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A Metasurface-Based Low-Profile Wideband Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna For 5G Millimeter-Wave Systems

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A Metasurface-Based Low-Profile Wideband Circularly Polarized Patch

Antenna for 5G Millimeter-Wave Systems

Article  in  IEEE Access · January 2020

DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2969964


15 1,272

5 authors, including:

Niamat Hussain Anees Abbas

Chungbuk National University Chungbuk National University


Nam Kim
Chungbuk National University


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Flexible Antennas for portable devices View project

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Received January 10, 2020, accepted January 23, 2020, date of publication January 28, 2020, date of current version February 5, 2020.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2969964

A Metasurface-Based Low-Profile Wideband

Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna for 5G
Millimeter-Wave Systems
Department of Computer and Communication Engineering, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju 28644, South Korea
Corresponding author: Nam Kim (
This work was supported by the ICT Research and Development Program of MSIT/IITP, South Korea (A Study on Public Health and
Safety in a Complex EMF Environment) under Grant 2019-0-00102.

ABSTRACT This paper presents the design and realization of a metasurface-based low-profile wideband
Circularly Polarized (CP) patch antenna with high performance for Fifth-generation (5G) communication
systems. The antenna consists of a modified patch, sandwiched between an array of 4 × 4 symmetrical square
ring Metasurface (MTS) and a ground plane. Initially, the intrinsic narrow bandwidth of the conventional
patch antenna is increased using a diagonal rectangular slot. For further performance enhancement, the
additional resonances and CP radiations are achieved for wideband operation in terms of impedance and
Axial Ratio (AR) by effective excitation of surface waves propagating along the MTS. The stacking of MTS
on the modified patch without any air gap resulted in an overall compact size of 1.1λ0 × 1.1λ0 × 0.093λ0 .
Simulated and measured results show that the MTS-based antenna offers a wide impedance bandwidth
ranging from 24 – 34.1 GHz (34.7%) for |S11 | < −10 with a maximum gain of 11 dBic and a 3-dB AR
bandwidth of 24.1 – 29.5 GHz (20.1 %). Moreover, the proposed antenna has a smooth gain response with a
small variation in its gain (9.5 – 11 dBic) and a stable left-hand CP radiation in the desired frequency range.
The operating bandwidth of this antenna is covering the proposed entire global millimeter-wave spectrum
(24.2 – 29.5 GHz) for 5G communication systems.

INDEX TERMS Metasurface-based antenna, circular polarization, 5G technology, millimeter-wave.

I. INTRODUCTION the currently existing sub-6-GHz frequency band for wide-

The congestion, limited bandwidth and restricted chan- area coverage and a new MMW frequency band for very high
nel capacity of the current wireless system have pushed data rates with low-latency. Most of the countries (USA, UK,
researchers and engineers to utilize an unused Millimeter- Canada, European Union, China, Japan, Korea, etc) have cho-
Wave (MMW) spectrum in Fifth-generation (5G) of wireless sen MMW frequency bands within the frequency range from
communication systems [1]. The upcoming 5G communica- 24.2 – 29.5 GHz for their future 5G communications [4]. The
tion systems are not only promised to meet the exponentially detailed global snapshot of 5G spectrum is given in Fig. 1.
increasing demands of high data rates, reliability, and low Besides operating frequency, Circular Polarization (CP)
power consumption for the billions of connected devices is one of the most promising features in the design of the
around us, but also capable to unlock the full capabilities antenna, as it shows greater immunity to interferences, mul-
of the emerging technologies such as smart cities, virtual tipath distortions, and fading robustness with better mobility
reality, and autonomous cars [2], [3]. Researchers from all and flexible orientation for the antennas. This is the reason
over the globe are working towards the development and the CP is a popular choice for wireless and satellite com-
the standardization of the 5G communication systems. Two munications, particularly in randomly oriented RFID tags,
kinds of frequency bands are expected to be used for 5G; wireless sensors, and device-to-device communication sys-
tems. The microstrip patch antennas are preferred in the
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and design of CP antennas due to their planar structure, low-cost,
approving it for publication was Weiren Zhu . planar structure, and easy integration with other electronic

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 8, 2020 22127
N. Hussain et al.: Metasurface-Based Low-Profile Wideband Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna

FIGURE 1. The global snapshot of 5G spectrum.

circuits. However, these antennas suffer from the disadvan-

tages of low bandwidth and gain. Many studies have been
carried out to overcome the intrinsic low gain and narrow
FIGURE 2. The geometry of the proposed metasurface antenna: (a) Side
Axial Ratio (AR) of the single-fed CP patch antennas. The view of the antenna, (b) top view of the metasurface, and (c) top view of
use of thick superstrate above the radiator with an air gap the patch.
(Fabry-Perot cavity antennas) increases the gain and the
AR bandwidth significantly [5]–[8], however, these designs
possess poor mechanical properties due to the presence of is further improved in terms of gain, and especially the
air gap and have high-profiles. Although, the antennas with impedance and AR bandwidths by stacking a well-designed
multiple stacked substrates without air gap have wideband CP rectangular ring MTS on the patch antenna without any air
radiations [9], [10] but have the drawbacks of complex design gap. The operating bandwidth of the proposed design covers
and non-planar structures. the MMW 5G band spectrum (24.1 – 29.5 GHz) with a mod-
On the other hand, metasurfaces which are the two- erate gain of 11 dBic and has low-profile, mass-production
dimensional equivalent of the metamaterials are com- suitability.
bined with radiators to achieve wideband AR and gain
enhancement, while keeping the low-profile of the anten- II. ANTENNA GEOMETRY
nas [11]–[29]. Essentially the metasurface (MTS) is placed The geometry and schematics of the proposed antenna are
either above [11]–[16] or below [17]–[21] the radiator with an shown in Fig. 2. The antenna is consisting of a modified
air gap. These configurations have design complexities, high- square patch, sandwiched between a MTS and a grounded
profiles, and poor mechanical properties because of the air substrate. The square patch has dimensions of a×a whose one
gap. Alternatively, the MTS is directly stacked on the radiator set of corners are truncated for CP radiations. A rectangular
without any air gap to design low-profile wideband CP anten- diagonal slot with a length and width of l and w, respectively,
nas [22]–[29]. However, these designs are at microwave fre- is inserted into the patch to enhance the intrinsic narrow
quencies. It is evident from the literature review that antenna operating bandwidth of the single-fed CP patch antenna. The
design at MMW frequencies is quite challenging due to the MTS consists of an array of 4 × 4 symmetrical square rings
very small physical size of the antenna. This has somehow which has a periodicity of P, while the gap between the
restricted the design of CP MTS antennas at high frequen- adjacent unit cells is defined as g. The MTS and the radiator
cies. Although, a few MTS antennas have been designed at are printed on two identical high frequency substrate layers
MMWs [30]–[34], have linear polarization. To the best of the of Rogers 5880 (εr = 2.2, tanδ = 0.0009, h = 0.51 mm).
authors’ knowledge, none of the reported circularly polarized The MTS layer is directly stacked above the patch without
planar antennas [35]–[39] cover the entire designated 5G any air gap to achieve the low-profile of the antenna. The
MMW band (24.1 – 29.5 GHz). A light-weight, low-profile antenna has an overall size of only 12 × 12 × 1.02 mm3
and low-cost antenna having mass-production suitability as which corresponds to 1.1λ0 × 1.1λ0 × 0.093λ0 , where λ0 is
well as having a desirable bandwidth and gain is the need of free-space wavelength at 27.5 GHz. The parameters for the
the time. optimum performance of the antenna are as under: A = 12,
On the basis of the above considerations, a planar h1 = 0.51, h2 = 0.51, 1 p = 2.3, g = 0.5, s = 0.3, w = 0.2,
MTS-based wideband circularly polarized patch antenna for l = 1, wF = 0.8, LF = 1, wa = 0.6, ws = 0.8, t = 0.5, and
5G communication systems is proposed. The whole idea a = 3.2 (unit = mm).
of this work is to design a low-profile, CP antenna with a
decent gain to covers the entire allocated MMW 5G spectrum. III. ANTENNA DESIGN PROCEDURE
Initially, a rectangular slot is etched on the truncated corner This section explains the detailed design procedure of the
patch antenna to overcome the narrowband characteristics of proposed MTS-based wideband CP antenna. For ease of
the conventional CP patch antenna. The antenna performance understanding, it is divided into the following sub-sections.

22128 VOLUME 8, 2020

N. Hussain et al.: Metasurface-Based Low-Profile Wideband Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna

FIGURE 3. The design evolution of the modified CP patch antenna.


The design of the proposed antenna starts from the simula-
tion of a simple square patch antenna chosen to operate at
TM01 mode. The size of the patch at the central resonating
frequency (fres ) is calculated as follows:
a= √ (1)
2fres εeff
εr + 1
εeffective = (2)
where, c is the speed of light, εr is the relative dielectric
constant and εeffective is the effective dielectric constant of
the substrate. The antenna is fed by the 50-K -connector
through a microstrip line with dimensions of wa × wl . For FIGURE 4. Characteristics of the modified patch antenna with and
proper connection of the connector to the feedline, an addi- without diagonal slot: (a) |S11 |, and (b) AR.

tional pad (ws × wF ) is defined at the end of the microstrip

line. As the antenna size is very small, severe effects on
radiation can be seen due to the connector, if not fed properly.
The patch is fed from the bottom by extending the inner pin
of the connector pad to minimize connector effects.
As square patch antennas have linear polarization, per-
turbation techniques are employed to achieve CP radiation.
The most common and convenient way is by truncating a
set of patch corners or inserting a rectangular diagonal slot
into the patch [40]. Tuning the corner truncation and slot
dimensions is used to adjust the magnitudes and phases of
the two orthogonal modes and thus, CP radiation is achieved.
Several techniques including, inserting slots of different
shapes (U, cross, circular ring, and square shaped-slots) have
FIGURE 5. Surface current distributions of the patch antenna with and
been employed to improve the narrowband characteristics of without diagonal slot at their resonance frequencies.
the single-fed CP patch antennas [41]–[44]. In this design,
we combined both traditional techniques (truncation of patch
corners and insertion of the diagonal slot in the patch) of shows a 3-dB AR bandwidth ranging from 27.2 – 27.9 GHz
achieving CP by inserting a rectangular diagonal slot into the which increased to 26.7 – 27.85 GHz with two minimum AR
truncated patch antenna. The design evolution of the modified points for the antenna with the rectangular slot. We plotted the
CP patch antenna is shown in Fig. 3. The impedance and surface current (Jsurf ) distributions on the patch antenna with
AR bandwidths of the antenna are increased by overlapping and without rectangular slot at their resonance frequencies of
the individual resonances of the patch and slot as shown 27.5 GHz and 27.2 GHz, respectively (Figure 5). The Jsurf
in Fig. 4(a). The truncated corner patch antenna without rect- rotates in the clockwise direction for different phase values
angular slot has −10 dB impedance bandwidth from 26.9 to (ωt = 0◦ , ωt = 90◦ , and ωt = 180◦ ), which demonstrates the
28.4 GHz, however, this antenna with rectangular diagonal CP radiations of the antennas.
slot gave a wider impedance bandwidth from 26 to 28.2 GHz
with an additional resonance at lower frequencies. The slot B. DESIGN OF METASURFACE-BASED WIDEBAND CP
provides a longer path for current to flow, thus the resonance PATCH ANTENNA
corresponding to the diagonal slot is observed at lower fre- Metasurfaces have been widely used in the design of the patch
quencies. A similar phenomenon can be seen for the AR antennas to increase both impedance and AR bandwidths.
response as depicted in Fig. 4(b). The antenna without slot As discussed earlier, the small physical size of the antenna at

VOLUME 8, 2020 22129

N. Hussain et al.: Metasurface-Based Low-Profile Wideband Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna

FIGURE 6. The design procedure and optimization of the proposed FIGURE 7. Characteristics of the antenna with and without metasurface:
metasurface-based wideband CP antenna. (a) |S11 |, (b) AR, and broadside gain.

TABLE 1. Performance summary for different antenna configurations.

MMW frequencies has restricted the design of MTS anten-
nas at high frequencies. For example, the antenna size in
is smaller than the connector size, which may deteriorate
the radiation patterns, when not fed properly. Keeping all
such design constraints in mind, the MTS is integrated with
the antenna. The proposed metasurface-based wideband CP
patch antenna designed by directly stacking a periodic lattice
of 4 × 4 square rings MTS layer on the modified patch
antenna depicted previously in Fig 2. The directly stacking
of the MTS layer on the patch without any air gap enabled a
very low-profile of the antenna (overall thickness=1.02 mm),
makes it suitable for compact smart 5G devices. The detailed
insight about the design procedure and optimization pro- use of the square ring MTS did not only improve bandwidth
cess of the antenna are summarized in the flowchart, shown but also the gain of the antenna. The gain of the patch is
in Fig. 6. It can be seen from the flowchart that how the noted to be 7.5 dBic, which increased to 11 dBic for the
antenna is designed and what are the important design param- patch antenna with MTS. In addition, the performance of the
eters that play a role in the optimization of impedance and proposed MTS antenna in terms of |S11 |, AR, and maximum
AR bandwidths of the antenna. To demonstrate the wideband broadside gain is compared with its parent designs, that is,
characteristics of the metasurface-based CP path antenna, its truncated corner square patch antenna and truncated corner
|S11 | and radiation characteristics are studied. square patch antenna with a rectangular slot, are summarized
Figure 7 shows the simulated |S11 |, AR, and broadside in Table 1.
gain of the proposed antenna with and without metasurface.
The additional resonances and CP radiations are achieved for IV. RADIATION MECHANISM OF THE ANTENNA
wideband operation in terms of |S11 | and AR by effective The performance, especially the operating bandwidth of the
excitation of surface waves propagating along the MTS [45]. CP patch antennas are improved by utilizing periodic struc-
The |S11 | bandwidth of the antenna with MTS is increased tures as MTS. It generates additional resonances produced by
by almost 400 %, while AR bandwidth is improved up to surface waves propagating on the MTS of finite size. These
500 % compared to the antenna without metasurface. The additional resonances are utilized effectively to increase |S11 |

22130 VOLUME 8, 2020

N. Hussain et al.: Metasurface-Based Low-Profile Wideband Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna

and AR bandwidths. This technique has already been thor-

oughly investigated in [17], [18], [45]. The operating central
frequency can be simply predicted by:

βsw = m = 1, 2, 3, ... (3)
LMTS = P × N(x,y) (4)
Here, βsw is the propagation constant of the surface wave at
resonance frequency, LMTS is the length of the MTS array,
while P is the periodicity and N(x,y) is the number of unit
cells in x- and y- direction [18]. The propagation constant of
transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) waves
can be calculated as.
ω (ZMTS )2
βTE = 1− (5)
c (Z0 )2
ω (Z0 )2
βTM = 1− (6)
c (ZMTS )2
where ω is the angular frequency, c is the speed of light, and
ZMTS is the surface impedance of MTS while Z0 is the free
space impedance.
The dispersion diagram of the MTS at first two eigen-
modes, TM and TE, is plotted in Fig. 7. It shows that when the
phase shift of the unit cell is 90◦ , the intersection between the
dispersion curves and the vertical line representing the solu-
tion of (3) indicates the resonant frequency of the MTS. The
TE and TM surface waves are predicted to resonate at around
27 GHz for a metasurface configuration of N(x,y) = 4×4 unit- FIGURE 8. Radiation mechanism of the proposed antenna: (a) Surface
cells. Here, m = 2 is considered, since the surface waves are wave propagation, (b) dispersion diagram, and (c) reflection phase
characteristics of the square ring metasurface.
likely to excite as slow-wave propagation supported around
the patch resonance.
The reflection phase characteristics of the MTS unit cell
show that the periodic square-ring MTS behaves as High
Impedance Surface (HIS) supporting in-phase reflections for
an incident wave over a certain bandwidth (Fig. 8(c)). In prac-
tice, the reflection phase of HIS varies continuously from
180◦ to −180◦ versus frequency and takes zero value just
at one frequency. This fact is fundamental in the design of
low-profile antennas, as the parallel image currents appear
in-phase, and so, efficient radiation for antennas placed
close to the radiator is possible. The resonance frequency
FIGURE 9. Detailed equivalent circuit diagram of the proposed square
for the 0◦ reflection phase for the square ring is 27 GHz. ring metasurface.
The ± 90◦ reflection phase bandwidth is from 24 GHz to
34 GHz, suggesting the broadband operating frequency of the
metasurface. across a transmission line having a free-space characteristic
Furthermore, the frequency characteristics of the square impedance of Z0 . The normalized inductive reactance X and
ring MTS can also be predicted using the equivalent cir- capacitive susceptance B of the square ring MTS can be
cuit diagram, which can be represented using a resonant written as:
circuit comprises of capacitance and inductance. As depicted XL LMTS p
in Fig. 9, the square ring MTS can be detached into two verti- X= =ω = F (p, 2s, λ) (7)
Z0 Z0 (p + g)
cal and horizontal stripes. The two neighboring vertical strips
BC CMTS εeff 4pεeff
form a one equivalent horizontal strip with a width ‘2s’ acts B= =ω = F (p, g, λ) (8)
as the inductive part, while the two adjacent horizontal stripes Y0 Y0 (p + g)
are approximated as the capacitive part. Hence, the MTS Here, Z0 is the free space impedance which is equal to
is approximated as a simple resonant LC circuit shunted Z0 = 1/Y0 , ω represents angular frequency, LMTS and CMTS

VOLUME 8, 2020 22131

N. Hussain et al.: Metasurface-Based Low-Profile Wideband Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna

FIGURE 11. S-parameter |S11 | of the proposed metasurface antenna.

FIGURE 10. Photographs of the (a) fabricated antenna and its parts of the
assembly, and (b) far-field measurement setup.

are denoting free-standing inductance and capacitance of the

MTS, respectively. The inductive reactance and capacitive
susceptance are XL and BC respectively, while εeff is the
effective permittivity. The detailed explanation of the equiv-
alent circuit model of such metasurfaces is well described
in [46].
FIGURE 12. Axial ratio and broadside gain of the proposed metasurface
A prototype of the propose metasurface-based wideband CP
antenna is fabricated through photolithography to validate the
design concept. The photographs of the fabricated antenna B. AR AND BROADSIDE GAIN
and its part of the assembly, and the far-field measurement The antenna radiation properties in terms of AR and broad-
setup are illustrated in Fig. 10. A 50- 2.92mm K -connector side gain are illustrated in Fig. 12. The measured 3-dB AR
is connected carefully with the patch, while the MTS layer bandwidth is 20.1 %, ranging from 24.1 to 29.5 GHz, and
is directly stacked on a patch antenna with the help of this band is fully overlapped by the impedance bandwidth.
an adhesive liquid. The far-field measurements are done A little variation between measured and simulated AR curves
at the anechoic chamber. A well-calibrated standard gain are due to miss alignment of the MTS layer on the patch
horn antenna (SGH-series) is used as a transmitting antenna and the fabrication imperfections. In addition, the broadside
(TX ), while the proposed antenna is measured as a receiving gain varies from 9.5 to 11 dBic within the operating band-
antenna (RX ). Amplifiers were used to supply stable power width (24.1–29.5 GHz). The measured gain values are little
reception. The antenna under test is rotated to get measure the lower than the simulated one, it may be due to the increased
radiation intensity at different orientations. In general, a good substrate/insertion losses at high frequencies.
agreement between the simulated and measured results are
The radiation patterns in both principal planes (xoz and
A. S-PARAMETER yoz-plane) at 25, 28, and 31 GHz are plotted in Fig. 13.
Figure 11 shows the simulated and the measured S-parameter The antenna has stable and symmetrical radiation patterns
(|S11 |) of the antenna. The |S11 | is measured using a network with left-hand CP (LHCP) radiation. It can be seen that the
analyzer (Rohde and Schwarz ZVA 40) in an open-air con- right-hand CP (RHCP) is very small compared to the LHCP
dition. It can be seen that the antenna has a good impedance radiation across the operating bandwidth. At the broadside
matching (|S11 | < −10 dB) in a broadband frequency starting direction (θ = 0◦ ), the LHCP level is more than 13 dB
from 24 to 34.1 GHz, equivalent to a fractional bandwidth compared to the RHCP level. To get a better insight of
of 34.7 % with respect to the central frequency. the polarization, the electric-field (E-field) of the antenna

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N. Hussain et al.: Metasurface-Based Low-Profile Wideband Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna

TABLE 2. Performance comparison of the proposed antenna with state-of-the-art works.

FIGURE 14. Clockwise rotation of the E -field, suggesting the LHCP

radiations of the proposed antenna.

at both frequencies suggesting the LHCP radiation of the

proposed antenna.


The performance comparison in terms of overall size, band-
width, gain, and design simplicity (number of the printed
layers and presence of air gap) of the proposed MTS antenna
with the state-of-the-art designs is summarized and provided
in Table 2. In general, it can be concluded that the pro-
posed antenna has the simplest design and low profile with
minimum printed layers having no air gap while possess-
FIGURE 13. Radiation patterns of the proposed metasurface antenna for ing wider (|S11 | and AR) bandwidths and a moderate gain
different frequencies. of 11 dBic. Fabry-Perot antennas [8] have the advantages
of high gain but have limited AR bandwidth as well as the
at 26 GHz and 28 GHz for various values of ωt (ωt = 0◦ , design complexity due to multiple printed layers and the air
ωt = 90◦ , and ωt = 180◦ ), observed from +z-direction is gap. Similarly, stacked patch antennas [9], [14] can produce
shown in Fig. 14. The E-field rotates in a clockwise direction wide operating bandwidths, suffer from the low gain and

VOLUME 8, 2020 22133

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[4] Qualcomm Technologies. (Dec. 2017). Spectrum for 4G and 5G. profile high-gain filtering antenna for fifth generation systems based on
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[5] N. Hussain, M.-J. Jeong, J. Park, and N. Kim, ‘‘A broadband circularly [28] C. Zhao and C.-F. Wang, ‘‘Characteristic mode design of wide band
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[6] Z.-G. Liu and W.-B. Lu, ‘‘Low-profile design of broadband high gain cir- [29] L.-M. Si, W. Zhu, and H.-J. Sun, ‘‘A compact, planar, and CPW-
cularly polarized Fabry–Perot resonator antenna and its array with linearly fed metamaterial-inspired dual-band antenna,’’ IEEE Antennas Wireless
polarized feed,’’ IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 7164–7172, 2017. Propag. Lett., vol. 12, pp. 305–308, 2013.
[7] N. Nguyen-Trong, H. H. Tran, T. K. Nguyen, and A. M. Abbosh, ‘‘A com- [30] T. Li and Z. N. Chen, ‘‘Design of dual-band metasurface antenna array
pact wideband circular polarized Fabry–Perot antenna using resonance using characteristic mode analysis (CMA) for 5G millimeter-wave applica-
structure of thin dielectric slabs,’’ IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 56333–56339, tions,’’ in Proc. IEEE-APS Top. Conf. Antennas Propag. Wireless Commun.
2018. (APWC), Cartagena des Indias, Colombia, Sep. 2018, pp. 721–724.
[8] M. Asaadi, I. Afifi, and A.-R. Sebak, ‘‘High gain and wideband high [31] T. Li and Z. N. Chen, ‘‘Wideband substrate-integrated waveguide-fed end-
dense dielectric patch antenna using FSS superstrate for millimeter-wave fire metasurface antenna array,’’ IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 66,
applications,’’ IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 38243–38250, 2018. no. 12, pp. 7032–7040, Dec. 2018.
[9] Q. W. Lin, H. Wong, X. Y. Zhang, and H. W. Lai, ‘‘Printed meandering [32] T. Li and Z. N. Chen, ‘‘Metasurface-based shared-aperture 5G S-/ K -
probe-fed circularly polarized patch antenna with wide bandwidth,’’ IEEE band antenna using characteristic mode analysis,’’ IEEE Trans. Antennas
Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 13, pp. 654–657, 2014. Propag., vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 6742–6750, Dec. 2018.

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N. Hussain et al.: Metasurface-Based Low-Profile Wideband Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna

[33] T. Li and Z. N. Chen, ‘‘A dual-band metasurface antenna using charac- MIN-JOO JEONG received the B.S. degree in
teristic mode analysis,’’ IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 66, no. 10, electronics engineering from Chosun University,
pp. 5620–5624, Oct. 2018. in 2013, and the M.S. degree in LED fusion
[34] X. Lin, B.-C. Seet, F. Joseph, and E. Li, ‘‘Flexible fractal electromagnetic engineering from Pukyong National University,
bandgap for millimeter-wave wearable antennas,’’ IEEE Antennas Wireless South Korea, in 2015. He is currently pursuing
Propag. Lett., vol. 17, no. 7, pp. 1281–1285, Jul. 2018. the Ph.D. degree in information and communica-
[35] M.-C. Tang, T. Shi, and R. W. Ziolkowski, ‘‘A study of 28 GHz, pla- tion engineering with Chungbuk National Univer-
nar, multilayered, electrically small, broadside radiating, huygens source
sity, Chungju, South Korea. His research interests
antennas,’’ IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 6345–6354,
include EMC, antenna design, and EMF.
Dec. 2017.
[36] W. Lin, R. W. Ziolkowski, and T. C. Baum, ‘‘28 GHz compact omnidirec-
tional circularly polarized antenna for device-to-device communications
in the future 5G systems,’’ IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 65, no. 12,
pp. 6904–6914, Dec. 2017.
[37] A. Dadgarpour, M. S. Sorkherizi, and A. A. Kishk, ‘‘High-efficient circu-
larly polarized magnetoelectric dipole antenna for 5G applications using ANEES ABBAS received the bachelor’s degree in
dual-polarized split-ring resonator lens,’’ IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., telecommunication engineering from BUTEMS,
vol. 65, no. 8, pp. 4263–4267, Aug. 2017. Queta, Pakistan, in 2014. He is currently pur-
[38] M. Mantash and T. A. Denidni, ‘‘CP antenna array with switching-beam suing the master’s degree with the Department
capability using electromagnetic periodic structures for 5G applications,’’ of Information and Communication Engineering,
IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 26192–26199, 2019. Chungbuk National University, South Korea. His
[39] D. M. Elsheakh and M. F. Iskander, ‘‘Circularly polarized triband printed research interests include antenna design for WIFI
quasi-Yagi antenna for millimeter-wave applications,’’ Int. J. Antennas and mobile communication.
Propag., vol. 2015, Feb. 2015, Art. no. 329453.
[40] J. R. James and P. S. Hall, Handbook of Microstrip Antennas. London,
U.K.: Peter Peregrinus, 1989.
[41] Nasimuddin, Z. N. Chen, and X. Qing, ‘‘Slotted microstrip antennas for
circular polarization with compact size,’’ IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag.,
vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 124–137, Apr. 2013.
[42] K. F. Tong and T. P. Wong, ‘‘Circularly polarized U-slot antenna,’’ IEEE TAE-JUN KIM received the bachelor’s degree in
Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 2382–2385, Aug. 2007. electrical and electronics engineering from Yonsei
[43] K. Lau and K. Luk, ‘‘A novel wide-band circularly polarized patch antenna University, South Korea, in February 2003, and
based on L-probe and aperture-coupling techniques,’’ IEEE Trans. Anten- the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from
nas Propag., vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 577–582, Jan. 2005. KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea, in February 2011.
[44] K.-F. Tong and J. Huang, ‘‘New proximity coupled feeding method for He worked as a Senior Researcher with the Mobile
reconfigurable circularly polarized microstrip ring antennas,’’ IEEE Trans. Media Application Technology Team, ETRI, from
Antennas Propag., vol. 56, no. 7, pp. 1860–1866, Jul. 2008. October 2011 to August 2013. He is currently an
[45] F. Costa, O. Luukkonen, C. R. Simovski, A. Monorchio, S. A. Tretyakov, Associate Professor with the School of Informa-
and P. M. De Maagt, ‘‘TE surface wave resonances on high-impedance tion and Communication Engineering, Chungbuk
surface based antennas: Analysis and modeling,’’ IEEE Trans. Antennas
National University, Cheongju, South Korea. His research interest is mainly
Propag., vol. 59, no. 10, pp. 3588–3596, Oct. 2011.
focused on network systems.
[46] D. Ferreira, R. F. S. Caldeirinha, I. Cuinas, and T. R. Fernandes, ‘‘Square
loop and slot frequency selective surfaces study for equivalent circuit
model optimization,’’ IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 63, no. 9,
pp. 3947–3955, Sep. 2015.

NAM KIM received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D.

degrees in electronics engineering from Yonsei
University, Seoul, South Korea, in 1981, 1983,
NIAMAT HUSSAIN received the B.S. degree in and 1988, respectively. He has been a Professor
electronics engineering from the Dawood Uni- with the School of Information and Communica-
versity of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, tion Engineering, Chungbuk National University,
Pakistan, in 2014, and the M.S. degree in electrical Chengju, South Korea, since 1989. His scientific
and computer engineering from Ajou University, interests are focused on optical information pro-
Suwon, South Korea. He is currently pursuing the cessing, the health effect of the EMF, wireless
Ph.D. degree in information and communication power transfer, and antennas for mobile commu-
engineering with Chungbuk National University, nications. He is a member of the International Advisory Committee for the
Chungju, Korea. His research is mainly focused World Health Organization project on EMF, the IEEE International Com-
on lens-coupled antennas, metasurface antennas, mittee on Electromagnetic Safety, and the International Electro Technical
metamaterial antennas, UWB antennas, mmWave antennas, and terahertz Commission TC 106. He was the President of the Bioelectromagnetics
antennas. He was bestowed with Best Paper Award on 2017, for his presented Society.
paper at Korea Winter Conference.

VOLUME 8, 2020 22135

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