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Aspects of Building Design Management

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The document discusses various aspects of design management including international projects, contractor perspectives, strategic design and more.

The document covers international design management projects, contractor perspectives on design, strategic design in industrial contexts, trade contractor information production and more.

The first paper discusses challenges of cultural differences within international teams, coordination and management of information, implications of design changes and late decisions, and cultural norms posing management challenges.

Architectural Engineering and Design Management


GUEST EDITOR Stephen Emmitt

prelims 6/13/07 11:29 AM Page 1


Stephen Emmitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

International Building Design Management and Project Performance:

Case Study in São Paulo, Brazil
Leonardo Grilo, Sílvio Melhado, Sérgio Alfredo Rosa Silva, Peter Edwards
and Cliff Hardcastle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Design Management from a Contractor’s Perspective: The Need for Clarity

Patricia Tzortzopoulos and Rachel Cooper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Forming Core Elements for Strategic Design Management: How to Define and Direct
Architectural Value in an Industrialized Context
Anne Beim and Kasper Vibæk Jensen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Modelling Trade Contractor Information Production

Colin Gray and Salam Al-Bizri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Rules of Engagement: Testing the Attributes of Distant Outsourcing Marriages

Paolo Tombesi, Bharat Dave, Blair Gardiner and Peter Scriver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Building Stories Revisited: Unlocking the Knowledge Capital of Architectural Practice

Ann Heylighen, W. Mike Martin and Humberto Cavallin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Book reviews
Stephen Emmitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Editorial 6/13/07 10:13 AM Page 3


Stephen Emmitt

This special edition of Architectural Engineering and point to the need for better management of the
Design Management takes part of the journal’s title, interfaces between project participants.
design management, as the theme. The papers In the second paper, Tzortzopoulos and Cooper
published here were originally submitted to a investigate design management from the perspective
conference held at the Technical University of of contractors working in the UK. With contractors
Denmark, organized by the CIB’s working group assuming and taking managerial responsibility for the
W096 Architectural Management. A select number of design process in the majority of projects in the UK,
authors were subsequently asked to revise and the issues of roles, responsibilities and control of
extend their papers for inclusion in this special design value have taken on increased importance.
edition. Papers were selected to give a broad view of Two case studies help to identify some confusion
design management and the variations in approach over the term design management and the lack of
and style are indicative of the authors’ backgrounds clarity regarding the design management role in
and approach to their subject area. The work reported practice. The paper raises an important issue about
also has an international flavour with contributors who is best qualified to manage design, and judging
representing Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, from the case study findings it would appear that
England, Puerto Rico, Scotland and the US. It is there is considerable scope for improvement in
hoped that in taking such a multi-faceted approach, contracting organizations. Of practical help is the
the papers will stimulate debate and further research identification of skills necessary for effective design
into this rapidly growing field. managers. The authors conclude with a plea for
In the first paper, Grilo et al provide a useful greater clarity of stakeholders’ roles in design
insight into design management and the performance management with a view to achieving effective
of construction projects from an international processes and best value.
perspective. The case study from São Paulo, Brazil, Defining and directing architectural value within
helps to highlight the cultural differences within industrialized buildings in Denmark forms the thrust of
international design and project teams and the the paper by Beim and Vibæk Jensen. This
challenges arising from such temporal configurations. philosophical, yet pragmatic, attention to core
Coordination and management of information elements of strategic design management helps to
features strongly, as does the implication of design outline an approach for achieving architectural quality
changes and late decision making. Cultural norms within an industrialized context. The authors are
and socio-technical differences pose significant specific in their aim: to help architectural offices
management challenges to such working identify the characteristics and specific working
arrangements. Indeed, the clearest result from the methods for industrialized architecture, although the
case study is the need for participants to understand paper does have a wider application. Case studies and
the roles and responsibilities of other stakeholders examples drawn from interviews with architects help
through appropriate communication. All of which to add some colour to their theoretical model. Similarly,


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4 Editorial

testing the model in architectural education and involved in such relationships. The complex socio-
reflecting on the results adds further to the authors’ technical characteristics of architectural practices and
argument. This is a paper about empowering the the need for clear criteria and protocols when
architect and helping to improve architectural quality. outsourcing work are emphasized. The experience of
In the fourth paper, Gray and Al-Bizri attempt to the research project to date has shown that distant
model the not inconsiderable amount of information collaboration changes significantly with the
production by trade contractors in the UK. The documentation requirements of the firms involved.
authors have focused on an area of engineering Thus, it is crucial that the purpose of the work is
design/design management largely overlooked by clearly defined and the structure of the professional
researchers to date, despite its importance to the collaboration designed with the same care as that
materialization of buildings. By concentrating on the given to the building.
role of trade contractors, the authors propose a A common feature of the papers is the issue of
generic sequence of design activities for construction knowledge and information transfer. In the final paper,
elements, which recognizes project specific Heylighen et al tackle knowledge capital in
requirements and interactions with other components. architectural education. This work draws heavily on
The design of a precast concrete cladding panel the experience of the authors at the University of
provides a worked example. In addition to exploring California – Berkeley, and posits a good argument for
the complexity of the detailed design phase, the storytelling as a precursor to good design and its
authors conclude by arguing for a knowledge base for management. In addition to providing useful
all technologies to guide the user to the most reflection on their educational programme, the
appropriate solution. Presumably such an approach authors aim to create a discussion forum for dialogue
would also help to make the management of this about how knowledge is generated and disseminated
phase in the life of a design project more effective, in architecture. Largely implicit in this paper is the
thus helping to reduce uncertainty and associated relationship between storytelling and effective design
waste during the realization phase. management, especially through the ability to
Continuing the theme of information production develop relationships in collaborative arrangements.
and documentation, Tombesi et al report on the digital Hopefully, this is an area for further research.
outsourcing of architectural services from an Explicit and implicit in the papers is the issue of
Australian perspective. This paper clearly identifies how actors work, or at least attempt to work,
the challenges for researchers and practitioners in together. Collectively, the papers help to emphasize
presenting a balanced view of the opportunities the softer side of design management and the inter-
and perils inherent in digital outsourcing and the relationships between people, technologies and
creation of distant alliances. This paper is management. Continuing the design management
interesting in that it does not concentrate solely theme, two books are reviewed that deal with related
on information communication technologies; more factors. The first deals with partnering and integrated
importantly, it addresses the socio-technical teamworking, the second with the integration of value
characteristics and cultural routines of the firms and risk management.


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International Building Design

Management and Project Performance:
Case Study in São Paulo, Brazil
Leonardo Grilo, Sílvio Melhado, Sérgio Alfredo Rosa Silva, Peter Edwards
and Cliff Hardcastle

The decline in construction demand in developed countries has led to the search for business opportunities
overseas and the entry of foreign companies into emerging markets. Recent advances in information and
communication technologies have also favoured the procurement of architecture, engineering and
construction services on a global basis, and have led to the establishment of international design teams. The
employment of foreign design firms for complex building projects in developing countries can promote
benefits such as technology transfer and innovative architectural and engineering design solutions. However,
it can also bring about additional risks that, if not recognized early in the procurement process, can create
difficulties during the design and construction stages. International design teams may exacerbate traditional
communication problems as a result of differences in language, managerial style, organizational and
individual culture, lack of personal contacts and poor adoption of communication technologies. This paper
explores the technological, managerial, organizational and cultural barriers that may arise from the
employment of foreign design offices for complex building projects in developing countries. Analysis of a
case study in São Paulo suggests that the engagement of foreign consultants requires careful planning,
innovative managerial approaches, attention to behavioural issues, appropriate communication and
information technologies, sensible choice of procurement routes, and mutual understanding of stakeholders’
roles and responsibilities.

■ Keywords – Building design; construction; contracts; for development, with about 30,000 residential units
globalization; project management; quality built annually just in the metropolitan area of São
Paulo city (Conjuntura da Construção, 2005).
ECONOMIC SCENARIO AND In the 1970s, foreign investment brought about
CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY IN BRAZIL significant growth rates in Brazil, which led to the
With a population close to 186 million people, a gross implementation of large infrastructure projects and
domestic product (GDP) around US$1.492 trillion and the development of a competitive heavy construction
a GDP per capita of US$8100 (CIA, 2005), Brazil has industry. However, public expenditure and growth
the largest domestic market in Latin America. Located rates were severely constrained after a shortage of
in the south east of the country, São Paulo is Brazil’s foreign investment in the 1980s. Monthly inflation
most important city, and is the third largest in the rates of up to 80% discouraged measures to improve
world in terms of population, behind Tokyo and efficiency owing to the attractiveness of financial
Mexico City. With regard to the Brazilian construction operations. Low productivity, lack of quality and
industry, São Paulo is also the most significant state high material wastage contributed to create


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a negative image of the construction industry, globalization and stressed the importance of initiatives
according to public opinion. aimed at reducing barriers to entry for Brazilian design
In the past decade, globalization, market practices in other countries, such as diploma validation
openness, privatization of state-owned enterprises, requirements, excessive taxation and the need to set
monetary stability, fiscal constraint and shortages in up a branch with a local company in order to gain access
public expenditure, changes in the procurement law, to these markets.
decline in profit margins and increasing customer Despite recent improvements, the construction
consciousness have all contributed towards industry is still considered as backward compared
reshaping the profile of the construction industry. with other industries. Frequently, construction
Some sectors responded promptly and established methods are poorly chosen, workers are not properly
extensive measures to address the inefficiencies that trained and on-site supervision and project
traditionally plagued the industry. management are lax. Extensive waste, informality and
Government-driven policies, such as the Brazilian project time and cost overruns are recurrent. The
Quality and Productivity Program (PBQP-Habitat), Brazilian construction industry also lacks consistent
inspired in the Housing Quality Program of São Paulo industrial policies, since its activity level is often
State (QUALIHAB), enforced the gradual implementation erratic and driven by political motivations, such as
of quality management systems as a requirement for absorbing non-skilled workers. In its annual report on
construction and design firms to take part in public the construction industry, for example, the Brazilian
bids. According to the Brazilian Technical Standard Institute of Geography and Statistics highlights that
Association, about 280 construction firms and 160 the informal sector was responsible for 63% of the
design and project management offices were value added by the construction sector in 2003 (IBGE,
compliant with ISO quality management system 2003; Zaidan, 2005).
standards and about 1550 contractors were compliant The Brazilian industry is dependent on
with PBQP-Habitat’s requirements in the four levels of government programmes such as low-income
exigency (D, C, B and A) up to February 2003 (ABNT, housing, infrastructure and other civil works. The high
2003). These figures clearly illustrate the increased cost of capital, credit scarcity, public expenditure
use of quality systems in the Brazilian construction shortages, political turbulence and economic shocks
industry. However, despite improvements achieved have recently affected the performance of the sector,
in some segments, advances across sectors and despite a national housing shortfall in excess of
different regions of the country remain heterogeneous. 7.2 million units (Fundação João Pinheiro, 2005;
Foreign companies are present in various Garcia et al, 2005). The construction industry
segments of the Brazilian construction industry. The experienced outstanding progress in the 1990s.
decline in construction demand in developed countries However, the inconsistent economic growth in recent
tends to enhance the search for opportunities on an years may affect long-term initiatives working
international basis and the entry of foreign competitors towards the improvement of the performance of the
into developing markets. In Brazil, the entry of foreign Brazilian construction industry.
organizations has exposed the technical and
commercial weaknesses of local firms. In addition, the POTENTIAL BARRIERS FOR BUILDING
lack of mutual agreements to regulate the trade of DESIGN MANAGEMENT
building design services between countries has In no other important industry is the design
enhanced these limitations. Musa (1996) listed some responsibility so detached from the production
relative weaknesses of local architectural offices in responsibility as it is in construction (Banwell, 1964).
comparison with foreign firms, such as lack of Harvey (1971) criticized the separation between
responsiveness and flexibility, difficult relationships designers and contractors in England. Contractors are
with technical designers and reduced involvement of often excluded from the design process, while
clients in the decision-making process. Musa designers are expected to undertake responsibility for
suggested some measures to reduce the impact of elements of the construction that they do not fully


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International Building Design Management and Project Performance 7

understand. The construction industry presents a investment and the likelihood of meeting established
complex responsibility chain and nobody seems goals (Davenport and Smith, 1995). If the client adopts
prepared to satisfy the client (Egan, 1998). Some practices that promote a collaborative environment,
commentators argue that designers could benefit the stakeholders will be encouraged to increase the
from the early involvement of contractors, who, under quality and efficiency of their services in all stages of
traditional procurement systems, are not usually the process (Jawahar-Nessan and Price, 1997).
involved before the bidding process (Pocock et al, Procurement systems can also influence the
1997). project performance and the integration between
Frequently, designers and contractors are working design and construction teams. The selection of
together for the first time on a project. Even if their procurement routes should consider aspects such as
parent companies have collaborated in the past, project type, building complexity, design and
actual team members assigned to a new project will construction schedule and budget, and client
probably be unknown to each other (Groák, 1992). organization and experience (Chan and Chan, 2000).
The fact that project team members do not know Love et al (1998) suggest a range of criteria to
each other in personal and organizational terms is establish client requirements and inform
relevant (Brown, 2001). procurement choices, namely, speed during design
Stakeholders commonly approach projects with and construction, variability, flexibility to design
particular expectations. Although these expectations changes, quality, protection against risks, complexity,
vary according to the project type, clients usually responsibilities, total price and arbitration.
seek time and cost certainty, and quality. Designers
focus on aesthetics, functionality and a minimal use POTENTIAL DIFFICULTIES FOR
of resources. Conversely, contractors expect feasible INTERNATIONAL BUILDING DESIGN
methods, viable schedules and a profit margin TEAMS
commensurate with the level of risk transfer. The Despite recent technological developments,
underlying divergence of objectives can hinder team communication between organizations (or even
building and encourage an adversarial approach. within a single organization) has been identified as
Selected by their reputation, designers will focus on a main driver of failures in construction projects.
quality; whereas contractors, hired by competitive Research carried out by British insurance companies
tendering, tend to concentrate on efficiency and pointed to poor communication and lack of
economy (Bobroff, 1991; Nam and Tatum, 1992; coordination as primary drivers of client dissatisfaction,
Barlow et al, 1997). claims, frustration with unattended items, lack of
Architects have been accused of abandoning their positive relationships and incomplete information
responsibilities within the project team (Weingardt, (Brown, 2001).
1996) and studies point out that they have been Communication and functional issues, which
increasingly replaced by contractors and project involve not only the organizations but also the
managers in the design management role (RIBA, individuals, cannot be ignored. Without an analysis of
1992; Gray and Hughes, 2001), mainly as a result of individual skills, cultures and interests, there will be little
poor communication with clients and deficient cost understanding of roles or respect for leadership
and time management. The Tavistock Institute (1999) structures, which can enhance rivalry and reluctance to
recommends the appointment of architects for the cooperate. Issues such as roles, cultures and
purpose of design integration and of other communication must be addressed if personal skills are
professionals for project management, since the to be optimized on behalf of the team (Brown, 2001).
latter involves duties that are unattractive to In recent years, information and communication
architects and which could thus be neglected if they technologies have evolved rapidly. Providers have
were to undertake a project management role. developed collaborative systems and started to offer
An adequate level of client involvement can services that enable project team members to
demonstrably enhance overall satisfaction with the cooperate in a virtual project environment. Collaborative


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systems can bring about potential benefits, including difficulties for local contractors. Alternatively, clients
reduction of communication failures, savings with can assign Chinese design institutes for the
posting and photocopying, speed, safety, privacy in preparation of detail plans and specifications so as to
data transfer, automatic issue of reports and favour buildability in terms of local practice. Wang
elimination of document control and distribution suggests a hybrid arrangement: the appointment of
procedures (Chinowski and Rojas, 2003). local designers at the outset of the project in order to
However, team members tend to operate in adapt the design to local standards and to minimize
isolation, which inhibits the establishment of trust and the involvement of foreign designers in the detail
the awareness of individual roles. Therefore, project work. It is assumed that this strategy could prove
managers need to reinforce individual roles and equally beneficial in projects that involve foreign
conciliate team members’ expectations throughout design firms in Brazil.
the project. They should also set parameters for
information exchange to reduce the likelihood of CASE STUDY RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
exponential increases in data flow and information The technical scope of a case study can be defined as
overloads. Consequently, remote project teams ‘an empirical investigation that observes a
require leaders who are able to communicate and contemporary phenomenon in a realistic context,
establish relationships (Chinowski and Rojas, 2003). especially when the boundaries between the
In theory, international design teams can phenomenon and the context are not clearly evident’
adversely influence team members’ willingness to (Yin, 1994). Investigations that focus on the linkages
collaborate because of factors such as remoteness, between complex organizations – such as those
impersonal relationships, preconceptions, lack of involved in a construction project – may require the
adequate technologies to support communication adoption of multiple sources of evidence (interviews,
and data transfer, different languages and particular documental analysis) and the consultation of multiple
individual and organizational cultures. On the other units of analysis (designers, contractors and project
hand, foreign offices can bring a lot of advantages, managers) to produce more reliable outcomes. Based
notably technology transfer, innovative design on a broad literature review, a research instrument
concepts and awareness of aesthetic issues. was prepared and tested in an exploratory case study.
Nevertheless, these benefits can be outweighed by The questionnaire comprised open and closed
the potential disadvantages, which should be questions related to the variables:
properly managed to minimize the likelihood and
impact of their occurrence. ● integration: quality of interaction between project
Wang (2000) describes some difficulties in the team members
assignment of foreign designers in Chinese projects: ● procurement system: method for the selection
selection by a ‘competition of ideas’ does not and organization of the project teams for the
consider the size, reputation and capacity of the obtainment of a building by a client
design practice; lack of familiarity with local ● project performance: time and cost certainty,
standards may necessitate late design changes or compliance with client’s objectives, and absence
adjustments to plans and specifications by local of claims.
‘design institutes’; the need for large numbers of
imported components in service engineering; Semi-structured interviews were conducted with
deficient communication techniques; different seven primary players involved in the project
languages; and long distances. consisting of representatives of the construction firm,
Moreover, Wang (2000) highlights the relevance the designers and the project managers. The
of the functional arrangement for the performance of following criteria informed the selection of the project
the design team. The appointment of foreign offices for the case study – the participation of Brazilian
to coordinate the design ensures a broader fidelity leading construction and design firms, and the size,
with the original concept, but tends to create complexity and uniqueness of the project.


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International Building Design Management and Project Performance 9

COORDINATION PROBLEMS WITH different project types in more than 50 countries. The
FOREIGN DESIGN CONSULTANTS ON A service engineering design was developed by a US
COMPLEX BUILDING PROJECT company with branches in different continents. A
With a net floor area of 82,000 m2, the case study project management company from Chicago opened
project creates a distinctive landmark in São Paulo’s a branch in São Paulo especially to advise the client,
landscape. Some innovative characteristics of the whose team encompassed a facilities manager, two
project include: appointment of foreign design architects and a project management team with five
consultants; extensive specification of imported professionals.
components and equipment such as master control The structural design, developed in the US, was
panels, chillers and lifts; modular panellized curtain adapted by an Argentine design practice that had
walls; variable air volume systems for air worked for the Brazilian client on another project in
conditioning; duplicated wiring; and an independent South America. The local design office participated in
power generation system. For the facade, low- the development and coordination of architectural
emissivity glazing controls solar heat gain and visible and urban planning designs. With a markedly
light transmission. An aerogel deposited within the commercial character, it focuses on the leverage of
glazing avoids condensation occurring when internal business opportunities within government bodies,
and external temperatures differ. Some specifications public entities and developers. The organizational
of the project were criticized by the project team, structures for the project and the design team are
such as the reinforcement cover of up to 7 cm and shown in Figure 1.
the 20 different mix designs for the concrete The case demonstrates that the appointment of
structure, with concrete strengths ranging from foreign design offices fosters innovation and
30–60 MPa. The excessive reinforcement cover technological transfer, particularly in architectural and
required the use of water-vapour fans and ice in the engineering design solutions, but can adversely
mixing water to reduce surface concrete cracking. In impact on design management, since a number of
addition, the curtain wall was designed to resist technical, managerial, cultural and economic factors,
typhoons, despite no previous occurrence of such as the development of the local supply chain,
typhoons in the local region. should be realized at an early stage in the briefing
The project adopted the traditional procurement process. In this context, it is argued that international
system (separated design, bid and construct design teams require careful management of
processes) with a guaranteed maximum price (GMP) the work scope for each designer, extensive
contract divided into four stages, in which configuration management, clear authority lines,
construction prices would be gradually reduced. The mutual understanding of roles and responsibilities,
contractor was selected through a closed bid management of interfaces and adequate selection of
followed by a negotiation stage. The selection criteria local partners. The design management may also be
took into account technical, economical and financial influenced by the organization of the design team or
criteria. The successful construction company has the roles and responsibilities assigned to each
operated in the local market for almost 40 years and designer. Some of the difficulties faced by the project
has executed more than 4 million m2 of buildings in team as a result of deficiencies in the design
varying market segments. Certification of the management for the case study project are
company’s quality management system, according to summarized in Table 1 and discussed later.
ISO 9001, was obtained in 1999. The construction
team was composed of production, technical and DEFICIENCIES IN THE SELECTION OF LOCAL
administrative teams, and totalled 18 professionals. AND FOREIGN DESIGN OFFICES
The design concept was developed by US offices The design concept was commended as outstanding
in Chicago and New York, and then adapted by local and innovative, but team members admitted with
architecture and engineering firms. The foreign hindsight that design development should have been
architectural office has accumulated experience in assigned to Brazilian offices from the outset of the


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Building Acoustics

Five Project Technical Lightning Structural

manager Client team director, 2
professionals design design
architects Architecture
& structure
Production, Façade Foundations
14 main design Construction technical support
Design team and administration Architecture
disciplines team
teams (18 Air
professionals) Interior
conditioning design

Multidisciplinary 23 main
Subcontractors Stone
team subcontractors Waterproofing
United States landscaping
Contractual relationships
Functional relationships Brazil

FIGURE 1 Project and design team organizational chart

project, because of their greater familiarity with local which could have endangered the rigidity of the
construction methods and faster decision-making building.
capacity. On the other hand, the local design offices
were considered unsuitable for the project because DIFFICULTIES IN THE USE OF THE FOREIGN
of its technical and managerial complexity. According DESIGNS
to the contract manager: ‘It’s inconceivable that one The assignment of foreign designers to the design
of the largest design offices in São Paulo doesn’t development assured the incorporation of the original
know [about] dry wall. This reflects a wrong selection design intent but raised further difficulties for the
of the partners.’ The design coordination, assigned to design management. In general, US suppliers
a local architectural office, was criticized: ‘When you undertake an essential role in the design detailing.
bring designers together, they do not talk to each Despite their international experience, the foreign
other. The coordination is not done or if it is done, it design consultants assumed that local suppliers
is not done well.’ According to a project manager: would be capable of detailing the shop drawings.
‘Architects are considered efficient when they are However, Brazilian contractors and project managers
able to produce compatible drawings, but they are noticed that the design documents were insufficient
not always good at coordinating the design process.’ to inform local suppliers and subcontractors. This
The structural design was also questioned. omission led to delays while the problem was
According to one architect: ‘An engineer could find rectified and hampered the mutual understanding of
solutions in this project that have been used all over design team members’ roles and responsibilities.
the world. There is no standardization. They possibly A Brazilian architect who worked in the US
used all the solutions available in the concrete books.’ architectural practice was initially assigned to
The design of the concrete structure was considered coordinate the design. Despite the good intention,
conservative due to the implicit lack of familiarity of this proved unfeasible due to the attitude of foreign
US designers with this technology and to the lack of designers, who never made decisions during
trust in the reliability of local contractors. A consultant meetings and were considered technically defensive
hired by the construction firm to review the structural by other project team members. According to the
design found material errors and omissions such as contract manager, ‘as the project was falling behind
beams with only 50% of the required reinforcement, schedule, it wasn’t working. Foreign designers don’t


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International Building Design Management and Project Performance 11

TABLE 1 Deficiencies in the project design process and subsequent impacts on project management
Deficiencies in the design process Impact on project management
Lack of standardization or excessive customization Complex procurement, budgeting, contract management, change
management and document control
Conflicting information in different documents Work overload for the project team, complex procurement and
budgeting, construction errors, rework and material wastage
Lack of information Work overload for the project team, delays in the procurement of
construction subcontracts, complex contract management, cost and
time overruns, insufficient information for procurement purposes
Problems in the information flow and communication structure Different level of information between team members, late
incorporation of design changes in the plans, incompatibility
between information received by team members, heterogeneous
Delay in the incorporation of design changes in plans and Construction errors, complex document control, reviews with out-of-
specifications date information, varying levels of information between team
members, complex contract management with subcontractors,
stress, rework, execution prior to the incorporation of information in
the design
Excessive non-reviewed items in plans and specifications Complex document control on the site, risk of errors in the
execution, demand of excessive follow-up meetings
Excessive design reviews Cost and time overruns, construction errors, work overload for
project team, stress, escalation in printing and photocopying costs,
delays in the distribution of drawings to the site
Multiple stakeholders in the client team Complex decision-making and approval process, excessive design
changes, varying level of information between project team
Excessive design changes in a late stage of the project Complex contract management with subcontractors, difficult design
review, rework, time and cost overruns, work overload for
construction and coordination teams, negotiations with the client,
rescheduling, changes in the budget, stress

overcome contract terms and don’t run unnecessary US company delivered a curtain wall faster than a
risks.’ local factory’.
The specification of imported components posed
difficulties for the construction firm as a result of non- THE POOR QUALITY OF THE BRIEFING
standard dimensions, connections and methods of PROCESS
execution. Moreover, the design concept followed no The architect stressed the importance of an intense
modularization precepts. The contract manager involvement of the client’s organization throughout
pointed out that the ‘modularization of the concrete the briefing process so as to mitigate the risk of late
structure differs from the standards of Brazilian design changes:
curtain wall systems. There are different
modularizations.’ If I could start it all over again, I would start from the
The project also exposed some weaknesses in briefing. Defining a brief is one of the most
the local supply chain. An architect highlighted that ‘a important milestones of a project, but nobody


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seems to care about it. The client should have DEFICIENCIES IN THE CONTROL AND ISSUE
participated more actively. So they came out later OF DESIGN REVIEWS
on with solutions used elsewhere, but which could Ongoing design changes and a lack of criteria for the
not be adopted in this building. issuance of design reviews postponed the definition
of critical items. The contract manager criticized the
The design management was largely affected by designers’ lack of commitment to meeting project
failures in the scope definition and design change milestones: ‘Works on some floors were disrupted as
management. The Brazilian architectural designer we did not know how to progress. The most
stressed the deficiencies in the briefing process: important floors for the client are exactly those where
the design is behind schedule.’ Reviews too often did
The brief should be finished by a given date. Then not solve design errors and omissions, and slowed
this date approached and there were a lot of down the procurement of subcontractors and the
changes. Nobody is to blame. We were unable distribution of drawings to the site. An engineer
to determine [from the brief] exactly what the complained about the design review process: ‘It
client wanted. This is a point that should be seems illogical, because issuing reviews is time-
stressed. consuming, but in some cases we received out-of-
date reviews. Whenever a review is issued, it should
DEFICIENCIES IN COMMUNICATION AND contain up-to-date information.’
INFORMATION FLOWS The contract manager criticized the planning of
Ideally, the design management should define what the reviews: ‘We have drawings with more than 20
type of information is relevant for each team member reviews. Why? It is linked to the lack of planning.’ The
and establish communication lines, information process also exposed the lack of quality control
flows, timetables and formats to transfer, record and procedures: ‘In the rush, designers deliver anything.
distribute the information. The lack of communication Nobody reviews or coordinates. These problems
procedures can lead to managerial problems, such as occur due to the lack of coordination. The drawings
varying levels of information between project teams are simply incompatible.’ The issue of successive
or even within a single team. According to an design reviews hindered the distribution of drawings
engineer: to the site. The drawings were being reviewed so
quickly and so often that the contractor nearly sent
I received information initially and then a drawing out a version that was already obsolete. Decision-
with different information. Then I found that the making in design review meetings was fast, which
designer did not receive the required information meant that drawings frequently could not incorporate
either. Consequently, he issued drawings that the agreed information quickly enough. Therefore,
differed from what was agreed upon earlier. There the construction firm modified its quality control
are three or four client representatives directly procedure so as to enable the receipt of incomplete
involved in the process. So different people deal or ‘under approval’ drawings, which were given partial
with the information and sometimes it does not approval and distributed to the subcontractors
reach all the recipients. I received information from through coordination meetings.
the project manager that differed from that sent by
the client. There are too many people involved, and LACK OF INFORMATION AND DESIGN
not in an organized way. INCOMPATIBILITIES
The lack of information affected the management of
The complexity of the project and the unusual contracts with suppliers and necessitated the
number of participants affected the communication appointment of additional professionals to the
process, which could have been facilitated by construction team. Initially, a reduced team was
collaborative systems and the adoption of agreed assigned to manage the lump sum contracts, which
upon coordination procedures. were soon afterwards replaced by unitary cost


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International Building Design Management and Project Performance 13

agreements because of the lack of information. met in this project. Now they set an unlikely
According to the contract manager: ‘I shouldn’t care schedule. They are going nuts to meet it. But we
about it, but I spend 20–30% of my time trying to sort will succeed and it is going to end up with a big
out the consequences of a poor design. The design is party.
calamitous in this project.’ The construction team
reported design errors and omissions and stressed DIVERGENT INTERESTS AND EXPECTATIONS
the lack of quality control procedures. Design errors BETWEEN PROJECT TEAM MEMBERS
overburdened the construction team and hampered Poor coordination procedures led to difficulties, such
cost estimates. An engineer pointed out that ‘all as different information levels, between the project
technical, procurement and construction problems in teams. An engineer pointed out that three people
this project are related to the lack of information’. A from the client team worked directly in the process.
delay in the choice of stainless steel for the Consequently, she received data both from the
curtain wall postponed the schedule by four months. project manager and the client, leaving room for
The contract manager complained: ‘We are once extensive doubts. Coordination procedures,
more building without a design. The owner wants to implemented and supervised by each team leader,
launch the project, but had he decided to complete should have substantially minimized the emergence
the design earlier, he could have saved time and of different information levels between project
money.’ teams.
The architect emphasized the conflicting interests
DEMAND FOR MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING OF between designers and contractors: ‘This is
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES absolutely normal. We’re acting on the client’s behalf.
The architect criticized the lack of clear authority lines We are protecting the client’s interest in this project;
in the design management. Conversely, members of the contractor is protecting his interests.’ The
the construction and project management teams architect also criticized the architects’ detachment
argued that the coordination role was definitely from the construction and complained about recent
assigned to the architect. However, typical roles of the changes in professional roles, which illustrate the
design manager – such as control, registration, underlying rivalry between architects and engineers,
distribution and issuance of design documents, as well and the reluctance to change:
as quality control and change management – were
undertaken by the construction team, who prepared a Architects are unconsciously relinquishing their
spreadsheet to guide the architect. According to an traditional leadership role, which gives engineers
engineer: ‘I take a look at the drawings to identify the opportunity to enter the market. Engineers are
missing or conflicting data and inform them through not the same anymore. I used to learn with them.
meetings, e-mails or letters. I identify the missing data Now they become bureaucrats who manage the
and require its inclusion in the design.’ contract to meet the schedule, even if they have to
These difficulties were partially caused by a poor destroy their partners. It really is a battle in this
understanding of design team members’ roles and respect.
responsibilities and a lack of recognized leadership.
The dissatisfaction seemed to emerge from DESIGNERS’ DETACHMENT FROM TIME AND
unrealistic expectations, preconceptions and COST MANAGEMENT
conflicting requirements. The team members clearly The contract manager criticized the designers’
presented different understandings of their roles and detachment from cost and time management: ‘It is
responsibilities, as suggested by the architect clear to me. There is a historical detachment of
interviewed: designers from cost management that leads to
construction problems. There is a deadline and I don’t
Someone has already said that deadlines were know what I am supposed to do on some floors. I am
not set to be met. I haven’t seen a single deadline not inventing this whole story.’ Excessive design


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changes and late decision-making affected the type of glass or aluminium. This is not engineering
progress of the project and the relationship between to me, it is something else.
team members. According to an engineer, frequent
design changes required an active contract CONCLUSIONS
management approach by the construction team: The assignment of foreign offices to work on
construction projects in developing countries can
Frequently, the work is already done when a bring about benefits, such as technology transfer and
design change appears. There is rework and a innovative design concepts. On the other hand, it
demand for new cost estimates. We try to identify poses difficulties for the design management as it
the cost as the design is issued and negotiate it may intensify coordination and communication
with the client. Then we have to procure it once problems, and there may be conflicting interests and
again. This demands hands-on contract a lack of mutual understanding of roles and
management. responsibilities among project team members.
Therefore, it can increase project risks to the client,
CONTRACT COULD NOT BE IMPLEMENTED AS induce cost and time overruns, cause excessive
EXPECTED design changes and claims, and have an adverse
The Maximum Guaranteed Price contract was impact on quality.
considered comprehensive and conducive to The assignment of foreign offices can adversely
achieving high performance by all parties. According affect communication and team building due
to the project manager: ‘The contract has a US to different languages, remoteness, impersonal
structure, but is organized and precise, and provides relationships, lack of face-to-face contacts,
solutions for any dispute.’ Despite its strengths, the inadequate communication technologies and cultural
contract was not fully adopted, according to the singularities. In the project case study, foreign
contract manager, because of the lack of definitions designers assumed a defensive technical attitude
in the design: ‘The cost should be reduced as the so as not to incur liabilities for their firms, which
design was developed. We were unable to do it, delayed the decision-making at a critical stage of the
however, as the design was incomplete. We had project.
to raise the price. Thus, we offered no benefits to The involvement of foreign offices in the design
the client.’ According to the project manager, the development stage can warrant fidelity to original
inexperience of the local supply chain affected the concepts and compliance with specified solutions.
contract enforcement: ‘A guaranteed maximum price Nevertheless, differences in the level of information
(GMP) contract is clear for a North-American of construction documents, lack of familiarity of local
contractor. The second price is lower than the first contractors and subcontractors with foreign plans
one. If the design does not change, then the price is and specifications, and complexity in estimating,
reduced. In contrast, a local contractor makes a lot of procuring and installing imported items and
decisions based on assumptions.’ The contractor equipment may arguably affect the design and
disagreed: ‘The first cost estimate was R$130 million, construction management. US construction
because there was only a schematic design. The first documents present a lower level of information in
GMP was R$128 million and the last R$146 million. comparison with Brazilian ones, since subcontractors
Something happened, right?’ He also questioned the and suppliers play an essential role in the
so-called ‘concurrent engineering’: development of the design in the US.
Furthermore, communication problems were
Engineering has been re-invented in Brazil. I’ve intensified due to the employment of foreign
been working for 23 years. Today, it is much worse designers. The Brazilian design team had to learn
than in the past. There isn’t concurrent engineering English and the foreign team had to learn Portuguese.
if this concurrence occurs during the construction. According to the contract manager, nobody in the
I cannot procure a curtain wall if I don’t know the local design team was fluent in English. Certainly, this


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International Building Design Management and Project Performance 15

aspect delayed the analysis of plans and construction industry, such as the purchase of goods
specifications, affected the clarification of doubts and and services on an international basis and the
induced failures in the interpretation of the design establishment of international design teams. Remote
documents. design teams promote innovative personal and
Teleconferences were used by design managers professional relationships, but may conversely raise
but without great success. Drawings were also made technological, managerial and organizational barriers to
available for download from an intranet at the outset the integration of design and construction. Therefore,
of the project. However, the system was abandoned an informed choice of the procurement method and
as the majority of the subcontractors had never used innovations in management, technology and human
it before. Moreover, design documents distributed resources are required to establish trust and
through the intranet bypassed the quality strengthen cooperation in international design teams.
management system of the construction firm.
Therefore, the availability of promising technologies
does not guarantee immediate adoption and
acceptance by project team members, since their AUTHOR CONTACT DETAILS
implementation commonly requires investment, Leonardo Grilo (corresponding author): Department of Civil
training, managerial changes and overcoming cultural Construction Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of São
barriers. Paulo, Brazil. Tel: +55 11 3091 5459, fax: +55 11 3091 5544,
The study identified serious deficiencies in design e-mail:
quality management, such as failures in design Sílvio Melhado and Sérgio Alfredo Rosa Silva: Department of
briefing and scope management, incompatibilities, Civil Construction Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of
interferences, lack of procedures for the issue São Paulo, Brazil. Tel: +55 11 3091 5164, fax: +55 11 3091 5544,
of design reviews, poor standardization and e-mail:,
modularization, and an excessive number of late Peter Edwards: School of Property, Construction and Project
design changes. According to the interviewees, these Management, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.
problems emerged mainly as a result of: the unusual Tel: +61 3 9925 3478, fax: +61 3 9925 1939, e-mail:
complexity of the project; deficient selection of local
design offices; lack of precepts, tools and techniques Cliff Hardcastle: School of the Built and Natural Environment,
for the design quality management; deficiencies in Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, UK. Tel: +44 141 331
the scope management; and inappropriate choice of 3630, fax: +44 141 331 3696, e-mail:
the procurement route.
Although the volume of information exceeded
overall expectations, it is assumed that careful design
planning and the adoption of simple precepts, such REFERENCES
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reduced the problems faced by the project team. The certificadas pela ABNT por programa de certificação: sistemas de
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client and construction teams. Presumably, this Positive Partnering. Revealing the Realities in the Construction Industry,
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Design Management from a Contractor’s

Perspective: The Need for Clarity
Patricia Tzortzopoulos and Rachel Cooper

Over the past 40 years, a concern with the adoption of business methods to support successful design
development has emerged. Design management as a discipline addresses such concern through two central
schools of thought. The first focuses on organizing the design firm, and the second aims to better understand
the design process (its nature, stages and activities) and to propose improved communication and
coordination mechanisms. Both schools of thought have taken essentially a design professional’s perspective
to analyse design. Nevertheless, the recent adoption of procurement routes in which contractors are
responsible for design, construction and facilities management has imposed on contractors the need to
manage design to maintain competitiveness. This paper presents results from two case studies investigating
the contractor’s role in managing the design process. Research results are presented in terms of the
problems contractors face in managing design, the necessity for appropriate design management and the
skills contractors believe are required for effective design management. The paper concludes by advocating
a need for clarity in the definition of design management from a contractor’s perspective.

■ Keywords – Contractors; design management; design obtained and tends to be ineffective (Formoso et al,
managers 2002).
Design management, as a body of knowledge,
INTRODUCTION has emerged with the aim of reaching a better
Architectural design is a complex activity which understanding of these issues and how they should
poses difficult managerial problems. Complexities lie be tackled. In recent years, the rising complexity
within the technical knowledge, information of projects and growing market competition
availability, the uniqueness of design and interactions has significantly increased the pressures to
between different stakeholders (Sebastian, 2005). improve design performance i.e. to develop high-
Design involves a number of decisions with quality design solutions through shorter timescales.
numerous interdependencies (Cornick, 1991; Ballard Such complexities affect both designers and
and Koskela, 1998). There are often conflicting contractors.
requirements, demanding an effort to recognize, In the UK context, procurement routes such as
understand and manage trade-offs, and decisions design and build (D&B) and Public Private Partnerships
must usually be made quickly and sometimes without (PPP) are currently being widely adopted. These
complete information (Reinertsen, 1997; Sanban et al, enable clients and/or owners to benefit from having a
2000; Koskela, 2004). A large number of stakeholders single organization taking responsibility for delivering
are involved, such as architects, project managers, the required building and associated services
structural engineers, building services engineers and according to predefined standards (Bennett et al,
marketing consultants. Moreover, feedback from 1996). Akintoye (1994) further elucidates that the
production and operation takes a long time to be majority of D&B contractors employ external


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consultant architects and engineers to develop the need to provide research and measures to encourage
design. Within this environment, contractors need to firms to make use of design for competitive advantage
appropriately manage the design process to maintain came to light (Press and Cooper, 2002). It was hoped
competitiveness in the marketplace and to reduce that understanding ‘how designers think’ would lead to
wastage both in design and in downstream the development of methods and tools to help the
construction activities (Broadbent and Laughlin, reliable achievement of high-quality results in design
2003). (Kalay, 1999; Lawson, 2006).
However, to date, design management research In general, past research has focused on two
has not sufficiently emphasized how contractors different design management dimensions i.e. office or
could manage design, what their role is in this practice management and individual job management
process and what barriers they face. The concept of (the management of the design/project in hand)
design management and the necessary skills to (Sebastian, 2004). However, such distinction may be
manage design from a contractor’s perspective potentially misleading since the two interconnect i.e.
appear to be unclear. Such a gap may be a partial the management of people and social characteristics
consequence of the fact that design management of staff employed will create the unique culture of the
has typically been approached mainly from the firm, which will in turn affect the way individual
perspective of the different professionals involved in projects are managed (Emmitt, 1999).
design (Press and Cooper, 2002). Therefore, a broader From a project management or individual job
perspective on design management is needed. perspective, the design process has been studied
This paper aims to partially address this issue by from two different viewpoints. The first aims to
analysing data from two case studies in which increase understanding of the nature of the design
contractors were responsible for managing the activity (e.g. Lawson et al, 2003). The second
design process. The paper discusses the role of proposes ways in which design should be developed
contractors in design management, examining the at its different stages, considering both ‘hard’
skills needs for design managers from a contractor’s activities and ‘soft’ social design interactions (e.g.
perspective. Questions for further research are also Kagioglou et al, 1998). Along these lines, design
posed. management has been closely related to a concern
with systematic design methods, focusing on the
DESIGN MANAGEMENT outcome of design decisions (i.e. the product of
Design management endeavours to establish design) and the activity of designing (i.e. the design
managerial practices focused on improving the process) (Cross, 1999; Press and Cooper, 2002;
design process, thus creating opportunities for the Lawson et al, 2003).
development of high-quality innovative products As a result, the need to consider the whole life
through effective processes. Even though excellence cycle of projects became apparent. Architectural
in management is not considered a substitute for management evolved from approaching design as
high-quality creativity and innovation, it can represent an isolated activity at the front-end of projects, to
the difference between success and failure in cover the project from inception through to
multidimensional and complex project environments demolition, recycle and reuse. Figure 1 describes the
(Cooper and Press, 1995). context in which design management happens, and
Emmitt (1999) poses that in architecture, the work demonstrates the importance of communication and
of Brunton et al (1964) represents an early attempt to collaboration with different stakeholders. These are
introduce managerial concepts in design. The search essential design and design management skills.
for an understanding of how people perform complex Figure 1 demonstrates some of the different
cognitive activities has been the underlying principle of issues that need to be considered by design
design research for the past four decades (Kalay, 1999). managers. Nevertheless, for design management to
During this period, there has been a slow but steady be effective, a more detailed understanding of skills
growth in understanding design ability. Similarly, the needs is essential. A brief description of such skills,


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Design Management from a Contractor ’s Perspective 19

FIGURE 1 Architectural design management within the project framework, from Emmitt (2002: 40)

as discussed in the literature, is presented in the the breadth of the profession of design. Differing
next section. design professions have evolved by educational
push and by corporate and consumer pull, which
DESIGN SKILLS means that there are various perspectives from which
Design skills are essential for the activity of to assess the design and the design management
designing. Bloom et al (2004) state that, put simply, profession and its future (Press and Cooper, 2002).
skills are what an individual possesses, and these can It is well known that design activity includes high
be learnt both informally (on the job) and formally cognitive abilities, including creativity, synthesis and
(through training). It is important to recognize that problem solving. Cross (2004) reviews the field of
there is a natural way in which humans develop the expertise in design, linking it to design behaviour and
ability to design e.g. by categorizing different things the design process. The author states that expert
or through activities such as changing the furniture designers appear to be ‘ill-behaved’ problem solvers
layout in our houses. However, the development of as they do not spend much time defining the design
design skills could be compared to the acquisition of problem. Expert designers are, therefore, solution-
a language, in that it is a continuous process focused, not problem-focused. Generating a wide
beginning in childhood (Lawson, 2006). range of alternative solutions is a recommended
It is accepted that in order to locate design skills strategy in the literature (e.g. Reinertsen, 1997).
and competences (i.e. knowledge and behaviours) However, Cross (2004) points out that this may not be
and to consider their value, one must analyse necessarily good, as most expert designers tend to


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define a single solution and then develop it further. Within this context, a case study approach with
The study of the way in which expert designers exploratory characteristics was used to understand
behave may provide clues as to how design the overall role of contractors in managing design,
management should be approached; however, the and examine the skills that design managers need to
links between these two areas appear to be unclear in perform such activity. The two companies involved in
the literature. the case study are major construction contractors
Design managers’ skills have been briefly within the UK, and both are heavily involved with
described in the literature. It has been stated that design management due to the type of procurement
design managers need to have the skills to adopted i.e. in both cases more than 60% of the
understand a comprehensive set of requirements and work undertaken involves managing the design
to support their capture from the client/users and and construction processes. The companies were
construction teams (Barrett and Stanley, 1999). They also selected because they considered design
also require communication skills, both verbal and management to be of strategic importance.
visual, to coordinate the exchanges of information Data were collected through (a) seven semi-
throughout design development, and to explain the structured interviews with design managers – four at
concepts to the stakeholders whenever necessary company A and three at company B; (b) participation
(Press and Cooper, 2002). Therefore, design of one of the researchers in meetings in which design
managers need to have technical skills, looking at management issues were discussed (six at company
design as a sequence of activities based on a A and four at company B); and (c) documentary
rationalized approach to a technical problem; evidence including company information over the
cognitive skills, approaching the skills and limitations Internet and descriptions of design managers’
of the individual designer; and social skills, looking at capabilities and skills. Specific documents for
how designers interact with other stakeholders and company A included a design management map; a
how this influences teamwork and value generation map linking the design and bid processes; training
(Cross and Clayburn, 1995). programme; mistakes made and lessons learnt;
Even though such descriptions are important, it is designer performance review form; management
believed that more information is needed to support system procedure; D&B guidance notes; hospital
a better understanding of design management and of bidding documentation. Documentary evidence for
the skills that effective design managers should company B incorporated procurement information
possess. The currently poor understanding of the role (e.g.
of design managers within different contexts (e.g. PublicPrivatePartnership/NHSLIFT/fs/en); bidding
design office, contractors, developers, etc.) may be documents; training needs for design managers; and
related to deficiencies in current definitions of design description of the design managers’ role. All interviews
managers’ skills. were tape recorded and verbatim transcribed,
generating a detailed report on design management
RESEARCH METHOD issues faced by the companies.
The epistemological option for this study is based on Data analysis was developed with the aid of
the interpretative school of thought. The research content analysis. According to Krippendorff (1980:
uses qualitative approaches to inductively and 21), ‘content analysis is a research technique for
holistically understand human experience in context- making replicable and valid inferences from data to
specific settings. As pointed out by Silverman (1998: their context’ and its purpose is to provide knowledge
3), a ‘particular strength of qualitative research ... is its and new insights through a representation of facts.
ability to focus on actual practice in situ, looking at The analysis focused on identifying the perceived role
how organizations are routinely enacted’. Thus, design of contractors and its design managers in managing
management developed by contractors was analysed design and the problems faced, as well as the
with an emphasis on meanings, facts and words to perceived skills that design managers should have
reach an understanding of the phenomena in practice. from the contractor’s perspective.


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Design Management from a Contractor ’s Perspective 21

FINDINGS and people. The discussion presented here focuses

Case study findings are presented for companies A on the role of design managers within the firm, as
and B. The background of each company is well as the problems faced by the company in
discussed, followed by a description of its role in managing design, which triggered the process model
managing design. Interview quotes are provided to development.
enrich the discussion. Finally, the role of design
managers is discussed. The discussion section Design management problems: the role of design
presents the cross-case analysis and draws major management
conclusions. In company A, design management is perceived as a
significant risk due to the fact that badly managed
CASE STUDY 1: CONSTRUCTION COMPANY A design can cause increased construction costs,
Company A is a major civil engineering and rework, changes and time delays. More importantly,
construction contractor. The company’s turnover is poor design can cause failure in bidding, affecting
around £450 million a year, with a staff of about 1200 competitiveness. Even though its importance is clearly
in the UK. The company works in different business acknowledged, design is the most inconsistently
streams and 70–80% of the contracts are procured managed process across the company. Inappropriate
though D&B or PPP. The company has main offices in planning, poor reviews, poor resource availability and
18 different regions in the UK. poor quality were issues identified. As stated by a
senior design manager interviewed:
Company A was involved in an improvement This is where the problem is, processes are
programme called Implementing Best Practice. As inconsistent at the moment, and design is the
part of the programme, a design management most inconsistent, and that’s the best way of
process model was developed. The model describes describing it.
the design process focusing on the activities to be
performed by the contractor’s design manager. The Design work is always sub-let to external
model aims to improve design management skills consultancies. Progress is usually monitored against
and therefore bring all company design managers up high-level milestones. However, milestones do not
to a minimum standard. focus on the information that should be produced but
The model is a prescriptive ‘to be’ generic model rather on major activities such as getting planning
(see Winch and Carr, 2001 for a definition) developed approval. Furthermore, there is a belief that the detail
at the firm level, presenting six project phases as design phase should be pulled from construction
described in Figure 2: planning (as, in most cases, design and construction
are developed concurrently), but this does not
● get opportunity happen because of poor information transfers with
● work up to bid: involves all design stages external designers. As a consequence, many design
● win and start up: includes the award of the decisions are taken on site.
contract, mobilization and production information Design review meetings occur less often than
● do work: construction would be appropriate. Design fixity (see Kagioglou
● handover and close et al, 1998 for a definition) should be sought through
● review. these reviews, but the concept of fixity seems to be
poorly understood, and there is no clarity on how it
Figure 2 also shows the hierarchical structure of the could be achieved. Moreover, defining and controlling
model, which presents three different levels of detail the brief is considered a challenge, as designers have
i.e. project stages, activities and tasks. their own agendas that often conflict with the
The model defines project deliverables as well as contractor’s interests, as clearly stated in the
information needs in terms of activities, technology following interview extract:


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FIGURE 2 Design management process model – hierarchical structure


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Design Management from a Contractor ’s Perspective 23

Designers want to reduce their own costs ... and Furthermore, some of the company managers believe
are not so much [concerned] with reducing that as design work is subcontracted, design manage-
construction costs. ment should be too. Others believe that design is of
strategic importance and, therefore, its management
Further difficulties occur when design is novated to should be taken over by the company for its own
the company. This is generally problematic as the benefit, as well as for the benefit of its clients.
proposed design does not consider the company’s Even though there was not an agreement with
building standards, and there is poor financial respect to subcontracting or developing design
flexibility to obtain design changes or details. In management internally, work was conducted as part
addition, it has been stated that sometimes designers of the process model design to establish basic design
are inflexible in terms of not being able to respond to management skills. Seven key skills for design
the company’s requests because many design managers were established:
consultancies are small and lack ‘slack’ resources.1
The company has a total of 12 design managers ● design procurement
which, in general, get involved in large D&B ● commercial interface
construction projects. Of those, three are designers ● project standards
and nine come from different backgrounds e.g. ● design coordination
planners, programmers or quantity surveyors. ● design verification
Therefore, it appears that most design managers do ● programme and performance measurement
not have appropriate knowledge, and possibly do not ● project systems (IT focused).
have the necessary skills, to manage design. This is
evidenced by the following interview extract: Those skills were further detailed through a list of 35
items summarizing the design manager’s role. These
We have people doing design management but are described as follows.
they don’t actually know how to do it, they are not First, the design manager should map the specific
qualified to do it ... because they don’t really project process, based on the generic model. The
understand the design process ... so the only thing project process should form the basis for planning
that they can check it for is if it is buildable, and and controlling design development, including the
relatively simple plans, quality plans. So most of delivery of work by external consultants and
them ... tend to operate as information coordinators, subcontractors. Weekly meetings should be held to
it’s just pushing drawings out of the people, without ensure work is developed to schedule, and the design
really analysing quality or the process. manager should have authority to coordinate the
participants and activities of each phase. Second, the
Finally, the company design managers suffer diffi- design manager should appoint appropriately skilled
culties with external architectural consultancies as, in design consultants. Third, s/he should be the
many cases, the latter believe the contractor to be communications link between the clients, designers
taking over their responsibilities. This demonstrates and subcontractors, and therefore be responsible for
tensions with regard to who should manage design – controlling the briefing process and requirements
designers as service providers, or contractors as the management. In this sense, s/he should be capable of
internal client. making fast and effective decisions on design
matters. Fourth, issues of design aesthetics,
Skills required buildability, costs, quality and programme constraints
Company A has difficulties in defining the role of should be appropriately balanced. Drawings should
design managers and consequently the skills required be checked and approved for compliance with the
to perform the activity. Company offices in different contractor’s regulations. Finally, soft human skills are
regions work independently and this generates mentioned in terms of providing leadership and
problems in implementing a unified approach. establishing teamwork.


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However, it seems that the development of an Design management problems: the role of design
overarching standard approach to design manage- management
ment within the firm remains a major challenge. This Company B considers effective design management
is partially a consequence of the divergent essential in controlling the front-end of the majority of
perspectives on design management within the its projects. Furthermore, design quality is considered
company, which has been evidenced through paramount to maintain and increase competitive
discussions observed by the researcher about the advantage. However, the company faces design
implementation of the design process model. These management difficulties. Poor clarity with regard to
focused much more on ‘what is a design manager?’ who should capture and manage requirements, poor
than on the implementation process itself. This control of design changes, difficulties in managing
demonstrates the importance and lack of clarity about exchanges of information between clients, designers
the design management approach at company A. and contractors, and poor alignment between design
solutions and clients’ requirements were issues
CASE STUDY 2: CONSTRUCTION COMPANY B identified. The occurrence of these issues is
Company B is an international construction group illustrated through the description of problems that
with capability in the design, procurement and have occurred on a specific primary healthcare
delivery of major projects. Its turnover is around £1.6 project.
billion, with about 9000 staff in the UK. The company There was no appropriate ownership and control
has a major track record in working through initiatives over clients’ requirements at the project environment.
such as private finance initiative (PFI) and design These were partially managed by the clients, partially
build finance and operate (DBFO) schemes with the by company B’s design managers, and partially by the
public sector. architects. Requirements were not ranked neither
was the ability to deliver analysed. As a consequence,
Background there were difficulties in trade-offs between users’
Company B is involved with the LIFT initiative (Local wants and a prioritization of project needs. In
Improvement Finance Trust). LIFTs are public/private addition, the design managers/designers were not
partnerships set up to allow NHS Primary Care Trusts present at all requirements capture meetings;
and their local partner organizations to develop therefore, the expected support to the client was not
primary healthcare facilities. Through LIFT, a number provided, and communications between clients and
of schemes are clustered and delivered by a single designers were inappropriate.
private sector partner. Company B is the private Furthermore, there was no audit trail for design
sector partner in two major LIFTs in the UK, being changes in place. Requirements changes had been
responsible for designing, building, financing the dealt with directly by the architects, and requests
facilities and providing facilities management and from users were generally included in the design
support services over a 25-year period. without considering affordability or the effects that
Company B was responsible for procuring the changes had in terms of time delays. The number
designers and managing the design process in the of changes in the project is clear from the following
development of LIFT schemes. The design of such interview transcript:
schemes is challenging, as buildings are innovative
and complex. Complexities lie within the need to I do remember some late change requests, and I
provide therapeutic environments supportive of the kept saying, do you [client/user] realize what this is
healing process and the need for a patient-centred going to cost you? And when they did, then they
service model (Gesler et al, 2004). The functional level managed to refine their requirements. And there
of the buildings and the operating conditions are had been design solutions that had cost a fortune
complex, as different services need to be delivered that had to be removed as inappropriate design
jointly, and the service mix and ways of operation are solutions. So it was an unstructured, ill-disciplined
varied and unknown at the outset. process.


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Design Management from a Contractor ’s Perspective 25

As in company A, design managers in company B In this sense, design managers are expected to
come from a variety of professional backgrounds i.e. play an active part within the wider project team,
engineers, architects, building services and planners. liaising and coordinating the design team, the client,
Most importantly, many design managers did not trade designers, statutory authorities and other
have all the capabilities necessary to appropriately interested parties e.g. fire officers, police, disability
perform their role. The design managers interviewed advisers, etc. Therefore, it is believed that design
did not have previous training or experience in design, managers need listening, communicating and
as one had a degree in construction management and asserting skills, in addition to a thorough practical and
worked as a production coordinator, and the second technical knowledge.
had a building degree and had worked with Finally, design managers must be able to control
construction planning. It is believed that this may the costs of the emerging design solutions and be
have influenced some of the problems that occurred capable of ensuring that the delivered design meets
at the project level. contractual and construction requirements.
Interview data also made clear that design In summary, it is possible to state that there is an
managers in company B tend to approach their work emphasis on planning and controlling the design
from personal, and sometimes contrasting, process in a project management ‘command and
perspectives. For instance, one design manager control’ style (Tzortzopoulos, 2004) i.e. defining the
believed that as he was representing the contractor, work that needs to be done and pushing it to the
he should not be involved in requirements capture and design team, and controlling design development
management. However, it was on the remit of the solely through the production of deliverables.
contractor’s work to provide support to the clients in However, such a ‘command and control’
managing requirements. On the other hand, a second management style does not appear to be delivering
design manager believed that he should manage the expected results.
requirements and provide an appropriate link between
clients, contractors and designers. Unfortunately, he DISCUSSION
faced problems in performing such activities because Design managers need to have the appropriate skills
of his skills level and his poor bargaining power with and capability to lead design development (Mozota,
both the client organization and the designers. Such 2003). Therefore, clarity of roles and responsibilities,
different managerial approaches make explicit the the availability of appropriately skilled design
lack of clarity in design management roles and managers and a clear vision of what the company is
responsibilities at the company level. trying to achieve through design management are
main issues. However, research results demonstrate
Skills required poor clarity on all these issues at both case study
Company B has stated the design management skills companies.
it requires in terms of different issues. Design There were divergent and sometimes conflicting
managers are expected to have appropriate perspectives on design management by the top
professional qualifications (e.g. RIBA, MICE, MIOB, management, regional managers and design managers
etc.) and to be able to demonstrate competence in throughout company A. Furthermore, there was a lack
the role. There is a belief that good design managers of agreement on the potential benefits of managing
must understand the project’s needs, budgets and design from the contractor’s perspective. The lack of a
aspirations, making decisions and communicating clear and agreed company-wide design management
these appropriately. Furthermore, s/he must be strategy, coupled with the lack of clarity on the design
capable of understanding processes within both the manager’s role created difficulties at the company.
design and construction environments. Also, the Similarly, at company B, each design manager
design manager is considered to be key in creating a appeared to be taking a personal view on how design
seamless link from design, through procurement into should be managed. This is evidenced by the fact
construction, commissioning and handover. that design managers took conflicting approaches to


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the management of requirements. Poor control of that require change, ensuring effectiveness and
design changes and difficulties in managing responsiveness throughout the process. This would
communications and delays were also identified. support improvement and innovation, allowing for
Therefore, difficulties in managing design can be managerial autonomy in each project. It also allows
a consequence of the poor definition of the the ‘design’ of the best possible way of managing the
companies’ role (and that of their design managers) process by considering good practices and also the
in the process. Generally speaking, the design structure of physical, political and cultural settings of
managers from both case study contractors design action in each project context.
appeared to have inappropriate understanding, skills
and knowledge about design. These issues raise CONCLUSIONS
questions that need to be answered through further The importance of appropriately managing the
research. design process has been long acknowledged. In the
First, should the management of the design current context of contractors taking managerial
process be the responsibility of developers, cont- responsibility over the design process, this issue
ractors, designers or clients? Market trends indicate becomes even more important as a new design
that major contractors in the UK are involved with management direction emerges.
design management, so research needs to be This paper emphasized a research gap in which
developed to clarify the most appropriate role for poor attention has been given to the management
contractors throughout design development. Clarity of design from a contractor’s perspective. Case
regarding the design manager’s skills and study data evidenced shortcomings in practice
competence needs, to allow them to effectively act in terms of establishing the role of contractors
during design, should be sought in alignment with the in managing design, as well as poor clarity
contractor’s role in the process. regarding the skills and competences necessary
Second, how should tensions be balanced for design managers working for contractors. Based
between designers wanting to manage design, and on these issues, questions for further research were
the contractor’s design managers? Finding means to proposed.
appropriately empower design managers working for The lack of a clear theoretical foundation for
contractors and also engage designers by demon- design management influences the problems faced
strating benefits would be essential to ease such in practice. To date, research has failed to provide
tensions. an overarching framework that could support
Third, can stakeholders from varied non-design improvements in practice. This is related to the fact
backgrounds achieve the necessary capabilities to that the main research focus has been on managing
manage design without appropriate training? And design from a designer’s perspective only. Also, due
would the establishment of a unified conceptual to the great diversity of design practice, poor
approach to design management reduce the occur- consideration has been given to the importance of
rence of problems in practice? context, organizational and project issues in design
Finally, the appropriate managerial strategies to management. Poor clarity with regard to any of these
be adopted by contractors need to be established. Is would lead to problems in design management
it appropriate for design to be managed solely practice.
through a system of personal beliefs? In effect, an Therefore, we put forward the need for a more
appropriate level of process control should be critical reflection on design management’s purpose
sought, allowing efficiency and reliability of stable and direction within the construction industry. More
process activities to be achieved throughout the specifically, clarity is needed as to how different
different company projects (Barrett and Stanley, stakeholders should approach design management
1999). However, at the same time, design managers so that the best value and most effective processes
should retain the capability to identify situations can be achieved.


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Design Management from a Contractor ’s Perspective 27

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Forming Core Elements for Strategic

Design Management: How to Define
and Direct Architectural Value in an
Industrialized Context
Anne Beim and Kasper Vibæk Jensen

Complexity arising from increasing globalization of the marketplace and computer-based communication and
information technology seems to create a growing need for simplicity, control and reliability. At the same time,
contemporary consumer culture calls for customized and personalized goods. This evolution also leads to a
demand for precise definitions of the values and qualities that can be used as managing tools in common building
practice and it puts the traditional architectural design process under pressure. This paper outlines an approach
to architectural quality as dealt with in the design process in an industrialized context. It also presents a way to
analyse how and to what degree design processes are formed strategically according to specific architectural
intentions (values). Through detailed interviews with professional architects, the way in which they manage the
design process and how the architectural potentials are realized when dealing with modern industrial processes
are examined. To analyse and structure the empirical data, a model was developed consisting of four approaches
for action. The approaches are categorized along different dichotomies in order to point out different ways in
which the offices can direct their design process (strategies) and reach particular end-results (goals). Two
examples from the analysis are discussed according to the dichotomies and subsequently developed into a
general classification focusing on strategy. A description is given of how the model was tested in the
architectural education at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts – School of Architecture. The overall research
project has two aims – to help offices identify the characteristics and specific methods of working with
architectural quality in an industrialized context, and to generate a common debate about quality in industrialized
architecture. It is hoped that by presenting a way to talk about strategy and architectural value, it will inspire
further elaboration of the field of strategic design management.

■ Keywords – Architectural quality and value; design strategy; technology, seem to create a growing need for
industrialization; professional culture; role of the architect simplicity, clarity, control and reliability at all levels of
society and human life. Similarly, we are facing a new
INTRODUCTION consumer culture that calls for multiple and more
THE CHALLENGES OF CONTEMPORARY customized goods, which leads to more specified
DESIGN PRACTICE quality demands (Baudrillard, 2003).1 These
Present challenges such as increasing global tendencies are also traceable in the production of
complexity, the international marketplace and the contemporary architecture. They can be found in the
continuing acceleration of industrialization, as well as general aspiration for exact definitions of values and
computer-based communication and information qualities, which can be used as standardized


BEIM 6/13/07 10:16 AM Page 30


governing tools in common building practice.2 How to traditional industrial context. The industrial concept of
define and manage architectural quality seems to be quality primarily concerns functional and technical
determined by a series of conditions (product matters whereas architecture and its qualities reach
demands, value-chain definitions, technologies and much further as a culturally dependent product
requirements of the end-users) that are detached (Frampton, 1983) . Besides functional and technical
from the specific architectural context. Consequently, issues, architectural quality also embraces aesthetic and
architecture and the design process are ruled by a ethical aspects e.g. forming answers to questions such
mixture of quality standards and managing tools that as ‘How shall one live to live in a right way?’ (Lundequist,
do not relate to the architectural project as a holistic 1992). As such, the concept of architectural quality
entity or, it could be argued, to architecture at all. concerns human existence, our needs and aspirations,
As a result of this evolution, the traditional and its core values can be said to have existed
architectural design process is being put under unchanged as long as the history of mankind. In
pressure as it is an ‘open process’ comprising artistic summary, the industrial concept of quality has
and innovative activities. Each step is difficult to fully developed into a narrow rational/technical concept,
plan and predict and when it comes to the end-result, whereas the concept of architectural quality can be
it is impossible to control. At the same time, various characterized as an overall human premise (Beim, 2004).
research has shown that during the early stages of a Furthermore, architectural quality depends on how
project design (conception and programming), 90% ‘the creator’ (here, the architect), as well as ‘the
of the final costs and qualities are defined (ATV, 1999). spectator’ (the user), perceive and interpret the ideas
In our opinion, these two points highlight the need for behind an architectural project as well as what sort of
a more conscious approach among practising meaning (or lack of meaning) they transfer into the
architects as to how and to what degree strategic physical solutions. It then becomes a matter of
design management should be a part of the perception and association i.e. I give meaning to what I
architectural design process. This is in order to better see (perception), based on my previous knowledge and
translate visions into built (real) form and realize as experience. According to Pallasmaa, it is important to
many of the embedded values as possible in a be aware of the observed qualities and the generative
building project when confronted with the conditions concepts in relation to architectural perception as two
of an industrialized reality. different, but intertwining, levels of perception. They are
The research project discussed in this article is an described as, ‘analogous to the tension between the
empirical investigation into how professional empirical and the rational, where the logic of pre-
architects define and manage architectural qualities existing concepts meets the contingency and
and values in the design process. It focuses particularity of experience’ (Pallasmaa, 1994). In our
especially on the architectural potential (freedom and opinion, this means that architectural quality can never
constraints), which lies in the use of contemporary be expressed as a single formula and neither is it
industrial manufacturing processes. Questions possible to make direct comparisons between different
touched upon are: How is architectural quality levels of quality and different architectural solutions.
defined in specific architectural solutions? Which This means that not only the architectural design
strategies and methodologies are being used in order process (as described above) but also the very concept
to reach specific goals (architectural qualities) in the of architectural quality seems to be challenged by the
production of architecture today? processes linked to industrialized manufacturing and
computer technology which both require strict planning
In architecture, quality can be defined as a relative A THEORETICAL MODEL DEFINING FOUR
matter that relates to specific architectural questions APPROACHES FOR ACTION
and solutions. Architectural quality includes a number of Through detailed interviews with practising
dimensions that are not easily recognizable within a architects, the investigation tries to reveal how they


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Forming Core Elements for Strategic Design Management 31

work in order to reach their final results. These results The four approaches contained in the model are:
are not necessarily single building constructions, but
also building concepts and building systems, as well ● the pragmatic approach
as (industrial) design principles which we define as ● the academic approach
‘industrialized architecture’. The architects that ● the management approach
have been interviewed all work in the field of ● the conceptual approach.
industrialized architecture and present interesting
attitudes. Each represents different strategies along four sets of
As part of the project, we have formulated a dichotomies. These are:
model consisting of four approaches for action (ideal
types)3 which helps to categorize and structure the ● project vs process orientation
different ways in which the architectural offices try to ● architecture as an autonomous vs conditional
manage the design process and the end-results. The discipline
approaches are not exact representations of any ● innovative vs evolutionary working method
empirical reality, but try to collect a series of related ● intuitive vs explicit accumulation of knowledge.
motives for action, arranged as clear-cut strategies.
The model was conceived through a brainstorm The dichotomies – as well as the approaches – have
exercise based on general (intuitive) experience and been adjusted and refined throughout the work with
specific impressions from the interviews, but has the empirical results.
subsequently and continually been corrected and
refined during the analysis of the interviews, while THE PRAGMATIC APPROACH
used as a way to structure the analysis. In this way, This approach starts from the belief that ‘good
the model works more as a dynamic tool than as a architecture’ is ordinary buildings that work
rigid theoretical framework. Furthermore, it has been satisfactorily and are made for ordinary people. The
the intention to make the model useful outside this brief, the given conditions and the context sets up a
specific research project i.e. to generate basic framework as a starting point. The role of the
consciousness and debate among practitioners and architect is not to revolutionize the world or
students about how they work. This approach – partly architecture, but to present qualified proposals and
borrowed from the social sciences – seems improve the general standards. Knowledge is
appropriate in the present setting, as it does not accumulated through a kind of apprenticeship based
try to ‘classify or bring order into a chaotic on routines and tradition and it is matured through
reality but rather aims at caricaturing essential working on specific projects. Knowledge is primarily
characteristics in this reality’ (Andersen, 1990 – produced and held by the involved employees in each
author’s translation). According to Andersen’s project and there is no systematic cross-project
interpretation, ideal types work as ‘entrance keys’ to a evaluation and transmission. Architects deal with
deeper understanding of the inner nature of empirical what is possible within the given situation. Objectives
phenomena.4 concerning architectural quality are defined by the

FIGURE 1 The relation between reality and theory (Andersen, 1990)


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programme and during the specific sketching qualifications. This assures an optimal use of all the
process. A personification of this approach could be know-how and skills held within the company by its
the craftsman. In summary, the pragmatic approach employees. In this way, room is made for new ideas
defines architecture as a discipline depending on to emerge by possessing sufficient economical
other disciplines. The approach is primarily project- resources in each project, as well as in the company
oriented, based on tradition (evolution) with an as a whole. A personification could be the manager.
intuitive non-explicit use of knowledge. Summing up – the management approach claims
architecture’s dependency on other disciplines. It is
THE ACADEMIC APPROACH primarily process-oriented, innovative and has a high
Behind this approach, there is an understanding of degree of explicit knowledge accumulation.
architecture stressing a holistic perspective. Only the
architect is capable of fully understanding this THE CONCEPTUAL APPROACH
complexity, which nevertheless is created through Architecture is conceived as an art in this approach.
interaction between various individuals/firms, each Every building must – regardless of technological
one contributing with specific knowledge. The role of limitations and restrictions – form a unique
the architect is to interpret and synthesize the many statement, which means being more than just a
different inputs. Knowledge is systematically gained ‘physical shelter’ for human activity. To work as an
and critically held up against present knowledge. This architect is a vocation. Every work (of art) has its own
means that knowledge is accumulated directly within significant premises, which means that you cannot
the company. The working methods are fixed and transfer the same knowledge from one project to
transparent, and well-known solutions (typologies) another. Reusing former ideas or solutions can even
are repeated while continually adjusted and refined. restrain the work. Every project must start as a tabula
Every task is specified so that responsibility can be rasa where a particular concept sets up the
distributed easily. Objectives concerning architectural framework for possible action.
quality transcend the project level, for example This concept may originate or be inspired by part
sustainability, low-cost building or exploitation of the of reality, but generates its own logic. The quality is
potential of daylight. Through a fixed method, embedded in the value of the concept, the degree of
architects try to reach some defined goals of quality. innovation or the special characteristics and the
The personification would be the scientist. Summing clarity of the final result. However, this quality
up – the academic approach claims architecture to be definition does not exclude technical and functional
an autonomous discipline. It is primarily process- dimensions, but they are not regarded as main
oriented, based on tradition (evolution) and has a high parameters. The approach can be personified as the
level of explicit knowledge accumulation. artist. Summing up – the conceptual approach claims
architecture to be an autonomous discipline. It is
THE MANAGEMENT APPROACH primarily project-oriented and innovative and has an
This approach is based on the belief that architecture intuitive non-explicit use of knowledge.
is created by the interaction between different agents The four approaches are to be understood as
both inside and outside the building industry, and the impartial and we have tried to not favour one approach
architect has no unique status in this context. over another. We have assumed that all approaches can
Efficient coaching/management, rational thinking and result in high levels of architectural quality and great
good business are musts to attain good results. value for the end-users and society. The approaches are
Knowledge is based on theoretical models and an expression of a cultivation and grouping of related
experience collected for internal use. The business characteristics. In reality, architectural practice will
administration is in charge of the total amount of always be more ambivalent and often point towards
knowledge as a platform for decision-making. different approaches simultaneously. As such, general
Keywords are professional business administration, architectural practice most likely forms a complex
specialization and management of each employee’s combination of different strategies.


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Forming Core Elements for Strategic Design Management 33

AXES OF DICHOTOMIES use of knowledge is stored in the actors themselves

To further illustrate the model, Figure 2 sets up the four and codes are personal, or at least limited by personal
different concept axes or dichotomies used in the access.6 This knowledge can be conscious but is
summary of each approach. The figure and more likely to be part of the subconscious. The actual
dichotomies should help to distinguish the approaches knowledge accumulation will always be a combination
from each other and facilitate their comparison. of the two extremes. This has to do with the
interpretative act, which will always be involved in the
PROCESS/PROJECT translation of any form of information independent of
The first dichotomy is a process/project axis that media and code into usable real-time knowledge.
describes the focus of the architects when working in ‘Who’ is reading the text or looking at the drawing is
the office. A process focus starts from the just as important.
assumption that structuring and managing the
process is the best way to control the result. The way INNOVATION/EVOLUTION
we do things has a great influence on the final The third dichotomy spanning from innovation to
outcome. This means that the working methods often evolution is related to the ‘use’ of knowledge when
have a general character directed towards ‘how to do’ generating new ideas and projects. Innovation has to
and this is not necessarily linked to any special do with the ability or the intention to throw away what
characteristics in the actual project. The project focus you already know and take in completely new
starts the other way around with the aim of ‘what to information without prejudice. This knowledge can be
do’. This makes the process more arbitrary or both reliable knowledge generated in external
improvised in the way that ‘anything goes’ in order to environments7 and more ad-hoc knowledge
reach the goals set up in a specific project. A unique generated by a particular combination of conditions
result can be an outcome of many different that are present in the specific case or situation.
processes. The working method is thus postponed in Evolution means that the main part of the knowledge
relation to the product/project. or information employed in a project is already
possessed by the actor (the architect) before the
EXPLICIT KNOWLEDGE ACCUMULATION/ beginning of the project. Compared to nature itself,
INTUITIVE NON-EXPLICIT USE OF evolution is based on mutation where minor
KNOWLEDGE corrections and refinements make an organism
The second dichotomy deals with the nature of the (object or process) more apt in a certain environment,
knowledge used or could also be illustrated as the context or situation. Yet again, reality will always be
‘media and code’ used for information storage and somewhere in between. It is not possible to start
exchange. Explicit knowledge accumulation mainly completely from scratch even if you wanted to. There
uses external media and universal codes5 e.g. will always be reuse of some basic knowledge e.g.
paper/pen (media) and letters/English (code). This how to use a pen or the dimensions of the human
type of knowledge accumulation facilitates body (in architecture). At the opposite end of the
communication and exchange by making it more spectrum, total reuse will not generate new ideas and
independent of the actors involved. Intuitive non-explicit cannot even be defined as evolution.

FIGURE 2 The different approaches placed within the four dichotomies


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AUTONOMOUS/CONDITIONAL decisive impacts on the actual design. As a general

The fourth dichotomy describes architecture’s guideline, one can look at the ‘level’ and the ‘nature’ of
autonomy or dependency. An autonomous the strategy employed (Figure 3). ‘Level’ refers to the
architecture is an architecture that is exclusively level of consciousness – high or low strategic
defined within itself and the architect dominates consciousness – and ‘nature’ points to a distinction
when it comes to deciding what is relevant to include between the concrete (exact) and abstract nature of
in this definition. This has to do with a conception of the specific goals implied in the strategy. Here, we will
architecture as a true profession rather than an briefly present two examples from the analysis that
occupation (demarcation/action). On the other hand, both present high strategic consciousness but
architecture as dependant discipline, places the comprise very different natures spanning from the
architect as one actor among many others in the concrete (exact) to the abstract.
production of architecture. This is not necessarily
constraining for the development of architecture; the EXACT (CONCRETE) STRATEGY
vague borders can be seen as possibilities and One of the case studies is the work of the
inspiration rather than limitations. architectural office Lundgaard & Tranberg (LTA), a
The dichotomies represent a simplified way to medium-sized Danish company with 35 employees
classify the different theoretical approaches. This founded in 1974. In the mid-1990s, the office
should help to make the model a useful tool for developed a building concept or system called
analysis and discussion of specific empirical reality in Comfort House, which is based on a business
architectural offices. In this research project, it has consortium that joins contractor NCC and engineers
been tested on a collection of interviews with Carl Bro with LTA as the architects. The concept or
professionals from different Danish and foreign system is partly an organizational framework and
architectural offices. An interesting analysis would partly a constructive system for housing complexes
not try to make an exact match between reality and of varying size. The managing director at the time was
theory, but rather discuss the clashes between the interviewed. (The office is now owned by a
rigid classifications and the ever-complex reality. partnership of leading employees.)
Most of the statements from the interviews place
CASES FROM THE ANALYSIS LTA closest to the pragmatic approach, although
Using the model as a language or a matrix enables us many features are also related to the conceptual
to locate and discuss the specific statements approach. The management and academic
concerning architectural quality (goals) and the way to approaches share no significant resemblances with
attain it (strategies). The overall scope of the analysis the way LTA seems to work. In very general terms, the
and the research project is to ‘locate and discuss’ – approach can be characterized as clearly project-
rather than to interpret – the different strategies and oriented mainly using intuitive non-explicit
specific goals (in the process of architectural design) knowledge. Furthermore, LTA does not state
as reflected among a selection of practitioners architecture as an autonomous discipline while both
(cases). innovative and evolutionary features can be found.
Design strategies seem to work on several levels Comfort House is a standardized building system,
and some of them are only indirectly related to the although the starting point in LTA is the actual project
actual design process. A strategy can be directed rather than a general strategy. There is no fixed
strictly towards the formal design – the process of procedure or a complete tabula rasa. The organized
giving physical shape to a project, but it can also have framework and the building system give some
broader technical scope introducing industrial building common directions for the different actors involved in
techniques or deal with more legislative themes such the process but leave a great deal of openness for the
as building standards and codes. The strategy can architect in some specific parts e.g. designing the
also focus on external factors such as environmental facade and organizing the plan. A common set of
issues or politics, which may be considered to have rules make it possible for the involved actors to work


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Forming Core Elements for Strategic Design Management 35

FIGURE 3 Strategic nature (x) and consciousness (y)

more simultaneously e.g. the engineer does not have ABSTRACT STRATEGY
to wait for the final solution from the architect before The second case is an interview with the managing
calculating the structure. director of Arkitema (AT). AT is the largest
LTA’s design strategies run in two directions: on architectural office in Denmark and was founded in
the one hand, they accept the building system and 1970. The firm shows an explicit interest in
focus on the inherent possibilities and, on the other industrialized processes and, among other reasons,
hand, they always try to challenge the lure of was selected because of its biannually published
repetition, which also characterizes the system. Videnregnskab – a written and illustrated summary of
The project-oriented focus characterized by the its business and where it wants to focus in the future.
pragmatic approach, and which also can be found in The interview places AT close to the management
the LTA interview, leads to quite specific strategic approach. AT’s approach can, in general terms, be
statements8 e.g. improvement of building characterized as mainly process oriented. Explicit
components and detailing, and how these are related knowledge accumulation is the aim and to some
to the whole. Examples could be LTA’s work with a degree a fact. AT does not state architecture as an
greater deal of flexibility where the foundation meets autonomous discipline but claims extreme
the ground, various placements of the plane of the dependency on related fields while many innovative
facade or the use of alternative materials. The features are present with the aim to empower the
analysis points to a moderate to high level of strategic architect.
consciousness directed towards exact (concrete) The process orientation is found in the focus on
goals (Figure 3). organization within the company and the organization


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of the building process as a whole. However, it must interesting attitudes towards industrialized
be stated that the interviewee works at the architecture and are consequently located in the
organizational level, which is not necessarily ‘upper conscious end’. An allegation could be that
representative of all employees. One of the initiatives many traditional offices would be located in the
is a pronounced specialization of the staff, which are ‘lower conscious end’ showing low or no strategic
grouped into expert departments with different consciousness at all. The aim of this project is not to
profiles. A particular task force is specialized in confirm this, but instead to contribute to make these
research and accumulation of knowledge. This part of companies more responsive to the way they work.
the company does not deal with external costumers,
but rather generates value indirectly by supporting IMPLEMENTATION AND FURTHER
and inspiring the other departments. The role of the PROJECTS
architect is not to decide what is wrong or right in The model of action has been presented in various
terms of architecture, but instead to enable the contexts thus trying to initiate a more conscious
involved actors to make the best decisions. The strategic approach among architects.
architect thus becomes a process manager more Preliminary attempts to test the model were made
than a decision maker. By opening up and giving other in March and November 2005 with two different
actors influence in traditional working fields of the groups of architectural students. In March, the
architect, the possibility of gaining access to other students attended a half-day workshop on project
decisive areas seems to be maximized. This turns the design and group processes. They were presented
way the architect works upside down and points to with the model of action and a couple of examples
distinct innovative features. from the analysis, and were given time to think about
Most of the strategic choices presented in the and write down their personal approach using the
interview point towards a more general level (non- model and the four theoretical approaches as a point
project specific) with focus on the process instead of of departure. Each student was then asked to present
on the final product. Strategies are less directed their approach. The idea was to discuss how the
against internal factors e.g. specific formal design, personal approaches related to the theoretical ones
and more against external factors e.g. coordination and, on a more specific level, to see if the results
with other parties involved and questions about the could point towards different roles among the
organizational setup of the construction process. One students in their current group project.
of the major problems in the building industry, The presentations and the subsequent discussion
according to the interviewee, is precisely the showed that the students placed themselves in
improvised character of this organizational setup. The similar ways. Most identified themselves mainly with
analysis points to a high level of strategic consciousness the conceptual approach with some resemblances
directed towards abstract goals (Figure 3). to the pragmatic approach. This implied that even
though they as students were in a process of
NO STRATEGY learning, they did not claim to use any systematic or
Both examples analysed present a high degree of explicit form of knowledge accumulation, but rather
strategic consciousness, but of a very different improvised (intuition) or did ‘as they used to do’ when
nature. To complete the schema, the other they had to start up a project. However, many of the
interviewed offices reveal considerably lower students also claimed that more systematic
strategic consciousness mainly of an exact nature, knowledge accumulation – as characterized by both
which in many ways corresponds to the pragmatic the management and the academic approach – would
approach. A low strategic consciousness of a more be desirable, but that they had no tools to reach such
abstract nature would correspond to an extreme an end.
version of the conceptual approach although Figure 3 The second workshop was planned to run for a
cannot be understood just by locating each of the week. This time, groups of four or five students
four approaches in a quadrant. All the cases present worked with the model, designing a building system


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Forming Core Elements for Strategic Design Management 37

for a facade. As an introduction to the whole scheme what they actually ‘do’ when they work, are two
the students first had to define their own approach on different things. The thesis is that the correspondence
the basis of the model. Each group was then given a between these two levels can vary considerably and it
specific approach that they had to follow strictly. The thus becomes interesting to analyse both sides –
assignment consisted of two parts – a planning phase especially with a focus on the strategic consciousness
and an executing/building phase. The students found described in the previous section.
it difficult not to fall back on their traditional working The second project focuses on the ‘product’ that
methods, but after a while they began to find it easier comes out of the building process. When dealing
when they dropped their individual need to influence with design, it is a fact that you can never claim that
the project and instead worked as a group. When a specific process will lead to specific previously
executing their schemes, they fully carried out their defined qualities. It is therefore equally relevant to
roles and the various project results of the groups analyse the actual ‘works’ or results. The aim is to
turned out very differently – very much in accordance develop the terminology and concept formation on
with the different approaches. architectural quality in an industrialized context
In general, the students seemed enthusiastic claiming that this will, to some extent, differ from its
about trying these new working methods and some more traditional equivalent. We need new or
of them said they were surprised how effectively they supplementary concepts to be able to talk about and
had worked with the project. The approaches had hence better understand the (industrialized)
provided a neutral ground for their cooperation. As for architecture we find today. The result from the two
the results, it was quite astonishing how much they projects will be used to describe characteristics of the
differed and hence provided interesting material for relationship between process and product. The
academic discussion. The model appeared to work; division in two main concepts is thus meant as purely
however, as part of an architectural education analytical; it helps to clarify certain aspects about a
exercise it was more important in helping students to reality that will always be a complex web of
understand the core elements of the profession, ‘interaction’ between the two.
rather than providing students with operational tools.
Through publication in architectural magazines CONCLUSION
(Arkitekten 06/05, Nordic Journal of Architectural One could ask if industrialized architecture really
Research, etc.), by means of workshops and future needs its own terminology and specific strategic
courses arranged at the School of Architecture in design management in order to direct the
Copenhagen and through presentations at relevant architectural value. There is no doubt that there is a
design conferences (CIB W096, Joining Forces, difference between not being conscious and
EAAE, etc.), we are trying to make the project more ‘choosing’ not to be so. Our argument is that given
than a final report to be placed on the bookshelves of the new and industrialized context as described
other researchers. It is our hope that the model can above there is definitely a need for this conscious
and will be used by architectural offices in choice. This is not only seen as a means to empower
discussions about strategy and that it can contribute the architect as a professional person and the
to make architects more conscious about the ways profession, but rather to emphasize what is more
they manage the design process and try to reach important – the ‘architectural quality’. The traditional
goals concerning architectural quality. design process is under pressure and in this context
Two other projects have been formulated to follow it is our opinion that new measures must be taken to
up this project. One project delves further into the ensure that design is not reduced merely to cost
action-perspective. Through observation studies control, industrial just-in-time production or building
carried out in studios selected among the present codes. These are important issues, but they should
cases we intend to study the actual ‘processes’ taking be submitted and measured against a more general
place when architects work on a specific project. We approach including all the other important aspects of
have learned that what people ‘talk’ about doing and a ‘holistic’ architectural design process.


BEIM 6/13/07 10:16 AM Page 38


We believe the proposed model, including the REFERENCES

dichotomies, represents a way to form a language by Andersen, I., 1990, Valg af Organisationssociologiske Metoder – et
which we can work more consciously with the Kombinationsperspektiv, Copenhagen, Samfundslitteratur.
complexity of architecture in an industrialized context. ATV (Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber), 1999, Byggeriet i Det 21.
By using the model on our empirical data as well as in Århundrede – Industriel Reorganisering af Byggeprocessen, Lyngby, ATV.
an educational context, we have been able to point Baudrillard, J, 2003, ‘The rise of the object – the end of culture’ in Proto, F.
out and discuss different strategies and how they are (ed), Mass. Identity. Architecture – Architectural Writings of Jean
used in order to aim at specific goals. It is our hope Baudrillard, West Sussex, Wiley-Academy. 93–124
that it will inspire further use and elaboration of the Beim, A. and Mossin, Natalie, 2004 Designproces og Brugerkrav –
field of strategic design management. Indarbejdning af Brugerkrav i Arkitektoniske og Produktorienterede
Designprocesser, Hørsholm, Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut.
Coser, L.A., 1977, Masters of Sociological Thought: Ideas in Historical and
AUTHOR CONTACT DETAILS Social Context, San Diego, Harcourt.
Anne Beim: Associate Professor, Centre of Industrialised Frampton, K., 1983, ‘Prospects for a Critical Regionalism’, in Perspecta:
Architecture, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Yale Architectural Journal, 20, 147–162.
Architecture, Philip de Langes Alle 10, Dk-1435 Copenhagen K, Lundequist, J., 1992, ‘Kvalitetsbegreppets två Dimensioner,’ in Arkitektonisk
Denmark. Tel: +45 3268 6355, fax: +45 3268 6236, Kvalitet, Arkitekturmuseets Årsbok, Stockholm, Arkitekturmuseet.
e-mail: Pallasmaa, J.,1994 ‘An architecture of the seven senses’ in Pallasmaa, J.,
Kasper Vibæk Jensen: Associate Researcher, Centre of Perez-Gomez, A. and Holl, S. Questions of Perception – Phenomenology
Industrialised Architecture, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, of Architecture, A+U Special Issue, July 1994, 27–37.
School of Architecture, Philip de Langes Alle 10, Dk-1435
Copenhagen K, Denmark. Tel: +45 3268 6352 , fax: +45 3268 BIBLIOGRAPHY
6236 , e-mail: Arief, A. and Buchart, B., 2002, Prefab, Salt Lake City, Utah, Gibbs Smith
Beim, A., 2004, Tectonic Visions in Architecture, København,
Kunstakademiets Arkitektskoles Forlag.
NOTES Cold, B., 1989, ‘Om arkitektur och kvalitet – ikke den teknisk, funksjonelle,
1 Baudrillard reveals the implications of the consumer society in relation målbare kvaliteten, men den upplevde estetiske’, in Tidsskrift för
to physical cultural objects. Arkitekturforskning, 2(1-2), 31–46.
2 International certifications such as ISO and CE are both used for Cross, N., 2001, ‘Designerly ways of knowing: design discipline versus
managing quality in construction as well as in the production of goods. design science’, in Design Issues, 17(3), 49–55
3 Ideal types as a tool for analysis were originally introduced by the Jensen, K.V., 2005, ‘Strategisk partnering og arkitektonisk merværdi’, in
sociologist Max Weber. Ideal type does not refer to any moral ideals nor Arkitekten, 6, 32–36.
does it ever correspond to concrete reality (e.g. Coser, 1977: Ministry of Education, Finland, 2003, Discussing Architectural Quality,
pp 223–224). European Forum for Architectural Policies, 21 May 2002, Helsinki, Finland.
4 Ibid: p. 94. Nilsson, F., 2005, ‘Knowledge production by architectural practice’, in Grimes,
5 Universal codes do not exist. In this context, universal should be Brendan (ed.): Between Research and Practice, EAAE Conference
understood as ‘shared by a large number of individuals’. Even shared Proceedings, June 2004, Dublin, Dublin School of Architecture, 127–136.
codes (e.g. letters and the English language) will contain an Sällström, P.M., 2002, ‘Indledning om SARs policy för byggandet’ in
interpretative element. Processer för arkitektonisk kvalitet i byggandet – Rapport Från Nordisk
6 An extreme way of attempting to surpass this personal access could be Konferens i Samband med Arkiteturåret 2001, Kulturhuset, Stockholm,
the use of torture. Oktober 2001, Stockholm, Sveriges Arkitekter, 9–12.
7 Knowledge collected from other related or non-related fields. Schnier, J., 2005, ‘On the interdependency of thinking mode and design
8 It is important to emphasize that it is not possible to compare the strategy’, in Grimes, Brendan (ed.): Between Research and Practice,
interviews directly with each other. The conversations do not EAAE Conference Proceedings, June 2004, Dublin, Dublin School of
necessarily cover the same topics and do not take place on the same Architecture, 152–160.
level. This can, in itself, result in strategies on different levels. Strike, J., 1991, Construction into Design, Oxford, Butterworth Architecture.


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Modelling Trade Contractor Information

Colin Gray and Salam Al-Bizri

Design management research usually deals with the processes within the professional design team and yet,
in the UK, the volume of the total project information produced by the specialist trade contractors equals or
exceeds that produced by the design team. There is a need to understand the scale of this production task
and to plan and manage it accordingly. The model of the process on which the plan is to be based, while
generic, must be sufficiently robust to cover the majority of instances. An approach using design elements,
in sufficient depth to possibly develop tools for a predictive model of the process, is described. The starting
point is that each construction element and its components have a generic sequence of design activities.
Specific requirements tailor the element’s application to the building. Then there are the constraints
produced due to the interaction with other elements. Therefore, the selection of a component within the
element may impose a set of constraints that will affect the choice of other design elements. Thus, a design
decision can be seen as an interrelated element–constraint–element (ECE) sub-net. To illustrate this
approach, an example of the process within precast concrete cladding has been used.

■ Keywords – Design; information transfer; management consultant team in the early stages of the design
process as defined by the RIBA plan of work.
INTRODUCTION However, this framework was criticized by Gray and
Emmitt (1999) recognizes the complexity of the Hughes (2001) in that detail design, production
design process and the need to model it for planning information and shop drawings, for component-
and organization purposes. Coles and Barritt (2000) based construction, are a continuum more properly
provide a conventional planning approach, but this called ‘engineering design’. The bulk of the
has its limits and does not deal with the issue of detail information that is produced for engineering design
design in sufficient depth given the scale of design involves the integration of the specialist trades’
outside of the design team. Austin et al (2001) design into the whole. The scale of specialist
recognize the need to model the interaction between contractors’ involvement in the whole of the project
numerous information sources and inputs to the information production process is extensive. Freeman
design. They also recognize the supply chain inherent (1981) in a review of comparative studies of UK and
in component design and the need to model using a US practice, noted that Eden and Green in a study of
process map approach. However, they do not US hospitals had found that for a 300-bed hospital,
develop the models necessary to provide the detailed the design team produced 204 drawings and the
description of design needed to plan it in detail. Also, specialist more than 3000. In a study of seven UK
the majority of the studies of design information projects, reported by Gray (1999), the percentage of
production concentrate on that produced by the the total drawings produced by the specialist trade


Gray 6/13/07 10:17 AM Page 40


contractors on a typical UK building project was 42%, had to work within a known framework which was to
with a range of 10–75%. The Senator House case concentrate on the exchanges between technologies
study (Steel Construction Institute, 1993) reported to enable the design of the interfaces. However, the
that the design and fabrication drawings for a steel underlying model is: inherent process, sequence of
frame comprising 2930 pieces of steel, required 1200 processes, constraints from information providers,
structural consultant drawings and more than 2000 interface/fixing design and, finally, timing resulting
fabrication (shop) drawings. However, this scale of from the interaction between interrelated,
involvement is largely unrecognized and yet has to technologically driven processes.
be managed in order to deliver the supply of The design management task is to then ensure
components to the site (Gray and Hughes, 2001). The that the sequence is understood and that the
failure to design the project as an assembly of designers in every process understand their role and
interacting pieces may prove to be detrimental to task so that information flows between them. This is
performance during installation (Tsao et al, 2000). the main reason the current work focuses on
This paper explores the nature of the specialists’ information requirements and flows at component
information production process with a view to level.
developing an understanding of the process of design The constraints that control the selection from,
within this area of design and information production and the modification of, the fundamental sequence in
in order that the scope and scale can be planned as a design process can be classified into two
an integral part of the whole design process. dimensions. First, the constraints that tailor this
design element to the specific building. Second, the
DEVELOPING AND MODIFYING GENERIC constraints produced as a result of the interaction
MODELS OF DESIGN between the elements of another technology. In other
The proposition is that each construction element or words, the choice of elements that satisfy a design
component has associated with it an established problem and the interfaces between the technologies
sequence of design processes that can be modelled. produce a network, and a complex design decision can
At the right level of detail, this would enable the be seen as an interrelated element–constraint–element
production of a common or generic model. The (ECE) sub-net.
model should hold the common elements for a In practice, it is difficult to identify the network as
particular technology. When using the component in it is complex i.e. the number of different patterns of
a specific situation, the model should be able to be relations between elements increases when the
adapted. One issue, therefore, is to define an number of different elements increases. Thus, a
appropriate level of detail that permits the generic proper approach to solve the complexity could be:
patterns of the processes to be found. This is not to
be confused with the notion of the iterative nature of ● select one design element or component at a
the design process. Each step in the process may time and predict the implicit constraints
well contain considerable iterations as the process is ● identify the constraints produced when linking to
defined in a broad sense. Much iteration occurs other design components
because the designer is unaware of or has yet to ● develop the resulting model of the design
receive input information to the process. If the process.
necessary inputs can be defined then iterations may
be reduced, so improving the execution of the A decision has to be made as to the level of detail for
process. With an established model of the design modelling. It would probably be impossible to model
process for each technology and component set every component because of their variety. As Farell
within it, the designer can understand the scope and (1968) found, it is best to let the designers determine
scale of the process. This was the thrust of the work the scale of work in each process, while managerially
of Farell (1968) but, because of the nature of the it is more important to determine the information
planning and computing technology at that time, he flows and inputs (Gray and Hughes, 2001). The choice


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Modelling Trade Contractor Information Production 41

here is the general level of component e.g. cladding correctness of the map or to modify it until there
panel. was final agreement, and
● finally, model the process in a suitable form that
METHODOLOGY would allow the output to reflect and adjust in
The issue of design management that this work response to the selection and choices that had
addresses is the supply of detailed production or been made.
fabrication information to either the site or for the
component manufacturing stage. In order to These steps, when combined, enabled the creation of
determine the scope and scale of information a generic model that could be modified for each of
production for a trade, it is necessary to determine the panel-to-structure combinations.
the range of components that are being used and the
degree of customization. A generic model will specify DEVELOPING ECE NETS AS GENERIC
the available range and the number of constraints MODELS
(variations on a theme) will enable the variation to be The model representation chosen was knowledge-
determined. At the information production stage, and based engineering (KBE) as it has the most flexibility
particularly the shop drawing stage, there will be at in adjusting generic models to the specific situation.
least one drawing for every unique combination of IDEF0 process maps could have been used (Karhu
item and modification. The approach used to et al, 1997), but are subject to manual rewriting for
determine both the range and possible customization each application whereas KBE can adjust
was to examine the information generation process automatically. Experience of knowledge-based
of a specialist trade package with the objective of development has shown the context must first be
identifying the best practice set of activities. Best described before the abstracted elements can be
practice has been defined as the element’s sequence described in a suitable way for a knowledge-based
and information flows that would produce the most approach (Gray and Little, 1985).
effective technical solution in the most efficient
Precast concrete cladding and its connection to a DEVELOPMENT
structural frame was chosen to develop the approach. Precast architectural cladding panels are usually non-
This was a suitably complex component that has a loadbearing, but loadbearing panels are used when
clearly articulated interface with a structure. they provide the most economic structural solution.
The process of understanding the information Designing non-loadbearing precast concrete cladding
requirements was as follows: panels and their connection to the structural frame is
a complex process, which involves designers from
● first, study the available literature to create an different design teams and organizations. The
initial understanding of the technology of precast architect, structural engineer and cladding specialists
cladding from which an initial model of the are usually involved. The specialist has to determine
design process was developed every requirement for each panel and instance. So the
● second, conduct an input/output analysis of the following is repeated for every panel type where there
data and information transfer points between the is a change so that the manufacturing process can
precast cladding design and the structural design make the right panel.
to understand the flow at the interface (typically The design of non-loadbearing precast concrete
caused by the fixing details) between the cladding is highly interdependent with the structural
technologies frame. The units and their fixings are designed to
● third, evaluation by a panel of experts of the withstand panel self-weight, wind loads and the lifting
resulting model using an iterative Delphi and handling stresses during manufacture and erection.
approach to achieve the final model. The experts The process of designing non-loadbearing precast
used worked examples of details to confirm the concrete panels and their relationship to the structure


Gray 6/13/07 10:17 AM Page 42


involves the architect, structural engineer and the trade Uniform thickness panels are preferred, but
contractor. The main factors, which the designer has to coffered edge (ribbed back) panels reduce the self-
consider in determining the final panel size, shape and weight of the panels, as well as providing a
fixings, are discussed below. substantial joining profile for the panel. Information
about the edge of the structural slabs and the column
DIMENSIONS OF THE PANEL dimensions is exchanged between the structural
The precise dimensions of the panel are determined engineer and the cladding designer so that when
by the architectural and structural requirements, the sizing the horizontal nibs and vertical ribs the
practicality of manufacture, the transportation and reinforcement can be avoided.
weight of unit for lifting. From the input information of
elevation and detail drawings, the cladding designer TYPE OF PANEL
determines the panel’s width and length. The precise There are two main types of panel – mullion and
structure of the panels is a function of many spandrel units. A mullion panel extends from floor to
considerations. However, the self-weight of the unit floor while a spandrel panel spans between columns
and the fixing methodology are the most important or from window to window. The architectural
for the structural engineer. For each fixing location to drawings provide the cladding designer with
the structure, the structural engineers should check information about the height of the panels, but the
the loads on the structure as it may affect the column design of the structural slabs affects the decision on
dimensions and spacing. Also the structural engineer the height of the panels as their depth can affect the
should consider the effect of the weight of the height of the spandrel panels and the floor-to-floor
cladding panels on the edge detail of the structural height; therefore, this will affect the height of the
slabs. This is the first iterative loop between the mullion.
specialist and the design team.
SHAPE OF THE PANEL Panels can be either supported at the base or hung
Panels can be of either uniform thickness or thin from the top. Generally, bottom-supported panels are
panels with reinforcing ribs. The profile of the panel is preferred as the panel will be in compression and the
defined by the panel’s web thickness, plus the risk of cracking is minimized. The nibs on the panels
thickness of the horizontal nibs and the vertical transfer the loads to the structure. In the case of the
strengthening ribs (Figure 1). uniform thickness panels, the fixing would be

FIGURE 1 Strengthening ribs and support nibs


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Modelling Trade Contractor Information Production 43

designed to transfer the total load. Fixings can be Inaccuracies can occur during construction. To
either loadbearing or restraint. The fixing method to overcome these inaccuracies, tolerance must be
the structure can be either by angle cleats or dowels. allowed in the method of fixing to accommodate the
variable clearance between the panels and the structure.
Angle cleats The tolerance specification is another point of iteration –
Angle cleats are used to restrain the panel at the top, to obtain an agreement that satisfies all parties.
and may be used to fix the panel at the base. The size Specialist cladding contractors prefer bottom-
of the angle cleat is calculated according to the loads. supported panels as the panel will be in compression.
Angle cleats should be designed to give dimensional The specialist’s first choice of fixing would be cleats,
adjustment in three planes – vertical adjustment, but the choice of base-supported panels gives the
horizontal adjustment between the cleat and the cheaper option of dowels. When the cladding panel is
panel to the face of the building, and linear fixed to an in-situ concrete slab, there may be greater
adjustment parallel to the edge of the slab (Figure 2). structural inaccuracy and cleats allow a greater
Vertical adjustment is provided by slotted holes in the accommodation of wider tolerances.
angle cleat and packing pieces allow horizontal The cladding designer should provide the structural
adjustment. Cast-in channels provide adjustment engineer with information about the fixings that will be
parallel to the edge of the slab. Cast-in sockets, used, as the choice of cleats, dowels or other type of
drilled-in sockets and expanding sleeves can also be fixing affects the design of the fixing points at the edge
used to provide the fixing at the edge of the slab. of the structural slabs. When the cladding designer
chooses cleats, the structural engineer can choose
Dowels between cast-in channels, cast-in sockets, drilled-in
Dowels can be used to restrain the panel through the sockets or bolts with expanding sleeves depending on
bottom support nibs into the slab. The dowel system reinforcement density. Channels are the preferred
is normally slotted so that it does not restrict thermal method. If the cladding designer chooses dowels, the
movement. Dowels are cheaper than cleats and structural engineer has to consider how to provide the
easier to assemble however cleats are more flexible pockets at the edge of the slab, with the resulting
in accommodating dimensional inaccuracies in the demand on casting accuracy.
structure. A hole is formed in the panel and a pocket
is cast into the in-situ floor to receive the dowel. ELEMENT–CONSTRAINT–ELEMENT SUB-NETS
To achieve the flexibility necessary for future
modelling, the different configurations of the
element–constraint–element network are presented
in the KBE format (Al-Bizri, 1995). This is preferred to
an IDEF0 approach, as used in design process
modelling (Karhu et al, 1997), because of the need to
express choice and the need to adapt to changing
situations. Using the precast concrete cladding
design in relation to a concrete structure as an
exemplar, it has been found that there are four
generic types of relationship between the two
elements (Figure 3). These can be expressed in the
following logical statements:

Case 1: [e1] consequence [e2]

Example: Column dimensions have a direct
consequence on the width of the vertical
FIGURE 2 Various combinations of dowels and cleat fixings strengthening ribs of the coffered-edge precast


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FIGURE 3 Types of relationships between two elements in an ECE sub-net

concrete cladding. This relationship between the In certain situations more than one solution is
column and the ribs of the precast concrete cladding possible and although these are preferences, other
can be expressed by: choices may be made. However, any model must
[e1] consequence [e2] make provision for such a situation and the following
where: two cases illustrate how the proposed model can
[e1] is the column and its dimensions in the frame advocate a preference by weighting one choice more
technology than another.
[e2] is the width of the vertical ribs of the coffered-
edge precast concrete cladding technology. Case 3: [e1] preference [e4]
Example: The choice of base-supported precast
Case 2: [e1] constraint [c] consequence [e2] concrete cladding gives a preference to the choice of
Example: The depth of the structural slab affects the dowel as a fixing for the precast concrete cladding.
floor-to-floor height and the floor-to-floor height will This relationship can be expressed as:
be a constraint that will affect the height of the [e1] preference [e4]
mullion of the precast concrete cladding. This where:
relationship between the depth of structural slab and [e1] is the base-supported precast concrete cladding
the height of the mullion of the precast concrete in the panel technology
cladding can be expressed by: [e4] is the dowel fixing preference for the precast
[e1] constraint [c] consequence [e2] concrete cladding affecting hole location in the frame
where: technology.
[e1] is the depth of the structure slab in the frame
technology Case 4: [e1] constraint [c2] preference [e5]
[c] is the floor-to-floor height in the frame technology Example: The choice of in-situ structure slab
[e2] is the height of the mullion of the precast causes specific tolerance issues and gives greater
concrete cladding technology. preference to the choice of cleat as a fixing for the


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Modelling Trade Contractor Information Production 45

precast concrete cladding. This relationship can be ELEMENT DEFINITION USING AN ECE
expressed as: SUB-NET
[e1] constraint [c2] preference [e5] The definition of an element could be seen as a
where: component within a technology; first, where there is
[e1] is the in-situ structural slab a choice e.g. the precast concrete cladding panel’s
[c2] is the tolerance profile shape can be uniform or coffered edge and, second,
[e5] the cleat fixing of the precast concrete cladding the features e.g. the panel element has three
is the preferred option. dimensions, ribs, webs and fixings. Some of the
A complex ECE sub-net results when combining the features will be preferred such as cast-in channel
four generic cases of ECE relationships. fixings, but all may be interrelated.

FIGURE 4 Sub-net 1 – structure dimensions


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The following are examples of the sub-nets of the types and locations, and the size and shape of the
decision-making process generated using the ECE panel. Once the basic decision of fixing type has been
net approach. The examples are for the two key made, the panel designer requires the total
decisions for precast concrete panel design in information for each panel in order to complete the
relation to a concrete structural frame – the fixing manufacturing (shop drawing) for each panel.

FIGURE 5 Sub-net 2 – panel dimensions


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Modelling Trade Contractor Information Production 47

SUB-NET 1: FIXING DECISIONS (FIGURE 4) the model to adjust to the specific situation.
Cleats are usually preferred, however, the choice of a Additionally, preferences for particular solutions can
base-supported panel gives greater preference to the be provided to guide the user as to the best-practice
choice of dowels. With base-supported panels, any solution.
type of fixing is possible, whereas dowels are not If this approach were to be developed further into
used with top-hung panels. The choice of in-situ a knowledge base for all technologies, it would
structure slab causes specific tolerance issues and require the definition of the design elements of the
gives greater preference to the choice of cleat as a domains and the constraints that link these design
fixing for the precast concrete cladding. The choice of elements to each other. The knowledge base could
cleats permits the choice between channels, cast-in be structured into the following modules:
sockets, drilled-in sockets or expanding sleeves as a
method of fixing at the edge of the structural slab. ● The element definition modules. Each module in
Cast-in channels are usually the preferred fixing this section defines the design elements of a
method at the edge of the slab, however, by choosing specific technology, such as a concrete structure
dowels, the fixing method at the edge of the slab elements definition module.
should be pockets, which is the less preferred option. ● The specific domain nets modules. Each module
defines the ECE sub-nets generated by the inter-
SUB-NET 2: PANEL DIMENSIONS (FIGURE 5) relationships of the specific domain elements.
Uniform thickness panels are usually preferred more ● The global nets module, which defines the ECE
than the coffered-edge panels. However, the self- sub-nets generated by the interrelationships of
weight of the panel may influence this choice design elements across domains.
towards a coffered-edge panel, as this would reduce ● The design context module, where the user can
the self-weight of the panel. A coffered-edge panel consult detailed information about the design
also provides a better joining profile. When a panel considerations relevant to an ECE sub-net
has a coffered edge, the loads the panel is exposed supported by graphics.
to affect the depth of the horizontal nibs and the
vertical ribs. The design of the edge of the structural A knowledge base built in this way can offer proactive
slab affects the depth of the horizontal nibs and advice as to preferred design options when certain
vertical ribs, as they have to be large enough for the choices either have been made or are about to be made.
panel to be safely fixed to the structure. The column Once the inputs, outputs and constraints are known, it is
dimensions affect the breadth of the vertical then a question of scaling the model up to cover all of
strengthening ribs in the places where the panels the unique instances for each component set.
attach to or pass the columns. The size of the panel The potential of this approach is that it is
i.e. web thickness, span and height, affect the self- grounded at the lowest level – the detail of the
weight of the panel. Consequently, the self-weight technology – to drive the model. In the end, buildings
affects the design of the edge of the structural slab are built from sets of components which have to be
so that it can carry the load over the length of the produced to order which, in turn, demands perfect
edge, as well as the loads at the fixing positions. The information. A KBE model allows considerable
loads affect the column size and spacing. flexibility to self adjust, to proffer alternatives based
on a combination of factors, so incorporating
CONCLUSION experience. What this model does not achieve is a
The elements of a generic model of the design plan. It is only able to produce the best-process
process at the detailed level has been developed. An content and a model of the interactions to achieve the
approach based on the identification of the sequence of design. It would have to be used as input
deliverables of the design process enables a bottom- to techniques such as ADePT (Austin et al, 2002)
up model to be built for any technology. Constraints which can then be used to prioritize the sequence of
when certain technological choices are made, allow information production.


Gray 6/13/07 10:17 AM Page 48


Emmitt, S., 1999, Architectural Management in Practice, London, Addison

Colin Gray: Professor of Construction Management, The School of Farell, R., 1968, Introductory Survey of Programme Management,
Construction Management and Engineering, The University of Programme Management of Power Station Construction, Central
Reading, Whiteknights, Reading, RG6 6AW, UK. Electricity Generating Board, London, Basil Blackwell.
E-mail: Freeman, I., 1981, Comparative Studies of the Construction Industries in
Salam Al-Bizri: The School of Construction Management and Great Britain and North America: a Review, Current Paper CP 5/81,
Engineering, The University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading, Garston, Building Research Establishment.
RG6 6AW, UK. E-mail: Gray, C., 1999, Value for Money – Building the Buildings the UK Likes,
Reading, Reading Construction Forum.
Gray, C. and Hughes, W., 2001, Building Design Management, Oxford,
REFERENCES Gray, C. and Little, J., 1985, A systematic approach to the selection of an
Al-Bizri, S., 1995, Design Management Plan Generator (DMPG), Knowledge appropriate crane for a construction site, in Construction Management
Based System for Planning the Design Process in the Construction and Economics, 3, 121–144.
Industry, unpublished PhD thesis, Reading University, UK. Karhu, V., Keitila, M. and Lahdenpera, P., 1997, Construction Process
Austin, S., Baldwin, A., Hammond, J., Murray, M., Root, D., Thomson, D. Model: Generic Present-state Systematisation by IDEF0, Finland, VTT
and Thorpe, A. (2001), Design Chains: A Handbook for Integrated Building Technology, Technical Research Centre of Finland.
Collaborative Design, Loughborough, Loughborough University, UK. Steel Construction Institute, 1993, A Case Study of the Steel Frame
Austin, S., Baldwin, A., Li, B. and Waskett, P., 2002, Analytical Design Erection at Senator House, London, Technical Report 136, Ascot, SCI
Planning Technique (ADePT), Loughborough, Department of Civil and Tsao, C.C.Y., Tommelein, I.D., Swanlund, E. and Howell, A.G., 2000, ‘Case
Building Engineering, Loughborough University, UK. study of work structuring: installation of metal door frames’,
Coles, E.J. and Barritt, C.M.H., 2000, Planning and Monitoring Design Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the International Group for
Work, Harlow, Pearson Education. Lean Construction, 17–19 July, Brighton. 1–14.


Tombesi 6/13/07 10:18 AM Page 49



Rules of Engagement: Testing the

Attributes of Distant Outsourcing
Paolo Tombesi, Bharat Dave, Blair Gardiner and Peter Scriver

In the space of a few years, the provision of architectural services that rely on the digital outsourcing of
documentation responsibilities to other firms – often located offshore in areas of the world with lower labour
costs – has come to the forefront of the restructuring debate of the architectural sector. Today, the discussion
about digital outsourcing cannot be reduced to the simple exploitation of rent differentials between distinct
socio-economic and professional worlds. It must also reflect and examine the objective extension of the
transactional market of architectural practices, where firms can reorganize their production strategically
across a vast territory to remain sustainable or competitive. Even though the distant collaborations that
underlie this arrangement are drawing more public attention than in the past, it is still difficult for non-
anecdotal evaluations to take place, since the parameters currently employed in the analysis of this
phenomenon have not yet been sufficiently developed theoretically. As a result, it is arduous for industrial
scholars, or for those firms that have not directly taken part in such ventures, to assess the perils and
possibilities of this emerging mode of service delivery in a balanced way. Building on work carried out for a
research programme sponsored by the Australian Research Council, this article establishes a set of criteria
and protocols to gauge, more systematically, the potential and viability of distant alliances. By adopting such
criteria, it becomes clear that the evaluation of digital collaborations cannot be done in the abstract or solely
through the use of office spreadsheets. It requires a thorough consideration of the socio-technical
characteristics of the firms involved, and an in-depth analysis of their cultural routines.

■ Keywords – Architectural practice; design management; IT; And observe, you are put to stern choice in this
outsourcing matter. You must either make a tool of the creature,
or a man of him. You cannot make both. Men were
not intended to work with the accuracy of tools, to
INTRODUCTION: OUT OF THE CLOSET be precise and perfect in all their actions. If you will
You can teach a man to draw a straight line ... and have that precision out of them, and make their
to copy any number of given lines or forms fingers measure degrees like cog-wheels, and their
with admirable speed and perfect precision ... but arms strike curves like compasses, you must
if you ask him to think about any of those forms ... unhumanize them...(Ruskin, 1853).
he stops; his execution becomes hesitating ...; he
makes a mistake in the first touch he gives to his A spider conducts operations that resemble those
work as a thinking being. But you have made a of a weaver and a bee puts to shame many an
man of him for all that. He was only a machine architect in the construction of her cells. But what
before, an animated tool... distinguishes the worst architect from the best of


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bees is this, that the architect raises his structure in certainly attained new levels of exposure. The
imagination before he erects it in reality. At the end evidence of professional or business relationships
of every labour process we get a result that existed involving the alliance of firms from higher-wage and
in the imagination of the labourer at its lower-wage regions is mounting rapidly (Housley Carr
commencement. He not only effects a change of and Krizan, 1988; Korman, 1995; Baker, 1999; Klein,
form in the material on which he works, but he also 2003; Lyall, 2004; Rubin et al, 2004). A search of
realizes a purpose... (Marx, 1887). OffshoreXperts – a website of distant outsourcing –
will produce armies of potential drawing services
In the space of 20 years, information and subcontractors, divided by world region or type of
communication technologies have virtually uprooted specialty. They may not all qualify for advanced
traditional modes of professional exchange and consulting, but their cyber-spatial presence illustrates
interaction by disconnecting the production and a degree of organizational infrastructuring
distribution of information from the physical world. unthinkable only a few years ago.
With paper no longer an essential support to the More significant, however, is the fact that distant
transfer of design decisions, the Prometheus of services have come out of the proverbial professional
architectural practice has been unchained from the closet to situate themselves at the forefront of the
tyranny of place and physical (‘hard-copy’) document architectural sector restructuring debate. Both
delivery. Today, drawings are assembled and moved professional and management journals now give digital
around for the most part electronically (Baker, 1999; outsourcing a modicum of coverage, and the many
Dalal, 2000; PMA, 2001; ZweigWhite, 2001).1 professional firms that have used such services are
Until recently, though, this Prometheus seemed more prepared to talk about it, at least compared with
reluctant to show off its newfound agility. While there the past.2 This may be partly connected to the evolution
appeared to be no problem in celebrating the power of building design markets in advanced economies
of digital technology to compress time and space, such as Australia’s, where the specialization of firms in
virtually connecting distant locations and clustering construction documentation or project administration –
distant people together, there was palpable i.e. services valued by sophisticated clients particularly
resistance in laying down explicitly the multiple office on complex projects – is now considered a sound
unit configurations resulting out of this opportunity, or professional strategy to hedge knowledge-acquisition
addressing openly the social implications or possible or specialist training costs and reduce offices’ financial
repercussions of the passage from physical (and exposure. Be that as it may, the chief executive officers
therefore local) workplaces to digital (and therefore of some of the most successful offshore design service
potentially global) workspace (Tombesi, 2001a). subcontractors have entered the professional scene
As Solomon and Linn (2005) suggest, such from the front door of American Institute of Architects
reluctance can be caused by the stigma associated (AIA), Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and
with such arrangements, and the fact that they Commonwealth Association of Architects’ (CAA)
encroach upon employment, money and profit – meetings, with addresses or workshop presentations
traditionally sensitive territories of professional aimed at debunking myths of makeshift
practice. In addition, the ‘north–south’ connotation competitiveness through the display of professional
inevitably characterizing many of these collaborations wares and office workforce preparation.
can still conjure up images of socio-technical As a matter of fact, many of these structures have
colonialism, where economic powers tap into a global come to resemble (or literally to replace) commercial
pool of lower-cost resources that are either design or executive architectural offices in the US or
underutilized or in excess (Tombesi, 2001b; Tombesi the UK. They use the same language, publicly
et al, 2003; Wilkins and Tombesi, 2005). subscribe to an ideology of scrupulous productivity
Today, the design industry may have reached a and value for money, and in some cases have
point where cultural cargos are ready to give way to graduates of prestigious universities or former
balanced and critical discussion. Digital practice has associates of renowned firms at their helm.


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Rules of Engagement 51

Meanwhile, the advantage of their location becomes through industry-wide working groups such as
the object of institutional support, with government the UK-based Construction Project Information
agencies and professional bodies from developing Committee,3 construction documentation conventions
economies addressing, specifically, the possibility of and logics tend to be presented as generally
cross-border activities, the lowering of barriers to applicable norms and standards of good practice
digital trade in architecture, and the facilitation of presumably derived through a neutral, context-free
commercial establishments through tax cuts (see, for translation of generic principles. However, as Coxe et
example, Young-Pugh (2005)). In some cases, this al (1987) have shown, individual architectural firms
results in the concentration of IT infrastructure around tend to develop distinctive subcultural practices of
specific, and essentially urban, locales. This is a their own. These practices conform to and employ
strategy that gives such territorial enclaves a specific systems of design procurement, decision-
technologically competitive edge, favourable to the making, element costing and technical linkages that
export processing of IT-related activities as well as have major consequences over the formatting/layout
the attraction of foreign investment (Tombesi et al, of contractual information and associated graphics.
2003). This generates markedly specific collaborative needs,
which can easily become the basis for ad-hoc
FROM COMPETITIVE TO COMPARATIVE alliances and the arrangement of selective services
ADVANTAGE in a fee-shrinking environment. Several drafting
Acknowledging the evolving position of digital outsourcing firms have understood the potential of
outsourcing in architectural practice does not just these collaborations to help them differentiate their
provide a chance for historical or sociological work from that of their competitors, and are now
reflection. The recognition that distant service eager to prove their ability to participate more fully in
collaborations are gaining acceptance as a legitimate the design or project development process.
professional tactic also serves to understand that the Recent developments notwithstanding, neither
environment within which these take place is likely to industrial nor academic research have yet produced a
change, and that the average expected quality of the reflective theoretical framework, or investigated the
services performed is likely to increase. underlying attributes of successful alliances between
In a widening market characterized by firms’ long- collaborating entities. Most of the (few) examples
term strategic decisions and higher levels of public available in the existing literature to illustrate the ‘dos
information, where there is ample opportunity to and don’ts’ of outsourcing practice are too crude and
preview skills and undergo preliminary pilot elementary to form a serious benchmark for a
collaboration tests, the appropriate use of drafting professional sector, and practical workshops tend to
routines, detail libraries and quality assurance focus on business issues or management tips rather
guidelines is the necessary condition to operate at a than technical details. From this point of view, digital
minimum competitive level. However, once competition outsourcing is still being dealt with superficially, as a
compels labour cost-cutting measures to be adopted, generic form of service offloading that requires only
as a rule, by all players in the field, the problem with limited disciplinary scrutiny. Yet, without proper
distant collaborations is unlikely to be simply that of categories of analysis it is difficult to advance the
finding a documentation contractor who can draft discussion beyond the anecdotal. In the absence of
correctly and more cheaply than in-house resources. evaluative criteria that are comparable across the
Rather, it will concern the ability of competing players board, the experiences of different firms remain
(firms) to join forces with truly complementary isolated in their own particularity. What is needed, by
establishments that can enhance their service contrast, is an inclusive conceptual scaffold that
delivery ability. allows the successful parameters of digitally
In widely published professional texts such as supported distant collaborations to be characterized,
Styles and Bichard’s Working Drawings Handbook and their likely impact on forms of architectural
(2004), or in the material produced and disseminated practice in the contemporary climate to be weighed


Tombesi 6/13/07 10:18 AM Page 52


FIGURE 1 Experimental pairing of firms through pilot tests

up vis-à-vis particular kinds of project requirements cover the sociological spectrum of service
and development paths. subcontractors in architecture:

SETTING UP THE SCAFFOLD ● Australian firms that specialize in contract

The definition of such a scaffold was one of the documentation, thus reflecting market niching
objectives of an Australian Research Council- decisions rather than socio-economic differences
sponsored research project, concerned with the ● Indian professional firms, which epitomize
evaluation of the industrial potential of distant entities active in a professional reality with similar
collaborations between architectural providers, and historical roots but different socio-economic and
the assessment of the likelihood that such practice environmental conditions
will develop into a fully-fledged mode of service ● Web-based firms, specifically set up to work
delivery.4 remotely, without any programmatic connection to
In order to achieve these two objectives, the their physical place of operation – which are the
research programme was set up as an industrial direct result of technological opportunities, and
laboratory that reproduced and helped solve the ● South-East Asian firms employing staff with
difficulties that firms face in establishing a direct experience in Australian education and
collaborative link and evaluating its viability. Within professional practice, and possibly run by former
this laboratory, a series of controlled documentation Melbourne University students.
projects involving collaborations between different
distant design service providers and a selected group The involvement of each group with digital
of architectural firms based in Melbourne (the subcontracting is informed by different rationales and
hometown of the research team) were to be carried embodies distinct professional cultures – task-based,
out digitally, with specific indicators to measure non-Australian place-based, technology-based, and
the levels of cultural understanding as well as place-informed. The particulars of the work and the
technical proficiency required, and the results progression of tasks can be found in Tombesi et al
obtained. (2005).
In concrete terms, the plan of this ongoing The theory behind the methodology selected (and
research is to connect a group of seven Melbourne- outlined in Figures 1 and 2) was that, by organizing a
based architectural offices that reflect different system of technical tests and design tasks that did
professional markets, building types and office sizes, justice to the complexity of the design process and
with four other specific, similarly sized groups of the variety of skills required to carry it out properly,
theoretically competitive drawing service providers. qualitative differences in the performance of distant
Based on previous research, a decision was made to actors could be examined, and the relationship
compare the performance of four types of firms that between these differences and certain environmental


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Rules of Engagement 53

FIGURE 2 Documentation template and information loop

characteristics be determined. Once the conditions collaborative test, and to form the benchmark upon
that should be satisfied for Australian architectural which the technical and economic performance of
establishments to outsource their work had been the firms subcontracted for the pilot would be
articulated explicitly, the tests developed could help measured (Figure 2).
determine whether or not the different types of firms These two functions were part of the same
currently involved in the market of digital collaborative loop. At one end of the loop, each
collaborations have the technical capacity to meet the architectural firm would select technical drawings from
requirements identified. a previously developed project documentation set that
Within the context outlined, the most important reflected the characteristics of the work carried out
element became the design of a documentation inside the firm, the constraints and the production
template that could be employed for the various pilot environment (A.0 in Figure 2). Such drawings would
tests. The template was envisioned as a strategic form the basis for a cartoon set specifying the scope of
compilation of single project-specific information the submission e.g. the documentation required from
previously produced by each one of the architectural the subcontractor (A.1). This cartoon set would be
firms contracting out the service, which would be supplemented by two items:
used in two ways:
● (A.2) a copy of the material used by the original
● to reflect upon and articulate, in-house, the architectural firm to produce the content of the
characteristics of the work needed or expected template (e.g. brief requirements, sketches and
from future partners, and drawings, office detail libraries, particular system
● to evaluate submissions from potential external specifications, office CAD layering conventions,
collaborators. photographs of buildings or building solutions
references), and
In other words, the template was a device conceived ● (A.3) a copy of a complete set of drawings from
both to help define the scope of work of a another project, which implicitly described the


Tombesi 6/13/07 10:18 AM Page 54


firm’s approach to project documentation and standards set by the firm itself. Levels would vary
selection of details, as well as the parts of the from ‘unacceptable’ (0) to ‘superior’ (5), and would
work that are technologically or architecturally be organized either in bar chart or diamond diagram
important to the same firm. formats to allow immediate visual comparisons
between firm types (Figure 4).
Together with a schedule of the drawings eventually
required – effectively the same schedule of drawings DEFINING LAYERS OF IDENTITY
produced by the firm for the original project (A.4) – This agenda defined the template as a technically
this information would constitute the package sent to complex documentation micro-project, which had to
potential drafting subcontractors to understand the reflect multiple representational dimensions. It had to
scope of the work, determine the price of the service be agile enough to be used by the parties preliminarily,
outsourced, and establish the production timeframe. before entering a formal contractual relationship, and
This would result in a preliminary indication of the yet thorough enough to include well-structured
cost differences between in-house and outsourced drafting tasks. In turn, these had to be engineered so
work, and a quantification of the savings theoretically as to entail (and allow one to observe) various kinds of
achievable by subcontracting work to categories of technical knowledge and professional skills, including
collaborating firms differently organized or differently use of explicit and implicit conventions in building
located. design and construction.
At the other end of the loop, the template would Eventually, a decision was made to limit the
be used by the architectural firm to compare the template to less than six documentation sheets and
documentation submitted by the drafting service up to approximately 40 hours in production time
provider with the documentation originally produced requirements. Such dimensions were considered
in-house. The performance of the subcontractor appropriate to guarantee both an inclusive drafting
would be determined on the basis of categories scope and a pilot that could be developed quickly and
explicitly established and employed at the outset, and at a relatively small cost for the architectural firm.
translated into qualitative levels related to how As implied in Figure 2 and described in Figure 3,
closely the work received approximates to the the set of documents required within this framework

FIGURE 3 Conceptual and graphic structure of the template


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Rules of Engagement 55

had to contain descriptions of the project at different plans and sections as well as horizontal and vertical
scales, reflect location-, assembly- and component- details. The analysis of professional skills, instead,
drawing challenges, and imbue specific hinged on the relationship (established or understood)
documentation strategies. The drawings also had to between the various representations contained in the
encode the firm’s way of communicating its own template. Socio-cultural skills were to be found in the
trademark language decisions (i.e. prescriptive integrated incorporation – in the technical development
technology), responding to code requirements (i.e. of the drawings – of the prescriptions generated by
normative technology) and acknowledging local the architectural language of the contracting firm, by
practice conventions (i.e. conventional technology). normative requirements and by local customs.5
Technical graphics, in other words, were expected to By considering these three categories
include a range of representations from ‘generic’ to simultaneously, one could determine how closely the
‘specific’. More broadly, the structure of the template documentation pilot approximated the ‘culture’ of the
was designed to induce future partners to display architectural firm administering the test (Figure 4).
three layers of skills encompassing increasingly more
complex and yet tacit arenas of practice – vocational, REVEALING TECHNICAL DIFFERENCES
professional and socio-cultural. The conceptual definition of the template has been
Vocational skills related to the subcontractor’s important in the development of the research project
ability to act simply as a drafting agent, by translating as it helped to highlight a critical element in the
the pre-construction document information received preparation of the background material for the
into a proper construction drawing notational format. collaborations. It was observed that as one combines
Professional skills implied the subcontractor’s ability technical documentation categories, precise evaluative
to respond to less literal demands from the parameters and individual firms’ ambitions, the
documentation provided. These include understanding selection of drawings for the template takes on a very
and supporting the design intent of the documents, specific and idiosyncratic character that informs the
integrating scales of representation, tracking down structure of the template itself. Considering
possible inconsistencies, and adding or correcting construction documentation comparatively – in the
incomplete information. Socio-cultural skills referred light of different firms’ methods, office routines and
to the subcontractor’s ability to interpret the design objectives – turns neutral representations into
constraints generated by the institutional culturally charged information strategies.
environment of which the contracting firm is a part. The preparation of the templates in collaboration
These comprise building and planning codes that with the Melbourne-based offices selected for the
must be considered in the preparation of the drafting project supports this assertion. In spite of the fact
pilot but are not part of the documentation package that each template was supposed to generate
received; technical traditions that affect the selection answers to the same questions and be equivalent
of details, the organization of project procurement in scope, the architectural agenda of each firm,
and the structure of documents; and cultural their employment structure and the methods
preferences that inform the specific development of consequently adopted to illustrate their design
particular solutions. decisions and technological choices, varied so widely
While it is comparatively easy to establish abstract as to require different sets of technical descriptions
requirements, it is more difficult to embed them neatly and different weights for the parameters adopted. An
in actual documents. For this reason, ad-hoc example can be given by using three of the firms
arrangements had to be adopted in order to associate contributing to the research.
evaluative categories to the graphics needed by the
contracting firm and produced by the subcontractor. FIRM A
Accordingly, it was decided that vocational skills were The trademark of firm A, a high modernist design unit,
those displayed in the proper rendering of the various is the employment of quasi-industrial materials and
individual representations required by the test – floor construction systems (e.g. concrete and commercial


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FIGURE 4 Performance of vocational, professional and socio-cultural skills evidenced in the

subcontractor’s work compared with the contracting firm’s culture

aluminium window sections) in the high-end documentation approach adopted by firm A

domestic market. This requires a thorough resolution subdivided location drawings into layers, effectively
of project detailing, possibly early in the trade-sequencing structure, services and finishes.
documentation programme, so as to control the Consideration of the resolution and communication
architectural design intent tightly and not to allow the of detail issues was also necessary in order to
domestic-scale contractor to tackle the work as a facilitate the early production of fabrication shop-
generic assemblage of given industrial components. drawings, rendered necessary by the close spatial
Firm A normally produces a higher-than-average integration of independent systems or trades, and the
amount of highly resolved construction documents. fine tolerances of finish required by a building design
Many of the technical drawings are relational in consisting of deceptively simple lines. In addition,
nature, and place emphasis not only on the materials selection e.g. concrete and glass needed
independent description of the various building careful detailing because of the required thermal
systems but also on their reciprocal position and performance of the building within the context of
interaction. residential regulations. Hence, much thought had to
In the single-family project selected for the be given not only to insulating the concrete and
template (Figure 5), the choice of concrete as the glazing systems but also to the incorporation of
structural and aesthetic generator of the architecture concealed shading devices to reduce the thermal
had determined an inflexible system where the load.
integration of services, finishes and built-in joinery From a collaborative standpoint, firm A was thus
required early and close coordination with interested in testing its potential partners’ ability to
subconsultants to minimize the possibility for take the firm’s preliminary architectural sketches, well
positional errors. Within this context, the developed technical detail specifications and


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Rules of Engagement 57

FIGURE 5 Firm A’s original project as built

structural engineering decisions, and transform of ‘common practice’, specific solutions tend to be
these, based on an analysis of the firm’s previous developed through the nomination of specialist
documented work, into proficient construction contractors, a choice that results in the preparation of
drawings comparable to those produced in-house. in-house documents that are considered essentially
This, in fact, is the area where firm A invests most of as scope drawings. However, with the firm’s strong
its skilled-labour resources during the design emphasis on particular formal aspects of the design,
documentation process. much of the preliminary detailing work must still liaise
For this reason, the template/cartoon set defined with and incorporate input from manufacturers.
for the pilot (Figure 6) included three different This ensures that it will eventually be possible for
technical layers of the same floor plan (a, b, c), two this latter group to use their systems according to
simple location sections featuring internal and non-standard configurations while still achieving
external areas (d) and elaborate sets of vertical (e) and satisfactory performance (for instance with
horizontal (f) component details. The challenge, here, waterproofing).
was to understand and represent subtle variations in The multi-family housing project upon which the
the configuration of each system vis-à-vis its position collaboration template of firm B was organized was
in space and within the building, while supporting one such case in which an uncommon palette of
both the semantic and the performance value of the materials was specified. The row of apartments
solution designed by firm A. defined a regular longitudinal volume with complex
transversal cross-sections and an elaborate envelope
FIRM B system consisting of creased concrete facade
Firm B, by contrast, is a high-profile, small-size office panelling and curved stainless steel cladding. Within
well known for its attempts to design buildings with the volume, client-specific unit configurations
highly figurative and textural effects through the use generated a series of individual programme solutions,
of mostly standard construction systems in a each with its own micro-design and documentation
relatively conventional way. When the use of a challenges. In fact, significant gymnastics were
selected palette of materials lies outside the bounds required to accommodate unit services, adapt their


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FIGURE 6 Collaboration template for firm A

functional layout to the architectural ambitions of the consistently through the various phases of the
project, and meet building code requirements for fire project. Because of the propositional nature of their
and acoustic performance as well as access issues. design solutions, it is not unusual for the latter
The successful response to these matters required to change substantially in the passage from
close documentation collaboration with the structural schematic design to design development, and
engineer and quantity surveyor. from contract documentation to construction
This type and method of work affects firm B’s documentation. Yet, the effort involved in docu-
document production patterns. The office seldom menting each stage of the project is substantial given
generates sets of documents that progress the close integration of formal and technical aspects


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Rules of Engagement 59

FIGURE 7 Firm B’s original project as built

FIGURE 8 Collaboration template for firm B


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throughout the entire design process. As a result, FIRM C

firm B was interested in finding out whether it Firm C, a market-leading specialist in healthcare
could outsource the production of technical repre- design, offered a radically different collaboration
sentations that were not only imbued with the initial scenario. Most of firm C’s work involves extension
intentions of the designers but also capable of and adaptive reuse of major hospital facilities. Within
articulating these further, while ensuring code an environment that sets rigid guidelines for building
compliance. organization, typological structure and interface with
In this case, the template differed significantly existing volumes, the challenges encountered by the
from firm A’s on two grounds: office are concerned not so much with architectural
expression but rather with programme development
● preliminary drawings could not be used and coordination, floor layout and ‘old-new’ building
effectively because they tended to describe connections. Firm C needs to devise efficient
superseded solutions functional responses to mostly given floorplates
● it was more important for the subcontracting where several systems must be integrated, and also
firm to show an understanding of the make sure that these responses incorporate and
design philosophy of firm B and the interpret the latest changes in planning and
normative context in which it operates, occupational health and safety regulations, building
rather than demonstrate ability in developing standards and fit-out systems.
the full technical details of the systems In this case, the advantage in establishing
represented. collaborations hinges upon the office’s ability to find
partners who can fulfil early planning responsibilities
These two circumstances were acknowledged in the within the boundaries of the programme received,
template/cartoon set by reducing the number of while documenting (and possibly finalizing the design
drawing items required from the drafting service of) robust construction systems that reflect the
supplier but increasing the amount and range of the constraints imposed on the building by its existing
preliminary documentation provided in support. structures. It is imperative that the design of these
These included structural and mechanical systems considers all possible aspects concerned
engineering diagram representations, sketches of with their manufacture and assembly in order to
architectural and technical details, trade specialists’ not create interferences during the procurement
shop drawings, individual client briefs, and quantity process.
surveyor comments. Set-out drawings for floor plans Firm C can rely on a solid library of spatial and
and sections were also provided by stripping off the technical layout solutions, integrated by thorough
final contract documents issued by firm B on the design routines in the office manual, and a wide
original project. In the end, the template consisted of range of previously developed details. Yet, while the
four items: planning component can be developed on the basis
of programme, norms and precedents, construction
● two overall floor plans showing typological design must always refer to the specific conditions of
principles, structural bays and service areas the particular project. The one selected for the pilot
● two cross-sections, chosen to highlight specific test – a hospital renovation in Melbourne that
architectural and code challenges includes the addition of a front wing (Figure 9) –
● the detailed description of such challenges (e.g. highlights these aspects clearly by calling for two
slanted wall window details, public passage types of design response:
headways and wall composition, and circulation
requirements) ● the organization of levels and horizontal plates
● an enlargement of the service area portions of according to specific hospital functions, and
the first floor plan, with the development of ● the resolution of building connections to the
selected details. street and to the old hospital.


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Rules of Engagement 61

FIGURE 9 Firm C’s original project as built

Accordingly, the template defined for the test (Figure 10) Technical sophistication, cross-referencing and
consisted of: scale integration are very important to firm A. The
ability to detect and correct inconsistencies is also
● the overall floor plan of a ward with particular critical to its collaborative horizons (although difficult
circulation characteristics and prescriptive to acquire straight away), because discrepancies may
adjacencies occur, with major negative repercussions, across
● a detailed plan of an in-patient unit with all the different systems and layers of information.
right clearances The same discrepancies are more likely to appear
● a main elevation featuring fenestration strategies in firm B’s work – easier but not as important to
for the ward detect – because the scope-defining nature of the
● two side elevations showing their connection to graphics implicitly acknowledges an additional layer
the main new front and to the volume of the of documentation for construction. In this case, the
existing hospital at the rear drawings set an agenda at each scale that will be
● a collection of horizontal corner assembly details actualized later on.
featuring construction system differences With firm C, this luxury disappears, since the
between the various sides of the building, and nature of its work requires careful preliminary
● conceptual vertical assembly details of the planning of overall and detailed solutions as these
original brick and new curtain walls. impinge directly on project scope viability, budget and
construction procurement paths.
The three examples clarify both the importance and Also, locational vertical sections are particularly
the relativity of the evaluation categories defined in relevant to the documentation of firm B, whereas
Figure 4. As both expected and natural, the notational floor plans and assembly drawings remain central
correctness of each item drawn under outsourcing to the practice of firms A and C. Implicit
arrangements (i.e. the ‘vocational’ skills of the chart) normative requirements play an important role in
is a common requirement for all firms. For any each firm’s document production, although in
language to be understood, its words must be spelled different ways:
properly. The relevance of ‘professional’ parameters,
however, changes according to the firm, except for ● with firm A, they inform the combination of
the support of design intent. technical systems and building components


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FIGURE 10 Collaboration template for firm C

● with firm B they enter the spatial detailing of the each firm – a concept not further definable in
sections theory but only discernible on the basis of its
● whereas with firm C they concern the feasibility practice.
of the entire proposal.
In spite of all the differences highlighted, the success COLLABORATION PROFILES
of hypothetical drawing alliances would seem to At the time of writing this article, the various
reside in collaborators’ ability to understand and templates are about to be sent out to the four groups
contribute to the ‘documentation’ design intent of of distant providers indicated earlier, to assess their


Tombesi 6/13/07 10:18 AM Page 63

Rules of Engagement 63

performance and see whether this changes Bharat Dave and Blair Gardiner: Faculty of Architecture, Building
according to different degrees of parity and familiarity and Planning, University of Melbourne.
with the specific professional cultures of the Peter Scriver: School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and
commissioning firms. The results of these Urban Design, University of Adelaide, South Australia 5005,
experiments will be communicated in due course. Australia. Tel: +618 8303 4586, fax: +618 8303 4377,
Thus far, however, the experience of this research e-mail:
project has already provided us with one important
lesson: the underpinnings of distant collaborations
change drastically according to the specific (albeit NOTES
usually underplayed) documentation needs of firms. 1 The protocols and technology for transferring electronic files were
Consequently, given the broad professional variance developed in 1973, and adopted by the pioneering architectural offices
in the market of potential subcontracting entities, the to exchange information between their distributed offices (Kemper,
latter must be selected on the basis of a precise 1985). With the expanding coverage and connectivity of global
understanding of their technical role. This role can networks, especially after the popular reception of the World Wide Web
only be assessed by reflecting carefully on the in 1992, electronic exchange of information increasingly became the
contracting party’s work. default (and preferred) option for professional communication. These
The dialogical nature of this relationship has very technologies also made possible the development of ‘virtual
certainly been described before. The passages from studios’ linking teams across different geographic locations and time
Marx and Ruskin quoted at the beginning of this zones. The technological vision and social implications of these
article resonate powerfully with such insight. But in developments were presaged (even before the technologies were
the interim between their critical observations of developed) in As We May Think by Bush (1945).
production in the first machine age and the 2 A survey conducted for the Boston Society of Architects in 2004
technological hyperbole of our third (digital) machine revealed that 20% of architects surveyed used offshore services and half
age, it has too often been imagined that the cognitive the respondents were considering use of these services (Hillman, 2005).
and cultural complexities of human work have 3 See, for instance, Production Information: A Code of Procedure
ultimately been reduced. Treating distant service for the Construction Industry (2003), available at:
providers as generic (and therefore allegedly efficient)
automata may not pay off in the end because it is 4 P. Tombesi, B. Dave, B.M. Gardiner and P.C. Scriver, 2005, Digital
the work contracted out in the first place that Outsourcing in Architecture: Opportunities for Australian Firms or Perils
cannot be generically developed. Successful distant for Australian Workforce? Australian Research Council Discovery Grant
alliances require the design and assessment of both DP0558568.
partners’ contributions, based on the specific 5 The distinction between vocational and professional skills resembles the
instance of the collaboration rather than respective categories introduced in 1991 by Robert Reich, then Harvard academic
industrial profiles. and future secretary of Labor under the first Clinton administration. In
‘Lest to be put to shame by bees,’ as Marx The Work of Nations, Reich divides mobile workers into ‘routine
wrote, the purpose of the work must be clear. It is producers’ and ‘symbolic analysts’. Routine producers are those who
not only the structure of the building but also the process data by following instructions. They perform repetitive tasks
structure of the professional collaboration that and respond to explicit procedures, no matter how articulate these are.
must be raised in imagination before being erected in Symbolic analysts, by contrast, intervene on reality by reducing it to
reality. abstract images, manipulating these images, communicating them to
other specialists, and coordinating their work. They are involved with
independent problem-solving, problem-identifying and strategic-
AUTHOR CONTACT DETAILS brokering activities, and make decisions based on critical judgement
Paolo Tombesi (corresponding author): Faculty of Architecture, sharpened by experience. When applied to architectural practice,
Building and Planning, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria symbolic analysis suggests an obvious affinity with design
3010, Australia. Tel: +613 8344 8981, fax: +613 8344 5532, responsibilities and professional skills, while routine production
e-mail: connotes documentation and vocational tasks.


Tombesi 6/13/07 10:18 AM Page 64


REFERENCES Rubin, D.K., Reina, P., Powers, M.B. and Illia, T., 2004, ‘As cost pressures
Baker, K., 1999, ‘Architects and the “New Economy”’, in AIArchitect, mount, offshoring is making the world go round’, in Engineering News
September, Record, 20(2), 20–24., accessed October 2000. Ruskin, J., 1853. The Stones of Venice, Volume II, Garland Publishing,
Bush, V., 1945, ‘As we may think’, in The Atlantic Monthly, New York and London, Garland Publishing, 1979, 161; reprint of the
176(1), 101–108. original edition by Smith, Elder and Co, London, 1853.
Coxe, W., Hartung, N.F., Hochberg, H., Lewis, B.J., Maister, D.H., Mattox, Solomon, N. and Linn, C., 2005, ‘Are we exporting architecture jobs?’, in
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McGraw-Hill. Elsevier/Architectural Press.
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accessed October 2000. Tombesi, P., 2001b, ‘Shifting geographies? The new international division of
Hillman, K., 2005, ‘Drawing on offshoring’, in Boston Business Journal, labour in architecture’, in S. Bozdoǧan and U. Berke Çopur (eds.),
July 25, 2005. Oriental-Occidental Geography, Identity, Space, Proceedings 2001 ACSA
Housley Carr, F. and Krizan, W., 1988, ‘Offshore design soaring?’, in International Conference, ACSA, Washington, 443–446.
Engineering News Record, 220(3), January 21, 20–22. Tombesi, P., Dave, B. and Scriver, P., 2003, ‘Routine production or symbolic
Kemper, X., 1985, Pioneers of CAD in Architecture, Pacifica, California, analysis? India and the Globalization of Architectural Services’, in The
Hurland-Swenson Publishers. Journal of Architecture, 8(1), 63–94.
Klein, J., 2003, ‘Drawing on resources abroad’, in Architecture, Tombesi, P., Dave, B., Gardiner, B., Scriver, P., 2005, ‘Evaluating the industrial
92(6), 76. potential of digital outsourcing in architecture: Methodological challenges
Korman, R., 1995, ‘Shifting jobs where pay is low’, in Engineering News and choices’, in S. Emmitt and M. Prins (eds.), CIB W096 Architectural
Record, 235(25), December 18, 15. Management Meeting, Designing Value: New Directions in Architectural
Lyall, S., 2004, ‘Hidden sources’, in The Architects’ Journal, 219(7), Management, Danish Technical University, Lyngby, 441–450.
February 19, 44–47. Wilkins, C. and Tombesi, P., 2005, ‘Introduction to globalization and
Marx, K., 1887. Capital, A Critique of Political Economy. Book I, Part III, architectural education’, in Journal of Architectural Education, 58(3), 1–4.
Chapter VII, 174, London, Lawrence and Wishart, 1954; reprint of the Young-Pugh, R.G., 2005, ‘Architectural practice and education in South
first English edition edited by F. Engels,1887. Africa: From local transformation to global participation’, in Journal of
PMA (Practice Management Associates), 2001, PSMJ A/E Automation Architectural Education, 58(3), 33–41.
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Building Stories Revisited: Unlocking the

Knowledge Capital of Architectural
Ann Heylighen, W. Mike Martin and Humberto Cavallin

Since architects deal with unique projects, their knowledge is largely experience-based, tacit and embedded
within the design and construction process. Nevertheless, few consistent and systematic mechanisms exist
that try to establish and maintain access to the profession’s knowledge. Effectively capitalizing on this
knowledge thus seems as pressing a problem as producing more knowledge. Building Stories, an
experimental course at University of California – Berkeley, started with a carte blanche opportunity and
generous support from leading architecture firms in the San Francisco Bay Area, to try to unlock the
knowledge capital of architectural practice through storytelling. This paper is about creating a discussion
forum for dialogue about the nature of knowledge in architecture, how it can be captured and disseminated.
More importantly, the paper illustrates how designers and other participants in the design and making of
architecture can share their experiences through the method of storytelling. The paper looks back on the
outcomes of Building Stories over the past five years, and on how it has evolved into an inventive
methodology for catalyzing knowledge sharing between projects, between individual architects and
architecture firms and, finally, between practice and academia. After briefly recalling the underlying ideas of
Building Stories and their implementation as an operational methodology, the paper reports on its recent
in-depth evaluation involving former participants from various contexts – young and seasoned professionals
in practice, students and researchers in academia. Besides valuable feedback on Building Stories as such,
this assessment provides more general insights regarding current ideas and practices of knowledge
production and sharing in architecture.

■ Keywords – Architectural practice; collaborative culture; producing a growing body of knowledge, which hardly
knowledge exchange filters down to practising architects (Neuckermans,
2004). A survey among practitioners and academics in
INTRODUCTION architecture revealed an evident lack of networking
More and more people acknowledge that the activity between both communities (Watson and Grondzik,
of designing involves some kind of knowledge 1997). Doctoral dissertations, for instance, have
production. This directly follows from the type of become everyday food in most architecture schools,
knowledge that designing relies on (Heylighen and but their implications for professional practice, and
Neuckermans, 2000), which is largely tacit (Polanyi, ultimately for architecture as a built environment, have
1967) and embedded within the design process yet to be demonstrated.
(Schön, 1983). Together, these observations suggest that the
At the same time, the relatively recent trend challenge architecture is facing today should be seen
towards academic research in architecture is less as a need to generate more knowledge, than of


Martin 6/13/07 10:19 AM Page 66


making effective and equitable use of what is already which emphasizes the absolute, static and inhuman
available. In view of this, our research aims to develop character of knowledge and, on the other hand, the
a more profound understanding of the characteristics more recent theory of knowledge creation, which
and roles of knowledge in architectural design, and considers knowledge as a dynamic human process in
to use this understanding as a basis for developing which personal convictions are justified in a search
ideas about more efficient knowledge exchange for the truth (Nonaka, 1994). In the latter view,
between architectural practice and academia knowledge differs from information in that it only
(Heylighen et al, 2005a). exists in the heads of people, whereas information
exists outside the human mind and can be embedded
CAPITALIZING ON ARCHITECTURAL in any attribute involved in communication (e.g. text,
KNOWLEDGE speech or images) (Coenen, 2005). Sending
Trying to improve knowledge exchange in information between people may cause a change in
architecture raises the question: what is knowledge the receiver’s knowledge i.e. it may lead to
in the first place? In the literature, knowledge appears knowledge transfer. Yet, this transfer never produces
as a concept with many facets and layered meanings. an exact replica of the sender’s knowledge in the
Rather than by formulating precise definitions, receiver’s mind, since the latter’s memory is different
knowledge tends to be addressed by making all sorts when receiving the information and knowledge is
of distinctions between different knowledge types, precisely created by assimilating the information
such as between declarative and procedural received in memory. Indeed, we understand when we
knowledge (Ryle, 1949) or between explicit and tacit try to integrate new things we encounter with what
knowledge (Polanyi, 1967). we already know (Schank, 1982).
Tacit knowledge represents knowledge based on In a professional context, a similar distinction is
the experience of individuals. It expresses itself in made between, on the one hand, the ‘knowledge
human actions in the form of evaluations, attitudes, base’ i.e. the formal and codified domain expertise
points of view, commitments, motivation, etc. claimed by a profession (Habraken, 1997) and, on
Usually, tacit knowledge is difficult to express directly the other hand, the practitioner’s ‘knowing-in-
in words and often the only ways of presenting it are practice’, which – as Schön (1987) has taught us –
through metaphors, drawings or other methods of is largely implicit and learned by doing. Medical
expression not requiring a formal use of language. On doctors, for example, obviously must know about
the practical level, many experts are often unable to the human body, but if they are to diagnose an
articulate all they know and are able to do, and how illness and cure the patient, this knowledge as such
they make their decisions and come to conclusions. will not do. Similarly, lawyers must know more than
Polanyi (1967: 26) captures the essence of tacit the law if they want to apply it successfully in real
knowledge in the phrase ‘We know more than we can cases.
tell’ and further clarifies the concept in commonplace Having more or less an idea of what types of
examples like the ability to recognize faces, ride a knowledge exist, the second question to be
bicycle or swim without even the slightest idea of addressed is: what, if anything, is specific about
how these things are done. Rosenberg’s (1982: 143) architectural knowledge? In other words, why do we
description of traditional technological knowledge, think that architectural knowledge is special and thus
accumulated in crude empirical ways without reliance needs special treatment? According to Lawson
upon science, provides a good definition of tacit (2004), a first clue that may help us answer this
knowledge in technology companies: ‘The question is that design education looks different to
knowledge of techniques, methods and designs that much else of what goes on in universities around the
work in certain ways and with certain consequences, world. If you go into schools of design, you will see
even when one cannot explain exactly why.’ time and again a very similar pattern grounded in the
More generally, a distinction can be made traditional master–apprentice model: students
between, on the one hand, traditional epistemology, working in the design studio on limited, yet realistic


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Building Stories Revisited 67

design projects tutored by more experienced a clear epistemological basis, the specificity of
designers. The studio setting offers students a architectural knowledge thus seems to lay not so
transitory space (Winnicot, 1971) on their way to much in a particular set of ideas, themes, information
architectural practice, where they learn through the and theories, but rather in how these are worked
practice of designing without being aware of what is through to produce architectural artefacts (Hoque,
learnt (Schön, 1983, 1985). 2004). In this view, the notion of knowledge is
In the case of architecture, the commonness of redefined as an active process, as a performative
the studio format should not come as a surprise. As rather than a static concept. Austin (1975) identifies
Habraken (1997: 267) points out: ‘[o]f all the certain statements in English that cannot be
professional fields, architecture is where the virtue of characterized as imperatives, because to utter
a knowing-by-doing is most readily accepted by its them is:
practitioners’. In fact, this exceptional cultivation of
knowing-in-practice may point to a second clue: Not to describe the doing of what is to be said,
architecture’s failure to claim a common knowledge but in so uttering to be doing .... The name
base. In Habraken’s view, the problem is not performative is derived from ‘perform’, the usual
necessarily that architecture does not codify its verb with the noun ‘action’: it indicates that the
knowledge base formally, as other professions such issuing of the utterance is the performing of an
as law or medicine do: ‘Granted implicitness, action.
however, there should be some evidence that
knowledge is shared among architects at all, because Unlike ordinary practical knowledge, performative is
it is only by sharing that a professional knowledge an intellectual operation where (like knowledge-in-
base can be claimed’ (Habraken, 1997: 268). And this action) knowing is in the doing.
is where the shoe seems to pinch: the architectural
profession not only tends to be highly secretive, it STORYTELLING: AN ENGAGEMENT OF
also fails to incorporate knowledge management EXPERIENTAL KNOWLEDGE
theories and methodologies that have gained Given this intimate relationship between knowing and
widespread acceptance in other fields (Doctors, designing in architecture, it is perhaps not so
2004). In fact, even the modest requirement of surprising that, apart from a few isolated pilot
sharing a vocabulary is not met. As Habraken (1997) initiatives, there are hardly any consistent and
convincingly illustrates, architecture does not have a systematic mechanisms to establish and maintain
common language of general significance. Architects access to the profession’s knowledge base, let alone
have an alarming tendency to coin a personal to extend its potential reach. (Two examples of such
vocabulary and to give things new names every time. initiatives worth mentioning here are a recent attempt
A third and final clue may be found in the to capture the rationale behind decisions as they are
innovation literature (that is, outside the architectural taken during the design process (Cerulli et al, 2001)
literature), which relatively recently complemented and the nationwide case study documentation
the classical distinctions mentioned above by programme set up by the American Institute of
distinguishing between component and architectural Architects (AIA) to help improve US practice
knowledge (Henderson and Clark, 1990). The latter education (AIA, 2004).) Indeed, capturing and sharing
term is introduced to denote ‘knowledge about the something as complex and dynamic as architectural
way in which components are integrated and linked knowledge seems extremely difficult at first glance.
together into a coherent whole’. This reference to (Some knowledge is recorded by the resulting
architecture seems to derive from the fact that the construction documents or the built form itself
different issues architects must take into account (Habraken, 1997: 284), yet neither the documents
necessitate the continuous importation and nor the built form can reveal the constantly changing
integration of ideas from other disciplines to help conditions that actually structure the process of
guide the design process. Because architecture lacks designing (Brown and Duguid, 1996).) This


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expectation, however, is not confirmed by everyday organization; the explicit story is familiar to the
life. People manage to cope with and share audience and has a degree of strangeness or
phenomena of a very complex nature fairly well. The incongruity for the listener; the story is told as simply
natural way in which they seem to do so is by telling and briefly as possible; it sparks new stories in the
each other stories. mind of the listener; and, finally, as in all stories, it
In his book The Springboard (2001), Denning must have a happy ending.
convincingly explains, and at the same time In order to demonstrate the applicability of stories
demonstrates through his own stories about the World to architecture and the building industry, the following
Bank, how knowledge can be transferred effectively sections focus on Building Stories, an attempt to
by storytelling, not so much through transferring large unlock and explore the knowledge capital of
amounts of information, but as a means to catalyze architectural practice through storytelling. After
understanding. Denning (2001: xiv) notes: briefly recalling the ideas underlying Building Stories
and their implementation as an operational
Storytelling gets inside the minds of the individuals methodology, a recent in-depth evaluation involving
who collectively make up organizations and affects former participants is reported. Besides valuable
how they think, worry, wonder, agonize and dream feedback on Building Stories as such, this
about themselves and in the process create – assessment provides more general insights regarding
recreate – their organization. current ideas and practices of knowledge production
and sharing in architecture.
In addition to the benefits of using narrative,
storytelling is non-adversarial and non-hierarchical. As BUILDING STORIES IN A NUTSHELL
such, it provides an opportunity to cut through the Building Stories is a programme developed at the
defence mechanisms so prevalent in the reality of University of California – Berkeley to capture and
creative work like architecture, where ideas and explore the tacit knowledge embedded in real-world
outcomes have major meaning and importance in building projects (Martin et al, 2003). Inspired by the
terms of ownership and recognition. Storytelling is power of storytelling as a vehicle for tacit-to-tacit
not a replacement for rigorous analytical thinking, but knowledge transfer, temporary teams of students,
it complements our understanding of a phenomenon interns and professionals build stories about projects
by bringing alternative perspectives and world views. that are in the process of being designed and/or built.
The critical point, however, is that storytelling allows So far, the Building Stories methodology has been
for several important issues to be addressed in terms applied in two different ways: the original, all-in
of the complexity of architectural design and making. version, which constitutes the focus of this paper,
Stories are not only direct, easy to read and takes shape in an experimental course spanning an
entertaining; they respect the intricate relatedness of entire semester; the ‘light’ version consist of a one-
things in a way that makes them easy to remember week workshop, which essentially squeezes the
afterwards. As such, the story format provides a activities of the original version into five intensive days.
dense, compact way to deal with and communicate
complexity in a short period of time. Their outcomes AN EXPERIMENTAL COURSE
provide the reader of the story with ownership access ‘Building Stories: A Case Study Analysis of Practice’ is
by connecting the story being told to their own an experimental course offered in the Architecture
personal experience. The outcome is not about the programme at the University of California – Berkeley.
facts, but about the ideas, processes, decisions and It crystallizes the Building Stories methodology by
implications of the interactions embedded in the engaging teams of architecture students, architectural
story. According to Denning (2001: xix-xx), stories that interns and seasoned professionals in exploring
are successful have certain characteristics: these the knowledge capital embodied by the best
stories are told from the perspective of a protagonist practices of significant architectural firms in the San
with a predicament that is prototypical of an Francisco Bay Area.


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Building Stories Revisited 69

Each team is composed of two students, one ● project construction management and
intern and one project adviser provided by the firm administration
designing the project. The student faction contains at ● commissioning, measuring of project success,
least one Master of Architecture student and two post occupancy evaluation
recent graduates serving as interns in an architectural ● examples of practice innovations.
practice. The project adviser acts as a conduit for
access to the materials for the project under study. In This first half of the course concludes with an interim
addition, the firm, at its discretion, may introduce report and presentation covering the specific detail
team members to consultants and other professionals characteristics noted above. In addition, each team
involved in the design, management and construction identifies a series of issues or threads that provide an
of the project. Professional students are given formal opportunity to build stories during the second part of
IDP (Intern Development Programme) credit toward the course. These represent themes such as unique
their requirements for internship and licensure. The clients’ circumstances, special financial conditions or
project adviser and other major participants of the firm particular organizational structures that give direction
receive AIA continuing education learning units for to unfolding a specific story.
their involvement. The second half of the course concentrates on
The course combines a guided set of activities in ‘putting flesh on the skeleton’ i.e. formally
a case-based method of instruction. Students and constructing the story details. The story is developed
interns enrolling in the course follow two parallel and much in the same manner as one would write a novel.
complementary learning agendas. One provides a The plot or thread is positioned – a failed bond issue;
theoretical and methodological framework for the characters are illuminated – the introduction of a
undertaking a case study through storytelling. The construction adviser as the client; and the settings of
second constitutes active engagement in building the actions established – a revised firm organization
one or more stories about a selected project by to value engineer the originally proposed scope,
analyzing primary source documents and interacting schedule and budget. Over the next six weeks, new
with practitioners responsible for it. Weekly lectures/ chapters are added, giving meaning and
discussions make students and interns familiar understanding to the story. The final report includes
with the materials of the Building Stories approach the stories produced by the team, along with the
and with critical questions to explore the richness information collected during the investigation.
embedded in real-world projects, while opening up
a dialogue on the rigorous study of broader OUTCOME
aspects of the profession. In addition, students and At the end of the semester, the final reports are
interns team up with their project adviser on a posted on a public website, making the experience
regular basis, to discuss key issues of the project and insights they capture accessible worldwide. So
that address general aspects of the profession, far, the website features more than 22 stories about
and to evaluate progress of their investigation and 12 different cases, ranging from the San Francisco
stories. Zoo (designed by Field Paoli Architects for the City of
During the first seven weeks, each team San Francisco) and the Mount Zion Outpatient Cancer
investigates the – up to then – entire history of their Center (by SmithGroup for UC San Francisco), to the
project, using six categories as guidelines to organize new De Young Museum (by Herzog and de Meuron in
and direct their investigations: collaboration with Fong and Chan Architects for the
Corporation Of the Fine Arts Museums). It serves
● project definition and clients’ aspirations both as a repository of stories about design practice
● marketing process, project team organization and and as a foundation for further research on the
work plan projects in future courses.
● design process from schematic design to As such, Building Stories could potentially serve
construction documents as a means for sharing insights and experiences from


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practice with students, educators and researchers, previous years and the other one with principals of
but also with contemporary and future colleagues major design firms in the San Francisco Bay Area. The
(Heylighen et al, 2004; Martin et al, 2005). The latter is aim was to get a more articulate understanding of
more spectacular than first meets the eye given the what participants take home from Building Stories,
notorious nature of the architectural profession and of its position in relation to the larger phenomena
sketched above. of knowledge production, management and exchange
However, the growing on-line story repository is in architectural practice and the importance of
but one mechanism of knowledge sharing in the storytelling to this process.
Building Stories programme. An additional
mechanism derives from the fact that Building Stories STUDENTS
teams are inherently heterogeneous in terms of the For the undergraduate students, some of which were
skills and experience team members bring to it part-time interns in the firm sponsoring their case,
(Heylighen et al, 2005b). At the end of the programme, working on a Building Story gave them a better
the temporary network of students, interns and picture of what really goes on in an architecture firm.
professionals dissolves. Yet what they have learned They gained insight into a lot of technical issues, but
from each other creates a competence that becomes also into how different players work together to form
highly valued in their respective environments, be it a team, and how the nature of the team and the mode
practice or academia. The expertise and hands-on of communication within it affect the resulting
experience of the professionals in the team enables building. As one student put it:
students and interns to develop a critical
understanding of the issues and tasks of design The case study touched on parts that I would have
practice. In return, the participation of students never experienced with internship alone. I was
assures a continued supply of competencies trained in able to better understand the complicated process
the latest research skills and techniques. Moreover, of getting a design built to finish, which I can apply
the (academic) knowledge networks they have access to what I learn in classrooms and result in even a
to, and the time and energy they can invest, make greater comprehension of the architecture world. I
them highly attractive to design practice. Judging feel I have become less of an ignorant student,
from our observations during the past five years, this who has no idea or even cares about how work is
newly acquired competence – the skills, attitudes and done in real life, and have grown more
perspectives that follow team members to other consideration and admiration for the work
projects and contexts – seems at least as important architects, as well as all the different players within
and valued a form of sharing as the on-line story a project team, do.
Another former undergraduate especially expressed
BUILDING STORIES REVISITED admiration for the multitude of roles architects play
In autumn 2004, a seminar named ‘Building Stories beyond designing, roles he did not even think of
Revisited’ was organized to create a platform for when coming out of school.
studying the process and outcome of Building Stories In addition to this ‘reality check’ – and for some
in previous years in relation to the more general even ‘shock’ – one graduate student appreciated the
discussion on knowledge in architecture and how opportunity to effectively conduct interviews before
this knowledge could be unlocked. Through the starting her master’s thesis. In her view, Building
seminar, we tried to substantiate our first observations Stories should be marketed as a ‘flight simulator’ for
and verify to what extent the programme manages to practising research methods to any student planning
unlock the knowledge capital of architectural practice. to conduct qualitative research on architectural
The seminar largely took place around four practice. Moreover, since her participation in the
roundtables – the first three with students, interns and class, she regularly draws on the story repository as a
professionals who participated in Building Stories in mine of information for various purposes.


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Building Stories Revisited 71

INTERNS/YOUNG PROFESSIONALS By way of summary, the principal of a firm who

The young professionals, for their part, turned out at participated many times in the past five years placed
least as enthusiastic about Building Stories as the Building Stories’ value on three different levels.
students, yet had more difficulty explaining why:
‘What you’re getting out of it is ephemeral, it’s not ● First, it equips the firm as a whole to be self-
clear-cut knowledge.’ One of them originally intended critical in an entirely new and systematic way, and
to present his experience to his colleagues in the to reflect on and record its process of creation for
firm, but never did so because ‘they wouldn’t further refinement. The Building Stories teams did
understand it; they almost have to go through not only bring up many issues that clarified how
the process themselves’. When asked again what the firm works, they also came away with a good
made this process so interesting, he mentioned the feeling that this way of working actually has
opportunity to trace as an outsider all the influences some validity.
that shape a building. What happened to this project ● Second, at the level of the individual employees,
could happen again in his career later, hence his young professionals in the firm get an opportunity
interest in how they solved it. Another young to see what other firms are doing ‘without having
professional wanted to participate in Building Stories to put together their portfolio’.
because he had always admired the architect ● Finally, and perhaps most spectacularly, Building
designing the building under study. Unlike what he Stories makes collaboration and sharing a reality
had hoped for, however, his participation did not in a profession that is known to be highly
provide the magical insight into how his idol creates secretive.
good design. What it did provide was a bit of
grounding, and a more realistic picture of what a RESEARCHERS
successful architect does: ‘It’s not because he [his After the roundtables, the students who were
idol] is an excellent designer that he got to dictate the enrolled in the seminar (all of whom were PhD
whole project.’ Moreover, he no longer felt it was so researchers) were given several assignments to
important to work for this specific architect, because connect the topic of the seminar to their thesis
he saw how his work translated to everybody’s work. subject. Throughout several papers they were asked
to discuss the role of knowledge, as related to their
ARCHITECTURE FIRMS thesis subject: in the projects reported on by the
Let us now consider the architects, the seasoned stories available on-line; in Building Stories, both as
practitioners, themselves. Did participating in Building process (approach, methodology) and as product (the
Stories have something to offer them and their firms? stories); and in architectural practice and education at
One of them appreciated above all the opportunity to large.
draw on ‘that resource on campus’ and to get ‘a peak At first, the researchers were highly sceptical
through a younger lens’. His colleague also enjoyed the about the capacity of the stories as vehicles for
opportunity to provide young people with a window on knowledge transfer. Yet, eventually, the story
the collaborative effort of design practice, the part collection turned out to be a surprisingly valuable
of the profession he loves most. An adviser from resource for their PhD research.
another firm especially valued the larger perspective One researcher investigates the variable
provided by the case study, as opposed to the detailed, signification of collaboration in the architectural
day-to-day view practitioners tend to have: profession (Doctors, 2004). Collaboration is a cultural
practice of two or more individuals working together
It’s beginning to start a process for myself to analyze on a task or project, and intrinsically provides a
what happened, how the project evolved ... I framework for producing, sharing and contesting
enjoyed going back through the documents and knowledge. Many disciplines commonly employ
realize: ‘Oh my God, we really did this. I have to collaboration and have studied its efficacy from
remember this for the next project!’ social, economic and cultural perspectives. In


Martin 6/13/07 10:19 AM Page 72


architecture, however, the use of the term is often came to realize that moments like these – where
misleadingly interchanged with that of coordination, multiple interests conflate and conflict, or even where
cooperation or communication. Moreover, it rarely one begins to sense conflict, moments in which the
evidences consideration for the wide variability progress of a project is threatened – are precisely the
spanning from the utopian Ruskinian interpretation of potentially deliberative moments, those in which
medieval-era trade guilds to its polemical challenge of ethics would logically be addressed. Clarifying the
the architect-hero paradigm. multiple points of conflict that became (or could have
Analysis of Building Stories revealed both the become) sites of reflection within the Building Stories
process and the product to be peppered with may become a first step towards establishing a new
instances of collaboration (whether or not termed model for ethics in practice.
correctly). Key to the methodology is the participation The third researcher explores the nature of
of students, interns and professionals working professional knowledge in architecture (Hoque, 2004).
collaboratively towards shared authorship of tacit Extensive literature study inspired the hypothesis that
knowledge derived from a story. In this collaborative architectural knowledge is performative (Austin,
process, the roles and rules for engagement are most 1975): it does not consist of a particular set of ideas,
likely to be more implicit than explicit, and the themes and theories, but rather of how these ideas,
responsibilities are largely distributed according to themes and theories are worked through to produce
each participant’s skill set, interests and availability. architectural artefacts. Confronting this hypothesis
Yet, while working in this horizontal decision-making with the Building Stories collection revealed the notion
model, participants are learning about the various of performativity to be very apt in describing what
(other) shapes collaboration can take. The stories occupies the architects involved in various projects,
about the new De Young Museum project, for such as Berkeley High School, UCSF Medical
instance, provide unique insights into the tactical Educational Research Center and the Golden Gate
challenges of establishing a workable organizational Parking Structure. The latter project, for instance,
structure and methodology to compensate for involved several different parties who are not
geographical and cultural differences among non- architects or designers. The architects’ task was to
collocated team members. take their various views and needs, to translate these
Another researcher studies design ethics in into a common language and represent them in the
practice. Although she described her interest in ethics context of architecture and construction, which
as mainly theoretical, the process of looking at perfectly illustrates the performative actions
practice turned out to be very fruitful. While revisiting mentioned above. At first, the researcher found it very
Building Stories, she identified various points in the difficult to distinguish information from knowledge in
stories where decisions have been made and other Building Stories, but by addressing the stories in
points where they could be made, if there were to be terms of performativity, she was able to identify much
a level of explicitness and consciousness about more clearly the instances of knowledge production.
opportunities for ethical consideration in the design As such, the stories turned out to be valuable for her
process (Becker, 2004). A case in point is the Pottery research because they provided her with real-world
Barn. From the start of the project, politically active examples to work with.
community groups expressed concern about a
national chain store and its impact on the future of DISCUSSION
the neighborhood, which drew a lot of media According to Habraken (2003: 7), ‘a profession’s
attention and triggered attempts to influence the identity is defined in terms of knowledge and skills. It
approval process. In the Berkeley High School story, will be asked: What is it your profession knows that
conflict arose between those wanting to generate others do not? Do you have the skills and methods to
income for their business and those having a deeper apply that knowledge successfully?’ As pointed out
sense of historic preservation and life outside the above, the architectural profession seems to combine
margins of a project’s financial gain. The researcher an alarmingly absent knowledge base with an


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Building Stories Revisited 73

exceptional cultivation of ‘knowing-in-practice’ i.e. walls of research. For inside these walls, storytelling
knowing how to integrate multiple elements from is often viewed as, if not suspect, then at least
various sources and disciplines into one coherent disputable, and in any case of no more than
whole. In view of this, Habraken (1997: 284–285) secondary importance, at best useful for illustrative
argues for a revaluation of the shared knowledge of purposes. However, the outcome of our evaluation
space and built form, to the extent that it reflects the strongly suggests that initiatives such as Building
agreements honoured by those acting on it. He feels Stories may have relevant and important
that the implicit way in which this knowledge used to complementary contributions to make to the
present itself in systems, styles, patterns and types, understanding of architectural design and the nature
no longer suffices and calls for deliberate study on of design activity. As Bucciarelli (2001) contends, a
how its application (or lack thereof) impacts the good story is a truthful story and, like a scientific
health and quality of the environment. In essence, theory, can be put to the test, making sense to the
Habraken’s proposal comes down to (re)establishing participants as well as to ‘outsiders’. It relies on
architecture’s knowledge base by studying the the facts observed as well as metaphor and, as such,
outcome of architects’ knowing-in-practice. is open to different interpretations. This does not
Building Stories adopts a similar, yet significantly necessarily mean, however, that it is ‘unscientific’:
different, approach in that it proposes to (re)establish
the former by exploiting the process of the latter. The claim here is that a good story which has
Through storytelling, it tries to capture and share depth ... in allowing for varied interpretations,
architects’ knowing-in-practice as it presents itself in avoids the over-simplification of a behaviorist’s
designing and building projects and, as such, to do model or cognitive scientist’s mapping and as
justice to the performative nature of architectural such is in closer touch with reality – however
knowledge. As far as the capturing part of Building that is construed. (Bucciarelli, 2001: 300)
Stories is considered, further work is needed in order
to improve and guard the quality of the resulting In summary, this retrospective view of Building
stories. Interestingly enough, however, this does not Stories revealed the content of the story repository to
seem to hamper the sharing part. The outcome of the be a rich source of knowledge in its own right. It was,
seminar reported on above strongly suggests that however, the process of constructing and telling the
Building Stories is particularly successful in creating stories that was the most important outcome. Each
entirely new opportunities and interfaces for exchange. of the participants i.e. undergraduates, graduates,
Judging from the roundtables and the PhD students’ interns, seasoned professionals and researchers
research papers, the initiative seems to provide an acknowledge the power of storytelling as a
inventive methodology for catalyzing knowledge methodological approach to uncovering specific
sharing between projects, between individual knowledge through experience. It is safe to say that
architects and architecture firms (through the on-line this effort of using storytelling is ‘closing the gap
story collection, but also through the participation of between knowing and doing’ in the design and
young professionals); and between practice and making of architecture.
academia (equipping design firms to draw on ‘that
resource on campus’ and vice versa). As such, Building ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Stories offers architectural education a useful The William Wurster Society sponsors have provided
pedagogical device, provides architectural practice support in the form of access to active projects in
with an effective vehicle for self-critique, and even may their firms and base funding for the development of
serve as a valuable resource for architectural research. the Building Stories course at UC-Berkeley. The
The latter may sound somewhat surprising at authors would like to thank all who participated in
first. Indeed, advancing storytelling as a vehicle for Building Stories and/or the seminar ‘Building Stories
studying architecture and architectural design looks Revisited’ and Sam Michiels for his invaluable
suspiciously like dragging the Trojan horse into the comments on earlier versions of this text.


Martin 6/13/07 10:19 AM Page 74


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Book reviews

CONSTRUCTION PARTNERING AND Construction partnering is dealt with in a logical

INTEGRATED TEAMWORKING and pragmatic manner and represents a useful
Gill Thomas and Mike Thomas. primer for readers unfamiliar with the main concepts.
Blackwell (2005). The first 10 chapters explore the main issues and
REVIEWED BY STEPHEN EMMITT help to clarify the differences between facilitators
and advisers. A distinction is made between
There is growing interest in relational forms of partnering and partnerships, but clear definitions of
contracting and closer cooperation between project partnering, strategic partnering, integrated
construction project partners. Project partnering, teams and value are missing. Chapters relating to
strategic partnering and alliancing are growing in workshops provide some practical advice for readers
popularity and are being implemented with varying with limited experience of workshop methods.
degrees of success. These approaches rely on the Similarly, the chapter on issue resolution (Chapter 17)
successful interaction of individuals within and provides sound advice. Unfortunately, some of the
between organizations, where effective later chapters fail to add much value. Most notably
communication, trust and the desire for continual the topics of lean thinking, sustainability, whole life
improvement are paramount. Integrated teamwork – costing and innovation deserve much better
assuming that we are able to adequately define the treatment than they are given. Short chapters may
concept – is, however, very difficult to achieve in work well in a workshop environment but, read in
project-based organizations. It is an area in which isolation, many readers will be left wanting more
clear, well-informed advice is required. explicit guidance.
Construction Partnering and Integrated The interaction of actors is a highly complex
Teamworking aims to provide guidance to social phenomenon. Some of the underlying issues,
practitioners interested in applying partnering and such as communication and trust and risk
integrated teamwork methods. The argument is for a management are rather superficial in their treatment.
structured approach to value enhancement and the The chapter on trust briefly deals with the initiation
authors do a good job in promoting the drive towards of trust, the building of trust and maintaining trust.
a value-based culture in construction. The book However, the authors fail to discuss equally
comprises 38 short chapters that collectively deal important facets such as the boundaries of trust and
with the need for a culture change, the development the importance of personal contact. The importance
of an integrated team, advice on workshops and the of social interaction is mentioned, but is not
implementation of best value. Inspiration for the explored in sufficient detail, and the book paints an
book comes directly from the Latham and Egan overly simplistic picture of team development and
reports. The style of writing is clear and positive, and improvement. Challenges and opportunities of
the use of short, relatively concise chapters helps to integrated teamworking are not adequately explored.
make the book accessible. Throughout the text, there The authors note that there are opportunities for
are a number of small case studies and practical improvement in communications, a claim few would
tools to assist with team-building activities. argue against, but then make some rather general


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76 Book reviews

statements. Given that the concepts promoted in behind a value-based approach to projects, which is
the book rely on interpersonal communication for starting to mature and provide some elegant
their success or failure, this is a major weakness. approaches. Within these models, the important
Project partnering and integrated teamworking issue of risk can be addressed as part of the value
have been given a lot of press coverage in agenda. Risk awareness and the management of risk
professional journals and many readers may feel have also developed rapidly over recent years,
frustrated that this book makes no attempt to add providing practitioners with a range of practical tools
anything new to our knowledge base. Perhaps the to identify and manage risks, both within projects
biggest disappointment is the rather scant attention and project-based organizations.
to the challenges inherent in partnering-type Value and Risk Management: A Guide to Best
arrangements. There is a brief description of some Practice takes an original approach to the subject
of the pitfalls of partnering, but this is not sufficient. and, at nearly 400 pages, provides a lot of
Recognizing some of the problems would have information. Attempting to combine value and risk
helped to provide a more balanced view and would management in one book is an intriguing prospect
have added real value to the book. Similarly, the and, on reflection, a rather obvious thing to do.
considerable challenges of creating and maintaining Dallas makes a good argument for combining value
integrated project teams are not addressed. The management techniques with risk management and
way in which groups form and become effective, or in doing so provides sound practical advice to the
conversely fail, are not explored, nor is the problem reader. The book comprises 12 chapters, which
of groupthink – a well recognized ‘pitfall’ of collectively provide an interesting journey from why
collaborative arrangements and teamwork. It is successful projects need value and risk
disappointing that the authors have not included management (Chapter 1) through to a
more examples of instances where partnering failed comprehensive ‘toolbox’ of checklists, forms and
to meet the commonly shared objectives and the tables (Chapter 12). Value management and risk
difficulties of making teams and groups work management are clearly and concisely described in
effectively. The reasons for poor performance are separate chapters before dealing with the most
often very subtle, and some description of the fruitful part of the book, the need for an integrated
problems and how to mitigate the negative effects approach to value and risk management (Chapter 4).
would have been insightful. Practitioners know that The argument is simple, it is wasteful trying to
real life is messy and success or failure usually maximize the value of a project without dealing with
comes down to the people charged with the risks that are likely to materialize and hence
implementing initiatives. destroy the value. The emphasis is not on trying to
avoid risks, but on the necessity to take risks to
VALUE AND RISK MANAGEMENT: maximize value within a structured and managed
A GUIDE TO BEST PRACTICE framework. This approach is refreshing and takes
Michael F. Dallas. Blackwell (2006). the reader away from the misconception that risk
REVIEWED BY STEPHEN EMMITT management stifles creativity and innovation. The
author should also be congratulated for recognizing
Value or, more specifically, the management of value the impact that people have on project success.
in construction is growing in popularity with a wide Chapter 5 explores the role of people within
range of stakeholders. Although value and values projects, dealing briefly with communication,
remain difficult concepts to quantify and qualify, selection criteria, styles of leadership and
there is clear evidence of a shift towards a value- difficulties that may be encountered during value
based approach to design and construction. Value and risk management exercises. Look out for what
management techniques are increasingly being used Dallas calls the ‘spectator’ (reluctant contributor),
in practice across a wide range of project types and the ‘windbag’ (likes the sound of their own voice),
sizes. Parallel to this is the development of the theory the ‘rambler’ (poor orator) and the ‘squatter’ (fixed


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Book reviews 77

views, stifles innovation). Chapter 6 affords say that the information contained within is
comprehensive coverage of concepts, standards comprehensive and more than sufficient for the
and qualifications. needs of most readers.
Of the 12 chapters, ‘Learning from Others’ Compared with Construction Partnering and
(Chapter 7) is perhaps the most curious. I was Integrated Teamworking, the writing is not as lucid,
expecting a chapter on knowledge transfer but the book offers considerably more factual
between projects and organizations and information and hence represents much better value
associated material; it appeared to be a logical for money. Value and Risk Management: A Guide to
development of what went before. Instead, the Best Practice is a worthy addition to any library. The
chapter includes short contributions from seven book would also make a welcome desktop
guest authors to help broaden the debate. These companion to practitioners and represents a useful
fascinating interjections do indeed raise a number source of information and inspiration for students
of issues, although the majority of the studying the built environment.
contributions are rather short and may have the Approaches such as partnering, integrated
result of leaving the reader slightly frustrated. For teamworking, value management and risk
example, the section on soft value management management can help to bring people together, but
(by Professor Stuart Green) starts to take the whether or not the actors subsequently act as
reader to another (arguably higher) level, but an integral whole is another matter. Complex
stops prematurely, leaving the reader wanting interactions within project teams and project groups
more. Collectively, the contributions come over as within multi-project environments is an extremely
little more than sound bites, which offers too little complex field, as highlighted in the papers selected
value. Some critical contributions would have been for this special edition. More attention to such
welcome at this juncture; the book is robust issues in textbooks would be a welcome
enough to accommodate a more balanced view. development.
Chapters 8 through to 12 deal with the practical
issues of study types, techniques for value and risk, REVIEWER CONTACT DETAILS
value management techniques and risk management Stephen Emmitt PhD: Hoffmann Professor of
techniques, concluding with the ‘toolbox’ chapter. All Innovation and Management in Building, Department
of this material is well presented, clearly explained of Civil Engineering, Building 115, Technical
and of considerable practical value to the reader. The University of Denmark, DK-2800, Kgs Lyngby,
illustrations, tables and checklists are clear and help Denmark. Tel: +45 4525 1660, fax: +45 4588 5582,
to get the message across. Space does not allow for e-mail:
detailed description of these chapters, other than to


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