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Alloy 34MnB5

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Boronalloyed quenched and tempered steel

Material no. - Typical mechanical properties Available dimensions

according to DIN EN 10083-3 (Approximate values) Hot-rolled coils unpickled, mill edge
IMDS no. - Thickness in mm Width in mm
Tensile strength class C Yield strength R p0,2 in MPa (logitudinal/transversal) 2.00 – 2.24 900 – 1,400
320 – 600 / 340 – 610 2.25 – 2.49 900 – 1,450
General information 2.50 – 2.99 900 – 1,500
Steel grade 22MnB5 in accordance with DIN Tensile strength Rm in MPa (logitudinal/transversal) 3.00 – 3.99 900 – 1,680
EN 10083-3 is one of the boron-alloyed quen- 580 – 820 / 580 – 820 4.00 – 12.70 900 – 1,750
ched and tempered steels. These grades are Widths up to 1,880 mm on request.
characterized in particular by their formability Total elongation A 80 3) in % (logitudinal/transversal) Ticknesses up to 25.40 < on request.
in the hot rolled state and their high strength ≥ 12 % / ≥ 10 %
after the heat treatment. The strength cha- Hot-rolled coils pickled, mill edge
racteristics after quenching and tempering Total elongation A 53) in MPa (logitudinal/transversal) Thickness in mm Width in mm
are achieved in particular by the low boron ≥ 14 % / ≥ 12 % 2.00 – 2.24 900 – 1,400
content, in addition to the carbon and man- 2.25 – 2.49 900 – 1,450
3) It applies to nominal thickness e:
ganese. SZFG is current delivering manga- e < 3 mm: A80 2.50 – 2.99 900 – 1,500
nese-boron steels from 10MnB5 to 40MnB5. e ≥ 3 mm: A5 3.00 – 3.99 900 – 1,680
4.00 – 6.00 900 – 1,512
Delivery form 6.01 – 12.70 900 – 1,510
The steel is produced as hot-rolled strip Widths up to 1,880 mm on request.
(pickled, unpickled) in nominal thicknesses
Chemical composition 1)2) from 2.0 to 12.7 mm in widths in accor- Hot-rolled coils pickled, trimmed edge
(in percent by weight) dance with the SZFG delivery program Thickness in mm Width in mm
(strength class C). Additional thicknesses 2.00 – 2.24 900 – 1,380
min. in % max. in % are also available upon agreement. SZFG 2.25 – 2.49 900 – 1,430
C 0.33 0.37 uses a Ti-Cr concept. Where necessary, a 2.50 – 2.99 900 – 1,485
Si 0.15 0.35 statement of the required chemical analy- 3.00 – 3.99 900 – 1,512
Mn 1.15 1.45 sis or inclusion of a customer specificati- 4.00 – 6.00 900 – 1,512
P 0.020 on is required. Widths up to 1,880 mm on request.
S 0.010 The conditions of DIN EN 10083-3,
Al 0.015 0.060 Sections 6.3.1 and 8 apply to the delivery Hot-rolled slit strip
N 0.010 and inspection. Thickness in mm Width in mm
Cr 0.05 0.20 All quenched and tempered steels are 2.00 – 2.24 100 – 690
Ti 0.015 0.060 delivered in a hot-rolled, untreated state. 2.25 – 2.49 100 – 715
B 0 .0015 0.0045 Inspection certificates in accordan- 2.50 – 2.99 100 – 740
ce with DIN EN 10204 can also be de- 3.00 – 4.60 100 – 800
1) Heat analysis
livered in the following forms: computer 4.61 – 6.00 116 – 800
2) Abweichende Zusagen sind nach Vereinbarung
möglich. Salzgitter Flachstahl liefert unter anderem medium, remote data transmission, fax, 6.01 – 7.00 175 – 800
Ni-legierte oder Ni-freie Varianten. E-Mail, paper. 7.01 – 8.00 233 – 800
Widths < 100 mm on request.

Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH · Eisenhüttenstraße 99 · 38239 Salzgitter

Telephone +49 (0) 5341 21-2890 · Telefax +49 (0) 5341 21-8536
E-Mail ·

Salzgitter Flachstahl 34MnB5 Page 1 from 2 Edition: 11/14

Microstructure Example applications Welding
In the hot-rolled state, the 34MnB5 typical- Thanks to the combination of ductility and The manganese-boron steels are suita-
ly exhibits a ferritic-pearlitic microstructure hardness, the 34MnB5 is particularly used ble for welding with all known welding
with a typical grain size of > 9 according for supporting body parts and safety-re- procedures, either by hand or with au-
to ASTM. levant parts in the automotive industry, tomatic systems. Resistance spot wel-
such as chassis components, gear shafts ding, gas-shielded welding and laser be-
or bumpers. am welding are particularly applicable.
The steels are also suitable for welding
in mixed joints with other common steel
grades and in different thicknesses. The
quality of the welded joint, however, de-
pends on the welding procedure, the wel-
ding conditions and the selection of the
correct filler materials.
In addition, it must be noted that when
welding these steels in the quenched and
tempered state, tempering effects can oc-
cur in the joining zone. This can reduce
drive shafts the strength of the joint compared to the
500:1 base material that was strongly solidified
by the preceding hot-forming process.

In the hardened and tempered state,

after suitable heat treatment the manga-
nese-boron steels form a microstructure Characteristics in the hardened state
consisting of 100% martensite:







Tempered state, water cooled 200:1



22MnB5 26MnB5 27MnCrB5-2 30MnB5 34MnB5

Water hardening, hardened state Oil-hardening, hardened state

Water hardening, tempered at 300° Oil-hardening, tempered at 300°
Water hardening, tempered at 500° Oil-hardening, tempered at 500°

Tempered state, oil cooled 500:1

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