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V Dr/dt. A DV/DT.: Derivatives of Vectors. There Are So Many Ways To Differentiate A Vector That There Is

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Many (maybe most) of the laws of physics involve vectors, and most of these involve

derivatives of vectors. There are so many ways to differentiate a vector that there is
a whole subject called vector calculus, much of which we shall be developing in the
course of this book. For now, I shall mention just the simplest kind of vector derivative,
the time derivative of a vector that depends on time. For example, the velocity v(t)
of a particle is the time derivative of the particle's position r(t); that is, v = dr/dt.
Similarly the acceleration is the time derivative of the velocity, a = dv/dt.
The definition of the derivative of a vector is closely analogous to that of a scalar.
Recall that if x (t) is a scalar function of t, then we define its derivative as
dx. Ax
— = lim —
dt At-0 At
where Ax = x (t + At) — x(t) is the change in x as the time advances from t to
t + At. In exactly the same way, if r(t) is any vector that depends on t, we define its
derivative as
dr,. Ar
= um —
dt At->0 At
Ar = r(t + At) — r(t) (1.11)
is the corresponding change in r(t). There are, of course, many delicate questions
about the existence of this limit. Fortunately, none of these need concern us here:
All of the vectors we shall encounter will be differentiable, and you can take for
granted that the required limits exist. From the definition (1.10), one can prove that
The final velocity v of the spacecraft can be calculated using Equation 2.9, since it contains the
four pertinent variables.
Solution From Equation 2.9 we find that
Both of these answers correspond to the same displacement (x__215 km), but each arises in
a different part of the motion. The answer v__2500 m/s corresponds to the situation in Figure
2.11a, where the spacecraft has slowed to a speed of 2500 m/s, but is still traveling to the right.
The answer v__2500 m/s arises because the retrorockets eventually bring the spacecraft to a
momentary halt and cause it to reverse its direction. Then it moves to the left, and its speed
increases due to the continually firing rockets. After a time, the velocity of the craft becomes
v__2500 m/s, giving rise to the situation in Figure 2.11b. In both parts of the drawing the spacecraft
has the same displacement, but a greater travel time is required in part b compared to part a.
_ _2500 m/s _2500 m/s
v _ _vv 0
2 _ 2ax _ _v(3250 m/s)2 _ 2(_10.0 m/s2)(215 000 m)

(v2 _ v0
2 _ 2ax),

The motion of two objects may be interrelated, so that they share a common variable.
The fact that the motions are interrelated is an important piece of information. In
such cases, data for only two variables need be specified for each object. See Interactive
LearningWare 2.2 at for an example that illustrates this.
Often the motion of an object is divided into segments, each with a different acceleration.
When solving such problems, it is important to realize that the final velocity for
one segment is the initial velocity for the next segment, as Example 9 illustrates.
■ Problem-Solving Insight.
■ Problem-Solving Insight.
Example 9
Analyzing Multiple-Concept Problems
A Motorcycle Ride
A motorcycle ride consists of two segments, as shown in Figure 2.12a. During segment 1, the motorcycle

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