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Tester Incaltaminte Si Bratara Desco 99031

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Combo Tester X3
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Made in the
United States of America

This product can be used as one of the tools to fulfil

EN 61340-5-1 Compliance verification requirements
“Process monitoring (measurements) shall be conducted in
accordance with a compliance verification plan that identifies
the technical requirements to be verified, the measurement
limits and the frequency at which those verifications
must occur. … Compliance verification records shall be
established and maintained to provide evidence of conformity
to the technical requirements. The test equipment selected
shall be capable of making the measurements defined in the
compliance verification plan.”
“Wrist straps should be tested periodically. The frequency
of testing, however, is driven by the amount of usage, wear
and ESD risk exposure that can occur between tests. For
example, what is the quantity of product handled between
test periods? Typical test programs recommend that wrist
straps that are used daily should be tested daily. However,
if the products that are being produced are of such value
Figure 1. Charleswater Combo Tester X3 and Dual Foot that a guarantee of a continuous, reliable ground is needed
Plate then continuous monitoring should be considered or even
required.” (CLC TR 61340-5-2 User guide Wrist Strap clause
Description Test frequency)
The Charleswater Combo Tester X3 verifies the functionality “While wearing the wrist strap, connect the loose end of
of an operator’s wrist strap and footwear. It determines if an the cord to the tester terminal and depress the test button
operator’s wrist strap and footwear will function correctly. or touch the metal test surface with a finger or hand. If
The operator’s wrist strap and footwear (both feet) will test the resistance is over 3,5 x 107 Ω, test the cord alone for
simultaneously with no need for separate tests. Green lights continuity. If the resistance of the cord alone is approximately
indicate that the wrist strap and footwear are passing. Red 1,0 x 106 Ω, check the fit of the band around the wrist and
lights and an audible alarm indicate when the wrist strap adjust it for a snug fit. Snap the cord back on the cuff and
and/or footwear (left or right) are failing. If failure occurs, the retest. If the resistance is still over 3,5 x 107 Ω, substitute
tester will also display if the grounding device’s resistance is a new band.” (CLC TR 61340-5-2 User guide Wrist Strap
too low or too high. clause Test procedure)
The Combo Tester X3 features a reliable and durable solid “The operator shall stand with one foot on the conductive
state switch which replaces the traditional mechanical test footwear electrode. The hand contact plate shall be
switch that has a spring and moving parts. The outer and pressed to verify that the person footwear system resistance
inner portions of the solid state switch are designed to be is within acceptable parameters. The test shall be repeated
bridged by a person’s skin. for the other foot. The test apparatus can be an integrated,
The factory test limits are set to: commercially available tester or other instrumentation that is
capable of measuring resistance from 5,0 x 104
Wrist Straps: 750 Kilohms and 35 Megohms ohms to at least 1,0 x 108 ohms. The tester open-circuit
Footwear: 750 Kilohms and 35 Megohms voltage is typically between 9 V d.c.and 100 V d.c.” (EN
61340-5-1 Annex A Test method A.2 Measurement
(See page 3 for alternate test limit settings)
procedure for footwear testing)
Each Combo Tester X3 is calibrated with accepted
procedures and standards traceable to the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) and includes a NIST


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The Combo Tester X3 is available in four models: Features and Components
Item Stand 10 mm Wrist Power Adapter
Included Strap Adapter Blades
99031 No No UK & Europe
99032 Yes No UK & Europe
99033 No Yes UK & Europe
99034 Yes Yes UK & Europe

99031 & 99033 COMBO TESTER X3
1 Combo Tester X3
1 Dual Foot Plate
1 Power Adapter, 12 VDC
1 Foot Plate Cord, 1.8 m C D E F G
1 Ground Cord
1 10mm Wrist Cord Adapter (99033 only)
1 Certificate of Calibration 123


1 Combo Tester X3
1 Dual Foot Plate
1 Power Adapter, 12 VDC
1 Foot Plate Cord, 1.8 m Figure 2. Charleswater Combo Tester X3 features and
1 Ground Cord components
1 50415 Test Stand
2 Socket Head Screws, 1/4-20 x 3/4" A. Test Limit DIP Switch: Use this DIP switch to configure
2 Pan Head Screws, 10-32 x 5/8" the resistance limits of the tester. See the section titled
2 Nuts, 10-32 “Tester Configuration” for more information.
4 Pan Head Screws, #4 x 3/4" B. Footwear Status LEDs: Displays the footwear test
1 10mm Wrist Cord Adapter (99034 only) results.
1 Certificate of Calibration
C. 12 VDC Power Jack: Connect the included power
adapter here to power the Combo Tester X3.
D. Steady-State Test Switch: Place and hold your finger
here to begin the test.
E. Single-Wire Wrist Strap Jack: Insert your single-wire
wrist cord here to test your wrist strap.
F. Dual-Wire Wrist Strap Jack: Insert your dual-wire wrist
cord here to test your wrist strap.
G. Wrist Strap Status LEDs: Displays the wrist strap test
H. External Reader Port: Used for connecting to an
external glove test fixture. Contact the manufacturer for more
I. Relay Terminal: Can be integrated with electronic door
locks, lights, buzzers, etc. It is capable of switching up to
1 A @ 30 VDC or 0.5 A @ 125 VAC.
Terminals 1 & 2 = Normally Closed
Terminals 2 & 3 = Normally Open
NOTE: All tests must pass in order for the relay to activate.


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J. Ground Jack: Insert the banana plug end of the DIP switch 5 must be ON (default setting) for the wrist
included ground cord to this jack. Connect the ring terminal strap test to be active. The wrist strap test will be
end of the cord to equipment ground. This connection will disabled if DIP switch 5 is set to OFF.
remove any static charge from the user before the test.
NOTE: Failure to correctly ground the Combo Tester X3 may The LOW limit for the wrist strap test is set to 750
result in damage not covered under warranty. Kilohms and cannot be modified by the user.
K. Foot Plate Jack: Connect one end of the foot plate
cable cord and the other end to the dual foot plate.
1. Mount the tester at the desired location using the
L. Buzzer Volume Adjustment: Turn the trimpot clockwise four mounting holes located in the corners of the
to increase the buzzer volume and counter-clockwise to yellow mounting plate.
decrease the volume.
2. Set the Dual Foot Plate below the tester.
Installation 3. Insert one end of the foot plate cord into the stereo
jack located at the bottom of the tester. Insert the
opposite end of the cord into the stereo jack located
The resistance limits for footwear and wrist strap tests are
at the back of the foot plate.
controlled by the DIP switches located on the left side of the
Combo Tester X3. Use the following tables for the DIP switch 4. Use the guide located on the bottom of the foot
settings and their corresponding test values. plate to route the cord out of the side. This will
prevent the foot plate cord from being accidentally
Footwear Resistance
tripped and unplugged.
DIP switches 1 and 2 control the HIGH test limit.

Switch 1 Switch 2 HIGH Limit Resistance

ON ON 10 Megohms (1 x 107)
OFF OFF 35 Megohms (3.5 x 107)
ON OFF 100 Megohms (1 x 108)
OFF ON 1 Gigohm (1 x 109)

DIP switches 3 and 4 control the LOW test limit. Bottom Side

Switch 3 Switch 4 LOW Limit Resistance

OFF OFF footwear test disabled
ON OFF 100 Kilohms (1 x 105)
OFF ON 750 Kilohms (7.5 x 105)

default setting

NOTE: At 1 Gigohm high limit resistance, a dirty foot

plate could result in a false pass. Be sure to keep the Figure 3. Routing the foot plate cord through the foot
foot plate clean particularly when using this setting. This plate’s guide
setting is not suitable for relative humidity greater than
5. Insert the ground cord’s banana plug into the ground
jack located at the bottom of the tester. Connect
Wrist Strap Resistance ground cord’s ring terminal to equipment ground.
DIP switches 5 and 6 control the HIGH test limit. This connection will remove any static charge from
the user before the test. NOTE: Failure to correctly
Switch 5 Switch 6 HIGH Limit Resistance ground the Combo Tester X3 may result in damage not
covered under warranty.
OFF OFF wrist strap test disabled
ON ON 10 Megohms (1 x 107) 6. Power the Combo Tester X3 using the included
power supply.
ON OFF 35 Megohms (3.5 x 107)

default setting


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INSTALLING THE COMBO TESTER X3 WITH STAND 4. Align the backplate’s two holes located above and
1. Insert the pedestal to the baseplate with the below the tester to the two holes on the pedestal’s
mounting bracket sloping toward the operator. Be mounting bracket. Secure the backplate using the two
sure to align the screw holes located at the base of included 10-32 pan head screws and nuts.
the pedestal.
2. Use the two 1/4-20 socket cap screws to secure the
pedestal to the baseplate.

Figure 4. Securing the pedestal to the baseplate using

the 2 socket cap screws

3. Route the ground and foot plate cords through the

pedestal. Feed the cords from the bottom and have them
exit through the top.

Figure 6. Securing the Combo Tester X3 to the pedestal

Figure 5. Routing the ground and foot plate cords

throught the pedestal


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5. Insert one end of the foot plate cord into the foot plate WIRING THE COMBO TESTER X3 TO AN ACCESS
jack located at the bottom of the tester. Connect the CONTROL SYSTEM
other end of the foot plate cord into the jack located on The Combo Tester X3 may be connected to an Access
the dual foot plate. Control System to grant access when both a valid
proximity badge is read and PASS test results are
6. Insert the ground cord’s banana plug into the ground achieved at the tester. Figure 8 shows an example
jack located at the bottom of the tester. Connect when using a turnstile.
ground cord’s ring terminal to equipment ground.
This connection will remove any static charge from
the user before the test. NOTE: Failure to correctly DATA
Access Control System*
ground the Combo Tester X3 may result in damage not LINES DATA NORMALLY
covered under warranty. INPUT OPEN RELAY
7. Fit the dual foot plate into a position so that it is flush with
the front and top of the baseplate. Secure the dual foot Proximity
plate to the baseplate using the four included #4 pan Reader
head screws.

Tester X3

(normally open relay

contacts shown above) ACC

Figure 7. Securing the dual foot plate to the baseplate

8. Power the Combo Tester X3 using the included

power supply.

Figure 8. Wiring the Combo Tester X3 to an Access

Control System

*NOTE: The Access Control System must have a time delay

feature in order to achieve the configuration described above.
Set the Access Control System’s relay to remain active for a
few seconds when a valid proximity badge is accepted. The
relay will need to remain active long enough for an operator
to perform a test on the Combo Tester X3. The access
control device will only unlock when it receives an active
signal from both the Access Control System and Combo
Tester X3.


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1. A circling light around the test switch indicates when the
Combo Tester X3 is on standby and ready to perform a


OUTER Figure 10. Bridging the test switch’s contacts to initiate
CONTACT the test
4. A “PASS” test result is indicated by illumination of
Figure 9. Steady-State Test Switch features and the green LEDs. A “FAIL LOW” test result is indicated
components by illumination of the red LEDs. A “FAIL HIGH” test
result is indicated by illumination of the yellow LEDs.
2. While wearing a wrist strap and/or ESD footwear, plug If your ESD test fails, check your wrist strap and
the wrist cord into its corresponding jack located on the footwear to ensure that they are being worn correctly
face of the Combo Tester X3. Place one foot on each and/or need to be replaced.
foot plate.
NOTE: Failures may be caused by dry skin or minimal sweat
3. To begin the test, use your finger to bridge the test layer. For wrist straps, try using an approved dissipative
switch’s inner and outer contacts. The blue standby LED hand lotion such as Desco Europe 229630 Reztore™ ESD
will become solid to indicate that the test has been Hand Lotion to your wrist prior to use. Footwear test results
initiated. Hold your finger down until the test results are can be improved by taking a short walk to build a sweat layer
displayed. for better conductivity.
If your finger is removed too early, the tester’s LEDs will The Combo Tester X3 may also be used to test smocks or
blink three times to indicate that the test was not garments that feature a grounding mechanism for operators
completed. DO NOT touch any other metal while using a coiled cord connection.
performing your test as this will affect your results.


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Figure 11. EMIT 50424 Limit Comparator
Using the 99031 Using the 99032
Combo Tester X3 Combo Tester X3 with Stand Specifications
Maintenance Test Accuracy:
±20% for 1 Gigohm footwear test limit
To maintain optimum performance, cleaning should be ±10% for all other test limits
performed on a regular basis. Use a minimum of 80%
Isopropyl alcohol to clean the foot plate and test switch. Operating Voltage:
Other cleaners are susceptible to leaving residue on these 12 VDC
Test Switch Voltage:
5 VDC @ open circuit
Wrist Strap and Footwear Test Voltage:
The Combo Tester X3 is calibrated to standards traceable
30 VDC @ open circuit
to NIST. Frequency of recalibration should be based on the
critical nature of those ESD sensitive items handled and Test Current:
the risk of failure for the ESD protective equipment and Limited by resistors and varies on the test range setting
materials. In general, we recommend that calibration be (100 Kilohms - 1 Gigohm)
performed annually.
Relay Contact Rating:
The accuracy of the Combo Tester X3 is specified as: 1 A @ 30 VDC max
• ±20% for 1 Gigohm footwear test limit Temperature Range:
• ±10% for all other test limits 21 °C to 30 °C for 1 Gigohm footwear test limit
5 °C to 30 °C for all other test limits
A periodic check using a precision resistance box can be
used to verify proper operation. Operating Conditions:
Indoor use only at altitudes less than 6500 ft. (2 km)
The EMIT 50424 Limit Comparator is available for the
Maximum relative humidity of 80% up to 30 °C decreasing
convenient calibration of the Combo Tester X3.
linearly to 50% @ 30 °C
The Limit Comparator allows the customer to perform NIST Maximum relative humidity of 50% at 1 Gigohm setting
traceable calibration on the Combo Tester X3. The Limit
Comparator can be used on the shop floor within a few
minutes, virtually eliminating downtime, verifying that the Limited Warranty, Warranty Exclusions, Limit
Combo Tester X3 is operating within tolerances.
of Liability and RMA Request Instructions
See TB-6581 for more information. See the Desco Europe Warranty -


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