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Learner autonomy refers to a student's ability to set appropriate learning goals and take charge
of his or her own learning. Autonomy, a relatively new concept in the field of education, has been defined
differently by different scholars. Holec (1981 as cited in Schmenk, 2006) was the first person to define
the learner autonomy as “the ability to take charge of one's own learning” (p. 3). The concept of
teacher autonomy refers to the professional independence of teachers in schools, especially the degree to
which they can make autonomous decisions about what they teach to students and how they teach it.

1.0 Introduction

In this current era of globalization, the education sector has undergone rapid changes in both its
systems and its management. In this context, globalization has led to the emergence of a global boundary,
information liberalization, learning concept, global change concept and so(Abd. Rahim, 2005). This
change gives a positive and negative impact to the people in the developing world. The teaching
profession is also trapped in this influence which is the trend and ideology of 21st century learning in
school. Educational Technology has an impact on changing system and education management in
developing countries such as Malaysia. This change is not limited to government efforts but merely the
involvement of all parties. With the establishment Malaysia becomes a viable and competitive nation in
accordance with the challenges of globalization and the era of information technology. The information
revolution has arisen because of technological advancement presents new challenges to the teaching
profession, as well as the advancement of this need to be utilized to enhance the dignity of the teaching
In this paper we will discuss the importance of Integration of Technology In the Teaching and
Learning Process. The initiative to integrate educational technology in teaching and learning is accurately.
The use of technology in teaching and learning will be discussed in terms of teachers' teaching and
students learning using Information Technology and Communication. In the context of learning, the use
of technology in teaching and learning can be categorized as tutorials, explorations, applications and
communications. In the context of teaching technology is used as a tutor and demonstration tool. This
discussion also links between the learning theories with the use of technology in teaching and learning.
The use of technology in Teaching and Learning requires accurate and focus on the teacher's skills and
The role of teachers in integrating technology is involved in all stages of the learning process
ranging from preparation before teaching, current and evaluation after Teaching and Learning sessions.
Teacher failure in making careful planning will harm the student and make the teaching and learning
process less effective.
Growing of sophistication provides many benefits to humans. The implementation of activities
in everyday life is becoming easy, effective and efficient with the existence of various technology tools.
Teaching and learning activities in classroom regarding technology improvement also play an important
role for effective learning. The use of technology among students will not only make them more attractive
and easy, but can increase the interest and focus on their studies. Integration of technology into education
is not merely a trend, but it is more focus towards applying a new and recent approach in generating an
innovative teaching and learning process.

2,0 The Concept of Integration of Technology In the Teaching and Learning Process
The concept of Integration of Technology in the Teaching and Learning can be defined as a
multi-media integration in a digital environment to meet the purpose of learning environment, pedagogy,
curriculum design and student learning styles (Halimah, 2005) .Holmes (1999) Teaching and Learning
requires teachers who are flexible in using technology in everyday teaching methods with subjects they
teach. Learning how to use computers is not enough to allow teachers to incorporate technology in
teaching and learning. The key element in integration of technology is the understanding of teachers on
the content of teaching and the implications of technology.
According to Tajul Ariffin and Nor'Aini (2002), the success of a country that has come to
fruition in the creation of excellent human capital has always been closely linked to the success of
education. The integration of technology in the field of education is seen as helping students and teachers
to strengthen learning and teaching processes. In addition, the integration of technology in education has
shaped authentic learning where students are given the opportunity to learn to solve problems based on
real-world tasks.
According to Lombardi (2007), with the help of Internet, visual, and simulated first-degree
student technology can generate past events, see phenomena, use instruments and connect with mentors
around the world. The important thing in the integration of educational technology in teaching and
learning is that each of these strategies should address teaching and learning requirements and as a way
for teachers and students to solve problems during the learning process and get results based on the
3.0 English Language Teaching and Learning Through Technology
Language teaching will be more interesting, meaningful and productive with the incorporation
of multimedia and computer use. This is because information technology materials typically combine
multiple voice, sound, picture, video and text techniques to create a new environment besides rich with
language input. This advantage does not exist in other auxiliary materials such as textbooks or material
that is more of a single nature. Information and Communication Technology is based on rapid
development and advances in the field of microelectronics and produces various technology facilities
such as personal computers. The emergence of the Internet has also widened the use of ICT with an
integrated information network and was applied as a communication medium involving text, sound,
graphics and video. Lang (2005 ) declares that "there are many advantages to the integration of
technology in the classroom for students, particularly English as a foreign language. To be able to
improve their language skills, such as writing and reading and listening to speak and learn the English
language and the use of computers and software to make sure of its work and correct itself, and improve
their language skills, and the use of Internet and e-mail to search for information, and to accede to the
threats, and the dissemination of their work, and reading texts technology, and communicating between
each other even".
The Ministry of Education has made many Innovations for effective Teaching and Learning for
students. One of them is FROG VLE through a 1 bestarmet Project. In Malaysia, the Frog VLE is
available to all 10,000 schools in the country through the 1BestariNet project. It is an award-winning,
cloud-based virtual learning environment that has been designed by Frog Education to simplify and
enhance teaching and learning, communication and administration. I always create lesson "Sites" in the
Frog VLE and fill it with selection of widgets that perform a variety of functions. Over 29 widgets are
available in the Frog VLE, with functions like video playing, file downloading, student discussions and
more. Students can access the Frog VLE to obtain learning and revision material anytime, anywhere.
They can also complete and submit homework assigned by their teachers as well as collaborate with each
other. Since past few years I also maximized the use of e-learning using the Tutor TV, Zoom A and Edu
Web TV portals for the students during my English lesson. Its
By using this Portal and WebPages, the students try to complete the English homework, assignment,
project, and assessments by their own effort. Now, the Yes Altitude cell phone makes me easier to deliver
and check students’ activities. Moreover, FROG PLAY widget in VLE Web play very important role to
increase students attraction to learn English. Students really show more interest to answers the English
Quiz which is a game application to get points to play more games and same time allow them to answer
more questions. It is a creative and innovative strategy that shapes the learning situation cheerful and
effective. Students are also free from any emotional stress. This method is a satisfactory progress among
the students in my class.

3.1 Level of teacher skills in information technology

The use of information technology materials in education, in particular, in terms of teaching

and learning today has become an important matter for teachers. The use of information technology in
teaching and learning can improve the understanding of the students better. It can be seen that learning in
terms of information search and the latest materials in a topic can be done by students using information
technology tools such as through computers, the internet and so on.
The use of information technology in the teaching and learning process requires the skill of a teacher to
handle it. Consequently, the integration of information technology in language teaching in primary
schools has some constraints that need to be taken care of the lack of trained teachers in information
technology. Teachers who have long taught in the field of language are especially inexperienced and
exposed to the use of ITC. Hence, teachers are not skilled in ITC based learning planning. Such issues
have arisen in which the integration of information technology in language teaching and learning cannot
be implemented perfectly. This will stave off the use of information technology materials especially to

4.0 Importance of Integration of Technology In the Teaching and Learning Process

 Providing opportunities for teachers in introducing contextual learning which focuses more on actual
activities and problems.
 Can enrich the student experience. Ex: moving media can enrich the student experience. The events
they have never seen or experienced will be able to see them themselves and this makes them as if they
experience them
 Teachers can use technology as the use of video, power point, computer and pictures can prevent the
boredom of the student and thus maintain the student's interest. This is because when students are given
the opportunity to find their own or group information, students will be easy and understand more about
the subject being studied.
 It can also save time and energy as information can be obtained quickly from the Internet.
 Smooth the teaching and learning process as it focuses on the essential contents of the topics to be
delivered. This is because it will facilitate teachers' teaching in the classroom and be able to attract
 Help students get the maximum impact of learning with minimal time use. This is because the time in
school is very limited and requires creative teachers in teaching and learning through ICT means able to
give students an understanding in a short time.
 Correcting any confusion or misinterpretation as it provides a comprehensive and clear picture of a
concept and its relation to everyday life.
 The use of educational technology may also prevent the misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the
concept through the senses of viewing, hearing or touching. Teachers can prove it through video shows or
materials available from the Internet.
 Involves a variety of students' senses. Ex: visual use followed by audio will involve the look and feel
of senses and may be touch senses. This sense of involvement will increase the student's memory.
 Provide extensive resources to teachers and students to explore, search for teaching materials,
references and research.
 The method of integration of educational technology in teaching and learning is also able to give
variance and diversity to teaching methods because before, teachers only use lecture or lecture methods in
the classroom.
 Students can master a variety of manipulative skills such as word processing skills, databases
(database), and graphics (rigid or moving), and can present their presentations using technology tools.

Strategies Integration of Technology in the Teaching and Learning Process

Role of School Leaders (Headmaster)
Strategies for incorporating and enhancing the use of technology in teaching and learning are
not depend on the teachers only but also depend to school leaders. Leaders' role is very important in
shaping the culture of using technology at school. They not only need financial support but also models
as technology users in administration and respond to changes. To apply technology culture of use at
school, a written policy document should be provided. This policy helps design and manages this
program to enable teachers and students to master the technology in a regular and progressive way. A
policy does not need to be static but needs to be revised once a year especially when the level of teacher
expertise increases and there is a change in the policies and procedures of the Ministry of Education. The
Information Technology policy framework is built on the goals and plans of the school, the views of
parents and communities and the District Education Office policy on effective teaching and learning
using technology development (Mohammed Sani and Mohd Jasmy, 2002).
To implement the policies and goals set by the school should prepare a development plan.
Hannrich (1995) states this plan contains specific activities such as monitoring and evaluation strategies;
the specification of financing selection and the purchase of software and hardware, the curriculum used
and planning for replacements and the construction of equipment continuously. The school development
program should be in line with the goals and procedures that have been determined by the Ministry of
Education. The State Department of Education and the District Education Office should be involved
guiding and supporting schools to develop technology development plans and monitor their

4.1 Role of Government

The government provides awareness on the use of computers to accelerate the adoption and use
of information technology. The government also ensures that each school has a sufficient computer
laboratory provisioning scheme for all schools, especially rural schools. In addition, the government
should provide information technology courses for teachers who will become instructors in schools either
at universities or in current courses. The government should be sensitive to the current needs of the
community and are always aware of the changing global technology. Additionally, the government has
worked with the private sector in addressing the digital divide in Malaysia. The government also supplied
laptops to pupils in order to implement one home computer. Thus, it allows people to embrace technology
in their lives.

Role of teachers
More attention should be given to teachers when using exploratory learning methods. This is
because pupils may use the information obtained without manipulating (searching, comparing and
evaluating). In this learning process, teachers need to provide open questions to generate students'
thinking and encourage rote learning. The role of teachers in monitoring the use of word processing
applications, worksheets and presentations is necessary to avoid deviation from the focus of the students
more importantly. Teachers need to ensure that technology usage is to help the teaching and learning
process such as analyzing information.
The use of technology means of communication is a two-pronged barrier in information and
communication sharing. Teachers can take advantage of this ability to carry out collaborative learning in
the classroom. This method is used to enable students and teachers from different locations to send,
receive and share information in various forms of multimedia elements such as text, graphics, video audio
and animation. This will create teamwork relationships among students as well as enhance
communication skills. However, teachers need to provide clear and detailed guidelines to ensure student
discipline during the use of e-mail, chat rooms, websites, and social media and so on in collaborative
learning. Assessments can be carried out by teachers and group discussions when the results are presented
in the classroom. This will encourage brainstorming and strengthen student thinking and communication
skills. Teacher strategies using in the teaching and learning process should be consistent with the subject
matter content and emphasize the implications or learning outcomes of the course ration based on student
Role of students
Students use word processing to prepare activity reports for enrichment, assignment and
project activities. Students can repeat tutorials according to their own needs, abilities and rates. Activities
are carried out either individually with self-access or in small groups. Various projects are set up in the
index of the website to enable students to access information from the 'World Wide Web' such as the task
of finding world-renowned architects, interesting historical buildings, searching for related site URLs.

The implementation Integration of Technology in the Teaching and Learning Process

From a recent study there are some teachers who have been familiar with traditional methods and
to make it difficult to make adjustments with instructional technology. The educational technology is a
new challenge to the teacher profession and the education system in schools that have not undergone
drastic changes in terms of adapting the use of new technologies including computer, digital, learning and
so on. The use of educational technology in schools has opened a new perspective on the liberalization of
learning that is no longer tied to classroom systems and organizations. The advancement and
sophistication of educational technology enables learning through a variety of technology facilities
adapted in teaching and learning.
Schools that do not have enough financial resources to finance the various costs of using
educational technology will return to conventional learners. The disadvantages of school leadership that
are less committed to the use of educational technology may also cause schools to abandon the current
mainstream change. Schools also failed to play a positive role in developing students to be more modern
in the use of educational technology, especially in rural areas. This change will give a big challenge to
trainers. They need to be prepared to improve their knowledge and skills.
School leaders should ensure that the complete infrastructure is managed and optimally used by teachers
during teaching and learning process. The use of computer labs should be in accordance with the
timetable set by the administration to ensure that commotion and disability does not arise among teachers.
The role of Information technology and communication coordinators must be monitored so that the
culture of maintaining hardware tools is always done after a computer lab is used. The coordinators
should be sensitive and clear with the instructions of the Ministry of Education but in implementing them
at the school level, they need to modify procedures according to the ability of teachers to effectively
implement them. The provision of computers from the private sector shall be furnished to classrooms if a
computer laboratory has been provided. This will further increase the use of technology by teachers
during the teaching and learning process.
Staff development and development should be given more attention by school leaders. Staff development
involving technology and innovation is based on two areas, namely the mastery of Information
Technology and the development of learning activities according to the needs of students. School must
plan to provide internal and external courses to teachers if necessary. For that reason, the teachers should
always study the need to identify the level of teacher proficiency in technology and instructional skills.
Staff development programs are essential to ensure that teachers master in knowledge and skills needed
to use technology tools and how they can help students to use them properly. This program should be
with Information technology policies and school development plans.

The Integration of Technology in the Teaching and Learning Process has many positive or
negative effects. However, the use of this technology has given a more positive effect in which it helps
teachers teaching the subject of English language efficiently.
The school education system in Malaysia today is said to be able to provide students with
versatility to face a more challenging future. From time to time, the government will always seek ways to
improve education in Malaysia. Not with standing our point of view, the use of information technology in
teaching and learning will inevitably change the pattern of future education and behavior of children.
Therefore, careful control and surveillance should be provided when using this advanced technology.
The development of Information Technology and communication in the field of education has
had a great impact on the development of Malaysia as a competitive knowledge-based economy. One of
the key determinants in the development process to improve the economy, Information Technology is
empower the people's economy through the success of education.
Knowledge and usage of information technology in teaching and learning should be known by
teachers and students to facilitate the teaching and learning process in schools. This is because the use of
today's information technology is as a major phenomenon in life. The saying goes information at the
fingertips. Every lesson should be applied to information technology so that the teaching can move along
with the advancement of world technology.
Technology in the classroom has obvious benefits for both teachers and students. Between the new
teaching techniques, environmental protections, and access to individual development, technology is
essential to schools and the world. The hesitancy that many people have towards these new techniques is
rather unwarranted.

Integriting Educational Techonolgy into Teaching – second edition (M.D. Roblyer , The state
University of West Georgia – Jack Edwards, The Webster School)
Penintegrasian ICT dalam pendidikan, penyelidikan, amalan dan aplikasi, 2008, Norazah Mohd
Nordin, Mohamed Amin Embi
Tranformation of knowledge through classroom interaction, 2009 by Routledge, Baruch Schwarz,
Rina Hershkowitz
Teaching with Technology, 2003 second edition, Priscilla Norton, Karin M.Wiburg

Learner Autonomy and its Implementation for Language Teacher Training Adriana Lazăr * a University of

Pitesti, Pitesti 110044, Romania(2013)

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