed content of
performance of table tennis players. Researcher used the
the skills course proposal.
experimental method (design groups) on a sample
C Up-to-date table tennis sport cognitive
intentional (12 players) for Club of Young Muslims
(experimental group) and the Tram Club (control group) in
Research Hypotheses: Proposed curriculum for table
Alexandria, Egypt under 15.18 years. The results showed
tennis sport in the racket sports games for grade one
a positive statistical training program used in the
students at the Faculty of Physical Education, Beni Suef
development of accuracy and speed of some offensive
University,commensurate with the requirements of the
and defensive skills on the technical performance of the
article and the needs of students and contributes to the
experimental group compared with the control group.
knowledge of the first-grade students, Faculty of Shaaban [5] studied the effectiveness of proposed
Physical Education, Beni- Suif University of the following: program training for the development of timing motor skill
rotation the top of the ball on the effectiveness of
C Basic skills for the table tennis sport and as the performance for beginners table tennis, the researcher
content of the proposed mode decision. used the experimental approach (design of the two
C Modes of delivery of basic skills as the content of groups) on a sample of deliberate hit (30 youth team
the proposed decision proposed study. players under 15 years )from the Tanta Sports Club,
C The most important knowledge about the divided into two groups (experimental, control). The
performance of legal skills and systems of play. results showed a positive statistical training program used
C Types of play in table tennis sport. in the improvement in motor timing of the experimental
C Learning units proposed for the basic skills for the group ranged between 19. 31: 59.17 % and there is a
sport of speed positively affect the education of the positive relationship between the growth of motor timing
proposed basic skills for table tennis sport. and effectiveness of the performance table tennis for
C There are significant differences between the two beginners and find the equation for the effective
measures pre and post for telemetric of the research performance of the youth team table tennis in terms of
sample. timing for the motor skill of spinning the top.

World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

The effectiveness of performance amount = fixed + C First-grade students, Faculty of Physical

regression coefficient × degree timing motor . Education, Beni Suef University are the research
sample, 150 students (98 male students and 52
Ali and Hamouda [1] compilied a curriculum for female students and this number represents
archery sport for students of Physical Education college 100% of the research community) were subjected
and study its impact on learning motor skills and level of to the application program and the course of the
knowledge about the sports of archery researchers used Table-tennis motor skills of the proposed
approaches are survey and experimental sample consisted curriculum .Table 1 shows the homogeneity of the
of (90 students) of students from the second row, Faculty research sample by variables age, cognitive test
of Physical Education Beni Suef University and resulted degree,physical ability level and proposed table-
in the following: tennis motor skills level.

C There is a need for an appropriate course It is clear from Table 1 that there is no statistical
to achieve the proposed objectives of the significant differences between the averages of
archery study as one of the sports included in measurements. Research sample sequence value (2.412,
the course of individual sports in faculties of -2.878) for young girls and ( 2.375 , -2.717) young men is
physical education. bloke up between ± 3, so it is homogeneous .
C Effectiveness of the proposed education program to Educators working in the field of sport, who promptly
perform basic skills in the archery sport. went to work at least 10 years, with a total of twenty
C Curriculum and content had a positive impact on the experts, participated in data collection.
level of knowledge of students about the archery
sports. Data Collection Instruments
Analysis of Documents: By checking the references and
MATERIALS AND METHODS scientific research, similar racket games curriculum
dealing with racket sport, Egyptian Table Tennis
Approach: The researcher used two types of research Federation files, follow through local and international
approaches: competitions as international umpire

C Descriptive analytical method Personal Interview: An interview was held with 20 of

C The experimental method and design of one group as experts (academics lecturers and qualified professional
it’s suitable and objectives for the study. trainers) to use their opinions and accepts about
questionnaires (prepared by the researcher) to appoint14
Society and the Research Community Sample: table tennis motor skills, designed14 motor skills teaching
units and performance table tennis motor skills tests
C The group of experts associated with the tennis (Facilities 1-4).
sports in general and sport-speed in particular, has
been divided into three groups: ten members of the Questionnaire
faculty experts in curriculum Department of The Researcher Prepared 4 Questionnaires To:
Curriculum and Teaching Methods of Physical
Education and a doctorate degree holders who have C Appoint 13 basic table tennis motor skills.
passed on their work 5 years at least. Ten lecturers in C 13 motor skills teaching units
tennis in Egyptian faculties of physical education C 12 Performance table tennis motor skills tests.
and a doctorate degree holders who have passed on C Up-to-date cognitive test (80 -yes, no - questions)
their work 5 years at least to identify their opinion
about questionnaires containing planning schedule Cognitive Test: The researcher has to prepare a test for
for the proposed mode decision for the table tennis factored into these questions would include information
sport and distribution of course content over the on the history of the game and the technical aspects of
weeks in the semester for the academic year 2008 - the skills as well as some points of law-table tennis sport-
2009. related skills in question (Facility 4).

World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

Table 1: Degree of dispersion among the research sample between the average measurement tribal group experimental research variables and capabilities in physical, cognitive and motor
skills (homogeneity of the research sample). n = 150
Female (50) Male (100)
--------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
standard Sequence standard Sequence
S Tests Average Median division Sequence error Average Median division Sequence error
1 Age 17.324 17.00 .2786 -.238- .337 17.37 17.40 .2197 -.035- 241
2 Cognitive test 6.8000 7.000 1.665 -1.54- .337 6.800 7.000 1.657 -1.51- 241
3 Physical ability 50-meter sprint 7.7880 7.450 .7084 1.029 .337 7.890 7.500 .8049 .778 241
4 600 m run 2.4518 2.510 .1348 -.813- .337 2.540 2.560 .0324 -.941- 241
5 arms ability(30 seconds) 18.980 15.00 24.65 .444 .337 15.00 15.0 1.324 .250 241
6 trunk ability (30 seconds) 14.540 14.00 2.350 -2.88- .337 14.00 15.00 2.355 -2.77- 241
7 Agility(standing from sprawl)
30 seconds 14.180 14.00 2.255 .600 .337 14.07 14.00 2.292 .702 241
8 Table-tennis Forehand serve 1.2000 1.000 .6388 -.196- .337 1.680 2.000 .8022 .648 241
9 motor skills Backhand serve 1.4400 1.000 .5771 -.420- .337 1.600 2.000 .7651 .414 241
10 Spin Forehand serve 1.6600 2.000 .4782 -.697- .337 1.690 2.000 .5446 -.426- 241
11 Spin Backhand serve 1.4800 1.000 .5047 .083 .337 1.460 1.000 .5584 338 241
12 Forehand serve blocking 1.5600 2.000 .5013 -.249- .337 1.540 2.000 .5755 -.159- 241
13 Backhand serve blocking 1.6000 2.000 .4947 -.421- .337 1.600 2.000 .4927 -.414- 241
14 Forehand Push strike 1.4400 1.000 .5013 .249 .337 1.440 1.000 .4989 .245 241
15 Backhand Push strike 1.3800 1.000 .6355 -.024- .337 1.450 1.000 .6417 .190 241
16 Forehand smash strike 1.1200 1.000 .3286 2.412 .337 1.120 1.000 3260 2.375 241
17 Backhand smash strike 1.1200 1.000 .3286 2.412 .337 1.120 1.000 .3260 .4822 241
18 repeat performance by
Forehand strike (10 seconds) 1.3600 1.000 .4847 .602 .337 1.360 1.000 2.375 .592 241
19 repeat performance by
backhand strike (10 seconds 1.2000 1.000 4046 1.547 .337 1.200 1.000 .4022 1.523 241

Table 2: Poll of experts and the percentages to the approvals of views in the scientific content of the proposed curriculum for table-tennis sport of first graders faculties of physical education.
n = 20
S Content percentage percentage percentage Educational unite Lecturer time percentage
A knowledge on the content relevance to students PROPOSED
aspects of Table- training mode of delivery time Table-tennis
Tennis sport estimate important 1 practical motor skills tests
performance to identify
practical and technical aspects
of the basic skills.
2 - Learn the steps teaching
basic psychomotor skills.
3 - Identifying common errors
and repair of motor skills
1 Definition 95 The ready stand 90 Cognitive test. 90 Teaching The 90 98.3
game and and racket hold skill ready stand and
the way practice racket hold skill
and types of
2 history of the 95 Forehand serve 90 The ready stand 81 Teaching 90 96.6
Table-Tennis and racket hold Forehand
sport skill test serve test
3 The importance 90 Backhand serve 90 Forehand 88.3 Teaching 90 96.6
of Table- serve test Backhand
Tennis sport serve
4 Goals 85 Spin Forehand serve 90 Backhand 91.6 Teaching 90 91.6
Table-Tennis serve test Spin Forehand
sport serve
5 Standards for 95 Spin Backhand serve 90 Spin 98.3 Teaching 90 93.3
the pitch and Forehand Spin Backhand
play tools serve test serve
6 The impact 80 Forehand serve blocking 90 Spin 90 Teaching 90 95
of sport on Backhand Forehand
the lives of serve test serve
its practitioners: -- blocking
7 Organization and 95 Backhand serve blocking 90 Forehand serve 91.6 Teaching 90 96.6
management of blocking test Backhand
Table-Tennis ll serve blocking
sport competition

World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

S Content percentage percentage percentage Educational unite Lecturer time percentage

8 legal requirements 90 Forehand Push strike 90 Backhand serve 88.3 Teaching 90 91.6
to perform the basic blocking test Forehand
skills for the Push strike
Table-Tennis sport
9 Duties of the 90 Backhand Push strike 90 Forehand 91.6 Teaching 90 91.6
match officials. Push strike test Backhand

Push strike
10 rules of the game 95 Forehand smash strike 90 Backhand 98.3 Teaching 90 93.3
and competitions Push strike Forehand
in the Table- test smash strike
Tennis sport
11 Security 85 Backhand smash strike 90 Forehand 90 Teaching 90 95
and safety smash strike Backhand
12 Egyptian 90 counter 90 Backhand 91.6 Teaching 90 96.6
achievements Forehand strike smash strike counter
in this sport (10 seconds) test Forehand
and the world strike
champions (10 seconds)
13 counter backhand 90 counter 88.3 Teaching counter 90 91.6
strike (10 seconds) Forehand strike backhand strike
(10 seconds) test (10 seconds)
14 counter backhand 91.6
strike (10 seconds)

Table 3: Indication of differences - Test (v) - a group of other distinguished and outstanding skill in the tests in question (true test). n = 20
Undifferentiated distinct measurement
--------------------------- --------------------------- differences
S tests test unit average sd average sd between averages t-test
1 The Proposed
Motor Skills
Forehand serve degree 4.9 .74 1.9 .73 3,0 8.21*
2 Backhand serve degree 5.3 .67 1.8 .63 3,5 21.0*
3 Spin Forehand serve degree 5.1 .73 1.5 .52 3.6 16.3*
4 Spin Backhand serve degree 5.1 ,87 1.5 .52 3,6 1.07*
5 Forehand serve blocking degree 5.8 1.03 1.6 4.2 1.03 *12.86
6 Backhand serve blocking degree 5,8 1.03 1,6 .516 4.20 12,86*
7 Forehand Push strike degree 5.3 .94 1.4 .51 3.9 12.4*
8 Backhand Push strike degree 4.6 .69 1.6 .69 3.00 9.0*
9 Forehand smash strike degree 4.3 .94 1.10 .31 3.20 11.01*
10 Backhand smash strike degree 4.60 .69 1.6 .51 3.00 10,06*
11 counter Forehand strike
(10 seconds) degree 4.30 .48 1.20 .42 3.10 31.00*
12 Counter backhand strike
(10 seconds degree 4.40 ,51 1.10 .73 3.30 15.46*
13 Cognitive test degree 56.8 3.36 2.90 .74 53.9 46.95*
14 Physical
Abillities 50-meter sprint degree 6.29 .11 7.41 .33 1.12 13,02*
15 600 m run degree 2.24 .047 2.53 .040 .283 14.73*
16 arms ability degree 23.0 1.15 16.4 1.07 6.60 17.78*
17 trunk ability degree 22.6 1.26 13.7 .82 8.90 19.42*
18 agility degree 22.5 2.06 14.1 1.79 8.40 18.57*
Value (t test) cross tab when n = 20 and the degree of freedom (19) and significant (0.05) = 1.729

Table 2 shows that the percentage of expert of their views and proposed tests. The content of the
opinion confirms the approval of their views to the skills covered research study as well as the age group of
tests proposed to measure the knowledge level, the research sample and the test contained 80 questions.
performance skills level for the Table-Tennis ranged Collection of knowledge depended on the answer by right
percentages (between 88.3% and 98.3%) to the approval or wrong.

World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

Table 4: Correlation coefficient between the two applications

First applications Second applications
------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ correlation
s tests average sd average sd coefficients1
1 The Proposed
Motor Skills Forehand serve 8.1000 .73786 8.3000 .48305 .530
2 Backhand serve 8.6000 .51640 8.4000 .51640 .250
3 Spin Forehand serve 8.5000 .52705 8.4000 .51640 -.408-
4 Spin Backhand serve 8.3000 .48305 8.3000 .67495 .034
5 Forehand serve blocking 8.3000 .48305 8.5000 .84984 *.677*
6 Backhand serve blocking 8.4000 .51640 8.6000 .69921 .492
7 Forehand Push strike 8.3000 .67495 8.0000 .81650 .202
8 Backhand Push strike 8.1000 .87560 7.5000 .70711 *-.090-
9 Forehand smash strike 7.4000 .51640 6.5000 .52705 *.816**
10 Backhand smash strike 7.0000 .66667 6.7000 .82327 .000
11 counter Forehand strike
(10 seconds) 6.4000 .69921 6.6000 .69921 *.591
12 Counter backhand strike
(10 seconds) 6.6000 .69921 6.7000 .67495 .424
13 Cognitive test 33.20 55.9000 2.84605 56.8000 3.35989
14 Physical
Abillities 50-meter sprint 7.2480 .37785 7.2600 .37286 *.998**
15 600 m run 2.5310 .04040 2.5340 .02757 *.944**
16 arms ability 16.4000 1.07497 16.1000 .73786 .504
17 trunk ability 13.8000 .91894 14.1000 1.10050 *.571
18 agility 14.4000 1.71270 14.9000 1.37032 .066

Educational Units: The preparation of modules used in Table 3 shows that there are significant differences
the process of teaching motor skills, one of the variables between the Group of non-practitioners and a group of
of the axis and going on and activate the course practitioners in physical tests and skill and Cognitive test
proposed (independent variable) in question and in question for the group of practitioners, where the value
therefore the researcher to examine the many references of calculated t test was greater than the value of (t test)
and studies of Arab and foreign, with the theme spreadsheet at the level of 0.05, which refers to the true
curriculum and courses of study and preparation of tests of discrimination between the two groups.
modules for access to the best content for these
educational units and that fit the circumstances and the Stability: To calculate the stability of physical tests, the
nature of the sample and the level of skills selected. The researcher used the method of application testing and re-
researcher aimed to prepare educational units working on applied and on a sample of ten students and time interval
the development of their level of skill and knowledge in of three days between the two applications.
the light of the proposed course content for the sport in
the course. Search Experience: The application of the experience of
research in the period from 10/25/2008-1/8/2009
Pre-Test: The researcher has sought to measure the level comprehensive pre and post tests of the level of skill,
of student performance for the skill learning the where she learned the experimental group, traditional
application of the proposed modules. The researchers manner using model demonstration and explanation while
used the proceeds skill tests for the speedball sport of - running educational unit. And knead by lectures
and after obtaining the opinion of experts in the sport of connected by a week the group a time of 90 minutes.
speed ball to determine the required level of each skill
(Facility 2). Speedball in the same age group to sample Procedures for the Application Modules:
study and Tables 5 and 6 show the coefficient of honesty
and consistency of the tests of physical and skill under C Students do light warming up and then prepare
discussion. physically and parents includes a preliminary

World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

exercises for the skill learned and contribute to the C Suggest or write statements that support the idea of
development of working muscles during performance the study and had to update the information on the
of the skill learned. subject of study.
C After explaining the skill it was learned and then C Motion axes or phrases you feel you are important to
giving model levels of education to acquire the skill. achieve the goals of the curriculum.
C Fill in personal data is optional at the bottom of the
Statistical Treatment: The researcher used the following page.
statistical treatments during the stages of research:
The arithmetic mean, standard deviation, median, The researcher thanks you for sincere assistant in
convolution to calculate the coherence, the correlation order to complete the study procedures and to contribute
coefficient of Pearson for the stability tests, T - test for to scientific research, hard work.
significant differences between the groups distinctive
and non-discriminatory, the practice of this type of Yours respectfully,
sport and non-practicing and significant differences Dr. Medhat Ali Aboseree.
between the indices pre and post tests for the Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and
experimental group. Teaching Methods,
Faculty of Physical Education, Beni Suef University
Facilities Personal data (optional):
Facility 1: Poll of experts about the requirements on Name / ......................... Academic Qualifications
which the proposed building platform for the students of /........................
Faculty of Physical Education, Beni Suef University. Position /....................... Years of experience /........................
The researchers study entitled " proposed curriculum General objective:
for table tennis sport for students of colleges of Physical
Education" and what were the requirements for complete The Proposed Decision Aims to Achieve the Following
information and facts about the topic poll you about the Objective: A program for the course for the sport of
requirements underlying the construction of the table tennis - for students at the first Faculty of
curriculum, as well as steps programs course for the sport Physical Education,University of Beni Suef and thus
of table tennis for students at the first Faculty of Physical move towards deployment across this region, the
Education, Beni Suef University. The researcher is hoping Egyptian experience of the sport in which to ignore the
to follow if you would as follows: lack of appreciation due to the scarcity of staff of the
players and coaches talented students to academics who
C Read the words of the questionnaire carefully before are able to deploy these Olympic sport that Egypt take the
opinion. lead role at Arab, African and this leads to the preparation
C Tick the corresponding box in front of you saw the of graduates, teachers and coaches who contribute to the
balance of the pillars of the proposed estimate for the formation and training and supervision of sports teams
words of the opinion poll. and clubs, youth centers and schools to maintain
C Saw you on the occasion of the balance of the educational levels of primary and junior high and high
proposed estimate. schools.

Expert opinion
I agree completely:
I see the amendment to:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
I do not agree to change the overall objective to:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------Second: the division of goals: -

World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

To Achieve the Overall Objective of the Researcher Suggests Divided into the Following Procedural Goals: Requests
researcher from you when you approve your proposal on the target or any amendment to the distinguished adjusting
grateful if you would put in the phase following each goal.

1: Expert opinion in the scientific content of the decision of the Platform for table tennis for students of first grade physical education faculties n = 20
Assessing scale
Agree May be Not agree degree Percentage
M Goals 3 2 1 60 %
A - cognitive objectives: -
Student to acquire a group of concepts and information related to: -
1 History and goals and the importance of table tennis 20 - - 60 100
2 Organization and management of table tennis competitions. 15 3 2 53 88
3 legal requirements to perform the basic skills for the sport of table tennis in. 17 2 1 56 93
4 The duties of the match referees. 18 1 1 57 95
5 Specifications legal tools to play and measurements of the pitch. 19 1 - 59 98
6 Types of play and competitions in the sport of table tennis. 20 - - 60 100
7 Egyptian achievements in the sport and to identify models of Champions
supervising the Egyptians and the world. 15 2 3 52 86
8 Influence the practice of table tennis to: (a health perspective of the individual
- socially - economically - the psychological point). 19 1 - 59 98
Other goals of knowledge:

2: Expert opinion in the scientific content of the decision of the Platform for table tennis for students of first grade physical education faculties n = 20
Agree May be Not agree scale degree Percentage
M Goals 3 2 1 60 %
B skill objectives: - that the student to acquire basic motor skills of the following: -
1 Racket Holding & playing ready standing 20 - - 60 100
2 Forehand serve 20 - - 60 100
3 Backhand serve 20 - - 60 100
4 Spin Forehand serve 20 - - 60 100
5 Spin Backhand serve 20 - - 60 100
6 Forehand serve blocking 20 - - 60 100
7 Backhand serve blocking 20 - - 60 100
8 Forehand Push strike 20 - - 60 100
9 Backhand Push strike 20 - - 60 100
10 Forehand smash strike 20 - - 60 100
11 Backhand smash strike 17 2 1 56 93
12 repeat performance by Forehand strike (10 seconds) 18 2 0 58 96
13 repeat performance by backhand strike (10 seconds 18 2 0 58 96
Motor skills again you can see added: -

World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

3: Expert opinion in the scientific content of the decision of the Platform for table tennis For students of first grade physical education faculties n = 20
Agree May be Not agree scale degree Percentage
s Goals 1 2 3 60 %
C- Emotional goals: -
To deepen the student's set of values and principles associated with the practice of sports in general and table tennis in particular. Including: -
1 Self-confidence and self-esteem in 17 2 1 56 93
2 Boldness and courage 18 2 - 56 93
3 Integrity and fair play 19 1 - 59 98
4 determination and willpower 20 - - 60 100
5 International cooperation and team spirit in 15 3 2 56 93
6 Obligation behavioral and discipline during the competition in 15 4 1 54 90
7 self-control and control of emotion in 18 1 1 57 95
8 respect the decisions of the referees 19 1 - 59 98
9 appreciation and respect for the opponent and playing seriously in 18 1 1 57 95
10 handshake and a greeting in case of defeat rival and win 20 - - 60 100
11 Appreciation and respect for and obedience to the coach
and the implementation of the directives. 15 3 2 56 93
12 Submission of technical assistance and training to colleagues in the team. 19 1 - 59 98
13 sense of belonging and loyalty to the team name and team 20 - - 60 100
14 must submit advice and advice to the buds and the allocation
of times to support them technically and morally in 13 6 1 52 86
Other proposed terms:

4:Expert opinion in the scientific content of the decision of the Platform for table tennis for students of first grade physical education faculties, experience of the proposed decision. n = 20

Relevance for students Implementation style Time Estimate Importance of training

S Content ----------------------- ------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------
Knowledge and information Suitable Unsuitable Practical Theoretical 1hour 2hour Important Important to somewhat Notimportan

1 Definition game and method of practice and

the types of competitions 19 1 20 - 20 4 20 - -
2 History of Sport Shooting Table Tennis 19 1 20 - 20 4 20 - -
3 The importance of the three table tennis 18 2 20 - 19 5 20 - -
4 goals sport table tennis 17 3 20 - 20 2 19 1 -
5 specifications of the pitch and play instruments 19 1 20 - 18 6 20 - -
6 The impact of sport on the lives of its practitioners: -- 15 5 20 - 15 5
7 Health impact - - 20 - - - 18 1 1
8 Social impact - - 20 - - - 17 2 1
9 Economic impact - - 20 - - - 20 - -
10 Cultural impact - - 20 - - - 12 4 4
11 The psychological impact - - 20 - - - 14 4 2
12 Organization and management of sport competition table tennis 15 5 20 - 19 5 20 - -
13 legal requirements to perform the basic skills table tennis 17 3 20 - 20 4 20 - -
14 Duties of the match referees 19 1 20 - 20 4 15 3 2
15 laws play and competitions in the sport of table tennis 19 1 20 - 20 4 18 1 1
16 Security, safety and injuries common to table tennis. 19 1 20 - 19 5 19 1 -
17 Egyptian achievements in the sport and to identify models
supervising the world champions of the Egyptians and others. 13 2 20 - 19 4 15 3 2

Knowledge and Other Information: -


World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

5:Continued expert opinion in the scientific content of the decision of the Platform for table tennis For students of first grade physical education faculties experience of the proposed
decision n = 20
Relevance for students Implementation style Time Estimate Importance of training
----------------------- ------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------
S Content Suitable Unsuitable Practical Theoretical 1hour 2hour Important Important to somewhat Notimportan
A technical aspects of applied and practice the skills of table tennis
is my job properly applied my hours in my somewhat important
to a few important
Student to acquire practical knowledge and performance aspects
of the technical basic motor skills following: -
1 Practical Performance for holding racket
& playing ready standing skill 20 - 20 - 2 - 20 - -
2 Practical Performance for Forehand serve 20 - 20 - 4 - 20 - -
3 Practical Performance for Backhand serve 20 - 20 - 4 - 20 - -
4 Practical Performance for Spin Forehand serve 20 - 20 - 4 - 20 - -
5 Practical Performance for Spin Backhand serve 17 3 18 - 2 - 17 2 1
6 Practical Performance for Forehand serve blocking 17 3 18 - 2 - 17 - 3
7 Practical Performance for Backhand serve blocking 20 - 20 - 2 - 15 2 3
8 Practical Performance for Forehand Push strike 19 1 19 - 2 - 14 4 2
9 Practical Performance for Backhand Push strike 18 2 18 - 2 - 13 4 3
10 Practical Performance for Forehand smash strike 20 - 19 - 2 - 19 1 -
11 Practical Performance for Backhand smash strike 20 - 20 - 2 - 19 1 -
12 Practical Performance for repeat performance by
Forehand strike (10 seconds) (counter ) 17 - 20 - 2 - 17 - 3
13 Practical Performance for repeat performance by
backhand strike (10 seconds (counter ) 17 3 20 - 2 - 17 - 3
Knowledge and Other Information: -

6:Continued expert opinion in the scientific content of the decision of the Platform for table tennis for students of first grade physical education faculties, experience of the proposed decision.
n = 10
Relevance for students Implementation style Time Estimate Importance of training
----------------------- ------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------
S Content Suitable Unsuitable Practical Theoretical 1hour 2hour Important Important to somewhat Notimportan
A learning experience for the skills of table tennis is
appropriately applied theoretical applied
Hour my hour is important to some extent a few important
The student learns the steps of the educational basic
psychomotor skills following: -
1 steps to the educational skill for racket
holding & playing ready standing 20 - 20 - 2 - 20 - -
2 steps to the educational skill for Forehand serve 20 - 20 - 4 - 20 - -
3 steps to the educational skill for Backhand serve 20 - 20 - 4 - 20 - -
4 steps to the educational skill for Spin Forehand serve 20 - 20 - 4 - 20 - -
5 steps to the educational skill for Spin Backhand serve 17 3 18 - 2 - 17 2 1
6 steps to the educational skill for Forehand serve blocking 17 3 18 - 2 - 17 - 3
7 steps to the educational skill for Backhand serve blocking 20 - 20 - 2 - 15 2 3
8 steps to the educational skill for Forehand Push strike 19 1 19 - 2 - 14 4 2
9 steps to the educational skill for Backhand Push strike 18 2 18 - 2 - 13 4 3
10 steps to the educational skill for Forehand smash strike 20 - 19 - 2 - 19 1 -
11 steps to the educational skill for Backhand smash strike 20 - 20 - 2 - 19 1 -
12 steps to the educational skill for repeat performance by
Forehand strike (10 seconds) (counter ) 17 - 20 - 2 - 17 - 3
13 steps to the educational skill for repeat performance
by backhand strike (10 seconds (counter ) 17 3 20 - 2 - 17 - 3
Knowledge and Other Information: -

World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

7:Continued expert opinion in the scientific content of the decision of the Platform for table tennis For students of first grade physical education faculties,experience of the proposed decision
n = 20
Relevance for students Implementation style Time Estimate Importance of training
----------------------- ------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------
S Content Suitable Unsuitable Practical Theoretical 1hour 2hour Important Important to somewhat Notimportan
A common mistakes and fix them the skills of table
tennis is my job properly applied my theory is
important to some extent a few important
To know the student common mistakes and fix them
to the basic motor skills following: -
1 Common mistakes for racket holding
& playing ready standing skill 20 - 20 - 2 - 20 - -
2 Common mistakes for Forehand serve skill 20 - 20 - 4 - 20 - -
3 Common mistakes for Backhand serve skill 20 - 20 - 4 - 20 - -
4 Common mistakes for Spin Forehand serve skill 20 - 20 - 4 - 20 - -
5 Common mistakes for Spin Backhand serve skill 17 3 18 - 2 - 17 2 1
6 Common mistakes for Forehand serve blocking skill 17 3 18 - 2 - 17 - 3
7 Common mistakes for Backhand serve blocking skill 20 - 20 - 2 - 15 2 3
8 Common mistakes for Common mistakes for
Forehand Push strike skill 19 1 19 - 2 - 14 4 2
9 Common mistakes for Backhand Push strike skill 18 2 18 - 2 - 13 4 3
10 Common mistakes for Forehand smash strike skill 20 - 19 - 2 - 19 1 -
11 Common mistakes for Backhand smash strike skill 20 - 20 - 2 - 19 1 -
12 Common mistakes for repeat performance by
Forehand strike skill (10 seconds) (counter ) 17 - 20 - 2 - 17 - 3
13 Common mistakes for repeat performance by
backhand strike skill (10 seconds (counter ) 17 3 20 - 2 - 17 - 3
Knowledge and Other Information: -

8: Continued expert opinion in the scientific content of the educational units for teaching the basic skills of the proposed Platform for table tennis for students
of first grade physical education faculties Experience of the proposed decision. n = 20
The importance of
S Contents Agree May be Not agree Assessing scale degree Percentage
Teaching units 3 2 1 60 %
1 module of the racket holding & playing ready standing skill 18 2 - 58 96
2 module of the Forehand serve skill 19 1 - 59 98
3 module of the Backhand serve skill 18 2 - 58 96
4 module of the Spin Forehand serve skill 18 2 - 58 96
5 module of the Spin Backhand serve skill 17 3 - 57 95
6 module of the Forehand serve blocking skill 18 2 - 58 96
7 module of the Backhand serve blocking skill 17 2 1 71 93
8 module of the Forehand Push strike skill 16 3 1 55 91.6
9 module of the Backhand Push strike skill 16 3 1 55 91.6
10 module of the Forehand smash strike skill 17 2 1 71 93
11 module of the Backhand smash strike skill 17 2 1 71 93
12 module of the repeat performance by Forehand strike skill
(10 seconds) (counter ) 17 2 1 71 93
13 module of the repeat performance by backhand strike skill
(10 seconds (counter ) 17 2 1 71 93
Knowledge and Other Information: -

World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

Facility 2: Cognitive Test for table tennis sport for students of the Faculty of Physical Education.
Prepared by: Dr. Medhat Ali Aboseree
Write ( True False ) in front of the following sentences :
S Sentences Answer Correction
1 Fired right on the sport of table tennis game of ping-pong ball sound of a backgammon True ---------
2 The red Indians the 1st, people who played type of table tennis True ---------
3 students of the University of Cambridge, first practiced in the modern era and they were taking turns hitting
the cork stopper from across the table using Ashtray True ---------
4 names of table tennis exotic (Wave adequately - Jusyma - pickle ball) True ---------
5 table tennis began in 1881 in England True ---------
6 In 1902 FA is the first union was established for the sport of table tennis False 1927
7 first champion of table tennis Olympian Korean UNAM (Y00 Nam) and China's Chen Jing (Chin Ging) True ---------
8 table tennis became an Olympic sport in 1984 in Los Angeles False Seoul, Korea 1988
9 Egypt the first Arab state has organized a world championship table tennis in Cairo 1939 True ---------
10 held every the world championship table tennis all four years False Two years
11 tennis rubber was invented in England 1904 with England developed good True --------
12 Established the (SUV) to play football to become Alselliloud made of (plastic derivatives) True --------
13 Established the Egyptian Federation table tennis in 1931 True --------
14 set up the International Federation of table tennis in England in 1926 True --------
15 Took the right President Anwar Sadat's presidency of the Egyptian Federation of Table Tennis True --------
16 the first referee an international table tennis Egypt Ahmed Zaki EA 1973 True --------
17 founded the Arab Federation of Table Tennis in Alexandria in 1956 True --------
18 official language of Arabic is not one of the official languages of the International Federation of Table Tennis False Official language
19 Egyptians Ahmed Ali Saleh, Sayed Sharif Lachin and Saket of the best individual players on
the Arab and Africa and internationally True --------
20 Egyptian Nehal Musharraf and the famous millennial and Basant Osman of the best individual players
on the Arab and Africa and internationally True --------
21 China the first counAttempt to win medals in total in the first Olympic tournament in Seoul 1988 True --------
22 Ivor Montague English founder of the first president of the Federation International Table Tennis 1926 True --------
23 Adham Sharara, Egypt's first president of the International Federation of Canadian nationality table tennis 1999 True --------
24 Hungary right the first nation to win its first world championship men's and women's singles and men's team 1926 True --------
25 table tennis is expensive compared to other sports True --------
26 table tennis improve production efficiency and physical True --------
27 table tennis requires the highest degree of mental fitness True --------
28 table tennis Her youngest player and the surface of the racket and a ball for exercise True --------
29 table tennis sport is less exposed, injury than other sports in play True --------
30 table tennis racket can be made selling size, shape, weight True --------
31 the players Wear for a Short - half sleeve shirt - a short drink - Footwear floor of a lovely False rubber ground fault
32 putter is composed of three parts to play - a piece of wood tennis - tennis lashes - the handle True --------
33 Table playing surface area (m 2.74 × 5. 152 m) and at altitudes of 76. m True --------
34 area of the network holes of not less than 7.5 Cm and not more than 12.5 Cm True --------
35 along the network of table tennis 1.83 m and presentation of .15 m and height of 15.25 cin True --------
36 table tennis a round shape 40 mm in diameter and weight of 2.7 gm True --------
37 table tennis is characterized by diversity of color and made of plastic material or cellulose False White or orange
38 surface of the table dark in color, level and if it dropped the ball legal high 30 Cm wore a distance of 25 cin False 23 and not 25
39 lines of the playing surface to determine the color of white and thick (2 Cm) except the median line parallel to
the pace of the two sides (2) mm width True --------
40 {basic skills of table tennis grip} - stand ready - movements of the feet - strikes (transmitter - offensive - defensive) True --------
41 types of grip (the grip of the pen - the grip of the handshake) True --------
42 from the start stowing gear in terms of stand
(Stand at a distance of 40 cm distance from the upper surface of the table) True --------
43 tools to help educate young people (different heights Table - Episodes - rebounds - two networks - the scroll
wheel - wooden wall - Tennis chunked - web services - thrower balls - balls outstanding True --------
44 (6) years of age the best stage for the beginning of learning the skills of table tennis Is the right age True --------

World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

45 the attributes of the Urdu-table tennis players

(Asserting - Assiduity- - restraint - Independence - Self-esteem - time perception True --------
46 the physical attributes required for the table tennis players res} - Speed (motor response)
- Fitness - Compatibility - Flexibility - the ability muscle - skin (muscle - periodic respiratory) - muscle power True --------
47 The most important right of the causes of injuries in the sport of table tennis (poor organization and method of
training - the surface is not appropriate - violation of sportsmanship - the technical specifications of violation
of tools and equipment to play True --------
48 the most common infections (Onyx - Khula - RIP - muscle contraction "push" - Bruises True --------
49 proper nutrition and rationing Download the training in a scientific manner - warm enough and the most
important means of prevention of injuries True --------
50 The right ways (the knockout than once - from twice - the way the league)
of the most famous ways to organize tournaments in the sport of football speed True --------
51 The right committees competitions - Committee of the referees - the Medical Committee - Committee on
the tools and equipment - Technical Committee - Finance Committee - the Commission for
Reception and festivities - Transportation Committee the most important committees of the
organization of table tennis tournament True --------
52 kinds of competitions in the sport of table tennis (singles - doubles - mixed doubles) True -------
53 table tennis match in accordance with the international law of7 cycles consisting in three games True -------
54 table tennis match is made up games of 21 points False 11-point
55 in the case of a tie 10-10 win tie-player winning the next point directly (11) False Two consecutive
56 also entitled to earn the draw play selection blow transmitter or receiver transmitter - or
one of the parties to the table True --------
57 table tennis team consists of five (5) players True --------
58 Switched transmission strike all four points False 2-point
59 Sides of Table- Tines must be change after the end of each half True --------
60 Is right to stop the drying sweat every 6 points True --------
61 tennis runs at least three referees False 2 sentenced
62 Between games the coach to guide the player at any time during the course of the game False the time-out
63 rest between quarters for not more than 2 minutes False 1 minute
64 returned the serve if the ball touches during the transit network set any part of the network and then
touched the surface of the play rival True --------
65 allowed to comfort her time in five minutes rest period before the tiebreak False 1 minute
66 allowed for the completion of the game if the player breaking his racket after replacing False Notify the general
provision referee
67 Assistant Umpire is entitled to rule t show a yellow card
(warning) in the case of violating the laws of the player to play False Rule table
68 area of the table tennis court 4 × 7 m True --------
69 if passed (10 minutes) did not succeed in any of the players end the game or getting to the point (9)
is to stop playing and the application of the alternative method True --------
70 can be used by third when applying the alternative method True --------
71 in the way of alternative wins the point of future work in response (15) blow from the sender False (13)
72 to examine the rule of the game play and tennis racket up before the beginning of the game False Baseball playing only
73 to play doubles the performance of fellow future after transmission (6) points False in the future
74 number of medals in international competitions is 18 medals True -------
75 to play individual has the right to replace the player after the coach to show the red card
for the coach to the original violation of the law False is not possible
76 the player wins the point if the opponent failed strike in response transmitter True -------
77 opponent wins the point if the sender deliberately withheld the ball from his opponent during the sent True -------
78 in doubles play is to change the fellow sent to the transmission is at the beginning of a new round False Sender to one
79 players also committed competitors and shake hands with the referees before the game only False After the game
80 loser player must sign a registration form game after the end of the match False And shall notify the
general provision

World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

Facility 3: Model and the educational unit of the motor skill of the proposed curriculum for table-tennis sport
Module: the first Time: 90 minute Students number: 30

Cognitive Goal:
CRecognize the legality of performance skill strike transmitter
CRecognize the mistakes of the performance of the skill maintenance of tennis - Pause ready - blow transmission and methods of repair

Emotional Goal: Raise motivation and enthusiasm of the students towards the practice of a new sports activity

Skills Target: Handles on the kinds of racket and reconsider the willingness and skill transmission forehand
M Parts Time Teaching style Tools Content Notes
1 Introduction and warm up 10 minute -running in place
- Flexibility exercises for the joints
and lengthening of the muscles large Demonstration Without
2 Setup physical 20 minute 1 (parking) running back and forth Performance style praise Without
2 (parking) and the weighted vertical And criticism.
jump to the top.
3 (standing on the four) to walk forward.
4 (parking. Forearms, high)
trunk bending down and pressure.
5 (seating height. Forearms, high)
trunk bending down to touch two hands.
Note: It takes two minutes per exercise.
3 Main Part 50 minute The technical performance of the skill: - Application under the Table tennis
1 - Pause and prepare: - The parking guidance teacher rackets -
opposite sides of the table Training
(feet appropriate distance). Balls- Table
2 - Develop the arms: - of basic training
- Racket-bearing arm (grip handshake) - the training
the highest level surface of the table and table in front
the forearm parallel to the ground of a wall
- The free open palm arm carrying the
ball in the development of a higher
ground level of the surface of the table.
3 - feet wide basin one of the feet
(the bottom of the arm free before the other.
4 - The player to lift the ball to the highest
vertical without causing rotation of the ball
5 - is the general racket hitting the ball
(the situation in the direction of the front table
to touch half the table in front of the sender
and above to reflect the ball to touch the
table, the corresponding half.
6 - The follow-up to the player hitting the
ball striking the arm bend the facility and
tennis in the direction towards the top of
the shoulder with its trunk wrapped in
the direction of movement and rotation Tennis
metatarsal background to support the strike to
end the transmission and follow-up process
Levels of education:
1. The performance of a model of skill using
records or outstanding students.

World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

Skills Target: Continued

M Parts Time Teaching style Tools Content Notes
2. Explain the details of the skill and the
conditions of the body parts involved in
the implementation skill.
3. Repeat the performance of students
without imaginary tools and correct mistakes.
4. Repeat the handshake grip of the racket,
table tennis, tennis grip correct the mistakes.
5. Repeat the handshake grip of the racket, table
tennis, tennis grip correct the mistakes from
standby to blow transmitter front of the
situation and correct the errors in the tennis
grip and the standby mode.
6. Performance strikes the ball in the direction
perpendicular to the situation of the front and back
(switch between every 20 strike
Applied exercises:
1 - result in the student movement, bend the
facility and tennis in the direction towards the top
of the shoulder with its trunk wrapped in the
direction of movement and rotation Tennis
metatarsal background to support the strike to
end the transmission and follow-up process.
Several times the performance of imaginary
2 - perform the same movement, but the
student handle the ball without hit.
3 - Lead student skill without the ball
(tennis only in front of the table.
4 - Result in a student's skill handle bat
and the ball several times. In front of a wall.
5 - Lead student skill, gripping his bat and
the ball several times. In front of the table
and in front of a special player or coach.
4 Final activity 10 minute 1. Standing students in the form appropriate
for the teacher to the work of weights and
vertical side and then the teacher remove a
student for excellence in the performance of
the skill and commends him in front of them
in terms of performance and rapid response
learning, so as to motivate the rest of the
students to perform in next time better.
2. Stand up and take the
absence of records and greet.

Facility 4: Motor skills Tests used

Cskill transmission forehand serve Test:
C The purpose of the test: the ability to measure the performance of transmission forehand serves correctly.
CTools: table tennis table, tennis balls Volleyball, table tennis racket.
CMethod performance: the player stands behind the line of the end of the table playing a ball holder and the performance
of skill transmission forehand serve in a manner to reflect the correct transmitter set the network without the ball to touch
it after touching the front half of the addressee to half a pitch to another. Conditions: for each player ten attempts.

World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

S Name Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3 Attempt 4 Attempt 5 Attempt 6 Attempt 7 Attempt 8 Attempt 9 Attempt 10 Registration: When the
player takes the degree
of the performance of
each blow sending
1 ------ - 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 7 / 10

1. Forehand serve
Back Hand Serve Skill Test: The purpose of the test: the ability to measure the performance of transmission knockout
background (back hand serve) correctly

Tools: Table, table tennis balls, table tennis racket. Method performance: standing player behind the line of the end of
the table to play on his handle the ball and the performance of skill transmission knockout background (back hand serve)
in a transmission right to cross the ball set the network without touching it after touching the half opposite to the sender
to half the pitch of another.

Conditions: For each player ten attempts.

Registration: When the player takes the degree of the performance of each blow sending incorrect

M Name Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3 Attempt 4 Attempt 5 Attempt 6 Attempt 7 Attempt 8 Attempt 9 Attempt 10 Total
1 ------ - 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 7 / 10

2. Back hand serve skill test:-

Forehand Spin Serve Skill Test:-

the Purpose of the Test: The ability to measure the performance of transmission forehand broken (spin forehand serve)

World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

Tools: Table tennis table, table tennis balls l, table tennis racket.
Method Performance: The player stands behind the line of the end of the table playing a ball holder and the performance
of skill transmission forehand broken (spin forehand serve) in a manner to reflect the correct transmitter set the network
without the ball to touch it after touching the front half of the addressee to half the pitch of another.

Conditions: For each player ten attempts.

Registration: When the player takes the degree of the performance of each blow sending incorrect

M Name Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3 Attempt 4 Attempt 5 Attempt 6 Attempt 7 Attempt 8 Attempt 9 Attempt 10 Total
1 ------ - 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 7 / 10

3. Forehand spin serve skill test

Backhand Spin Serve Skill Test: The purpose of the test: the ability to measure the performance of transmission
knockout background track spin backhand serve) correctly

Tools: Table tennis table, tennis balls Volleyball, table tennis racket.

Method Performance: The player stands behind the line of the end of the table playing a ball holder and the performance
of skill transmission forehand broken (spin forehand serve) in a manner to reflect the correct transmission Set the network
without the ball touched after touching the front half of the addressee to half a pitch to another.

Conditions: For each player ten attempts.

Registration: When the player takes the degree of the performance of each blow sending incorrect

M Name Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3 Attempt 4 Attempt 5 Attempt 6 Attempt 7 Attempt 8 Attempt 9 Attempt 10 Total
1 ------ - 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 7 / 10

4. Backhand spin serve skill Test:-

World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

Forehand Ball-pushing Skill Test

The Purpose of the Test: A measure of the ability to perform Forehand ball pushing skill strike) correctly

Tools: Table tennis table, tennis balls Volleyball, table tennis racket.

Method Performance: Standing player behind the line of the end of the table playing On the other hand stands for the
player throws a ball to touch the half table experiment before they return it using skill Forehand ball pushing skill strike)
the right way to cross the ball set the network without letting it touch the half opposite to the sender to reach a half-court
to another and touch the table.

Conditions: For each player ten attempts.

Location: The player takes the degree of skill when performing correctly and in accordance with the conditions

M Name Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3 Attempt 4 Attempt 5 Attempt 6 Attempt 7 Attempt 8 Attempt 9 Attempt 10 Total
1 ------ - 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 7 / 10

5 Forehand ball pushing skill test

Backhand Ball Pushing Skill Test
The Purpose of the Test: Measure the ability to perform backhand ball push skill strike correctly.

Tools: Table tennis table, table tennis balls, table tennis racket.

Method Performance: Standing player behind the line of the end of the table playing on the other hand stands for the
player throws a ball to touch the half table experiment before they return it using backhand table push skill strike the right
way to cross the ball set the net without letting it touch the half opposite to the sender to reach to half a pitch to another
and touch the table.
Conditions: For each player ten attempts.

Registration: When the player takes the degree of the performance of each skill correctly and in accordance with the

M Name Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3 Attempt 4 Attempt 5 Attempt 6 Attempt 7 Attempt 8 Attempt 9 Attempt 10 Total
1 ------ - 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 7 / 10

World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

6 - Backhand ball pushing skill test

Forehand Smash Strike Skill Test: The purpose of the test: A measure of the ability to perform Forehand smash strike
skill correctly

Tools: Table tennis table, table tennis balls l, table tennis racket.

Method Performance: Standing player behind the line of the end of the table playing On the other hand stands for the
player throws a ball to touch the half table overseen person high before the return it using knockout forehand smash
strike correctly to reflect the ball set the network without letting it touch the half opposite to the sender to reach a half-
court to another and touch the table is strong and taking into account the legal requirements.

Conditions: For each player ten Attempts.

Registration: When the player takes the degree of the performance of each crushing blow incorrect

M Name Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3 Attempt 4 Attempt 5 Attempt 6 Attempt 7 Attempt 8 Attempt 9 Attempt 10 Total
1 ------ - 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 7 / 10

7 - Forehand smash strike skill test

Backhand Smash Strike Skill Test: The purpose of the test: A measure of the ability to perform backhand smash strike
skill correctly.

Tools: Table tennis table, table tennis balls table tennis racket.

Method Performance: Standing player behind the line of the end of the table playing On the other hand stands for the
player throws a ball to touch the half table overseen person high before the return it using knockout backhand smash
strike skill correctly to reflect the ball set the network without letting it touch the half opposite to the sender to reach a
half-court to another and touch the table is strong and taking into account the legal requirements.

World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

Conditions: For each player ten attempts.

Registration: When the player takes the degree of the performance of each crushing blow incorrect

M Name Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3 Attempt 4 Attempt 5 Attempt 6 Attempt 7 Attempt 8 Attempt 9 Attempt 10 Total
1 ------ - 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 7 / 10

8. Backhand smash strike skill test: -

Forehand Block Strike Skill Test: The purpose of the test: Measure the ability to perform Forehand block strike skill

Tools: Table tennis table, table tennis balls, table tennis racket.
Method performance: standing player behind the line of the end of the table playing On the other hand stands for the
player throws a ball to touch the half table overseen person high before the return it using the performance Forehand
block strike skill to correctly reflect the ball set the net without letting it touch the half opposite to the sender for up to
half a pitch to another and touch the table, strong and taking into account the legal requirements.

Conditions: For each player ten attempts.

Registration: When the player takes the degree of the performance of each crushing blow incorrect

M Name Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3 Attempt 4 Attempt 5 Attempt 6 Attempt 7 Attempt 8 Attempt 9 Attempt 10 Total
1 ------ - 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 7 / 10

9. Forehand block strike skill test

Backhand Block Strike Skill Test: The purpose of the test: A measure of the ability to perform skill rollback back
backhand block strike) correctly.

World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

Tools: Table tennis table, table tennis balls, table tennis racket.

Method Performance: Standing player behind the line of the end of the table to play and the process of rollback back
against a strong ball sent by the table corresponding to come back to the sender after crossing set the net to touch the
table facing the existing rebuffed back backhand block strike) correctly.

Conditions: For each player ten attempts.

Registration: When the player takes the degree of the performance Backhand block strike skill incorrect

M Name Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3 Attempt 4 Attempt 5 Attempt 6 Attempt 7 Attempt 8 Attempt 9 Attempt 10 Total
1 ------ - 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 7 / 10

10. Backhand block strike skill test

Continuous performance forehand strikes test (10) seconds (counter forehand)

The Purpose of the Test: A measure of the ability of laboratory performance in the skill of the ongoing strikes the front
(10) seconds counter forehand) correctly.

Tools: Table tennis table, table tennis balls, table tennis racket.

Method Performance: standing player behind the line of the end of the table playing, the performance continued strikes
the front (10) seconds against the balls sent by the table corresponding to come back to the sender after crossing set
the net to touch the table opposite and mutually non-stop until the end of time or stop exchange process.

Conditions: Each player is five attempts.

Location: The player takes the degree equal to the number of strokes in which he has exchanged with the sender

M Name Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3 Attempt 4 Attempt 5 Total

1 ------- 5 6 4 7 6 / 10

11. Continuous performance forehand strikes test (10) seconds (counter forehand)
12. Continuous performance backhand strikes test (10) seconds (counter backhand)

World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

The Purpose of the Test: A measure of the ability of laboratory performance in the skill of the ongoing strikes the front
10 seconds counter backhand) correctly

Tools: Table tennis table, table tennis balls, table tennis racket.

Method Performance: Standing player behind the line of the end of the table playing, the performance continued strikes
back 10 seconds against the balls sent by the table corresponding to come back to the sender after crossing set the net
to touch the table opposite and mutually non-stop until the end of time or stop exchange process. Conditions: Each
player is five attempts.

Location: the player takes the degree equal to the number of strokes in which he has exchanged with the sender

M Name Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3 Attempt 4 Attempt 5 Total

1 ------- 5 6 4 7 6 / 10

12. Continuous performance backhand strikes test (10) seconds counter backhand

Table 5: Mean, standard deviation, (T) test of two measures of pre and post tests (knowledge and skill) for table-tennis sport to a group of research. N = 150
Yuong Lady Young Man
---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Pre- test POST- test differences Pre- test POST- test differences
----------------- ----------------- between ---------------- --------------- between
S tests Average S.D Average S.D MEANS T.TEST % Average S.D Average S.D MEANS T.TEST %
1 Cognitive test 6.80 1.66 59.50 4.98 52.70- -76.83- 775 6.8 1.6 59.59 4.75 -52.79- -113.90- 776
3 The Proposed
Motor Skills Forehand serve 1.20 .63 4.96 .72 -3.76- -35.73- 313 1.68 .80 4.96 .72 -3.28- -31.09- 195
4 Backhand serve 1.44 .57 5.0 .80 -3.56- -27.08- 247 1.6 .72 5.00 .723 -3.40- -33.83- 212
5 Spin Forehand serve 1.66 .47 5.12 .77 -3.46- -26.29- 208 1.69 .54 5.12 .769 -3.43- -33.70- 202
6 Spin Backhand serve 1.48 .50 5.28 .83 -3.80- -27.14- 256 1.46 .55 5.28 .829 -3.82- -37.495- 261
7 Forehand serve blocking 1.56 .50 6.00 .85 -4.44- -30.38- 284 1.54 .575 6.00 .852 -4.46- -40.03- 289
8 Backhand serve blocking 1.60 .49 6.08 .69 -4.48- -34.85- 280 1.60 .57 5.94 .852 -4.34- -45.9- 271
9 Forehand Push strike 1.44 .501 .14 .88 4.72 -22.94- 327 1.44 .49 4.72 .801 -3.28- -32.6- 227
10 Backhand Push strike 1.38 .63 .14 .90 4.56 -21.54- 330 1.45 .49 4.49 .877 -3.04- -28.3- 209
11 Forehand smash strike 1.12 .32 .133 .90 4.44 -24.00- 279 1.12 .32 4.44 .902 -3.32- -34.1- 296
12 Backhand smash strike 1.12 .32 .16 1.14 4.80 -22.97- 428 .90 .32 4.78 .109 -3.660- -33.46- 406
13 counter Forehand strike
(10 seconds) 1.36 .48 .12 .57 4.44 -25.52- 326 1.36 .04 4.44 .057 -3.08- -36.27- 226
14 counter backhand strike
(10 seconds) 1.20 .40 .09 .68 4.68 -34.81- 390 1.2 .04 4.68 .067 -3.48- -49.48- 290
The value of "v" spreadsheet at 0.05 and significant degree of freedom (99) = 460 . 3
The value of "v" spreadsheet at 0.05 and significant degree of freedom (= (49 460 . 3

World J. Sport Sci., 3 (S): 824-846, 2010

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION C The use of T proposed tests for measuring the level
of basic motor skills, table tennis sport in assessing
The researcher choose (0.05) as incorporeal leveling the level of students, beginners and advanced levels
all statistical treatments and make a comparison between of practitioners of the sport.
pre and post tests results for proposed table-tennis motor C The use of educational units within the curriculum to
skills cognitive test degrees. teach basic motor skills selected for the Table tennis
Skills tests and unit of measuring average sport in general.
measurement and average tribal telemetric difference C The interest in the development and dissemination of
between the percentage improvement in the table tennis sport faculties of physical education and
proportion Table indicates the former to a clear special programs at the level of scientific departments
improvement in the performance of the research function as donor of curricula and teaching methods
group on tests measuring the level of performance of the and the Department of athletic training and the level
research variables of knowledge and skills in general to of pre-university education and all levels of
confirm the effectiveness of the educational program education.
prepared to learn the motor skills the basic question that C Activating the practice of this sport at the level of
led to a clear increase in the size of the proceeds of community centers and colleges of physical
knowledge about the Table tennis sport. Skills education environment as a nucleus for the
percentage rate of improvement ranged between 137% dissemination of sport at club level and youth centers
and 541%, indicating the appropriate course proposal to at the State level of the importance of sport and
teach the skills and knowledge of Table tennis sport of fitness for all ages.
the study sample.
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C Suitable timetable for the implementation of course of accuracy and speed of some offensive and
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Recommendations: 5. Shaaban, M.H.M., 2009. The impact of a training
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