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Soumya Seminar Report

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This is to certify that the seminar report entitled "DEVELOPMENT IN THE
METAL MATRIX COMPOSITES" by Soumya Ranjan Panigrahi of B.Tech,
8th semester, Mechanical Engineering of academic year 2015-2016 in partial
fulfillment of requirement for the award of Degree of Bachelor of Technology in
Mechanical Engineering, Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang, under
BPUT, Rourkela, is submitted under my guidance.

Dr. A. Mishra
Head of the Department

Mr. Anant Kumar Das

Guided by

I avail this opportunity to express my hereby indebtedness, deep gratitude and
sincere thanks to my supervisor Mr. Anant Kumar Das, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, for his depth supervision and guidance, constant encouragement and
co-operative attitude for helping me bring out this seminar paper.
I am extremely thankful to our department which gave me the opportunity to
prepare a seminar on this topic and present it. I would also thank Dr.Antaryami
Mishra, the Head of the Department, Mechanical Engineering, for giving me a
suitable date to speak on.

Finally I extend my sincere thanks to all those who have helped me during my
seminar work and have been involved directly or indirectly in my endeavor.

Soumya Ranjan Panigrahi

Regd No: 1201105224
Roll No: 31333
8th Semester

The non-traditional machining of particulate reinforced metal matrix composites is
relatively new. However, researchers seem to pay more attention in this field
recently as the traditional machining of particulate reinforced metal matrix
composites is very complex. This research investigates different nontraditional
machining, such as electro-discharge, laser beam, abrasive water jet, electrochemical and electro-chemical discharge machining of this composite materials.
The machining mechanism, material removal rate/machining speed and surface
finish have been analysed for every machining process. This analysis clearly shows
that vaporisation, melting, chemical dissolution and mechanical erosion are the
main material removal mechanisms during non-traditional machining. The thermal
degradation and the presence of reinforcement particles mainly damage the
machined surface. The understanding of electro discharge, laser beam and abrasive
water jet machining is more developed than that of electro-chemical and electrochemical discharge machining for particulate reinforced MMC.




Machining processes remove unwanted material from a bulk workpiece

and introduce the shape of the final product. In traditional machining, the
unwanted material is separated as chips by plastic deformation due to
application of force by sharp cutting tools. The use of traditional
machinery to machine metal matrix composite causes serious tool wear
due to the abrasive nature of reinforcing particles which shortens the tool
life.In addition, the worse surface finish due to toolparticlemachined
surface interactions in conventional machining significantly hinders the
use of MMCs . Electronic-grade MMCs of high reinforcement content are
nearly impossible to machine by conventional methods. Thus nonconventional techniques, including electro-discharge, laser-beam, electrochemical and abrasive water jet machining, have also been applied to
these materials .However, research in machining of MMCs in traditional
ways has been given higher importance over non-traditional machining
for the last few decades. Thus, there is little advancement in the
understanding of non-traditional machining of MMCs. There are some
studies in the field of non-traditional machining of MMCs that produce
interesting results as well. Different non-traditional machining methods of
MMCs have their own advantages and drawbacks although these have
higher potential over the tradition methods as the overall understanding
on the suitability of these methods for MMC is relatively low. A clear
understanding of these non-traditional methods for MMCs is necessary
before being applied in the practical fields. This paper investigates the
suitability of different non-traditional methods for machining MMCs by
studying the machining mechanism, tool wear, surface finish, and

machining speed based on information available in the literature. This

will link all the understanding achieved by different researchers and,
scientifically and systematically analyse those to give a detailed picture
of machining MMC by non-traditional processes. Every non-traditional
machining below has been analysed based on the (a) material removal
mechanism, (b) cutting speed/ material removal rate, (c) surface finish
and dimensional accuracy and other parameters important for any specific
method. All the parameters considered in this study are important
scientifically, economically, and for assessing the latest developments,
performance and efficiency of the considered non-traditional machining
methods. The material removal mechanism describes the up to date
understanding of the specified methods and reveals whether there are any
underlying problems related to those methods. The cutting speed/material
removal rate is very much related to how quickly a method can perform a
given task. The cutting speed indicates the efficiency of the method as
well as the suitability for any specific need. The surface finish and
dimensional accuracy is a measure of performance of any method. If any
method gives bad surface and dimensional accuracy compared to other
methods at similar machining conditions, then the performance of the first
method is worse than that of other methods. Thus, the method needs to be
fixed and more research is required to improve it. Having said the above,
this paper provides the contribution of many research works, advancement
of the process understanding,



Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is one of the most extensively used

non-conventional material removal processes where electrical discharge is
used to machine electrically conductive parts regardless of hardness. The
electric discharge generates high thermal energy which removes material
by erosion. EDM process takes place in a dielectric fluid where the tool is
one electrode in the shape of the cavity to be produced and the workpiece
to be machined is the other electrode. The tool is then feed toward the
workpiece in a controlled path to produce the shape of electrode or its
movement. The electrode and the workpiece do not make direct contact
during the EDM process. Therefore, this process eliminates issues related
to chatter and vibration.
During EDM the tool is connected to the negative terminal of a pulsating
DC power supply and the workpiece is connected to the positive terminal
of the same source where pulsating direct current supply occurs at the rate
of approximately 20,00030,000 Hz. The tool is gradually brought close to
the workpiece. When the distance between tool and workpiece reaches a
certain value, the electricity starts to flow through the electrolyte from the
tool to the workpiece and generates sparks. At this stage the thermal energy
generates a channel of plasma between the tool and the workpiece where
the temperature can be as high as 20,000C. This temperature is high
enough to melt and vaporize the workpiece material, and make tiny craters.
It also causes tool wear. Thus the distance between tool and workpiece
increases and the tool moves further to maintain a certain amount of gap
facilitating electric spark. This process of melting and evaporating material
from the workpiece surface is very dissimilar to that of conventional
machining processes where chips are produced. When the plasma channel
breaks down and turns off, the temperature reduces suddenly which allows
dielectric fluid to circulate and implore the plasma channel, and flush the
molten material from the pole surfaces in the form of microscopic debris. A
typical material removal rate by this method is in the range of 10 -6 10 -4
mm3 per discharge. The EDM process can be divided into two types, such

as die-sinking and wire. The shape of the die is machined into workpiece
by feeding the die into workpiece in the die-sinking EDM. On the other
hand, in wire electro-discharge machining (WEDM) a thin wire is used as
the tool electrode [1,7]. The size of the cut is always bigger than the size of
the tool or wire in EDM. This is known as overcut, which is constrained by
the minimum distance (between electrodes) necessary for spark. As the
material removal in this process takes place through melting and
vaporisation, a recast layer of workpiece material on the surface and a heat
affected zone below the surface of the workpiece are generated.

Generally, the EDM characteristics of MMCs are similar to those

occurring in a monolithic material. However, the presence of
reinforcement particles makes the process slower and introduces
additional complexity. This is because of the decrease in thermal and
electrical conductivity of MMCs caused by the nonconductive and high
melting point reinforcements. Material removal rate is generally higher at
the beginning of machining but slows down due to the entrapment of
reinforcement particles into the spark gap. The interactions between wire
and reinforced particles during EDM of MMCs make it different to the
EDM of monolithic metals. There might be three kinds of situations, such
as (i) the particle is completely inside the slit width (PCSW), (ii) the

particle is partly in solid material and partly inside the projection of wire
diameter (PPWD) (iii) the particle is partly in solid material and partly in
melted material (PPMM).
Electrode with higher melting temperature has better wear resistance
during EDM. For example, the wear rate of brass is greater than copper
due to the higher melting temperature of copper. Tool wear rate on the
negatively connected electrode is less than the positively connected
electrode irrespective of the electrode material and the volume percentage
of reinforcements. A rotary electrode increases material removal rate,
decreases electrode wear and improves surface finish compared to a
stationary electrode [33,34]. While performing WEDM on 6061Al alloys,
10 vol% Al2O3p/6061Al composite and 20 vol% Al2O3p/ 6061Al
composite Yan et al noted that the wire tends to break near the middle of
the machined surface for all the materials, when a lower discharge energy
(current 20 A, pulseon time 3.5ms) was applied. But this location of wire
break changed when the discharge energy (current 22 A, pulse-on time
3.8ms) increased. In this case wires break below the middle, at the middle
and above the middle of 6061Al alloy and, 10 vol% Al2O3p/ 6061Al and
20 vol% Al2O3p/6061Al composite machined surfaces.


Similar to EDM, laser beam machining (LBM) is also one of the most
widely used thermal energy based non-contact type advance machining
processes. However, the application of LBM is not only limited to
conductive materials, but can be applied for almost a whole range of
materials. Electrolyte, electrodes, high voltage, electric spark, etc. do not
exist in this case. But laser beam is focussed for melting and vaporising
the unwanted material from the parent material.It is suitable for producing
geometrically complex profile and making miniature holes in the sheet
metal. Laser-beam machining has the ability to produce as low as 0.25 mm

width of the cut opening (kerf width). The effectiveness of the LBM
process of any material depends mainly on the thermal properties and
partially on the optical properties rather than on the mechanical properties
of that material. Therefore, materials with favourable thermal properties,
such as low thermal diffusivity and conductivity, regardless of brittleness
or hardness, are particularly well suited for laser machining. The heat
energy transfers from the laser to the material through irradiation in this
process. Thus, cutting forces, mechanically induced material damage, tool
wear and machine vibration are absent. The laser beam can be used for
drilling, cutting, grooving, welding and heat treating processes on a single
machine when attached with a multi-axis workpiece positioning system Of
robot.CO2and Nd:YAG lasers are the most established among many types
of lasers used for machining in industries.
3.1: MACHINING MECHANISM:The stages during LBM are (i) melt, vaporise and chemical degrade, (ii)
remove transformed material and (iii) cool down. Initially the high energy
density laser beam is focussed on work surface and thermal energy
transfers from the laser beam to the workpiece material. This thermal
energy absorbed by the workpiece heats and transforms the work volume
into a molten, vaporised or chemically changed state. Then a high-pressure
inert gas jet is used to prevent oxidation and remove the transformed
material from the machining zone. The melted materials that are not
removed cool down, solidify and form the machined surface. Generally the
diameter of a laser beam (E0.25 mm) is much bigger than that of the
reinforcements (115mm) in commonly used MMCs. A typical LBM
process of MMC. Unlike the EDM process, the reinforcement particles
melt during LBM and substantial changes take place in the microstructure
of MMC. In this case the laser beam focused on the top of the workpiece
surface or little bit below the top surface . Thus the workpiece material
starts to melt, vaporise and degrade from the top and continues towards
the bottom. The high-pressure gas jet forces the transformed material
towards the bottom and causes downward flow of the molten material

during cutting. These cause striation pattern on the machined surface as

well as dross attachment at the bottom of the machined surfaces as shown
in . The formation of the striation is a complex issue which depends on the
side way burning as well as machining conditions.
Cutting speed during LBM is an input parameter. However, the higher the
cutting speeds, the smaller the depth of cut. At a given power level of laser
beam, higher speeds mean that a lower amount of energy is available to
remove the material in the cut zone. Hence, the depth and width of the kerf
decrease with an increase in cutting speed. At a higher cutting speed the
machined surface is very rough and straddled with striations due to the
unsteady motion of the molten layer or intermittent plasma blockage. High
volume of SiC content 6061Al MMC can be successfully laser cut to
achieve a smooth cutting surface and a narrow heat affected zone at
moderate cutting speeds with argon shielding gas.


The impact of solid particles is the basic event in the material removal by
abrasive water jet machining where a jet of high pressure and velocity,
water and abrasive slurry is used to cut the target material by means of
erosion. Though the abrasive water jet (AWJ) technology can be used for
almost every material, it has received considerable attention in the
machining of difficult to machine and thermally sensitive materials.
Machining with an AWJ can be applied for turning, milling and drilling.
In comparison to thermal machining processes (laser, EDM), AWJ does not
induce high temperatures and as a consequence there is no thermally
affected zone. The material removal in this process occurs generally by
cutting the material rather than deformation wear. It has omni directional
cutting capability and can be considered to be a very fast machining
process for MMCs as high feed rates are possible in this process.
However, with AWJ it is very difficult to produce a workpiece with high
geometric accuracy.


It is already mentioned that small abrasive particles with water take part in
removing material in AWJ machining. In this case the small abrasive
particles act as cutting tools during machining. Most researchers used 80mesh abrasive particles which are around 177mm in diameter. The ceramic
particles in the MMCs resist the deformation and wear of MMC. When the
cutting tool for MMC has a size comparable to that of reinforcement
particles, then the machining mechanism becomes completely different
from that of conventional machining. In that case, it is natural that the
matrix material will be removed point by point more easily than that of
reinforced particles as the reinforced particles are harder than the matrix
material. However, the mechanism of material removal highly depends on
the size of abrasive particles relative to that of reinforced particles. The
typical nozzle diameter of jet is more than 1 mm which is much bigger
than that of reinforced particle.

Fig 2:-Typical abrasive water jet machining a) reinforcements

smaller than abrasives b) reinforcements bigger than abrasives
Three scenarios can be considered to explain the machining mechanism of
MMC, such as (i) reinforcement particles in MMC are much smaller than
abrasive particles in the water jet, (ii) reinforcement particles in MMC are

very similar in size compared to the abrasive particles in the water jet and
(iii) reinforcement particles in MMC are much larger than abrasive
particles in the water jet. In case when the size of abrasive particle is
bigger than the reinforcement particles (as in Fig. 2(a)), an abrasive
particle removes material which includes several reinforcement particles.
In this case, there are chances of fracture and pull out of reinforced
particles when those are partly in the matrix material and partly in the path
of abrasive particles. In this case the effect of reinforcement particles on
the surface finish is negligible compared to the effect of abrasive particles.
With the decrease of the abrasive particle size it becomes unable to
remove a full reinforcement particle at a time when both particles have
similar size. In this situation the abrasive particles push the reinforcements
in the surface and over the surface which cause indentation and ploughing,
respectively. When the abrasive particles are very small, as shown in Fig.
2(b), the capacity to remove material for each abrasive particle is very
less, which is much smaller than the size of reinforcement. Thus, the
abrasive particles remove matrix as well as reinforcement materials
progressively and smooth surfaces are generated.
The cutting speed of water jet machining is also an input parameter. The
time for material removal per unit area decreases with the increase of
speed. Therefore at higher speed lower depth of cut will be achieved. In
addition, surface roughness increases and striations become more visible
at higher cutting speed.


Fig 3:- Effect of cutting speed on the average surface roughness for
different abrasive sizes
Fig.3 shows that the surface roughness obtained in MMC machined by
AWJ increases with the increase of cutting speed. It also shows that the
bigger abrasive particles produce a rougher machined surface. It is
interesting to note that when the particle size increases, the rate of
increase of surface roughness increases with speed.


Fig 4: Effect of cutting speed on the average roughness for different

flow rate of abrasives
Fig.4 shows that the higher flow rate of abrasive gives better surface finish
at higher cutting speed. But a lower flow rate of abrasive gives better
surface finish at lower cutting speed. It seems that an optimum number of
particles need to take part at a time to remove material for obtaining the
best surface finish. The effective number of particles takes part during
machining at a time depending on the cutting speed and abrasive flow rate.
Effective abrasive particles increase with the increase of flow rate and
decrease of cutting speed.

In electrochemical machining (ECM), the material, mainly metal, is
removed by controlled electrochemical dissolution process of a workpiece
where workpiece and tool are anode and cathode, respectively, and those
are separated by an electrolyte. The ECM starts when an electric current is
passed through the electrolyte. At this stage, the anodic workpiece dissolves
locally and the shape of the removed material in the workpiece is
approximately a negative mirror image of that of the tool. The electrolyte is
generally a concentrated salt solution. It is pumped through the machining
gap at high velocity to remove the reaction products and to reduce heat
generation. Machining performance in ECM is controlled by the anodic
behavior of the workpiece material in a given electrolyte. The ECM process
is capable of manufacturing complex shapes as well as miniature parts
regardless of hardness of workpiece material. In addition, there are several
attractive advantages of electrochemical machining such as no burrs, no
stress, a longer tool life, damage-free machined surface, etc. This method
has the capability to manufacture parts for the aerospace,
automotive,defence,medical and electronics industries: for example turbine
blades, engine castings, bearing cages, gears, dies and moulds, artillery
projectiles, surgical implants and micro-machining components.

A voltage is applied while keeping the workpiece and tool at anodic and
cathodic ends, respectively, in an electrolyte solution. Senthil kumar used
copper with a square cross section as tool and fresh NaCl solution as
electrolyte, which was axially fed to the cutting zone through a central hole
of the tool during machining Sic/Al MMC. Other electrolytes such as
potassium nitrate, potassium chloride, sodium nitrate and sodium chloride
can be used for ECM of metal matrix composites. During this process, the
tool is advanced towards the workpiece in a defined path and the required
shape of the workpiece is achieved by using a suitable tool. Hihara used
calomel and aqueous sodium nitrate solution as cathode and electrolyte,
respectively. Dissolution occurred by the electrolytic removal of the matrix
material, while the inert reinforced particles are flushed away by the
electrolyte. Hihara machined the MMC material and achieved tolerances of
approximately 0.05 mm by maintaining small distances of approximately
0.0250.75 mm between the material and the tool. Current density of equal
to or greater than approximately 1 A/cm 2 was applied. The current density
varied depending on the electrochemical machine used. Though current
density in the range of 110 A/cm 2 was used, current density of 2.5 A/cm 2 is
preferred. The cavity generally conforms to the shape of the cathode (i.e.
tool). Electrochemical machining continues until the desired shape of the
MMC material is formed. During electrochemical machining, material
removal rate increases with the increase of the applied voltage, feed,
electrolyte concentration and flow rate. Increased voltage and electrolyte
concentration result in a higher machining current in the interelectrode gap.
Increased feed also increases the current density due to the reduction in
inter-electrode gap. At a higher electrolyte flow rate, ions from the metal to
the solution are more mobile to speed up the chemical reactions, thus
increasing the metal removal rate.


Fig shows that at low voltage and feed rate surface roughness is higher.
This is because of unsteady and non-uniform anodic metal dissolution. At
low current density surface etchings reveal etch pits and preferred grain
boundary is attacked, which cause uneven microstructure and thus leads to
a rougher surface.


Electrochemical discharges spark machining (ECSM) is a hybrid process
which combines the actions of electrical discharge machining (EDM) and
electrochemical machining (ECM)[31]. This method has the capacity to
machine electrically non-conductive materials like glass or some ceramics.
This process is still a laboratory-based method and yet to be applied in
industries. In this case, constant DC voltage or sometimes pulsed voltage is
applied between the tool electrode (cathode) and the counter-electrode
(anode) where both electrodes are dipped into the electrolyte and stay few
centimeters apart typically. The surface area of counter-electrode is
generally much larger than that of tool electrode. Electrochemical

discharges occur if the voltage is higher than a critical value which depends
on the geometry and concentration of the electrolyte. At or above the
critical voltage the production of gas bubble is very high and these coalesce
into a gas film which isolates the tool electrode from the electrolyte. At this
stage the electrical field in this film is very high and generates electrical
discharges across these bubbles but not between electrodes. The heat from
discharges and probably some chemical etching contribute to the eroding of
the workpiece when it is positioned near the electrode. The workpiece is
held at a fixed distance from the anode and brought close to the cathode so
that material removal could take place in the region where sparking occurs.
This is the case when machining on conductive materials. However, MMCs
are conducting materials though non-conductive particles are reinforced
into these materials.
The material is removed by the complex physicalchemical actions where
electro-chemical dissolution (ECD) and electro discharge erosion (EDE)
take place simultaneously. Sodium nitrite (NaNO 3 ) and sodium hydroxide
(NaOH) are two commonly used electrolytes which provide limited
conduction between the tool and the workpiece during machining of MMC.
Fig. 28presents a typical electro-chemical discharge machining of particle
reinforced MMC. In this case, tool and workpiece electrodes act as cathode
and anode, respectively, where a pulsed DC voltage is applied between the
electrodes which lead to the flow of current across the machining gap and
anodic dissolution of the workpiece takes place. The electro-chemical
reactions also take place in the same time and increase the number of
hydrogen bubbles at the cathode surface, which increases the electrical
resistance and voltage between the cathode and the anode. When this
voltage reaches a critical value, the sparks are initiated. Thus, the electric
discharge takes place between the tool and the MMC workpiece. The
performance of ECDM depends on the machined surface, such as the form
of the anodic surface film and the amount of gas evolution.

Fig 5 Typical electrochemical dissolution and electro discharge erosion

during ECDM
Higher current density is noted around the matrixparticle interfaces during
ECDM of particulate MMCs, which becomes prominent when the particle
protrusion is less than 40% beyond which the intensity current density
weakened. The higher current density at the interface boosts the chemical
dissolution of the matrix material and the removal of the reinforced
particles. Thus, ECM not only dissolves the metal phase around the
reinforcement phase but also actively enables sparking for EDM in a larger
spark gap. The larger electrode gap facilitates the removal of the machined
debris in this case. Liuetal revealed that the critical voltage for starting
sparks does not depend on the presence of the reinforcement. The gas
bubbles at the cathode surface may coalesce into a gas film which depends
on electrolyte concentration, temperature and the geometry of the cathode
electrode. A small cathode with a large anode-to-cathode surface ratio
(typically over 100) is used during ECDM of non-conductors.
Research in non-traditional machining of particulate reinforced MMCs is
still developing though it has made good progress in few areas. The

presence of reinforced particles adds additional complexity and makes the

machining process different from that of monolithic matrix material. Most
of the processes have different abilities of removing reinforced particles
and matrix material. Thus there are still deficiencies in understanding the
mechanisms of most of the machining processes. Tool wear, tool breaking
and recast layer are the main problems in electro-discharge machining.
Excessive heating in laser cutting evaporates and melts the matrix material
as well as reinforced particles which also initiate chemical reaction and
change material composition during laser-beam machining. Striation pattern
and dross attachment on the machined surface are common problems in this
case. Materials are removed by mechanical erosion during abrasive water
jet machining. The surface finish of the machined surface depends on the
relative size of reinforced and abrasive particles. Inaccuracy is the main
problem in abrasive jet machining. Electro-chemical and electro-chemical
discharge machining are the least known processes for machining
particulate reinforced metal matrix composite. Matrix materials around
inert reinforced particles dissolve chemically and flashed away during
electrochemical machining.It is a slow process and production of hydrogen
gas at the cathode further slows down the process. Electro-chemical
discharge machining is a hybrid process which combines the effects of
electro-chemical machining and electro-discharge machining. It is quite a
fast process but the surface finish is comparatively bad. It seems that indepth investigations in unconventional machining may bring about
promising results in processing of MMCs as these processes have some
mentionable advantages over conventional machining processes.
1. S.Abrate, D.Walton, Machining of composite materials. Part II: nontraditional methods, Compos. Manuf. 3 (2) (1992) 8594.
2. B. Bhattacharyya, J. Munda, et al., Advancement in electrochemical
micromachining, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf. 44 (15) (2004) 15771589


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