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Annual Report:2013 - 2014

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From the General Secretary’s Desk

The Annual Report, 2013-14 honestly depicts in nutshell the activities

carried out during the year that were possible due to our relentless
endeavour in bringing the holistic development of the masses-weaker
and underprivileged sections of the society. The activities
encompassed a broad canvass through education, awareness,
advocacy, promotion, capacity building and empowerment in line
with the organisation’s cherished goal and objectives.

Twenty years have already passed since we started our noble effort in 1994 towards
ameliorating the lots of the poor and deprived sections of the society with specific thrust on
women, children and youths. Over the years we had to work hard persistently to improve
the standard of living of the masses through our intervention in activity areas of health,
sanitation, education, child rights, women empowerment, youth empowerment, environment
protection, road safety, petroleum conservation and renewable energy, yoga & naturopathy,
science and technology etc. braving all odds, for which I must acknowledge the sincere
effort of our staff and volunteers. This year also they have worked vigorously to achieve the
desired objectives.

As ever, in the current year, 2013-14 also we have tried to improve the conditions of target
masses in our project areas for which we had to identify their basic needs and work towards
achieving the target by participatory and holistic approach and in turn, kindled hopes in their
lives through empowerment, awareness and promotional programmes. There were both
continuing and new areas of activities, the prominent among which included the awareness
programme on climate change and related issues, promotion of science technology for the
youth, education and awareness on environment, consumer and legal awareness, training
programmes on youth leadership and community development, skill training for employment
promotion, programmes on road safety and awareness and conservation of energy.

We have arranged the activities undertaken during the reporting period chronologically and
presented them in this report in readable language. However, valuable suggestions from
readers are most welcome to improve our focus, potential and plan our goals more ardently
for the burning issue.

Finally, I must convey my gratitude to our dignified associates like Govt.and Non-
Govt.agencies,funding agencies,donor agencies,promoters,members,staffs,well-wishers and
who have supported us to go ahead.Specially our great indebtedness is due to Dr.Sangram
Keshari Nayak,former Principal Scientist CRRI,Mr.Lombador Mishra,and others consultant of
Women & Child Welfare society for their valuable suggestions all time.

Mrs. Minati Bindhani,

General Secretary
Women & Child Welfare Society

The Organization
Women and Child Welfare Society (WCWS), with its headquarters located in the city
of Cuttack, is a not-for-profit organization working towards the overall development of
deprived communities--the poor and marginalised sections of the society in the
State. Working for the last two decades to ameliorate the condition of poor and
deprived classes, the initiatives undertaken by the Society are specially directed to
bring wellbeing for women, children, youths and general public in the broader
perspective with active community participation.

Though registered on September 23, 1995 under the Societies Act, 1860, the
organisation had come into being in January, 1994 with relentless effort and active
involvement of some young volunteers coming together for the socio-economic uplift
of the vulnerable and weaker sections of the society, especially women, children
youths and general public with the aim of improving their quality of life in a holistic
manner which over the years, have encompassed activities permeating the fields of
health, education, science and technology, sanitation, environmental protection, road
safety, energy conservation, women empowerment, child rights, climate change,
youth empowerment, self employment, awareness generation and conservation of
resources consistent with the norms of sustainable development. The organisation
acts as a unique resource agency which bridges the gap between public welfare
schemes and the disadvantaged sections of the society.

Creating awareness among the masses on issues concerning their development,

empowering the weaker sections and providing much needed fillip to them in matters
directly linked to their development have been the prime efforts made by our
volunteers and staff.

Mission, Vision etc


To empower the poor, develop their potential; improve the socio-economic status of
the community, reduce poverty and bring sustainable development with special
emphasis on weaker and vulnerable groups of the society such as women, children,
the downtrodden (SC and ST) and deprived poor.


To show path to all the deprived people of the society that is just and practical being
free from all types of discrimination guarantying equal rights and opportunities to all
irrespective of caste, creed, sex and religion.


To improve the quality of life of deprived classes with special emphasis on women,
children and youths. 2


 To identify the problems of the weaker sections of the community,

 To prioritise the needs of these classes,
 To resolve them with available resources,
 To pursue an organised, systematic and holistic approach in resolving such


WCWS pursues a systematic, educative, innovative and holistic approach to the

uplift of the deprived classes and weaker sections of the society--women, children
and the downtrodden.

Target Groups:

Children living in difficult circumstances, poor and distressed women, community

living in urban slums, unemployed youths, road users, physically challenged,
backward communities, minority groups and neglected senior citizens.


WCWS has brought laurels to its credit in recognition of its activities in various fields
for the wellbeing of the humanity through felicitation with awards like Best Road
Safety Activist, 14th Godfrey Philips Bravery Award, Prakruti Mitra Purashkar, Best
Organisation Award for Environment Awareness and Education, District Level Road
Safety Award, Prakruti Bandhu Award, Rajiv Gandhi Sadbhawana Award, Nyaya
Jyoti Award, Akhayatrutia Samman, Sebaratna Samman, Best Social Worker Award,
Nabakrushna Choudhury Samman, and Best Social Activist.

Legal Status:

 Year of Establishment: 1st January, 1994

 Registered under Section of XXI of Societies Registration Act, 1860
(Regd. No. 19815/43 of 1995-96, dt. 23/09/1995)
 Registered under section 6(1) (a) of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act,1976
(FCRA Registration No. 104860173 of 2009-10, dt. 22/09/2009)
 Registered under Section 21A of Income Tax act 1961
(Regd,. No. 12A/481-37/2009-10 dated 31/03/2010)
 PAN no. AAATWO620Q
 SSBE Registration No. 211207886/DIC, Cuttack
 Planning Commission, Govt. of India, Unique ID No. NGO as generated in www.—OR/2009/000305, dt. 24/7/2009
 Coir Board Registration No.; CB/IE/RO/BBSR/OR/587, dt.16/02/2012.


Name of the Office Bearers Name of the Governing Body Members

Mrs Amita Behera :President Sanjukta Maharana

Mrs.Minaskhi Kar :Vice-President Mrs.Jogamaya Mohanty

Mrs Minati Bindhani :General Secretary Mrs.Sudharani Giri

Mrs.Kalpalata Prusty :Asst.Secretary Mrs.Sailabala Das ,Mrs.Pratima Sahu

Mrs.Sabita Dash: Treasurer Mrs.Snehalata Maharana ,Mrs.Sanjukta Dei

Organizational Structure


Activities during 2013-14: security. Besides, mitigation options and

Science & Technology adaptation measures to be undertaken by
countries and organizations were discussed in
Agrasar Lecture and Demonstration
the light of the global summit on climate
Programme on Water, Food and Climate
change held at Copenhagen. The topics were
judiciously selected and were thrown light by
Steady rise in average world temperature experts.
over the last fifty years, also known as global
warming, due to increased concentration of
green house gases like carbon dioxide,
methane, CHC etc. led by anthropogenic
factors (such as burning up fossil fuel,
indiscriminate industrialization) has posed a
serious global challenge. It has already cast
its adverse impact on ecology and
environment. Other than increased presence
of green house gasses causing air pollution
and health hazards, there has been a rise in
sea level and natural calamities which have A total 11 numbers of such programmes were
resulted in climate change and in turn, has organised by WCWS during the reporting
further deteriorated the ecosystem, affecting period and they were participated by students,
availability of fresh water and food. teachers and lecturers from Panchayat High
School, Dhurusia, Radhanath Vigyan
In view of the seriousness of the problem,
Mahavidyalaya, Khuntuni, Vivekananda
experts and policy makers across the globe
Vidyapitha, Bahugram, Agrahat High School,
have realised the significance of mitigating the
Agrahat, Revenshaw Collegiate School,
adverse impact of climate change and taking
Cuttack, Bibudha Bihar High School,
up of appropriate adaptation measures. While
Pathapur in Cuttack district, P. C.
countries have started action on it at the
Bidyamandir, Raghunathpur in Jagatsingpur
governmental and non-governmental level,
district, Gram Panchayat High School,
education and awareness at every stage is
Machhalo in Keonjhar district, S. N. High
the need of the hour. In this context WCWS
School, Patia, Bhubaneswar in Khordha
with the support of Department of Science
district and Dinabandhu Bidyapitha, Sanbisol
and Technology, Govt. Of India, organized a
in Mayurbhaj districts. Dr. Sangram Keshari
series of lectures and demonstration
Nayak, Principal Scientist (Rtd.), Dr. Arjun
programmes on water, food and climate
Kumar Biswal, Head Master (Rtd.), Tulasipur
change at the high school and college level.
Govt. High School, Dr. Kishore Chandra
The main objective of the programme was to
Mohanty Science Expert, Board of Secondary
create scientific about change and its
Education, Mr Pravat Mohan Dash,
awareness among the students climate
Programme Officer, Centre for Environmental
adverse impact on our ecosystem, fresh water
Studies, Mr, Utkal Ranjan Mohanty, Secretary
source, and on food grain output and food


District Environment Society, Mr. Rajkishore of Suprativa NGO and Mrs. Minati Bindhani,
Panda, Science Communicator, Prof. Dr. General Secretary of WCWS participated in
Manaranjan Mishra, Lecturer in Botany, Udala the event. The visuals covered total 16
Collage attended as resource persons. numbers of AC coaches and there were more
than 45,000 numbers of participants, mostly
Science Express Bio-diversity Special
students who visited the exhibition train during
Arrangement was made by WCWS for its stay. The queries of the visitors were
students to visit the science exhibition in the satisfactorily answered by the experts. The
train Science Express Bio-diversity Special logistic help for the event was organised by
sponsored by National Council for Science WCWS and Suprativa NGO.
and Technology Communication (NCSTC), Promotion of Science Clubs
Department of Science and Technology, Gov.
of India. The Science Express reached The spirit of science lies in the spirit of
Cuttack Railway Station on 5th July to 8th July discoveries and inventions. According to
2013. Schools were motivated in advance to experienced science teachers, the formation
visit and observe the visual displays on of science clubs is one of the most exciting
scientific issues made by the panel of experts and effective ways to instil scientific
under NCSTC. temperament in school children. It is through
science clubs that they can truly feel the joy
and adventure of scientific discovery.
Therefore, to provide the students with
organizational facilities that are usually
necessary to carry on the science projects
and related activities, WCWS has facilitated
the process of forming science clubs in

Environment Awareness and


Prof. Baishnav Charan Tripathy, Vice Nature Study Programme on Bio-diversity

Chancellor of Ravenshaw University was the Conservation
Chief Guest of the inaugural day, while An awareness-cum-study programme, Nature
eminent personalities like Retd. D.G. (Police), Study Programme on Bio-diversity was
G. C. Senapati,Former Principal Scientist organized by Women and Child Welfare
CRRI Dr.sangram Keshari Nayak, Mayor of Society, Cuttack for high school students and
Cuttack Municipal Corporation, Mr teachers at Panchayat High School, Dhurusia,
Soumendra Ghose, M.L.A (Cuttack- district Cuttack on 1st February, 2014. The
Chowdwar), Shri Prabhat Ranjan Biswal, Dr. programme was organized under the aegis of
Sanjay Kumar Satpathy, Dean of Ravenshaw Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC),
University, Mr. Bikash Mohapatra, Secretary 2013-14, in collaboration with Ministry of 6


Environment and Forest, Govt. of India and planted in the Panchayat High School
Centre for Environmental Studies, Forest and campus, Dhurusia and other nearby School
Environment, Govt. of Odisha Bhubaneswar. campuses by both students and guests.
The main objectives of the programme were
to provide the students opportunity for clear Mr. Pravat Mohan Dash, Programme Officer,
understanding of complexity of Nature, to Centre for Environmental Studies,
Bhubaneswar, Dr. Arjun Kumar Biswal, Rtd.
enhance the fascination for the things around
Head Master, Tulsipur Govt. High School, Dr.
them and to explore nature in a guided
Kishore Chandra Mohanty, Science Expert,
manner through a variety of fun-filled hands
and activities. Board of Secondary Education, Odisha, Mr.
Benudhar Senapati, Head Master, Panchayat
The programme made the participants aware
of various experiments relating to bio-diversity
conservation and conservation of energy, High School, Dhursia, Mrs. Minati Bindhani,
living process, taxonomy and medicinal General Secretary, WCWS participated the
values of plants, nature walk, sample event as guests and resource persons. Total
collection, separation, measuring of tree 300 numbers of students and teachers from
heights, leaf zoo, pH measurement and water Panchayat High School, Dhurusia, Ghantikhal
and soil testing. Besides, special sessions High School and Madhapur High School
were conducted on wild orchids, bonsai and participated in the event.
cactus plants.

The participants were also taught on paper

craft, barak printing, potter making, nature Women & Child Welfare Society, Cuttack
game, and understanding of different leaves planted 500 nos of environment friendly plants
and plants. They were supplied with kit bags with medicinal plants like
each containing note book, chart paper, champa,krushnachuda,radhachuda,baula,ash
paper, reading lens, tripod glass, crayon, ok,raktachandan,dalichandan,amla,karanja,ni
sketch pen, pencil, sharpener, gum, adhesive ma,fruit and forest tree Panchayat High
etc.Saplings of various medicinal plants were


occasion a awareness meeting arranged

School, Ghantikhal High School, Madhapur involving Self Help Group (SHG) women
High School, Mahakalabasta High School etc. members. Dr. B. N. Jagdev, Ex-CDMO;
Chief Guest, Mrs.Minati Bindhani,
Health Mr.Purna Chandra Bhuian etc. invited as
honorable guests and speaker
Observation of World Health Day with highlighting on Aims & Objectives of
Free Health Checkup Camp World Health Organization (W HO) for
observance of World Health Day with a
Free Health Check up camp.

Women Empowerment
Observation of International Women’s Day
and Promotion of Cultural Activities(Jhoti

A healthy mind dev elops in a healthy

body. Healthy citizens sculpt a healthy
nation. Many factors contribute to a
healthy body such as good exercise
regime, eating a balanced diet, keeping
mind stress free and lot more. The
United Nations commemorates 7th April
as the World Health Day to create

awareness of a specific health theme to

highlight a priority area of concern for
The International Women’s Day was observed
by Women and Child Welfare Society, Cuttack
on 8th March, 2014 at the organization’s
training centre located at Badamba in Cuttack
district. A seminar was organised on the
occasion in which Dr. Arjun Kumar Biswal, Mr.
Rajkishore Panda, Mrs. Minati Bindhani, Mrs.
Arati Das participated as guests and resource
persons.On the occasion a Jhoti Competition
organized Mr. Pitambar Nayak, artist, Miss
Subhashree Dibyadarshini Maharana and
the W orld Health Organization (W HO). Mrs. Minati Bindhani, General Secretary
This year W omen & Child W elfare attended the event as Judges.
Society observed the 'World Health Day-
2013' on 7th April 2013 at our training 8
centre at seltary chhak, Cuttack. On this


Sabita Maharana, Aliva Das and Minaskhi the way women could be conscious of their
Swain were awarded with first, second and rights and improvement of leadership quality.
third prizes and certificates respectably. Total The programme was participated by more
100 numbers of SHG members and womens than 80 numbers of SHGs members.
participants participated.
Consumer Awareness Programme for
Rural People

Legal Awareness and Leadership

Development Programme for Women A Consumer Awareness Programme for rural
people was organised by WCWS at Pathapur
WCWS organized a Legal Awareness and
(Cuttack district) on 6th November 2013. Mr
Leadership Development programme for
Sarojkanta Sahu, Mr.Keshab Chandra
Women at Biswanahakani, Tangi on
Maharana,Pradip Kumar Das etc. attended
dt.12.12.2013. Social activist P.K.Natha,
the programme as resource persons and
Batakrushna Ojha, advocate, Mr. Alekh
guest. They highlighted on various consumer
Chandra Jena, Social Activist and Mrs Minati
rights available to the citizens and the ways to
Bindhani were attended as resource persons.
enforce them. The workshop was participated
by around 100 number of rural people. A film
show was displayed.

Petroleum Conservation and

Renewable Energy
Women and Child Welfare Society is
appointed as External Faculty to conduct
different activities on Petroleum Conservation
and Renewable Energy through Youth
programme, Domestic Workshop, Agricultural
Workshop and Kishan Mela by the Petroleum
They dwelt on various legal rights, property Conservation Research Association (PCRA),
rights, human rights, woman rights etc and Eastern Region, Kolkata under the Ministry of

Krupasindhu High School, Singahanipitha,

Petroleum and Natural Gas, Govt. of India, dist-Cuttack, Basudevpur High School,
New Delhi. In the reporting period WCWS Kuanpal, Dist- Cuttack, Gobara High School,
organised 40 numbers of Youth Programmes, Dist- Cuttack, Saraswati Sishu Vidya Mandir,
30 numbers of Domestic Workshops, 30 Tulasipur, Cuttack, MPL Govt. High School,
Bidanasi, Cuttack, Seva Sikshya Niketan,
numbers of Agricultural Workshops and 02
Bidanasi, Cuttack, Kakhadi High School,
numbers of Kishan Melas organised in Kakhadi, Cuttack, Nehru Ucha Budyapitha,
Cuttack, Khordha, Jagatsinghpur, Puri, Nuabazar, Cuttack, Bidyadharpur Girls High
Kendrapada and Keonjhar districts of the School, Bidyadharpur, Cuttack, Nuabazar
State. High School, Nayabazar, Cuttack, Khan
Nagar High School, Madhupatna, Cuttack, Sri
Youth Programmes Sri Kapileswar Mahadev Bidyaitha, Tarading,
Dist-Cuttack, Agrahat High School, Agrahat ,
The Women and Child Welfare Society Dist- Cuttack, Kalinga Bidyapitha, Choudwar,
Organized total 40 numbers of youth Dist- Cuttack, Saraswati Sishu Bidya Mandir,
programmes with Film show at different Chowdwar, Dist- Cuttack, Nigamananda
places like: Bidyapitha, Chowdwar, Dist- Cuttack,
Bhanapur High School, Dist- Cuttack,
Satsang High School, darkhapatna, Cuttack,
Chintamoni Bidyapitha, Kishore Nagar,
Cutack, Saindha High School, Saindha, Dist-
Cuttack, Raghunathapur Girls High School,
Dist- Jagatsinghpur, Sri Sri Abhiram
Paramhansa Bidyapitha, Sasol, Cuttack.,
Sailendra Narayan High School, Patia,
Bhubaneswar, Gram Panchayat High School,
Machholo, Keonjhar.

Domestic Workshops

Om Maa Saraswati Sishu Mandir, Friends

Colony, Cuttack. Dhabaleswar Bidyapitha,
Mancheswar, Cuttack, Panchayat High
School, Dhurusia, Cuttack, Ragadipada High
School, Ragadipada,Cuttack, Urdu Girls High
School, Odia Bazar, Cuttack, Utkalmanit
Bidyapitha, Chhagaon, Charbatia, Ctc.
Khuntakata High School, Badamba, Ctc.,
Champaidwar, Gadapokari High School, dist.
Cuttack, Odisha Police High School,
Buxibazar, Cuttack, Emarti Devi Girls High
School, Naya Sarak, Cuttack, Kabi Prasanna
Patsani Bidyapitha, Mugagahira, Dist. Total 30 numbers of Domestic Workshops
Cuttack, Balakrishna Bidya Niketan, Jignipur, were organized by WCWS with film shows to
Cuttack, Bapuji Bidyapitha, Patapur, Dist-
create awareness among women on
Cuttack, Basanti Jay Durga High School,
Kolitha, Basudevpur, Dist-Cuttack, 10

places of Cuttack, Puri, Khurdha, Kendrapara
and Jagatsinghpur district to create
conservation of LPG, kerosene Cuttack, awareness on Petroleum Conservation in
Keonjhar, Bhadrakh district with the Agriculture sector, at Trinath Farmer’s Club,
participation of SHG members. The details of Belapada, Badamba, Cuttack, Jay Shree
the workshops are given:
Farmer’s Club, Korada, Badamba, Cuttack,
Swapneswar SHG, Nuataila, Dist- Cuttack, Palli Mangal Yubak Sangha, Baliput, Tigiria,
Baba Shankar SHG, Ragadipada, Dist- Cuttack, Maa Adisakti Farmers Club,
Cuttack, Maa Santoshi SHG, Champidwar, Nuapada, Badamba, Cuttack, Bisweswar
Dist-Cuttack, Maa Tarini SHG, Diniari, Dist- Yuva Parisad, Karanji, Kotasahi, Cuttack, Hari
Cuttack, Garudai SHG, Garudagaon, Tangi, Gosain Yuba Parisad, Abhayapur, Saffa,
Trinatha SHG, Kotasahi, dist- Cuttack, Cuttack, Siva Shakti Yubak Sangh, Kamanga,
Sanishar SHG, Trilochanpur, dist- Cuttack, Dalijoda Barahmpur, Cuttack, Janakalyan
Kaliamba SHG Chhagharia, Dist- Cuttack, Abasara Binodan Kendra, Saffa, Cuttack,
Sanischar SHG, Kuanrapal Dist- Cuttack, Chhatabar Grampanchayat Office, Chhatabar,
Singha Bahini SHG, Garudagaon, Dist- Khurdha, Mendhasala Grampanchayat Office,
Cuttack, Maa Bimala Mahila SHG, Mendhasal, Khurdha, Rajeev Krushak
Bindhanima, Dist- Cuttack, Trinatha Mahila Sangha, Jenapada, Atthagarh, Cuttack, Siva
SHG, Kanithipur Dist- Cuttack, Kalinga Social Sankar Farmers Club, Club Chhak,
Welfare Oganization, Pathapur, Cuttack, Maa Narsinghpur, Cuttack, Shree Sai Mahabir
Mangala SHG, Kulasamitanga dist- Cuttack, Seba Sansad, Bhagipur, Cuttack, Gobardhan
Maa Mangala SHG, Kulasamitanga dist- Educational & Social Welfare Trust, Kulilo,
Cuttack, Maa Tareni Mission Shakti, Sogal , Atthagarh, Cuttack, Biswanath Farmers Club,
Dist- Cuttack, Maa Sarala SHG, Baliput, Amarendrapur,Banki, Cuttack, Gayalabanka
Nuapatna, Ctc., Maa Santoshi SHG, Krushak Sangha, gayalabanka, Cuttack, Bira
Harisaranpur, Tigiria, Dist-Cuttack, Maa Ramchandrapur yuba Sangh, Bira
Laxminarayan Mahila SHG, Nuapatna, Ramchandrapur, Puri, Lakheswar Yubashree
Cuttack, Maa Janani Mahila SHG, Nuapatna, Club, Dungar, Puri, Ugreswar Krushak Club,
Cuttack, Maa Mangala Nari Mangala Samiti, Mukundapur, Charigharia, Cuttack,
Godrabandha, Nazmi Academy, Mani Shaoo Raghunath of Tentant Farmers, Pathapur,
Chhak, Cuttack, Jadua SHG, Abhayapur, Dist Cuttack, Jaria Saarsahi Krushak Sangh, Jaria
saarasahi, Cuttack, INSAF,Bagasahi,
Cuttack, Radha Madhav SHG,Sunari, Dist- Jagatsinghpur, AASHA, Purnabasta,
Cuttack, Radharaman SHG, Dipapal, Dist- Jagatsinghpur, PRAYASH, Dhuria,
Keonjhar, Maa Mangala SHG, Dhinkia, Dist- Kendrapara, Anchalika Yuba Parisad,
Keonjhar, Utkalmanit Seva Sansad, Tarat, Laxminarayan Hata, Sankheswar,
Dist- Cuttack, Maa Laxmi SHG, Deogaon, Jagatsinghpur, SASOR, Dihasahi, Baradia,
Dist- Keonjhar, Kalyani SHG, Abhirampur, Jagatsinghpur, Ramakrushna Farmers Club,
Dist- Keonjhar, Shree Jeevan , Mhanadi Krushnaprasad, Saradhapur, Cuttack, Maa
Vihar, Cuttack, Maa Bhadrakali SHG, Mangala Krushak Club, Maradamekh, Judum,
Ghanteswar, Dist- Bhadrak. Cuttack, ENVOY, Janardanpur, Lendura,
Cuttack, Subarnapur Club, Subarnapur,
Agricultural Workshops Ansupa, Cuttack.
Women & Child Welfare Society organized 30
nos. of Agricultural Workshop in different 11

Cuttack from 04th to 06th November 2013.

Mr.Amulya Kumar Mohini, Joint Director and
SRO PCRA, Bhubaneswar, Mrs.Minati
Bindhani, General Secretary, Mr. Sadananda
Swain,Sarpanch Sanbarisingh Panchayat
Kailash Ch.Nayak, Pradip Kumar Mangaraj,
Mangarajpur Panchayat,Gangadhar Behera,
Secretary,Digbalaya,Nibash Kumar Pandav,
Samiti Sabhya,Keshab Chandra Maharana,
Manash Bhagat, Gandharv Ojha,Pradip
Kumar Das etc. attended as resource person
and guests.
Kishan Mela Road Safety Activities
Women & Child Welfare Society,organised 02 Awareness Programme on Road Safety:
nos. of Kishan Mela (3days) during the Mega
The 25th National Road Safety Week was
Campaign on Petroleum Conservation to
observed by Women and Child Welfare
create awareness on conservation of petrol,
Society with the support of Regional
diesel, kerosene and other petroleum product,
Transport Authority, Cuttack at 5 places of
use of branded ISI mark Machinaries, Tips to
Cuttack district from 11th to 17th January,
save disel in tractor, lift irrigation, pumps, 2014.
maintainance of tractor, pump, good farming
habits etc. Exhibition on agricultural product
arranged and the best farmers are awarded
with prize and certificates.

On the occasion awareness programmes

were conducted for students, teachers, auto-
rickshaw drivers, and road users in the form of
Awareness programme rally, display of
PCRA Film displayed during the programme. banners, film shows etc.Total 4 numbers of
One is at Sanbarisingh Gram Panchayat road safety awareness Programme were
Office Premises,Badamba,Cuttack from 22nd organized on the theme “When on the Road
to 24th October 2013 and another is at 12
Digbalaya Field Office, Sapanpur, Karanji,

Always Say Pehle Aap” in different High held at Dhabaleswar Bidyapitha, Mancheswar
School in cuttack district, at Chintamoni on 15th January, 2014 The rally was flagged
Bidyapitha, Kishore Nagar, Dhabaleswar up by Mr LoknathKabi, Head Master of the
Bidyapitha, Mancheswar, B. K. Bidyapitha school, started from the school campus and
Banki and Sainda High School,Sainda.The covered the Mancheswar village, Chasapada,
discussions in the Awareness programme Dhabaleswar with students holding banners
centred on causes of accidents, road and placards and spreading the message of
behaviour, road discipline, over speed, road safety including obeying of traffic rules,
drunken driving, overtaking, need for seat wearing helmet etc.
belts and helmets etc. More than 1000
Film Shows:
students participated in these workshops in
aggregate. The table below shows the details
of the workshop and the resource persons
etc. A. K. Biswal, Rtd. Head Master,
Tulasipur, Govt. High School, Mrs. Minati
Bindhani, General Secretary, Debabrata
Patra, Secretary, Old Boys Association, Mrs.
Sajani Das, Head Master, Chintamoni
Bidyapitha, A.C. Samal, Teacher, Mrs Sarojini
Behera, Head Master, B. K. Bidyapitha, Mr
Bikash Mohapatra, Secretary, FPRA,
S.C.Rath,Head Master, Sainda High School,
Documentary film on ‘Sadak Surakshya,
Mr.Loknath Kabi, Head Master, Dhabaleswar
Jeevan Rakshya’ on Road Safety was
Bidyapitha, K. C. Moharana, Programme
screened at Chintamoni Bidyapitha,
Dhabaleswar Bidyapitha, B. K. Bidyapitha,
Rally on Road Safety Sainda High School and Bastari Math
premises during the week from 11th to 17th
January 2014 to educate the students and
road users.

Youth Empowerment
Training on Youth Leadership and
Community Development

A three-day training programme on Youth

Leadership and Community Development was
organized by WCWS in collaboration with
Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan, district office,
A Rally on Road Safety Awareness was also Cuttack at Beliapal, Badamba in Cuttack
district from 13 to 15th March, 2014. 13


manmade factors like air pollution by industry

and burning of fossil fuel both by consumers
and industry are the chief causes of high
concentration of carbon di-oxide, methane in
the atmosphere leading to global warming
and climate change, the issue before the
nations is to mitigate these adverse affects of
climate change and develop suitable
adaptation measures as voiced in the
Copenhagen summit.

The programme inaugurated by Mrs Minati

Bindhani, General Secretary of WCWS was
participated by total 40 numbers of youths. Mr
Abinash Nayak, Operational Head, WorkSkills
India took the technical session on
voluntarism and youth leadership on the
inaugural day while Mr Dhiren Kumar Behera,
trainer, Skill Development Training Centre,
Badamba spoke on the role of youths on
community mobilisation on the second day.
Mr K.C. Moharana spoke on the role of youths
in rural development. Mr S.K Singh Kapat of Addressing climate change requires action in
Workskill of India ltd. and Mr Kailash the local, regional and global level and
Chandra, Nayak, Coordinator, NABARD dwelt education has as central role to play in
on the role of youth on nation building. Mr. understanding the mitigation and adaptation
Alekh Kumar Jena social activists, and Mr measures to be undertaken. So in this
Alok Kumar Nayak, lecturer in political context, a seminar on climate change was
science, were attended as guest in valedictory conducted by WCWS at its Training Centre at
session. Certificates were distributed to the Badamba on 12th January, 2014. Dr. Sangram
participants. Kesari Nayak, principal scientist (retired),
Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, Dr.
Seminar on Climate Change Arjun Kumar Biswal, Headmaster (retired),
Tulsipur Govt. High School, Cuttack, Dr
Climate change, as perceptible in last few Krishna Chandra Mohanty, science expert,
decades due to global warming, has posed a Board of Secondary Education, Odisha and
big challenge for mankind. It has adversely Mrs. Minati Bindhani, General Secretary of
affected ecosystems globally thereby affecting WCWS had participated the seminar as
bio-diversity, ecology, availability of fresh guests and resource persons.
water, agricultural and food productivity,
health and economy. While anthropogenic or 14

Skill Training for Employment Promotion being supported by Housing and Urban
amongst Urban Poor (STEP-UP) under Development Department, Govt. of Odisha
SJSRY and SUDA through Centum WorkSkills India
Ltd (formerly known as Bharati Learning
The objectives of the Swarna Jayanti Sahari System) as service provider NGO.
Rojgar Yojana (SJSRY) are: addressing
urban poverty alleviation through gainful Awareness Programme on Dengue &
employment to the urban unemployed or Malaria
under-employed poor by encouraging them to
set-up self employment ventures (individual or
group), with support for their sustainability or
undertake wage employment; supporting skill
development and training programmes to
enable the urban poor to have access to
employment opportunities opened up by the
market or undertake self-employment; and
empowering the community to tackle the
issues of urban poverty through suitable self-
managed community structures like
Women & Child Welfare Society conducted
Awareness Programme on Dengue & Malaria
in different slum area of Cuttack City. This
year Cuttack city affected in Dengue and
many people are dead in dengue .in this
connection our organization organized
awareness programme to aware the slum
people how they can prevent the dengue.
Different brouchers are distributed among the
Visit to Ahmedabad

Neighbourhood Groups (NHGs),

Neighbourhood Committees (NHCs),
Community Development Societies (CDSs)
etc.Consistent with these objectives WCWS
has been conducting the project STEP-UP in
Cuttack Municipal Corporation (CMC) area
since the last reporting period. More than 200
numbers of youths have reaped benefit under
the programme while more than 100
candidates have been placed at different
agencies all over India. The programme is



Participation in different Programmes by organization

Sl. Name of the participants Programme Name Venue & Date
01 Keshab Chandra Maharana Science express Bio-Diversity Cuttack
Special 2013 Programme 05/08/2013
02 Kesab Chandra Maharana Orientation Training on Women NIPCCD, New Delhi 19-
& girl’s Specific Schemes of 23 August 2013
03 Kesab Chandra Maharana Chhalenges on voluntary CYSD, Bhubaneswar
organization in the changing 22-23 May 2013
04 Keshab Chandra Maharana CSR Conclave Mayfair Lagoon,
05 Keshab Chandra Maharana National Camp for VIPNET Clubs Gujarat Science City,
for Students and Teachers Ahmedabad
13 to 15 Dec’13
06 Keshab Chandra Maharana Nationwide Sensitization Barunai, Khurdha
Workshop on Mathematics for 27-28 January 2014
Teachers and Activists
07 Pradip Kumar Das Orientation Training on NIPCCD, New Delhi
Empowerment of Women for 09-13 December 2013
representatives of Government &
Voluntary Organizations
08 Pradip Kumar Das Orientation Training on Gender NIPCCD, New Delhi
Inclusiveness for the 09-13 September 2013
Functionaries of Voluntary
09 Subhashree Dibyadarshini Workshop on Gender Equality NIPCCD, New Delhi
Maharana 12-14 Auguest 2013
10 Minati Bindhani Climate Change Action Signature Regional Museum of
Initiative for World Resource Natural History,
Institute, USA organized by CES Acharyabihar Square,
11 Minati Bindhani Revised City Development Plan FMC Council hall
Cuttack Municipal Corporation 1st Cuttack
city level StakeholderWorkshop 26.02.2014


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