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Article - Chart of Historical Christological Heresies

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Chart of Historical Christological Heresies

Heresy Date Natures Proponents Heresy Refuted by Reply

Docetism End C1 H- D+ Basilides; Valentinus; Jesus=God, therefore can’t be human. Irenaeus; Hippolytus; If Christ were not fully human He could not
Patripassians; Sabellians 1John 4:1-3 redeem humanity (Heb. 2:14; 1 John 4:1-3)
The visible Jesus was only a hologram
Ebionitism C2 H+ D- Judaizers Jesus=human, therefore can’t be God. Irenaeus; Hippolytus; Jesus is fully divine; he is worthy of worship
Origen; Eusebius (John 1:1; 20:28; Heb. 13:8)
Christ got the Spirit at his baptism; he
was not preexistent.
Gnosticism C2 H- D- Marcion Not God, Not human: in between Iranaeus; Tertullian; 1 John 4:2
Hippolytus; Justin Martyr;
Apostles’ Creed
Heirarchy: God, Logos, Angels,
Adoptionism C3 H+ D- Theodotus Jesus is by nature human Antioch 268 Jesus always God

- A man adopted by God as a son

Modalistic C3 H- D+ Sabelius, Noetus of God the Father incarnate in Jesus Origen; Tertullian Jesus separate from God but still God
Monarchicism Smyrna
Dynamic C3 H+ D- Theodotus The human Jesus was indwelled by Antioch 268 See Adoptionism
Monarchicism varying degrees of divinity.
Arianism C4 H+ D- Arius, presbyter of Homoiousios: Jesus has appearance of Athanasius; Ossius; Athanasius: Jesus homoousios –one
Alexandria; Origen God, is of similar substance. He is the Marcellus; Nicaea 325 substance with God; Only a divine Christ can
first and highest created being. save (Phil. 2:6; Rev. 1:8)
Appolinarianism C4 H- D+ Apollinarius, bishop of Human body, Divine mind/soul; the Vitalis; Damascus; Basil; Human mind & divine mind in human body
Laodicea; Justin Martyr divine Logos took the place of the Theodosius; Gregory of
human mind. Opposed use of Nazianzus; Gregory of
theotokos. Only human nature died. Nyssa; Constantinople 381
Nestorianism C5 H+ D+ Nestorius, bishop of 1 moral being Cyril of Alexandira; 2 natures in 1 person
Constantinople Ephesus 431
(as accused by 2 people Indivisible
Eutychianism C5 H- D- Eutychians; Theodosius II 1 mixed nature after incarnation Flavian of Constantinople; 2 natures: communication between them
Pope Leo; Theodoret;
Eusebius of Dorylaeum;
New Hybrid: neither human or divine
Chalcedon 451
Monophysitism Until C7 H- D+ The human nature was swallowed by Constantinople 680 2 Natures are seperate
the divine nature to create a new third
nature - a tertium quid.

(H=Human nature, D=Divine nature)

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