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Type Approval Guidelines

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The key takeaways are that ictQATAR regulates Type Approval for radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment in Qatar to ensure safety. Type Approval is required before equipment can be marketed or operated in Qatar.

The overall objective of the new Type Approval regime is to improve upon the current regime and provide a framework for opening up the market for importation and commercialization of equipment by making Type Approval related solely to equipment rather than the applicant.

The two major differences between the current and new regimes are that under the new regime, Type Approval is no longer linked to the applicant but solely to the equipment, and manufacturers are now allowed to apply for and obtain Type Approval themselves and import equipment.


For Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment

The Supreme Council of Information & Communication Technology “ictQATAR”

09 January 2011
Type Approval Guidelines

Table of Contents

1.  Introduction 2 
2.  Definitions and Abbreviations 4 
3.  What is Type Approval and why is it necessary? 8 
4.  Who can apply for Type Approval? 9 
5.  How to Apply for Type Approval? 9 
6.  Specific documentation for Standard Type Approval process 13 
7.  Fee for Type Approval 16 
8.  Marking requirements 17 
9.  Validity of the Type Approval 18 
10.  Revocation of Type Approval 19 
11.  Equipment exempt from Type Approval 19 
12.  Criteria & Requirements for Type Approval bodies to be recognized by ictQATAR 21 
13.  Criteria & Requirements for accredited Testing Laboratories to be recognized by
ictQATAR 22 
14.  Role and Responsibility of the Importers, Manufacturers, and Licensed Operators 23 
15.  Monitoring and Surveillance 27 
16.  Type Approval Register 28 
17.  Importer Register 30 
18.  Transitional Arrangements 31 
19.  Contact references 32 
20.  Appendix A – Simplified Type Approval form 33 
21.  Appendix B – Standard Type Approval form 35 
22.  Appendix C – ictQATAR label 38 
23.  Appendix D – Technical Standards 39 
24.  Appendix E – Type Approval Bodies 57 
25.  Appendix F – Accredited Testing Laboratories recognized by ictQATAR 61 
26.  Appendix G – Authorized Importer application process 65 
27.  Appendix G – Authorized Importer application form 67 

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

1. Introduction

1.1. Background
This document, “Type Approval Guidelines for Radio Equipment and Telecommunications
Terminal Equipment (“RTTE”)” is issued by the Supreme Council of Information and
Communication Technology (“ictQATAR”) following the publication of the Type Approval
Policy, in accordance with Decree Law No. (34) of 2006 on the promulgation of the
Telecommunications Law.
In accordance with Article 2.11 and Article 4.5 of the Telecommunications Law, ictQATAR
has the statutory duty to ensure the safety of all information and telecommunications
services and for that purpose, determine technical standards for telecommunication
networks, the connection of Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
(“RTTE”) to telecommunication networks concerned. ictQATAR fulfils this function by
requiring that all RTTE are Type Approved before being allowed to be marketed and
operated in Qatar.

1.2. Objective of the new Type Approval regime

The overall objective of the new Type Approval regime is to improve upon the current Type
Approval regime and to provide a framework for opening up the market for importation and
commercialization of RTTE. The current Type Approval regime links any specific RTTE with
the Importer that has presented the application – only that Importer can actually import the
RTTE in Qatar. In addition, manufacturers are today not allowed to apply for Type Approval
and import RTTE themselves.
The two major differences of the new Type Approval regime compared with the current
regime are the following:
• Type Approval is no longer linked to the applicant, but is solely related to the
specific RTTE. Once Type Approved, any Authorized Importer will be allowed to
import this RTTE in Qatar, not only the one that originally applied for Type
• In addition to Authorized Importers, Manufacturers, Licensed Operators, and
Private Companies (for personal use) can apply for Type Approval
The objectives of the new Type Approval regime are:
• To streamline and modernize the current Type Approval regime in accordance
with the Telecommunications Law;
• To introduce a greater level of efficiency, transparency and certainty;

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Type Approval Guidelines

• To move from a regime where only a limited number of Importers can apply for
Type Approval to a more open regime where a wide range of entities such as
Manufacturers, Authorized Importers, Licensed Operators and Private
Companies can apply for Type Approval;
• To allow internationally recognized standards to be used as the basis for the Type
Approval process;
• To simplify the fee structure for Type Approval applications; and
• To ensure that:
o only properly type-approved RTTE is placed, sold or used in the
telecommunications market in Qatar;
o RTTE does not cause damage to or interference with the operation of
telecommunications networks or other RTTE;
o RTTE does not cause harm to the general public or people working with
telecommunications networks; and
o the operating frequency of all Radio Equipment is in accordance with the
Frequency Allocation Plan in Qatar.
In addition, the Type Approval regime aims to avoid placing unnecessary administrative
burdens on Authorized Importers and Manufacturers of RTTE, in order to facilitate
competition in the supply and choice of RTTE in Qatar. The Type Approval regime aims also
to facilitate the process for customs officers in Qatar by having on ictQATAR’s website an
updated list of the RTTE that has been Type Approved by ictQATAR and the list of the
Authorized Importers.

1.3. Scope of the Guidelines

The Type Approval Guidelines cover all types of Radio Equipment and Telecommunications
Terminal Equipment. Such equipment is referred to collectively herein as Radio and
Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (“RTTE”).
The Type Approval Guidelines are to be read in conjunction with all elements of the Type
Approval regime issued by ictQATAR and listed in section 1.4. This document specifically
aims to provide a guide to applicants that wish to obtain Type Approval for a RTTE,
describing in detail the documents needed and the process to follow.
The Type Approval Guidelines apply to all RTTE imported to or manufactured in Qatar,
whether for marketing or commercial purposes or for private use, and apply to any Person
that is the initial or first point of supply of the RTTE in Qatar.

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Type Approval Guidelines

1.4. Type Approval Regime

The Type Approval Regime consists of the following elements:
1. Type Approval Policy
2. Type Approval Guidelines (this document)
3. Type Approval Forms
4. List of Type Approval bodies that are recognized by ictQATAR
5. List of accredited laboratories, testing and measurement bodies recognized by
6. List of technical standards recognized by ictQATAR
7. Type Approval Register
8. Importers Register

2. Definitions and Abbreviations

2.1. Definitions
The words and expressions used in this document shall have the meanings set forth below.
Applicable Regulatory Framework: the Telecommunications Law of 2006 and its By-
Law and any other rules and regulations, decisions, orders, policies, guidelines, instructions
or notices issued by ictQATAR as well as license terms and conditions and relevant
legislation and international treaties.
Authorized Importer: is a Person in Qatar that is authorized by ictQATAR to import
RTTE to Qatar for marketing/commercial purposes in line with the Applicable Regulatory
Category of Equipment: is a term that relates to a broad range of RTTE for personal use
such as mobile handsets, wireless routers, WiFi/ WLAN laptop, fixed telephone, fax
machine, etc
Certificate of Compliance: is a document issued by a Conformity Assessment Body
stating the compliance of a specific RTTE with one or more technical standards
Conformity Assessment Body: are organizations, public or private, that have received
official recognition in their own country as bodies with specific technical expertise and
reputation, able to provide trusted opinions and assessment regarding RTTE’s compliance
with technical standards.
Dealer’s License: also called “Approval for dealing with telecommunications equipment

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Type Approval Guidelines

and related activities”. It is the license issued by ictQATAR to dealers of telecommunications

equipment (i.e. importers, wholesalers and retailers) prior to the implementation of the new
Type Approval regime. The Dealer’s License is not required in the new Type Approval
Declaration of Conformity: is a sworn statement issued by a manufacturer of a RTTE,
stating, under their responsibility, that the device complies with one or more technical
standards. By issuing such document, the manufacturer also declares that they have executed
all the tests and measurements that relate to said standards, and that such tests and
measures have shown full compliance with the standards’ reference parameters.
Frequency Allocation Plan: the frequency plan defined by ictQATAR that sets out the
allocation of radio frequency bands, in the state of Qatar, to their various uses.
Interface: means (i) a network termination point, which is a physical connection point at
which a user is provided with access to a public telecommunications network, and/or (ii) an
air interface specifying the radio path between radio equipment and their technical
International Manufacturer: an international manufacturer is a manufacturer of RTTE
based outside of Qatar. The international manufacturer may have offices in Qatar to market
its products, but the RTTE is manufactured outside of Qatar.
Licensed Operator: Licensed Operator is a Qatari company or establishment located in
the state of Qatar that is licensed by ictQATAR to own, establish or operate a
telecommunications network1
Local Manufacturer: a local manufacturer is a manufacturer based in Qatar whose
business is to manufacture RTTE in the state of Qatar.
Person: a natural or legal person of any type or form.
Public Telecommunications Network: telecommunications networks used wholly or
partly for the provision of publicly available telecommunications services.
Radio Equipment: a product, or relevant component thereof, capable of communication
by means of the emission and/or reception of radio waves utilizing the spectrum allocated to
terrestrial/space radiocommunication. Examples of Radio Equipment include, but are not
limited to: earth stations, broadcasting stations, VSAT, microwave radio links, aeronautic and
maritime stations, mobile handsets, Bluetooth devices, indoor Wireless Local Area Network
(WLAN) equipment, etc.
n this document, we distinguish between two categories of Radio Equipment:
• License-Free Radio Equipment: Radio Equipment for which the end-user is
exempted from obtaining a license from ictQATAR to own or operate it provided
that it is type-approved by ictQATAR. Examples include, but are not limited to:

In the context of this document, the term Licensed Operator is used to refer to a Licensed Operator who is
also authorized by ictQATAR to import RTTE.

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Type Approval Guidelines

mobile handsets, cordless phones, Bluetooth devices, indoor applications WLAN

equipment, computers with WLAN and Bluetooth connection, etc.
• Licensed Radio Equipment: Radio Equipment for which the end-user must obtain
from ictQATAR a license to own or operate it. Examples include, but are not limited
to: aeronautic stations, maritime stations, satellite systems (earth stations, VSAT,
SNG, mobile satellite), broadcasting stations, radio amateur, microwave radio links,
Telemetry, Private Mobile Radio (PMR), Tetra, outdoor WLAN equipment, WiMAX
stations, Wireless Local Loop (WLL), paging systems, etc.
A complete list of the types of Radio Equipment in each of these two categories will be
included in the Spectrum Policy that will be published by ictQATAR in due course.
Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (RTTE): this
covers both the Radio Equipment and the Telecommunications Terminal Equipment.
Retailer: a merchant who sells in small quantities directly to the end consumers.
Service Provider: a Person that is licensed to provide one or more telecommunications
services to the public or licensed to own, establish or operate a telecommunications
network to provide telecommunications services to the public. This includes providers of
information or content using a telecommunications network.
Technical Construction File: a dossier comprising all the necessary technical
documentation required for the standard Type Approval application.
Telecommunications Equipment: equipment capable of being connected directly or
indirectly with a Telecommunications Network in order to send, transmit or receive
telecommunications services.2
Telecommunications Law: is the Telecommunications Law of 2006.
Telecommunications Network: any wire, radio, optical or electromagnetic systems for
routing, switching and transmitting telecommunications services between network
termination points including fixed and mobile terrestrial networks, satellite networks,
electricity transmission systems or other utilities (to the extent used for
telecommunications), circuit or packet switched networks (including those used for Internet
Protocol services), and networks used for delivery of broadcasting services (including cable
television networks).
Telecommunications Terminal Equipment: a product, or a relevant component
thereof, enabling communication which is intended to be connected directly or indirectly by
any means to Interfaces of public telecommunications networks. Examples of
Telecommunications Terminal Equipment include, but are not limited to: ADSL modems,
PBX, phones connected to PSTN, Fax machines, answering machines, mobile handsets,

Telecommunications Equipment includes RTTE and core network equipment such as switches, Mobile
Switching Centers (MSC), Base Stations (BSCs), and transmission equipment. Core network equipment does
not follow the Type Approval regime for RTTE.

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Type Approval Guidelines

Bluetooth devices, etc.

Testing Laboratory: for the scope of these Guidelines we refer to “Testing Laboratories”
as laboratories where the appropriate equipment, supplies, and certified expertise are
available to conduct tests with regards to technical standards, including telecommunications,
EMC and health and safety.
Type Approval: is the process by which RTTE is authorized by ictQATAR to be used in
Qatar or imported into Qatar, and involves verification of the equipment’s compliance with
the applicable standards and requirements.
Type Approval Certificate: is a document issued by a National Regulatory Authority
stating that the RTTE complies with the applicable standards specified by the National
Regulatory Authority.
Type Approval Policy: the policy to be published by ictQATAR which provides direction
on different aspects of the Type Approval Regime such as principles, objectives and essential
Type Approval Regime: the combination of Type Approval Policy, guidelines, rules,
procedures, forms and fees that may be issued by ictQATAR as required.
Wholesaler: a merchant who sells primarily to Retailers, other merchants, or industrial,
institutional, and commercial users mainly for resale or business use.

2.2. Abbreviations and acronyms

AB: Assessment Body
CAB: Conformity Assessment Body
CE: Commission Européenne (European Commission)
DoC: Declaration of Conformity
EMC: Electro Magnetic Compatibility
ETSI: European Telecommunications Standards Institute
FCC: Federal Communications Commission (US Telecom Authority)
IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission
ILAC: International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation
ISO: International Organization for Standardization
ITU: International Telecommunications Union
MRA: Mutual Recognition Agreement
NB: Notified Body

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Type Approval Guidelines

NFAP: National Frequency Allocation Plan

NRA: National Regulatory Authority
PCB: Printed Circuit Board
PSTN: Public Switched Telecommunications Network
RTTE, R&TTE: Radio and Terminal Telecommunications Equipment
TA: Type Approval
TCB: Telecommunications Conformity Body
TCF: Technical Construction File

3. What is Type Approval and why is it necessary?

Type Approval is the process by which an RTTE is authorized by ictQATAR to be used in
Qatar3, and involves verification of the equipment’s compliance with the applicable standards
and requirements. The main goal of the type approval regime is to ensure that all Radio
Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (“RTTE”) that are used in Qatar
comply with the applicable technical standards in Qatar relative to:
• Effective Use of radio frequency spectrum for radio communication equipment: the
effective and appropriate use of the radio frequency spectrum, which is a limited
resource, should be ensured so as to avoid harmful interferences and cause
unacceptable degradation of service to other users of the radio spectrum.
• Interconnection of Telecommunication Terminal Equipment with Public
Telecommunications Networks: to ensure that Telecommunications Terminal
Equipment such as cordless telephones, fax machines, modems etc may be connected
to the Public Telecommunications Networks without causing any damage to the
Public Telecommunications Networks and to protect the interests of the users of the
Terminal Equipment.
• The protection of the health and the safety of the user: to ensure that the operation
of a particular RTTE, in no way causes any harm to the users or to any other
• Electromagnetic Compatibility: to ensure that electromagnetic emissions of the RTTE
does not disrupt or affect the operation of other equipments working nearby. In
addition, such RTTE must have an acceptable level of immunity to disturbances which
may occur as a result of the operation of other equipment found close to them.

The list of technical standards recognized by ictQATAR and to which all RTTE used, sold,
offered for sale or connected in Qatar must comply with are detailed in Appendix D of this
Subject to import permission

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

By verifying the compliance of RTTE with applicable technical standards recognized by

ictQATAR, the Type approval of RTTE ensures that:

• No sub-standard RTTE which can represent health and safety hazards are operating
in Qatar
• Consumers are protected from RTTEs that are non-compatible with the local
telecommunications network
• The operating frequency of all radio communication equipment is as per the National
Frequency Allocation Plan in Qatar and that no interference is caused to current and
planned services.

4. Who can apply for Type Approval?

Type Approval may be requested by:
a) Local and International Manufacturers
b) Authorized Importers
c) Licensed Operators
d) Persons (individuals or companies) in Qatar wishing to import RTTE for their own
use (i.e. not for marketing/commercial purposes)

Further details on authorized applicants are provided in section 14 of this document.

In addition to the list above, authorized representatives or agents of any of those parties
may also request Type Approval.
An International Manufacturer is not required to have a presence in Qatar in order to apply
for Type Approval.
Local or International Manufacturers can apply for Type Approval only for RTTE that is
manufactured by them.
Once an RTTE is type-approved by ictQATAR, the same type of equipment can be
imported, subject to import permission, by any eligible importers without having to apply for
another Type Approval.
ictQATAR will maintain on its website a Type Approval Register (hereinafter referred to as
“TA Register”) containing the types of RTTE that are approved by ictQATAR.

5. How to Apply for Type Approval?

An Applicant who applies for Type Approval of Radio Equipment and Telecommunications
Terminal Equipment shall follow one of the application processes, namely:

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

a) Simplified Type Approval process

b) Standard Type Approval process

The Application for either Type Approval processes shall be submitted to ictQATAR either
physically or electronically following the rules detailed in section 19 of these Guidelines.

5.1. Simplified Type Approval Process

(a) The simplified Type Approval process has to be followed in the case that the RTTE
has already obtained suitable evidence either from a National Regulatory Authority
(NRA) or a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) recognized by ictQATAR showing
that the considered RTTE complies with the required standards recognized by

(b) National Regulatory Authorities and Conformity Assessment Bodies that are
recognized by ictQATAR are identified in the list of recognized Type Approval
bodies, available on ictQATAR’s website and an initial list is provided in Appendix E.

(c) The list of recognized Type Approval bodies and Conformity Assessment Bodies will
be regularly updated by ictQATAR, at the discretion of ictQATAR.

(d) An Application for simplified Type Approval must be made using the prescribed
application form for the simplified Type Approval process attached in Appendix A of
these guidelines and which is available for download on the website of ictQATAR.

(e) A separate application form must be completed, signed and stamped by the applicant
for each type of equipment4.

(f) An application for Type Approval under the simplified type approval process must be
accompanied by the following supporting documentation:

i. A duly signed and dated Certificate of Compliance5 certifying that the

equipment complies with the appropriate standards, issued by the
entity which had tested or type approved the RTTE and which must
be either a National Regulatory Authority recognized by ictQATAR or

By type of equipment we mean a range of equipment with primarily cosmetic differences between each other
and not on the specific essential requirements relating to safety, EMC or radio frequency behavior
As defined in section 2 and includes for instance Type Approval Certificate, FCC grant of equipment
authorization, "Notified Body Expert Opinion" stating conformity to EN standards etc

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Type Approval Guidelines

a Conformity Assessment Body6 recognized by ictQATAR (please

refer to Appendix E for full lists).

ii. Proof of payment for the prescribed Type Approval fee. The Type
Approval fee covers ictQATAR’s processing fee, is not refundable, and
must be paid before applying for Type Approval. Details about the
acceptable payment methods and proof of payments are described in
section 7.

iii. Under the Simplified Type Approval process it is not required to

submit any other supporting documentation or sample units of the
RTTE unless requested to do so by ictQATAR.
(g) No application for Type Approval will be processed unless and until all required
supporting documents are submitted to ictQATAR. This may include the release of
any other additional information that is deemed necessary by ictQATAR for the
purpose of Type Approval.

(h) The processing period of an application for Type Approval under the simplified type
approval process takes up to 5 working days from the date upon which the complete
application package has been submitted to ictQATAR.

(i) A successful outcome of the assessment of the application for Type Approval will not
result in issuing a Type Approval Certificate in the name of the applicant, but rather
in the recording of a corresponding entry of the RTTE in the Type Approval Register
published on ictQATAR’s website. However, if needed, such certificates (which will be
for a specific RTTE and independent of the original applicant7) will be available in a
printable format on ictQATAR’s website. Additional information related to the Type
Approval Register is provided in section 16.

(j) ictQATAR reserves the right to reject the application in the case where ictQATAR is
not satisfied in respect to any aspect of the application. The Applicant may, however,
address the non-compliance and submit a new application for Type Approval when
appropriate. In case of rejection, the Type Approval Fee will not be reimbursed.

5.2. Standard Type Approval Process

(a) The standard Type Approval process has to be followed in the case that there is no
evidence in the form of the aforementioned Certificate of Compliance certifying that
the RTTE complies with the standards recognized by ictQATAR.

As defined in section 2 and includes for instance testing or calibration laboratories, inspection body,
Telecommunications Certification Body
For the avoidance of doubt, such certificate will not have any applicant’s name printed on it

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Type Approval Guidelines

(b) The evidence of compliance of the RTTE under the standard Type Approval process
must be based on, but not limited to, duly signed and dated Test Reports issued by
accredited Test Laboratories demonstrating that the RTTE complies with the
appropriate technical standards recognized by ictQATAR, as described in 5.2.f and

(c) ictQATAR will accept test reports from any accredited Test Laboratory included in
the list of accredited Testing Laboratories recognized by ictQATAR to be maintained
and updated by ictQATAR in accordance with the criteria and requirements set out
in section 0 of these Guidelines. An initial list of Testing Laboratories recognized by
ictQATAR is included in Appendix F and a regularly updated list will be made publicly
available on ictQATAR’s website.

(d) An Application for standard Type Approval must be made using the prescribed
application form for the standard Type Approval process attached in Appendix B of
these guidelines and which will be made available for download on the website of

(e) A separate application form must be completed, signed and stamped by the applicant
for each type of equipment8.

(f) An application for Type Approval under the standard Type Approval process must be
accompanied by the following supporting documentation:

i. Evidence of compliance of the RTTE with the relevant standards

recognized by ictQATAR. The collection of such evidence is called
Technical Construction File (TCF), and must include all supporting
documents9 set out in section (k) of these guidelines.

ii. Proof of payment for the prescribed Type Approval fee. The Type
Approval fee covers ictQATAR’s processing fee, is not refundable, and
must be paid before applying for Type Approval. Details about the
acceptable payment methods and proof of payment are described in
section 7.

iii. ictQATAR reserves the rights to require up to two sample units of the
RTTE along with the appropriate test accessories for testing at a
laboratory assigned by ictQATAR. The applicant will be responsible
for all laboratory or other costs incurred.

By type of equipment we mean a range of equipment with primarily cosmetic differences between each other
and not on the specific essential requirements relating to safety, EMC or radio frequency behavior
Including the Declaration of Conformity (DoC)

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Type Approval Guidelines

(g) All supporting documentation presented to ictQATAR will be treated as confidential

and will not be disclosed to third parties. The supporting documentation may be
submitted to ictQATAR in the form of a certified copy, soft copy in PDF format or
CD ROM provided that all documents are legible. The documentation must be in
English, or, if in another language, a certified translation in English must be provided.
(h) No application for Type Approval will be processed unless and until all required
supporting documents are submitted to ictQATAR.

(i) The processing period of an application for Type Approval under the standard Type
Approval process takes up to 15 working days from the date on which the complete
application package has been submitted to ictQATAR.

(j) A successful outcome of the assessment of the application for Type Approval will not
result in the issuing of a Type Approval certificate in the name of the applicant, but
rather in the recording of a corresponding entry of the RTTE in the Type Approval
Register published on ictQATAR’s website. However, if needed, such certificates
(which will be for a specific RTTE and independent of the original applicant10) will be
available in a printable format on ictQATAR’s website. Additional information related
to the Type Approval Register is provided in section 16.

(k) ictQATAR reserves the right to reject the application in the case where ictQATAR is
not satisfied in respect to any aspect of the application. The applicant may, however,
address the non-compliance and submit a new application for Type Approval where
appropriate. In case of rejection, the Type Approval Fee will not be reimbursed.

6. Specific documentation for Standard Type Approval process

6.1. Technical Construction File

(a) The Standard Type Approval process is based on the submission of a Technical
Construction File (TCF) which contains all suitable test reports and other
supporting documents demonstrating compliance of the RTTE with the required
standards recognized by ictQATAR. Its contents must be written in English.

(b) The format of the TCF is flexible to accommodate the needs of different RTTE
types but it must comply with the format and other requirements of the relevant
ISO/IEC standard11. It must have a unique identification number or other unique
identifier which is cross-referenced in the Declaration of Conformity (DoC). In
any event, it must prove the conformity of the RTTE with the applicable
For the avoidance of doubt, such certificate will not have any applicant’s name printed on it
ISO/IEC 17050-2:2004 (with the exception of clause 5.2(a) of the ISO/IEC standard)

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Type Approval Guidelines

requirements to be assessed. It must cover the design, manufacture and

operation of the RTTE and include the following documentation:

i. An index or table of contents;

ii. A Declaration of Conformity (DoC) issued by the manufacturer of

the RTTE. A more detailed description of the Declaration of
Conformity is provided in section 6.2 of these Guidelines;

iii. Technical/operational documentation of the RTTE including a brief

explanation describing how the RTTE is intended to be used and
any information related to the installation of the RTTE and
relevant to compliance;

iv. Identification of any communications networks and/or any radio

interfaces (antennas or connection points for antennas) concerned,
along with any intentional radio spectrum usage;

v. Where software or firmware may affect compliance of any

network interface or have an effect on radio frequency emissions,
it should be explicitly referenced and any user configurable options

vi. If the equipment is an interface card or module for installation in

host equipment, the description must give sufficient information
for compatible hosts to be determined;

vii. Circuit diagrams, PCB layouts, parts lists and other design and
construction information for those parts of the RTTE which have a
direct impact on compliance with the technical requirements,
including but not limited to all network or radio interface circuits
(antennas or connection points for antennas), power supplies and
ports for connecting other equipment which communicates via or
interacts with those interfaces. Circuit elements need only to be
shown in sufficient detail so that they are understood as regards
compliance issues;

viii. Photographs or illustrations showing external features and internal

layout. These should be in sufficient detail to permit reliable visual
identification of the RTTE concerned;

ix. Label placed on the RTTE, as specified in section 8 of these


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Type Approval Guidelines

x. Test reports issued by accredited Testing Laboratories recognized

by ictQATAR (see Appendix F) demonstrating that the RTTE
complies with the standards adopted in Qatar with respect to:
• Effective use of radio frequency spectrum for radio
communication equipment
• Interconnection with Public Telecommunication Networks (in
case the equipment is to be interconnected with PTNs)
• The protection of the health and the safety of the user
• Electromagnetic Compatibility

6.2. Declaration of Conformity

(a) A Declaration of Conformity (DoC) is a document issued by the manufacturer of
the RTTE on company letterhead or stationery, signed by an authorized
representative of that company, confirming that the RTTE complies with relevant
standards (telecoms and radio, health and safety, EMC) . The DoC forms part of
the Technical Construction File (TCF).

(b) Any DoC included in the TCF must be issued and maintained in accordance with
the relevant ISO/IEC standard12.

(c) As stated in the relevant ISO/IEC standard, a Declaration of Conformity (DoC)

must include the following information:

i. Unique identification of the DoC.

ii. The name and contact address of the issuer of the DoC.

iii. The identification of the object of the DoC (e.g. name, type, date
of production or model number of the product, and other relevant
supplementary information).

iv. The statement of conformity.

v. A complete and clear list of product standards or other specified

requirements, as well as the selected options, if applicable.

ISO/IEC 17050-1:2004: specifies general requirements for a supplier's declaration of conformity in cases
where it is desirable, or necessary, that conformity of an object to the specified requirements be attested,
irrespective of the sector involved. The standard can be downloaded at

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Type Approval Guidelines

vi. The date and place of issue of the Declaration of Conformity.

vii. The signature (or equivalent sign of validation), name and function
of the authorized person(s) acting on behalf of the issuer.

viii. Any limitation on the validity of the DoC.

ix. The name and address of any accredited Testing Laboratory

involved (e.g. testing or calibration laboratory, inspection body,
certification body) recognized by ictQATAR (see Appendix F).

x. Reference to relevant conformity assessment reports, and the date

of the reports.

xi. Reference to the existence of associated supporting

documentation such as that described in the relevant ISO/IEC

(d) In submitting a DoC confirming that the equipment complies with identified
standards, the applicant must ensure that the DoC is authentic and properly
applies to the RTTE that is the subject of the application.

7. Fee for Type Approval

(a) The fees for type approval depend on the Type Approval process to be followed:
• Simplified Type Approval Process: QR 500 per each new RTTE model
• Standard Type Approval Process: QR 1000 per each new RTTE model

(b) The prescribed fee must be paid in advance of submission of the respective
application for Type Approval. The fee is non-refundable and has to be paid for each
type of equipment.

(c) Payment of fees should be made by e-cash or bank transfer, in Qatari Riyals (QAR),
upon receipt of the invoice from ictQATAR finance department.

(d) For international applications, payment of fees should also be made in Qatari Riyals
(QAR) by e-cash or by bank transfer.

ISO/IEC 17050-2:2004: specifies general requirements for supporting documentation to substantiate a
supplier's declaration of conformity, as described in ISO/IEC 17050-1. Can be downloaded at

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

(e) Proof of payment of the prescribed fee must be included with the application for
Type Approval submitted to ictQATAR. This proof of payment can be, for instance, a
scanned image or screenshot of a bank or credit card statement or payment receipt.
It must be in a not editable format and ictQATAR’s banking account number,
payment amount and the date of payment must be visible.

(f) The amount of fee for Type Approval may be reviewed from time to time by
ictQATAR and updated as necessary.

8. Marking requirements
(a) Marking is the process of affixing a label and a specified Type Approval number on
the Type Approved RTTE which is made or imported into the Qatari market,
indicating its compliance with ictQATAR’s recognized technical standards and
requirements for the purpose of improving consumer’s confidence in
telecommunications products and services in Qatar.

(b) All Type Approved RTTE must have a legible label permanently affixed to the outside
of such equipment, bearing:

i. The corresponding marking from the country or region where the

original Type Approval had been obtained14 in the event that the RTTE
in question has been approved according to the Simplified Type
Approval process.

ii. The label approved by ictQATAR as shown in Appendix C of these

Guidelines in the event where the RTTE in question has been
approved according to the Standard Type Approval process.

(c) Any other marking may be affixed to the RTTE provided that the visibility and
legibility of the prescribed marking (per paragraph (a) and (b) above) is not thereby

(d) Where it is shown that a label permanently affixed to the outside of the RTTE is not
desirable or is not feasible, an alternative method of displaying the required label may
be used if approved by ictQATAR in writing. The proposed alternative method of
labeling and the justification for its use must accompany the applied application for
the Type Approval of the concerned RTTE.

e.g. CE conformity marking or FCC marking

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

(e) The label may also be affixed on the packaging and/or in the user manual, but it is not
mandatory in these places, unless for reasons of size or other design features the
RTTE itself cannot be marked15, in these cases the applicant must include the label in
the user documentation accompanying the RTTE before it is displayed or offered for

(f) The label must be affixed before the RTTE is made available on the Qatari market.

(g) The label shall be affixed under the responsibility of the manufacturer, his authorized
representative in Qatar, or the party responsible for placing the RTTE on the Qatari

(h) The responsible party shall be guilty of an offence if he or she fails to comply with
these requirements.

(i) ictQATAR reserves the right to take appropriate action against the responsible party
who has affixed a marking found not to be in conformity with these requirements.

9. Validity of the Type Approval

(a) The Type Approval for any particular RTTE is granted with an unlimited period of
time provided no modifications have been made to the approved RTTE.

(b) Whenever an existing Type Approved RTTE is modified with respect to

manufacturing brand name, product name, model number or function or any change
that affect any of the information recorded in the Type Approval Register or the
Certificate of Compliance or the Declaration of Conformity, a new application for
Type Approval must be made according to the requirements of these Guidelines.

(c) Whenever changes to the Type-Approved RTTE may affect compliance with the
applied standards and requirements to which it has been previously tested and
validated, a new application for Type Approval must be made according to the
requirements of these Guidelines.

(d) Whenever changes to the Type-Approved RTTE may affect a network interface or
have an effect on the specific essential requirements relating to safety, EMC or radio
frequency behavior of the concerned RTTE, a new application for Type Approval
must be made according to the requirements of these Guidelines.

As described in paragraph (d) above

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

(e) If changes to Type-Approved RTTE are essentially cosmetic16 and are non network
affecting or have no effect on the specific essential requirements relating to safety,
EMC or radio frequency behavior, a new application for Type Approval is not
required provided that the information recorded in the Type Approval Register
remains unchanged.

10. Revocation of Type Approval

(a) The Type Approval for any particular RTTE shall be revoked in the following cases:
• In the event that the RTTE listed in the Type Approval register has undergone
one or more of the changes described in the section above (9.b, 9.c, 9.d) without
applying for a new Type Approval.
• If a default of the Type Approved RTTE becomes known or reported to
ictQATAR or other competent authority
• In the event of a regulation change in Qatar, including but not limited to change in
the assignment of a frequency band in which the Type Approved RTTE operates

(b) ictQATAR will publish a notification on its web site about the cancellation of a Type
Approval and the reasons of annulment of the same. The RTTE in question will be
removed from the Type Approval register. Only the original applicant who requested
the Type Approval for the RTTE will be individually notified.

(c) Upon cancellation of a Type Approval, any party responsible17 for placing the RTTE
on the Qatari market shall have to withdraw the non-compliant RTTE from the
market. Non compliance with this clause is a violation of the Telecommunications
Law and will result in the application of fines and penalties as per the Applicable
Regulatory Framework.

11. Equipment exempt from Type Approval

There are a number of items that are exempted from the Type Approval process. Each type
of equipment subject to this treatment is listed in the table below, along with specified
technologies and the type of use (personal or importers).

Cosmetic changes would for instance include: change in color, external design, enclosure, etc.
As defined in section 4

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Equipment type Description Specified Type of use Specific Exclusion

Receiver-only, transmitter Equipment is • GSM and UMTS only • Type Approval exempt
RTTE such as mobile • Receiver-only or (including handsets only for personal use
handsets transmitter capable only and dongles)
of transmitting under
control of a public
network that has been
• Imported for personal
• Marked with a
compliance marking
from a Type Approval
Body (e.g. NRA or CAB)
recognised by

Receiver only, transmitter Equipment is embedded • Laptops or personal • Type Approval exempt Are not Type Approval
RTTE embedded in in a PC or a laptop and computers equipped for personal use and exempt:
personal computers is: with short range radio importers • Similar RTTE if
• Receiver-only radio technology such as imported as standalone
equipment WiFi, Bluetooth devices (i.e. not
• Transmitter equipment embedded in the
with output power laptop/ PC)
below 100 mW • Wireless routers

RTTE for amateur use* Equipment is • Amateur radio in line • Type Approval exempt
• Terminal equipment with ITU region 1 only for personal use
• To be used by radio requirements by licensed person
Or kits of components
• Assembled by radio
• Modified for use by
radio amateurs

Cable and wiring RTTE Equipment is • N/A • Type Approval exempt

• Cable and wiring RTTE for personal use and
• By nature “passive” importers

Broadcast receivers Equipment is • TV and sound (radio) • Type Approval exempt Are not Type Approval
RTTE • Receiver-only radio broadcast technologies: for personal use and Exempt:
equipment terrestrial TV (analogue importers • LNB component
• intended to be used and digital e.g. DVB-T) • Set-top boxes either for
solely for the reception satellite TV, Radio (FM/ satellite, IPTV or
of sound and TV AM) terrestrial (e.g.
broadcasting services Dreamboxes are not
• Include, satellite dish, authorised)
aerials but exclude
DTH set top boxes

Vehicle component RTTE Equipment is • Short-range • Type Approval exempt Are not Type Approval
• Installed as part of a technologies including only for personal use exempt
vehicle (car, motorcycle bluetooth • Similar RTTE if
etc) imported as standalone
• Includes car navigation, devices (i.e. Not
remote sensor, remote embedded in the
car key etc. vehicle)

Infrared remote control Equipment is • Short-range infrared • Type Approval exempt

equipment • A short range infrared for personal use and
remote control importers
• Includes TV remote
control, garage door

RTTE for military use (for RTTE used by Qatar • Various • Only applies to Qatar
security agencies) Armed Forces (QAF) or Army Forces QAF and
other Security Agencies other Security Agencies

* Final decision pending Amateur Radio regulation

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

12. Criteria & Requirements for Type Approval bodies to be

recognized by ictQATAR
(a) Type Approval bodies that are recognized by ictQATAR include National Regulatory
Authorities and Conformity Assessment Bodies and are used as references for the
simplified Type Approval process as described in section 5.1.

(b) ictQATAR will maintain and publish a list of National Regulatory Authorities and
accredited Conformity Assessment Bodies that are regarded by ictQATAR as
suitable for certifying compliance of the RTTE with the relevant technical standards
adopted in Qatar. An initial list is provided in Appendix E and this list will be updated
regularly by ictQATAR with the addition of any new recognized NRA or CAB and
published on ictQATAR website.

(c) The Type Approval process of the National Regulatory Authorities in this list is
deemed to be accepted by ictQATAR as valid for the RTTEs in Qatar. Therefore, an
applicant to the Type Approval for a RTTE that has been Type Approved by one of
these NRAs needs only to provide evidence in the form of a Type Approval
Certificate. It should be noted however that evidence of such Type Approval will be
reviewed in light of the specificities of the Qatari market18 and will be accepted upon
sole discretion of ictQATAR.

(d) At the start of the new Type Approval Regime, ictQATAR will recognize only the
National Regulatory Authorities that satisfy all of the following criteria:

i. The NRA is in a country belonging to ITU Region I

ii. The NRA has in place a Type Approval regime deemed to be

acceptable by the standards of ictQATAR19

(e) The Conformity Assessment Bodies in this list have been accepted as accredited to
assess and certify RTTE according to the technical standards or other specified
requirements adopted in Qatar, as identified in the accreditation scope for each of
them. In addition, ictQATAR recognizes the conformity assessment process of the
CAB of this list to be valid for the purpose of issuing Type Approval in Qatar.
Therefore an applicant to the Type Approval for a RTTE that has been issued duly
signed and dated Certificate of Compliance20 by one of these CABs certifying that the

Including but not limited to Qatar NFAP
These standards include but are not limited to: Type Approval Guidelines publically available and documented
in appropriate details, similarity of the Type Approval approach to ictQATAR, etc
As defined in section 2 and includes for instance Type Approval Certificate, FCC grant of equipment
authorization, "Notified Body Expert Opinion" stating conformity to EN standards etc

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

equipment complies with the appropriate standards, needs only to provide evidence
in the form of the above mentioned Certificate of Compliance. It should be noted
however that evidence of such Type Approval will be reviewed in light of the
specificities of the Qatari market21 and will be accepted upon sole discretion of

(f) At the start of the new Type Approval Regime, ictQATAR will recognize only the
Conformity Assessment Bodies that are accredited by a national accreditation agency
or a national government body from selected countries: EU member states, GCC
member states, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan.

(g) Where radio frequencies are concerned, the CAB shall be able to provide
Certificates of Compliance for use in ITU Region 1.

(h) Where the Simplified Type Approval process has been followed, the relevant
Certificates of Compliance from those Conformity Assessment Bodies recognized by
ictQATAR must be accompanied by the evidence of the relevant qualifications (e.g.
accreditation certificate or other documentary evidence) of the respective body

13. Criteria & Requirements for accredited Testing Laboratories to

be recognized by ictQATAR
(a) ictQATAR maintains and publishes on its web site a list of accredited Testing
Laboratories that are regarded by ictQATAR as suitable for performing tests
demonstrating compliance of the RTTE with the relevant standards recognized by
ictQATAR. These accredited Test Laboratories are used as reference for the
standard Type Approval process as described in section 5.2 .

(b) The laboratories in this list have been accepted as accredited to perform laboratory
test results according to the relevant product standards or other specified
requirements adopted in Qatar, as identified in the accreditation scope for each
laboratory. A manufacturer of RTTE that must comply with one or more of these
standards and requirements must support its evidence of compliance with test results
from one of these laboratories as defined in the standard Type Approval process in
section 5.2.

(c) Accredited Test Laboratories can be deemed as recognized by ictQATAR only if the
following requirements are met:

Including but not limited to Qatar NFAP

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

i. The laboratory is compliant with ISO/IEC 1702522

ii. Compliance to ISO/IEC 17025 is certified by an Accreditation Body,
who is a member of the International Laboratory Accreditation
Cooperation (ILAC)23 (see Figure I for ILAC structure)

(d) Where the standard type approval process has been followed, the relevant
assessment test results from each one of those laboratories recognized by
ictQATAR must be accompanied by the evidence of the relevant scope of
accreditation of respective laboratory involved.

Figure 1 - ILAC structure

14. Role and Responsibility of the Importers, Manufacturers, and

Licensed Operators
In accordance with the regulation laid down in the Type Approval Policy and in section 4 of
these Type Approval Guidelines, the application for type approval of Radio Equipment and
Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (“RTTE”) must be made by Local and International

ISO/IEC 17025:2005, “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories” is
the main standard used by testing and calibration laboratories worldwide. Several Accreditation Bodies exist in
the world to certify compliance with these standards, often non-profit organization. There is often one major
Accreditation Body in each country, except in the US where there are at least two major non-profit
organizations. Most Accreditation Bodies are members of ILAC, and share Mutual Recognition Agreements
among them
ILAC, International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation is the main international association among
Accreditation Bodies (AB). Members are structured along the following hierarchy: Regional Cooperation
Bodies (APLAC for Asia-Pacific, EA for Europe, IAAC for the Americas – a fourth one, SADCA for Africa, is
still in the process of acquiring full recognition); Full members (MRA signatories, approx. 65 members);
Associates; Affiliates; National Coordination bodies; Stakeholders. Among full members there is only one
Accreditation Body in the GCC region, the Dubai Municipality – Accreditation department. In addition there is
another UAE Associate AB (ESMA) and one Saudi Affiliate AB (SASO)

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Manufacturers, Authorized Importers, Licensed Operators, Persons (individuals or

companies) in Qatar wishing to import RTTE for their own use and authorized
representatives or agents of any of those parties. The following paragraphs of this section
are intended to clarify and define the roles and responsibilities of all parties in respect of
import, use, sale, and offer for sale of RTTE in the state of Qatar.

14.1. Local and International Manufacturers

(a) Local and International Manufacturer means manufacturer of a finished product, or
the manufacturer of a component part and any Person who, by putting his name,
trade mark or other distinguishing feature on the product presents himself as its

(b) Local and International Manufacturers of RTTE should manufacture their equipments
in a way which prevents networks from suffering harm which results in degradation
of service when used under normal operating conditions.

(c) For each RTTE to be approved by ictQATAR, all essential compliance tests must be
carried out by the manufacturer or on his behalf.

(d) Local and International Manufacturers, their authorized representatives (e.g.

Authorized Importers) or the Person responsible for placing the RTTE on the Qatari
market must declare that all the relevant compliance tests have been carried out and
that the RTTE complies with the essential requirements and standards relating to
safety, EMC and telecommunications.

(e) Local and International Manufacturers, their authorized representatives (e.g.

Authorized Importers) or the Person responsible for placing the RTTE on the Qatari
market must provide information for the user on the intended use of the RTTE,
together with the Declaration of Conformity to the essential requirements and
standards relevant for concerned RTTE.

(f) Local and International Manufacturers, their authorized representatives or the Person
responsible for placing the RTTE on the Qatari market are responsible for the
affixing of the Label to the approved RTTE in accordance with the rules and
requirements set out in section 8 of these Guidelines.

(g) Local and International Manufacturers, their authorized representatives or the Person
responsible for placing previously approved RTTE on the Qatari market must keep
the supporting documentation described in sections 5 and 6 at the disposal of
ictQATAR for inspection purposes.

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

(h) Where neither the manufacturer nor his authorized representative is located in the
State of Qatar, the obligation to keep the technical documentation available is the
responsibility of the Person who places the product on the Qatari market.

(i) Local and International Manufacturers, their authorized representative, or the Person
responsible for placing the RTTE on the Qatari market, is liable for any damage
caused by faulty RTTE according to the rules of the law of contractual or non-
contractual liability in the State of Qatar.

14.2. Authorized Importers

(a) An Authorized Importer must be a Qatari company or establishment located in the
state of Qatar and must hold a valid Qatari commercial registration covering
commercial activities in wired and wireless telecommunications, RTTE and/or IT
equipment, depending on the scope of the equipment which he or she intends to
import and offer for sale in the state of Qatar.

(b) An Authorized Importer can act as representative on behalf of more than one

(c) Subject to the liability of the manufacturer set out in paragraph 14.1 of these
Guidelines, any Authorized Importer who imports into the State of Qatar a RTTE for
use, sale, leasing or any other form of commercial and/ or marketing purpose shall be
deemed to be a manufacturer within the meaning of these Guidelines and shall be
responsible as a manufacturer.

(d) The Authorized Importer shall be legally responsible for ensuring that any approved
RTTE imported into Qatar is suitable for the purpose for which it is supplied and
that it operates in accordance with the claims made for it.

(e) Whenever any relevant change to the scope of activities defined in the commercial
registration of the Authorized Importer may take place, an application for
modification or cancellation of the authorization must be made to ictQATAR.

14.3. Licensed Operators

(a) A Licensed Operator is a Qatari company or establishment located in the state of
Qatar that is licensed by ictQATAR to own, establish or operate a
telecommunications network.

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

(b) Licensed Operators should construct their networks in a way that does not oblige
manufacturers of RTTE to take disproportionate measures to prevent networks from
being harmed. ictQATAR will take account of this objective when developing
standards concerning access to public telecommunications networks.

(c) Licensed Operators of public telecommunications networks should be able to define

the technical characteristics of their interfaces.

(d) Licensed Operators of public telecommunications networks should publish accurate

and adequate technical specifications of their network interfaces before any service
provided through those interfaces is made publicly available and regularly publish any
updated specifications.

(e) The technical specifications shall be in sufficient detail to enable manufacturers to

design RTTE capable of utilizing all services provided through the corresponding

(f) The technical specifications shall include all the information necessary to allow
manufacturers to carry out the relevant compliance tests for the essential
requirements applicable to the RTTE. The licensed network operator shall ensure
that those specifications are made readily available to ictQATAR.

(g) All RTTE issued with the Type Approval by ictQATAR shall be connected to the
public telecommunications networks without inspection by the licensed network
operators and the network operators have no right to refuse the connection of the
RTTE to the appropriate interfaces.

(h) Where ictQATAR considers that any RTTE issued with the Type Approval by
ictQATAR causes serious damage to a network or harmful radio interference or
harm to the network or its functioning, the licensed operator may be authorized by
ictQATAR to refuse connection, to disconnect such RTTE or to withdraw it from

(i) In case of emergency, a Licensed Operator may disconnect an RTTE if the protection
of the network requires the equipment to be disconnected without delay and if the
user can be offered, without delay and without costs for him, an alternative solution.
The Licensed Operator shall immediately inform ictQATAR in this regard.

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

14.4. Persons (individuals or companies) in Qatar wishing to

import RTTE for their use
(a) Radio equipment granted with the Type Approval by ictQATAR can be imported by
Persons (individuals or companies) located in the state of Qatar for their own use,
subject to a maximum number of:

i. In the case of import by individuals: 5 (five) units in total of a category of

equipment within a time period of one year from the date of import of the
ii. In the case of import by companies: a total not exceeding 20 (twenty) units for
the whole company in Qatar of a category of equipment within a time period of
one year from the date of import of the equipment.

(b) Persons (individuals or companies) wishing to import more equipment than the limits
set above in (a) may request ictQATAR in writing to do so, explaining the reasons
for their request. ictQATAR will then decide on a case-by-case basis to issue
approval, taking into account the particular situation of the requester and the need to
safeguard the interests of other parties. An import authorization for a predefined
quantity of equipment will be issued by ictQATAR when it deems that the particular
situation is justified. Where ictQATAR is not satisfied in respect of any aspect of the
request it will decline the request and notify the applicant indicating the reasons for
its decision.

(c) Persons (individuals or companies) importing License-Free Radio equipment for their
own use must declare to the customs authorities that the equipment concerned is
for its own use only and present, if needed, evidence of the number of employees of
the company or the authorization from ictQATAR referred to in paragraph (b) of
this section.

(d) ictQATAR reserves the rights to exclude any specific License-Free Radio equipments
from the import for own use, as it deems necessary and appropriate. A notice in this
regard shall be published on ictQATAR’s website.

15. Monitoring and Surveillance

(a) It is a violation of the Telecommunications Law to import, supply or use RTTE which
is not Type Approved or which does not meet applicable technical requirements and
standards in Qatar.

(b) ictQATAR will perform market surveillance activities from time to time to ensure
that only type approved RTTE is sold in Qatar. Such surveillance activities may result

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

from a complaint, a report of interference, visual inspection of RTTE in a retail

outlet, inappropriate advertising or simply random selection.

(c) An authorized officer of ictQATAR shall at any reasonable time enter any premises in
which the importer, supplier or distributor is keeping the imported RTTE for
inspection purposes.

(d) Importers, suppliers or distributors of RTTE must cooperate in such activities and
provide the equipment or sample units of it and/or make all or part of the supporting
documentation at the disposal of ictQATAR on request without delay and without

(e) Where an initial examination is inconclusive or unsatisfactory, additional information

may be requested and one or more sample units of the RTTE may be required for
testing at a laboratory assigned by ictQATAR. The Type Approval applicant, his
authorized representative in Qatar or the party responsible for placing the RTTE on
the Qatari market will be responsible for all laboratory or other costs incurred.
ictQATAR will return such equipment to the applicant if they are found to be
compliant with the technical requirements and standards in Qatar.

(f) At the time when non-compliance of the RTTE with any relevant requirement or
standard is discovered, ictQATAR may take all appropriate measures to withdraw
the RTTE in question from the market or from service, prohibit its placing on the
Qatari market or putting into service or restrict its free movement or other
enforcement measures that may be deemed as appropriate by ictQATAR.

(g) ictQATAR reserves the right to withdraw the importer authorization at any time
where it deems that the relevant regulations and technical requirements have not
been observed.

(h) ictQATAR may publish on its website, upon its sole discretion, information deriving
from its monitoring and surveillance activities.

16. Type Approval Register

(a) The Type Approval Register contains detailed information on all equipment
authorized by ictQATAR for use, import and commercialization in Qatar.

(b) The information in the Type Approval Register is derived from the application
presented for Type Approval by the applicant (Importer, Manufacturer, Operator,
Company). The applicant is responsible for the correctness of this information.

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

(c) The Type Approval register is maintained by the Type Approval personnel, who is
responsible for inputting new entries upon successful registration.

(d) The Type Approval Register is made available to all interested parties on ictQATAR

(e) There are three different levels of details for each equipment:

• Basic: Description of the equipment, including the main information necessary to

identify it and some minimum information on the applicant and application
process adopted. This information is always included in the Type Approval

• Technical: These items include a set of more detailed and technical information.
Although not strictly necessary to identify the RTTE, such information can be
useful to get a better understanding of RTTE’s functions and characteristics. This
information is included in the Type Approval register based solely upon discretion
of the Type Approval manager. This will most likely happen for RTTE subject to
the standard Type Approval process, where the above mentioned information is
entered along with the application form.

• Compliance: These items include the information concerning the presence of

Type Approval certifications from external bodies, manufacturer’s Declaration of
Conformity, and/or accompanying test reports from recognized Testing
Laboratories. This set of data is included in the Type Approval register based
solely upon discretion of the Type Approval manager.

(f) The Basic set of data includes:

i. Type of RTTE
ii. Equipment category
iii. Model number
iv. Brand name
v. Type number
vi. Manufacturer
vii. Country of origin
viii. Type of Type Approval process (simplified/standard)
ix. Notes (free text field for additional information)

(g) The Technical set of data includes:

i. Operating frequency band
ii. Radio frequency power of radio equipment
iii. Transmission capacity
iv. Channels

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

v. Channel spacing
vi. Frequency stability
vii. Modulation type
viii. ITU emission designator
ix. Whether or not the Radio Equipment requires a license from ictQATAR

(h) The Compliance set of data includes:

i. Certification Body name
ii. Certification Body country
iii. Date of certification issue
iv. Testing laboratory name
v. Testing laboratory country
vi. Testing laboratory accreditation body name
vii. Testing laboratory accreditation body country
viii. Testing laboratory accreditation body member of ILAC
ix. Testing laboratory accreditation body compliant to ISO/IEC 17025
x. EMC compliant standard
xi. Radio compliant standard
xii. Safety/Health compliant standard

17. Importer Register

(a) The Importer Register contains information on all entities authorized by ictQATAR
to import RTTE in Qatar for commercialization.

(b) The information in the Importer Register is derived from the application presented
by the applicant. The applicant is responsible for the correctness of this information.

(c) The Importer Register is maintained by the Type Approval personnel, who is
responsible for entering new entries upon successful registration

(d) The Importer Register is made available to all interested parties on ictQATAR web

(e) The Importer register includes the following data:

i. ictQATAR registration number
ii. Date of registration with ictQATAR
iii. Company name
iv. Company registration number in Qatar
v. Description of Company business
vi. Company postal address

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

vii. Contact person name

viii. Contact person e-mail address
ix. Contact person telephone number
x. Contact person fax number
xi. Additional ictQATAR reference number (e.g. licence number)
xii. Notes (free text field for additional information)

18. Transitional Arrangements

(a) The new Type Approval regime is immediately enforced upon publication of these
Guidelines for all new RTTE that has not yet been imported or commercialized in
Qatar, and for which no Type Approval has already been issued. RTTE whose Type
Approval is pending will have to follow the new regime, and a new Type Approval
application according to the present document will have to be followed.

(b) RTTE that was type-approved by ictQATAR prior to the implementation of the new
Type Approval Regime shall be deemed to be certified and approved for use in Qatar
and will be included in the Type Approval Register. No new application is required.

(c) Upon registration in the Type Approval Register of RTTE that was previously type-
approved, ictQATAR will assign an appropriate TA registration number and will
notify the former TA Holder. Until then, only the former TA Holder will be allowed
to import and commercialize the equipment, as per the previous regulation.
Following the registration in the Type Approval Register, all Authorized Importers
will be able to import and commercialize the said RTTE, as per the new regime.

(d) The RTTE already circulating on the basis of the pre-existing regime will be
exempted from labeling requirements as stated in section 8 for the time being.
ictQATAR will make a further announcement in advance of this grace period
elapsing. After such time, all RTTE will have to be properly labeled and cannot be
commercialized without the appropriate marking.

(e) Importers who hold a Dealer’s License from ictQATAR prior to the implementation of
the new Type Approval Regime are not automatically deemed to be Authorized
Importers. They will not be included automatically in the Importers Register. Such a
person has to seek separate authorization from ictQATAR in order to import RTTE to
Qatar for marketing/commercial purposes.

(f) All new applications for Type Approval after the implementation of the new Type
Approval Regime must follow the processes and requirements of the new regime as
set out in this Policy and any guidelines, rules, procedures or forms issued by

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

19. Contact references

(a) Application for Type Approval can be delivered to ictQATAR in the following ways:
i. Handed in person in ictQATAR offices in (Al Nasr Tower) during normal
office hours. The documentation must be contained in a single
package/envelope and addressed to (ictQATAR – Regulatory Authority –
Technical Affairs Department)
ii. Sent via normal mail to ictQATAR mail box (23264)
iii. Sent via e-mail to the following address: (

(b) In case the application is sent electronically, the files must be in non-editable formats,
such as PDF or JPG, and formatted in such a way to be easily printable

(c) Any request for information about the Type Approval process can be addressed in
person at ictQATAR’s offices or by telephone calling the number (4995338 or

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

20. Appendix A – Simplified Type Approval form

Applicant’s details (tick appropriate / insert registration number)
Manufacturer (local or international)
Person (individual or company – own use)
Licensed Operator
Authorized Importer - Import Registration No.:
Company Name
Contact Person

P.O. Box
Technical details of the equipment
Equipment category GSM DECT UMTS
TETRA Amateur Radio Private Mobile Radio
Maritime radio Radar RLAN
WiMAX FWA Microwave
Sound broadcasting TV broadcasting WiFi
Bluetooth RFID Amateur satellite Radio
Radio navigation Satellite TV VSAT
Analogue PSTN xDSL modem Voice equipment
Leased Line eqt Switched data eqt

Others (please specify):____________________________________

Intended use
(e.g. handset, etc)
Manufacturer name
Manufacturer details
(address etc)
Model/ brand name
Please submit the following documents along with this filled in application form
1. Certificate of Compliance (issued by a National Regulatory Authority or a Conformity
Assessment Body recognized by ictQATAR)
2. Proof of payment of Type Approval fee (500 QR)
Details of the Certificate of Compliance
Issuing body
Issue date

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Signature of applicant
Name (printed): Date:
Authorized Signature of

ictQATAR section
Approved by Date of issue
Certification Number
Additional Details / Comments
In case of rejection (Missing Data, etc)

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

21. Appendix B – Standard Type Approval form

Applicant’s details (tick appropriate / insert registration number)
Manufacturer (local or international)
Person (individual or company – own use)
Licensed Operator
authorized Importer by ictQATAR - Import Registration No.:
Company Name
Contact Person

P.O. Box
Manufacturer details
Company Name
Contact Person

P.O. Box
Please submit the following documents along with this filled in application form:
The following list of documents needs to be submitted. Items 1 to 7 constitute the Technical
Construction File (TCF). Please refer to the Type Approval Guidelines section 6.1 and 6.2 in case more
details are needed.
1. Declaration of Conformity issued by the manufacturer of the RTTE
2. Technical/ operational documentation of the RTTE including user /installation manual
3. Test Reports of accredited laboratory
4. Circuit diagram, PCB layout, part lists and other relevant design information
5. Photographs (external/internal)
6. Label
7. Test reports issued by accredited testing laboratories recognized by ictQATAR
8. Proof of Payment of Type Approval fee (1000 QR)

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Technical details of the equipment

Equipment category GSM DECT UMTS
TETRA Amateur Radio Private Mobile Radio
Maritime radio Radar RLAN
WiMAX FWA Microwave
Sound broadcasting TV broadcasting WiFi
Bluetooth RFID Amateur satellite Radio
Radio navigation Satellite TV VSAT
Analogue PSTN xDSL modem Voice equipment
Leased Line eqt Switched data eqt

Others (please specify):________________________________

Intended use
(e.g. handset, etc)
Model number
Brand name
Type number
Country of origin
Frequency range From MHz to MHz
From GHz to GHz
Output Power [mW ] Bandwidth
Transmission Capacity Channels
Channel Spacing Frequency
Modulation type ITU Emission
(e.g. AM, FM, OFDM, designator
Antenna Type Integral:________________ External:_______________
Antenna Gain
Interfaces Power Source Connectors Software Others
Technical Variants To be declared in a separate document (Declaration / certificates)
Equipment licence Licence required Licence not required
Standards compliant with
EMC Test report Nr.:

Radio Test report Nr.:

Health and Safety Test report Nr.:

Technology specific Test report Nr.:

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Signature of applicant
Name (printed): Date:
Authorized Signature of

Approved by Date of issue
Certification Number
Additional details / comments
in case of rejection (missing data, etc)

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

22. Appendix C – ictQATAR label

Type Approval reg. No.:

Importer No:

The characters shall appear in black print against a white background.

No character shall be less than 2mm in height.
The letter “Q” of “ictQATAR” shall be at least 3mm in height.
Where “nnnnnn” appears shall be substituted the registration number allocated by
ictQATAR to the equipment concerned.
Where “xxxxxxxxx” appears shall be substituted the dealer registration number allocated
by ictQATAR to the Authorized Importer who made the application concerned.
When the label is applied to the packaging of equipment, the minimum dimensions specified
above shall be doubled.

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

23. Appendix D – Technical Standards

23.1. Introduction and Scope

This Appendix lists the Technical Specifications requirements applicable to all radio and
telecommunications terminal equipments (RTTE) intended to be used in Qatar.

This Appendix covers standards related to four groups of requirements of compliance

imposed by ictQATAR on RTTE:
• Effective use of radio frequency spectrum for radio telecommunication equipment
• Interconnection of telecommunications terminal equipment with the Wireline Public
• Protection of the health and the safety of the user
• Electromagnetic Compatibility

23.2. Definitions of applicable standards

For the purposes of use of this Appendix to the Guidelines, the following international
bodies are referred to:
• ANSI American National Standards Institute24
• CENELEC European Committee for Electro-technical Standardisation25
• CISPR International Special Committee for Radio Interference26
• IEC International Electro-technical Commission27
• ITU International Telecommunications Union28
• ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute29
• ATEX EXplosive ATmospheres Directive30

ANSI standards can be obtained from,
CENELEC standards can be obtained from,
CISPR standards can be obtained from,
IEC standards can be obtained from,
ITU standards can be obtained from,
ETSI standards can be obtained from,
ATEX Directive can be obtained from,

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

23.3. Applicable technical standards – Radio Telecommunication

Each type of Radio Telecommunications Equipment is described in the figure below. In turn,
for each type of Radio Telecommunications Equipment the specific standards that the
equipment needs to comply with is listed in Figure 3 - to Figure 10 - .

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 2 - Applicable Radio Technologies Categories


1-Public Mobile 2- Private 3- Fixed 4- Short Range 5- Satellite 6- Broadcasting

Mobile Wireless

1.1 GSM Base 2.1 TETRA radio 3.1 Fixed Wireless 4.1 2.4GHz 5.1 MSS 6.1 Sound
Station and equipment Access and wideband data equipment broadcasting
ancillary ancillary transmission operating below 1 equipment
equipment equipment system & ancillary GHz

1.2 GSM 2.2 Amateur radio 3.2 5GHz high 4.2 Road 5.2 MSS 6.2 Vision
Handsets, and ancillary performance Transport equipment broadcasting
terminals & equipment RLAN and Telematics and operating between equipment
ancillary ancillary ancillary 1-3 GHz
equipment equipment equipment

1.3 DECT cordless 2.3 Citizen band 3.3 WiMAX 4.3 Ground and 5.3 VSAT and
telecoms radio and ancillary equipment airborne model ancillary
equipment equipment control equipment equipment

1.4 UMTS 2.4 Analogue and 3.4 Point to point 4.4 Radio hearing
handsets and digital PMR radio fixed link aids
related equipment equipment equipment and

1.5 UMTS base 2.5 Short range 4.5 Wireless audio

stations PMR and ancillary applications

2.6 Maritime Radio 4.6 Radio

Microphones/ in
ear monitoring
and ancillary

2.7 Radar for 4.7 Non specific

radionavigation short range

4.8 Inductive
equipment and

4.9 Digital cordless


4.10 Analogue
cordless phones
base stations and

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 3 - Public Mobile

Service Frequency Band Applicable Sub-section of Reference standards for conformity

defined in Framework
GSM GSM Base Station and Ancillary EN 301 489-8
880-915 MHz 1.1
925-960 MHz equipment EN 301 502
1705-1785 MHz
1805-1880 MHz GSM Handsets, terminals & EN 301 489-7
ancillary equipment EN 301 511

DECT cordless telecoms E EN 301 489-6

DECT 1880-1900 MHz 1.3 N
equipment 3 EN301 406
UMTS handsets and related 9 EN 301 908-2
equipment 1.4 EN 301 908-6
1900-1920 MHz EN 301 489-24
IMT 1920-1980 MHz EN 301 908-1
2110-2170 MHz EN 301 908-3
EN 301 908-7
UMTS base stations 1.5
EN 301 908-11
EN 301 489-23

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 4 - Private Mobile

Service Frequency Band Applicable Sub-section of Reference standards for conformity

defined in Framework
EN 301 489-18
380-399.9 MHz
TETRA TETRA radio equipment 2.1 EN 303 035-1
410-430 MHz
EN 303 035-2
3.5-3.8 MHz
7.0-7.2 MHz
Amateur 14-14.35 MHz Amateur radio and ancillary EN 301 489-15
Radio 21-21.45 MHz equipment EN 301 783-2
24.89-24.99 MHz
144-146 MHz
EN 300 135
Citizen band radio and ancillary
CB Radio 26.965-27.405 MHz 2.3 E EN 301 489-13 EN 300 135-1
equipment N EN 300 135-2
1 EN 301 489-5
Analogue and digital PMR 4 EN 300 793
2.4 9
Private Mobile equipment -1 EN 300 471-2
EN 300 296-2 EN 300 086-2
Radio 430-470 MHz
EN 301 166-2 EN 300 113-2
Short range PMR and ancillary
2.5 EN 300 390-2
EN 300 698
156.025-174 MHz Maritime Radio 2.6 EN 301 025
EN 301 178
1.260-1.350 GHz TBC
Radar for
2.700-3.300 GHz EN 302 248
Radio- Radar for radio-navigation 2.7
9.3 – 9.5 GHz EN 302 194
76-77.5 GHz

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 5 - Fixed Wireless

Service Frequency Applicable Sub-section of Reference standards for conformity

defined in Band Framework
5GHz high performance RLAN
Wi-Fi 5.725-.5.85 GHz 3.1
and ancillary equipment EN 301 489-17
EN 301 893
2.495-2.690 GHz
WiMax WiMAX equipment 3.2 EN 301 753
3.40-3.60 GHz
FWA 10.60-10.68 GHz E
N EN 301 753
WLL (phased 1.429-1.452 GHz Fixed Wireless Access and 3
3.3 0 EN 302 326-2
out) 2.3-2.4 GHz ancillary equipment 1
4 EN 302 326-3
BWA 4.8-5.0 GHz 8
10.7-11.7 GHz -1 EN 301 489-4
12.75-13.25 GHz EN 302 217-2-2
14.40-15.35 GHz EN 302 217-3
17.70-19.70 GHz Point-to-point radio fixed link EN 302 217-4-2
Microwave 3.4
21.20-23.60 GHz equipment and antenna
27.50-29.50 GHz
31.80-33-40 GHz
37.0-39.5 GHz

Figure 6 - Short Range (non specific short range devices)

Typical Authorised Applicable sub - Reference Maximum Field

Applicat Frequency Bands / section of standards for Strength / RF
ion Frequencies (channel Framework conformity Output power
Type spacing)
ISM 6765 kHz – 6795 kHz Non -specific short 4.1 FCC Part 15 42 dBµA/m at 10 m
13.553 MHz – 13.567 MHz range devices EN 300 220 e.r.p 10mW
26.957 MHz – 27.405 MHz EN 300 330
40.66 MHz – 40.7 MHz

868 MHz – 868.6 MHz Non -specific short 4.1 E EN 300 220 e.r.p 25 mW
868.7 MHz – 869.2 MHz range devices N e.r.p 100 mW
869.4 MHz – 869.65 MHz 0 e.r.p 25 mW
869.7 MHz – 870 MHz 4 e.r.p 25 mW
ISM, WLAN , 2400 MHz – 2483.5 MHz Non -specific short 4.1 EN 300 440 e.i.r.p 10 Mw indoor only
Bluetooth range devices EN 300 328

ISM 61 GHz – 61.5 GHz Non -specific short 4.1 EN 300 440 e.i.r.p 100 mW
122 GHz – 123 GHz range devices FCC Part 15
244 GHz – 246 GHz

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 7 - Short Range (continued)

Typical Authorised Frequency Applicable sub- Reference Maximum Field

Appli- Bands / Frequencies section of standards for Strength / RF
cation (channel spacing) Framework conformity Output power
SRD radar 10.5 GHz – 10.6 GHz Radio- 4.2 EN 300 440 e.i.r.p 500 mW
systems 24.05 GHz – 24.25 GHz determination EN 302 288 e.i.r.p 100 mW
57 GHz – 64 GHz application EN 302 372 e.i.r.p -41.3 dBm/MHz
75 GHz – 85 GHz

Vehicle 5795 MHz – 5805 MHz Road 4.3 EN 300 674 e.i.r.p 2 W
telematics 76 GHz – 77 GHz transport and EN 200 674 55 dBm peak -50
traffic EN 301 091 dBm Average power -
telematics 23.5 dBm

Car 9 kHz – 148.5 kHz Inductive 4.4 EN 302 291 72 dBµA/m at 10m
immobilisers, 3155 kHz – 400 kHz applications E EN 300 330
N 13.5 dBµA/m at 10 m
alarm systems, 6765 kHz – 6795 kHz 3 42 dBµA/m at 10 m
data transfer 7400 kHz – 8800 kHz 1 9 dBµA/m at 10 m
to handheld 13.553 MHz – 13.567 MHz 4 60 dBµA/m at 10 m
devices etc. 26.957 MHz – 27.283 MHz -1 42 dBµA/m at 10 m, e.r.p
430 MHz – 435 MHz FCC part 15 e.r.p 10mW
830 MHz – 850 MHz EN 300 220 e.r.p 10mW

Purpose of 26MHz, 27MHz, 76MHz Model control 4.5 EN 300 220 e.r.p 100 mW
controlling 34.995MHz, 35.225MHz
movement of
a model Only for flying models
Article 13.553 MHz – 13.567 MHz Radio 4.6 EN 302 291 60 dBµA/m at 10 m
identification, 2446 MHz –2454 MHz Frequency EN 300 440 e.i.r.p 500 mW
asset tracking, identification
alarms etc. applications

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 8 - Short Range (continued)

Typical Authorised Frequency Applicable Reference Maximum Field

Appli- Bands / Frequencies sub-section of standards for Strength / RF
cation (channel spacing) Framework conformity Output power
Active 401 MHz – 406 MHz Wireless 4.7 EN 301 839 e.r.p 25 µW
Medical applications EN 302 537
Implant, 9 kHz – 315 kHz in EN 302 195 30 dBµA/m at 10 m
hearing aids 30 MHz – 37.5 MHz healthcare & EN 302 510 e.r.p 1 m W
etc. 169.4 MHz – 174 MHz listening EN 300 422 e.r.p 10 m W
Cordless 43 MHz, 46 MHz, 47 MHz, 49MHz Wireless 4.8 EN 301 357 e.i.r.p 10 m W
loudspeakers, 900 MHz audio “”
headphones 1795 MHz – 1800 MHz applications e.i.r.p 20 m W
etc. 87.5 MHz – 108 MHz e.r.p 5 mW
Vehicle 133 kHz Vehicle- 4.9 EN 300 220 60 dBµA/m at 10 m
Immobilizer, 134 kHz fitted radio “” 70 dBµA/m at 10 m, e.r.p.
antitheft products E 10 mW (10 dBm),
system, 433.72 MHz – 434.12 MHz 3 “” 75.6 dBµA/m at 3 m, e.r.p.
navigation 1 0.1 mW,
device etc. 133 kHz 4 “” 95 dBµA/m at 3 m,
433 MHz “” e.r.p 1 m W
458.95 MHz “” 70 dBµA/m at 10 m, e.r.p
10 mW (10 dBm)

2450.00 MHz EN 300 328 e.i.r.p 1 mW

24.15 GHz EN 300 440 e.i.r.p 10 m W
76 GHz – 77 GHz EN 301 091 10 W to 15 W Peak e.i.r.p
316.22 W Peak e.i.r.p
1575.42 MHz
13.553 MHz – 13.567 MHz EN 302 291 60 dBµA/m at 10 m
EN 300 330

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 9 - Satellite

Service Frequency Band Applicable Sub-section of Reference standards for conformity

defined in Framework
7.0-7.1 MHz
14.0-14.25 MHz
Amateur 21.0-21.45 MHz MSS equipment operating
5.1 EN 301 721
Satellite Radio 24.89-24.99 MHz below 1 GHz
144-146 MHz
24.0-24.05 GHz
47.0-47.2 GHz EN 301 489-20
Radar & E
N EN 301 425
3 EN 301 441
Systems and 1215-1260 MHz MSS equipment operating 0
5.2 1 EN 301 442
Active Sensors 1479.5-1492 MHz between 1-3GHz 4
8 EN 301 444
(GPS) 9
-1 EN 301 681

3.625-4.2 GHz
5.85-6.45 GHz EN 301 428
10.7-12.75 GHz EN 301 443
Satellite TV VSAT and ancillary equipment EN 301 489-12
13.75-14.5 GHz 5.3 EN 301 360
Other VSAT
14-14.5 GHz EN 301 459
19.7-20.2 GHz
21.4-22 GHz

Figure 10 - Broadcasting

Service Frequency Applicable Sub-section of Reference standards for conformity

defined in Band Framework
FM Radio 87.5-108 MHz E EN 301 489-11
Sound broadcasting equipment 6.1 3
T-DAB 1452-1479.5 MHz 0 EN 302 018-2
47-68 MHz 4 EN 301 489-7
TV Broadcast 174-230 MHz Vision broadcasting equipment 6.2 9 EN 301 489-14
470-790 MHz EN 302 297

23.4. Applicable technical standards – Telecommunication

Terminal Equipment
For each type of Telecommunications Terminal Equipment to be interconnected to wireline
Public Telecommunications Networks the specific standards that the equipment needs to
comply with is listed in Figure 11 - to Figure 17 -

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 11 - Applicable standards – PSTN TTE

Type of TTE Subtype Applicable Description

Analog PSTN TTE: General (applicable ETSI TBR 021 • Terminal Equipment (TE); Attachment
•Single Line equipment to all) requirements for pan-European. approval for
directly connecting to analog connection to the analogue Public Switched
PSTN Telephone Networks (PSTNs) of TE (excluding TE
•Single Line telephony supporting the voice telephony service) in which
•Fax Machines network addressing, if provided, is by means of
•Analogue Modems Dual Tone Multi Frequency(DTMF) signalling
•Answering machines
Pulse or Loop ETSI ES 201 187 • 2-wire analogue voice band interfaces; Loop
•Adjuncts and telephones
offering analogue CLI Disconnect dialling Disconnect (LD) dialling specific requirements
•Subscriber Meter Analogue ETSI TBR 038 • Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN);
•PSTN Connected Security telephones and Attachment requirements for a terminal
Alarms other equipment equipment incorporating an analogue handset
which offer function capable of “supporting the justified case
analogue handset service when connected to the analogue interface
telephony such as of the PSTN
modems or fax
Caller Line ETSI ES 201 235-3 • Access and terminals (AT) specification of Dual –
Identification (CLI) Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) Transmitters and
receivers; Part 3 Receivers.
Fixed Line Short ETSI ES 201 912 • Access and Terminals (AT); Short Message Service
Message Service (SMS) for PSTN/ISDN; Short Message
(SMS) Communication between a ifxed network Short
Message Terminal Equipment and a Short Message
Service Centre
ETSI TS 103 912 • Access and Terminals (AT); Short Message Service
(SMS) for PSTN/ISDN; Short Message
Communication between a ixed network Short
Message Terminal Equipment and a Short Message
Service Centre (Corrections to ES 201 912 V1.1.1)
ETSI EN 300 659-2 • Access and Terminals (AT); Analogue access to
the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN);
Subscriber line protocol over the local loop for
display (and related) services; Part 2: Off-hook
data transmission
ETSI ES 200 778-2 • Access and Terminals (AT); Analogue access to
the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN);
Protocol over the local loop for display and
related services; Terminal equipment requirements

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 12 - Applicable standards – xDSL

Type of TTE Subtype Applicable Description

xDSL Modem HDSL ETSI ETR 152 • Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); High bit-
rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL)
transmission system on metallic local lines;
HDSL core specification and applications for 2
048 kbit/s based access digital Sections
ETSI TS 101 135 • Transmission and Multiplexing (TM);High bit-
rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL)
transmission systems on metallic local lines;
HDSL core specification and applications for
combined ISDN-BA and 2 048 kbit/s
SHDSL ITU G992.1 • Single-Pair High-Speed Digital Subscriber Line
(SHDSL) subscriber transceivers.
SDSL ETSI TS 101 524-1 • Transmission and Multiplexing. Access
transmission system on metallic access cables.
Symmetrical single pair high bit rate Digital
Subscriber Line (SDSL)
ADSL ETSI ES 202 913 • Access and Terminals (AT); POTS
requirements applicable to ADSL modems
when connected to an analogue presented
PSTN line
ETSI TS 101 952-1-1 • Access network xDSL transmission filters; Part
1:ADSL splitters for European deployment; Sub-
part 1: Specification of the low pass part of
ADSL/POTS Splitters
ETSI TS 101 952-1-2 • Access network xDSL transmission filters; Part
1: ADSL splitters for European deployment;
Sub-part 2: Specification of the high pass part of
ADSL/POTS Splitters

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 13 - Applicable standards – Other Voice Equipment

Type of TTE Subtype Applicable Description

Voice equipment Payphone ETSI I-ETS 300 400 • Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN);
Telephony terminals; Payphones
PBX and Key Systems ETSI ES 201 168 • Speech Processing, Transmission and Quality
Aspects (STQ); Transmission characteristics of
digital Private Branch exchanges (PBXs) for
interconnection to private networks, to the
public switched network or to IP gateways
Voice over IP terminals ITU-T Rec. G.711 • The Vo/IP terminal equipment shall have an
audio codec capable of encoding and decoding
speech according to ITU-T Rec. G.711 and
capable of transmitting and receiving A-law and
μ-law. It may support other codecs (ITU-T Rec.
G.726 ADPCM, G.728 LD-CELP, G729 CS-
G.723 ACELP).
• The Vo/IP terminal equipment shall support
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
and Real-Time Protocol (RTP).
ITU-T Rec. H.323 • If the video codec is provided, it shall comply
with requirements given in ITU-T Rec. H.323.
IETF MEGACO IP Phone • If the Vo/IP terminal equipment is an
Media Gateway standard MEGACO/H.248 based terminal it shall also
support IETF MEGACO IP Phone Media
Gateway standard.
IETF Session Initiation • If VoIP Terminal Equipment uses SIP
Protocol (RFC3261,
RFC3262, RFC3263,
RFC3264, and RFC3265).
IETF RFC1933 • For VoIP Terminal Equipment with IPv6 support
the equipment shall implement the mechanisms
specified in RFC1933 (Transition Mechanisms
for IPv6 Hosts and Routers) in order to
maintaincompatibility with IPv4.
ETSI ES 201 168 • Speech Processing, Transmission and Quality
Aspects (STQ); Transmission characteristics of
digital Private Branch exchanges (PBXs) for
interconnection to private networks, to the
public switched network or to IP gateways

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 14 - Applicable standards – Leased Lines equipment

Type of TTE Subtype Applicable Description

Leased Lines TTE offering direct ETSI ETS 300 232/A1 • Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Optical
connection to SDH relay interfaces for equipments and systems relating
services to the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)
ETSI ETS 300 300 • Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network
(BISDN); Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)
based user network access; Physical layer User
Network Interfaces (UNI) for 155 520 kbit/s
and 622 080 kbit/s Asynchronous Transfer
Mode (ATM) B-ISDN applications ITU-R:
ETSI ETS 300 814 • Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); DVB
interfaces to Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
(SDH) networks
Switching equipments ETSI ES 203 021-1 • Access and Terminals (AT); Harmonized basic
offering attachment requirements for Terminals for
direct connection to 2 connection to analogue interfaces of the
and 4 wire analogue Telephone Networks; Update of the technical
Leased Line services contents of TBR21, EN301 437, TBR015,
TBR017;Part1:General aspects
ETSI ES 203 021-2 • Access and Terminals (AT); Harmonized basic
attachment requirements for Terminals for
connection to analogue interfaces of the
Telephone Networks; Update of the technical
contents of TBR21, EN301437, TBR015,
TBR017;Part2:Basic transmission and Protection
Digital Leased Line - Co- ITU-T Rec. G.703 • General aspects of digital transmission systems
directional G.703 terminal equipments Physical/Electrical
characteristics of Hierarchical Digital Interfaces
Digital Leased Line - ITU-T REC. H.244 • Synchronized aggregation of multiple 64 or 56
Nx64kbps kbit/s channels
ITU-T REC H.323 • Packet-based multimedia communications
ETSI TBR 014 • Business Telecommunications (BTC): 64 kbit/s
digital unrestricted leased line with octet
integrity (D64U); Attachment requirements for
terminal equipment interface
ETSI TBR 014/A1 • Business Telecommunications (BTC);64 kbit/s
digital unrestricted leased line with octet
integrity (D64U); Attachment requirements for
terminal equipment interface
ETSI EN 300 290 • Access and Terminals (AT);64 kbit/s digital
unrestricted leased line with octet integrity
(D64U); Terminal equipment Interface

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 15 - Applicable standards – Leased Lines equipment (continued)

Type of TTE Subtype Applicable Description

Digital Leased Lines Digital Leased Line - E1 ETSI TBR12 • Business Telecommunications (BTC); 2 048
2.048Mbps kbit/s digital unstructured leased lines
(D2048U); Attachment requirements for
terminal equipment interface
ETSI TBR 012/A1 • Business Telecommunications (BTC); Open
Network Provision (ONP) technical
requirements; 2 048 kbit/s digital unstructured
leased line (D2048U); Attachment requirements
or terminal equipment interface
ETSI TBR13 • Business Telecommunications (BTC); 2 048
kbit/s digital structured leased lines (D2048S);
Attachment requirements or terminal
equipment interface
ETSI EN 300 248 • Access and Terminals (AT); 2 048 kbit/s digital
unstructured leased line (D2048U); Terminal
equipment interface
ETSI EN 300 420 • Title: Access and Terminals (AT); 2 048 kbit/s
digital structured leased lines (D2048S);
Terminal equipment interface
Digital Leased Line - E3 ETSI EN 300 689 • Access and Terminals (AT); 34Mbit/s digital
45Mbps leased line (D34U and D34S) Terminal
equipment interface
ETSI TBR24 • Business Telecommunications (BTC); 34 Mbit/s
digital unstructured and structured leased lines
(D34U and D34S); Attachment requirements
for terminal equipment interface
Digital Leased Line - ETSI TBR 025 • Business Telecommunications (BTC); 140
140Mbps Mbit/s digital unstructured and structured
leased lines (D140U and D140S); Attachment
requirements for terminal equipment nterface
ETSI EN 300 690 • Access and Terminals (AT); 140 Mbit/s digital
leased lines
• (D140U and D140S); Terminal equipment

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 16 - Applicable standards – Switched Data services

Type of TTE Subtype Applicable Description

Switched data Basic Rate ISDN ETSI TBR 003 • Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN);
services Attachment requirements for terminal
equipment to connect to an ISDN using ISDN
basic access
ETSI TBR 008 • Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN);
Telephony 3.1 kHz teleservice; Attachment
requirements for handset terminals
ITU- T Recommendation • Digital transmission system on metallic local
G.961 lines for ISDN basic rate access.
ETSI ETR 080 • Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Integrated
Services Digital Network (ISDN) basic rate
access; Digital transmission system on metallic
local lines
Primary Rate ISDN ETSI TBR 004/A1 • Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN);
Attachment requirements for terminal
equipment to connect to an ISDN using ISDN
primary rate access
ETSI TBR 008 • Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN);
Telephony 3.1 kHz teleservice; Attachment
requirements for handset terminals systems
X25 ETSI TBR 2 • Attachment requirements for Data Terminal
Equipment (DTE) to connect to Packet
Switched Public Data Networks (PSPDNs) for
CCITT Recommendation X.25 interfaces at
data signalling rates up to 1920 kbit/s utilizing
interfaces derived from CCITT
Recommendations X.21 and X.21bis
ITU-T recommendation • Interface between Data Terminal Equipment
X.25 (DTE) and Data Circuit-terminating Equipment
(DCE) for Terminals operating in the Packet
Mode and connected to Public Data Networks
by Dedicated Circuit.

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 17 - Applicable standards – Switched Data services (cont’d)

Type of TTE Subtype Applicable Description

Switched data X21 ETSI TBR 2 • Attachment requirements for Data Terminal
services Equipment (DTE) to connect to Packet
Switched Public Data Networks (PSPDNs) for
CCITT Recommendation X.25 interfaces at
data signalling rates up to 1920 kbit/s utilizing
interfaces derived from CCITT
Recommendations X.21 and X.21bis
ETSI ETS 300 103 • Integrated Services Digital Network
(ISDN);Support of CCITT Recommendation
X.21, X.21 bis and X.20 bis based Data
Terminal Equipments (DTEs) by an ISDN
Synchronous and asynchronous terminal
adaptation functions
ITU-T Recommendation • Interface between Data Terminal Equipment
X.21 and Data Circuit-terminating equipment for
synchronous operation on Public Data Network
ITU-T Recommendation • Use on Public Data Networks of Data Terminal
X.21 bis Equipment (DTE) which is designed for
interfacing to Synchronous V-Series Modems
Frame Relay ETSI TCRTR 020 • Network Aspects (NA); European frame relay
ETSI ETS 300 399-1 • Frame relay services; Part 1: General
ETSI ETS 300 399-2 • Frame relay services; Part 2: Integrated Services
Digital Network (ISDN); Frame relay bearer
service; Service definition
ETSI ETS 300 399-3 • Frame relay services; Part 3: Frame relay data
transmission service; Service definition

23.5. Applicable technical standards – Health and Safety

The table below lists the recognized standards by ictQATAR for Health and Safety for RTTE.

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 18 - Applicable standards – Health and Safety

Type of Health and Applicable Standard Description

Safety standard
Electrical EN 60950 or IEC 60950 • Safety of information technology equipment

Radio and SAR EN 50360 • Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of mobile
phones with the basic restrictions related to human exposure
to electromagnetic fields (300 MHz - 3 GHz)

EN 50371 • Generic standard to demonstrate the compliance of low

power electronic and electrical apparatus with the basic
restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic
fields (10 MHz - 300 GHz) - General public

EN 50385 • Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of radio

base stations and fixed terminal stations for wireless

EN 50392 • Generic standard to demonstrate the compliance of

electronic and electrical apparatus with the basic restrictions
related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz –
300 GHz)
EN 60215 • Safety requirements for radio transmitting equipment

Optical and laser EN 60825-1 or IEC 60825-1 • Safety of laser products - Part 1: Equipment classification,
requirements and user's guide
EN 60825-2 or IEC 60825-2 • Safety of laser products - Part 2: Safety of optical fibre
communication systems

23.6. Applicable technical standards – Electromagnetic

The table below lists the recognized standards by ictQATAR for EMC for RTTE.

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 19 - Standards recognized by ictQATAR for EMC

Type of EMC standard Applicable Standard Description

EN 55022 or CISPR 22 • Radio disturbance characteristics

Information technology • Limits and methods of measurement
equipment EN 55024 or CISPR 24 • Immunity characteristics
• Limits and methods of measurement

EN 61000-3-2 or IEC 61000-3-2 • Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input
current up to and including 16 A per phase)

• Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in

EN 61000-3-3 or IEC 61000-3-3 public low-voltage supply systems
• Equipment with rated current <= 75 A and subject to
conditional connection

• Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in

EN 61000-3-11 or IEC 61000-3-
public low-voltage supply systems
• Equipment with rated current <= 75 A and subject to
conditional connection

• Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters

ETSI EN 301 489
• ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio
equipment and services
• Various parts as applicable to terminal type
• Immunity for residential, commercial and light-industrial
EN 61000-6-1 or IEC 61000-6-1
Generic standards
EN 61000-6-2 or IEC 61000-6-2
• Immunity for industrial environments

• Emission standard for residential, commercial and light-

EN 61000-6-3 or IEC 61000-6-3
industrial environments

EN 61000-6-4 or IEC 61000-6-4 • Emission standard for industrial environments

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

24. Appendix E – Type Approval Bodies

24.1. Accredited Conformity Assessment Bodies

The initial list of accredited Conformity Assessment Bodies recognized by ictQATAR is
provided in Figure 20 - to Figure 22 - This list will be regularly updated and published on
ictQATAR website.

Figure 20 - Accredited Conformity Assessment Bodies

Conformity Assessment Body Name Country


BUSINESS INNOVATION CENTRE - IZOT Co. - Directorate "Conformity Assessment" Bulgaria
OTC Ltd. Bulgaria
Nemko Oy Finland
EMITECH Ile de France France
Eurofins Product Service GmbH Germany
LGA QualiTest GMBH Germany
SGS Germany GmbH Zertifizierungsstelle München Germany
Compliance Engineering Ireland Ltd Ireland

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 21 - Accredited Conformity Assessment Bodies (cont’d)

Conformity Assessment Body Name Country


Telecom Engineering Center - TELEC Japan
UL Apex Co. Ltd. Japan
KEMA Quality B.V. Netherlands
TÜV Rheinland EPS B.V. Netherlands
EVPU a.s. Slovakia
Vyskumny ustav spojov n.o. Slovakia
SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut AB Sweden

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 22 - Accredited Conformity Assessment Bodies (cont’d)

Conformity Assessment Body Name Country

SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut AB Sweden

MIRA LIMITED United Kingdom
QINETIQ LTD United Kingdom
TRaC EMC & SAFETY LTD United Kingdom
TRaC Telecoms & Radio Ltd United Kingdom
American Telecommunications Certification Body, Inc. (ATCB) United States
Bay Area Compliance Laboratories, Corp. (BACL) United States
Bureau Veritas Consumer Product Services, Inc. United States
CKC Certification Services, LLC United States
Compliance Certification Services (CCS) United States
DLS Electronic Systems, Inc. United States
Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. United States
Elliott Laboratories, LLC United States
Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. (ITS) United States
LS Research, LLC United States
MET Laboratories, Inc. United States
Northwest EMC, Inc. (NWEMC) United States

24.1. National Regulatory Authorities

An initial list of National Regulatory Authorities for which the Type Approval Certificates
(or similar documents showing compliance with relevant standards for the Type Approval
process) can be used as Certificate of Conformity per the Simplified Type Approval process
is provided in the table below. This list will be regularly updated and published on
ictQATAR website.

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 23 - National Regulatory Authority

National Regulatory Authority Country

All NRAs from the 27 EU Member states All 27 EU Members
TRA Bahrain

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

25. Appendix F – Accredited Testing Laboratories recognized by

The tables below lists the recognized accredited testing laboratories by ictQATAR.

Figure 24 - Accredited Testing Laboratories

Testing Laboratories Name Country

Flom Test Labs United States

AEGIS Labs, Inc. United States

ATLAS Compliance & Engineering, Inc. United States

CKC Laboratories, Inc. United States
Cisco Systems, Inc. United States

Compatible Electronics, Inc. United States

Compliance Engineering Services, Inc. United States
DNB Engineering, Inc. United States
EMC Compliance Management Group United States
Electro Magnetic Test, Inc. United States
Elliott Laboratories, Inc. United States
Garwood Laboratories, Inc. United States
Global Testing, A Div. of Rajkumar Corp. United States
IntertekTesting Services NA Inc. United States
MET Laboratories, Inc. United States
MiCOM Labs United States
NCR Corp. San Diego EMC Lab United States
National Technical Systems United States
Nemko USA, Inc. - San Diego EMC Division United States
TUV America Inc. United States
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. United States
Universal Compliance Labs dba EMCE Eng. United States
EMC Integrity, Inc. United States
TUV Rheinland of North America, Inc. United States
FAU EMI R United States
Product Safety Engineering, Inc. United States
Timco Engineering, Inc. United States
Advanced Compliance Solutions, Inc. United States
Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. United States
United States Technologies, Inc. United States
Elite Electronic Engineering Inc. United States
Radiometrics Midwest Corp. United States
Rogers Labs, Inc. United States

MET Laboratories, Inc. United States

Chomerics Test Services - Woburn, MA United States
Compliance Management Group United States
Curtis-Straus LLC United States
EMC Corporation United States
Intertek ETL Entela United States
United States
National Technical Systems
United States
IBM Rochester EMC Lab
United States
International Certification Services, Inc.
Source: FCC, EU, Value Partners analysis

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 25 - Accredited Testing Laboratories (cont’d)

Testing Laboratories Name Country

TUV Oesterreich Austria

E.S.M. (dep. PIONEER) Belgium

CSA International Canada

Matrox Conformity Group EMC Laboratory Canada

National Technical Systems, Inc. Canada

Nemko Canada Inc. Canada

Solectron Technical Centre Canada

UltraTech Engineering Labs Inc. Canada

CNAS China

EMCEC Oy Finland

SGS Fimko Ltd. Finland


AEMC Mesures (Lyon) France

AEMC Mesures (Paris) France


EMITECH Atlantique France

EMITECH Grand Sud France

GYL Technologies France

SMEE Actions Mesures France

UTAC France

BZT-ETS Certification GmbH Germany

CETECOM GmbH Germany

CETECOM ICT Services GmbH Germany

EMCC Dr Rasek Germany

EMCE GmbH Germany


Obering-Berg-Lukowiak GmbH Germany

Phoenix Test-Lab GmbH Germany

The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd. Hong Kong

Compliance Engineering Ireland Ltd. Ireland

Radio Frequency Technologies Ltd. Ireland

IMQ - Istituto Italiano Marchio Qualita Italy

Nemko SpA Italy

Akzo Nobel K.K., Tochigi EMC Site Japan

Chemitox, Inc. Japan

EMC Kashima Corporation Japan

ETS Product Service Japan Co., LTD Japan

Fujitsu General EMC Laboratory Japan

IPS Corporation Japan

Japan EMC Laboratory Limited, Tsukui Test Site Japan

Japan Qlty. Assur. Org. Safety & EMC Ctr. Japan

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Figure 26 - Accredited Testing Laboratories (cont’d)

Testing Laboratories Name Country

Matsushita EMC Center Japan

Murata Mfg. Co, Ltd. Yokohama Tech Ctr Japan
NEC Computertechno , Ltd. Japan
Olympus Corporation EMC Laboratory Japan
Panasonic Communications Test Laboratory Japan
SANYO Electic Co., Ltd. Testing Laboratory Japan
Sharp Nara EMC Center Sharp Corporation Japan
Sony EMCS Corp Mimokamo TEC EMC Test Lab Japan
Sony Kisarazu EMC Test Laboratory Japan
Sony Nagano EMC Test Laboratory Japan
Spindler Associates Co., Ltd. Japan
TEAC Corporation EMC Center Japan
Toshiba Corp., Digital Media Network Co. Japan
UL Apex Co., Ltd. Japan
Wave Corporation, TUV Rheinland Japan
D.A.R.E. Consultancy B.V. Netherlands
KEMA Quality B.V. (KEMA) Netherlands
Telefication B.V. Netherlands
PSB Corporation Pte Ltd Singapore
CTK Co., Ltd. South Korea
EMC Compliance Ltd. South Korea
EMC Research Institute South Korea
ESTECH Co., Ltd. South Korea
ETL Inc South Korea
Gumi College EMC Center South Korea
IST Co., Ltd South Korea
KOSTEC Co., Ltd South Korea
Korea EMC Laboratory South Korea
Korea Electric Testing Institute South Korea
Korea Technology Institute Co., Ltd South Korea
LTA Co.,Ltd South Korea
Nemko Korea Co.,Ltd. South Korea
ONETECH Corp. South Korea
SGS Testing Korea Co., Ltd South Korea
SK Tech Co., LTD. South Korea
Samsung Electronics EMC Laboratory South Korea
ICEM Spain
INTA Spain

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

Testing Laboratories Name Country

L.C.O.E. Spain


LGAI Technological Center Spain

Tecnologica Componentes Electronicos, S.A. Spain

Swedish National Testing Sweden

Advance Data Technology Corporation Taiwan

Advance Data Technology Corporation Taiwan

Audix Corp. Technical Division EMC Department Taiwan

Best Laboratory Co., Ltd Taiwan

Chung -Shan Institute of Science Taiwan

Electronics Testing Center, Taiwan Taiwan

HomeTek Technology Inc. Taiwan

Max Light Technology Co. Ltd Taiwan

Neutron Engineering Inc. Taiwan

QuieTek Corporation Taiwan

Quietek Corporation Taiwan

SGS Taiwan Ltd. Taiwan

Sporton International Inc. Taiwan

A D Compliance Services Ltd. United Kingdom

BABT (British Approvals Board for Telecom) United Kingdom

BSI Testing United Kingdom

Celestica Ltd. United Kingdom

EMC Projects Ltd. United Kingdom

Hursley EMC Services Ltd. United Kingdom

KTL United Kingdom

Motor Industry Research Association (MIRA) United Kingdom

RFI Global Services Ltd. United Kingdom

SGS United Kingdom United Kingdom

TRL Compliance Ltd. United Kingdom

TUV Product Service Ltd. United Kingdom

Nebraska Center for Excellence in Electronics United States

Advanced Compliance Laboratory United States

Chomerics Test Services - Rochester, NY United States

Dayton T. Brown, Inc. United States

F-Squared Laboratories United States

Northwest EMC United States

UNISYS Corporation United States

National Technical Systems United States

Nemko USA, Inc. United States

Professional Testing (EMI), Inc. United States

Southwest Research Institute United States

Green Mountain Electromagnetics, Incorporated United States

Acme Testing Co. United States

CKC Laboratories, Inc. United States

Northwest EMC United States

L.S. Compliance, Inc. United States

Source: FCC, EU, Value Partners analysis

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

26. Appendix G – Authorized Importer application process

(a) A Qatari commercially registered company wishing to be registered as Authorized
Importer by ictQATAR must apply for an authorization for importing RTTE into the
state of Qatar for commercial and/ or marketing purposes using the prescribed
application form available on ictQATAR’s website and provided in Appendix H.

(b) The application for authorization for importing RTTE into the state of Qatar for
commercial and/ or marketing purposes must be accompanied by the following

i. A copy of a valid Qatari commercial registration.

ii. Letter of Power of Attorney in favor of the personal signing on behalf

of the applicant.

(c) If the application is to renew, modify or cancel an existing authorization, the previous
registration number must be added in the application form.

(d) An application for authorization for importing RTTE into the state of Qatar for
commercial and/ or marketing purposes must be completed either before any
application for Type Approval is made, or on the first occasion that an application for
Type Approval is submitted.

(e) The application for registration as Authorized Importer together with all
accompanying documentation shall be submitted to ictQATAR following the same
delivery process as described for the Type Approval application delivery process in
section 19 of these Guidelines.

(f) A successful outcome of the assessment of the application for authorization for
importing RTTE into the state of Qatar for commercial/marketing purposes will
result in a corresponding entry of the importer details in the Register of Authorized
Importers published on ictQATAR’s website.

(g) A unique Importers Registration Number will be allocated by ictQATAR to each

registered Authorized Importer. The Importers Registration Number allocated will
be valid for all approved equipment types for which that party is responsible.

(h) The registration as Authorized Importer will be valid for 3 years from the date that it
is issued. Application must be made to ictQATAR for renewal at the end of that

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

(i) An Authorized Importer importing RTTE into the state of Qatar must keep detailed
records of the equipment type imported, with its manufacturing brand name, product
name, model number, serial numbers and function. Such records shall be made
available to ictQATAR on request.

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines
Type Approval Guidelines

27. Appendix G – Authorized Importer application form

Applicant’s details
Company name
Company registration number
in Qatar
Description of company’s
Contact person
P.O. Box
Details of application
Type of application New Renewal Modification Cancellation
If “new”, reason for the
applicant to request
authorization to import RTTE
If “renewal”, “modification”
or “cancellation” previous
registration number
Please submit the following documents along with this filled in application form

1. A copy of a valid Qatari commercial registration

2. Letter of Power of Attorney in favor of the person signing on behalf of the applicant
3. Details of the request in case the application is to modify an existing entry
Signature of applicant
Name (printed): Date:
Authorized Signature of

Approved by Date of issue
Registration Number
Additional details / comments
in case of rejection (missing data, etc)

ICTRA 01/6-2010-TA-Guidelines

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