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Ijcsrt Ijcsrt: Qos Optimization and Security Enhancements For Voip in Wlans-Issues

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International Journal of Computer Science Research & Technology (IJCSRT)

ISSN: 2321-8827
Vol. 1 Issue 5, October - 2013

QoS Optimization and Security Enhancements for VoIP in WLANs-Issues

Amel Chowdhury
Mathematics & Natural Sciences Department, BRAC University, Bangladesh

We have addressed issues in implementing VoIP design CACs. Other than delay requirements, VoIP
services in packet switching networks, challenges to has differences over PSTNs such as voice compression
enhance quality of service (QoS) and put several techniques are applied in VoIP networks which
solutions to improve VoIP performance in WLANs. To increase bandwidth efficiency in a sense that the
provide competent QoS in VoIP system, several well remaining bandwidth is shared between other web
designed call admission control (CAC) mechanism based traffic such as media and data application like
have been designed addressing issues such as video, file share etc.
throughput, quality of voice, transmission delays etc.
But in practice, existing VoIP systems have not been However, current situation with VoIP systems is that,
able to adequately apply and support these CAC
T they cannot provide QoS guarantees to VoIP
mechanisms which has been brought into one of the networks. The main reason is that none of the systems
focuses of this paper. In the latter part of the article, are able to adequately support and implement the
we present a brief survey of VoIP security academic designed CAC mechanisms. [2] Other challenges are
research providing a roadmap for researchers to find explained in [3] as: VoIP systems deployed in IEEE

out gaps among the existing capabilities of VoIP and 802.11 WLANs use contention based medium access
document the challenges which such infrastructure is control (MAC) protocol, the distributed coordination
facing and analyze some of the solutions. function (DCF) which supports best effort traffic but
introduces large delays and delay jitter arbitrarily.
Thus it becomes unsuitable for real time applications
1.Introduction such as VoIP to provide strict QoS requirements.
Voice over IP (VoIP) is a critical real time Besides, PSTN and cellular networks have channels
internet application which delivers voice packets over dedicated to voice traffic, whereas in voice over
the internet which reduces communication costs wireless LANs (VoWLANs) voice traffic is
immensely relative to telephone calls through public multiplexed with data traffic and sent over WLANs.
switch telephone network (PSTN). Real time This makes voice traffic unprotected. So mechanisms
transmission of voice packets has to follow very strict to secure data involved in real time communication are
requirements on delays and thus delay is an important also a major research focus. Again when best effort
factor to impact the call quality. According to traffic load increases, the QoS for VoWLAN can be
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) a one severely degraded due to interference between each
way delay maximum of 200 ms is acceptable in other and due to reduction in system capacity. So
Recommendation G.114. [1]. CACs have to be designed so that there is an optimum
condition between the high level of QoS in
Call admission technique in traditional telephone VoWLANs and the high throughput of other traffic.
network follows that if sufficient link capacity is not
available, new calls are not admitted while current The basic building blocks installed at sender and
calls remain unaffected. In IP networks, best effort receiver ends required to run a PC-PC VoIP services
services are provided and regardless of the link are given in Figure 1.The speech signal is encoded at
capacity, new calls are accepted whenever requested, the speech encoder which includes acquisition,
as a result channel congestion occurs along with sampling and compression operations. The analog
packet drops and delays. Hence, the necessity to voice signals are sampled at a fixed frequency where

IJCSRTV1IS050073 62
International Journal of Computer Science Research & Technology (IJCSRT)
ISSN: 2321-8827
Vol. 1 Issue 5, October - 2013

each sample is encoded. The bitstream produced at the 2. Related Work

encoder is placed in packets following specific filling In the recent past, several research works have
procedures to ensure the compatibility between addressed the performance and QoS issues of
heterogeneous devices. Each speech encoder defines a supporting VoIP over internet. In [6], to reduce
packetization mechanism which is managing a trade- congestion and overall end to end delay, switching
off between end-to-end delays and packet rate. At the among multiple paths have been proposed and
receiver side, a playback algorithm determines methods to recover from packet loss in VoIPs in
determines the playback time of each received speech overlay networks in [7]. VoIP systems over IEEE
frames. [4] Other than voice channels, there is a 802.11 WLANs have been studied in [8][9] where the
signaling channel which performs caller and callee delay and loss characteristics under PCF and DCF
identification, call redirection, edge device mode. In [10], an analytical studies on the number of
configuration and QoS negotiation. [5] calls that can be supported in a single hop WLAN is
presented. Other performance schemes have been
proposed to improve the VoIP quality over WLAN in
[11] which describes the use of dedicated queue to
provide higher priority to VoIP traffic over data traffic
all the time.

Another common scheme to improve end to end

throughput for various applications on multihop
networks is packet aggregation or concatenation. In
[12], packet concatenation has been proposed to
reduce 802.11 MAC overhead between a single source
FIGURE 1. Basic building blocks of a VoIP destination pair. There are other packet aggregation
system schemes described for adhoc networks where in some
cases they introduce additional delays at each
intermediate nodes and in some other adaptive
To discuss the QoS mechanisms, we do not present
algorithms as in [13] describes that when enough

any original technical research or summarize all kinds

packets are not available to be concatenated, the
of mechanisms developed so far. Rather we focus on bandwidth usage becomes inefficient.
some major QoS issues which deal with capacity
increase, delay reduction, throughput and issues
related to feasibility to provide such guarantee after 3.QoS Mechanisms For VoIP
integration to any existing VoIP system. Any other 3.1 VoIP Multiplex-Multicast Scheme
QoS mechanisms which have been implemented or is In [14], a voice multiplex-multicast (M-M) scheme
under study, we try to put as much as possible in the has been proposed to overcome the huge overhead
„related work‟ section. On the latter part of the paper, produced in VoIP applications over WLANs. The
we bring on the other essential part of a VoIP system main idea of packet M-M scheme is to concatenate
which are the security concerns. We discuss some several packets from different downlink stream to one
common VoIP system or computer attacks and then larger packet.
put a brief survey on solutions to prevent such attacks
covering the major issues. As shown in Figure.2, the downlink VoIP packets at
first goes through a multiplexer (MUX) which
Rest of the article organization is as follows. In section compresses RTP, UDP and IP header of each packet
2, we discuss related works for QoS implementation in into a miniheader which combines multiple packets
VoIP in IEEE 802.11 LANs. In section 3, we present into a single packet. This multiplexed packet is then
three mechanisms selectively to deal with different transmitted across the WLAN through access points (AP)
QoS factors in detail and discuss their advantages over with a multicast IP address. At the receiver end, the
other design mechanisms. In section 4, the general DEMUX retrieves the VoIP payload and extracts its
security concerns are given followed by some related original RTP, UDP and IP header and necessary
work to mitigate some specific attack in section 5. In destination information. . The original recipient of a
section 6 we draw conclusion to this paper.

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International Journal of Computer Science Research & Technology (IJCSRT)
ISSN: 2321-8827
Vol. 1 Issue 5, October - 2013

very high. The problem is dealt by introducing MAC

layer multicast priority scheme (MMP). With MMP,
when an AP has a multicast frame, it waits for a
multicast interframe space (MIFS) period before
transmission rather than the DIFS period and CW-
backoff. This reduces the packet loss due to collisions.
The MIFS is set to a value less than the DIFS but
larger than the SIFS.
There have been other schemes as [16-18] which
almost have 100% reliability by using different
transmission strategies but those are not scalable and
causes unacceptable delays in VoIP.

3.2. Call Admission and Rate Control

The call admission and rate control (CARC) scheme
assumes channel busyness ratio 𝑅𝑏 as the control
(b) metric which is the ratio of the time the channel
Figure 2. a) Traffic flows in an ordinary VoIP remains busy during both successful transmission and
scheme collision time. Here, 𝐵𝑢 is assumed to be the channel
b) Traffic flows in the VoIP M-M scheme
T utilization at the optimal point. The CARC mechanism
tries to keep 𝑅𝑏 close to 𝐵𝑢 to ensure a good QoS level
certain VoIP packet identifies it using an ID which is along with high throughput. The CARC admits a new
added in the miniheader in prior. Finally, the DEMUX
voice calls only if there is sufficient bandwidth
assembles all the data of the VoIP packet into its
available. An upperbound 𝐵𝑀 for bandwidth

original form and forwards it to the application. From

Figure.2 we can say, in this method the number of reservation for voice traffic is assumed which is set to
VoIP streams can be reduced from 2n to n+1, where n 80% of channel utilization 𝐵𝑢 of the WLAN. The rest
is the number of VoIP sessions. The header 20% is kept to treat the best effort TCP traffic. The
compression for RTP, UDP and IP is very agreeable bandwidth requirement for a voice call is converted to
with such systems as most of the fields of RTP, UDP the rate of the voice traffic. For example, if „r‟ is the
and IP headers do not change throughout the entire
average rate of the voice traffic, 𝑟𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 is the peak rate
lifetime of an RTP stream. With this scheme these
headers are replaced by as most of the fields of a 2 and „l‟is the length of the packet in terms of bits, then
Byte miniheader, the compression mechanism is given channel utilization and its peak value ‘u’ is obtained
detailed in [15]. by [3]-

The M-M scheme claims to achieve 80%-90% higher 𝑟 𝑟 𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘

𝑢 = × 𝑇𝑠𝑢𝑐 and 𝑢 = × 𝑇𝑠𝑢𝑐
capacity than an ordinary VoIP over WLAN. This is 𝑙 𝑙
explained in [14]. When M-M scheme is applied, the
RTP, UDP and IP headers are compressed to 2 Byte, where 𝑇𝑠𝑢𝑐 = time of successful transmission of a
and the multiplexed packet multicasted, so there is no packet including all the interframe spacing and ACK
overhead for the receiver. So, the total number of messages. The total bandwidth occupied by all
supported sessions increases. admitted flows at the AP of a WLAN is given by
aggregated 𝑢 and 𝑢𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 denoted by 𝑢𝐴 and 𝑢𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘𝐴
The delay produced by this scheme is much less than when any node receive a voice call request, it converts
125 ms whereas ITU recommended acceptable range the bandwidth requirement in the form of (𝑢, 𝑢𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 )
for a one way delay is (0-150)ms. The M-M scheme and compares if 𝑢𝐴 + 𝑢 ≤ 𝐵𝑀 and 𝑢𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘𝐴 + 𝑢𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 ≤
addresses interference problem of VoIP traffic with 𝐵𝑢 . If it is satisfied then AP issues a connection
the TCP traffic by using priority queuing (PQ) for the admitted message, otherwise a connection rejected
VoIP traffic. But with PQ, packet loss rate remains message is generated.

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International Journal of Computer Science Research & Technology (IJCSRT)
ISSN: 2321-8827
Vol. 1 Issue 5, October - 2013

The rate control regulation controls the packet bandwidth usage. A call is admitted whenever the used
sending ratio by using another parameter called „s‟ bandwidth resource and the requested bandwidth
(0<s<1) which is the allowed share for best effort resource do not exceed this limit which is prefixed
traffic for a node to contend for the shared channel. offline at the time of configuration. The call admission
There traffic shall use the residual bandwidth left by procedure is executed basically upon two modules
the real time traffic. Allowed share „s‟ is defined by which are utilization computation module and
𝑡 admission decision making module. The utilization
𝑇 = 𝑝 where 𝑡𝑝 is the time a successful transmission
𝑠 computation module performs the delay analysis and
of packet „p‟ will last over a channel and T is the time
computes bandwidth utilization. The utilization
between two consecutive packets that passes to the
module have two kinds of submodules which are link
MAC layer.[3] According to CARC scheme, the
utilization based call admission control (LU-CAC) and
parameter „s‟ adjusts its value dynamically according
site utilization based call admission control (SU-
to the network condition. The adaptation procedure
CAC). The computed utilization is placed in either of
goes as follows:
LU-CAC or SU-CAC, then the admission decision
making module decides for each incoming call on the
-if the channel busyness ratio 𝑅𝑏 < 𝐵𝑀 , the channel is
basis of the received data.
assumed to be underloaded, in that case the rate
control mechanism adopts a multiplicative-increase The main task of LU computation submodule is to
law, multiplying „s‟ by the ratio of 𝐵𝑢 to 𝑅𝑏 : compute maximum link utilization for LU-CAC by a
𝑠←𝑠× 𝑢 utilization verification procedure which is given in
Figure 3.[14] The delay analysis technique determines
This way 𝑅𝑏 quickly converges to 𝐵𝑢 . When worst case delays of deadline violation probabilities
𝐵𝑀 ≤ 𝑅𝑏 < 𝐵𝑢 , the channel is considered as assuming a worst case combination of flows and it is
T performed by LU-CAC both in deterministic and
moderately loaded. Then the rate control mechanism
statistical manner.
adopts an increase law [3]: 𝑠 ← 𝑠 + 𝑝 𝛿 where 𝛿 is the
increase factor and 𝑝 is the interval between two
consecutive packets passed to the MAC layer. Here

the increase in share occurs in proportional to the

interval between two consecutive packet transmission
and is assumed to have a fair allocation of channel

When 𝑅𝑏 > 𝐵𝑢 , the „s‟ factor has to be decreased, Figure 3. Utilization verification process
according to [3] the multiplicative decrease law is
given by- 𝑠 ← 𝑠 × 𝛾 × 𝑢 where 𝛾 is the decrease 3.3.1. Utilization based Deterministic Delay
Analysis. Assuming the potential end to end delay for
factor and 0 < 𝛾 ≤ 1. In these equations, the factors 𝛿 a certain network topology and the bandwidth
and 𝛾 control the convergence speed. This way the utilization is known, the worst case queuing delay 𝑑𝑘
bandwidth is attempted to be utilized in an optimized suffered by any voice packet with highest priority at
manner and collision occurance is handled well the buffer of o/p link „k‟ is bounded by-
enough too. To alleviate collisions as much as ( 𝐶)
𝑐 −1 𝜍
possible, the CARC adopts a packet defer procedure 𝑑𝑘 ≤ 𝑘 𝑢𝑘 ( + 𝑌𝑘 ), where 𝑐𝑘 = 𝑗𝜖𝑙 𝑘 𝑗 𝐶 ,
𝑐 𝑘 −𝑢 𝑘 𝜌 𝑘
separately. From the simulation results in [3], it shows
the CARC method allows delays for voice traffic at 𝑌𝑘 = 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑅𝜖 𝑠𝑘 𝑠𝜖𝑅 𝑑𝑠 , 𝐿𝑘 is the set of all the i/p links
around 70-80 ms maintaining a very high throughput
of o/p link „k‟, and 𝑆𝑘 is the set of all subroutes used
and avoiding collisions.Thus it provides good
by voice packets with highest priority upstream from
statistical guarantee for QoS and also does not need
o/p link ‘k’. [19]
upgradation on the firmware of MAC controller chip.
3.3.2. Utilization based Statistical Delay Analysis.
3.3. Utilization based call admission control When deadline requirement is probabilistic, we can
This is a kind of call admission control mechanism find delay probabilities as-
which uses predefined utilization limit in terms of

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International Journal of Computer Science Research & Technology (IJCSRT)
ISSN: 2321-8827
Vol. 1 Issue 5, October - 2013

If 𝑑𝑘 is a random variable and 𝐷𝑘 is denoted as its In this scheme the major advantage which has been
deadline, the violation probability of delay for any demonstrated over any other QoS design mechanisms
voice packet with the highest priority suffered at the is that this have been integrated experimentally with
buffer of o/p link „k‟ is bounded by- existing VoIP system such as Cisco VoIP system and a
satisfactory QoS level has been observed. Whereas,
𝑃 𝑑𝑘 > 𝐷𝑘 ≤ currently Cisco systems used to perform resource pre
1 1 − 𝑢𝑘 𝐷𝑘 𝐷𝑘 allocation in an adhoc manner, hence no QoS could be
exp −24 2 𝜍 , 𝑢𝑘 ≥ 𝜍 guaranteed. [20]
2𝜋 𝑢𝑘 𝜌 𝜌
1 1 − 𝑢𝑘 𝐷𝑘 𝐷𝑘
exp −6 3 𝑢𝑘 + 𝜍 , 𝑢𝑘 < 𝜍 4.Security Issues in VoIP
2𝜋 𝑢𝑘 𝜌 𝜌 Security issues are categorized in three categories
confidentiality, integrity and availability, in other
The end to end deadline violation probability can be words current VoIP systems has to put a compromise
bounded by-[2] on these factors. Confidentiality threats include
exposing the contents of conversation between two
𝑃 𝑑 𝑒2𝑒 > 𝑘𝜖𝑅 𝐷𝑘 ≤ 1 − 𝑘𝜖𝑅 (1 − 𝑃{𝑑𝑘 > 𝐷𝑘 }) parties, integrity threats indicate the ability to trust the
identity of a caller, of a message or the identity of the
which depend on the link utilization 𝑢𝑘 , the parameter
recipient or the call record logs. [41] Availability
for voice traffic like burst size 𝜍 and average rate threats impact the ability to initiate a session.
𝜌.The main task of site utilization computation
submodule is to optimize the overall bandwidth Attacks such as the denial of service (DoS) attempted
utilization to sites defined in [2] as- by an attacker will prevent the VoIP system from its
Maximize 𝑅 𝑢𝑅 (overall bandwidth)
T normal operating condition and no user will be able to
receive or make a call. Eavesdropping is leakage of
Subject to 𝑅𝜖𝑘 𝑢𝑅 ≤ 𝑢𝑘 (bandwidth preallocation someone‟s conversations by getting monitored by the
for each pair of site constrained by bandwidth attacker secretly. In this process the attacker can
limitations). collect data from both the parties involved in the call,

which he can use it later by replaying the conversation

𝑢𝑅0 ≤ 𝑢𝑅 ≤ 𝑢1𝑅 for each route ‘R’(user requirement for and use the contents for any illicit purpose.
bandwidth preallocation for each pair of sites). Confidentiality and integrity of any session can be
severely hampered by the attacker as they are able to
Here 𝑢𝑘 is the maximum bandwidth of link „k‟ not only listen to the conversation but also alter it and
allocated to voice traffic, 𝑅𝜖𝑘 represents all routes make the receiver hear a message different from what
among any pair of sites R is going through link , 𝑢𝑅 is the sender is sending. This situation is also called the
the bandwidth (BW) for R allocated to voice traffic man in the middle attack. Other than these, attackers
and 𝑢𝑅0 & 𝑢1𝑅 are the lower and upper bandwidth can redirect the victims call to any other attacker‟s PC
bounds for R . SU-CAC does not adopt BW allocation or phone. An attacker can also change the caller ID of
dynamically according to the network condition as it is the victims phone. There are other security issues such
pre allocated. It can be done through LU-CAC, but its as toll fraud which makes the victim pay for calls
implementation can be complex. In SU-CAC, sites are which they did not make, in other words attackers can
assumed to be any location to the Call Manager or any place unwanted amount of calls to any phone number.
zone to the Gatekeeper. After performing the
maximum BW utilization computation, it is fed into To fight back all these threats several security
the admission decision making module which protocols have been designed and implemented so far.
implements call admission control (CAC) Such as IP security (IPSec) provides mechanisms for
mechanisms. These modules are integrated with authentication and encryption. Within IPSec other
existing VoIP systems through and integration security mechanisms are implemented such as
components (IC).[2] In this work, they discuss another certification authority (CA) and DNS secure
component called QoS Manager (QoSM) which (DNSSec) protocol. As VoIP phones need basic
provides interface to control and monitor components configuration information to get into VoIP system, at
and cooperates with peer QoSMs. It also provides the time of manufacture, the IP phones are
registration and coordination between distributed preconfigured with public key of various configuration
agents within a QoS domain.

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International Journal of Computer Science Research & Technology (IJCSRT)
ISSN: 2321-8827
Vol. 1 Issue 5, October - 2013

servers which is a common authentication mechanism

for the configuration server. [41] An extension to the
RTP protocol called secure real time protocol (SRTP) 5.3. Loss of Routing Integrity
provides authentication and confidentiality services for Providing wrong responses to queries and routing
the message carried by the RTP protocol. This adds a through malicious nodes is a similar significant
lower overhead comparing to the packet size and also problem as insertion of polluted data and is known as
minimizes the number of key pairs shared by two loss of routing integrity. It is important to ensure that
communicating nodes.[42] Besides the the correct location that a user requests for, is being
implementation of security protocols there are many returned. In [29], the idea is that a user should choose
related works developed to defend specific VoIP threat asymmetric key pair and hash its public key to
issues which we discuss below. generate the URI and then signs its own location with
a private key and registers for (URI, IP, signature,
5. Defense Mechanisms of VoIP Attack public key). Any other node enquiring for this location
5.1.Sybil Attack will receive this quadruplet and will check the
[21, 29] suggest to reduce the effects of Sybil attacks integrity matching it with the public key.
by applying mechanisms to reduce the amount of
information received by malicious nodes. Sybil effects
are known as addition of fake identities to nodes 5.4. Resource Drained DoS Attacks
which are supposed to join the overlay with their In [30] a novel way to detect resource drained attack
regular numeric identifiers (IDs) to indicate their has been presented. In a SIP session several basic
positions, what information they store and whom they messages to initiate, forward, acknowledge and then
serve. Normally, the contents and services are terminate (INVITE, 200 OK, ACK, BYE) sessions are
used between user agent client (UAC), user agent
replicated across multiple nodes to provide a degree of
robustness.[22] Attackers use this flexibility and sender (UAS) and SIP proxy servers. There is a
attempt to destroy the actual purpose of replication. session timer as SIP extension header which when
Several ideas [23,24,25] tell to vary the position of the expires, the resource retained by the proxy server for a
nodes used for routing to defend these attacks and to session is released. It is possible for an attacker to

avoid a trust bottleneck. [26] In [27] they suggest to manipulate the session timer and act both as UAC and
place the nodes with diametrically opposite IDs in the UAS and send SIP INVITES to initiate an attack. The
distributed has tables (DHT) ID space. With proxy servers hold resources according to the session
diametrically opposite IDs the nodes will be placed timer, let the attacker disconnect from the network and
furthest away and attackers will need more resources if timer is longer, the attacker can initiate another
to attack in two positions far apart. session after some time and make further reservation
of resources on the proxy servers. Thus the capacity of
5.2. Loss of Data Integrity the SIP proxy servers to process normal messages are
This is described as insertion of wrong information or hampered severely leading to denial of service. In
corrupted chunk of datas in file sharing application. [30], performing normality tests, the session timer
[27] For file sharing, these corrupted datas will be the sequence has been observed, when under attack the
files themselves which will be publicly available and timer values can hardly be characterized, so they
each user usually looks for thousands of files stored in determine a threshold statistically. If the timer
the DHTs. In real time communication, users register statistics exceed the threshold then the session is
only a limited number of locations at a time and the rejected assuming an attack has been detected. A DoS
overlays use only a portion of the available resources. attack can occur against a particular node by
Attackers need very little to pollute from these limited bombardment of huge amount of queries. To mitigate
locations resulting in significant reliability problem. In this [29] gives a solution where peer nodes vary the
conventional peer-to-peer overlays, protocols as Bit- target nodes used in queries.
Torrent uses moderators to remove bogus files and
uses SHA-1 algorithm to verify the integrity of hash of 5.5. Man in the Middle Attack
each piece of a file.[27, 28] When malicious nodes can return the IDs of other
malicious nodes when queried of a particular ID is
known as man in the middle attack. When the
requester establishes a session with the malicious

IJCSRTV1IS050073 67
International Journal of Computer Science Research & Technology (IJCSRT)
ISSN: 2321-8827
Vol. 1 Issue 5, October - 2013

node, it gives a poisoned reply and this can go on and encrypted voice stream with a 50% average accuracy
on.[26] A not so effective approach to solve this is and 90% to certain phrases.
presented in [32] which says to employ iterative
routing and to check the ID of every routing hop and
finally is expected to reach the desired node. 6.Conclusion
5.6. Flooding Attack In this article we basically put a brief survey on two
In [32], it has been explained that the SIP protocol lets factors essential to a VoIP systems- ensuring quality
an incoming request to branch to multiple outgoing of service and ensuring security or confidentiality
requests each for different UASs. Less than ten throughout the end to end communication system.
messages can generate 271 messages occurring Implementation of QoS is moving towards a more and
massive flooding attack with valid SIP requests. [33] more satisfactory level day by day but VoIP
The SIP routing occurs from proxy to proxy servers deployment still faces great challenges regarding
based on the routing headers, but this process malicious attacks and requires numerous counter
possesses vulnerabilities like-[34] measures which has to be a continuous process for
future implementations. Although there are standards
-attackers can manipulate routing headers for VoIP protocols and services, security management
-proxy servers route without call-route or global route of VoIP systems require continued evolution of these
knowledge. services and protocols to tighten security. We
-the HTTP digest based authentication to protect SIP conclude the paper hoping the survey can ease the task
messages is not an end-to-end security model as of conducting further research in VoIP security and
intermediate proxies change certain fields QoS enhancement.
-in this kind of SIP authentication mechanism, few SIP
fields are protected leaving most of them unprotected
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