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GG101L-online: Course Description and Syllabus: Essential Information

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GG101L-online: Course Description and Syllabus

Welcome to Dynamic Earth Laboratory. In this online
section of GG101L (CRN 89095), you will learn how the
science of Earth is carried out, and practice approaching
problems the way geoscientists do.
Essential Information
Semester Fall 2018 Credits: 1
Instructors: Professor Julia Hammer
( and Teaching Assistant TBD
Requirements • Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology
and MasteringGeology account; • access to computer with
internet; • office supplies: pencil, eraser, metric ruler,
scissors, colored pencils, etc. There is no lab fee associated
with this class, but you must buy the text.
Required text for this course; contains all labs..
Organization and Grading
This course is offered 99% online. The only required in-person meeting is a visit to Prof.
Hammer’s office (POST 617B) during the first week of the term. Please stop by on any day (M-
F) between 1:00 and 3:00, or schedule an appointment. Bring your Mastering Geology access code.
After that, the course will be administered mainly through our section’s Laulima site1; you’ll
complete online tasks using the MasteringGeology system.
Each week, several items are due: homework that you access through the textbook’s
MasteringGeology online system, and hard copy Laboratory Exercises, hereafter called “labs”,
from the Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology by Cronin and Tasa. There will be a final exam
for this course. Here’s the breakdown of the graded items:
1. Online homework assignments in the MasteringGeology system. These assignments
typically include watching videos and participating interactively. They are designed to help
you complete the Laboratory Exercises, and students typically complete them in under 40
minutes. The online assignments are worth 25% of the course grade.
2. The labs comprise the bulk of this course’s learning instruments are in the required text:
Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology by Cronin and Tasa (11th Ed; Pearson publisher).
These on-paper assignments are worth 60% of the course grade. To grade assignments, I
must be able to read and understand them. Spelling, rules of English composition and
legibility will count in grading.
3. The course will have a final exam that will be given online during finals week. The final
will account for 15% of the course grade.
Grade scale. A=90-100%, B=80-89.99%, C=70-79.99%, D=60-69.99%, F=Less than 60%

1If you are new to Laulima, google the Laulima Support for Students help page. During the semester, if technology
questions arise, call the Information Technology Services (ITS) at (808) 956-8853 or Toll Free (800)-558-2669.

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Time commitment. Even though we have no physical meetings (with the exception of the very
first week; see above), you should expect to spend 3-3.5h per week on this course. FYI: The time
commitment is similar to other UHM labs. E.g., the in-person sections of GG101L meet for
3h/week, and also are assigned homework.
Students who do not participate in class, that is, who consistently do not complete
assignments will be dropped from the class for non-participation. Students are expected to:
• check email daily; Announcements will be sent to all students through Laulima
• complete the assigned homework (through the Mastering Geology site), read the assigned pages
in Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology, and complete the indicated activities (also in
Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology) on time.
• ask questions using the Laulima Discussion tool or by emailing instructors in a timely fashion
before assignments are due.
Homework. Access homework assignments with the code included in the required text. Use the
instructions at the end of this syllabus to get started. These assignments will appear on your
Pearson account calendar, which will appear automatically once you create an account. Homework
assignments will be due on each Monday.
Labs. The actual Laboratory Exercises are all in the required text, Laboratory Manual in Physical
Geology by Cronin and Tasa (11th Ed). Turn in the lab papers to the drop box in the Campus
Center computer lab or to me (Prof. Hammer) personally (POST 617B) by 12:00 noon each
Wednesday. Late papers will not be accepted unless a prior agreement has been made, or in the
event of a documented health issue or emergency. I’m not in my office every minute and I am not
responsible for papers slid under the outer door to the POST617 office cluster, so, the best option
is to turn in your lab at the Campus Center computer lab.
Important: You will not have to complete every activity in the lab. Pay attention to the
assignment description in your Mastering calendar, to make sure you don’t do extra work.
Why paper labs? You’ll be working many problems in these labs. Writing by hand on paper will
save you from having to deal with equation and math formatting software, and laying the papers
out side-by-side will make it easier for instructors to grade them.
Email. You must use your UH account or make sure your mail is forwarded to other accounts if
you use them. The instructors take no responsibility if you fail to check your UH email account.
Please include in every subject line: GG101L-007, and the topic of your email (e.g. GG101L-007
homework for Week 3).

Tips: • Use appropriate greetings, such as “Dear Prof. Hammer”, or “Hello Ms. Lata”, and
sign off with your full name at the end of your email. • If you are referring to a previous email,
include and quote the reference properly. • If it is an assignment or an important question, send
it ‘return receipt requested’. • Allow the instructor time to respond. If you send an email or
post a message on the weekend or on a weekday late afternoon, do not expect an instructor’s
response until the next business day. Avoid internet slang such as btw (by the way), l8r (later),
addy (address). Write in whole sentences with proper punctuation, grammar and spelling.

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Technology issues. Since this is an online course it relies heavily on the internet and having a
good internet connection. Your homework and meetings require the Internet so make sure you are
somewhere with a good connection.

Discussion and Private Message tool in Laulima. Our Laulima site is a forum for posting
questions and discussing content with other students and Discussion posts will be read by
instructors. Posting on discussion boards in academia is different from posting in newsgroups.
Courteous language is required at all times, e.g. “I would like to ask…” If you have any question
that what you are sending may not be ok, have somebody else read it first. Be polite. Do not use
all caps and do not use exclamation points. THAT’S LIKE SHOUTING!!!!!! If you believe
someone has violated these procedures, do not post a follow-up to the offending post. Send a
private email to your instructor about the violation and let the instructor handle the situation. Do
not try to resolve it on your own.
Occasionally there are internal problems with UH’s network or Laulima. Usually these problems
are temporary and your assignments will not be affected. More often than not there are external
problems with your internet service or your connection. For this reason, I suggest that you
complete assignments well before the deadline. If you have issues, and it is NOT within two hours
of the deadline, email me and I will respond as promptly as I can. If you elect to complete
assignments at the last minute and something goes wrong, then I may not be able to help.
Schedule of Topics
lab Week Lab Exercise (in Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology)
1 20-Aug Filling your geoscience toolbox
2 27-Aug Plate Tectonics
3 3-Sept Mineral Properties, Identification, and Uses
4 10-Sept Rock-forming Processes and the Rock Cycle
5 17-Sept Igneous Rocks and Processes
6 24-Sept Sedimentary Processes, Rocks, and Environments
7 1-Oct Metamorphic Rocks, Processes, and Resources
8 8-Oct Dating of Rocks, Fossils, and Geologic Events
9 15-Oct Topographic Maps
10 22-Oct Geologic Structures, Maps, and Block Diagrams
11 29-Oct Stream Processes, Geomorphology, and Hazards
12 5-Nov Groundwater Processes, Resources, and Risks
13 12-Nov Glaciers and the Dynamic Cryosphere
14 19-Nov Desert landforms, hazards, and risks
15 26-Nov Coastal Processes, Landforms, Hazards, and Risks
16 3-Dec Earthquake Hazards and Human Risks

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Learning Objectives
The Department of Geology and Geophysics defines five student learning objectives (SLOs) for
the undergraduate degree program related to the relevance of geology and geophysics.
1. Students can explain the relevance of geology and geophysics to human needs, including those
appropriate to Hawaii, and be able to discuss issues related to geology and its impact on society
and planet Earth.
2. Students can apply technical knowledge of relevant computer applications, laboratory methods,
and field methods to solve real-world problems in geology and geophysics.
3. Students use the scientific method to define, critically analyze, and solve a problem in earth
4. Students can reconstruct, clearly and ethically, geological knowledge in both oral presentations
and written reports.
5. Students can evaluate, interpret, and summarize the basic principles of geology and geophysics,
including the fundamental tenets of the sub-disciplines, and their context in relationship to other
core sciences, to explain complex phenomena in geology and geophysics.
This course will introduce and begin to develop skills in SLOs 1, 2, 3, and 5. For example,
regarding SLOs 1 and 2, you will learn why volcanoes erupt; how and why the volcanoes of Hawaii
differ from those on the continents; and understand the differing hazards they pose. In pursuing
hypotheses (SLO 3), for example, you’ll determine the identity of an unknown mineral using a
sequence of tests and apply a process of elimination, and then be asked to put the sample in
geologic context. Regarding SLO 5, you will apply basic algebraic expressions relating density,
volume, and mass; you’ll use chemical formulae for mineral names and apply a quantitative
treatment of data wherever possible, including calculation of averages, graphing of results, and
estimation of measurement errors.
Cheating and plagiarism. Academic integrity is a basic principal that requires all students to take
credit for the ideas and efforts that are their own. Cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of
academic dishonesty are defined as the submission of materials in assignment, exams, or other
academic work that is based on sources prohibited by the faculty member. This includes doing
someone’s lab for them or allowing someone to do your lab for you. Academic dishonesty is
defined further in the UHM “Student Code of Conduct.” In addition to any adverse academic
action, which may result from the academically dishonest behavior, the University specifically
reserves the right to address and sanction the conduct involved through student judicial review
procedures and the Academic Dispute Resolution Procedure specified in the University catalogue.
If you have a disability and related access needs, the Department will make every effort to assist
and support you. For confidential services students are encouraged to contact the Office for
Students with Disabilities (known as Kōkua) located on the ground floor (Room 013) of the Queen
Lili‘uokalani Center for Student Services. If you need disability-related accommodations, please
notify the KOKUA Program (808) 956-7511 or email:
Title IX information
The University of Hawai’i is committed to providing a learning, working and living environment
that promotes personal integrity, civility, and mutual respect and is free of all forms of sex

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discrimination and gender-based violence, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, gender-
based harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.
If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these, the University has staff and resources
on your campus to support and assist you. Staff can also direct you to resources that are in the
community. Here are some of your options:
• As members of the University faculty, your instructors are required to immediately report any
incident of potential sex discrimination or gender-based violence to the campus Title IX
Coordinator. Although the Title IX Coordinator and your instructors cannot guarantee
confidentiality, you will still have options about how your case will be handled. Our goal is to
make sure you are aware of the range of options available to you and have access to the resources
and support you need.
• If you wish to remain ANONYMOUS, speak with someone CONFIDENTIALLY, or would like
to receive information and support in a CONFIDENTIAL setting, use the confidential resources
available here:
• If you wish to directly REPORT an incident of sex discrimination or gender-based violence
including sexual assault, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, domestic violence, dating
violence or stalking as well as receive information and support, contact: Dee Uwono Title IX
Coordinator (808) 956-2299

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Get started with Pearson’s Mastering Geology

First, purchase the required text
1. The required text, Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology by Cronin and Tasa (11th Ed),
is available from the UH bookstore.

Then, make sure you have

these 3 things…
UHM email account: You'll get
email from your instructor at your
UH address.
Course ID: MGEOLHAMMER80158.
Access code: An access code card
is packaged with your new book. Do
not buy access separately from your
text from the Pearson website.

Next, get registered and join your course!

2. Go to
3. Under Register Now, select Student.
4. Confirm you have the information needed, then select OK! Register now.
5. Enter your instructor’s Course ID (MGEOLHAMMER80158) and choose Continue.
6. Enter your existing Pearson account username and password and select Sign in.
a. You have an account if you have ever used a Pearson MyLab & Mastering
product, such as MyLab Math, MyLab IT, or Mastering Chemistry.
7. If you don’t have an account, select Create and complete the required fields.
8. Select an access option.
9. Enter the access code that came with your textbook purchased from the bookstore.
10. From the “You’re Done!” page, select Go to My Courses.
11. Select Yes and enter your Course ID to join your course. Click Continue.
12. If asked, enter your Student ID according to the instructions provided and click
That’s it! You should see the Course Home page for the course.

To sign in later:
1. Go to and select Sign In.
2. Enter your Pearson account username and password from registration, and select
Sign In.
Ø If you forgot your username or password, select Forgot your username or

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