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Conference Program

Kalamata Friday 2nd of October 2015

Venue of all Sessions: Hotel Elite City Resort

Registration 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

Registration at the main hall of Hotel Elite City Resort

Salutations 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Opening Ceremony and welcome speeches at the main room
of Hotel Elite City Resort.
Chairman: Vice President of I.CO.D.ECON. Conference.
Speeches 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Keynote Speakers
Chairman: Kyriazopoulos Georgios / Petropoulos Dimitrios Vice President of I.CO.D.ECON.
Conference / President of I.CO.D.ECON. Conference

PLENARY SESSION: (Speeches will be in Greek with translation form)

Dr. Liargovas Panagiotis: "Fiscal Adjustment Programs in Greece: What went wrong?"
Dr. Chionis Dionysios: "Reforms and Development or Development and Reforms"
Dr. Drimpetas Evaggelos: "The restructuring of the banking sector in Greece: Necessary and
sufficient conditions".

Coffee Break 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Coffee Break at Hotel Elite City Resort (free)

1st International Conference of Development and Economy Kalamata Peloponnese Greece 2-4/10/2015
Midday Sessions 11:30 a.m. - 13:00 p.m.
Chairman: Drimpetas Evaggelos / Lazarides Themistokles Democritus University of Thrace
/ Technological Educational Institution of Western Macedonia
1. Galyfianakis Georgios, Floros Christos, Drimbetas Evaggelos, Sariannidis Nikolaos
Technological Educational Institute of Crete / Democritus University of Thrace /
Technological Educational Institute of West Macedonia "Modeling and Forecasting
Energy Prices with a Markov-switching dynamic regression model: 2005-2015"
2. Karafolas Simeon Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia "Credit
risk management: an examination on the basis of exposure values of systemic banks
in Greece"
3. D. Kyriakou, G. M. Aspridis, A. Koustelios, N. Blanas, D. Belias Technological
Educational Institute of Thessaly / University of Thessaly "Domestic Tourism: Is this a
chance for regional development of Thessaly under financial crisis?"
4. Antoniadis I., Poutoglidis I., Kyriazopoulos G. Technological Educational Institute of
Western Macedonia "Business strategy and ERP readiness and usage: a comparative
analysis of three case studies in the Greek Food Industry".
5. Serdaris P., Antoniadis I., Sormas A. Technological Educational Institute of Western
Macedonia "Innovation as a factor of competitiveness and development of brand
differentiation in affecting consumer behavior: The case of Bulgarian food consumption".
6. Degiannakis Stavros, Filis George, Floros Christos, Poufinas Thomas Panteion University
of Social & Political Sciences / T.E.I. of Crete / Democritus University of Thrace "Option
pricing using high-frequency futures prices"
7. Makris Ilias A. Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnese "The effect of
innovative activity in firm performance and development: Analyzing data from

1st International Conference of Development and Economy Kalamata Peloponnese Greece 2-4/10/2015
Chairman: Liargovas Panagiotis / Chionis Dionysios University of Peloponnese Head of
Parliament Budget Office / Democritus University of Thrace
1. Daskalopoulou Irene University of Peloponnese "Social capital at the outburst of
economic crisis in Greece, 2008-2010"
2. Pragidis I.Ca, Tsintzos P., Aielli G. Pb, Democritus University of Thrace "The Impact of
Fiscal Policy Shocks during Deleveraging Periods"
3. Drakos Konstantinos, Konstantinou Panagiotis, Foteini-Anna Thoma Athens University
of Economics and Business. "Rational Inattention in Consumer Inflation Forecasts:
Assessing Micro-level Evidence from Europe"
4. Ozlem Aytac Baskent University "Exchange-Rate-Based Stabilizations: A Literature
5. Ozlem Aytac Baskent University "Macroeconomic Developments in Turkey, 1980-1999"
6. Prontzas Evangelos, Fournari Virginia – Anastasia, Panteion University "The key sources
of revenue the Greek State (19th-21th century)"
7. Papagianni Panagiota, Tzanos Nicolaos University of Peloponnese & Branch Manager
Eurobank Equities Investment Firm S.A / Accountant – Financial Manager Mani Foods S.A
"The Recent Economic Crisis -Measures And Treatment - Case Study Of The Last 10
Countries Members Of The European Union"
8. Savas Papadopoulos Bank of Greece, Department of Financial Stability “Predicting Loan
Loss Reserves under Adverse Scenarios of GDP for EU15 Banks”

Noon Sessions 13:00 a.m. - 14:30 p.m.

Chairman: Papageorgiou Ath. / Sormas Asterios Technological Educational Institute of
Peloponnese / Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia
1. Kyriazopoulos Georgios, Chliaras Christos, Petropoulos Dimitrios / Technological
Educational Institute of Peloponnese "Profitability and Efficiency of the Shipping
Industry in Greece"
2. Kyriazopoulos Georgios, Chliaras Christos, Petropoulos Dimitrios Technological
Educational Institute of Western Macedonia / Technological Educational Institute of
1st International Conference of Development and Economy Kalamata Peloponnese Greece 2-4/10/2015
Peloponnese "The profitability and efficiency of Attica Bank compared to the four
Systemic Banks of Greece during the decade 2001-2012"
3. Kyriazopoulos Georgios, Chliaras Christos, Petropoulos Dimitrios Technological
Educational Institute of Western Macedonia / Technological Educational Institute of
Peloponnese "Profitability and Efficiency of Private Medical Institutes. Evidence from
4. Velonis Christos, Dr. Kyriazopoulos Georgios, Dr. Sormas Asterios Technological
Educational Institute of Western Macedonia "The course of Capital Adequacy in
Greek Banking System"
5. Avatzi Despoina, Dr. Kyriazopoulos Georgios, Dr. Petropoulos Dimitrios Technological
Educational Institute of Western Macedonia / Technological Educational Institute of
Peloponnese "The implementation of Altman's Bankruptcy model on Dairy
Companies in Greece"
6. R. Russo, A. de Souza Department of Human and Social Sciences, University L’
Orientale, / 2 Center for Communication and Cognitive Science ECA/USP, Av. Prof.
Lúcio Martins Rodrigues, 443 - Butantã, São Paulo - SP, 05508-020, Brasile
"Inequality in Latin America and the demand for redistribution after".
7. Kypriotelis Efstratios Technological Educational Institution of Epirus "Reorientation of the
World Economy and the unique case of SE Europe"

Chairman: Makris Ilias A. / Ozlem Aytac Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnese /
Baskent University
1. S.Vemuri, D.Karayanni, G. Kyprianou, V.Ieronymakis CDU Business School Darwin
Waterfront / University of Patras "Greek Diaspora and Economic Recovery"
2. Salma Halioui, Michael Schmidt Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbu "The
Vulnerability of Tourism Sector Under Scenario of Climate Change: Case Study Tunisia"
3. Boutsiouki Sofia University of Macedonia "International mobility schemes in higher
education: options organized by students for students"
4. Kombat Moyem Alex Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg-Germany
"Implementation of plastics tax in Ghana: Cost-effectiveness analysis "

1st International Conference of Development and Economy Kalamata Peloponnese Greece 2-4/10/2015
5. Petropoulos Dimitrios, Kyriazopoulos Georgios, Kottaridi Klimentia, Dalipaj Bledi
Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnese / Technological Educational
Institute of Western Macedonia "The evolution of the macroeconomic aggregates of
Greece during 1961-2014".
6. Koronios Konstantinos, Psiloutsikou Marina, Kriemadis Athanasios, Zervoulakos Pavlos,
Leivaditi Eleni, Kolovos Petros University of Peloponnese /Athens University of
Economics and Business "In search of motivation for supporting sports sponsors"
7. Psiloutsikou Marina Athens University of Economics and Business, School of
Business "More than a friendly chat: the added value of executive coaching"

Lunch 15:00 p.m. - 16:00 p.m.

Departure from Hotel Elite City Resort for Lunch at 14:30 p.m. to the
Technological Educational Institute Campus by bus.
(Lunch and transportation are free)

Afternoon Sessions 16:30 p.m. - 18:00 p.m.

Chairman: Karafolas Simeon / Nader Alber Technological Educational Institute of Western
Macedonia / Ain Shams University, Cairo
1. Chionis Dionysios, Pragidis Ioannis, Schizas Panagiotis Democritus University of
Thrace "The Determinants of Greek Bond Yields: An Empirical Study Before and
During the Crisis"
2. Kakouris A., Dermatis Z., Liargovas P. University of Peloponnese / National and
Kapodistrian University of Athens "Educating potential entrepreneurs under the
perspective of Europe 2020 plan"
3. Burny Ph. F. Terrones Gavira Centre wallon de Recherché agronomiques /
Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (University of Liege), "Impact of the new Common
Agricultural Policy (2015-2020) on the value of direct payments and on farmers’
income in Wallonia (South of Belgium)"

1st International Conference of Development and Economy Kalamata Peloponnese Greece 2-4/10/2015
4. T. M. H. Ho, Ph. Burny Institute of Agricultural Sciences for Southern Vietnam,
HCMC, Vietnam / Gembloux Agro-Biotech, Liège University "Impact of Value Chain
Governance on the Development of Small Scale Shrimp Farmers in Vietnam"
5. Bampasis Eleftherios University of Athens "Exploring the Relationship of Youth
Entrepreneurship, in the light of entrepreneurial lectures in tertiary education,
intentions and cultural background"
6. Thorsten Lehnert, Sigita Senulytė University of Luxembourg "Predicting Currency
7. Pantelopoulos George Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnese "Third-
Level Education, Labour Force and the performance of Foreign Direct Investment in

Chairman: Petropoulos Dimitrios / Kyriazopoulos Georgios Technological Educational
Institute of Peloponnese / Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia.
1. Papageorgiou Ath. Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnese "Economic
depression and grocery retailing in Greece"
2. Cara C., Tocilă T., Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași "The Effects of Endorsement
Sources towards Perceived Credibility. The Moderating Role of Need for Cognition"
3. Tocilă T., Cara C. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași "Endorsements’ effects of one
branded service on the cognitive, affective and behavioral changes towards the
service category"
4. Tsvetanova A., Veleva S., Technical University of Sofia "Methodology for Advertising
Campaign Sources Analysis and Selection"
5. Vlăduţescu Irina West University of Timisoara "Interference of Work Satisfaction and
Organizational Culture"
6. Sorina Chiper Alexandru Ioan – Cuza University "The Crisis-Place Nexus: Place
Branding in Times of Crisis"
7. Sanduloviciu Ana Alexandru Ioan – Cuza University "French for Specific Purposes –
Developing Written Competences among Students of Tourism and Hotel

1st International Conference of Development and Economy Kalamata Peloponnese Greece 2-4/10/2015
Welcome Dinner 21:00 p.m.
Welcome Dinner at the restaurant of Hotel Elite City Resort. (free)

Kalamata, Saturday 3rd of October 2015

Morning Sessions 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Chairman: Prontzas Evangelos / Burny Ph., Panteion University / Centre wallon de Recherché
1. Wilson Richard B. Camila Rodrigues da Fonseca Federal Institute of Brasília / University
of Brasília "Greece: Scenarios and Strategic Options to Overcome the Crisis"
2. Koutoupis Andreas, Kakkos Christos University of The Aegean & Hellenic Open University
/ Technological Educational Institute of Ionian Islands "Ethics and Code of Conduct of
Greek Auditors"
3. Psychalis M. Economist Msc - European economic policy "The reforms in the
economic governance and the new financial mechanisms in Euro area after debt
4. Ben David Nissim, Ben David Evyatar EmekYezreel Academic College "Does a rise in
mortgage interest rate necessarily increase the burden of buying a house?"
5. Nader Alber, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt "Determinants of Financial Stability:
The Case of Egyptian Banks"
6. Themistokles Lazarides Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia
"Performance Factors of the European Banks".
7. Petropoulos Dimitrios, Kottaridi Klimentia, Kyriazopoulos Georgios, Dalipaj Bledi
Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnese / Technological Educational
Institute of Western Macedonia "Profitability, Efficiency and Liquidity of the Co-
Operative Banks in Greece for the time period 2003-2012"

1st International Conference of Development and Economy Kalamata Peloponnese Greece 2-4/10/2015
Chairman: Sorina Chiper / Tsvetanova A., Alexandru Ioan Cuza University / Technical
University of Sofia.
1. Köprücü Yılmaz, Yıldız Hakan, Şengül Serkan Eskisehir Osmangazi University / Yildiz
Technical University "Market Power in Turkish Cement Industry".
2. Tsifora Evdokia I., Chatzoglou Prodromos D. Technological Educational Institute of
Thessaly / Democritus University of Thrace "The evolution of costing during the period
1985-2015: Progress or Inactivity?"
3. Sasu Constantin, Juravle Ariadna Ioana (Gavra), Spataru Geanina Constanta
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iaşi "The evolution of the tourism in Suceava County
during the economic crisis"
4. Rotaru Igor Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iaşi "Clusters and regional
development:the dynamics of agglomeration processes and its contribution to the
development of North East region of Romania"
5. Apostolidis Georgios Aristotle University of Thessaloniki "Principal Component
Analysis of Wetland Functions: The case of Wetland Agras-Vritta-Nisi"
6. Kopeva Diana, Sterev Nikolay, Blagoev Dimitar, Zhelev Paskal University of National
and World Economy (UNWE) "Price and quality in Bulgarian food industry export
7. Mitka Eleftheria Democritus University of Thrace "Kanban System Design for
Hospital Pharmacy – Case Study"

Coffee Break 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Coffee Break at Hotel Elite City Resort (free)

Midday Sessions 11:30 a.m. - 13:00 p.m.

Chairman: Kyriazopoulos Georgios / Galyfianakis Georgios Technological Educational
Institute of Western Macedonia / Technological Educational Institute of Crete
1st International Conference of Development and Economy Kalamata Peloponnese Greece 2-4/10/2015
1. Krasaki Eirini, National Technical University, "Networking strategies of urban
interventions Regional development of Attica Basin"
2. Ciobanu Radu Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iaşi "Analyzing the role of the state in
economy from a Sustainable Development paradigm".
3. Ligia Muntean Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iaşi "Qualitative and mixed methods
research in economics: the value added by using qualitative research methods"
4. Christopoulou Stella, Kotsilieris Theodore, Anagnostopoulos Ioannis, Dimopoulou
Vasiliki Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnese / University of Thessaly /
General Hospital of Kalamata "Service-Oriented Systems and Service Level Agreements
applied in Health Information Technologies"
5. Hornakova M., Masaryk R. Jahoda University "Performance financing system of the high
education in the Czech Republic – selected issues".
6. E. Borta (Ciobanu ) Alexandru Ioan – Cuza University "The managerial decision-making in
a public hospital in Romania. Organizational values. Strategic goals and strategic
orientation. Case Study"
7. Krasteva, N., Dr. Moldt, D. Sofia University / University of Hamburg "Modelling Patterns
of Organizational Change to Support the Conceptual and Technological Respects of
Organizational Change".

Chairman: Irene Daskalopoulou / Petropoulos Dimitrios University of Peloponnese /
Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnese
1. Zarqa Ahmad Aref Assaf University "The Impact of Global economic crisis on Jordanian
Workers’ Remittances".
2. Bitsani Eugenia, Kalomenidis Paraskevas Technological Educational Institute of
Peloponnese "Nature Alimentation and Culture N.A.C.O.D. a Strategic Marketing Model
for Sustainable Tourism in Rural Areas".
3. Evangelos Chytis, John Filos, Gouma Olympia, Technological Educational Institute of
Epirus / Panteion University "Tax Loss Carry forwards ante and post the financial crisis:
Findings from the Athens Stock Exchange"
4. Filos John, Veli Varvara, Moustaka Pavlina, Panteion University "Shadow Economy: The
doubleside of the coin"
1st International Conference of Development and Economy Kalamata Peloponnese Greece 2-4/10/2015
5. Yohou Hermann Djedje University of Auvergne, Clermont Ferrand, France "African
Progress: A Drain or A Gain In Fiscal Space?"
6. Metaxas Theodore, Duquenne Marie Noëlle University of Thessaly "Partnerships
and development policies for Small – Medium enterprises (SMEs) in Greece: A CFA
7. Karagiannis Dimitris, Metaxas Theodore University of Thessaly "Peloponnese: a
unique example of unorthodox regional development: Can the gastronomic tradition
show the right path?"

Noon Sessions 13:00 a.m. - 14:30 p.m.

Chairman: Mishev Plamen / Terziev Dimitar University of National and World Economy
1. Passas Stamatios, Filos John, Kefis Vasilis Panteion University "Governance of Enterprise
IT Essentials [crucial steps, metrics, new trends & hypes (cloud computing, BYOD, IoT)]"
2. Gouma Olympia, Filos John, Evangelos Chytis, Panteion University / Technological
Educational Institute of Epirus "Financial Crisis and Corporate Failure: The Going Concern
3. Filos John, Saoulidou Eleni, Liapis Kon., Panteion University "The Real Estate Market as a
factor of regional development: Estimates for Greece during the 2014-2020 period and
need to plan and control the actions concerned".
4. Bedrule-Grigoruta Maria Viorica Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi "Good intentions
of the leaders become top organizational performances"
5. Florou Maria Harokopio university of Athens "Operational planning, local development,
local government, Municipality of Kalamata"
6. Farantos Georgios I., Koutsoukis Nikitas Spiros University of Peloponnese "Efficiency
Study of Greek Health Units Using Data Envelopment Analysis Method, Before and During
the Start of the Economic Crisis".
7. Bozidar Cerovic, Sanja Mitic University of Belgrade “Importance of Export Led Growth in
Transition Economies: Some Firm Level Evidence from Serbia”

1st International Conference of Development and Economy Kalamata Peloponnese Greece 2-4/10/2015
Chairman: Ivanova N. / Petropoulos Dimitrios University of National and World Economy
(UNWE) / Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnese
1. Polykalas Spyros E., Eliopoulos Panagiotis. G., Troumpetas Spyros Technological
Educational Institute of the Ionian Islands / Technological Educational Institute of
Western Greece "Overview of the E.U. and Greek Legal Framework Regarding Cruise
Tourism and Development Prospects"
2. Filipopoulos Leonidas "The correlation of energy with to the national produced wealth".
3. Jabłońska Małgorzata University of Lodz "The importance of financial factors supporting
entrepreneurship in the development of SMEs enterprises. Example Polish central"
4. Dziuba Radosław University of Lodz "EU funds in 2007-2013 to support the development
of enterprises in the Polish regional development policy".
5. Grzegorczyk Elżbieta University of Lodz "Sectors attracting venture capital in Poland
and in Europe"
6. Darie Nicoleta Alexandru Ioan – Cuza University "Classical opinion questionnaire vs online
opinion questionnaire"

Lunch 15:00 p.m. - 16:00 p.m.

Departure from Elite Hotel City Resort at 14:30 p.m. to the
Technological Educational Institute Campus by bus.
(Lunch and transportation are free)

Afternoon Sessions 16:30 p.m. - 18:00 p.m.

Chairman: Antoniadis Ioannis / Papageorgiou Ath. Technological Educational Institute of
Western Macedonia / Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnesus
1. Petropoulos Dimitrios, Kyriazopoulos Georgios, Technological Educational Institute of
Peloponnese / Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia "The

1st International Conference of Development and Economy Kalamata Peloponnese Greece 2-4/10/2015
Competitiveness of Agricultural Products (trade relations between Greece – Bulgaria for
period 2005-2014)".
2. Paschalidis Ch., Petropoulos D., Zamanidis P., Paschalidis D., Chouliaras I.,
Sotiropoulos S. TEI Peloponnesus / ELGO DIMITRA Institute Of Olive Tree,
Subtropical Plants and Viticulture / Greek Agricultural Insurance Organization "The
viticulture in Greece".
3. Paschalidis Ch., Petropoulos D., Paschalidis D., Chouliaras I., Sinioros P.,
Sotiropoulos S. Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnesus / Technological
Educational Institute of PIRAEUS / Greek Agricultural Insurance Organization "Soil
resources and the role in Agriculture sector of Greek Economy"
4. Troumpetas Spyros, Beneki Christina, Giannias Dimitrios, Eliopoulos Panagiotis
Hellenic Open University / Technological Educational Institute of Ionian Islands /
Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece "Estimating Greek financial
crisis impact on port authorities revenues: The case of a regional cruise homeport".
5. Kopsidas Odysseas N., Fragkos-Livanios Leonidas University of Piraeus / Hellenic
Army Academy "Operating within Legislative Restrictions. Marketing Funds for
Urban Restoration Supporting the Fight against Aesthetic Pollution".
6. Anastasiou S., Siassiakos K., Dermatis Zacharias, Lazakidou Athina TEI of Central Greece
/ Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP), Greece / University of
Peloponnese "Women on “board”: Economic turmoil and the presence of women in
positions of influence in Greece"
7. Kyriazopoulos Georgios, Savvoudi Eugenia, Papaioannou Pantelis Technological
Educational Institute of Western Macedonia "EAGLE Model vs CAMELS Model.
Evidence from a Global World Systemic Bank"
8. Kyriazopoulos Georgios, Canaj Stella, Papaioannou Pantelis Technological
Educational Institute of Western Macedonia "Profitability and Efficiency of the
Balkan Banks after the Global Financial Crisis"

Chairman: Lazaridis Themistoklis / Kypriotelis Efstratios Technological Educational
Institute of Western Macedonia / Technological Educational Institution of Epirus

1st International Conference of Development and Economy Kalamata Peloponnese Greece 2-4/10/2015
1. Kyriazopoulos Georgios, Papaioannou Pantelis Technological Educational Institute
of Western Macedonia "Profitability and Efficiency of Water Enterprises using
DuPont Analysis. Evidence from Greece"
2. Witkowska Ewa Anna Dipl.-Kffr. Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-
Senftenbe "Terms of Trade of EU Member Countries"
3. Giannakopoulos Nikolaos, Athanasopoulou Eleni Technological Educational
Institute of Peloponnese "Urban markets as a key development tool. The case of the
Central Market in Kalamata, Greece".
4. Burny Ph., Centre wallon de Recherché agronomiques / Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
(University of Liege) "A new index to measure the human well-being in Wallonia and
its communes (South of Belgium)"
5. Pisimisis Theodore, Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnese “The Real
Meaning of Development”
6. Ektor Tsatsoulis, Executive Director of KALAMATA 21 “Culture and Economic

SKYPE PRESENTATION 09:30 a.m – 18:00 p.m.

Attention: Those who are going to present their paper with Skype have to send by e-mail
( their presentation transparencies and the video of the presentation in
case we have connection problems with Skype. Also look for the address of Conference in Skype
(Skype: icodecon.conference) and please wait the President of the Session to call your Skype id.

Chairman: Papageorgiou Ath. / Makris Ilias A / Petropoulos Dimitrios / Kyriazopoulos
Georgios / Sorina Chiper
1. Kikhia Hassan Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, China "Is audit quality
Implied by Accruals Quality associated with Audit fees and Auditor Tenure? Evidence from
China" Kalamata Time 9:30 a.m. Wuhan Time 14:30p.m.

1st International Conference of Development and Economy Kalamata Peloponnese Greece 2-4/10/2015
2. Doskaliyev I. Kazakhstan, Astana, Kabanbay Batyr Avenue, 53 "The impact of FDI outflows
on the Unemployment Rate in the source countries" Kalamata Time 9:45 a.m. Astana
Time 12:45 p.m.
3. Samer Matta Nottingham University "The Economic impact of the Arab Spring on
Tunisia." Kalamata Time 10:00 a.m. Nottingham Time 9:00 a.m.
4. Kyriazopoulos Georgios , Michelidis Spyridon, Petropoulos Dimitrios Technological
Educational Institution of Western Macedonia / IBM Bratislava / TEI Peloponnese
"Profitability and Efficiency of Insurance Companies before and after the Global Financial
Crisis. Evidence from Greece". Kalamata Time 10:15 a.m. Bratislava Time 10:15 a.m.
5. S. Maropoulos, C. Voulgaraki, S.Papanikolaou Metalmanu, Technological Educational
Institution of Western Macedonia "A Cluster of metal businesses in Western Macedonia,
Greece" Kalamata Time 10:30 a.m. Kozani Time 10:30 a.m.
6. George Geronikolaou, Eleftherios Spyromitros, Panagiotis Tsintzos Democritus
University of Thrace "Inflation Persistence: The Path of Labour Market Structural Reforms"
Kalamata Time 10:45 p.m. Thessaloniki Time 10:45 p.m.
7. Chinasa Ikelu University of Nigeria "Poverty in Nigeria: Double Difference Approach"
Kalamata Time 11:00 p.m. Nigeria Time 9:00 a.m.
8. Gaziński Benon Institute for Political Sciences, Warmia and Mazury University "A
(successful) story of Poland’s transformation and European integration. What can be
advised to follow, and what – warned to avoid?" Kalamata Time 11:15 p.m. Poland Time
11:15 p.m.
9. Kipouros Anagnostis Technological Educational Institution of Eastern Macedonia-Thrace
Greece "Are the markets. Effective or chaotic and the new challenges for scientific
thought". Kalamata Time 11:30 p.m. Kavala Time 11:30 p.m.
10. Sormas Asterios, Antoniadis Ioannis, Kyriazopoulos Georgios Technological Educational
Institute of Western Macedonia "Industrial Demography" Kalamata Time 11:45 p.m.
Katerini Time 11:45 p.m.
11. M. Mironiuc, M.C. Huian Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania "Efficient
Management of Current Activities: Empirical Evidence from the Banking Industry"
Kalamata Time 12:00 p.m. Iasi Time 12:00 p.m.

1st International Conference of Development and Economy Kalamata Peloponnese Greece 2-4/10/2015
12. Coca Oana, Mironiuc Marilena Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania "The
innovation - economic performance relationship. Conceptual approaches" Kalamata Time
12:15 p.m. Iasi Time 12:15 p.m.
13. Ciortescu Elena, Anca Cecal Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania "Dealing
with Communication Barriers in Business Meetings" Kalamata Time 12:30 p.m. Iasi Time
12:30 p.m.
14. Bruckner Alina Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania "The Communicative
Approach in Teaching Business German" Kalamata Time 12:45 p.m. Iasi Time 12:45 p.m.
15. Mitocaru Simona Darie Nicoleta Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania "The
Need of Developing Students’ Intercultural Competence in Teaching English as Lingua
Franca" Kalamata Time 13:00 p.m. Iasi Time 13:00 p.m.
16. Hashem, Heba Y. Cairo University "Determinants of Egyptian Banking Sector Profitability:
Time-Series Analysis from 2004-2014" Kalamata Time 13:15 p.m. Cairo Time 13:15 p.m.
17. Lazos Grigorios, Maroudas Theodoros Greek Ministry of Finance "The relationship
between the declared income and gross domestic product: A key factor in identifying tax
evasion in the greek economy". Kalamata Time 13:30 p.m. Thessaloniki Time 13:30 p.m.
18. Konstantinidis V. Georgios, Merkouri Eniana, Dimotikalis Yannis Technological
Educational Institute of Crete "Cluster Analysis of Manufacturing PRODCOM Data of
Greece and Comparison with Spain-Italy-France" Kalamata Time 13:45 p.m. Crete Time
13:45 p.m.
19. Eleftheriadis Iordanis, Vyttas Vasilios University of Macedonia "Creating a Culture of Risk
in Greece Crisis. A Brief Retrospect on Ice Age." Kalamata Time 14:00 p.m. Thessaloniki
Time 14:00 p.m.
20. Alba Skendaj, Genc Alimehmeti, Ph.D. University of Tirana “The improvements of Debt
Restructuring Resolution under the Albanian new Reform on Bankruptcy. Comparative
analyses to best practices in the peer.” Kalamata Time 14:15 p.m. Tirana Time 14:15 p.m.
21. Borker Girija Brown University "Tribal Identity in Education: Does Teacher Ethnicity Affect
Student Performance?" Kalamata Time 17:00 p.m. Providence Rhode Island Time 10:00
22. A.Filipova-Slancheva University of National and World Economy Sofia “Fourth Anti-
Money Laundering Directive – New Requirements and Challenges for Bulgarian
Accountants and Auditors” Kalamata Time 17:15 p.m. Sofia Time 17:30 p.m.

1st International Conference of Development and Economy Kalamata Peloponnese Greece 2-4/10/2015
23. Velonis Christos, Dr. Kyriazopoulos Georgios, Dr. Sormas Asterios Technological
Educational Institute of Western Macedonia “The course of Capital Adequacy in Greek
Banking System” Kalamata Time 17:30 p.m. Thessaloniki Time 17:45 p.m.
24. Am. Karabekou, Mar. Karagianni, El. Xatzilari Panteion University / City University
London The development of religious tourism with cultural interests in Greece. The case
of the Holy Monastery of Jerusalem in Davlia. Kalamata Time 17:30 p.m. Thessaloniki
Time 17:45 p.m.

Closing Speech 18:00 a.m. - 18:30 p.m.

Closing speech of the president of 1st I.CO.D.ECON. 2015

Dinner at a Greek Tavern 21:00 p.m.

Dinner at a Greek Traditional Tavern «Όαση» («Οasis»)
(15 Euros each / Registration on Friday morning 8:30-14:30 at the registration desk)

Kalamata Sunday 4th of October 2015

trip to Acient Messini 9:30 a.m.

9:30 a.m. Optional excursion tour at Acient Messini.

Kalamata Monday 5th of October 2015

7:00 a.m. Departure of Conference Bus from Elite Hotel City Resort
to Athens Airport "El. Venizelos"
1st International Conference of Development and Economy Kalamata Peloponnese Greece 2-4/10/2015

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