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Automation in Burr Removal Techniques

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Impact Factor Value 4.

046 e-ISSN: 2456-3463

International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science, Vol. 3, No.5, 2018

Automation in Burr Removal Techniques

Sohail S Sayyed1, Naazneen A Pathan2, Rahul Y Sutar3, Aparna B Gangane4, Prof.R.S.Gorde5

Students, 5Head of Department
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM’s Jayawantrao Sawant Polytechnic Hadapsar Pune -411028

Abstract – From literature we have observed that one of involves Johnson-Cook material model and fracture
the concerns in Die Shop is Burr collection and Burr criterion was used to simulate the serrated chip
Disposal Technique. The technique mainly uses various morphology and cutting force during high speed
types of conveyors. Manual Burr removal method is also
machining of AISI 1045 hardened steel. The serrated
seen in the die shop. But manual burr removal method
can be a headache or major accidental concern to the chip morphology and cutting force were observed and
workers. By our observation the burr produced from measured by high speed machining experiment of AISI
machines (both CNC & HSM) gets collected near the 1045 hardened steel. The effects of rake angle on cutting
machine by their respective conveyors & then the overall force, saw tooth degree and space between saw teeth
burr from all machines together .To reduce this effort were discussed. The investigation indicates that the
there is scope for designing any kind of system for burr simulation results are consistent with the experiments
management. Electromagnet can also be used to collect
and this finite element simulation method presented can
all burr particles. This system is safe for human damage.
Many of the costs incurred due to deburring come from be used to predict the chip morphology and cutting force
the labor time involved in the process. In certain accurately during high speed machining of hardened
circumstances it is necessary to dismantle assemblies steel. Burrs are one of the most serious obstacles to
after drilling in order to remove any burrs, this precision manufacturing and manufacturing process
significantly increases cycle times. Alternatively, if automation. Burrs are formed in various machining
automated deburring is being used, it requires an extra process as a result of plastic deformation due to
process step leading to increased cycle times and
plasticity during mechanical manufacturing process and
increased cost. For applications that require exceptional
precision and cleanliness, any displaced metal can cause have been defined as undesirable projections of material
critical and potentially hazardous situations. Future beyond the edge of a work piece. Recently, the trends of
work can be made by using different techniques, machined parts move towards more miniaturization and
different size of motor, various size of magnet and precision, burrs cause many problems during inspection,
alignment of total structure of system. assembly, and manufacturing automation of precision
Keywords- Electromagnet, V-Grooved Pulleys, Nylon components. Burrs have to be removed by a debarring
Rope, Frame, Motor, Condenser, Wiring, Switches. process for functional and aesthetic reasons after the part
is machined. However, debarring processes are usually
not very precise and may decrease the precision of the
INTRODUCTION machined parts, damage surface finish, and produce
residual stresses in the component. Moreover, adding a
As an advanced manufacturing technology which has debarring process means extra cost, extra manufacturing
time, and an extra machining station. Gillespie found
been developed rapidly in recent years, high speed
that on precision components, debarring operations can
machining is widely applied in many industries. The
account for as much as 30% of the total part cost. Since
chip formation during high speed machining is a
burr generation in cutting cannot be avoided completely,
complicated material deformation and removing process.
it is very important to find a solution for minimizing the
In research area of high speed machining, the prediction
burr formation or more effective debarring method. It is
of chip morphology is a hot and difficult topic. A finite
also necessary to understand the burr formation
element method based on the software ABAOUS which
mechanism and the relationship between the parameters
Impact Factor Value 4.046 e-ISSN: 2456-3463
International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science, Vol. 3, No.5, 2018
involved in the machining operation and burr formation.
A thorough analysis of mechanism of burr formation
may improve the quality of the machined parts greatly
and thus be critical. A great deal of research has focused
on the development of more efficient debarring
techniques to reduce the cost of debarring. In contrast,
only a few studies have been carried out on the
mechanisms of burr formation and the influence of
cutting parameters to assist in the reduction of burrs and
the production of burr-free components. Gillespie
identified the machining burrs into four specific types
based on the mechanism of their formation: Poisson
burr, rollover burr, tear burr, and cutoff burr.

Fig- Electromagnets

Electromagnet is one of the world’s most technologically

sophisticated industries & is often viewed as a research
test bed to stimulate innovation in areas of interest to the
manufacturing / automotive industry. A soft-iron core
that is magnetized by passing a current through a coil of
wire wound on the core. Electromagnets are used to lift
heavy masses of magnetic material and to attract
movable magnetic parts of electric devices, such as
solenoids, relays, and clutches. The difference between
cores of an electromagnet and a permanent magnet is in
Fig- Metal Cutting the retentively of the material used. Permanent magnets,
initially magnetized by placing them in a coil through
In order to clarify the effects of tool and work piece which current is passed, are made of retentive
geometry on burr formation, it is desirable to simulate, (magnetically “hard”) materials which maintain the
as closely as possible, these types of stress fields along magnetic properties for a long period of time after being
the work piece edge for various tool and work piece removed from the coil. Electromagnets are meant to be
geometry combinations. Co and Downfield proposed a devices in which the magnetism in the cores can be
quantitative model of burr formation for ductile turned on or off. Therefore, the core material is no
materials in orthogonal machining. Later, Co and retentive (magnetically “soft”) material which maintains
Downfield proposed a new model that caters for both the magnetic properties only while current flows in the
ductile and brittle materials in orthogonal cutting. Chern coil.
extended Ko and Cornfield’s model of burr formation
with more realistic machining operations and cutting CONSTRUCTION OF MODEL
conditions. According to his observation, four different
types of burrs—knife-edge, curl, wave, and secondary
burr—were formed with variations in depth of cut and
in-plane exit angle. The manufacturing processes
efficiently and smoothly, especially in today is
unmanned machining systems. In machining short
broken chips are desired because unexpected long chip
may damage the finished work piece Surface may cause
the inserts broken, or even hurt the operator.

Burr Removal with the help of Electromagnet (Model

Based Project)

Impact Factor Value 4.046 e-ISSN: 2456-3463
International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science, Vol. 3, No.5, 2018
without slipping of belts. In mechanism the intermitted
rod do not rotate with it’s own axis it is stable only it is
vertical and reciprocates horizontally. The mechanical
power produced by prime over is used to drive various
machines in the industries. A transmission system is
the mechanism with deals transmission of the power
and motion from prime mover to shaft or from one
shaft to another shaft. The rotary motion of the one
pulley is transmitted to the operative working or
auxiliary motion. When the motion is rotary the
transmission takes place through mechanism that
Fig Experimental Setup transfer rotary motion from one shaft one shaft to
another. The right side rod is rotated by motor and by
We have innovated a new method of automatic burr pulley transmission left side is rotated and by both left
removal using a electromagnet as a working factor. The and right side rotated and by both left and right side
operation is trouble free due to better construction rod provide intermitted motion to middle rod which is
material of the component and their metallurgical on machine.
control. The plan requires less space for installation, ADVANTAGES
manufacturing and designing of suitable machining for
it’s appliances. The Automatic burr remover should be  Plants and components produced and installed by
such that it’s operation should be simple it’s should work A- D are usable in all metal-cutting plants.
with minimum economic input with it’s low depreciation  Their infinite flexibility and the extremely little
cost. In our project, first we took a inside crane which is space required for the whole pipe system provide
utilized in the industries on production line. on that a safe, fast and clean method of chip disposal.
board we have constructed a whole mechanism laterally
we constructed a whole mechanism. On both lateral side  The small dimensions of the pipe system allow
the chip disposal to be used in any desired area.
of machine we fixed a rotary rods. These rods have
In the machine standstills, pollution of the
pulley which rotates with it’s own axis. Another working areas and danger of injury through the
movement is the suitable diameter rods on which we chips can be avoided.
tight ally mount electromagnet as per our requirement.
This has led to new set of goal for this new kind of  No trolleys or other transportation vehicles are
project course one of the important goals remains this necessary. Moreover, inflexible and fixed
conveyors or scrapers, fitted in the floor, no
development of usual facts but it is no longer the major
one more important i.e. on increased understanding at DISADVANTAGES
the principals understanding intelligent behaviours . A
typing starting is modelling of some aspects of system.  High voltage electric supply is required. This
A set of design principles as a theoretical frame work for machine is not shock proof .
understanding intelligence scheme desirable for number  Electric fluctuations can also damage the system
of reasons first at least at the movement there do not  One part damage can stopes the whole system
seen to any real alternatives. In our project transmission
is the more important part and it is necessary is to work APPLICATIONS
noisy. Relative motion is produces by motor. Now we 
introduce and attachment for machine to overcome said In lathe machine industries.
errors in convention machines. Here we have tried to 
In automobile industries
implement pulley transmission which gives higher 
accuracy. In metal cutting industry.
The basic principle that has to be taken into account for 
In surface finishing
the attachment on machine is the conversions of rotary
motion into intermitted motion. The pulley ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
transmission gives higher accuracy. In this two rods are
We wish to express ours profound gratitude &
attached laterally and rods axis are parallel to each
indebtedness to Prof. R.S.GORDE. Department of
other. Because of this our machine gives high efficient
Mechanical Engineering Jayawantrao Sawant
work and easy to transfer motion between pulley
Impact Factor Value 4.046 e-ISSN: 2456-3463
International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science, Vol. 3, No.5, 2018
Polytechnic, Hadapsar, Pune 411028 for introducing the
present topic & for his inspiring guidance, constructive
criticism & valuable suggestion throughout this work.
We acknowledge with due courtesy the helping hand of
Prof.K.H.RAUT as Project co-ordinator, & Dr. S.M.
Deokar , Principal of Jayawantrao Sawant Polytechnic,
Hadapsar, Pune 411028 .


Manual Burr handling is totally eliminated .The

Automation concept allows great flexibility regarding
amendments and re-arrangements. Reduction in
manufacturing cycle time which results into high
productivity rate. Tool wear reduces due to continuous
burr removal procedure, as a result of this high
machining accuracy is obtained. Henceforth we get high
quality products. Fast and Safe Chip removal is achieved
by installing Automated system over conventional.


1. “General Deburring Manual,” ABB, Sweden,1990.

2. N.S.Seo,“Modern Manufacturing
Process”,Domgymyugsa Korea 2002.

3. P. F. Ostwald, and J. Munoz,“Manufacturing

Processes and Systems,”John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
New York, 1997.

4. S.Kalpakjian, “Manufacturing Engineering and

Technology,” Addison Wesley Publishing
Company, Inc., Reading, MA,

5. J.J.Craig,”Introduction to Robotics, Mechanics and

control,”Addision Wesley publishing Ltd.


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