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Annual Hse Performance Report

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Table of content

• Message from the Project Director

• Introduction

• Our certificate

• HSE Induction

• Toolbox Participation

• Safety Observation Reports

• HSE recognition program

• HSE inspection
• Drills for emergency preparedness

• HSE involvement and achievement on the project 2020/2021

• 2020/2021 Incidents

• Outcome of safety Audit

• Key actions 2020/2021

Message from the Project Director

In the last one year, I have come to believe that when you pay attention to Safety
First, you will almost certainly avoid paying claims!! And this is the path that I
want all of us to take: to put safety first in all things we do, so as to prevent
accidents and unnecessary damage to property and loss of life.

There is clear evidence everywhere in the world that prevention is better than
cure. CHINA HABOUR ENGINEERING COMPANY Management is very much aware
of this and therefore seeks to protect workers, visitors and the environment by
preventing major accidents through proactive approaches.

It has been proved beyond reasonable doubt the world over, that there is a
correlation between productivity, safety and health at any work environment,
such that, the lower the safety and health standards the lower the productivity of
the organization, particularly in highly mechanized and labour intensive
environment; and vice versa.

It is for this reason that  we have put in place an elaborate Occupational Health
and Safety Policy; a confirmation of our commitment to Health, Safety and
Environment. It is worth noting that our HSE Team has put in place various
programmes aimed at preventing accidents and inculcating safety behaviours
among ourselves. However, they cannot successfully implement the above
programmes on their own without the support and collaboration of LEKKI DEEP
SEA PORT MANAGEMENT AND LOIUS BERGER and all staff. For this reason, I urge
all process owners to incorporate health and safety elements in all their

At the same time I want to assure HSE Team of my support and that of my
management team so that together we can make the port a safer workplace.

This annual report gives a clear and sound overview in which way CHINA
HARBOUR ENGINEERING COMPANY watch over the Health & Safety of every
person involved in our activities and care for the environment.


certificates. These are the ‘signs on the wall’ of the efforts we make to
improve our HSE level in a continuous way.

• HSE is periodically monitored by KPI’s. The fundamentals of a good system

are built on HSE inductions, toolbox participations, HSE observations,
inspections and drills

• CHINA HARBOUR ENGINEERING COMPANY puts a lot of effort into incident

management. We remain convinced of the positive effects of our constant
focus on high potential incidents.
• Qualified personnel and fully trained employees are self-evident in our

• CHINA HARBOUR ENGINEERING COMPANY not only rewards employees for

their dedication and HSE performance but wants to stimulate the positive
attitude towards HSE of its subcontractors and suppliers
Our Certificate
CHINA HARBOUR ENGINEERING COMPANY possess wide range of globally
recognized certification against management system standards which help
organizations to implement international best practices in order to improve good
standards of health and safety and as well achieve their objectives.
• ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System certification
• ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS) certification
• ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS)

HSE Induction
Inductions are a key element for a successful HSE performance

Objective: Anyone present steps on a site or in a building where CHINA HARBOUR

ENGINEERING COMPANY is responsible gets an appropriate and specific HSE

In the course of the year 2020/2021 CHINA HARBOUR ENGINEERING COMPANY

has inducted over 1000 personnel ranging from staffs, visitors and suppliers.
Toolbox Participation
In compliance to the HSE PLAN a daily Pre-Start meeting is held before
commencement of work. The Supervisor or Foreman discusses this, with his work
group. The work to be performed during the day and address all the foreseeable
hazards/risks and other specific HSE requirements
Objective: Communicate safety topics throughout the project, by the registration
of the number of toolbox participations in relation to the working hours.
Safety Observation Reports
In compliance with the HSE PLAN, Safety observations are recorded and tracked
on a daily basis on the entire project. An Unsafe Acts and Unsafe condition card is
used on the entire project. Every HSE personnel encouraged to send in UA-UC’s.

Minimal 3 UA-UC cards per HSE Personnel per day.

Objective: Increasing safety awareness by promoting the receiving of enough

UA-UC cards per HSE Personnel in relation to the working hours.

In the period of 2020/2021, over 2000 Unsafe acts and Unsafe condition has
been reported and tracked with a close out rate of about 91%
HSE Recognition Program
In line with HSE Plan, Safety recognition is being carried out to reward
personnel / worker who has achieve a good safety performance on site. Safety
recognition will be awarded with cash /vouchers. With rewarding of the voucher,
the workers would be motivated to carry out the works safely, effectively and also
to help to lookout for any hazards that are present on site.
This program has been carried out monthly in collaboration with LEKKI PORT
and ER.
HSE inspections
CHEC HSE Team has the responsibility to control and inspect their work and
workforce. This should be demonstrable and necessary actions should be taken
in case of deficiency. Therefore CHEC highlights the importance of inspections
conducted by the HSE Department.
Overview of HSE inspection carried out in 2020/2021
Type of inspection Frequen Party Pictures
HSE internal Weekly HSE
walkthrough TEAM

Joint walkthrough Weekly ER, LEKKI

inspection PORT &

Heavy Equipment Daily HSE

inspection TEAM
Heavy Equipment Monthly HSE
Inspection TEAM

Sanitary inspection Monthly HSE


Housekeeping Monthly HSE

inspection TEAM

Body harness Monthly HSE

inspection TEAM
Environmental Monthly HSE
inspection TEAM
Fire Inspection Monthly HSE

Power tools Monthly HSE


Fire extinguisher Monthly HSE

inspection TEAM

Electrical Distribution Monthly HSE

Inspection TEAM
Air compressor Monthly HSE
inspection TEAM

Excavation inspection Monthly HSE


Oxygen and acetylene Monthly HSE

inspection TEAM

Man lift inspection Monthly HSE

Diesel Generator Monthly HSE
inspection TEAM

Work elevated Monthly HSE

platform inspection TEAM

PPE inspection Monthly HSE


Office inspection Monthly HSE


A total of over 600 inspections have been carried put in the year 2020/2021
HSE Training
CHELE’s HSSE Department has developed a training program for all project staff at
all levels, including subcontractor’s personnel to recognize the importance of HSE
and to improve the HSE awareness. Safety training has been conducted on weekly
basis and each training session takes about 2hours.

In the period of 2020/2021 a total of about 400 trainings have been carried out.

Training matrix was also developed



Drills for emergency preparedness
A fire drill plan for emergency preparedness
HSE involvement and achievements on the project

 Fire Drill to check for emergency preparedness in the event of a

fire accident
 Provided SOP’s, Risk assessment, Job Safety Analysis and trainings
towards the completion of the tubular piling of the front wall with
zero fatality

 Provided SOP’s, Risk assessment, Job Safety Analysis and trainings

towards the completion of the pile fabrication with zero fatality

 Success in HSE assurance audit

 Success in the Ministry of Environment audit
 Project till date with zero fatality
 Safety alert and stand down in collaboration with ER and LEKKI PORT

Key actions 2020/2021

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