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5687 Ira Road

Bath, Ohio 44210

Phone: 1-216-666-9356

Dear Mr. Macdonald,

Did you know that your family name was recorded with a coat-of-arms in
ancient heraldic archives more than seven centuries ago?

My husband and I discovered this while doing some research for some
friends of ours who have the same last name as you do. We've had an
artist recreate the coat-of-arms exactly as described in the ancient
records. This drawing, along with other information about the name, has
been printed up into an attractive one-page report.

The bottom half of the report tells the story of the very old and
distinguished family name of Macdonald. It tells what the name means, its
origin, the original family motto, its place in history and about famous
people who share it. The top half has a large, beautiful reproduction of
an artist's drawing of the earliest known coat-of-arms for the name of
Macdonald. This entire report is documented, authentic and printed on
parchment-like paper suitable for framing.

The report so delighted our friends that we have had a few extra
copies made in order to share this information with other people of the
same name.

Framed, these reports make distinctive wall decorations and they are
great gifts for relatives. It should be remembered that we have not
traced anyone's individual family tree but have researched back through
several centuries to find out about the earliest people named Macdonald.

All we are asking for them is enough to cover the added expenses of
having the extra copies printed and mailed. (See below.) If you are
interested, please let us know right away as our supply is pretty slim.
Just verify that we have your correct name and address and send the
correct amount in cash or check for the number of reports you want. We'll
send them promptly by return mail.


P.S. If you are ordering only one report, send two dollars ($2.00).
Additional reports ordered at the same time and sent to the same
address are one dollar each. Please make checks payable to me, Nancy
L. Halbert.
Please reply to me in care of:
Transpolar Expedition
Admiral Richard E. Byrd Polar Center
18 Tremont Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02108

September 3, 1968

Mr. Richard N. Archer

121 Corlies Ave.
Pelham, N.Y. 10803

Dear Mr. Archer:

As Chairman of the Admiral Richard E. Byrd Polar Center, it is my privilege to invite you to
become a member of an expedition which is destined to make both news and history.

It will cost you $10,000 and about 26 days of your time, Frankly, you will endure some
discomfort, and may even face some danger.

On the other hand, you will have the rare privilege of taking part in a mission of great
significance for the United States and the entire world. A mission, incidentally, which has never
before been attempted by man.

You will personally harp the chance to help enrich mankind's fund of knowledge about two of
the last earthly frontiers, the polar regions.

I am inviting you to join a distinguished group of 50 people who will fly around the world
longitudinally, over both poles, on an expedition which will commemorate Admiral Richard E.
Byrd's first Antarctic flight in 1929.

Among the highlights of this transpolar flight - the first commercial flight ever to cross both
poles and touch down on all continents - will be stopovers at the American military/scientific
bases at Thule, Greenland, and McMurdo Sound, Antarctica.

Because this expedition has the interest and support of much of the Free World, you and your
fellow members will be honored guests (in many cases, even celebrities) at state and
diplomatic receptions throughout the itinerary. You will have the opportunity to meet and talk
with some of the world's important national leaders and public figures, such as Pope Paul VI,
the Emperor of Japan, General Carlos Romulo, and many others who are already a part of

By agreeing to join this expedition, you will, in a sense, establish yourself in history too. For you
will become a Founding Trustee of the new Admiral Richard E. Byrd Polar Center, sponsor of
the expedition.

Your biography will be recorded in the Center's archives, available to future historians. The log,
photographs and memorabilia of the expedition will be permanently displayed in the Center.
And your name will be inscribed, with those of the other expedition members, on a bronze
memorial tablet.

Before I continue with the details of the expedition, let me tell you more about the Byrd Polar
Center and the reasoning which led to its establishment this summer.

Located in Boston, home of the late Admiral and point of origin for each of his seven
expeditions, this nonprofit institution will house, catalog and preserve the papers and records
of both Admiral Byrd and other Arctic and Antarctic explorers.

But the Center will have a more dynamic function than merely to enshrine the past. It will be a
vital, viable organization devoted to furthering peaceful development of the polar regions,
particularly Antarctica.

It will become, in effect, this country's headquarters for investigation and research into the
scientific and commercial development of the poles. The Center will sponsor, support, initiate
and conduct studies and expeditions. It will furnish comprehensive data or technical
assistance to the United States, or to any university, institution, foundation, business
organization or private individual legitimately interested in polar development.

In other words, the Center has set for itself a course which the Admiral before his death
endorsed wholeheartedly. He foresaw that mankind would one day benefit enormously from
development of Antarctica's vast potential. And he perceived that Antarctica's unique and
diverse advantages and resources might best be developed by private capital in a free
enterprise context.

The Byrd Polar Center is dedicated to these objectives. And the essential purpose of this
commemorative expedition is to dramatize the role that private enterprise - and private citizens
- can play in the opening of these last frontiers.

At the same time, the expedition should help prove a few other important points. It should
demonstrate the feasibility of shrinking the world through longitudinal navigation. It should
also help blaze a trail for commercial air travel over the South Pole. Presently, to fly from Chile
to Australia, you must go by way of Los Angeles, even though a straight line trans-Antarctic
route would be far shorter.

There is another factor I should mention, one which I think lends a certain urgency to the work
of the Center. Development of the polar regions enjoys a high official priority in the Soviet
Union - higher, some believe, than in the United States.

The Center's activities can provide a tangible, effective complement to those of our own
government, and over the long term, contribute meaningfully to preservation of the Arctic and
Antarctic regions for peaceful purposes.

These objectives, I think you will agree, are entirely valid. And important, for the future of
humanity. It is for this reason that the inaugural activity of the Byrd Polar Center will be an
expedition of such scope and magnitude.

The expedition will be led by Commander Fred G. Dustin, veteran of six polar expeditions,
advisor to Admiral Byrd and one of the intrepid group which spent the winter of 1934 in Little
America on Byrd's Antarctic Expedition II. Commander Dustin is a member of the U.S.
Antarctica Committee and President of the Byrd Polar Center.

Considered the ranking American authority on the polar regions, Fred Dustin is probably better
qualified to lead this expedition - and brief members on virtually every aspect of the polar
regions - than any man on earth. The Center and the expedition are fortunate to have
Commander Dustin, as you will discover should you decide to participate.

The flight will be made in a specially outfitted, four-engine commercial jet with
lounge-chair-and-table cabin configuration. A full flight crew of six will be headed by Captain
Hal Neff, former pilot of Air Force One, the Presidential plane. Special clothing and equipment,
such as Arctic survival gear, will be provided by the expedition and carried aboard the plane.

The expedition members will meet in Boston on the evening of November 7, 1968, for briefing
and a reception and send-off party with the Governor of Massachusetts, Mayor of Boston, local
officials and directors of the Byrd Polar Center. Next day, we will take off, head due north from
Boston's Logan International Airport and follow this itinerary (as I have not yet visited all these
places myself, I have drawn on the descriptions submitted to me by Commander Dustin and
the other experienced people who have planned the expedition):

Thule, Greenland

Far above the Arctic Circle, past the chill reaches of Baffin Bay, lies desolate Thule, the
northernmost U.S. air base. Almost 400 miles further north than the northern tip of Alaska,
Thule was originally surveyed as a possible military site by Admiral Byrd and Commander
Dustin. Here, in the deepening Arctic winter, you will get your first taste of the rigors of polar
existence. You will have the chance to inspect the installation and meet the men for whom
Arctic survival is a way of life.

North Pole

According to those who have crossed the North Pole, you will completely lose your day-night
orientation. Sunrise and sunset can occur within minutes of each other, a strange and
unforgettable phenomenon. After Thule, you will cross the geographic North Pole, just as
Admiral Byrd did in his pioneering trans-Arctic flight with Floyd Bennett in 1926. A memorial
flag will be dropped.

Anchorage, Alaska

After crossing the pole, the plane will bank into a 90* left turn and head south, over the Arctic
Ocean and Beaufort Sea, past Mt. McKinley, North America's highest peak, and on to
Anchorage. There, you will meet the Governor and key officials.

Tokyo, Japan

The highlight of your stopover in Japan will be an opportunity to meet the Emperor and
Premier. (Fishing; excursion to Hakone and Atami by bullet train; tea ceremony at private

Manila, Philippines

General Carlos Romulo, the legendary patriot and statesman, an old friend of Admiral Byrd,
will give the expedition a warm welcome in Manila. (Folklore performance; hunting for duck,
deer, wild boar and a special species of water buffalo; fishing for tuna and marlin.)

You will note that here and elsewhere we have prearranged a considerable amount of hunting,
fishing, and so on. These activities are optional. (Members of the expedition will be asked to
indicate their preferences 30 days before the flight.) For those who do not want to participate in
any of these events, there will be sight-seeing, golf and many other things to do.

Darwin, Australia

Hard by the Timor Sea, tropical Darwin offers some of the world's most superb beaches. You
will have time not only to sample the sand and water sports, but to see Australia's great
outback. With its spectacular chasms, canyons and gorges, the rarely visited outback is a
scenic match for our own West.

Sydney, Australia

You can look forward to an enthusiastic reception in Sydney by the Prime Minister and
government officials. For one thing, Australia is on particularly good terms with the United
States. For another, Australia has traditionally been in the vanguard of nations involved in
Antarctic exploration and development. (Hunting for kangaroo, crocodile, buffalo, wild boar,
duck, and geese; or off-shore fishing for rifle fish, salmon, and giant grouper.)

Christchurch, New Zealand

This is our staging point for the flight to Antarctica, and it couldn't be more appropriate. Most of
the early expeditions departed from New Zealand, and Admiral Byrd is still considered a
national hero there. New Zealand is Antarctic-conscious and its people take almost a
proprietary interest in the frozen continent. You will be something of a celebrity in New Zealand,
and can expect a thoroughly enjoyable visit while the expedition awaits favorable weather
reports from McMurdo Sound. (Deer hunting - where deer are so plentiful that they pay a
bounty; fishing for all of the great species of - in an area known for the greatest marlin fishing
in the world - also Mako shark.)

McMurdo Sound, Antarctica

I am told that only a total eclipse of the sun is comparable, in emotional impact, to the first
sight of Antarctica. Once experienced, neither can be forgotten. If you prove to be like most who
have seen Antarctica, you will need somehow, someday, to return. And when you do, the
emotional impact will be just as profound. That is what the Antarctic veterans say.

For Antarctica exists well beyond the boundaries of the world you know. You will see there a
sun you have never before seen, breathe air you have never before breathed. You will see
menacing white mountains towering for thousands of feet over a black ocean in which, with
luck, you might survive for 45 seconds. You will see the awesome Ross Ice Shelf, as large as
France, with its 50 to 200 foot ice cliffs cleaving the sea for 400 miles. You will see the active
volcano, Mt. Erebus, 13,000 feet of fire and ice.

And you will see the huts, so well preserved they seem to have been inhabited only yesterday,
which Shackleton used in 1908 and the ill-fated Scott in 1911. Antarctica, apparently, is not
subject to the passage of time as we know it.

At McMurdo Base, you will meet the military men and scientists who inhabit this strange, alien
territory. And you will inhabit it for a while too - long enough to feel its bone-chilling cold, to hear
its timeless silence, to perceive, at the very edge of your composure, the terror of its mindless
hostility to human beings.

While you are there, you will learn, as few men have ever had the opportunity to learn, about
Antarctica. You will learn about survival, but more important, about what men must accomplish
to truly open this formidable frontier.

South Pole

Admiral Byrd was the first man to fly over the South Pole. In all of history, probably fewer than
200 men have crossed the pole, by air or otherwise. As a member of this expedition, you will
join that select group.

Punta Arenas, Chile

From the South Pole, you will fly to Punta Arenas, on the tortuous Strait of Magellan which
separates continental South America from bleak Tierra del Fuego. The visit here will be brief,
but you should get some idea of the flavor of this nearly forgotten outpost.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

This memorable stopover will include a diplomatic reception. You will also have a chance to
relax and sample the sights and sounds of fabulous Rio. (Special plane to Belo Horizonte for
hunting boar, duck, jaguar, panther, water buffalo, crocodile and deer.)

Dakar, Senegal

You may never have expected to see Dakar, but you will on this expedition. (Tribal dancing;

Rome, Italy

No trip would be complete without a stop in Rome, where we will be received enthusiastically.
During our stay there we will have a private audience with the Pope.

London, England

From London, the expedition will fly back across the Atlantic and terminate with a debriefing,
critique and farewell dinner in Boston, on December 3.

As mementos of the expedition, you will receive a leather-bound, personalized copy of the log
book and a piece of the fabric from Admiral Byrd's original plane, mounted in crystal.

You will also be presented with a framed certificate from the Admiral Richard E. Byrd Polar
Center, affirming your appointment as a Founding Trustee and expressing appreciation for
your interest in, contributions to and efforts on behalf of the Center and its objectives. In the
future, you will be kept fully advised of the plans and activities of the Center, and be invited to
participate to whatever extent you wish. And of course, you will have lifelong access to the
Center's archives and services.

Most important, you will take back with you a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The day may come
when journeys to and over the poles are commonplace. But today, the privilege is available to
very few.

It is true, I think, that this privilege does carry responsibility with it. By the time you return, you
will have received a comprehensive indoctrination course in the polar regions by the world's
leading authorities. Your responsibility will be to make the most of the knowledge you will gain,
to become an active advocate - perhaps even a disciple - of polar research and development.

It is a responsibility which, I trust, will weigh easily upon you. For once the polar air has been
absorbed into your bloodstream, there is no cure. Like others who have been stricken, you will
probably find yourself reading every word you can find on the North and South Poles. And,
most likely, thinking about your next trip.

But first of all, you must decide about this trip. If you have a sense of adventure, a certain
pioneering spirit, and if the prospect of taking part in a mission of worldwide significance and
historical importance appeals to you, perhaps you should consider joining the expedition. It is
doubtful that you will ever have another chance like this.

Obviously, you can't make a decision of this magnitude instantly. But a word of caution:
reservations will be accepted in the order received - a total of only 60, including ten standbys.
The departure date, remember, is November 8, 1968, so there is little time to waste.

The price of $10,000 includes food and beverages, all accommodations (the best available
under all circumstances) transportation, special clothing, insurance, side excursions - virtually
everything except your travel to and from Boston.
Money received will go into escrow at the United States Trust Company in Boston until the time
of the flight. To the extent that revenues from the trip will exceed costs, the activities of the Polar
Center will be accelerated.

To reserve your place in the expedition, just drop me a note on your letterhead or personal
stationery, with your deposit check for $2,500, made out to the United States Trust Company.
Incidentally, if anything prevents your leaving as planned, you can send another in your place;
otherwise, cancellations cannot be accepted later than 30 days before departure.

If you have further questions, please write to me in care of the Trans-polar Expedition, Admiral
Richard E. Byrd Polar Center, 18 Tremont Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02108.

I hope we may hear from you soon - and that we will welcome you to the expedition.

Sincerely yours,

Edward C. Bursk

P.S.: We have just made arrangements for a professional camera crew to accompany the
flight, and as a result we will be able to provide you with a short film clip and sound tape of
your experiences.

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