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Holt Vocabulary Lesson Plan Template

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English Language Department

Subject: Vocabulary Workshop

Lesson: ___________________

Grade: ________________ Date:___________________________

Class: _________________ Sessions:___________ Time: 1 hour

Academic Aims :
By the end of this lesson ss should be able to:
1- Understand the new vocabulary words in context.
2- Utilize the new vocabulary words into meaningful sentences.
3- Produce a graphic organizer, foldable and PowerPoint presentation about the selection content.
Stage Objective Procedures Time Focus Assessment
Lead in T asks students about their prior knowledge of 5 min. T
any of the new words. SSSS
Presentation 1- Understand -T introduces the selection’s new vocabulary 20 minutes T -T elicits
the new words through a ppt. displaying each word, its SSSS sentences from
students using
vocabulary meaning and an illustrative picture.
new vocabulary
words in words in
context. context.

Reading -SS -SS read the selection paragraphs silently. 25min. S S S S -Each group
vocabulary comprehend the -T discuss each paragraph with the students. of students
into context passage. -T asks students to answer comprehension present their
questions in the booklet in group. answers to the
Post -SS fill in a graphic organizer and/or a foldable 10 min T -Each group
about the selection content. SSSS of students
present their
products to


Assignment Description Due date

1-Holt H.W Pages _________________ H.W. due date: _________________


2-Selection 2-Prepare a PowerPoint presentation Project due date:_____________________




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