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HSE Management System

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Published by MOL Group SD&HSE 2014

This publication is designed to provide user-friendly solution

in regard to the subject matter covered.







ELEMENT 1: Leadership, Commitment & Accountability 11
ELEMENT 2: Risk & Change Management 11
ELEMENT 3: Competence, Training & Awareness 12
ELEMENT 4: Planning & Targets 14
ELEMENT 5: Contractor HSE Management 15
ELEMENT 6: Design, Construction, Commissioning & Decommissioning 16
ELEMENT 7: Safe Operation & Work Practices 18
ELEMENT 8: Health Protection & Promotion 19
ELEMENT 9: Environmental Management 19
ELEMENT 10: Requirements, Information & Documentation 21
ELEMENT 11: Product Stewardship 23
ELEMENT 12: Communication & Consultation 24
ELEMENT 13: Incident Reporting & Investigation 25
ELEMENT 14: Emergency Planning & Response 25
ELEMENT 15: Assurance & Audits 26
ELEMENT 16: Social Impacts 27




4 5

April 2014
Operating under risky circumstances daily, MOL Group relies heavily on an effective and sustainable
Dear Colleagues, Health, Safety and Environment Management System. The Group HSE and Social Impact Policy is
Effective Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) management and high level HSE awareness lie the foundation of all HSE management systems at various MOL Group levels. The main goal of this
at the heart of MOL Group’s business and have become more crucial than ever. We operate in a guideline is to define the Group-level Health, Safety and Environment, as well as Community Impact
hazardous environment on a daily basis, and so it is essential that our approach to sustainable requirements to support MOL Group’s strategic business objectives.
development and risk management relies on our commitment to act responsibly and proactively on
the safety, health and environmental impact of our activities. On the road towards improved efficiency and increased transparency, we have introduced
improvements in the framework since the last handbook edition in 2008. For the first time, the Social
This Management System Handbook has been designed to provide you, as leaders and experts, Impacts element requirements have been incorporated as part of the main management framework.
with the necessary support in driving and embedding HSE across the organisation. Preventing This refreshed HSE MS manual provides for shorter, clearer and more streamlined requirements with
accidents, protecting our colleagues, contractors, and reducing our environmental footprint are the which all MOL Group colleagues must to comply. The Management System has been aligned with
responsibilities of all employees in MOL Group. Our leadership, with professional support from the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards and so it supports external certification authorities as well.
SD & HSE teams, must reinforce systematic management and implementation, and promote our HSE In addition, our Process Safety Management has also been integrated into Group HSE MS, ensuring
culture at all levels of operations. a better understanding of the overall HSE conditions and requirements at an operating company
level. Under certain Guideline elements, Group Practices have been issued to support the better
This new, updated edition of the HSE Management System Handbook is a collection of shorter, more understanding of Group SD & HSE requirements.
comprehensive guidelines that will ensure a more direct, transparent approach to the MOL Group
HSE strategy and management framework than previously. By clarifying accountabilities in the HSE Enabling our leaders and colleagues to embed HSE 1MOL GROUP
field, the manual enables all leaders to create and maintain an ownership culture in your teams, into our operations and our corporate culture, HSE and Social Impact Policy
furthering the implementation of guidelines. We encourage you to contact SD & HSE experts for any as well as to increase HSE awareness will be key
additional support you may need in applying the HSE MS manual more effectively. to our success in achieving our business targets.
Therefore, in support of the updated HSE MS, we
While these Group-level regulations contain the minimum requirements concerning health, safety introduced a live, interactive, and continuously We are committed to
and environmental compliance, additional measures need to be defined at a local or operating entity refreshed HSE Toolbox. It contains best practices, • c
ontributing to Sustainable Development by acting responsibly on the environmental,
safety, health and social impact of our activities as part of day-to-day business.

level as well. templates and compliance checklists that make • a

chieving a proactive HSE culture to prevent incidents of every type and reducing our en-
vironmental footprint whilst maximizing positive impact on society in general.

the HSE Toolbox a very useful device for all line

We are confident that the refined HSE Management System, our common approach and the joint managers and experts to use in daily operations.
delivery of these guidelines will contribute to the success of our business strategy.
Our aim has been to create an overarching
Thank you for your continuous support and commitment, Group Guideline that ensures a strong practical We operate a system to
foundation in the context of day-to-day business. •

comply with legal requirements and MOL Group standards
improve the overall health of all our employees
• control HSE, social risks and impact from our operations and products
Therefore, Group SD & HSE has been closely •

improve our high standard of emergency response capability
support climate protection initiatives

cooperating with the various Businesses and •

conserve natural values and biodiversity
ensure that contractors’ HSE performance is in line with our standards
appraise and reward accordingly employee and contractor HSE performance
Functional Units to assess any needs in the field • evaluate and improve our HSE performance and communicate it openly

All employees and our contractors have a responsibility to maintain high HSE standards and line
and introduce changes where necessary. management must take a leadership role in this. We also aim to promote this policy in non-operation-
ally-controlled businesses.

While the accountability to implement MOL Group Budapest, October 2011 Zsolt Hernádi
Chairman and CEO
József Molnár

HSE MS lies with everyone in the organisation, HSE : Health, Safety, Environment MOL GROUP Members

please remember that all employees, as well as

contractors have a responsibility to maintain high
HSE standards.
Zsolt Hernádi József Molnár Donna Darzentas
Chairman and CEO Group CEO SVP – SD & HSE Group SD & HSE


The MOL Group Governance System serves as a framework and a tool as it sets rules and provides Elements marked with * are supplemented with Group Practices (GP) that are available at the
guidance and best practices for MOL Group Companies on how to operate in an optimum way. The Group SD&HSE Management MOS site.
Regulatory System can be visualised as a pyramid which represents the following elements:

ELEMENT 1: Leadership, Commitment & Accountability

Leaders, managers, employees and contractors understand their accountabilities and demonstrate leadership
and commitment to Group HSE and Social Impact Policy through visible and effective HSE management.

ELEMENT 2: Risk & Change Management*

HSE hazards and risks associated with MOL Group activities are identified, assessed and managed
to prevent or reduce the likelihood and consequences of incidents. Planned and unplanned changes
must be identified and managed.

ELEMENT 3: Competence, Training & Awareness

Employees, contractors and visitors are aware of relevant HSE requirements, hazards, risks and
controls, are competent to conduct their activities and behave responsibly. Skills and competencies
are regularly assessed.

ELEMENT 4: Planning & Targets

HSE Planning is an integral part of business planning with strategic objectives, goals, and annual
targets to drive performance improvement.
This MOL Group HSE Management System document is an overarching Group Guideline that
ensures the Group-level governance of HSE and includes basic principles and rules that apply in this ELEMENT 5: Contractor HSE Management*
field across the entire organisation. Contractors are assessed for their capabilities and competencies to perform work for or on behalf
of MOL Group, and to ensure that their HSE performance is aligned with MOL Group requirements.
Certain elements in the HSE MS Handbook are supplemented by Group Practices (GP). You can access
these on the Group SD & HSE Management MOS site and on the CIP among the “List of valid Regulations”. ELEMENT 6: Design, Construction, Commissioning & Decommissioning*
Assessment and management of HSE risks is an integral part of project design, construction,
The expectations by the HSE MS Manual and the requirements by the Group Practices are commissioning and decommissioning which enables sound HSE performance throughout the
complemented by Local Operative Regulations (LOR) that regulate and apply to all HSE aspects of construction and operational life of the facility.
daily operations in the OpCos.
ELEMENT 7: Safe Operation & Work Practices*
All recommended reference documents (including compliance checklists, best practices, templates, All plants and assets are operated and maintained according to regulations, programs, procedures
process methodologies, training materials, etc.) are stored in the HSE Toolbox. These Technology and standards that are implemented to manage risk.
and HSE Related Documents support MOL Group managers and employees to embed HSE into
MOL Group operations as well as ensuring a relevant framework for the implementation of these ELEMENT 8: Health Protection & Promotion*
rules as part of corporate culture. The HSE Toolbox is therefore a highly recommended and very Programs to protect employee health and provide medical treatment are in place. Employees are
useful tool for all MOL Group employees to use in day-to-day operations. Using the recommended encouraged to lead a healthy lifestyle.
practices is similar to that of standards: if the OpCo decides to follow another practice, it must
be proven that the methodology and procedure is at least as safe and reliable as the practice ELEMENT 9: Environmental Management
recommended by the Group. The HSE Toolbox is available on the Group SD & HSE MOS site under The MOL Group environmental footprint is reduced and environmental performance is improved
the ‘SD & HSE Strategy, Policy, Targets and Regulations’ menu. through implementation of requirements to minimize and/or prevent impacts from our operations.


ELEMENT 10: Requirements, Information & Documentation AIM
Applicable legal, regulatory and voluntary requirements are identified, accessible and understood. The main goal of this Group Guideline is to define the Group level Health, Safety and Environment and
Accurate information and documentation is systematically maintained. Community Impacts requirements set in order to support MOL Group’s business strategic objectives.

ELEMENT 11: Product Stewardship The implementation is the common responsibility of the Group SD&HSE Senior Vice President,
The lifecycle HSE impacts of MOL Group’s products and services are assessed, managed and local CEOs and local SD&HSE Managers. The local CEO/Managing Director is Accountable for the
communicated to customers and users to enable responsible usage. Introduction of new hazardous implementation.
products into manufacturing or operation is controlled.
ELEMENT 12: Communication & Consultation
Open, proactive and effective HSE communication and consultation is maintained with stakeholders Date of effect
regarding the HSE aspects of our business.
From the Date of effect, 01 February 2014, the provisions of this Group Guideline are mandatory and
ELEMENT 13: Incident Reporting & Investigation* binding for all affected employees, and all annulled Regulation(s) indicated in on page 29 become(s)
Incidents are reported, investigated and analyzed to prevent recurrence and improve performance. invalid. Implementation of Group Guidelines shall be started as published on Group SD&HSE
Corrective actions are applied and learnings shared. Management MOS site.

ELEMENT 14: Emergency Planning & Response* Date of implementation

Plans, procedures and resources are in place to effectively respond to emergency situations, to
protect the workforce, environment and public, and to preserve the company’s assets and reputation. Until the Date of implementation, 31 October 2014, the Mandatory Business Rules to be regulated
on local level shall be implemeneted as Local Operative Regulations by MOL Group Companies
ELEMENT 15: Assurance & Audits indicated in the Relevancy Matrix (available at CIP/Regulations/Regulation in the MOL Group/
HSE Performance and systems are monitored, audited and reviewed to identify trends, measure Relevancy Matrix).
progress, assess compliance and drive continuous improvement.
ELEMENT 16: Social Impacts All expectations in the HSE Group Guideline are mandatory. Relevant glossary of each Group Practices
Managing the social impacts of our operations enhances the trust of the communities where is attached to the GP itself. Compulsory records to be retained are indicated below each Element.
we operate.
All recommended reference documents (including but not limited to Compliance checklists;
Recommended practices; Templates; Process methodologies; Training materials, etc.) are stored in
the HSE Toolbox, which can be accessed at the Group SD&HSE Management MOS site as well.


MOL Group uses a set of leading and lagging indicators to measure overall HSE effectiveness and
performance. Businesses and Operating Companies can apply more specific and relevant indicators
which will be used to measure their performances.

Usage of indicators, including Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is defined and controlled by Group
SD & HSE, who updates the indicator list by December. If list is modified during the year, Group SD &
HSE shall inform relevant HSE contacts in advance. The list in effect is available at the Group SD&HSE
Management MOS site.


I. Leadership, Commitment & Accountability

I.1 Everyone in MOL Group is personally responsible for HSE (at his/her level).

I.2 HSE Strategy, plans and objectives are Business responsibility.

I.3 Systems for HSE management must be established, implemented and supported throughout the organisation.

I.4 Roles, responsibilities, authorities and accountabilities must be clearly established.

Leaders must be fully aware and demonstrate visible leadership and proactive commitment towards HSE
excellence through:
a. setting a personal example to follow
b. communicating HSE requirements to employees clearly
c. discussing and reviewing progress against HSE targets
d. demonstrating personal participation in HSE initiatives
e. recognising good practice
f. applying progressive consequence

Leaders must integrate HSE issues as first agenda points into management meetings or set up equivalent
I.6 managerial HSE Forum. Leaders must integrate Group HSE targets into their business targets as well as
business and personal performance evaluation systems.

Leaders must engage in clear, two-way communication with employees, contractors and third parties on
HSE issues. Leaders must ensure HSE trainings in their area of responsibilities.

Employees, contractors and customers must be aware of proper HSE behaviour expected from them and
consequences of inappropriate conduct.

Systems must be in place that recognize, reinforce and reward HSE performance, innovation, initiatives
and desired behavior.

Employees and contractors must understand that they have the right and responsibility to stop work or
I.10 refuse to work in circumstances that may cause HSE harm, and to immediately bring these situations to
the attention of management.

I.11 Leaders must have the knowledge and skills to apply management system tools.

Local version of the HSE and Social Impact Policy

Documented Management System, Guidelines and rules
Meeting agendas indicating the incorporation of HSE topics
to be
Managers’ site inspection records, reports
HSE Strategies, Action Plans and objectives
Performance (organizational and individual) management related documents

Employee and contractor/supplier HSE and process safety competencies and training needs must be
II. Risk & Change Management
III.3 identified, documented and periodically reviewed. Training plans and calendars must be synchronized
with HR for best resource management.
A system must be in place to identify, assess, manage, regularly review and document health, safety
II.1 and environment related hazards and risks associated with all activities (including project definition and Written procedures must exist to govern HSE Competency Assessments and Training procedures at
implementation, operation, workplace, task related, etc.). company level. It must contain the following:
a. Content; length of the induction HSE Training and the way of examination;
Fire Hazard Analysis1 must be available for all operations and plants where the amounts of flammable b. Requirements regarding the training of visitors, students and part time employees;
materials indicate high risk of serious process incident (fire or explosion) occurrence. III.4 c. Practical training requirements if applicable;
d. Refreshing training requirements including frequency (yearly frequency is recommended) and topics:
The methodology used for risk assessment must be selected appropriately to the complexity of the induction and practical training topics,
assessed activities/workplaces. new HSE requirements becoming effective since the last training,
lessons learned from incidents.
II.4 Risk assessment must be conducted by competent personnel with appropriate knowledge and experience.
III.5 New hires have to be trained before starting work individually, refresher training must take place periodically.
Identified risks, preventive, control and mitigation measures must be documented and tracking system
for regular reviews must be in place, to ensure recommendations are implemented. Induction Training materials must contain the following topics as a minimum:
a. HSE Policy
II.6 Risk maps must be available on Business and legal entity level.
b. Work safety rules
c. Hazards of work places, processes and materials
Identified risks, preventive, control and mitigation measures must be communicated to all relevant
II.7 d. Environmental protection
employees and affected parties. III.6
e. Fire-protection
Management of change process must be in place in PSM relevant businesses to assess, control and manage all f. Work-hygiene
critical changes to organization/personnel, technologies, facilities and processes. The system must also assure g. First-aid knowledge
II.8 h. Rules in case of fire & emergency rules
proper authorization of changes, essential communication and training so that all affected businesses can
successfully manage new risks. i. Life Saving Rules

Changes (even temporary) in operations, processes and activities can potentially invalidate prior risk III.7 The induction HSE Training must be held by competent person.
assessments; therefore all changes must be accordingly re-assessed from risks point of view. Risk
II.9 III.8 A test for understanding must be carried out after the training.
assessments related to changes must be subject to the same rigorous review that is applied to new
processes and activities.
III.9 Language and cultural circumstances must be considered when planning and delivering/performing training.
PSM relevant technologies/operations must be compliant with relevant PSM requirements defined in
II.10 After returning to work after more than 6 months of break the employee must be regarded as a new
PSM Audit questionnaires. III.10
hire and be trained accordingly.
Written procedure on Risk and Change Management III.11 HSE and Process Safety Critical Jobs and relevant competencies including training needs must be determined.
Technology and workplace related risk assessments
Records Risk assessment schedule/program (for periodic risk assessment) Employees working in Process Safety Critical Jobs must be trained at least on following:
to be Risk Map(s) a. Basic operational skills;
retained Recommendations and their tracking b. Specific process or job task training - specific safety and health risks and procedures and safe work
Change authorization documentation practices applicable to an employee’s assignment;
Temporary operating manual (if applicable) III.12
c. Emergency response and control procedures - training shall cover safe and prompt shutdown of
facilities, accounting for personnel, first-aid assistance, notification of affected parties, coordination
Proposed content of Fire Hazard Analysis – see Risk Assessment HSE Toolbox package with site and local emergency response groups, and notification of regulatory agencies and fire-
fighting efforts.
III. Competence, Training & Awareness
Criteria and local regulation regarding management of change of process safety critical personnel must
III.13 be in place to ensure that minimum levels of specific, direct, process experience and minimum levels of
Recruitment, selection and placement processes must be in place to ensure that personnel are qualified,
III.1 knowledge and skill in managing process safety are maintained.
competent and physically and mentally able to meet job requirements.
After serious incidents, the affected department leader(s) must perform extraordinary training on the
III.2 Legally required HSE qualifications must be met for specific jobs. III.14
lessons learnt points to prevent recurrence.

Induction and yearly refresher training must be held for Filling Station staff (COCA, CODO & DODO Annual HSE Action Plan(s) must be updated and communicated when significant change(s) or new
III.15 IV.10
operation modes). development(s) occur(s).

Contractors/Suppliers working permanently or temporarily on MOL Group sites must be trained. Performance, action plans and targets must be monitored on on-going basis by responsible persons and
III.16 IV.11
For reference see details in HSE_1_G5.1.1 Contractor HSE Management Global Operative Regulation. management as decided by leadership.

Visitors and others not permanently working for MOL Group must be informed about basic local HSE Company level regulation must exist for local reporting requirements including company responsible,
III.17 IV.12
rules (before entering site). deadlines, data gathering process.

Competency assessment records The following minimum aspects must be regulated:

Training records a. identification of data source of each HSE (K)PI;
to be
Required Professional HSE related qualifications IV.13 b. establish the process of reporting HSE (K)PIs,
Required PSM records c. nomination of data owner to each HSE (K)PI,
d. nomination of approval of (K)PI report.
IV. Planning & Targets The data gathered, must serve as basis for analysis and for future improvement(s) of MOL Group
HSE Planning is an integrated part of Business Planning, its schedule must always be harmonized with
the MOL Group planning calendar. Aggregated data must be used for management reviews and as input for for continuous HSE
improvement actions and decisions.
HSE Planning at all level must be in line with the HSE & Social Impact Policy and with approved HSE
Strategy and annual strategic objectives. The reported data, the analysis result must be shared with line Management, who have the
responsibility to take action(s) on the basis of the information, on proposed step(s).
As a minimum, Group and Business Performance Indicators must be used to measure HSE performance
in Businesses and in affected Functional Unit(s). Group Strategic Objectives, Group level HSE Targets and (Key) Performance Indicators
Records Business and affected Functional Unit(s)/Flagship HSE Strategic Objectives, Targets,
IV.4 HSE KPIs must be incorporated into employee’s and managerial performance system. to be (Key) Performance Indicators
retained HSE Programs and Action Plans
MOL Group companies, for their Business Unit(s) and affected Functional Unit(s) must annually set: All records proving data correctness on Business, Functional Unit, company and Group level
measureable HSE objectives and targets;
leading and lagging indicators
IV.5 V. Contractor HSE Management
that are documented, communicated, monitored and reviewed. They must be consistent with the MOL
Group level HSE targets, taking into account the relevant HSE risks, legal requirements, and consider
technological aspects, Business requirements and the interests of stakeholders Contractual works must be carefully planned. Hazards and risks associated with contractor activities
V.1 must be identified, assessed, communicated and managed throughout the procurement process and the
Annual HSE Action Plan (actions, tasks, projects and programs) must be put in place and include entire duration of the contract.
responsibilities, resources and time frames to achieve HSE targets and objectives.
Contractors must be pre-screened and/or pre-qualified depending on contract risk category to perform
Action Plan must be approved and communicated by relevant management level (Group, Business and/ work in a safe and environmentally sound manner.
or company).
Interfaces between contract owner/site owner and contractors must be identified and managed.
HSE spend/costs must be considered, CAPEX and OPEX needs and other resources and they must be Contractors must be trained on HSE principles prior commencing any work.
incorporated into Business Plan.
It must be ensured that the Contractors are in control of their own activities; their monitoring must be
To compile an annual HSE Action Plan the following inputs must be considered: performed in necessary frequency.
a. HSE & Social Impact policy, strategic goals and objectives,
b. HSE (liability) assessment reports, requirement of relevant HSE legislations, All contracted or ordered tasks to be completed safely, in accordance with established procedures and/
IV.9 c. HSE risk map, HSE training needs, or safe work practices.
d. Findings of previous HSE audits (internal and external) and relevant improvement actions,
e. Stakeholders’ expectations, Principles of progressive disciplinary/consequence application must be followed in case of safety rule
f. Availability of the company resources. V.6 violations, unsafe acting or creation of unsafe conditions. Contractors must be encouraged to report
unsafe acts and conditions, safety rule violations as well as incidents.

A system for post-evaluation of Contractors involved in medium and/or high risk category contracts with
MOL Group must be in place and used.

Single Service Companies of MOL Group must have a valid certificate based on SCC/SCCP, no later than
December 31, 2015.

Records about decision on risk category and work complexity

Pre-screening questionnaire
Pre-screening/pre-qualification/process deviation approval records
Records Pre-screening/pre-qualification records/database
to be HSE plan
retained HSE audit/inspection/observation etc. records
Permits to work
On site review meeting memo
Post-evaluation records/database

VI. Design, Construction, Commissioning & Decommissioning

The planning, design and selection of new technologies, sites/plant, equipment and workplaces must
VI.1 take into account known and projected HSE aspects and risks, and consider provisions for maintenance,
modification, decommissioning, disposal and closure.

Project HSE plans, relevant legal requirements/procedures defining technical integrity, HSE specifications
VI.2 and quality assurance requirements must be established, documented, understood and their
implementation must be verified.

Technical standards for design, construction and commissioning (including any modifications) must meet or
VI.3 exceed regulatory requirements, relevant industry codes and standards. Recognized and generally accepted
good engineering practises (RAGAGEP), process safety and risk management principles must be applied.

During facility design and construction, technical and HSE risks, social and environmental impacts,
emissions and discharges minimisation must be considered.

Design review process must ensure that HSE risks and related considerations are effectively identified,
addressed and documented.

Operational, maintenance and HSE expertise must be integrated early in the project/design phase.
Experiences from previous projects and current operations must be applied.

A commissioning plan must be documented and approved so that it incorporates HSE risk management
VI.7 and defines responsibilities and competencies. The plan must ensure that the facility, plant and equipment
conform to required standards for start-up and operability.

VI.8 Pre-start-up review must be conducted and documented to confirm that the facility is safe to start-up.

VI.9 Decommissioning plan must be established prior to decommissioning.

Project HSE plan

Final design documentation (as built)
Records Equipment design basis - documentation
to be Written procedure on Quality Assurance (PSM relevant)
retained Quality control procedures
Records from tests and inspections
Records from PSSRs (PSM relevant)

VII. Safe Operation & Work Practices VIII. Health Protection & Promotion

Safe systems of works must be established, implemented and maintained to ensure that all health and Chemical, physical, biological, psychological/psycho-social and ergonomics workplace hazards must be
safety related risks are adequately managed. VIII.1 identified and their inventory must be available. The hazard related exposures or risks must be assessed
and regularly revised by competent personnel.
Own staff as well as contractors must exercise safe behaviour; follow safe operational rules as well as
safe work practices. VIII.2 Health exposures or risks must be managed through preventative and protection measures.

Safety critical operational processes and activities must be identified and executed according to Task/job related health screenings (fitness for duty medical evaluations) of all employees must be
documented regulations to ensure appropriate control and safe operation. performed regularly in line with local legal and MOL Group requirements.

Permit to work process must be established to ensure that hazardous, non-routine work is assessed, First aid facilities and/or ready access to adequate medical services must be ensured at every worksite
VII.4 planned, authorized and carried out in a way that ensures health and safety of the employees and based on complexity of operation, number of employees and remoteness of the worksite (i.e. basic first
contractors involved, and others who may be affected. VIII.4 aid to full scale medics/paramedics intervention). Urgent off-site emergency medical service (including
medical evacuation) must be available within the local legal requirements and at least within 4 hours
Hazardous energy control and isolation process must be established that ensures health and safety of even in case of the most remote worksite.
the employees and contractors involved, and others who may be affected.
VIII.5 A formal program to return to work/fitness for duty and to promote health, wellness must be in place.
Plant and equipment must be operated and maintained within design parameters, using systems and
procedures that manage the HSE risk. Sampling results
Medical records
Systems must be established, documented and maintained to ensure the ongoing integrity of plant Records
Fitness for duty records
VII.7 and equipment. These must include procedures for maintenance, inspection, testing, calibration and to be
Medical protocols
certification of equipment at frequencies that meet legal and manufacturer requirements. retained
Housekeeping records
Catering hygiene and food safety records
VII.8 Any modification of operating or design limits must be subject to a Management of Change (MoC) process.

An appropriate fire prevention system must be operated and maintained to prevent the evolvement of IX. Environmental Management
circumstances that may cause fire or explosion in operational areas.
Legal requirements and internal standards
The reliability and availability of protective systems and equipment (critical alarm, shutdown, emergency-
VII.10 response, PPE etc.) must be maintained through appropriate testing and maintenance programs, including All activities must be developed and implemented in accordance with relevant local/international
management of temporary disarming, overriding, by-passing or deactivation. environmental legislative and regulatory requirements.

VII.11 Appropriate controls must be implemented to prevent road accidents in line with the Road Safety principles. A management process must be in place by which all new external and internal legislative and regulatory
IX.2 developments are tracked, their impact on the business is assessed and the compliance actions are
Relevant Local operative regulation(s) incorporated into the business planning process.
Relevant PSM element audit questionnaires
Copies of open/closed PTWs Internal standards defined in other regulations and/or HSE Toolbox must be followed. In situations
Gas detector certifications and calibration documents IX.3 where there are differences between internal requirements and legal requirements, the more stringent
Training diaries requirements must be followed.
Personal certifications for operating hazardous machinery (e.g. fork lift operator) or performing high
to be
risk activity (e.g. rigger) in line with local legislation Management tools
Incident database (including Life Saving Rule violations)
Certifications and inspection documents of cranes, hoists and lifting equipment Each company must establish an environmental management system, which may be part of the HSE
Certifications and/or inspection documents of personal fall protection systems and other PPE Management System, to effectively identify and control key environmental impacts and risks.
Scaffold handover tag template
Operating procedures and records etc. For all major projects (new activities, facility developments and/or significant modification of existing
IX.5 operations) environmental aspects must be assessed with an appropriate tool (e.g. Environmental
Impact Assessment, ENVID etc.).

Application of best available techniques (BAT) must be considered in the design phase of project Spill and Loss Prevention:
development. a. A risk assessment process associated with hazardous material (including oil) spills must be developed
taking into account the site specificity (upstream operation, logistic depot, transportation, etc)
Environmental liabilities of operations appointed for closure (including for a temporary period), b. Based on the risk assessment, a spill prevention plan/programme must be in place so as to avoid
IX.7 decommissioning, abandonment and divestment must be assessed and their control/management must contamination of land, groundwater and surface waters.
be clarified. c. An Emergency Response Plan (ERP) developed based on assessed risks including those relating to
potential hazardous materials spills must be in place in accordance with the Emergency Planning and
Key Environmental Elements Response Regulation.

Green House Gases (GHG) and Energy Efficiency: Soil and groundwater protection:
a. GHG emission plans covering direct and indirect emissions must be in place, monitored and reported a. A location specific risk assessment must be elaborated for the protection of soil and underground
IX.8 according to local legal requirements and MOL Group requirements water, developed in accordance with Risk and Change Management Regulation
b. An energy management plan must be developed with the aim to reduce energy consumption, costs, b. The contamination of soil and groundwater from past and current operation must be assessed
and GHG emission at least every 5 years at all sites selected on a risk basis. In the event that significant soil and/or
groundwater contamination is suspected/found, the cause of the contamination must be investigated
Air emissions: and mitigation measures must be taken to prevent further contamination from that source and
a. All key air emissions (such as SOx, NOx, CH4, NMVOC, particulate matter, etc.) must be monitored and remedial action must be taken to clean up the contamination to the satisfaction of the local
reported in accordance with local legal requirements and MOL Group requirements regulatory authorities or to a level that will avoid undue risk to human health or ecological receptors,
b. Application of the most environmental friendly and economically feasible methods to inventory, as determined by the site-specific risk assessment, whichever is the more stringent.
control and reduce air emissions must be ensured. A location specific air emission risk assessment
must be in place in accordance with Risk and Change Management Regulation Biodiversity
a. A Biodiversity action plan (BAP) must be developed, implemented and reviewed in case of change in
Water management: operation or legal requirements in each site which is in/adjacent to environmentally sensitive area.
a. A location specific assessment of water related risk to operations, the environment and community must IX.14
Recommended practice: engagement with stakeholders (e.g. National Parks, green NGOs, etc.)
be in place in accordance with Risk and Change Management Regulation b. The statements of the Biodiversity Action Plan have to be evaluated annually.
b. Processes must be in place to track water consumptions and plans must be developed to increase the c. The Biodiversity Action Plan has to be taken into account in the project planning phase.
efficiency of operations and minimize water usage and losses.
c. Wastewater discharges must be monitored, characterized and documented. Water discharge limits must Light pollution, noise,vibration, odour:Impacts related to light pollution, noise, vibration and odour must
IX.10 IX.15
be revised when the case (i.e. when business activities or processes change that could result in changes be assessed and managed.
in water discharge characteristics) in accordance with international/local legal requirements and internal
requirements (if any) Environmental reports – emission inventories
d. Operations must ensure, that hazardous substances are handled safely, that leaks and spills are Environmental permits and licence to operate
prevented, and waste water is discharged only to the designated discharge points, complying with Records Waste management plan
applicable discharge limits. to be Energy Management Plan
retained Environmental (and Social) Impact Assessment
Waste management: Water pollution emergency plans
a. Hazardous and non-hazardous waste inventory and classification and a waste management Biodiversity Action Plan
programme must be developed, maintained and reviewed on a regular basis. The programme must
contain as minimum the following steps: methods to appropriately manage the waste, to minimise
the waste generation, to identify the ultimate end point of treatment and disposal for all wastes, X. Requirements, Information & Documentation
IX.11 including any residues from treatment
b. Opportunities to eliminate, remove, reduce, reuse, recycle and recover waste wherever practicable Legal and other requirements
must be identified via the waste management programme and implemented based on the specificity
of each site. Special attention must be focused on hazardous and/or high volume wastes. Feasibility Businesses and/or Operating companies must develop, implement and maintain a documented
of pre-treatment of waste (e.g. filtration, centrifuging, solidification) must be assessed in order to procedure(s) to:
make the choice of final disposal easier or more economical. a. identify and access all legal requirements and other requirements to which the operating company
subscribes and that are applicable to its activities, products and services (e.g. Operating companies
shall monitor additional laws and regulations affecting activities outside the range of Group HSE
monitoring activities);
b. track, review, understand legal requirements and distribute them among departments to ensure

In case a company has other standard based requirement system(s) in force e.g. ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001,
X.2 or other specific industry recommended practices (e.g. OGP, IADC) this/these system(s) must be fully
harmonized with MOL Group HSE MS requirements

Information and Documentation

Information necessary for identification and understanding HSE hazards derived from MOL Group
activities and operations must be kept continuously in up-to-date status.

Business where Process Safety Management is relevant, must have a system to ensure continuous
X.4 up-to-date status and availability of process safety information package – hazard of material, process/
technology design bases and equipment design bases.

Relevant process safety information must be communicated to all employees (own or contractors) who
are involved in operation or maintenance of PSM relevant technologies/operations.

The following documents are regarded as controlled HSE documents:

HSE and Social Impact Policy,
X.6 HSE Group Guideline,
Group Level Regulations,
HSE Local Operative Regulations.

HSE Documents and Information must exist in languages understandable to the affected employees,
contractors and other parties.

Controlled HSE documents must be approved prior to issue; and after any update documents must be

Controlled HSE documents must contain as a minimum: owner, approver, date of revision, date of effect,
identification (e.g. title, number, etc.), scope and applicability.

Records must be retained according to the rules of MOL Group’s Document management Global
regulation and remain legible, identifiable and traceable.

List of applicable HSE legal and/or regulatory requirements.

Records List of permits, consent orders, certificates of operation, certificates by external companies, etc.,
to be applicable to an operating company indicating the compliance status
retained List of other (e.g. voluntary) requirements to which an operating company subscribes
Records verifying compliance with legal and other requirements

XI. Product Stewardship

Ownership of Product Stewardship within MOL Group and relevant member companies must be
assigned and responsibilities for individual Product Stewardship process steps must be defined.

Product stewardship process must identify risks related to dangerous substances/products at an early
stage and manage those risks along the value chain (i.e. development, authorization, registration
and restriction on their manufacture, market distribution, use, disposal or recycle), thereby enabling
adequate protection of human health and the environment.

New product assessments must be conducted prior introduction to market in order to identify and address HSE Communication Plan (can be part of overall communication plan)
health, safety and environmental hazards and risk associated with their normal use and potential misuse. External HSE communication requests
Periodic re-assessments must be conducted if product specification changes, including collection and Internal/external communication materials – Communication approvals
XI.3 to be
review of adverse effects reported or experienced. Records of assessment and re-assessment must be Communications received form regulators and non-governmental organizations
kept up-to-date. A product dossier must be established for all dangerous products bringing together all the Sustainability Reports
information that the company holds on a product throughout the lifecycle. Safety Council meeting minutes and related action plans

A control process must be in place and operation for introduction of new hazardous products into the
manufacturing or operation process incl. selection of relevant Safety Data Sheet with Exposure Scenarios
XIII. Incident Reporting & Investigation
XI.4 (where applicable) and related operational conditions (OC) and risk management measures (RMM).
An audit process must be in place and operation to ensure control over implementation of operational XIII.1 All HSE incidents must be reported, mitigated, recorded, investigated and analyzed in a timely manner.
conditions and risk management measures defined in relevant Exposure Scenarios (ESs).
Initial incident consequence classification must be performed for People, Environment Assets, and
Packaging and labelling of dangerous products put on market must be in line with classification, Reputation (PEAR) or HiPo categories when reporting the incident.
packaging and labelling standards (national and/or international – e.g. CLP, GHS).
High risk incidents and major incidents must be investigated by a multi-functional/level team with
A system must be in place to respond to emergency requests for MOL Group product health, safety XIII.3 participation and leadership from outside the Business Unit concerned. In case of process incidents the
XI.6 and environmental information. Safety Data Sheets must be developed in line with national and/or failed PSM element(s) must be identified.
international standards and made available.
XIII.4 The root causes of incidents must be identified so that actions can be taken to prevent their recurrence.
A procedure for dealing with complaints and inquiries must be in place, including a re-call process for
XI.7 Corrective and preventive actions must be identified and prioritized aiming to eliminate or reduce
dangerous products where defect could give rise to health, safety and environmental hazards.
XIII.5 the risk and recurrence of incidents and near-misses (all recommendations should be in the form of
Transportation of dangerous goods ensured or contracted by MOL Group member company must be in measurable actions with clearly-defined responsible parties and time scales for implementation).
XI.8 line with the national and/or international standards related to carriage of dangerous goods (e.g. ADR,
ADN, RID etc). For major incidents and HiPo incidents, the relevant investigation reports must be submitted to MOL
Group for pre-approval – before finalizing the report.
List of identified uses of substances, Information gathered from incidents must be analyzed to identify lessons learned and to monitor
to be
Labels. XIII.7 trends. Relevant lessons learned must be shared across the organization with stakeholders, and others
as appropriate, to prevent such incidents recurring.

XII. Communication & Consultation HSE near-misses, unsafe acts and unsafe condition must be reported, mitigated and relevant learnings
Open and proactive communications must be established and maintained with employees, contractors,
XII.1 Incident investigation reports incl. near-misses
regulatory agencies, public organizations, communities and all others stakeholders.
Records Preventive Action defined to avoid recurrence
XII.2 External and internal communication must present the company’s HSE commitment. to be Internal communication on lessons learned
retained Reports extracted from incident investigation documents
XII.3 HSE communication plan must be developed, implemented and reviewed regularly. Newsflash

XII.4 Safety Councils must be set up and operated taking into account relevant legal requirements, if any.
XIV. Emergency Planning & Response
External stakeholder inquiries and complaints must be recorded, answered and investigated (if relevant)
XII.5 and must be regularly reviewed by the managemen. Communications concerning HSE performance Plans, procedures and resources must be available to effectively respond to emergency situations in
must be directed to SD & HSE Manager, or authorized designee to determine an appropriate response. XIV.1 order to protect the workforce, environment, the public and customers, and to preserve the MOL Group
assets and reputation.
The SD & HSE Manager must retain copies of all written communications from external parties,
XII.6 including regulators, on HSE matters for the predefined time period based on the Record Retention Systems must be in place to identify potential emergency scenarios and their likely impact, including
Rules of MOL Group. those on nearby operations and communities.

All HSE relevant communication with media must be pre-approved by the relevant Communication Emergency response plans, crisis management plans as well as business continuity/disaster recovery
department . plans must be aligned.

Emergency response plan(s) must be appropriately communicated to all affected employees, XV.12 Findings from audits must be documented, tracked and resolved within the required deadline.
contractors, and to all visitors and other relevant third parties.
Results of periodic compliance evaluation
Resources, including equipment and warning/alerting devices, required for emergency response and Audit reports
recovery activities must be available, maintained, and tested. Records Annual Group level and local Audit Plan
to be Self-assessment reports
Emergency response preparedness simulations and drills must be scheduled, carried out and evaluated. retained PSM Self-assessment reports
Emergency plans must be updated based on evaluation and lessons learned. PSM relevant records
PSM audit reports
Evaluation report of an emergency drill
Report on emergency response
to be XVI. Social Impacts
Annual training plan for emergency response team/unit
Maintenance/test records of emergency equipment
Implementation of the following expectations must be ensured at site level. Site level compliance can be
XVI.1 fulfilled with individual plans/systems or can be covered by higher (e.g. company, country) level systems.
XV. Assurance & Audits
The expectations are different in project development, operational and abandonment phases.

MOL Group level, Business level and company level HSE (including Process Safety Management) Project development and abandonment phase:
XV.1 performance must be monitored, evaluated and reported in a way that it must be verified both within Assessments must be performed for investments and for abandonments:
the company and externally. Performance must be periodically evaluated and improved.
Social impacts in proposal phase: social impact survey/estimation must be part of new project (including
A documented risk based Group Audit Program must be established to evaluate progress toward HSE XVI.2 significant extensions) and field abandonment proposals. It must be decided if preparation of Social
targets, regulatory compliance and effectiveness of the management system. Impact Assessment is necessary.

XV.3 Compliance with relevant legal HSE requirements must be assessed regularly. Social Impact Assessment (SIA) (may be integrated part of Environmental Impact Assessments):
a. SIA must include (1) baseline assessment (only in development phase), (2) identification of risks of
XV.4 Auditors must have appropriate qualification and experience in auditing. operations and
XVI.3 b. SIA must clearly decide if a risk management plan is necessary or impact monitoring is sufficient.
Findings from lessons learned processes (e.g. behaviour observation, audits, incident investigations, c. SIA must be prepared in line with local legislation.
XV.5 near-misses, etc.) must be prioritized, implemented, followed-up and shared with all interested parties d. Relevant sections of Social Engagement Handbook of MOL Group must be taken into account during
in MOL Group. its elaboration.

HSE Due Diligence must be performed before any company acquisition, divestiture or merger. Such HSE Plan for management and mitigation of risks: At least the following negative impacts must be assessed
XV.6 Due Diligence must identify risks and potential costs related to all HSE issues at the company concerned. and managed:
Records must be retained. a. Impact on health, safety and general living conditions of the local communities
– any disproportionate negative impact must be avoided;
Companies must conduct self-assessments to declare the extent of their conformance with this HSE XVI.4
XV.7 b. Resettlement of local communities – involuntary resettlement (physical and economic) must be
Management System.
avoided in all reasonable cases;
c. Impact on indigenous people – prior and informed consent of such groups must be gained;
Regular management reviews (e.g: HSE Committee Meeting, HSE Business Review) must be conducted.
XV.8 d. Impact on cultural heritages, traditional landscapes.
Records of management reviews must be retained.
In operational phase the following must be in place
Businesses/Operations where Process Safety Management (PSM) is relevant must implement a PSM
XV.9 self-assessment system defined in written procedure and must prepare PSM self-assessment plan which
Grievance management system: Community engagement and grievance management must be ensured
ensures that each hazardous process will receive a self-assessment at least once within three years.
a. Meetings and consultations with adequate frequency;
PSM self-assessments must address local laws and regulations relative to PSM and assess system
XV.10 XVI.5 b. Through appointed focal points (e.g. community relationship officers and/or HSE advisors);
implementation, performance, and system effectiveness in each process unit.
c. Nomination of one company representatives responsible for negotiations with local communities;
PSM compliance audit system must exist on MOL Group level. PSM compliance audit must be done by d. Grievance register and management system: offering the possibility of reporting of grievances,
XV.11 internal or external resources to ensure independent verification ensuring their investigation and management.
of PSM implementation.

Social impact management: community relations and issues must be continuously assessed and All below regulations are annulled by the effective HSE MS regulations, as of 3 February 2014.
evaluated. At least the following aspects must be taken into consideration:
a. Identification of key stakeholder groups and key stakeholders;
b. Identification of key issues by stakeholders;
c. Grievance management and reporting of results;
Health, Safety and Environment Management System
d. Above described tasks must be implemented in line with the Social Engagement Handbook of MOL Group. HSE_1 1 07.08. 2008
(Group Guideline)
Local social engagement plan: It must be ensured that both governments and local communities benefit
HSE Competencies & Training
from our operations through the following: HSE_1_G3.1.1 1 30.09.2008
(Global Operative Regulation)
a. Social investment activities considering MOL Group corporate giving principles and local development
priorities – on less developed areas focusing on basic (infrastructural) needs, on more developed
HSE Target Setting & Planning
XVI.7 areas a broader variety of support should be considered; HSE_1_G4.1.1 1 01.09.2008
(Global Operative Regulation)
b. Education of locals and employing local experts;
c. Contracting local suppliers and building capacities through local supply chain initiatives in line with local Waste Management
procurement principles); HSE_1_G9_1.1 1 01.04.2009
(Global Operative Regulation)
d. Contributing to local development programs as required by governments.
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Management
Social Impact Assessments HSE_1_G9_2.1 2 01.12.2011
(Global Operative Regulation)
Records Plan for mitigation of social impacts
to be Stakeholder engagement strategy including stakeholder map (annually updated) Risk based environmental remediation
retained Social investment plan HSE_1_G9_3.1 1 01.04.2009
(Global Operative Regulation)
Grievance records
HSE Document and Record Control
HSE_1_G10_1.1 1 01.12.2008
(Global Operative Regulation)

Product Stewardship
HSE_1_G11_1.1 1 01.12.2008
(Global Operative Regulation)

HSE Communication and Consultation

HSE_1_G12_1.1 1 01.04.2009
(Global Operative Regulation)

HSE Audits
HSE_1_G15_1.1 1 30.09.2008
(Global Operative Regulation)

HSE Self-assessments
HSE_1_G15_2.1 1 01.12.2008
(Global Operative Regulation)

HSE Performance Monitoring & Reporting

HSE_1_G15_3.1 2 30.09.2011.
(Global Operative Regulation)


European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods DODO Dealer Owned Dealer Operated
by Inland Waterways.
An abnormal occurrence that can pose a threat to the safety or health of employees,
ADR International Carriage Of Dangerous Goods By Road customers, or local communities, or which can cause damage to assets or the environment.

A systematic and documented review of the effectiveness of implementation of HSE processes, An exercise intended to train people in duties and escape procedures to be followed
Emergency drill
Assessment programs and process regulations based on general process criteria and the professional in case of emergency.
judgment of experienced assessors.
Environmental impacts and risks identification is a commonly used methodology for systematic
A systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and ENVID and structured environmental and social impact and risk assessment at different project stages
Audit evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the management systems audit and during operations.
criteria set by the organisation are fulfilled.
Surroundings in which MOL Group operates, including air, water, land, soil, natural resources,
CAPEX Capital expenditure flora, fauna, habitats, ecosystems, biodiversity, humans (including human artefacts, culturally
significant sites and social aspects) and their interaction. The environment in this context
A deviation, either permanent, temporary, or incremental, from a currently established extends from within an operation to the global system.
baseline, or anything that is or may be substituted for something else. This includes changes to
Change personnel, processes, systems, plant and equipment, technology, documents, risks, legislation, Death resulting from work related injury or occupational illness, including the fatalities due to
commitments, obligations, other requirements, and external environmental, physical and social accidents caused to third parties. Company employees, contractor employees and 3rd parties to
factors affecting or affected by the organisation. be planned/reported separately. At Group level 3rd party fatalities will
not be reported externally.
The process and activities related to the cessation of the operating life of an operation following
Closure a decision to close the operation which ends following abandonment, decommissioning, An unplanned combustion. It includes electrical arcs that also involve a subsequent fire or
rehabilitation and, if required, remediation. evidence of combustion (flame, smoke or charring).

CLP Regulation on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures. The atmospheric gases responsible for causing global warming and climate change. The major
GHG – GHGs are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N20). Less prevalent –but
COCA Company Owned Comission Agent Greenhouse Gases very powerful– greenhouse gases are hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and
sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). Reported as CO2 equivalent.
CODO Company Owned Dealer Operated
Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals. The GHS is a United
Controlled HSE Documents pertinent to effective HSE MS planning, operations and risk control and exist to GHS Nations system to identify hazardous chemicals and to inform users about these hazards
documents ensure continual improvement. through standard symbols and phrases on the packaging labels and through safety data sheets

Action designed to correct an undesirable HSE problem or defect in the management system. Harm A significant and/or long-lasting adverse impact on people, the environment or the community.
Examples may include breakdown of controls, non-conformance with MOL or regulatory
Corrective action
requirements, accident, injury, illness, fire, release to the environment or other HSE-related Hazardous Substances that have the potential to pose a significant risk to the health and safety of people
loss, undesirable trends in HSE metrics, etc. materials or the environment.

Transported goods categorized by ADR that have the potential to pose a significant risk to the Undesired, dangerous release of materials or energy (e.g., toxic or corrosive discharges, fires,
Dangerous good
health and safety of people or the environment. Hazardous process and explosions) with potential for causing serious injury to people and/or significant property
or environmental damage
Decommisioning Planned shut-down or removal of a building, equipment, plant, etc., from operation or usage
Waste featuring one or several hazardous characteristics listed in the local applicable legislation.
Structured units of recorded information, published or unpublished, in physical or electronic Hazardous waste In MOL Group HW is categorized according to source of waste production: a) arising from
form, managed as discreet units in the HSE management system. Most records are documents; (HW) normal operation b) emergency events c) resulting from construction/demolition d)
Documents but not all documents are records. A document becomes a record when it is part of a business from past operations.
transaction, is kept as evidence of that transaction and is managed within
a record keeping system. Source or situation with a potential for harm in terms of injury or illness, damage to property,
damage to the environment, or a combination of these.


An incident (including near-miss) with consequences categorized as PEAR 3 or lower, that MS Management System
HiPo (High
could have potentially resulted in consequences categorized as PEAR 4-5, or PEAR 3 if happened
potential incident)
several times a year in the same MOL Group Company. A near-miss is an incident which potentially could have caused injury or occupational illness and
/or damage (loss) to people, assets, the environment or company reputation, but which did not.
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
NGO Non Governmental Organization
This process is a key component of HSE Governance. It is conducted annually and requires sites
/subsidiaries to complete an assessment of HSE performance using the Self Assessment tool. A systematic, independent and documented process for recognition of Unsafe Acts and Unsafe
HSE Assurance Observation
The process is aimed at measuring and recording HSE MS process maturity at organisational Conditions during execution of the regular jobs by employees.
level. Any deviations identified as a result of completing self assessments are then tracked to
closure via corrective actions. OpCo Operating Company

Those behaviours that are expected to result from effective implementation of the OPEX Operational expenditure
HSE Behaviours organization’s HSE MS. This includes the behaviours of employees, all levels of leadership,
contractors and other non-employees with access to MOL operations. Personal Protective Equipment. All equipment (including clothing) which is intended to be worn
PPE or held by a person at work and which protects him against one or more risks to his health or
HSE related documents, either electronic or paper (e.g. procedures, work instructions, safety (e.g. safety helmets, gloves, eye protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear).
HSE Documents checklists, training tools, etc.) developed and implemented to provide HSE direction, guidance
and requirements and ensure organisations operate in a safe manner and in compliance. An HSE training in which participants are actively involved, they perform different HSE related
Practical training
training activities and learn by doing besides listening.
Any change that has adverse or beneficial effects on health, safety or the environment resulting
from the organization’s aspects. Some examples of impacts include toxic effects from exposure An action designed to prevent or reduce the probability of occurrence of an undesirable
HSE Impacts Preventive Action HSE incident such as the breakdown of controls, non-conformance to MOL or regulatory
to chemicals, asphyxiation from confined spaces, resource depletion from energy usage,
pollution from air emissions, and environmental release during product distribution. requirements, accident, injury, illness, fire or other HSE related loss, etc.

HSE Liability The process of revealing HSE non-compliances of MOL Group and assessment of expenditure A formal and documented combination of methods, steps and actions established by an
Assessment need related to solving the revealed HSE non-compliances. organization to achieve specific results, behaviour or activity.

HSE Non- A non-fulfilment of a requirement of a) HSE MS, policy, operational regulation and b) Any activity or set of related activities (including storage, manufacturing, use, handling, on-site
compliance HSE related laws, legislation transfer) and the associated equipment and technology.

Any change to the health and safety of people, the environment, the community or property, Any unintended release of material or energy (e.g fire, explosion, implosion, LOPC) from
Impact whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organization’s activities, Process Safety production, distribution, storage or utility processes, excluding (1) truck or rail operations when
products or services. Incident/Event the truck or rail car is not connected to the process; (2) on-site fuelling/refilling operations of
vehicles and stationary equipment; (3) retail fuel stations; (4) pilot plants and laboratories
An unplanned event or chain of events that has, or could have, resulted in injury or illness or
damage (loss) to assets, the environment or company reputation. Incidents do not include Process safety management. Application of a management system and controls (programs,
HSE Incident procedures, audits, evaluations) to a manufacturing or chemical process in a way that process
operations, maintenance, quality or reliability incidents which had no PSM
HSE consequence or potential. hazards are identified, understood, and controlled so that process-related injuries and incidents
are prevented.
HSE Training provided to new employees by the employer in order to get familiar with all
Induction training Pre-startup safety review - a final checkpoint for new and modified equipment to confirm that
necessary HSE requirements and risks before starting work individually
PSSR all appropriate elements of process safety management have been addressed satisfactorily and
KPI Key Performance Indicator the facility is safe to start up.

Manager Appointed for Control: Dedicated manager, who has bottom-line responsibility for a Product stewardship is a concept whereby health and environmental protection centres around
MAC Product
given company where MOL Group has ownership the product itself, and everyone involved in the life-cycle of the product is called upon to take
up responsibility to reduce its health and environmental impact.
Management of
The systematic process for dealing with changes to manage HSE risk.
change (MOC)


Any document providing recommendations and support for HSE Management System users to New version of Group Guideline represents the following changes
Reference implement MS expectations and requirements in practice. Reference documents include but it is integrated with elements of exisiting Process Safety Management
document are not limited to the following: Compliance checklists; Recommended practices; Best practices; System
3. 01/02/2014
Templates; Process methodologies; Training materials, etc. it identifies the requirements with other principles of standard based
HSE management systems (ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001)
RID European Agreements Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail New Guideline element was defined: the Social Impacts element (Element XVI)

Combination of the likelihood and consequence(s) of a specified hazard occurring

HSE Risk
undesirable HSE event.

Risk Assessment A systematic approach used to determine the degree of risk or vulnerability associated with
(HSE) identified hazards.

Safety data sheets are the main tool for ensuring that suppliers communicate enough
information along the supply chain to allow safe use of their substances and mixtures.
Safety Data Sheet
They include information about the properties of the substance (or mixture), its hazards and
instructions for handling, disposal and transport and also first-aid, fire-fighting and exposure
control measures.

SCC Safety Checklist Contractors

SIA Social Impact Assessment

Site Geographically separated operational installation

Unintended or uncontrolled release of hazardous materials to the external environment

(groundwater, surface/sea water, soil), not inclusive of any released volume retained within
secondary or other confinement.Substitute – replacing the material or process with a less
hazardous one

Detailed goals identified by an organisation as being necessary to achieve HSE strategic

objectives. Targets are usually short term and achievable within a year and carry the most
weight when integrated into the organisation's annual Business Plan.
All targets should be realistic.

Unsafe Act (UA)

UA: a behaviour which increases unnecessary the risk for injury, damage or loss;
and Condition
UC: which could lead to injury, damage or loss if not corrected.

Visitor A person visiting MOL site, who is not a MOL Group employee or contractor at that site.

VOC Volatile Organic Compound



SYSTEM, PSM, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001


HSE Policy Not defined 4.2. Environmental policy 4.2. OH&S Policy

Specifically not defined ..partly in..

(expectations defined ..partly in.. 4.4.1. Resources,
1. Leadership, Commitment
as Area Management 4.4.1. Resources, roles, roles, responsibility,
& Accountability
requirements – see PSM responsibility and authority accountability and
compliance checklist) authority

3. Process Hazard Analysis

4. Management of
Technology Change 4.3.1. Hazard Identification,
2. Risk & Change 4.3.1. Environmental
8. Management Risk Assessment and
Management aspects
of Subtle Change determining controls
12. Management
of Pers. Change

3. Competence, 9. Training 4.4.2 Competence, 4.4.2. Competence,

Training & Awareness and Performance training and awareness training and awareness

Specifically not defined 4.3.1 Environmental 4.3.1. Hazard Identification,

(expectations defined aspects Risk Assessment And
4. Planning & Targets as Area Management 4.3.3. Objectives, targets determining controls
requirements – see and programme(s) 4.3.3. Objectives and
compliance checklist) programme(s)

..from different aspects in..

4.3.1. Hazard Identification,
Risk Assessment
5. Contractor HSE 10. Contractor Safety And determining controls
Management & Performance 4.4.6. Operational control
4.5.1. Performance
and monitoring

partly in section:
6. Design, Construction, 5. Quality Assurance partly in section:
4.3.1. Hazard Identification,
Commissioning 6. Prestart-up 4.3.1 Environmental
Risk Assessment
& Decommissioning Safety Review aspects
and determining controls

2. Operating Procedures &

7. Safe Operation & Work
Safe Work Practices 4.4.6. Operational control 4.4.6. Operational control
7. Mechanical Integrity

as implementation of
8. Health Protection Partly in 9.
N/A 4.3.3. Objectives,
& Promotion Training and Performance
targets and programme(s)


4.3.1. Environmental
aspects as
9. Environmental
Not defined implementation of N/A
4.3.3. Objectives,
targets and programme(s)

4.3.2. Legal and other 4.3.2. Legal and other

10. Requirements, requirements requirements
1. Process Safety
Information 4.4.4. Documentation 4.4.4. Documentation
& Documentation 4.4.5. Control 4.4.5. Control
of documents of documents

as implementation of as implementation of
11. Product Stewardship Not defined 4.3.3. Objectives, 4.3.3. Objectives,
targets and programme(s) targets and programme(s)

Specifically not defined

(expectations defined 4.4.3. Communication,
12. Communication
as Area Management 4.4.3. Communication participation
& Consultation
requirements and consultation
– see compliance checklist)

4.5.3.Incident investigation,
13. Incident Reporting 11. Incident Investigation 4.4.7. Emergency corrective action
& Investigation & Reporting preparedness and response and preventive action Incident

14. Emergency Planning 13. Emergency Planning 4.4.7. Emergency 4.4.7. Emergency
& Response & Response preparedness and response preparedness and response

4.5.1. Monitoring and

4.5.1. Monitoring and
4.5.3. Incident investigation,
4.5.3. Nonconformity,
15. Assurance & Audits 14. Auditing corrective action
corrective action
and preventive action
and preventive action
4.5.5. Internal audit
4.5.5. Internal audit
4.6. Management review
4.6. Management review

4.3.1. Environmental aspects

4.3.3. Objectives,
targets and programme(s) 4.4.3. Communication,
as implementation of participation
16. Social Impacts Not defined
4.3.3. Objectives, and consultation
targets and programme(s) 4.4.6. Operational control
4.4.3. Communication
4.4.6. Operational control

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