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St. Joseph Parish: Celebration of The Eucharist

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Joseph Parish
Fr. John Cordes, Pastor
306 Iowa, PO Box 165, Olpe, KS 620-475-3326
Parish email:
Father John email:
Facebook: “St. Joseph Catholic Church”
June 17, 2018 – 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Celebration of the Eucharist:

Mon-Friday @ 7:30 AM Saturday @ 5:00 PM Sunday @ 8:30 AM First Sat. @ 7:30 AM

St. Joseph Parish Contacts: Baptisms/Anointing of Sick/Counseling:

Parish Bookkeeper: Laurie Schmidt 475-3326 Contact Fr. John
office hours - Wed./Fri. 9-12
Bulletin deadline-TUESDAY @ NOON
Marriages – contact Fr. John 6 mos. prior
Altar Society: Kim Irwin 475-3295 Reconciliation:
Cemetery: Terry Taylor 340-5062 Saturdays @ 4:30 pm
Finance Council Clare Spellman 208-6110 First Sat. after 7:30 AM mass, or by appt.
Funeral Dinners: Linda Dieker 475-3567 Adoration: chapel, 8am- 10 pm (use south door)
Knights of Columbus: Brian Flott 343-9241
Liturgy Committee Diana Kuhlmann 475-3784
Outreach Arlene Redeker 475-3414 COLLECTION Last Week:
Pastoral Council: Diana Kuhlmann 475-3784 Plate $ 172.50
Religious Ed: Rose Redeker 475-3403 Envelopes 1,397.00 (39 adults)
Cap. Outlay 30.00
TOTAL ……… $ 1,599.50
ST. JOSEPH PRAYER LIST Missionary Collection - $1,002
Robyn Bechtel, Montana Cole, Aiden Dreier, Dave Goodell,
Lorene Haag, Roy & Marilyn Kuhlmann, Amy R., Kevin THANK YOU! We are blessed by the generosity
Redeker, Dave Schneider, Gary Trear, Jim Wecker. of those who financially support our parish.
United States Army: SFC Matthew S. Richter, Sgt. Austin
Burenheide, Pvt. Johnnie Bell, Captain Jacob Haag, Pvt.
Brandon Raybourn
Marines: Lt. Colonel James Bechtel Navy: Robert King FAREWELL to Father John
We hope you and your family can join us
as we say our “goodbye’s” to Father John
and wish him well on Sunday, June 24, at
4:00 PM at the K of C Hall. There will be
Sat. 6/16 5:00 pm +Rusty Miller
cake, beverages, a memory book to
Sun. 6/17 8:30 am For the people of our parish
Mon. 6/18 7:30 am +Walt & Frances Kehres share written messages or pictures, and
Tues. 6/19 7:30 am +Sylvia Klumpe a money tree.
Wed. 6/20 7:30 am +Fr. Francis Wendling
Thurs. 6/21 7:30 am +John Blaufuss
Fri. 6/22 7:30 am +Sylvia Klumpe
Sat. 6/23 5:00 pm For the people of our parish VOLUNTEERS NEEDED PLEASE!
Sun. 6/24 8:30 am Mike & Kathy Redeker (anniv.) Kids Bible Camp is July 9-13 at the Knights Hall
and we are needing adult volunteers to help
with classes and activities. Please call Rose
July 19 Blood Pressure/sugar screening Redeker. Sign up sheets ARE IN THE CHURCH
& bingo – Fellowship Meals-10:30 AM VESTIBULE ON THE TABLE….. OR you can call
July 20 K of C meeting – 7 PM Rose to reserve a spot for your child ages K-6th
July 21 Finance Council – 6:30 PM grade.
July 24 Father Farewell – 4:00 PM

Saturday, June 23 Sunday, June 24

Servers: Garret Cole, Max Blaufuss Servers: Lucas and Eli Blankley
Lector: Clare Spellman Lector: Michael Ratcliff
Ministers: Joe & Carolyn Cole, Clare Spellman Ministers: Greg & Trish Markowitz, Alan Nuessen
Gift Bearers: Joe Cole family Gift Bearers: Michael Ratcliff family
June 18-22 Weekday servers: John Musick, Reese Johnson Sacristan: Karen Hayes

St. Joseph’s Cemetery Committee Announcement

The cemetery committee has voted to move forward with purchase & installation of a new maintenance-free black wrought iron fence
with limestone columns on the corners on the north/front side of the cemetery. We have received several donations and are sincerely
appreciative of those; however, we are still accepting donations to offset the cost. Checks can be made payable to “St. Joseph Church”
and note “cemetery” on the memo line and mail or drop in the collection. THANK YOU!!


The Olpe Veterans Committee is still seeking donations to held fund the new
memorial in Olpe Jones Park, just north of the Methodist Church. Names of Olpe area
deceased veterans will be placed on a granite stone, similar to those at the Emporia
Veterans Memorial, free of charge. Additional names of veterans, living or deceased,
will be added for a donation of $125 or more. Donations should be made out to OLPE
VETERANS MEMORIAL and sent to the Olpe State Bank, P O Box 207, 202
Westphalia, Olpe,KS 66865. Thank you!

 Faith and Family Night at the K (Royals) will be Saturday, July 7. There will be a post game
program included in your ticket. Check out the flyer on the church bulletin board or email or 816-504-4165,

 Most Pure Heart of Mary Parish in Topeka is hosting a “Living in Love” retreat on Saturday and
Sunday, August 4-5. Check out the flyer on the church bulletin board or go to

 The next weekend for Worldwide Marriage Encounter is July 13-15 in Kansas City. For more info or to apply, visit or call Tony & Barb at 816-741-4066 or email

 Rural Youth Ministry Outreach of the Archdiocese will host the 2018 Summer Tour “Perfectly
Imperfect” on August 12 at Horton and August 19 at St. Boniface, Scipio. Check out at or

Please keep our 28 seminarians in the Archdiocese in your daily prayers. These
seminarians are fulfilling summer assignments in different parishes and areas in the

Outreach Ministry has been formed at St. Joseph to assist sick, elderly, disabled, or homebound parishioners or their
families who are in need of visits, calls, cards, meals, or transportation. If you or a family member are in need of one of
these services, please contact ARLENE REDEKER at 475-3414. If you are able to provide one of these services (visit, send
cards, make calls, provide a meal or ride), also call Arlene. We would also like to send birthday cards to parishioners and
community members who are 80 or over, widowed, in a nursing facility, or homebound. If you know of someone that might
enjoy a card, please call KAREN HAYES at 475-3327 and give her their name, birthday, and address. THANKS for your help
in getting our ministry started!

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