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Sepak Takraw Play

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Fajar Wahyu Edi

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sriwijaya
Program Studi Magister Pendidkan Olahraga

This research is for athletes novice especially sepak takraw sport. The number of samples
taken as many as 20 athletes novice at elementary school number 12 Talang Kelapa
Banyuasin. The development is done by using the basic needs analysis method of sepak
takraw, initial product design, expert validation, design improvement, small group trial,
product revisions, large group trials, product revision and the final product. Techniques of
collecting data using observation guidelines, questionnaire, and validity testing using t-
Test (Pos Test and Post Test one group design). The result of pre test of big group of
soccer technique through t test got result of T count = 15,118 with Df = 20 at significance
level 5% (T table = 1,72472), because value of T count ˃ T table (15,118 ˃ 1,72472) p
this means the value of T test results arithmetic greater than T table. while the result of
post test of T test in big group got result of T test count = 24,372 through significance 5%
(T table = 1,72472) hence can be concluded there is increasing ability of soccer technique
from result of pre test to post test have difference of = 9,254 through significance of 5% T
table = 1.72472. The result of pre test of big group of soccer technique through t test is
got result of T count = 11,466 with Df = 20 at significance level 5% (T table = 1,72472),
because value of T arithmetic ˃ T table (11,466 ˃ 1,72472) p this means the value of T
test results arithmetic greater than T table. while the result of post test of T test in big
group got result of T test count = 17,601 through significance 5% (T table = 1,72472)
hence can be concluded there is improvement of ability of soccer technique from result of
pre test to post test have difference of = 6,135 through significance of 5% T table =
The result of pre-test of large group of thigh base technique through t test is obtained by T
count = 15,983 with Df = 20 at 5% significance level (T table = 1,72472), because the
value of T arithmetic ˃ T table (15, 983 ˃ 1.72472 ) this means the value of T test result
is bigger than T table. while the result of post test of T test on big group got result of T
test count = 24,498 through significance 5% (T table = 1,72472) hence can be concluded
there is improvement of thigh technique ability from result of pre test to post test have
difference of = 8,515 through significance of 5% T table = 1.72472.
The result of pre test of big group of head technique through t test is obtained by T
calculation = 11,979 with Df = 20 at 5% significance level (T table = 1,72472), because
the value of T arithmetic ˃ T table (11,979 ˃ 1,72472) p this means the value of T test
results arithmetic greater than T table. while the result of post test of T test in big group
got result of T test count = 24,498 through significance 5% (T table = 1,72472) hence can
be concluded there is improvement of capability of head technique technique from result
of pre test to post test have difference of = 12,519 through significance of 5% T table =

Keywords: exercise development, sepak takraw, athletes novice

To play a good sepak takraw then needed a basic skill to play sepaktakraw for
the beginner athlete. According to Iyakrus (2012: 19) Basic technique of play is well-
owned if practiced well and gradually. This means that to practice sepak takraw must
begin with basic training of the sepak takraw movement, where the basic movement of
the game sepak takraw itself is by kicking foot. In the game sepak takraw all skills can be
used to play, from start kicking, start thigh,start chest, tart shoulderand head with head.
Based on observations and interviews analysis of the needs of soccer takraw training at
SDN 12 Talang Kelapa Banyuasin Regency, the trainer gives basic techniques of sepak
takraw practice but the technique of playing sepak takraw is less attention, so the game
does not develop well. During practice when the ball comes the child confuses which
technique will be used to control the ball. So based on it the researchers concluded that
the need for the development of an exercise model that uses the approach of playing
sepak takraw for beginners athletes. Based on the problem, the researcher will develop
the basic technique of playing sepak takraw game in the form of 4 kinds of game that is:
1) game of playing takraw ball in group and performing soccer in relay, 2) game in group
and make circle and do turtle's foot. 3) The gamers in the group control the ball using
thighs and should be able to cross the ball over the net. 4) Game in groups and control the
ball by heading / head with the right head. Why only 4 basic techniques that will be
examined because these four techniques are basic techniques that are often used by
athlete beginners without ruling out other techniques.
The formulation of the problem in this research is how to know the basic
exercise technique model with the method of play can improve the basic technique skills
athletes sepak takraw beginner? and how to model the basic techniques of playing an
effective technique to improve the basic techniques of athletes football takraw beginners?
The purpose of this research is to produce the basic technique technique model of playing
sepak takraw for the beginner athlete and to produce the basic technique of training
model of sepak takraw play which is effective to improve the basic technique ability of
the beginner athlete sepak takraw. Benefits of training for trainers: as knowledge in the
selection of exercise models to improve basic techniques skills of novice football athlete
athletes. For athletes sepak takraw beginners as a reference that has been prepared based
on the needs of athlete components to improve the basic skills of play, so as to improve
the basic skills of playing the right. For researchers: is one of the reference material of
training for sepak takraw players so as to improve the achievement of regional and
national level.

2.1 Type of Research
This type of research is research and development (Research and development)
The product that will be produced is a basic technique training method for sepak takraw
game. A product is valid if it reflects the knowledge, the product is said to be practical if
the product can be used. (usenle). The product is said to be effective if it gives results in
accordance with the objectives set by the developer.

2.2 Research Procedures

The procedure of research in this research are: 1) needs analysis, 2) description
of product selection draft, 3) initial product validation, 4) description of data of Expert
Validation, 5) revision of early produ draft, 6) small group result data, 7) product revision
after small group trials are conducted in large groups, 8) large group results data, 9)
Product revisions after large group / end product trialbased on Sugiono (2016

2.3 Data Collection Techniques
Techniques Data collection is to observe directly (observation), interviews,
questionnaires and tests. Trial subjects are athletes sepak takraw at SDN 34 Banyuasin III
Banyuasin Regency as many as 10 children and SDN 12 Talang Kelapa Banyuasin 20
children from both schools the research will only be taken 30 athletes beginners. The
questionnaire data analysis in this study will be made using the Likert scale, this scale is
used to measure attitudes, opinions and perceptions of a person or group of people about
social phenomena.

2.4 Data Analysis Techniques

In this research, the result data from basic ability test, soccer, football, and
control with head are analyzed using t-Test (Pre-test and post-test one group design) to
know the effectiveness of the developed product.


In this study to be studied the focus on improving the basic techniques of
playing sepak takraw, basic soccer techniques, tortoise, memaha and heading (heading)
sepak takraw playing exercises for beginners athletes. according to Syafaruddin (2014.12)
soccer techniques are used as the beginning of the game, do the defense, receive the first
ball, to perform the operand. According to, Jamalong (2014: 8) football is the use of the
back foot. The goal is to reach or anticipate the ball away from the body. According to
Iyakrus (2012: 31) the thrill is playing the ball with thighs in an attempt to control the
ball. Benefits of heading according to Hanif (2015: 14) feeds on friends, attacks with
heads, further techniques of heading or heading the ball according to Iyakrus (2012: 19)
so the headings must be basic techniques controlled by the beginner athlete, usually in
this heading technique dominant use
According Harsono (2015: 113) Warming up or heating the body is a process
that intends to make changes physiological changes in our bodies. According to Hanif
(2015:19) exercises performed with variations of situations and conditions will greatly
help the child to enrich the shape and type of responses that are converted to variations in
the stimulus environment. According Harsono (2015: 119) cool down is designed to
restore the body's functions to normal gradually. So cooling or cool down should be done
gradually with a relaxed atmosphere
Initial data collection at requirement analysis stage in the form of preliminary
test result every basic technique that has been mastered athlete athletes is as follows basic
test which have owned this test using time for 1 minute every technique according to
Nurhasan (2001: 190)

Table 4.1 observation results of the basic techniques of playing sepak takraw at beginners
athletes in the game according to sepak takraw coach

No Nama Pelatih Sila% Kura% Paha% Kepala% Jumlah

1 Rivaldi SE 60 5 5 30 100
2 Juandi Novisa, SPd 60 5 5 30 100

Spk. Spk. paha kepala
Sila Kura

Figure 4.1 bar graph using basic engineering skill at beginner takraw football game by

The result of pre test of big group of soccer technique through t test got result of T
count = 15,118 with Df = 20 at significance level 5% (T table = 1,72472), because value
of T count ˃ T table (15,118 ˃ 1,72472) p this means the value of T test results arithmetic
greater than T table. while the result of post test of T test in big group got result of T test
count = 24,372 through significance 5% (T table = 1,72472) hence can be concluded
there is increasing ability of soccer technique from result of pre test to post test have
difference of = 9,254 through significance of 5% T table = 1.72472
The result of pre test of big group of soccer technique through t test is got result of T
count = 11,466 with Df = 20 at significance level 5% (T table = 1,72472), because value
of T arithmetic ˃ T table (11,466 ˃ 1,72472) p this means the value of T test results
arithmetic greater than T table. while the result of post test of T test in big group got
result of T test count = 17,601 through significance 5% (T table = 1,72472) hence can be
concluded there is improvement of ability of soccer technique from result of pre test to
post test have difference of = 6,135 through significance of 5% T table = 1.72472
The result of pre-test of large group of thigh base technique through t test is obtained
by T count = 15,983 with Df = 20 at 5% significance level (T table = 1,72472), because
the value of T arithmetic ˃ T table (15, 983 ˃ 1.72472 ) this means the value of T test
result is bigger than T table. while the result of post test of T test on big group got result
of T test count = 24,498 through significance 5% (T table = 1,72472) hence can be
concluded there is improvement of thigh technique ability from result of pre test to post
test have difference of = 8,515 through significance of 5% T table = 1.72472.
The result of pre test of big group of head technique through t test is obtained by T
calculation = 11,979 with Df = 20 at 5% significance level (T table = 1,72472), because
the value of T arithmetic ˃ T table (11,979 ˃ 1,72472) p this means the value of T test
results arithmetic greater than T table. while the result of post test of T test in big group
got result of T test count = 24,498 through significance 5% (T table = 1,72472) hence can
be concluded there is improvement of capability of head technique technique from result
of pre test to post test have difference of = 12,519 through significance of 5% T table =
Whereas if dipersentasekan from each result of comparison from pre test to
post test from big group every kind of skill got for soccer skill, in pre kemampaun test
average from soccer is soccer can be concluded that average of pre test result in big group
6.75 and the results on the post test rose by an average of 13.05 with an increase in
percentage of skill improvement on average was 48.27%. Skill skill is based on the result
of preliminary data of komponem ability of soccer can be concluded that the average of
pre test result in big group is 6.35 and result of post test increase average 12,85, with the
percentage of the skill increase is 50,19% on average thigh control skills of the thighs can
be concluded that the average pre test results in the large group of 6.75 and the results in
the post test rose to an average of 13.05, with an increase in percentage of average skill

improvement is 48.27% and on skill head heading ability can be concluded that the
average pre test result in the large group of 4.75 and the results in the post test increased
by an average of 9.75 with an increase in average skills was 51.77%. Of the four skills
can be seen in the bar graph below.
5 pre tes
0 pos test

Figure 4.63 Bar graph increase from pre-test to test post

From the results of the kuisoner a large group of sepak takraw basic techniques for the
beginner athlete.didapatkan reability value of 0.855 where r arithmetic ˃ of r table, which
r table = 0.6 which means the kuisoner is reabilitas. While the results of validity test of
athletes obtained r arithmetic ˃ r table 0.444

Based on the results of research that has been done about the development of a model
of playing sepak takraw exercise for athlete athletes, it can be concluded that:
1. The development of the sepak takraw playing exercises for developed beginners
is valid by Expert Review so that the development of playing sepak takraw for
beginners athletes can be used in training.
2. Play training products for beginner athletes developed have been tested, seen
from the results of the basic technical skills capability of athlete athletes. In other
words that this product is practical to improve the ability to play
3. Product development of sepak takraw playing exercises for developed beginner
atelt has efetkifitas against the ability of playing sepak takraw for novice athlete.

The author would like to thank Dr. Iyakrus, M.kes. As Ka Prodi S2 Sport, as well as
counselor 1, Dr Meirizal Usra, M. Kes, as mentor 2. Head of SDN 34 Banyuasin III and
Head of SDN 12 Talang Kelapa Banyuasin. Also thanks to all parties who can not be
mentioned one by one has helped the implementation of this research activity.


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US. Hanif. (2015). Football Takraw For Students. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.

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