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Crop Protection: ST Ephane Cordeau, Marion Triolet, Sandra Wayman, Christian Steinberg, Jean-Philippe Guillemin

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Crop Protection 87 (2016) 44e49

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Bioherbicides: Dead in the water? A review of the existing products

for integrated weed management
phane Cordeau a, b, *, Marion Triolet a, Sandra Wayman b, Christian Steinberg a,
Jean-Philippe Guillemin a
ecologie, AgroSup Dijon, INRA, Univ. Bourgogne, Franche-Comt e, 21000, Dijon, France
Cornell University, Soil and Crop Sciences Section, Ithaca, NY, 14853, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The intensive use of synthetic herbicides is questioned for many reasons. Bioherbicides, as integrated
Received 3 February 2016 weed management tools, however, have the potential to offer a number of benefits such as increased
Received in revised form target specificity and rapid degradation. Despite the efforts to identify effective bioherbicide agents in
13 April 2016
laboratory and field, only thirteen bioherbicides are currently available on the market. Since 1980, the
Accepted 22 April 2016
Available online 1 June 2016
number of biopesticides has increased around the world, while the market share of bioherbicides rep-
resents less than 10% of all biopesticides. Nevertheless, weed management implemented at the cropping
systems scale needs bioherbicides because of legislation to drive weed management away from heavy
reliance on chemicals, the global increase in organic agriculture, the need of both organic and conven-
Mycoherbicides tional agriculture to increase weed control efficiency, concerns about herbicide resistance, and concern
Micro-organisms from the public about environmental safety of herbicides. Consequently, we review here the existing
Natural substances products on the market and describe their history, mode of action, efficacy and target weeds. This review
Integrated weed management is unique because we also discuss the role of bioherbicides in integrated weed management: to manage
Agroecology soil weed seedbanks with seed-targeted agents in addition to primary tillage, to increase the efficacy of
mechanical weeding because bioherbicides are more effective on seedlings, to increase the suppression
effect of crop cultivars by first slowing weed growth, to terminate cover crops particularly in conser-
vation agriculture, and finally to manage herbicide resistant populations.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the issues caused today are even more significant. Of the 15 mol-
ecules coming from plant protection products found in streams and
Crop losses due to weeds continue to reduce available produc- rivers in France in 2012, the most frequently found were herbicides
tion of food and cash crops worldwide (Cramer, 1967; Oerke et al., or their metabolites (French Ministry of Ecology Sustainable
1994; Oerke, 2006) even if weeds are known to support ecosystem Development and Energy, 2015). Consequently, the French and
services in farming landscapes (Marshall et al., 2003). Strategies of European legislation has pulled many products or active in-
weed management can vary, but now mainly rely on the use of gredients from the market (Barzman and Dachbrodt-Saaydeh,
synthetic herbicides (Thill et al., 1991). The intensive use of syn- 2011; Chauvel et al., 2012). Thus farmers have to manage weeds
thetic herbicides in the last fifty years has considerably increased with even fewer chemical tools that often contain only one active
productivity, but with striking environmental and ecological im- ingredient (or one chemical family) and which favour the occur-
pacts (Soule et al., 1990; Stoate et al., 2009), which have been rence of phenological adaptations (Mortimer, 1997) and resistant
identified for many decades (Wauchope, 1978). genotype selection (Chauvel et al., 2001). The emergence of resis-
The heavy reliance on synthetic herbicides to control weeds has tant individuals among weed populations is an increasingly
been questioned for many decades, and is still being questioned, as important issue worldwide (Heap, 1997) and weed management
strategies must change to face this issue (Colbach et al., 2016).
Weed management faces the same issues as in the two past
* Corresponding author. INRA, UMR1347, Agroe cologie, 17 rue Sully, BP 86510, F- decades, i.e. yield losses (Oerke, 2006), reliance on synthetic her-
21065, Dijon cedex, France. bicides (Chauvel et al., 2012), herbicide resistance (Chauvel et al.,
E-mail address: (S. Cordeau).
0261-2194/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Cordeau et al. / Crop Protection 87 (2016) 44e49 45

2001), etc. Weed management also faces new challenges, particu- present in the environment and can be a danger to animals,
larly because agriculture worldwide faces increasing economic, including mammals. The activity spectrum of natural toxins should
environmental and social pressures (Lechenet et al., 2014; Petit be carefully evaluated (Duke et al., 2000).
et al., 2015). Sustainable weed management is especially impor-
tant in the context of these pressures because ideal cropping sys- 3.1. Definition
tems could: allow farmers to be economically sustainable, decrease
agriculture's environmental impact, and respond to the social In 1971 bioherbicides were defined as substances intended to
pressures from the public about food safety and security. reduce weed populations without degrading the environment
Sustainable weed management is one of the main challenges for (Conseil International de la Langue Française, 1971). Since then
both organic agriculture and conventional agriculture. Future weed their definition has evolved. According to Bailey (2014), bio-
management has to consider new tools, in addition to those herbicides are products of natural origin for weed control. Bio-
existing, as a part of integrated weed management. Bioherbicides herbicide products can be either living organisms, and more
are currently underused for many reasons (Ash, 2010; Auld and specifically micro-organisms, or products derived from living or-
Morin, 1995), although we will not detail them here. Even though ganisms, including the natural metabolites produced by these or-
research has long been conducted on weed biocontrol, few ganisms in the course of their growth and development.
biocontrol products have actually been launched on the market.
Bioherbicides should be reconsidered as a tool for integrated weed 3.2. Modes of action
management because: (i) legislation will drive a move from
chemical weed management to new options; (ii) the extent of The mode of action of bioherbicides is similar to plant-pathogen
organic agriculture is increasing throughout the world and needs interaction mechanisms and allelopathy (Harding and Raizada,
new tools to diversify the selection pressure on weeds and increase 2015). In the case of plant-pathogen interactions, the biocontrol
in weed control efficiency; (iii) both certified organic agriculture agent has to circumvent the weed's defense reactions. The rela-
and conventional conservation agriculture need tools to manage tionship between the two individuals has to be compatible for the
weeds and reduce their reliance on synthetic herbicides; (iv) her- pathogen (i.e., the biocontrol agent) to be able to infect the target
bicide resistance will be one of the biggest challenges in the next plant (Andanson, 2010). Different virulence factors are directly or
decades; (v) finally, public concern about environmental safety of indirectly involved in this infection process. Firstly, the agents could
herbicides has increased interest in developing effective be enzymes that degrade plant cell walls (pectinases, cellulases,
nonchemical weed management methods. Consequently, we pro- ligninases, etc.), proteins and lipid membranes (proteases, pepti-
vide here a short review of the existing bioherbicides on the market dases, amylases, phospholipases, etc.). They make it easier for the
and perspectives on the integration of bioherbicides in cropping biocontrol agents to get into and/or spread onto the host plant
systems for integrated weed management. (Ghorbani et al., 2005). Secondly, the agents could be phytotoxic
secondary metabolites and peptides that act as toxins that interfere
2. Biocontrol with plant metabolism (Stergiopoulos et al., 2013). The mecha-
nisms behind this metabolism interference have mainly been
Using biocontrol for pest management consists of applying the demonstrated in crops, rather than weeds, because too few studies
natural interactions that drive inter-species relationships to the have been devoted to weed-pathogen interactions including para-
control of the balance of pest populations, rather than on their sitic plants (Vurro et al., 2009). These toxins directly or indirectly
eradication (Herth, 2011). Biocontrol products represent an array of modify the expression of one or more genes which then lead to
tools to be used alone or in association with other plant protection plant death (Vincent et al., 2012; Torres et al., 2016). Toxins inter-
methods (Herth, 2011). We consider biocontrol agents to be cate- fere with a specific compound in the plant (an enzyme, a receptor,
gorized into four groups: macro-organisms (e.g. predators, para- etc.), so if this compound is missing or altered there is no toxic
sitoid insects, nematodes), micro-organisms (e.g. bacteria, fungi, effect (Xie et al., 2013). Therefore toxins and/or their molecular
viruses), chemical mediators (e.g. pheromones) and natural sub- targets are key determinants to characterize a host/pathogen range
stances (originated from plant or animal). Among these four cate- (Hoagland et al., 2007; Daguerre et al., 2014). In the case of alle-
gories, the last three belong to plant protection products, which fall lopathy, only molecules extracted from plants or micro-organisms
under the 1107/2009/CEE European regulation (Villaverde et al., are involved. This type of control corresponds to growth inhibi-
2014). tion events that occur in certain agriculture fields. Allelopathy is
Micro-organisms, macro-organisms, and natural substances are defined as “a negative or positive effect of chemical compounds
the most investigated biocontrol agents for weed control (Hinz produced by the secondary metabolism of plants or micro-
et al., 2014; Zimdahl, 2011). In our review, only micro-organisms organisms, and that have an influence on the growth and devel-
and natural substances will be considered. Micro-organisms can opment of biological and agricultural ecosystems (except mam-
be fungi, bacteria or viruses, whereas natural substances are mals)” (de Albuquerque et al., 2011). A well-known example is
derived from plants, animals or minerals. A review of the scientific hydroxamic acid, produced by maize (Collantes et al., 1998).
literature on the existing products on the market reveal that These different modes of action of microbial and plant origin
biocontrol agents targeting weeds are weakly developed compared provide an outstanding diversity of biochemical compounds that
with biocontrol agents targeting other pests and diseases. make it possible to target a large number of molecular sites in
weeds (Duke et al., 2000). Thus the possibilities for bioherbicide
3. Bioherbicides use are wide and should be taken advantage of. Depending on the
biological origin of the bioherbicide, its efficiency will be influenced
Bioherbicide products are adapted from natural substances by the specificity and virulence of its biocontrol agent, or on the
already present in the environment, so they are expected to be specificity of the natural substance. Moreover, for the bioherbicide
more environment-friendly. The half-life of bioherbicides is usually to be stored, marketed, handled and applied, it has to be formulated
shorter than that of chemicals (Duke et al., 2000). However, that a with co-formulants, the compositions of which are not systemati-
product is naturally derived does not mean it is actually harmless. cally made public, but which ensure that the product will have an
Certain natural toxins produced by plants or micro-organisms are effective mode of action. Additional factors that bioherbicide action
46 S. Cordeau et al. / Crop Protection 87 (2016) 44e49

depends on include dose, phenological stage of the target, and BioMal®. In 2006, the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA)
environmental conditions, including hygrometry (Ghorbani et al., re-evaluated the bioherbicide on the basis of new applicable
2006; Hallett, 2005). Recently, natural molecules such as phos- standards. However, in the absence of an industrial partner, the
phinothricin, a biosynthetic version of glufosinate, and bialophos, a registration validity period has expired.
microbial phytotoxic product, have made it possible to design Woad Warrior®, designed by Dr. Sherman Tomson in the USA,
commercial bioherbicides (Duke et al., 2000). Leptospermone, was authorized in 2002. The active agent of this bioherbicide is the
identified in 1977 for its herbicide properties, is a tricetone that has fungus Puccinia thlaspeos C. Shub., that controls the weed Isatis
been used to create numerous highly active chemical analogs such tinctoria L. This product is not available on the market, except to the
as Sulcotrione® (Duke et al., 2001) and Mesotrione® (Mitchell et al., laboratory of the University of Utah by request only.
2001). These products are not bioherbicides per se, but they were The bioherbicides Mycotech™ and Chontrol® Pastes were
synthesized and produced based on natural molecules. They derived from the fungus Chondrostereum purpureum (Fr.) Pouz.
represent only a small share of marketed herbicides, but they act on These products were launched to control shoots from Prunus
different molecular targets. Pure natural tricetones can be easily serotine Ehrh. stumps and Populus euramericana Guinier in the
extracted from plant essential oils, simply using sodium hydroxyde. sandy soils of conifer forests. Myco-Forestis Corporation registered
However, synthetic products have been more common thus far Chondrostereum purpureum strain HQ1 under the name of Myco-
because they are chemically more stable and less volatile. tech™ in 2002 in Canada and in 2005 in the USA. Chontrol® Pastes
Although a growing number of authors have reviewed bio- was elaborated from strain PFC 2139 of the fungus C. purpureum
herbicides (Bajwa et al., 2015; Harding and Raizada, 2015), unfor- isolated from apple tree in 2004 (Hintz, 2007). The registration
tunately most studies do not attempt to understand the modes of period of Mycotech™ expired in 2008 and is therefore no longer
action that drive the interactions between micro-organism or available on the market in France. However, Chontrol® Pastes is still
molecule and target plants; these studies also fail to address the available in the USA and Canada.
ecotoxicological impact of the bioherbicide (Fumagalli et al., 2013). The active principle of Smoulder® is the fungus Alternaria des-
Yet such information would allow us to optimize the conditions of truens L. Simmons, strain 059. This fungus is a pathogen of plants of
bioherbicide application and encourage bioherbicide use. From a the Cuscuta genus. It controls several species of dodders that infest
regulatory point of view, it is preferable although not required, to different crops such as alfalfa, carrot, cranberry, sweet pepper, to-
explain the mode of action of a bioherbicide for it to be authorized. mato, eggplant, cornflower, and ornamental ligneous plants. This
bioherbicide was discovered and developed by Dr. Tom Bewick at
4. Currently marketed products the Cranberry Experimental Station of the University of Massa-
chusetts. It was produced and registered by Loveland Products Inc.,
On a global scale, only thirteen bioherbicides derived from Greely CO, and Sylvan Bio Inc., Kittanning, PA, and authorized by
micro-organisms or natural molecules are currently available on the EPA in 2005 (Bailey, 2014). This biocontrol agent is sold in solid
the market. The first bioherbicides were marketed in the 1980s. granular form (Smoulder G) and wettable powder form (Smoulder
Since 1980, the number of biopesticides has increased around the WP).
world, while the market share of bioherbicides represents less than The bioherbicide Sarritor® is composed of the fungus Sclerotinia
10% of all biopesticides (i.e. biofungicides, biobactericides, bio- minor Jagger, strain IMI 344141 and controls dicot weeds in turf. The
insecticides, and bionematicides) (Charudattan, 2001). Only a few fungus was discovered by Dr Alan Watson in Quebec (Steward-
countries like the USA (n ¼ 4 bioherbicides available), Canada Wade et al., 2002). The product was first registered in 2007 with
(n ¼ 3), and the Ukraine (n ¼ 1) have bioherbicides on their markets proviso and after supplementary studies it was finally fully
(Bailey, 2014). Since 2015, following the authorization of the new authorized in 2010. However, that same year a new bioherbicide
herbicide Beloukha® in Europe, France is now part of the countries produced from chelated iron (hydroxy ethylenediamine triacetic
that have at least one bioherbicide on their market. Among the acid, FeHEDTA) was launched and as a result Sarritor® sales fell.
thirteen authorized bioherbicides, nine are based on fungal micro- Phoma was granted provisional registration for use on golf
organisms, three on bacterial micro-organisms, and one contains courses in Canada in 2011. In the USA, the product was fully
an active substance that is a natural plant extract. registered for the same use in 2012. This bioherbicide was initially
Devine™ (1981) was produced by Abott Laboratories in the USA developed to control dicots in golf courses, agriculture and agro-
(Kenney, 1986). It contains strain MVW of the oomycete Phytoph- forestry. The product contains the fungus Phoma macrostoma, strain
thora palmivora Butler. This bioherbicide was authorized to control 94-44B (Bailey and Falk, 2011). It was discovered by Karen Bailey
the weed Morrenia odorata (Hook. & Arn.) Lindl. in citrus crops. and Jo-Anne Derby, from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, and
However, since 2006 it is no longer available on the market. developed by The Scotts Company, USA.
Collego™ (1982) is produced in the USA by Upjohn Co (Bowers, The active principle ingredient of MBI-000 EP is thaxtomin A, a
1986). Its activity results from spores of the ATCC (American Type compound that is produced by fermentation from the bacterium
Culture Collection) 20358 strain of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Streptomyces acidiscabies, strain RL-110. MBI-005 EP is the com-
f.sp. aeschynomene. This bioherbicide targets Aeschynomene vir- mercial product used to manage Taraxacum officinale F.H.Wigg. in
ginica (L.) B.S.P. In 1997, the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) turf rolls composed of Poa pratensis L. and Festuca sp. (Pest
re-evaluated Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f.sp. aeschynomene, Management Regulatory Agency, 2013). It can also be used in
strain ATCC 20358, according to more recent standards. In 2006, agriculture, nurseries, and golf courses. Streptomyces acidiscabies
Collego™ became LockDown®. has a broad pre-emergence activity spectrumdit kills adventitious
BioMal® is a bioherbicide whose active agent is Colletotrichum plants when they germinatedand selective post-emergence ac-
gloeosporioides f.sp. malvae (c.g.m.) ATCC 20767 (Boyetchko et al., tivity on lawns and certain crops. MBI-005 was discovered and
2007). This biocontrol agent was registered as a bioherbicide in developed by Marrone Bio Innovations Inc. A commercial product
Canada by Philom Bios Inc. in 1992. This bioherbicide is used to based on MBI-005, Opportune®, is in the process of being marketed
control Malva pusilla crops. In 1994, production and sales following a favourable notice for registration in April 2012.
were interrupted due to production and marketing costs. The Camperico® was designed to control Poa annua L. in turf. Its
evolution of market conditions and the introduction of three new, active agent is the bacterial strain Xanthomonas campestris JTP482
less costly, chemical herbicides put an end to the marketing of (Imaizumi et al., 1997). This bioherbicide was developed under the
S. Cordeau et al. / Crop Protection 87 (2016) 44e49 47

commercial name Camperico® by Japan Tobacco Inc (Tateno, 2000). soybean. In conservation agriculture, where the use of tillage is
although the firm has not launched it for sale so far. reduced, weed seeds are concentrated in the upper soil layer
Organo-Sol® is a mixture of several lactic acid bacteria involved (Clements et al., 1996; Yenish et al., 1992), which allows surface
in the fermentation of dairy products (i.e. Lactoserum), which applications of bioherbicide agents to be in close proximity to weed
produce citric acid and lactic acid. These bacteria are: Lactobacillus seeds. Consequently, the potential for enhancing weed seed decay
casei, strain LTP-111, Lactobacillus rhamnous, strain LTP-21, Lacto- may be much greater in no-till. In addition, the higher moisture
bacillus lactis ssp. Lactis, strain LL64/CSL, Lactobacillus lactis ssp. rates (Blevins et al., 1971) and more stable temperatures (Stoller
Lactis, strain LL102/CSL, Lactobacillus lactis ssp. Cremoris, strain and Wax, 1973; Hatfield and Prueger, 1996) of no-till soil surfaces
M11/CSL. Organo-Sol® controls Trifolium repens L. and Trifolium are more conducive to the survival of applied bioherbicide agents.
pretense L., Lotus corniculatus L., Medicago lupulina L. and Oxalis
acetosella L. established in lawns. Organo-Sol® was authorized in 5.2. Increasing the efficacy of mechanical weeding
Canada in 2010 and is currently marketed under the name Kona™
by AEF Global. In 2014, AEF Global launched Bioprotec Herbicide™ Bioherbicide agents such as ‘deleterious rhizobacteria’ (DRB)
( Bioprotec Herbicide™ is the same product as have typically been applied directly to soil or vegetative residues to
Kona™, but is formulated differently for domestic use. attack germinating seeds and emerging seedlings and to eventually
In 2015, a new bioherbicide, Beloukha®, was authorized as a suppress weed growth (Kremer and Kennedy, 1996). Consequently,
plant protection product to be placed on the market in Europe. these bioherbicide agents could help improve weed control in the
Beloukha® can be used on grapevine to kill suckers and control early growth stages of the cash crop, when in-crop mechanical
weeds, and on potatoes to kill stems and leaves. In 2016/2017, weeding is too risky. Second applications of bioherbicide agents
Beloukha® will be on the European market and then should be just after mechanical weeding could control later emerging co-
authorized for markets in the USA and Japan. Beloukha® is derived horts, which often emerge after the pass of a rotary hoe or a tine
from rapeseed oil, using a natural extraction process. The extracted weeder (Melander et al., 2005). Mechanical weeding is most
molecules are nonanoic acid and pelargonic acid. Beloukha® is effective when weeds are at the cotyledon or seedling stage.
distributed by Jade Co., a subsidiary of ALIDAD’Invest Group Consequently, to achieve successful biocontrol of weed seedlings,
(Nguyen et al., 2013). Applications are currently under study to mechanical weeding should occur at the time when environmental
authorize its use in arboriculture and market gardening; Beloukha® factors are conducive to bacterial growth before bioherbicides
should be authorized soon. Finally, Katoun® (pelargonic acid), should be sprayed on the soil surface. Ideally, the critical period for
intended for non-agricultural lands (weeding of green spaces: park weed control should overlap both with the critical period for
paths, public gardens, sidewalks), will be distributed by Syngenta implementing mechanical weeding and with the critical period for
Co. the environmental application requirements for the bioherbicide
5. Bioherbicides as a tool for integrated weed management
5.3. Increasing the suppression effect of crop cultivars
Integrated Weed Management (IWM) is the control of weeds
through a long-term management approach by combining physical, The choice of crop varieties can be an IWM tool to compete with
genetic, biological, cultural and chemical weed management weeds (Andrew et al., 2015). In both conventional and organic
techniques (Swanton and Weise, 1991). Although none of the in- agriculture farmers tend to choose cultivars by their weed sup-
dividual techniques on their own can be expected to provide pression potential. Bioherbicides could be considered an additive
acceptable levels of weed control, if they are implemented in a tool to slow down the growth of weeds and increase weed:crop
systemic manner, significant weed management results can be competition in favour of the crop. Indeed, bioherbicide agents show
achieved. Over the past decades, IWM researches have focused on increasing efficacy for weed control when weeds suffer from crop
how to reduce the reliance on synthetic herbicides in cropping competition (Ditommaso et al., 1996; Kremer and Kennedy, 1996).
systems. Combining several techniquesdsuch as the diversification
of crops, soil tillage before sowing, and mechanical in-crop wee- 5.4. Terminating of cover crops
dingdcould lead to a decrease in herbicide use while maintaining
acceptable weed management (Chikowo et al., 2009). Bioherbicides Cover crops could be used as a tool to suppress weeds (Teasdale,
could help increase both the efficacy of individual weed control 1996) because they decrease weed emergence and reduce weed
techniques and the overall efficacy of the IWM systems to manage growth (Cordeau et al., 2015). However, even if mechanical termi-
weeds. nation of cover crops is effective (Mirsky et al., 2013), chemical
herbicides (e.g. glyphosate)deither alone at full dose or at low dose
5.1. Managing soil seed banks in addition to mechanical terminationdare often implemented.
Moreover, in continuous no-till systems, weed management is
Some soil micro-organisms target weed seeds (Davis et al., reliant only on the use of chemical herbicides. In no-till cover crop
2006; Kremer and Kennedy, 1996); mortality of weed seeds in based systems (e.g. conservation agriculture, Bajwa (2014)), bio-
soil could be increased by enhancing the soil biological activity herbicides could be a tool for in-crop integrated weed management
through improving soil quality (Gallandt et al., 1999). Persistence of as well as for cover crop termination, which would reduce the
weed seeds in the soil seed bank could also be decreased by the use reliance of these systems on the use of synthetic chemicals.
of bioherbicides with seed-targeting agents (see the review of
Wagner and Mitschunas (2008)). Isolates of Fusarium solani were 5.5. Managing herbicide resistant populations
identified to inhibit germination of Striga (Ahmed et al., 2001),
which is a noxious and economically important parasitic weed in Finally, integrated weed management is often utilized in the
cereal crops (Bebawi and Eplee, 1986). Motlagh (2011) isolated management of herbicide resistant plant populations (Chauvel
Epicoccum purpurascens Ehrenb from Echinochloa spp. and then et al., 2009; Owen et al., 2015). Herbicide resistance is now wide-
demonstrated a significant reduction of seed germination of this spread in many problematic weed species in crop production (Moss
noxious weed which emerges in summer cash crops like maize and et al., 2011), encouraged by the increasing dependence on a limited
48 S. Cordeau et al. / Crop Protection 87 (2016) 44e49

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Despite the promise shown by many bioherbicides, however, cropping systems to target pleiotropic effects when managing single-gene
few have achieved long-term commercial success, in part due to herbicide resistance in grass weeds. A blackgrass simulation study. Pest
inconsistent performance in field conditions. Research, develop- Manag. Sci.
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effective solutions on the bioherbicide world market. Given the Conseil International de la Langue Française, 1971. In: La banque des mots : revue
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wards sustainability in agriculture. Additionally, to increase the role Cramer, H.H., 1967. Plant Protection and World Crop Production. Bayer Pflanzen-
of bioherbicides in IWM, more assessments of the efficacy of bio- schutz-Nachrichten.
Daguerre, Y., Siegel, K., Edel-Hermann, V., Steinberg, C., 2014. Fungal proteins and
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management do not rely on any single weed management tech- view. Fungal Biol. Rev. 28 (4), 97e125.
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soils with contrasting agricultural management histories. Weed Sci. 54,
consequently, bioherbicides should be assessed concurrently with 291e297.
other weed management techniques in cropping systems de Albuquerque, M.B., dos Santos, R.C., Lima, L.M., Melo, P.D., Nogueira, R., da
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The literature and market review was financially supported by herbicides: current status and future trends. Weed Res. 40, 99e111.
INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural Research), Agrosup Duke, S.O., Baerson, S.R., Dayon, F.E., Kagan, I.A., 2001. Biocontrol of weeds without
(F-21000 Dijon, France) and De Sangosse (47480 Pont du Casse, the biocontrol. In: Vurro, M. (Ed.), Enhancing Biocontrol Agents and Handling
Risks. IOS Press., p. 96
France). The authors are grateful to Annie Buchwalter, science ed- French Ministry of Ecology Sustainable Development and Energy, 2015. The Most
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