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FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Manual Eng PDF

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Operating Instructions

Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Guided Level-Radar
Level and interface measurement in liquids

Valid as of version
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Table of contents

Table of contents

1 Important document information . . . . . 5 6.1.6 FMP54: Dimensions of process connection

and probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
1.1 About this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
6.2 Mounting requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
1.1.1 Document function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
6.2.1 Suitable mounting position . . . . . . . . . . . 32
1.1.2 Additional standard documentation on the
6.2.2 Applications with restricted mounting
device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1.1.3 Safety Instructions (XA) for Levelflex
6.2.3 Notes on the mechanical load of the
FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1.2 Document conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6.2.4 Notes on the process connection . . . . . . . 36
1.2.1 Safety symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6.2.5 Securing the probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
1.2.2 Electrical symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6.2.6 Special mounting conditions . . . . . . . . . . 41
1.2.3 Tool symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
6.3 Mounting the device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
1.2.4 Symbols for certain types of information . . . 7
6.3.1 Required mounting tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
1.2.5 Symbols in graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
6.3.2 Preparing the device for mounting . . . . . . 48
6.3.3 FMP54 with gas phase compensation:
2 Basic safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Mounting the probe rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.1 Requirements concerning the staff . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6.3.4 Mounting the device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.2 Designated use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6.3.5 Mounting the "Sensor remote" version . . . 52
2.3 Workplace safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6.3.6 Turning the transmitter housing . . . . . . . 54
2.4 Operational safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6.3.7 Turning the display module . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.5 Product safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6.4 Post-installation check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

3 Product description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 7 Electrical connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

3.1 Product design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 7.1 Connection options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.1.1 Compact device Levelflex . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 7.1.1 2-wire, 4-20mA HART (FMP5x -
3.1.2 Electronics housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 **A...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.2 Registered trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 7.1.2 2-wire, 4-20 mA HART, 4...20mA . . . . . . 57
3.3 Patents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 7.1.3 4-wire, 4-20 mA HART (FMP5x - **K/
L...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
7.1.4 Connection HART loop converter
4 Incoming acceptance and product HMX50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 7.2 Connection conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.1 Incoming acceptance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 7.2.1 Cable specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.2 Product identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 7.2.2 Cable diameter and cross-section of the
4.2.1 Nameplate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 strands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.2.2 Product structure FMP51, FMP52, 7.2.3 Overvoltage protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
FMP54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 7.3 Connection data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
7.3.1 2-wire, 4-20mA HART, passive . . . . . . . . 60
7.3.2 4-wire, 4-20mA HART, active . . . . . . . . . 61
5 Storage, Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 7.3.3 Maximum load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.1 Storage conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 7.4 Connecting the measuring device . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.2 Transport product to the measuring point . . . . . . . 24 7.5 Post-connection check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

6 Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 8 Operating options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

6.1 Mounting dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 8.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
6.1.1 Dimensions of the electronics housing . . . 25 8.1.1 On-site operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
6.1.2 Dimensions of the mounting bracket . . . . 26 8.1.2 Remote operation via HART . . . . . . . . . . 66
6.1.3 FMP51: Dimensions of process connection 8.2 The operating menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
(G¾,NPT¾) and probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 8.2.1 Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
6.1.4 FMP51: Dimensions of process connection 8.2.2 Submenus and user roles . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
(G1½,NPT1½,flange) and probe . . . . . . . 28 8.2.3 Locking the menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
6.1.5 FMP52: Dimensions of process connection 8.3 Display and operating module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
and probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 8.3.1 Display appearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
8.3.2 Navigation and selection from a list . . . . . 73

Endress+Hauser 3
Table of contents Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

8.3.3 Entering numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 13 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

8.3.4 Entering text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
13.1 Exterior cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
8.3.5 Envelope curve on the display and operating
module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
14 Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
9 Device integration via the HART 14.1 Device-specific accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
14.2 Communication-specific accessories . . . . . . . . . 101
protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
14.3 Service-specific accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
9.1 Overview of the Device Description files (DD) . . . 78 14.4 System components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
9.2 HART device variables and measuring values . . . . 78
15 Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
10 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
10.1 Installation and function check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 16 Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
10.2 Adjust the display contrast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
10.3 Unlock the device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
10.3.1 Revoke hardware locking . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 17 Overview of the operating menu . . . 105
10.3.2 Revoke software locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
10.4 Setting the operating language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 18 Description of device parameters . . . 109
10.4.1 Setting the operating language via the
18.1 "Display/operation" menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
display module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
18.2 "Setup" menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
10.4.2 Setting the language via operating tool
18.2.1 "Mapping" sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
(FieldCare) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
18.2.2 "Advanced setup" submenu . . . . . . . . . . 123
10.5 Checking the reference distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
18.3 The "Diagnostics" menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
10.6 Configuration of a level measurement . . . . . . . . . 82
18.3.1 "Diagnsotics list" submenu . . . . . . . . . . 159
10.7 Configuration of an interface measurement . . . . . 83
18.3.2 The "Event logbook" submenu . . . . . . . . 160
10.8 Configuration of the current outputs . . . . . . . . . . 84
18.3.3 "Device information" submenu . . . . . . . 162
10.8.1 Factory setting of the current outputs for
level measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 18.3.4 "Measured value" submenu . . . . . . . . . . 165
10.8.2 Factory setting of the current outputs for 18.3.5 "Simulation" submenu . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
interface measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 18.3.6 The "Device check" submenu . . . . . . . . 169
10.8.3 Adjustment of the current outputs . . . . . . 84 18.3.7 "Device reset" submenu . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
10.9 Configurationof the on-site display . . . . . . . . . . . 85
10.9.1 Factory settings of the on-site display for Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
level measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
10.9.2 Factory settings of the on-site display for
interface measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
10.9.3 Adjustment of the on-site display . . . . . . . 85
10.10 Protection of the settings against unauthorized
changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

11 Trouble shooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
11.1 Trouble-shooting instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
11.2 Diagnostic events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
11.2.1 Diagnostic message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
11.2.2 Calling up remedial measures . . . . . . . . . 89
11.2.3 List of diagnostic events . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
11.3 Software history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

12 Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
12.1 General information on repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
12.1.1 Repair concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
12.1.2 Repairs to Ex-approved devices . . . . . . . . 93
12.1.3 Replacement of an electronics module . . . 93
12.1.4 Replacement of a device . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
12.2 Spare parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

4 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Important document information

1 Important document information

1.1 About this document

1.1.1 Document function

These Operating Instructions contain all the information that is required in various phases of the life
cycle of the device: from product identification, incoming acceptance and storage, to mounting,
connection, operation and commissioning through to troubleshooting, maintenance and disposal.

1.1.2 Additional standard documentation on the device

Document Purpose and content of the document

Technical Information Planning aid for your device

TI01001F The document contains all the technical data on the device and provides an
overview of the accessories and other products that can be ordered for the device.

Brief Operating Instructions FMP51/ Guide that takes you quickly to the 1st measured value
FMP52/FMP54 HART The Brief Operating Instructions contain all the essential information from
KA01077F incoming acceptance to initial commissioning.

Description of Device Parameters Reference for your parameters

GP01000F The document provides a detailed explanation of each individual parameter in
the operating menu. The description is aimed at those who work with the device
over the entire life cycle and perform specific configurations.

The document types listed are available:

• On the CD supplied with the device
• In the Download Area of the Endress+Hauser Internet site: ® Download

1.1.3 Safety Instructions (XA) for Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Depending on the approval, the following Safety Instructions (XA) are supplied with the instrument.
They are an integral part of the Operating Instructions.

51 52 54 Feature 010 Approval Safety Instructions Safety Instructions


x x x BA ATEX II 1 G Ex ia IIC T6 Ga XA00496F XA00516F

x x x BB ATEX II 1/2 G Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb XA00496F XA00516F

x x x BC ATEX II 1/2 G Ex d[ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gb XA00499F XA00519F

x x x BD ATEX II 1/3 G Ex ic[a] IIC T6 Ga/Gc XA00497F XA00517F

x BE ATEX II 1 D Ex t[ia] IIIC Txx°C Da IP6x XA00501F XA00521F

x BF ATEX II 1/2 D Ex t[ia] IIIC Txx°C Da/Db IP6x XA00501F XA00521F

x x x BG ATEX II 3 G Ex nA IIC T6 Gc XA00498F XA00518F

x x x BH ATEX II 3 G Ex ic IIC T6 Gc XA00498F XA00518F

x x x B2 ATEX II 1/2 G Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb, II 1/2 D Ex t[ia] IIIC Txx°C Da/Db IP6x XA00502F XA00522F

x x x B3 ATEX II 1/2 G Ex d[ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gb, II 1/2 D Ex t[ia] IIIC Txx°C Da/Db XA00503F XA00523F

x x x B4 ATEX II 1/2 G Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb, Ex d[ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gb XA00500F XA00520F

x CD CSA C/US DIP Cl.I,II Div.1 Gr.E-G XA00529F XA00570F

x x x C2 CSA C/US IS Cl.I,II,III Div.1 Gr.A-G, NI Cl.1 Div.2, Ex ia XA00530F XA00571F

x x x C3 CSA C/US XP Cl.I,II,III Div.1 Gr.A-G, NI Cl.1 Div.2, Ex d XA00529F XA00570F

Endress+Hauser 5
Important document information Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

51 52 54 Feature 010 Approval Safety Instructions Safety Instructions


x x x FB FM IS Cl.I,II,III Div.1 Gr.A-G, AEx ia, NI Cl.1 Div.2 XA00531F XA00573F

x x x FD FM XP Cl.I,II,III Div.1 Gr.A-G, AEx d, NI Cl.1 Div.2 XA00532F XA00572F

x FE FM DIP Cl.II,III Div.1 Gr.E-G XA00532F XA00572F

x x x IA IECEx Zone 0 Ex ia IIC T6 Ga XA00496F XA00516F

x x x IB IECEx Zone 0/1 Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb XA00496F XA00516F

x x x IC IECEx Zone 0/1 Ex d[ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gb XA00499F XA00519F

x x x ID IECEx Zone 0/2 Ex ic[ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gc XA00497F XA00517F

x IE IECEx Zone 20 Ex t[ia] IIIC Txx°C Da IP6x XA00501F XA00521F

x IF IECEx Zone 20/21 Ex t[ia] IIIC Txx°C Da/Db IP6x XA00501F XA00521F

x x x IG IECEx Zone 2 Ex nA IIC T6 Gc XA00498F XA00518F

x x x IH IECEx Zone 2 Ex ic IIC T6 Gc XA00498F XA00518F

x x x I2 IECEx Zone 0/1 Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb, Zone 20/21 Ex t[ia] IIIC Txx°C Da/Db XA00502F XA00522F

x x x I3 IECEx Zone 0/1 Ex d[ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gb, Zone 20/21 Ex t[ia] IIIC Txx°C Da/ XA00503F XA00523F
Db IP6x

x x x 8A FM/CSA IS+XP Cl.I,II,III Div.1 Gr.A-G XA00531F XA00572F

XA00532F XA00573F

For certified devices the relevant Safety Instructions (XA) are indicated on the nameplate.

1.2 Document conventions

1.2.1 Safety symbols

Symbol Meaning

DANGER This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation will result in
serious or fatal injury.

WARNING This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation can result in
serious or fatal injury.

CAUTION This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation can result in
minor or medium injury.

NOTICE This symbol contains information on procedures and other facts which do not result in
personal injury.

1.2.2 Electrical symbols

Symbol Meaning

Direct current
A terminal to which DC voltage is applied or through which direct current flows.

Alternating current
A0011198 A terminal to which alternating voltage (sine-wave) is applied or through which alternating current flows.

6 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Important document information

Symbol Meaning

Ground connection
) A0011200
A grounded terminal which, as far as the operator is concerned, is grounded via a grounding system.

Protective ground connection

* A0011199
A terminal which must be connected to ground prior to establishing any other connections.

Equipotential connection
A connection that has to be connected to the plant grounding system: This may be a potential equalization
line or a star grounding system depending on national or company codes of practice.

1.2.3 Tool symbols

Symbol Meaning

Torx screwdriver


Flat blade screwdriver


Phillips head screwdriver


Allen key


Hexagon wrench

1.2.4 Symbols for certain types of information

Symbol Meaning

Indicates procedures, processes or actions that are allowed.

Indicates procedures, processes or actions that are preferred.

Indicates procedures, processes or actions that are forbidden.

Indicates additional information.

Reference to documentation
Refers to the corresponding device documentation.

Reference to page
Refers to the corresponding page number.

Reference to graphic
Refers to the corresponding graphic number and page number.

, , … Series of steps

à Result of a sequence of actions

Help in the event of a problem


Endress+Hauser 7
Important document information Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

1.2.5 Symbols in graphics

Symbol Meaning

1, 2, 3 ... Item numbers

, , … Series of steps

A, B, C, ... Views

A-A, B-B, C-C, ... Sections

Hazardous area
- Indicates a hazardous area.

Safe area (non-hazardous area)

. Indicates a non-hazardous location.

8 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Basic safety instructions

2 Basic safety instructions

2.1 Requirements concerning the staff

The personnel for installation, commissioning, diagnostics and maintenance must fulfill the following
► Trained, qualified specialists: must have a relevant qualification for this specific function and task
► Are authorized by the plant owner/operator
► Are familiar with federal/national regulations
► Before beginning work, the specialist staff must have read and understood the instructions in the
Operating Instructions and supplementary documentation as well as in the certificates
(depending on the application)
► Following instructions and basic conditions

The operating personnel must fulfill the following requirements:

► Being instructed and authorized according to the requirements of the task by the facility's owner-
► Following the instructions in these Operating Instructions

2.2 Designated use

Application and measured materials
The measuring device described in these Operating Instructions is intended only for level and
interface measurement of liquids. Depending on the version ordered the device can also measure
potentially explosive, flammable, poisonous and oxidizing materials.
Observing the limit values specified in the "Technical data" and listed in the Operating Instructions
and supplementary documentation, the measuring device may be used for the following
measurements only:
► Measured process variable: Level and/or interface
► Calculated process variable: Volume oder mass in arbitrarily shaped vessels (calculated from the
level by the linearization functionality)
To ensure that the measuring device remains in proper condition for the operation time:
► Use the measuring device only for measured materials against which the process-wetted
materials are adequately resistant.
► Observe the limit values in "Technical data".

Incorrect use
The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by improper or non-designated use.
Verification for borderline cases:
► For special measured materials and cleaning agents, Endress+Hauser is glad to provide assistance
in verifying the corrosion resistance of wetted materials, but does not accept any warranty or
Residual risk
The electronics housing and its built-in components such as display module, main electronics module
and I/O electronics module may heat to 80 °C (176 °F) during operation through heat transfer from
the process as well as power dissipation within the electronics. During operation the sensor may
assume a temperature near the temperature of the measured material.
Danger of burns due to heated surfaces!
► For high process temperatures: Install protection against contact in order to prevent burns.

2.3 Workplace safety

For work on and with the device:
► Wear the required personal protective equipment according to federal/national regulations.

Endress+Hauser 9
Basic safety instructions Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

2.4 Operational safety

Risk of injury!
► Operate the device in proper technical condition and fail-safe condition only.
► The operator is responsible for interference-free operation of the device.

Conversions to the device

Unauthorized modifications to the device are not permitted and can lead to unforeseeable dangers
► If, despite this, modifications are required, consult with Endress+Hauser.

To ensure continued operational safety and reliability,
► Carry out repairs on the device only if they are expressly permitted.
► Observe federal/national regulations pertaining to repair of an electrical device.
► Use original spare parts and accessories from Endress+Hauser only.

Hazardous area
To eliminate a danger for persons or for the facility when the device is used in the hazardous area
(e.g. explosion protection, pressure vessel safety):
► Based on the nameplate, check whether the ordered device is permitted for the intended use in
the hazardous area.
► Observe the specifications in the separate supplementary documentation that is an integral part
of these Instructions.

2.5 Product safety

This measuring device is designed in accordance with good engineering practice to meet state-of-
the- art safety requirements, has been tested, and left the factory in a condition in which they are
safe to operate.
It fulfills general safety requirements and legal requirements. It also conforms to the EC directives
listed in the device-specific EC declaration of conformity. Endress+Hauser confirms this fact by
applying the CE mark.

10 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Product description

3 Product description

3.1 Product design

3.1.1 Compact device Levelflex

3 5 6


å1 Design of the Levelflex

1 Electronics housing
2 Process connection (here as an example: flange)
3 Rope probe
4 End-of-probe weight
5 Rod probe
6 Coax probe

Endress+Hauser 11
Product description Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

3.1.2 Electronics housing

1 2 3 5





å2 Design of the electronics housing

1 Electronics compartment cover
2 Display module
3 Main electronics module
4 Cable glands (1 or 2, depending on instrument version)
5 Nameplate
6 I/O electronics module
7 Terminals (pluggable spring terminals)
8 Connection compartment cover
9 Grounding terminal

3.2 Registered trademarks

Registered trademark of the HART Communication Foundation, Austin, USA
Registered trademark of DuPont Performance Elastomers L.L.C., Wilmington, USA
Registered trademark of E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, USA
Registered trademark of Alfa Laval Inc., Kenosha, USA

3.3 Patents
This product may be protected by at least one of the following patents.
Further patents are pending.

US Patents EP Patents

5.827.985 ---

5.884.231 ---

5.973.637 ---

6.087.978 955 527

6.140.940 ---

12 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Product description

US Patents EP Patents

6.481.276 ---

6.512.358 1 301 914

6.559.657 1 020 735

6.640.628 ---

6.691.570 ---

6.847.214 ---

7.441.454 ---

7.477.059 ---

--- 1 389 337

Endress+Hauser 13
Incoming acceptance and product identification Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

4 Incoming acceptance and product identification

4.1 Incoming acceptance


1 = 2


Is the order code on the delivery note (1) identical to the order code on the product
sticker (2)?



Are the goods undamaged?

Made in Germany, 79689 Maulburg

Order code: 12345678901234 IP68 / 66 NEMA 4X / 6P
Ex i

DELIVERY NOTE Ser. no.: 12345678901234 KEMA 10ATEX????

Ext. ord. cd.:FMP50-B4234567890123+
012345678901234567890123456789012 II 1/2 G Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb

12...30 V DC / 2-wire II 1/2 G Ex d [ia] IIC T6 Ga/Gb

4...20 mA HART
Switch output
LN = 35000mm MWP: 3600 psi
M20x1.5 / M16x1.5 Lref = 550mm WARNING - Potential electrostatic
Ta: -40...+80 °C Ta > 60 °C: charging harzard - see instructions
Mat.: Graphite,Al203,316L,316,Alloy C22 Z-65.16-354 FISCO
Ex d DeviceID: 452B481005-A91234010AB XA500F--
or FW: 01.00.00 Dev.Rev.: 1 ex works
Ex i if modification
X = see sep. label

Date: 2010-03 250002796-A



Do the nameplate data match the ordering information on the delivery note?

14 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Incoming acceptance and product identification



Are the CD-ROMs (product documentation, operating tool) and documentation

If required (see nameplate): Are the Safety Instructions (XA) present?

If one of the conditions does not comply, contact your Endress+Hauser distributor.

4.2 Product identification

The following options are available for identification of the measuring device:
• Nameplate specifications
• Order code with breakdown of the device features on the delivery note
• Enter serial numbers from nameplates in W@M Device Viewer
( ): All information about the measuring device is displayed.
For an overview of the scope of the Technical Documentation provided, refer to the following: enter
serial numbers from nameplates in W@M Device Viewer ( )

Endress+Hauser 15
Incoming acceptance and product identification Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

4.2.1 Nameplate

92 (3.62)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Order code:
Ser. no.:
Ext. ord. cd.:

47 (1.85)
24 LN = MWP:
Lref =
22 Ta:
21 Mat.:
20 DeviceID:
FW: Dev.Rev.: 11
if modification
X = see sep. label

19 18 17 16 15 13 14 mm (in)


å3 Nameplate of the Levelflex

1 Device name
2 Address of manufacturer
3 Order code
4 Serial number (Ser. no.)
5 Extended order code (Ext. ord. cd.)
6 Process pressure
7 Gas phase compensation: reference distance
8 Certificate symbol
9 Certificate and approval relevant data
10 Degree of protection: e.g. IP, NEMA
11 Document number of the Safety Instructions: e.g. XA, ZD, ZE
12 Data Matrix Code
13 Modification mark
14 Manufacturing date: year-month
15 Permitted temperature range for cable
16 Geräterevision (Dev.Rev.)
17 Additional information about the device version (certificates, approvals, communication): e.g. SIL, PROFIBUS
18 Firmware version (FW)
19 CE mark, C-Tick
20 DeviceID
21 Material in contact with process
22 Permitted ambient temperature (Ta)
23 Size of the thread of the cable glands
24 Length of probe
25 Signal outputs
26 Operating voltage

4.2.2 Product structure FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

This overview does not mark options which are mutually exclusive.
Option with * = in preparation

010 Approval:
51 52 54

AA Non-hazardous area x x x

BA ATEX II 1G Ex ia IIC T6 x x x

BB ATEX II 1/2G Ex ia IIC T6 x x x

16 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Incoming acceptance and product identification

010 Approval:
51 52 54

BC ATEX II 1/2G Ex d(ia) IIC T6 x x x

BD ATEX II 1/3G Ex ic(ia) IIC T6 x x x


BF ATEX II 1/2 D Ex tD IIIC IP6x x

BG ATEX II 3G Ex nA IIC T6 x x x

BH ATEX II 3G Ex ic IIC T6 x x x

B2 ATEX II 1/2G Ex ia IIC T6, 1/2D Ex tD IIIC IP6x x x x

B3 ATEX II 1/2G Ex d(ia) IIC T6, 1/2D Ex tD IIIC IP6x x x x

B4 ATEX II 1/2G Ex ia IIC T6, Ex d(ia) IIC T6 x x x

CA CSA General Purpose x x x


C2 CSA C/US IS Cl.I,II,III Div.1 Gr.A-G, NI Cl.1 Div.2, Ex ia x x x

C3 CSA C/US XP Cl.I,II,III Div.1 Gr.A-G, NI Cl.1 Div.2, Ex d x x x

FB FM IS Cl.I,II,III Div.1 Gr.A-G, AEx ia, NI Cl.1 Div.2 x x x

FD FM XP Cl.I,II,III Div.1 Gr.A-G, AEx d, NI Cl.1 Div.2 x x x

FE FM DIP Cl.II,III Div.1 Gr.E-G x

IA IEC Ex Zone 0 Ex ia IIC T6 Ga x x x

IB IEC Ex Zone 0/1 Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb x x x

IC IEC Ex Zone 0/1 Ex d(ia) IIC T6 Ga/Gb x x x

ID IEC Ex Zone 0/2 Ex ic(ia) IIC T6 Ga/Gc x x x

IE IEC Ex Zone 20 tD IIIC A20 IP6x Da x

IF IEC Ex Zone 20/21 tD IIIC A20/21 IP6x Da/Db x

IG IEC Ex Zone 2 Ex nA IIC T6 Gc x x x

IH IEC Ex Zone 2 Ex ic IIC T6 Gc x x x

I2 IEC Ex Zone 0/1 Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb, Zone 20/21 Ex tD IIIC A20/21 IP6x Da/Db x x x

I3 IEC Ex Zone 0/1 Ex d(ia) IIC T6 Ga/Gb, Zone 20/21 Ex tD IIIC A20/21 IP6x Da/Db x x x

NA *NEPSI zone 0 Ex ia IIC T6 Ga x x x

NB *NEPSI zone 0/1 Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb x x x

NC *NEPSI zone 0/1 Ex d(ia) IIC T6 Ga/Gb x x x

NG *NEPSI zone 2 Ex nA II T6 Gc x x x

NH *NEPSI zone 2 Ex ic IIC T6 Gc x x x

N2 *NEPSI zone 0/1 Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/Gb, zone 20/21 Ex tD IIIC A20/21 IP6x Da/Db x x x

N3 *NEPSI zone 0/1 Ex d(ia) IIC T6 Ga/Gb, zone 20/21 Ex tD IIIC A20/21 IP6x Da/Db x x x

8A FM/CSA IS+XP Cl.I,II,III Div.1 Gr.A-G x x x

99 Special version, TSP-no. to be sepc. x x x

020 Power Supply, Output
51 52 54

A 2-wire; 4-20mA HART x x x

C 2-wire; 4-20mA HART, 4-20mA x x x

G 2-wire. PROFIBUS PA, switch output x x x

K 4-wire 90-253VAC; 4-20mA HART x x x

Endress+Hauser 17
Incoming acceptance and product identification Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

020 Power Supply, Output
51 52 54

L 4-wire 10,4-48VDC; 4-20mA HART x x x

Y Special version, TSP-no. to be sepc. x x x

030 Display, Operation:
51 52 54

A W/o, via communication x x x

C SD02 4-line, push buttons + data backup function x x x

Y Special version, TSP-no. to be sepc. x x x

040 Housing: 51 52 54

A GT19 dual compartment, Plastics PBT x x x

B GT18 dual compartment, 316L x x x

C GT20 dual compartment, Alu coated x x x

Y Special version, TSP-no. to be sepc. x x x

050 Electrical connection:
51 52 54

A Gland M20, IP66/68 NEMA4X/6P x x x

B Thread M20, IP66/68 NEMA4X/6P x x x

C Thread G1/2, IP66/68 NEMA4X/6P x x x

D Thread NPT1/2, IP66/68 NEMA4X/6P x x x

I Plug M12, IP66/68 NEMA4X/6P x x x

M Plug 7/8", IP66/68 NEMA4X/6P x x x

Y Special version, TSP-no. to be sepc. x x x

060 Probe:
51 52 54

AA ..... mm, rod 8mm 316L x

AB ..... inch, rod 1/3" 316L x

AC ..... mm, rod 12mm 316L x

AD ..... inch, rod 1/2" 316L x

AE ..... mm, rod 16mm 316L x

AF ..... inch, rod 0.63in 316L x

AL ..... mm, rod 12mm AlloyC x

AM ..... inch, rod 1/2" AlloyC x

BA ..... mm, rod 16mm 316L, 500mm divisible x x

BB ..... inch, rod 0.63in 316L, 20 inch divisible x x

BC ..... mm, rod 16mm 316L, 1000mm divisible x x

BD ..... inch, rod 0.63in 316L, 40 inch divisible x x

CA ..... mm, rod 16mm PFA>316L x

CB ..... inch, rod 0.63in PFA>316L x

LA ..... mm, rope 4mm 316 x x

LB ..... inch, rope 1/6" 316 x x

18 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Incoming acceptance and product identification

060 Probe:
51 52 54

MB ..... mm, rope 4mm 316, max 300mm nozzle height, center rod x

MD ..... inch, rope 1/6" 316, max 12inch nozzle height, center rod x

OA ..... mm, rope 4mm PFA>316, max 150mm x

OB ..... mm, rope 4mm PFA>316, max 300mm x

OC ..... inch, rope 1/6" PFA>316, max 6inch x

OD ..... inch, rope 1/6" PFA>316, max 12inch x

UA ..... mm, coax 316L x x

UB ..... inch, coax 316L x x

UC ..... mm, coax AlloyC x

UD ..... inch, coax AlloyC x

YY Special version, TSP-no. to be sepc. x x x

090 Seal:
51 52 54

A4 Viton, -30...150°C x

B3 EPDM, -40...120°C x

C3 Kalrez, -20...200°C x

D1 Graphite, -196...280°C (XT) x

D2 Graphite, -196...450°C (HT) x

Y9 Special version, TSP-no. to be sepc. x x x

100 Process connection:
51 52 54

AAJ 2" 300/600lbs RF, 316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

ABJ 3" 300/600lbs RF, 316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

AEJ 1-1/2" 150lbs RF, 316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

AEK 1-1/2" 150lbs, PTFE>316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

AEM 1-1/2" 150lbs, AlloyC>316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

AFJ 2" 150lbs RF, 316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x x

AFK 2" 150lbs, PTFE>316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

AFM 2" 150lbs, AlloyC>316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

AGJ 3" 150lbs RF, 316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x x

AGK 3" 150lbs, PTFE>316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

AGM 3" 150lbs, AlloyC>316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

AHJ 4" 150lbs RF, 316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x x

AHK 4" 150lbs, PTFE>316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

AJJ 6" 150lbs RF, 316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

AJK 6" 150lbs, PTFE>316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

AKJ 8" 150lbs RF, 316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

AOJ 4" 600lbs RF, 316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

AQJ 1-1/2" 300lbs RF, 316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

AQK 1-1/2" 300lbs, PTFE>316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 x

AQM 1-1/2" 300lbs, AlloyC>316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

Endress+Hauser 19
Incoming acceptance and product identification Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

100 Process connection:
51 52 54

ARJ 2" 300lbs RF, 316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

ARK 2" 300lbs, PTFE>316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

ARM 2" 300lbs, AlloyC>316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

ASJ 3" 300lbs RF, 316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

ASK 3" 300lbs, PTFE>316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

ASM 3" 300lbs, AlloyC>316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

ATJ 4" 300lbs RF, 316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x x

ATK 4" 300lbs, PTFE>316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

AZJ 4" 900lbs RF, 316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

A6J 2" 1500lbs RF, 316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

A7J 3" 1500lbs RF, 316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

A8J 4" 1500lbs RF, 316/316L flange ANSI B16.5 (CRN) x

CFJ DN50 PN10/16 B1, 316L flange EN1092-1 x x

CFK DN50 PN10/16, PTFE>316L flange EN1092-1 x

CFM DN50 PN10/16, AlloyC>316L flange EN1092-1 x

CGJ DN80 PN10/16 B1, 316L flange EN1092-1 x x

CGK DN80 PN10/16, PTFE>316L flange EN1092-1 x

CGM DN80 PN10/16, AlloyC>316L flange EN1092-1 x

CHJ DN100 PN10/16 B1, 316L flange EN1092-1 x x

CHK DN100 PN10/16, PTFE>316L flange EN1092-1 x

CHM DN100 PN10/16, AlloyC>316L flange EN1092-1 x

CJJ DN150 PN10/16 B1, 316L flange EN1092-1 x

CJK DN150 PN10/16, PTFE>316L flange EN1092-1 x

CKJ DN200 PN16 B1, 316L flange EN1092-1 x

CQJ DN40 PN10-40 B1, 316L flange EN1092-1 x

CQK DN40 PN10-40, PTFE>316L flange EN1092-1 x

CQM DN40 PN10-40, AlloyC>316L flange EN1092-1 x

CRJ DN50 PN25/40 B1, 316L flange EN1092-1 x x

CRK DN50 PN25/40, PTFE>316L flange EN1092-1 x

CRM DN50 PN25/40, AlloyC>316L flange EN1092-1 x

CSJ DN80 PN25/40 B1, 316L flange EN1092-1 x x

CSK DN80 PN25/40, PTFE>316L flange EN1092-1 x

CSM DN80 PN25/40, AlloyC>316L flange EN1092-1 x

CTJ DN100 PN25/40 B1, 316L flange EN1092-1 x x

CTK DN100 PN25/40, PTFE>316L flange EN1092-1 x

CTM DN100 PN25/40, AlloyC>316L flange EN1092-1 x

GDJ Thread ISO228 G3/4, 316L x

GGJ Thread ISO228 G1-1/2, 316L (CRN) x

GIJ Thread ISO228 G1-1/2, 200bar, 316L (CRN) x

GJJ Thread ISO228 G1-1/2, 400bar, 316L (CRN) x

KEJ 10K 40 RF, 316L flange JIS B2220 x

KEK 10K 40, PTFE>316L flange JIS B2220 x

20 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Incoming acceptance and product identification

100 Process connection:
51 52 54

KFJ 10K 50 RF, 316L flange JIS B2220 x x

KFK 10K 50, PTFE>316L flange JIS B2220 x

KGJ 10K 80 RF, 316L flange JIS B2220 x x

KGK 10K 80, PTFE>316L flange JIS B2220 x

KHJ 10K 100 RF, 316L flange JIS B2220 x x

KHK 10K 100, PTFE>316L flange JIS B2220 x

K3J 63K 50 RF, 316L flange JIS B2220 x

K4J 63K 80 RF, 316L flange JIS B2220 x

K5J 63K 100 RF, 316L flange JIS B2220 x

LNJ Fisher 249B/259B cages 600lbs, 316L, torque tube displacer flange x

LPJ Fisher 249N cages 900lbs, 316L, torque tube displacer flange x

LQJ Masoneilan 7-1/2" 600lbs, 316L torque tube displacer flange x

MOK DIN11851 DN50 PN40 cap-nut, PTFE>316L x

PDJ DN50 PN63 B2, 316L flange EN1092-1 x

PEJ DN80 PN63 B2, 316L flange EN1092-1 x

PFJ DN100 PN63 B2, 316L flange EN1092-1 x

PNJ DN50 PN100 B2, 316L flange EN1092-1 x

PPJ DN80 PN100 B2, 316L flange EN1092-1 x

PQJ DN100 PN100 B2, 316L flange EN1092-1 x

RAJ Thread ANSI MNPT1-1/2, 200bar, 316L (CRN) x

RBJ Thread ANSI MNPT1-1/2, 400bar, 316L (CRN) x

RDJ Thread ANSI MNPT3/4, 316L x

RGJ Thread ANSI MNPT1-1/2, 316L (CRN) x

TAK Tri-Clamp ISO2852 DN40-51 (2"), 3A, EHEDG, PTFE>316L (CRN) x

TDK Tri-Clamp ISO2852 DN40-51 (2"), PTFE>316L (CRN) x

TFK Tri-Clamp ISO2852 DN70-76.1 (3"), PTFE>316L (CRN) x

TJK Tri-Clamp ISO2852 DN38 (1-1/2"), PTFE>316L (CRN) x

TLK Tri-Clamp ISO2852 DN70-76.1 (3"), 3A, EHEDG, PTFE>316L (CRN) x

TNK Tri-Clamp ISO2852 DN38 (1-1/2"), 3A, EHEDG, PTFE>316L (CRN) x

YYY Special version, TSP-no. to be sepc. x x x

500 Additional Operation Language:
51 52 54

AA English x x x

AB German x x x

AC French x x x

AD Spanish x x x

AE Italian x x x

AF Dutch x x x

AG Portuguese x x x

AH Polish x x x

AI Russian x x x

Endress+Hauser 21
Incoming acceptance and product identification Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

500 Additional Operation Language:
51 52 54

AL Japanese x x x

AM Korean x x x

AR Czech x x x

540 Application Package: (Multiple options can be selected)
51 52 54

EB Interface measurement x x x

EF Gas Phase Compensation, Lref = 300mm x

EG Gas Phase Compensation, Lref = 550mm x

E9 Special version, TSP-no. to be sepc. x x x

550 Calibration:
51 52 54

F4 5-point linearity protocol x x x

F9 Special version, TSP-no. to be sepc. x x x

570 Service: (Multiple options can be selected)
51 52 54

HC PWIS free, PWIS = paint-wetting impairment substances x x x

IJ Customized parametrization HART x x x

IK Customized parametrization PA x x x

IW W/o Tooling DVD (FieldCare setup) x x x

I9 Special version, TSP-no. to be sepc. x x x

580 Test, Certificate: (Multiple options can be selected)
51 52 54

JA 3.1 Material certificate, wetted metallic parts, EN10204-3.1 inspection certificate x x

JB Conformity to NACE MR0175, wetted metallic parts x x

JD 3.1 Material certificate, pressure retaining parts, EN10204-3.1 inspection certificate x

JE Conformity to NACE MR0103, wetted metallic parts x x

KD Helium leak test, internal procedure, inspection certificate x x

KE Pressure test, internal procedure, inspection certificate x x x

KG *3.1 Material certificate+PMI test (XRF) internalprocedure, wetted metallic parts, EN10204-3.1 x x
inspection certificate

KP Liquid penetrant test AD2000-HP5-3(PT), wetted/pressure retaining metallic parts, inspection x x


KQ Liquid penetrant test ISO23277-1 (PT), wetted/pressure retaining metallic parts, inspection x x

KR Liquid penetrant test ASME VIII-1 (PT), wetted/pressure retaining metallic parts, inspection x x

KS WPQR, WPS to ISO15614/ASME IX/Norsok, wetted/pressure retaining metallic parts x x

K9 Special version, TSP-no. to be sepc. x x x

22 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Incoming acceptance and product identification

590 Additional Approval: (Multiple options can be selected)
51 52 54

LA SIL x x x

LC *WHG overfill prevention

L9 Special version, TSP-no. to be sepc. x x x

600 Probe Design: (Multiple options can be selected)
51 52 54

MB Sensor remote, 3m/9ft cable, detachable+mounting bracket x x x

ME Coax ground tube multiple punched x x

M9 Special version, TSP-no. to be sepc. x x x

610 Accessory mounted: (Multiple options can be selected)
51 52 54

NC Gas-tight feed through x x

OA Rod center washer d=75mm/2.95", 316L pipe diameter DN80/3" + DN100/4" x x

OB Rod center washer d=45mm/1.77", 316L pipe diameter DN50/2" + DN65/2-1/2" x x

OC Rope center washer d=75mm/2.95", 316L pipe diameter DN80/3" + DN100/4" x x

OD Rod center washer d=48-95mm/1.88-3.74", PEEK, interface measurement, pipe diameter x x

DN50/2" to DN100/4"

OE Rod center washer d=37mm/1.45", PFA, interface measurement, pipe diameter DN40/1-1/2" x x x
+ DN50/2"

O9 Special version, TSP-no. to be sepc. x x x

620 Accessory enclosed: (Multiple options can be selected)
51 52 54

PB Weather protection cover x x x

PG Mounting kit, insulated, rope x x x

R9 Special version, TSP-no. to be sepc. x x x

850 Firmware Version:
51 52 54

75 01.01.zz, HART, DevRev02 x x x

77 01.00.zz, PROFIBUS PA, DevRev01 x x x

78 01.00.zz, HART, DevRev01 x x x

895 Tagging: (Multiple options can be selected)
51 52 54

Z1 Tagging (TAG), see additional spec. x x x

Z2 Bus address, see additional spec. x x x

Endress+Hauser 23
Storage, Transport Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

5 Storage, Transport

5.1 Storage conditions

• Permitted storage temperature: –40 to +80 °C (–40 to +176 °F)
• Use the original packaging.

5.2 Transport product to the measuring point

Risk of injury if the hosuing breaks away!
► Transport the measuring device to the measuring point in its original packaging or at the process
► Comply with the safety instructions, transport conditions for devices over 18kg (39.6lbs).


1 2


24 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Mounting

6 Mounting

6.1 Mounting dimensions

6.1.1 Dimensions of the electronics housing

78 (3.07) 90 (3.54)


141.9 (5.59)
ø108.5 (ø4.27)

144 (5.67)
115.25 (4.54)

å4 Housing GT18 (316L); Dimensions in mm (in)


78 (3.07) 90 (3.54)
6 (ø

163 (6.42)
ø106 (ø4.17)
134.5 (5.3) A0015133

å5 Housing GT19 (Plastics PBT); Dimensions in mm (in)

78 (3.07) 90 (3.54)

ø111 (ø4.37) - 1°

141.5 (5.57)

144 (5.67)
ø108.5 (ø4.27)
117.1 (4.61)


å6 Housing GT20 (Alu coated); Dimensions in mm (in)

Endress+Hauser 25
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

6.1.2 Dimensions of the mounting bracket


122 (4.8) 140 (5.5)
158 (6.2) 175 (6.9)



Ø 42 ... 60
(1-1/4 ... 2) mm (inch)


å7 Mounting bracket for the electronics housing

A Wall mounting
B Pipe mounting

For the "Sensor remote" device version (see feature 060 of the product structure), the mounting
bracket is part of the delivery. If required, it can also be ordered as an accessory (order code

26 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Mounting

6.1.3 FMP51: Dimensions of process connection (G¾,NPT¾) and




rmin= 100 (4)


ø59.35 ø82.5
(ø2.34) (ø3.25)





ø10 (0.4)



ø4 ø4
(ø0.16) (ø0.16) ø8 ø22
(ø0.31) (ø0.87)

150 (5.91)

12 (0.47)
4 (0.16)

M14 ø29 (ø1.14) 2 (0.08)

mm (in) ø22 (ø0.87) ø75 (ø2.95)


A Mounting bracket for probe design "Sensor remote" (Feature 600)

B Thread ISO G3/4 or ANSI MNPT3/4 (Feature (100)
F Rope probe 4mm or 1/6" (Feature 060)
G Rope probe 4 mm or 1/6"; centering disk optional (Features 060 and 610)
H Rod probe 8mm or 1/3" (Feature 060)
I Coax probe (Feature 060)
LN Length of probe
R Reference point of the measurement

Endress+Hauser 27
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

6.1.4 FMP51: Dimensions of process connection (G1½,NPT1½,flange)

and probe



rmin= 100 (4)


ø59.35 ø59.35 ø59.35


(ø2.34) (ø2.34) (ø2.34)




SW55 SW55 (ø3.25)

AF55 AF55

G1½ NPT1½



AF10 SW14

SW10 AF14 ø10 (0.4)

AF10 SW10 ø16
1000 (39.4)

500 (19.7)


ø4 SW14
(ø0.16) AF14 (1.57)
2.2 (0.09)

min. 50 (1.97)
max. 551 (21.7)
max. 1051 (41.4)
150 (5.91)

12 (0.47)
4 (0.16)



M14 ø29 Q 2 (0.08) 2 (0.08)

(ø1.14) ø42.4 (ø1.67) ø42.4
ø42.2 (ø1.66)* (ø1.67)
mm (in) (ø2.95)

A Mounting bracket for probe design "Sensor remote" (Feature 600)

C Thread ISO228 G1-1/2 (Feature 100)
D Thread ANSI MNPT1-1/2 (Feature 100)
E Flange ANSI B16.5, EN1092-1, JIS B2220 (Feature 100)
J Rope probe 4mm or 1/6" (Feature 060)
K Rope probe 4mm or 1/6"; centering disk optional (Features 060 and 610)
L Rod probe 12mm or 1/2"; centering disk optional, see table below (Features 060 and 610)
M Rod probe 16 mm or 0.63in, 20" or 40" divisible; centering disk optional, see table below (Feature 060 and 610)
N Coax probe; the second diameter is valid for the AlloyC version (Feature 060)

28 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Mounting

O Coax probe, ground tube multiple punched (Features 060 and 600)
LN Length of probe
R Reference point of the measurement


PEEK 7 mm (0.28 in) Æ95 mm (3.74 in)

PFA 10 mm (0.39 in) 37 mm (1.46 in) 110 mm (4.33 in)

316L 4 mm (0.16 in) Æ45 mm (1.77 in)

Æ75 mm (2.95 in)

Endress+Hauser 29
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

6.1.5 FMP52: Dimensions of process connection and probe



rmin= 100 (4)


B C D E F (ø3.25)
(ø2.35) ø63.9 ø90.89 ø68.5 ø59.8
(ø2.52) (ø3.58) (ø2.7) (ø2.35)
116.4 (4.58)





ø16 ø16 ø16 ø16 ø16

(ø0.63) (ø0.63) (ø0.63) (ø0.63) (ø0.63)




118 (4.65)



mm (in)

A Mounting bracket for probe design "Sensor remote" (Feature 600)

B Tri-Clamp 1-1/2" (Feature 100)
C Tri-Clamp 2" (Feature 100)
D Tri-Clamp 3" (Feature 100)
E DIN 11851 (Dairy coupling) DN50 (Feature 100)
F Flange ANSI B16.5, EN1092-1, JIS B2220 (Feature 100)
G Rod probe 16mm or 0.63 in , PFA>316L (Feature 060)
H Rope probe 4mm or1/6", PFA>316 (Feature 060)
LN Length of probe
R Reference point of the measurement

30 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Mounting

6.1.6 FMP54: Dimensions of process connection and probe




341.8 (13.5)

316.6 (12.5)

277.9 (10.9)

SW60 SW60
250.9 (9.88)

AF60 AF60 ø82.5

ø90 ø90 (ø3.25)
ø90 ø90 (ø3.54) (ø3.54)
(ø3.54) (ø3.54)



SW14 SW14 SW14 SW14



AF14 AF14 AF14 AF14

M40x1 M40x1 M40x1 M40x1


SW14 SW14 (ø0.63)
AF14 AF14
1000 (39.4)
500 (19.7)

(ø0.63) SW14

ø4 ø4
(ø0.16) (ø0.16) SW14
SW14 AF14

max. 1051 (41.4)
min. 50 (1.97)

150 (5.91)
20 (0.79)

12 (0.47)
4 (0.16)



M14 ø29 (ø1.14) M ø42.4 ø42.4

ø22 (ø0.87) ø75 (ø2.95) (ø1.67) (ø1.67) mm (in)


A Mounting bracket for probe design "Sensor remote" (Feature 600)

B Thread ISO228 G1-1/2 or ANSI MNPT1-1/2; XT 280 °C (Features 100 and 090)
C Flange ANSI B16.5, EN1092-1, JIS B2220; XT 280 °C (Features 100 and 090)
D Thread ISO228 G1-1/2 or ANSI MNPT1-1/2; HT 450 °C (Features 100 and 090)
E Flange ANSI B16.5, EN1092-1, JIS B2220; HT 450°C (Features 100 and 090)
F Rope probe 4mm or 1/6" (Feature 060)
G Rope probe 4mm (1/6"), centering disk optional (Features 060 and 610)
H Rod probe 16mm or 0.63in; centering disk optional, see table below (Features 060 and 610)
I Rod probe 16mm or 0.63in ; 20" or 40" divisible; centering disk optional, see table below (Feature 060 and 610)
J Coax probe (Feature 060)

Endress+Hauser 31
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

K Coax probe, ground tube multiple punched (Features 060 and 600)
LN Length of probe
R Reference point of the measurement


PEEK 7 mm (0.28 in) Æ95 mm (3.74 in) -

PFA 10 mm (3.94 in) 37 mm (1.46 in) 110 mm (4.33 in)

316L 4 mm (0.16 in) Æ45 mm (1.77 in)

Æ75 mm (2.95 in) -

6.2 Mounting requirements

6.2.1 Suitable mounting position

1 2 3

A 4


Mounting distances
• Distance (A) between wall and rod or rope probe:
– for smooth metallic walls: > 50 mm (2")
– for plastic walls: > 300 mm (12") mm to metallic parts outside the vessel
– for concrete walls: > 500 mm (20") , otherwise the available measuring range may be reduced.
• Distance (B) between rod or rope probe and internal fittings in the vessel: > 300 mm (12")
• Distance (C) from end of probe to bottom of the vessel:
– Rope probe: > 150 mm (6 in)
– Rod probe: > 10 mm (0.4 in)
– Coax probe: > 10 mm (0.4 in)
For coax probes the distance to the wall and to internal fittings is arbitrary.

32 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Mounting

Additional conditions
• When mounting in the open, a weather protection cover (1) may be installed to protect the device
against extreme weather conditions.
• In metallic vessels: Preferably do not mount the probe in the center of the vessel (2), as this would
lead to increased interference echoes.
If a central mounting position can not be avoided, it is crucial to perform an interference echo
suppresion(mapping) after the commissioning of the device.
• Do not mount the probe in the filling curtain (3).
• Avoid buckling the rope probe during installation or operation (e.g. through product movement
against silo wall) by selecting a suitable mounting location.
With suspended rope probes (probe end not fixed at the bottom) the distance between the
probe rope and internal fittings in the tank must not fall below 300 mm (12") during the entire
process. A sporadic contact between the probe weight and the cone of the vessel, however,
does not influence the measurement as long as the dielectric constant of the medium is at least
DC = 1.8.
When mounting the electronics housing into a recess (e.g. in a concrete ceiling), observe a
minimum distance of 100 mm (4 inch) between the cover of the terminal compartment /
electronics compartment and the wall. Otherwise the connection compartment / electronics
compartment is not accessible after installation.

6.2.2 Applications with restricted mounting space

Mounting with remote sensor

The device version with a remote sensor is suited for applications with restricted mounting space.
In this case the electronics housing is mounted at a separate position from which it is easier accessible.


6 Nm
6 Nm
rmin= 100 mm (4”)
3 m (9 ft)

3 m (9 ft)

rmin= 100 mm (4”)

6 Nm
6 Nm


A Angled plug at the probe

B Angled plug at the electronics housing

Endress+Hauser 33
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

• Levelflex version (see product structure):

Feature 600 "Probe Design", Option MB "Sensor remote, 3m/9ft cable, detachable+mounting
bracket" (® ä 23)
• A connecting cable is supplied with this device version
– Length: 3 m (9 ft)
– Minimum bending radius: 100 mm (4 inch)
• A mounting bracket for the electronics housing is supplied with this device version. Mounting
– Wall mounting
– Pipe mounting; diameter: 42 to 60 mm (1-1/4 to 2 inch)
• The connection cable has got one straight and one angled plug (90°). Depending on the local
conditions the angled plug can be connected at the probe or at the electronics housing.

Divisible probes


If there is little mounting space (distance to the ceiling), it is advisable to use divisible rod probes
(Æ 16 mm).
• max. probe length 10 m/394 inch
• max. sideways capacity 20 Nm
• probes are separable several times with the lengths:
– 500 mm/20 inch
– 1000 mm/ 40 inch
• torque: 15 Nm

6.2.3 Notes on the mechanical load of the probe

Tensile load limit of rope probes

Sensor Feature 060 Probe Tensile load limit [kN]

FMP51 LA, LB Rope 4mm (1/6") 316 5


FMP52 OA, OB, OC, OD Rope 4mm (1/6") PFA>316 2

FMP54 LA, LB Rope 4mm (1/6") 316 10

34 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Mounting

Bending strength of rod probes

Sensor Feature 060 Probe Bending strength [Nm]

FMP51 AA, AB Rod 8mm (1/3") 316L 10

AC, AD Rod 12mm (1/2") 316L 30

AL, AM Rod 12mm (1/2") AlloyC 30

BA, BB, BC, BD Rod 16mm (0.63") 316L divisible 30

FMP52 CA, CB Rod 16mm (0.63") PFA>316L 30

FMP54 AE, AF Rod 16mm (0.63") 316L 30

BA, BB, BC, BD Rod 16mm (0.63") 316L divisible 30

Bending load (torque) through fluid flow

The formula for calculating the bending torque M impacting on the probe:
M = cw × r/2 × v2 × d × L × (LN - 0.5 × L)

cw: Friction factor
r [kg/m3]: Density of the medium
v [m/s]: Velocity of the medium perpendicular to the probe rod
d [m]: Diameter of the probe rod
L [m]: Level
LN [m]: Probe length

Calculation example

Friction factor cw 0,9 (on the assumption of a turbulent current - high Reynolds

Density r [kg/m3] 1000 (e.g. water)

Probe diameter d [m] 0,008

L = LN (worst case) LN
v L


Bending torque [M] on rod probes, diameter 8mm (1/3”)

Bending torque [Nm]

max. bending torque

0.0 v=0.5m/s
0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 v=0.7m/s
Probe length [LN] in meters v=1.0m/s


Endress+Hauser 35
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Bending strength of coax probes

Sensor Feature 060 Process connection Probe Bending strength


FMP51 UA, UB Thread G¾ oder NPT¾ Coax 316L, Ø 21,3 60


• Thread G1½ or NPT1½ Coax 316L, Ø 42,4 300

• Flange mm

UC, UD Flange Coax AlloyC, Ø 42,4 300


FMP54 UA, UB • Thread G1½ or NPT1½ Coax 316L, Ø 42,4 300

• Flange mm

6.2.4 Notes on the process connection

Probes are mounted to the process connection with threaded connections or flanges. If during this
installation there is the danger that the probe end moves so much that it touches the tank floor or
cone at times, the probe must, if necessary, be shortened and fixed down. (® ä 39).

Threaded connection


å8 Mounting with threaded connection; flush with the container ceiling

The thread as well as the type of seal comply to DIN 3852 Part 1, screwed plug form A.
They can be sealed with the following types of sealing rings:
• Thread G3/4": According to DIN 7603 with the dimensions 27 x 32 mm
• Thread G1-1/2": According to DIN 7603 with the dimensions 48 x 55 mm
Please use a sealing ring according to this standard in the form A, C or D and of a material that is
resistant to the application.
For the length of the screwed plug refer to the dimensional drawing:
• FMP51: (® ä 27)
• FMP54: (® ä 31)

36 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Mounting

Nozzle mounting with flange

< 150
(< 6)

Ø < 150
(Ø < 6) mm (in)


For FMP52: Use spring washers in order to compensate a possible creep deformation of the
PTFE cladding between the tank and the device flange; see figure below.
Alternative: Retighten the flange bolts periodically, depending on process temperature and
pressure. Recommended torque: 60 to 100 Nm (44.3 to 73.7 lbf ft).

≤ 450 (18)

mm (in)


1 Spring wahsers ensure sufficient preload between the tank and the flange of the FMP52.

Hight and diameter of the nozzle

• Permissible nozzle diameter: £ 150 mm (6 in).
For larger diameters the near range measuring capability may be reduced.
For nozzles ³ DN300: (® ä 38).
• Permissible nozzle height 1): £ 150 mm (6 in).
For a larger height the near range measuring capability may be reduced.
Larger nozzle heights may be possible in special cases (see sections "Center rod for FMP51 and
FMP52" and "Rod extension/centering HMP40 for FMP54").
With thermally insulated vessels the nozzle should also be insulated in order to prevent
condensate formation.

Center rod for FMP51 and FMP52

For rope probes it may be necessary to use a version with center rod in order to prevent the probe
rod from coming into contact with the nozzle wall. Probes with center rod are available for FMP51
and FMP52.

Probe Max. nozzle height (= length of the center rod) Option to be selected in feature 060 ("Probe")

FMP51 150 mm LA

6 inch LB

1) Larger nozzle heights on request

Endress+Hauser 37
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Probe Max. nozzle height (= length of the center rod) Option to be selected in feature 060 ("Probe")

300 mm MB

12 inch MD

FMP52 150 mm OA

6 inch OC

300 mm OB

12 inch OD

Rod extension/centering HMP40 for FMP54

For FMP54 with rope probes the rod extension/centering HMP 40 is available as an accessory
(® ä 97). It has to be used if otherwise the probe rope comes into contact with the lower edge
of the nozzle.
This accessory consists of the extension rod corresponding to the nozzle height, on which a
centering disk is also mounted if the nozzles are narrow or when working in bulk solids. This
component is delivered separately from the device. Please order the probe length
correspondingly shorter.
Centering disks with small diameters (DN40 and DN50) may only be used if there is no
significant build-up in the nozzle above the disk. The nozzle must not become clogged by the

Installation in nozzles ³ DN300

If installation in ≥ 300mm/12" nozzles is unavoidable, installation must be carried out in accordance
with the sketch on the right.


1 Lower edge of the nozzle

2 Approx. flush with the lower edge of the nozzle (± 50 mm/2")
3 Plate
4 Pipe Æ 150 to 180 mm (6 to 7 inch)

Nozzle diameter Plate diameter

300 mm (12") 280 mm (11")

³ 400 mm (16") ³ 350 mm (14")

38 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Mounting

6.2.5 Securing the probe

Securing rope probes



A Sag of the rope: ³ 1 cm per 1m of the probe length (0.12 inch per 1 ft of the probe length)
B Reliably grounded end of probe
C Reliably isolated end of probe
1: Mounting and contact with a bolt
2 Mounting kit isolated (® ä 99)

• The end of the probe needs to be secured under the following conditions:
if otherwise the probe sporadically comes into contact with the wall of the vessel, the outlet cone,
internal fittings or other parts of the installation.
• The end of probe can be secured at its internal thread
rope 4 mm (1/6"), 316: M 14
• The fixing must be either reliably grounded or reliably insulated. If it is not possible to mount the
probe weight with a reliably insulated connection, it can be secured using an isolated eyelet, which
is available as an accessory (® ä 99).
• In the case of a grounded fixing the Positive echo option must be selected in the Expert ®
Sensors ® EOP evaluation ® EOP search mode parameter. Otherwise the automatic probe
length correction will not work.
• In order to prevent an extremely high tensile load (e.g. due to thermal expansion) and the risk of
rope crack, the rope has to be slack. Make the rope longer than the required measuring range such
that there is a sag in the middle of the rope that is ≥ 1cm/(1 m rope length) [0.12 inch/(1 ft rope
length)]. Tensile load limit of rope probes: (® ä 34)

Securing rod probes

• For Ex-approvals: For probe lengths ³ 3 m (10 ft) a support is required.
• In general, rod probes must be supported if there is a horizontal flow (e.g. from an agitator) or in
the case of strong vibrations.
• Rod probes may only be supported at the end of the probe.

Endress+Hauser 39
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54



»50 (1.97)

ø<25 (1.0)

»3 (0.12)

»50 (1.97)

mm (in)


1 Probe rod, uncoated

2 Sleeve bored tight to ensure electrical contact between the rod and sleeve!
3 Short metal pipe, e.g. welded in place
4 Probe rod, coated
5 Plastic sleeve, e.g. PTFE, PEEK or PPS
6 Short metal pipe, e.g. welded in place

Æ probe Æ a [mm (inch)] Æ b [mm (inch)]

8 mm (1/3") < 14 (0.55) 8.5 (0.34)

12 mm (1/2") < 20 (0.78) 12.5 (0.52)

16 mm (0.63in) < 26 (1.02) 16.5 (0.65)

Poor grounding of the end of probe may cause measuring errors.
► Apply a narrow sleeve which has good electrical contact to the probe.

Welding may damage the main electronics module.
► Before welding: Ground the probe and dismount electronics.

Securing coax probes

For Ex-approvals: For probe lengths ³ 3 m (10 ft) a support is required.

40 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Mounting


Coax probes can be supported at any point of the outer tube.

6.2.6 Special mounting conditions

Installation in horizontal and upright cylindrical tanks


• Any distance from wall, as long as occasional contact is prevented.

• When installing in tanks with a lot of internals or internals situated close to the probe: use a coax

Endress+Hauser 41
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Bypasses and stilling wells


1 2
25 Nm ± 5 Nm

³ 100
(³ 4)
3.2 d

³ 100
(³ 4)

25 Nm ± 5 Nm
mm (in)


1 Mounting in a stilling well

2 Mounting in a bypass
3 Center washer
3.1 Metallic center washer (316L) for level measurement
3.2 Non-metallic center washer (PEEK, PFA) for interface measurement

For information on bypass solutions from Endress+Hauser please contact your Endress+Hauser
sales representative.

Feature 610 - Accessory mounted

Center washer Pipe

Application Option Type of probe
Æ d [mm (in)] Material Æ D [mm (in)]

Level measurement OA Rod probe 75 (2,95) 316L DN80/3" to


OB Rod probe 45 (1,77) 316L DN50/2" to


OC Rope probe 75 (2,95) 316L DN80/3" to


Interface measurement OD Rod probe 48...95 PEEK ³ 50 mm (2")


OE Rope probe 37 (1,46) PFA ³ 40 mm (1.57")

• Pipe diameter: > 40 mm (1.6") for rod probes

• Rod probe installation can take place up to a diameter size of 100 mm. In the event of larger
diameters, a coax probe is recommended.
• Side disposals, holes or slits and welded joints that protrude up to approx. 5 mm (0.2") inwards
do not influence the measurement.
• The pipe may not exhibit any steps in diameter.
• The probe must be 100 mm longer than the lower disposal.
• Within the measuring range, the probe must not get into contact with the pipe wall. If necessary,
use a center washer (see feature 610 of the product structure).
• If the center washer is mounted at the end of the probe, it enables a reliable recognition of the
end-of-probe signal (see feature 610 of the product structure).
Note: For interface measurements only use the nonmetallic center washers made of PEEK or PFA
(feature 610, options OD or OE) (® ä 96).
• Coax probes can always be applied if there is enough mounting space.

42 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Mounting

For bypasses with condensate formation (water) and a medium with low dielectric constant
(e.g. hydrocarbons):
In the course of time the bypass is filled with condensate up to the lower disposal and for low
levels the the level echo is superimposed by the condensate echo. Thus in this range the
condensate level is measured instead of the correct level. Only higher levels are measured
correctly. To prevent this, position the lower disposal 100 mm (4 in) below the lowest level to
be measured and apply a metallic centering disk at the height of the lower edge of the lower
With heat insulated tanks the bypass should also be insulated in order to prevent condensate

Underground tanks


Use a coax probe for nozzles with large diameters in order to avoid reflections at the nozzle wall.

Installation at an angle


Endress+Hauser 43
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

• For mechanical reasons, the probe should be installed as vertically as possible.

• With inclined installations the probe length has to be adjusted in dependence to the installation
– Up to LN = 1 m (3.3 ft): a = 30°
– Up to LN = 2 m (6.6 ft): a = 10°
– Up to LN = 4 m (13.1 ft): a = 5°

Non-metallic vessels


1 Non-metallic vessel
2 Metal sheet or metal flange

To measure, Levelflex with a rod probe needs a metallic surface at the process connection. Therefore:
• Select an instrument version with metal flange (minimum size DN50/2").
• Or: mount a metal sheet with a diameter of at least 200 mm (8") to the probe at the process
connection. Its orientation must be perpendicular to the probe.
No additional measures are required for coax probes.

Plastic or glass tanks: Mounting the probe externally at the wall



1 Plastic or glass tank

2 Metall sheet with threaded sleeve
3 No free space between tank wall and probe!

44 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Mounting

• The dielectric constant of the medium must be at least DC > 7.
• The tank wall must be non-conductvie.
• Maximum wall thickness (a):
– Plastic: < 15 mm (0.6")
– Glass: < 10 mm (0.4")
• There may be no metallic reinforcements fixed to the tank.
Mounting conditions:
• The probe must be mounted directly to the tank wall (no open space)
• A plastic half pipe with a diameter of approx. 200 mm (8"), or some other protective unit, must
be affixed externally to the probe to prevent any influences on the measurement.
• If the tank diameter is less than 300 mm (12"):
A metallic grounding sheet must be installed at the opposite side of the tank. The sheet must be
conductively connected to the process connection and cover about the half of the vessel's
• If the tank diameter exceeds 300 mm (12"):
A metal sheet with a diameter of at least 200 mm (8") must be mounted to the probe at the process
connection. Its orientation must be perpendicular to the probe (see above).

Vessels with heat insulation

If process temperatures are high, the device must be included in normal tank insulation to
prevent the electronics heating up as a result of heat radiation or convection. The insulation
may not exceed beyond the points labeled "MAX" in the drawings.

2 3



å9 Process connection with thread - FMP51

1 Tank insulation
2 Compact device
3 Sensor remote (feature 600)

Endress+Hauser 45
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

2 3

40 (1.57)

40 (1.57)

mm (in)


å 10 Process connection with flange - FMP51, FMP52

1 Tank insulation
2 Compact device
3 Sensor remote (feature 600)

XT 280 °C (536 °F) HT 450 °C (842 °F)

2 2 3



å 11 Process connection with thread - FMP54, sensor version XT and HT

1 Tank insulation
2 Compact device
3 Sensor remote (feature 600)

XT 280 °C (536 °F) HT 450 °C (842 °F)

2 2 3



å 12 Process connection with flange - FMP54, sensor version XT and HT

1 Tank insulation
2 Compact device
3 Sensor remote (feature 600)

46 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Mounting

Replacing a displacer system in an existing displacer chamber

FMP51 and FMP54 are a perfect replacement for a conventional displacer system in an existing
displacer chamber. Endress+Hauser offers flanges that suit Fischer and Masoneilan displacer
chamber for this purpose (special product for FMP51; feature 100, options LNJ, LPJ, LQJ for FMP54).
Thanks to menu-guided local operation, commissioning the Levelflex only takes a few minutes.
Replacement is also possible when partially filled, and wet calibration is not required.
Your benefits:
• No moving parts, thus zero-maintenance operation.
• Not sensitive to process influences such as temperature, density, turbulence and vibrations.
• The rod probes can be shortened or replaced easily. In this way, the probe can be easily adjusted
on site.


1 Flange of the displacer chamber

Planning instructions:
• In normal cases, use a rod probe. When installing into a metallic displacer chamber up to 150
mm, you have all the advantages of a coax probe.
• It must be ensured that the probe does not come into contact with the side wall. Where necessary,
use a center washer at the lower end of the probe (feature 610 of the product structure).
• A center washer must be adapted as accurately as possible to the internal diameter of the displacer
chamber to also ensure perfect operation in the area of the probe end.
Additional information on interface measurement
• In the case of oil and water the centering disk should be positioned at the lower edge of the lower
disposal (water level).
• The pipe may not exhibit any steps in diameter. Use the coax probe where necessary.
• In the case of rod probes, it must be ensured that the probe does not come into contact with the
wall. If necessary, use a center washer at the end of the probe.
• A plastic center washer has to be used for interface measurement (feature 610, options OD and

Endress+Hauser 47
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

6.3 Mounting the device

6.3.1 Required mounting tools

• For mounting thread 3/4": Hexagonal wrench 36 mm
• For mounting thread 1-1/2": Hexagonal wrench 55 mm
• To shorten rod or coax probes: Saw
• To shorten rope probes:
– Allen key AF 3 mm (for 4mm ropes) or AF 4 mm (for 6 mm ropes)
– Saw or bolt cutter
• For flanges and other process connections: appropriate mounting tools
• To turn the housing: Hexagonal wrench 8 mm

6.3.2 Preparing the device for mounting

When shortening the probe: Enter the new length of probe into the Quick Setup which can be
found in the electronics housing behind the display module.


Shortening rod probes

Rod probes must be shortened if the distance to the container floor or outlet cone is less than
10 mm (0.4 in). The rods of a rod probe are shortened by sawing at the bottom end.
Rod probes of FMP52 can not be shortened as they are coated.

Shortening rope probes

Rope probes must be shortened if the distance to the container floor or outlet cone is less than
150 mm (6 in).
Rope probes of FMP52 can not be shortened as they are coated.

48 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Mounting

4 / 6 mm
0.16 / 0.25 inch

2.3 / 3.1 inch

60 / 80 mm
5/15 Nm


1. Loosen the 3 Allen set screws using an Allen key AF3 (for 4mm ropes) or AF4 (for 6 mm ropes).
Note: The set screws have got a clamping coating in order to prevent accidental loosening.
Thus an increased torque might be necessary to loosen them.
2. Remove released rope from the weight.
3. Measure off new rope length.
4. Wrap adhesive tape around the rope at the point to be shortened to prevent it from fanning
5. Saw off the rope at a right angle or cut it off with a bolt cutter.
6. Insert the rope completely into the weight: rope 4 mm (0.16 in): 60 mm (2.4 in) deep; rope
6 mm (0.24 in): 80 mm (3.2 in) deep.
7. Screw the set screws into place. Due to the clamping coating of the setscrews application of a
screw locking fluid is not necessary. Torque: rope 4 mm (0.16 in): 5 Nm (3.7 lbf ft); rope
6 mm (0.24 in): 15 Nm (11 lbf ft).

Shortening coax probes

Coax probes must be shortened if the distance to the container floor or outlet cone is less than
10 mm (0.4 in).
Coax probes can be shortened max. 80 mm (3.2 in) from the end. They have centering units
inside, which fix the rod centrally in the pipe. The centerings are held with borders on the rod.
Shortening is possible up to approx. 10 mm (0.4 in) below the centering unit.
The coax probe is shortened by sawing the pipe at the bottom end.

6.3.3 FMP54 with gas phase compensation: Mounting the probe rod
This section is only valid for FMP54 with gas phase compensation (product structure: feature
540 "Application Package", option EF or EG).

Coax probes
Coax probes with reference reflection are completely mounted and adjusted on delivery. After
mounting they are ready for use. Additional settings are not necessary.

Rod probes
For rod probes with reference reflection the probe rod is delivered separately and has to be mounted
as follows:

Endress+Hauser 49
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54



1. Screw the counter nut onto the connection thread (M10x1) of the gland. Take care that the
chamfer is oriented to the gland.
2. Place a pair of Nord-Lock washers on the thread.
3. Screw the probe rod with the larger diameter onto the thread and fasten it hand-tight.
4. Place the second pair of Nord-Lock washers on the threaded bolt.
5. Screw the probe rod with the smaller diameter onto the threaded bolt and tighten it with 15 Nm
(torque wrench/spanner AF14).

After mounting the probe rod in the stilling well or bypass, check and - if necessary - correct
the settings in the unpressurized state (® ä 80).

6.3.4 Mounting the device

Mounting devices with thread


Devices with mounting thread are screwed into a welding boss or a flange and are usually also
secured with these.

50 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Mounting

• Tighten with the hexagonal nut only:

– Thread 3/4": Hexagonal wrench 36 mm
– Thread 1-1/2": Hexagonal wrench 55 mm
• Maximum permissible torque:
– Thread 3/4": 45 Nm
– Thread 1-1/2": 450 Nm
• Recommended torque when using an aramid fibre seal and a process pressure of 40 bar (580
– Thread 3/4": 25 Nm
– Thread 1-1/2": 140 Nm
• When installing in metal containers, take care to ensure good metallic contact between the
process connection and container.

Flange mounting
If a seal is used, be sure to use unpainted metal bolts to ensure good electrical contact between probe
flange and process flange.

Endress+Hauser 51
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Mounting rope probes

Electrostatic discharges may damage the electronics.
► Earth the housing before lowering the rope into the vessel.


When lowering the rope probe into the vessel, observe the following:
• Uncoil rope and lower it slowly and carefully into the vessel.
• Do not kink the rope.
• Avoid any backlash, since this might damage the probe or the vessel fittings.

6.3.5 Mounting the "Sensor remote" version

This section is only valid for devices of the version "Probe Design" = "Sensor remote" (feature
600, option MB).
For the version "Probe design" = "Sensor remote" the following is supplied:
• The probe with the process connection
• The electronics housing
• The mounting bracket for wall or pipe mounting of the electronics housing
• The connection cable (3m/9ft). The cable has got one straight and one angled plug (90°).
Depending on the local conditions the angled plug can be connected at the probe or at the
electronics housing.

The plugs of the connection cable may be damaged by mechanical stress.
► Mount the probe and the electronics housing tightly before connecting the cable.
► Lay the cable such that it is not exposed to mechanical stress. Minimum bending radius: 100
mm (4").
► When connecting the cable: Connect the straight plug before the angled one. Torque for both
coupling nuts: 6 Nm.

52 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Mounting

Mounting the electronics housing


122 (4.8) 140 (5.5)
158 (6.2) 175 (6.9)



Ø 42 ... 60
(1-1/4 ... 2) mm (inch)


å 13 Mounting the electronics housing using the mounting bracket

A Wall mounting
B Pipe mounting

Connecting the cable

Required tools:
Open-end wrench 18AF


6 Nm
6 Nm
rmin= 100 mm (4”)
3 m (9 ft)

3 m (9 ft)

rmin= 100 mm (4”)

6 Nm
6 Nm


å 14 Connecting the cable. There are the following possibilities:

A Angled plug at the probe
B Angled plug at the electronics housing

Endress+Hauser 53
Mounting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

6.3.6 Turning the transmitter housing

To provide easier access to the connection compartment or display module, the transmitter housing
can be turned:

max. 350°

8 mm 8 mm


1. Unscrew the securing screw using an open-ended wrench.

2. Rotate the housing in the desired direction.
3. Firmly tighten the securing screw. (1,5 Nm for plastics housing; 2,5 Nm for aluminium or
stainless steel housing).

6.3.7 Turning the display module


3 mm


1. If present (i.e. for devices with Dust-Ex/DIP approval): Loosen the securing clamp of the
electronics compartment cover using an Allen key.
2. Unscrew cover of the electronics compartment from the transmitter housing.
3. Pull out the display module with a gentle rotation movement.
4. Rotate the display module into the desired position: Max. 8 ´ 45 ° in each direction.
5. Feed the spiral cable into the gap in the housing above the main electronics module and plug
the display module in the desired orientation onto the electronics compartment until it engages.
6. Screw the cover of the electronics compartment firmly back onto the transmitter housing.
7. If present (i.e. for devices with Dust-Ex/DIP approval): Tighten the securing clamp again using
the Allen key (Torque: 2.5 Nm).

54 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Mounting

6.4 Post-installation check

m Is the device undamaged (visual inspection)?

Does the device conform to the measuring point specifications?

For example:
m • Process temperature
• Process pressure (refer to the chapter on "Material load curves" of the "Technical Information" document)
• Ambient temperature range
• Measuring range

m Are the measuring point identification and labeling correct (visual inspection)?

m Is the device adequately protected from precipitation and direct sunlight?

m Are the securing screw and securing clamp tightened securely?

Endress+Hauser 55
Electrical connection Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

7 Electrical connection

7.1 Connection options

7.1.1 2-wire, 4-20mA HART (FMP5x - **A...)

Without intgrated overvoltage protection


1 2
2 6 3 5 6 1

+ +
– –

4...20 mA


1 Terminal 4...20mA HART passive

2 Active barrier with power supply (e.g. RN221N): Observe terminal voltage (® ä 60)
3 HART communication resistor (³250 W): Observe maximum load (® ä 61)
4 Connection for Field Communicator 375/475 or Commubox FXA195
5 Analog display device: Observe maximum load (® ä 61)
6 Observe cable specification (® ä 59)
7 Potential equalization
8 Cable entry

56 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Electrical connection

7.1.2 2-wire, 4-20 mA HART, 4...20mA

Without integrated overvoltage protection


10 12 11 +

3 4 +

+ + 1 2
– –

4...20 mA
+ +
– –

4...20 mA

3 7 4 5 6 7 9 2


1 Cable entry for current output 1

2 Terminal for current output 1
3 Supply voltage for current output 1 (e.g. RN221N); Observe terminal voltage (® ä 61)
4 HART communication resistor (³ 250 W): Observe maximum load (® ä 61)
5 Connection for Field Communicator 375/475 or Commubox FXA195
6 Analog display device ; observe maximum load (® ä 61)
7 Observe cable specification (® ä 59)
8 Cable entry for current output 2
9 Terminal for current output 2
10 Supply voltage for current output 2 (e.g. RN221N); Obesrve terminal voltage (® ä 61)
11 Analog display device ; observe maximum load
12 Terminal for the potential equalization line

This version is also suited for single-channel operation. In this case, current output 1 (terminals
1 and 2) must be used.

Endress+Hauser 57
Electrical connection Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

7.1.3 4-wire, 4-20 mA HART (FMP5x - **K/L...)

Without integrated overvoltage protection


L+ (N)
1 L- +
2 –
3 3 4

2 AC / DC

+ 7

³ 250 W 4...20 mA

13 12 11 10 9 12 8


1 Terminal 4...20mA HART active

2 Supply voltage: Observe terminal voltage (® ä 61), observe cable specification (® ä 59)
3 Terminal supply voltage
4 Potential equalization
5 Cable entry for power supply
6 Cable entry for signal line
7 Protective earth, observe cable specification (® ä 59)
8 Protective connection; do not disconnect!
9 Analog display device: Observe maximum load (® ä 61)
10 Connection Field Communicator 375/475 or Commubox FXA195
11 HART communication resistor (³250 W): Observe maximum load (® ä 61)
12 Signal cable including screening (if required), observe cable specification (® ä 59)
13 Evaluation unit, e.g. PLC

To ensure electrical safety:
► Do not disconnect the protective connection (8).
► Disconnect the supply voltage before disconnecting the protective earth (7).

Connect protective earth (7) to the internal ground terminal (7) before connecting the supply
voltage. If necessary, connect the potential matching line to the external ground terminal (4).
In order to ensure electromagnetic compatibility (EMC): Do not only ground the device via the
protective earth conductor of the supply cable. Instead, the functional grounding must also be
connected to the process connection (flange or threaded connection) or to the external ground
An easily accessible power switch must be installed in the proximity of the device. The power
switch must be marked as a disconnector for the device (IEC/EN61010).

58 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Electrical connection

7.1.4 Connection HART loop converter HMX50

The dynamic variables of the HART protocol can be converted into individual 4 to 20 mA sections
using the HART loop converter HMX50. The variables are assigned to the current output and the
measuring ranges of the individual parameters are defined in the HMX50.

Power Eingang
Input Relais1 1
+1 10
HART Loop Converter HMX50
+2 11
Relais2 2
5 18
6 Current output 1

Levelflex M
Current output 2

Power 14
versorgung 15
Current output 3
20 Commubox

22 23 24 HART

24V DC


å 15 Connection diagram for HART loop converter HMX50 (example: passive 2-wire device and current outputs
connected as power source)

The HART loop converter HMX50 can be acquired using the order number 71063562.
Additional documentation: TI429F and BA371F.

7.2 Connection conditions

7.2.1 Cable specification

• For ambient temperature TU³60 °C (140 °F): use cable for temperature TU +20 K.
• A normal device cable suffices if only the analog signal is used.
• A shielded cable is recommended if using the HART protocol. Observe grounding concept of the

Endress+Hauser 59
Electrical connection Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

7.2.2 Cable diameter and cross-section of the strands

Type of protection Cable gland Admissible cable diameter Admissible cross-section of the

• Standard Plastics M20x1,5 5 to 10 mm (0.2 to 0.39 in) 0.5 to 2.5 mm2 (20 to 14 AWG)
• Ex ia
• Ex ic

• Ex tD Metal M20x1.5 7 to 10 mm (0.28 to 0.39 in)

• Ex nA
• FM approval
• CSA approval

7.2.3 Overvoltage protection

If the measuring device is used for level measurement in flammable liquids which requires the use
of overvoltage protection according to DIN EN 60079-14, standard for test procedures 60060-1 (10
kA, pulse 8/20 ms), overvoltage protection has to be ensured by one of the following measures:
• Integrated overvoltage protection (in preparation);
Product structure: Feature 610 "Accessory mounted", option NA "Overvoltage protection".
• External overvoltage protection, e.g. Endress+Hauser's HAW562 or HAW569.
For detailed information please refer to the following documents:
• HAW562: TI01012K
• HAW569: TI01013K

7.3 Connection data

7.3.1 2-wire, 4-20mA HART, passive

"Power Supply, Output" 1) Outputs Terminal voltage "Approval" 2)

A: 2-wire; 4-20mA HART 1 11.5 to 35 V 3) Non-Ex, Ex nA, CSA GP

11.5 to 32 V 3) Ex ic

11.5 to 30 V 3) Ex ia / IS
13.5 to 30 V Ex d / XP, Ex ic(ia), Ex tD / DIP
C: 2-wire; 4-20mA HART, 4-20mA 1 13.5 to 30 V all

2 12 to 30 V all

1) Feature 020 of the product structure

2) Feature 010 of the product structure
3) For ambient temperatures Ta £ -30 °C (-22 °F) a minimum voltage of 14 V is required for the satrtup of the device
at the MIN error current (3.6 mA). The startup current can be parametrized. If the device is operated with a fixed
current I ³ 4.5 mA (HART multidrop mode), a voltage of 10,4 V is sufficient throughout the entire range of ambient
4) For ambient temperatures Ta £ -30 °C (-22 °F) a minimum voltage of 16 V is required for the startup of the device
at the MIN error current (3.6 mA).

Load (® ä 61)

Residual ripple:
• < 1 VSS (0 to 100 Hz)
• < 10 mVSS (100 to 10 000 Hz)

60 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Electrical connection

7.3.2 4-wire, 4-20mA HART, active

"Power supply; Output" 1) Terminal voltage

K: 4-wire 90-253VAC; 4-20mA HART 90 to 253 VAC (50 to 60 Hz), overvoltage category II

L: 4-wire 10,4-48VDC; 4-20mA HART 10.4 to 48 VDC

1) Feature 020 of the product structure

7.3.3 Maximum load

In order to ensure a suffiecient terminal voltage at the device, the load resistance R (including wire
resistance) must not exceed a value depending on the voltage U0 supplied by the supply unit.

R [W]


10 20 30 35 U0 [V]
11.5 22.5

Feature 20 "Power Supply, Output", Option A "2-wire; 4-20mA HART"

Outputs Terminal voltage Feature 010 - Approval

1 11.5 to 35 V Non-Ex, Ex nA, CSA GP

11.5 to 32 V Ex ic

11.5 to 30 V Ex ia / IS

R [W]


10 20 30 U0 [V]
13.5 24.5

Feature 20 "Power Supply, Output", Option A "2-wire; 4-20mA HART"

Outputs Terminal voltage Feature 010 - Approval

1 13.5 to 30 V Ex d / XP, Ex ic(ia), Ex tD / DIP

Feature 20 "Power Supply, Output", Option C "2-wire; 4-20mA HART, 4-20mA"

Outputs Terminal voltage Feature 010 "Approval"

1 13.5 to 30 V all

Endress+Hauser 61
Electrical connection Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

R [W]


10 20 30 U0 [V]
12 23

Feature 20 "Power Supply, Output", Option C "2-wire; 4-20mA HART, 4-20mA"

Outputs Terminal voltage Feature 010 "Approval"

2 12 to 30 V all

For 4-wire devices (feature 020, options "K" and "L") the admissible load is 0 to 500 W.

7.4 Connecting the measuring device

Explosion hazard!
► Comply with the relevant national standards.
► Observe the specifications in the Safety Instructions (XA).
► Only use the specified cable glands.
► Check whether the supply voltage matches the specifications on the nameplate.
► Before connecting the device: Switch the supply voltage off.
► Before switching on the supply voltage: Connect the potential bonding line to the exterior ground

Required tools and accessories:

• For instruments with safety pin for the lid: AF 3 Allen key
• Wire stripping pliers
• When using stranded wires: Wire end sleeves.

1. 3.


10 (0.4)

10 (0.4)
mm (in)


1. Loosen the screw of the securing clamp of the connection compartment cover and turn the
clamp 90° counterclockwise.
2. Unscrew the connection compartment cover.

62 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Electrical connection

3. Push the cable through the cable entry. To ensure tight sealing, do not remove the sealing ring
from the cable entry.
4. Strip the cable.
5. Strip the cable ends 10 mm (0.4 in). For stranded cables, also attach wire end ferrules.
6. Firmly tighten the cable glands.



Connect the cable in accordance with the terminal assignment (® ä 56).

8. When using screened cable: Connect the cable screen to the ground terminal.
9. Screw the cover onto the connection compartment.
10. For instruments with safety pin for the lid: Adjust the safety pin so that its edge is over the edge
of the display lid. Tighten the safety pin.

Pluggable spring-force terminals

Instruments without integrated overvoltage protection have pluggable spring-force terminals.
Rigid conductors or flexible conductors with cable sleeve can directly be inserted and are
contacted automatically.
To remove cables from the terminal: Press on the groove between the terminals using a flat-
tip screwdriver £ 3 mm (0.12 inch) while pulling the cables out of the terminals.

≤ 3 (0.12)

mm (in)


7.5 Post-connection check

m Are cables or the device undamaged (visual inspection)?

m Do the cables comply with the requirements?

Endress+Hauser 63
Electrical connection Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

m Do the cables have adequate strain relief?

m Are all cable glands installed, firmly tightened and correctly sealed?

m Does the supply voltage match the specifications on the transmitter nameplate?

m Is the terminal assignment correct (® ä 56) (® ä 57) (® ä 58) ?

m If required: Is the protective earth connected correctly (® ä 58)?

m If supply voltage is present: Is the device ready for operation and do values appear on the display module?

m Are all housing covers installed and firmly tightened?

m Is the securing clamp tightened correctly?

64 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Operating options

8 Operating options

8.1 Overview

8.1.1 On-site operation




å 16 On-site operation options

1 Display module SD02, push buttons; cover must be open for operation
2 Operating options via CDI interface (= Endress+Hauser Common Data Interface)
2.1 Computer with operating tool (FieldCare)
2.2 Commubox FXA291, connected to the CDI interface of the device

Endress+Hauser 65
Operating options Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

8.1.2 Remote operation via HART

1 2 3

RMA 422

6 5


å 17 Remote operating options via HART

2 Commubox FXA191 (RS232) or FXA195 (USB)
3 Computer with operating tool (e.g. FieldCare, AMS, Simatic PDM)
4 Handheld terminal DXR375/FC375
5 Field Xpert
6 VIATOR Bluetooth modem with connection cable
7 Transmitter supply unit RMA422 or RN221N (communication resistor included)
8 Connection for Commubox FXA191, FXA195 or handheld terminal DXR375/FC375

In hazardous areas only use certified operating tools!

66 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Operating options

8.2 The operating menu

8.2.1 Structure


Display/operation Parameter 1

Parameter 2

Parameter N

Setup Setup parameter 1

Setup parameter 2

Setup parameter N

Advanced setup Enter access code

Parameter 1

Parameter N

Submenu 1

Submenu N

Diagnostics Parameter 1

Parameter N

Submenu 1

Submenu N

Expert Direct access








å 18 Basic structure of the operating menu; gray: submenus; white: parameters

Endress+Hauser 67
Operating options Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

8.2.2 Submenus and user roles

The submenus are designed for different user roles. A user role is defined by typical tasks within the
lifecycle of the device.

User role Typical tasks Submenu Content/Meaning

Operator Tasks in the ongoing process: "Language" Defines the operating language.
• Configuration of the display.
• Reading measuring values. "Display/Operation" Contains all parameters which are needed during the ongoing
Configuration of the display (display values, display format,
display contrast ...).

Maintenance Commissioning: "Setup" Contains all commissioning parameters:

• Configuration of the measurement. • Setup parameters
• Configuration of the measured value processing (scaling, When all these parameters have been assigned appropriate
linearization, limit detection etc.). values, the measured should be completely configured in
• Configuration of the measured value output (analog and a standard application.
digital communication interface). • "Advanced setup" submenu
Contains further submenus and parameters:
– to adapt the device to special measuring conditions.
– to process the measured value (scaling, linearization).
– to configure the signal output.

Error handling "Diagnostics" Contains all parameters needed to detect and analyze
operational errors.
• Diagnostics list
Contains up to 5 currently active error messages.
• Event logbook
Contains the 10 last messages (which are no longer active).
• "Device info" submenu
Contains information needed to identify the device.
• "Measured values" submenu
Contains all current measured values.
• "Simulation" submenu
Used to simulate measured values or output values.

Expert Tasks which require detailed knowledge about the "Expert" Contains all parameters of the device (including those which
instrument: are already contained in one of the above submenus). This
• Commissioning of measurements under demanding menu is organized according to the function blocks of the
conditions. device:
• Optimization of the measurement under demanding • "System" submenu
conditions. Contains all general device parameters which do not affect
• Detailed configuration of the communication interface. the measurement or the communication interface.
• Error diagnosis in diffcult cases. • "Sensor" submenu
Contains all parameters needed to configure the
• "Output" submenu
Contains all parameters needed to configure the current
• "Communication" submenu
Contains all parameters needed to configure the digital
communication interface.
• "Diagnostics" submenu
Contains all parameters needed to detect and analyze
operational errors.

8.2.3 Locking the menu

Locking the menu via the locking switch (hardware locking)

The complete operating menu can be locked by the locking switch below the display and operating
module. In the locked state most parameter values can be read but not changed.

68 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Operating options

Spare part: FMP52X-AB (A)
SW ex works 02.01.03 Dev_R
SW update #1
SW update #2




1. Unscrew the lid from the compartment for the display and operating module.
2. Slightly turn the display and operating module to remove it from the compartment.
3. Set the locking switch (WP: Write Protection) into the desired position. (A): unlocked; (B):
4. Attach the display and operating module in the desired orientation until it closes with a snap.
5. Screw the lid onto the compartment.

Locking the menu via parameter settings (software locking)

Step Parameter Action Description

1 Setup ® Advanced setup To lock the device: (® ä 123)

® Define access code Enter a user-defined access code.

2 Setup ® Advanced setup To unlock the device: (® ä 123)

® Enter access code Enter the previously defined access code.

3 Setup ® Advanced setup To lock the device again: (® ä 123)

® Enter access code Enter a number other than the previously defined access code.

Endress+Hauser 69
Operating options Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

8.3 Display and operating module

8.3.1 Display appearance


2.3 2.1
1.1 2.6 2.4

1.2 3

5 4


å 19 Appearance of the display and operation module for on-site operation

1 Measured value display (1 value max. size)
1.1 Header containing tag and error symbol (if an error is active)
1.2 Measured value symbols
1.3 Measured value
1.4 Unit
2 Measured value display (1 bargraph + 1 value)
2.1 Bargraph for measured value 1
2.2 Measured value 1 (including unit)
2.3 Measured value symbols for measured value 1
2.4 Measured value 2
2.5 Unit for measured value 2
2.6 Measured value symbols for measured value 2
3 Representation of a parameter (here: a parameter with selection list)
3.1 Header containing parameter name and error symbol (if an error is active)
3.2 Selection list; Â marks the current parameter value.
4 Input matrix for numbers
5 Input matrix for alphanumeric and special characters

70 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Operating options

Display symbols for the submenus

Symbol Meaning

Is displayed:
A0011975 • in the main menu next to the selection "Display/operation"
• in the header, if you are in the "Display/operation" menu

Is displayed:
A0011974 • in the main menu next to the selection "Setup"
• in the header, if you are in the "Setup" menu

Is displayed:
• in the main menu next to the selection "Expert"
• in the header, if you are in the "Expert" menu

Is displayed:
• in the main menu next to the selection "Diagnostics"
• in the header, if you are in the "Diagnostics" menu

Error symbols

Symbol Meaning

"Out of specification"
The device is currently operated beyond its technical specifications (e.g. during start-up or cleaning)

"Service mode"
The device is currently in the service mode (e.g. during a simulation).


"Maintenance required"
Maintenance of the device is required. The measured value remains valid.


A failure occurred. The measured value is no longer valid.

Display symbols for the locking state

Symbol Meaning

Display parameter
Marks display-only parameters which can not be edited.

Device locked
• In front of a parameter name: The device is locked via software and/or hardware.
A0011979 • In the header of the measured value screen: The device is locked via hardware.

Endress+Hauser 71
Operating options Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Measured value symbols

Symbol Meaning

Measured values




Current output


Measured current


Terminal voltage


Temperature of the electronics or the sensor


Measuring channels

Measuring channel 1


Measuring channel 2


Status of the measured value

Status "Alarm"
The measurment is interrupted. The output assumes the defined alarm value. A diagnostic message is

Status "Warning"
The device continues measuring. A diagnostic message is generated.

72 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Operating options

8.3.2 Navigation and selection from a list

Use the operating keys to navigate within the operating menu and to select options from a list.

Key Meaning

"Minus" key
Henceforth represented by S.
• In a selection list: Moves the selection bar upward.
A0011971 • In an input matrix: Moves the selection bar backward.

"Plus" key
Henceforth represented by O.
• In a selection list: Moves the selection bar downward.
A0011972 • In an input matrix: Moves the selection bar forward.

"Enter" key
E Henceforth represented by F.
• Opens the marked submenu or parameter.
A0011973 • Confirms a changed parameter value.

"Escape" key combination (press keys simultaneously)

+ Henceforth represented by S + O.
• Closes a parameter without accepting the changes.
A0012661 • Quits the current menu layer and returns to the next higher layer.

Endress+Hauser 73
Operating options Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Example: Change "Format display" to "2 values"


Main menu 0104-1
Main menu

/ ../Display/operat. 0091-1
Access stat.disp
Locking status
/ ../Display/operat.
Locking status

/ ../Display 0098-1
Format display
1 value, max.
Contrast display
Display intervall
/ ../Format display 0098-1
1 value, max.
Bargr. + 1 value
2 values
Val. large+2val.
/ ../Format display 0098-1
1 value, max.
Bargr. + 1 value
2 values
Val. large+2val.
2s mA


74 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Operating options

8.3.3 Entering numbers

When opening a numeric parameter, the input matrix for numbers appears:


Matrix fields for entering numbers

Matrix field Meaning

Selects the numbers 0 to 9.




Inserts a decimal separator at the current position


Confirms the selection.


Terminates the editing without accepting the changes.


Opens the selection page for number-correction tools.


Matrix fields under for correcting numbers

Matrix field Meaning

Deletes the character left to the cursor.


Deletes all characters.


Moves the cursor one step to the left.


Moves the cursor one step to the right.


Terminates the editing without accepting the changes.


Endress+Hauser 75
Operating options Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

8.3.4 Entering text

When opening a text parameter, the input matrix for letters, numbers and special characters appears:


Matrix fields for entering letters, numbers and special characters

Matrix field Meaning

Selects the letters A to Z.




• between lower case and upper case letters
• to the input matrix for numbers
• to the input matrix for special characters.

Confirms the selection.


Terminates the editing without accepting the changes.


Opens the selection page for number-correction tools.


Matrix fields under for correcting letters, numbers and special characters

Matrix field Meaning

Deletes the character left to the cursor.


Deletes all characters.


Moves the cursor one step to the left.


Moves the cursor one step to the right.


Terminates the editing without accepting the changes.


76 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Operating options

8.3.5 Envelope curve on the display and operating module

In order to assess the measuring signal, the envelope curve and - if a mapping has been recorded -
the mapping curve can be displayed:

E (2s)

2x +

E -

+ + -

+ + -


Endress+Hauser 77
Device integration via the HART protocol Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

9 Device integration via the HART protocol

9.1 Overview of the Device Description files (DD)

Manufacturer ID 0x11

Device type 0x34

HART specification 6

DD files For information and files see:


9.2 HART device variables and measuring values

On delivery the following measruing values are assigned to the HART device varaibles:

Device variables for level measurements

Device variable Measuring value

Primary device variable (PV) Level linearized

Secondary device variable (SV) Distance

Third device variable (TV) Absolute echo amplitude

Fourth device variable (QV) Relative echo amplitude

Device variables for interface measurements

Device variable Measuring value

Primary device variable (PV) Interface

Secondary device variable (SV) Level linearized

Third device variable (TV) Interface height

Fourth device variable (QV) Absolute interface amplitude

The allocation of the device variables can be changed in the operating menu: Expert ®
Communication ® HART output.

78 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Commissioning

10 Commissioning

10.1 Installation and function check

Make sure that all final checks have been completed before you start up your measuring point:
• Checklist "Post-installation check" (® ä 55)
• Checklist "Post-connection check" (® ä 63)

10.2 Adjust the display contrast

• O + F (pressed simultaneously): increases the contrast.
• S + F (pressed simultaneously): decreases the contrast.

10.3 Unlock the device

If the device has been locked, it must be unlocked before the measurement can be configured.

10.3.1 Revoke hardware locking


å 20 Mesured value screen of a hardware-locked device

The padlock in the header of the measured value screen indicates that the device is hardware-locked.
In order to unlock the device, shift the locking switch (which is located below the display module)
into the "unlocked" position (® ä 68).

10.3.2 Revoke software locking


å 21 Input prompt for the access code to unlock software-locked parameters.

Parameters affected by the software lock are marked by a padlock in front of the parameter name.
After pressing F an input prompt appears. Enter the user defined locking code to unlock the device
(® ä 69).

Endress+Hauser 79
Commissioning Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

10.4 Setting the operating language

10.4.1 Setting the operating language via the display module

1. 4.


2. + 5.



10.4.2 Setting the language via operating tool (FieldCare)


10.5 Checking the reference distance

This section is only valid for FMP54 with gas phase compensation (product structure: feature
540 "Application Package", option EF or EG).
Coax probes with gas phase compensation are calibrated on delivery. Rod probes, on the other hand,
must be recalibrated after mounting:

80 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Commissioning

After mounting the rod probe in the stilling well or bypass, check and - if necessary - correct the
setting of the reference distance in the unpressurized state. Whilst doing so the level should be at
least 200 mm below the reference distance Lref to achieve maximum accuracy.

Step Parameter Action

1 Expert ® Sensor ® Gas phase Select the "On" option in order to activate gas phase compensation.
compensation ® GPC mode

2 Expert ® Sensor ® Gas phase Check whether the displayed reference distance matches the nominal
compensation ® Present reference value (300 mm or 550 mm, respectively; see the nameplate).
distance If yes: nor further actions required.
If no: continue with step 3.

3 Expert ® Sensor ® Gas phase Enter the value indicated in "Present reference distance".
compensation ® Reference distance

For a detailed description of all parameters concerning the gas phase compensation see:
GP01000F, "Levelflex - Description of device parameters - HART"

Endress+Hauser 81
Commissioning Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

10.6 Configuration of a level measurement






å 22 Configuration parameters for level measurements in liquids

LN = Length of probe R = Reference point of the measurement

D = Distance E = Empty calibration (= Zero point)
L = Level F = Full calibration (= span)

Step Parameter Action Description

1 Setup ® Distance unit Select distance unit. (® ä 113)

2 Setup ® Operating mode 1) Select "Level". (® ä 113)

3 Setup ® Tank type Select tank type. (® ä 114)

4 Setup ® Tube diameter Enter the diameter of the bypass or stilling (® ä 114)

5 Setup ® Medium group Select medium group ("water based": (® ä 114)

DC>4 or "other": DC³ 1.9) 3).

6 Setup ® Empty calibration Enter the distance E between the reference (® ä 116)
point R and the minimum level (0%).

7 Setup ® Full calibration Enter distance F between the minimum (® ä 117)

(0%) and maximum (100%) level.

8 Setup ® Level Displays the measured level L. (® ä 117)

9 Setup ® Distance Displays the distance D between the (® ä 118)

reference point R and the level L.

10 Setup ® Signal quality Displays the signal quality of the level echo. (® ä 119)

11 Setup ® Mapping ® Confirm Compare the displayed distance to the real (® ä 121)
distance 4) distance in order to start the recording of
the mapping curve.

1) only visible for devices with "interface measurement" application package

2) only visible for coated probes and if "Tank type" = "Bypass/pipe"
3) If required, lower DCs can be entered into "Setup ® Advanced Setup ® Level ® Medium property". However, for
DC<1.6 the measuring range may be reduced. For details please contact Endress+Hauser.
4) For FMP54 with gas phase compensation (product structure: feature 540 "Application Package", option EF or EG) a
map must NOT be recorded.

82 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Commissioning

10.7 Configuration of an interface measurement

Only devices with the respective software option can be used for interface measurements. This
option is selected in the product structure: Feature 540 "Application package", option EB
"Interface measurement".





DK2 (DC2)



å 23 Configuration parameters for interface measurements

R = Reference pioint of the measurement DI = Distance of interface (Distance from reference point to lower medium)
E = Empty calibration (= zero point) LI = Interface level
F = Full calibration (= span) DL = Distance from reference point R to total level
LN = Length of probe LL = total level
UP = Thickness of upper medium

Schritt Parameter Aktion Beschreibung

1 Setup ® Distance unit Select distance unit. (® ä 113)

2 Setup ® Operating mode Select "Interface". (® ä 113)

3 Setup ® Tank type Select tank type. (® ä 114)

4 Setup ® Tube diameter Enter the diameter of the bypass or stilling well. (® ä 114)

5 Setup ® Tank level Select tank level: (® ä 114)

• Partially filled (typical selection for measurements in tanks)
• Flooded (typical selection for measurements in bypasses)

6 Setup ® Distance upper • For measurements in bypasses: Enter the distance from the (® ä 115)
connection reference point R to the lower edge of the upper connection.
• Otherwise: Keep the factory setting.

7 Setup ® DC value Enter dielectric constant of the upper medium. (® ä 116)

8 Setup ® Empty calibration Enter the distance E between the reference point R and the (® ä 116)
minimum level (0%).

9 Setup ® Full calibration Enter distance F between the minimum (0%) and maximum (® ä 117)
(100%) level.

10 Setup ® Level Displays the measured level L. (® ä 117)

11 Setup ® Interface Displays the interface height LI. (® ä 118)

12 Setup ® Distance Displays the distance D between the reference point R and the (® ä 118)
level L.

Endress+Hauser 83
Commissioning Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Schritt Parameter Aktion Beschreibung

13 Setup ® Interface distance Displays the distance DI between the reference point R and the (® ä 119)
interface LI.

14 Setup ® Signal quality Displays the signal quality of the level echo. (® ä 119)

15 Setup ® Mapping ® Confirm Compare the displayed distance to the real distance in order to (® ä 121)
distance start the recording of the mapping curve.

1) only visible for devices with "interface measurement" application package

2) only visible for coated probes and if "Tank type" = "Bypass/pipe"

10.8 Configuration of the current outputs

10.8.1 Factory setting of the current outputs for level measurements

Current output Allocated measuring 4mA value 20mA value


1 Level linearized 0% or the corresponding linearized 100% or the corresponding

value linearized value

2 1) Distance 0 Empty calibration

1) for devices with 2 current outputs

10.8.2 Factory setting of the current outputs for interface measurements

Current output Allocated measuring 4mA value 20mA value


1 Interface 0% or the corresponding linearized 100% or the corresponding

value linearized value

2 1) Level linearized 0% or the corresponding linearized 100% or the corresponding

value linearized value

1) for devices with 2 current outputs

10.8.3 Adjustment of the current outputs

The current outputs can be adjusted in the following menus:
Basic settings
• Setup ® Advanced Setup ® Current output 1 (® ä 144)
• Setup ® Advanced Setup ® Current output 2 (® ä 144)
Advanced settings
• Expert ® Output ® Curr. output 1; see document "Description of Device Parameters" GP01000F
• Expert ® Output ® Curr. output 2; see document "Description of Device Parameters" GP01000F

84 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Commissioning

10.9 Configurationof the on-site display

10.9.1 Factory settings of the on-site display for level measurements

Parameter Factory setting for devices with 1 current Factory setting for devices with 2 current
output outputs

Format display 1 value, max. size 1 value, max. size

Value 1 display Levele linearized Levele linearized

Value 2 display Distance Distance

Value 3 display Current output 1 Current output 1

Value 4 display None Current output 21

10.9.2 Factory settings of the on-site display for interface measurements

Parameter Factory setting for devices with 1 current Factory setting for devices with 2 current
output outputs

Format display 1 value, max. size 1 value, max. size

Value 1 display Interface Interface

Value 2 display Level linearized Level linearized

Value 3 display Upper interface thickness Current output 1

Value 4 display Current output 1 Current output 2

10.9.3 Adjustment of the on-site display

The on-site display can be adjusted in the following menu:
Setup ® Advanced setup ® Display (® ä 148)

10.10 Protection of the settings against unauthorized changes

There are two ways to protect the settings against unauthorized changes:
• Via locking switch (hardware locking) (® ä 68)
• Via parameter settings (software locking) (® ä 69)

Endress+Hauser 85
Trouble shooting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

11 Trouble shooting

11.1 Trouble-shooting instructions

Generel errors
Error Possible cause Remedial action

Device does not respond. Supply voltage does not match the value Connect the correct voltage.
indicated on the nameplate.

The polarity of the supply voltage is Correct the polarity.


The cables do not contact the terminals Ensure electrical contact between the cable
properly. and the terminal.

Values on the display invisible Contrast setting is too weak or too strong. • Increase contrast by pressing O and F
• Decrease contrast by pressing S and F

The plug of the display cable is not Connect the plut correctly.
connected correctly.

Display is defective. Replace display.

Output current < 3.6 mA Signal cable connection incorrect. Check connection.

Electronics is defective. Replace electronics.

HART communication does not Communication resistor missing or Install the communication resistor (250
function. incorrectly installed. W)correctly (® ä 56).

Commubox connected incorrectly. Connect Commubox correctly (® ä 66).

Commubox not switched to HART Set the selection switch of the Commubox to
mode. the HART position.

CDI communication does not Wrong setting of the COM port on the Check the setting of the COM port on the
work. computer. computer and change it if necessary.

Device measures incorrectly. Parametrization error Check parameterization and adjust it if

necessary (see table below).

Parametrization errors for level measurements

Error Possible cause Remedial action

Measured value wrong If measured distance(Setup ® • Check the Empty calibration parameter
Distance) matches the real distance: and adjust it if necessary(® ä 116).
Calibration error • Check the Full calibration parameter
and adjust it if necessary (® ä 117).
• Check linearization and adjust it if
necessary (® ä 134).

If measured distance(Setup ® Perform mapping (interference echo

Distance) does not match the real suppression) (® ä 121).
An interference echo affects the

No change of the measured value An interference echo affects the Perform mapping (interference echo
when emptying/filling the tank measurement. suppression) (® ä 121).

Build-up at the probe. Clean the probe.

Diagnostic event F941 or S941 Echo threshold too high. Check the Medium group parameter
"Echo lost" appears after (® ä 116).
switching on the supply voltage. If necessary select a more detailed setting in
the Medium property parameter
(® ä 125).

86 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Trouble shooting

Error Possible cause Remedial action

Level echo suppressed. Ausblendung löschen und gegebenenfalls

neu aufnehmen.

Device displays a level when the Incorrect probe length Carry out probe length correction
tank is empty. (® ä 142).

Interference echo Carry out mapping over entire probe when

the tank is empty (® ä 121).

Wrong slope of the level in the Wrong tank type selected. Set the Tank type parameter correctly
entire measuring range (® ä 114).

Parametrization errors for interface measurements

Error Possible cause Remedial action

When "flooded" is selected in The total level is detected outside the Increase the blocking distance (® ä 130).
"Tank level", the measured upper blocking distance.
interface level jumps to higher Select "Tank level" = "Partially filled" (® ä
values during draining 114).

When "Partially filled" is selected The total level runs into the upper Reduce blocking distance (® ä 130).
in "Tank level", the measured blocking distance.
total level jumps to lower values
during filling operations.

Wrong slope of the measured Wrong dielectric constant (DC value). Enter the correct dielectric constant (DC
interface level value) of the upper medium (® ä 116).

The measured values for the Echo threshold for the total level too high Enter the correct dielectric constant (DC
interface and the total level are due to a wrong dielectric constant. value) of the upper medium (® ä 116).

If the interface layers are thin, The thickness of the upper medium is less Interface measurement is only possible if the
the total level jumps to the than 60 mm (2.4 in). thickness of the interface is greater than 60
interface level. mm (2.4 in).

The measured interface layer Emulsion layer present. Emulsion layers affect the measurement.
jumps. Please contact Endress+Hauser.

Endress+Hauser 87
Trouble shooting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

11.2 Diagnostic events

11.2.1 Diagnostic message

Faults detected by the self-monitoring system of the measuring device are displayed as a diagnostic
message in alternation with the measured value display.

Measured value display in alarm condition Diagnostic message

2 1


20.50 S441
Curr. output 1

mA i Menu

2 5

1 Status signal
2 Status symbol (symbol for event level)
3 Status symbol with diagnostics event
4 Event text
5 Operating elements

Status signals

A device error is present. The measured value is no longer valid.

"Maintenance required"
Maintenance is required. The measured value is still valid.

"Function check"
The device is in service mode (e.g. during a simulation).

"Out of specification"
The device is operated:
• Outside of its technical specifications (e.g. during startup or a cleaning)
• Outside of the configuration carried out by the user (e.g. level outside configured span)

Status symbol (symbol for event level)

"Alarm" status
The measurement is interrupted. The signal outputs take on the defined alarm condition. A
A0013961 diagnostic message is generated.

"Warning" status
The device continues to measure. A diagnostic message is generated.

88 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Trouble shooting

Diagnostics event and event text

The fault can be identified using the diagnostics event. The event text helps you by providing
information about the fault. In addition, the corresponding symbol is displayed before the diagnostics

Diagnostics event

Status symbol Status signal Event number Event text

¯ ¯ ¯

Example 441 Curr.output 1

A0013962 A0013958

3-digit number

If two or more diagnostic messages are pending simultaneously, only the message with the highest
priority is shown. Additional pending diagnostic messages can be shown in the Diagnose list
submenu (® ä 159).
Past diagnostic messages that are no longer pending are shown in the Event logbook submenu
(® ä 160).

Operating elements

Operating functions in menu, submenu

Plus key
Opens the message about the remedial measures.

Enter key
Opens the operating menu.

11.2.2 Calling up remedial measures

Message for remedial measures


20.50 S441
Curr. output 1

mA i

1 Curr. output 1 (ID:153) 3

2 S441 2d11h05m55s 4
1. Check process
5 2. Check current output settings


1 Event text
2 Symbol for event level with diagnostic event
3 Event ID for service
4 Operation time of occurrence
5 Remedial measures

The user is in the diagnostic message.

1. Press the O key ( symbol).

Endress+Hauser 89
Trouble shooting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

à The message for the remedial measures for the diagnostic event opens.
2. Press S + O simultaneously.
à The message about the remedial measures closes.

11.2.3 List of diagnostic events

Sensor element failures

Diagnostic event Maintenance instructions Error behavior

Code Description

F003 Broken probe detected 1. Check map. Alarm

2. Check sensor.

F046 Build-up detected Clean sensor. Alarm

F083 Memory content 1. Restart device. Alarm

2. Restore S-Dat data.
3. Change sensor.

F104 HF cable 1. Dry HF cable connection and check sealing. Alarm

2. Change HF cable.

F105 HF cable 1. Tighten HF cable connection. Alarm

2. Change HF cable.

F106 Sensor 1. Check probe isolation. Alarm

2. Change sensor.

Electronic failures

Diagnostic event Maintenance instructions Error behavior

Code Description

F242 Software incompatible 1. Check software. Alarm

2. Flash or change main electronics module.

F252 Modules incompatible 1. Check electronic modules. Alarm

2. Change I/O or main electronic module.

F261 Electronic modules 1. Restart device. Alarm

2. Check electronic modules.
3. Change IO module or main electronics.

F262 Module connection 1. Check module connection. Alarm

2. Change electronic modules.

F270 Main electronic failure Change main electronic module. Alarm

M270 Warning

F271 Main electronic failure 1. Restart device. Alarm

2. Change main electronic module.

F272 Main electronic failure 1. Restart device. Alarm

M272 2. Contact service.

F273 Main electronic failure 1. Emergency operation via display. Alarm

2. Change main electronics.

F275 I/O-Modul failure Change I/O module. Alarm

F276 I/O-Modul failure 1. Restart device Alarm

2. Change I/O module

F282 Electronic memory 1. Restart device. Alarm

2. Contact service.

90 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Trouble shooting

Diagnostic event Maintenance instructions Error behavior

Code Description

F283 Memory content 1. Restart device. Alarm

2. Contact service.

F311 Electronic failure 1. Transfer data or reset device. Alarm

M311 2. Contact service. Warning

Configuration failures

Diagnostic event Maintenance instructions Error behavior

Code Description

F410 Data transfer 1. Check connection. Alarm

2. Check configuration (languages, outputs).
3. Retry data transfer.

F411 Up-/download Up-/download active, please wait. Alarm

C411 Warning

C431 Trim Warning

F435 Linearization Check linearization table. Alarm

F437 Configuration 1. Restart device. Alarm

incompatible 2. Contact service.

M438 Data set 1. Check data set file. Warning

2. Check device configuration.
3. Up- and download new configuration.

S441 Current output 1 1. Check process. Warning

2. Check current output settings.

C484 Simulation failure mode Deactivate simulation. Alarm

C485 Simulation measured Deactivate simulation. Warning


C491 Simulation current Deactivate simulation. Warning


C585 Simulation distance Deactivate simulation. Alarm

Process induced failures

Diagnostic event Maintenance Error behavior

Code Description

F803 Current loop 1 1. Check wiring. Alarm

M803 2. Check I/O module. Warning

F825 Operating temperature 1. Check ambient Alarm

S825 temprature. Warning
2. Check process

S921 Change of reference 1. Check reference Warning

2. Check pressure.
3. Check sensor.

F936 EMC interference Check installation on Alarm


F941 Echo lost Check parameter "DC Alarm/Warning 1)

S941 value"

S942 In safety distance 1. Check level. Warning/Alarm 2)

2. Check safety distance.
3. Reset self holding.

Endress+Hauser 91
Trouble shooting Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Diagnostic event Maintenance Error behavior

Code Description

S943 In blocking distance Check level. Warning

S944 Level range Reduced accuracy. Level Warning

at process connection.

S968 Level limited 1. Check level. Warning

2. Check limit

F970 Linearization 1. Check level. Alarm

2. Check linearization

1) The behavior of this error can be defined in the Setup menu (Setup ® Advanced Setup ® Safety settings ® Output
echo loss)
2) The behavior of this error can be defined in the Expert menu (Expert ® Sensor ® Safety settings ® In safety distance)

11.3 Software history

Date Software Modifications Documentation (FMP51, FMP52, FMP54, HART)
CD-ROM Operating Description of Technical Information
Instructions Parameters

07.2010 01.00.zz Original software CD00518F/00/ BA01001F/00/EN/ GP01000F/00/EN/ TI01001F/00/EN/05.10

A2/05.10 05.10 05.10

01.2011 01.01.zz • SIL integrated CD00518F/00/ BA01001F/00/EN/ GP01000F/00/EN/ TI01001F/00/EN/10.10

• Minor bugfixes A2/13.10 10.10 10.10 TI01001F/00/EN/13.11
CD00518F/00/ BA01001F/00/EN/ GP01000F/00/EN/
A2/14.11 13.11 13.11

92 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Repairs

12 Repairs

12.1 General information on repairs

12.1.1 Repair concept

The Endress+Hauser repair concept assumes that the devices have a modular design and that repairs
can be done by the Endress+Hauser service or specially trained customers.
Spare parts are contained in suitable kits. They contain the related replacement instructions.
For more information on service and spare parts, contact the Service Department at Endress+Hauser.

12.1.2 Repairs to Ex-approved devices

When carrying out repairs to Ex-approved devices, please note the following:
• Repairs to Ex-approved devices may only be carried out by trained personnel or by the Endress
+Hauser Service.
• Comply with the prevailing standards, national Ex-area regulations, safety instructions (XA) and
• Only use original spare parts from Endress+Hauser.
• When ordering a spare part, please note the device designation on the nameplate. Only replace
parts with identical parts.
• Carry out repairs according to the instructions. On completion of repairs, carry out the specified
routine test on the device.
• Only Endress+Hauser Service may convert a certified device into a different certified variant.
• Document all repair work and conversions.

12.1.3 Replacement of an electronics module

If an electronics module has been replaced, it is not necessary to perform a new basic setup as the
calibration parameters are stored in the HistoROM which is located in the housing. However, after
exchanging the main electronics module it may be necessary to record a new mapping (interference
echo suppression).

12.1.4 Replacement of a device

After a complete device or electronic module has been replaced, the parameters can be downloaded
into the instrument again in one of the following ways:
• Via the display module
Condition: The configuration of the old device has been saved in the display module
(® ä 155).
• Via FieldCare
Condition: The configuration of the old device has been saved to the computer via FieldCare.
You can continue to measure without carrying out a new setup. Only a linearization and a tank map
(interference echo suppression) have to be recorded again.

Endress+Hauser 93
Repairs Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

12.2 Spare parts

• A few interchangeable measuring device components are identified by a spare part nameplate.
This contains information about the spare part.
• The connection compartment cover of the device contains a spare part nameplate that includes
the following information:
– A list of the most important spare parts for the measuring device, including their ordering
– The URL for the W@M Device Viewer (
There, all spare parts for the measuring device are listed, including the order code, and can be
ordered. If available, the corresponding Installation Instructions can also be downloaded there.

Spare parts for: Levelflex FMP5x

Ser.-no.: 8A21AC098AF4
Pos. no. Spare part Spare no./structure
1 Sensor XPF0002- / XPF0003-
2 Main electr. XPF0001-
3 IO module 71023451
4 Cover (front) 71023451
5 Cover (right) 71023451
6 Display 71023451

Additional information:


å 24 Example for spare part nameplate in connection compartment cover

Measuring device serial number:

• Is located on the device and spare part nameplate.
• Can be read out via the "Serial number" parameter in the "Device information" submenu.

94 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Maintenance

13 Maintenance
The measuring device requires no special maintenance.

13.1 Exterior cleaning

When exterior-cleaning the device, always use cleaning agents that do not attack the surface of the
hosuing and the seals.

Endress+Hauser 95
Accessories Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

14 Accessories

14.1 Device-specific accessories

Accessory Description

Weather protection cover

222 (8.74)
mm (in)

298.5 (11.8) 273.8 (10.8)

255.1 (10) 164 (6.46)



mm (in)

a 37.8 mm (1.49 in)

b 54 mm (2.13 in)

The weather protection cover can be ordered together with the device (product
structure, feature 620 "Accessory Enclosed", option PB "Weather Protection Cover").
Alternatively, it can be separately ordered as an accessory; order code 71132889.

96 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Accessories

Accessory Description

Mounting bracket for the

electronics housing A B

122 (4.8) 140 (5.5)
158 (6.2) 175 (6.9)


Ø 42 ... 60
(1-1/4 ... 2) mm (inch)

A Wall mounting
B Pipe mounting

For the "Sensor remote" device version (see feature 060 of the product structure), the
mounting bracket is part of the delivery. If required, it can also be ordered as an
accessory (order code 71102216).

Accessory Description

Extension rod / centering

• can be used for:
• Admissible temperature
at lower nozzle edge:
-40 to 150 °C
(-40 to 302 °F) 1
• Additional information:

2 3

1 Nozzle height
2 Extension rod
3 Center washer
010 Approval:

A A: Non-hazardous area

M M: FM DIP Cl.II Div.1 Gr.E-G N.I., zone 21,22

P P: CSA DIP Cl.II Div.1 Gr.G + coal dust N.I.

S S: FM Cl.I, II, III Div.1 Gr.A-G N.I., zone 0,1,2,20,21,22

U U: CSA Cl.I, II, III Div.1 Gr.A-G N.I., zone 0,1,2

1 1: ATEX II 1G

2 2: ATEX II 1D

020 Extension rod; nozzle height:

Endress+Hauser 97
Accessories Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Accessory Description

1 115mm; 150-250mm / 6-10"

2 215mm; 250-350mm / 10-14"

3 315mm; 350-450mm / 14-18"

4 415mm; 450-550mm / 18-22"

9 Special version, TSP-no. to be spec.

030 Center washer:

A Not selected

B DN40 / 1-1/2", inside-d. = 40-45mm, PPS

C DN50 / 2", inside-d. = 50-57mm, PPS

D DN80 / 3", inside-d. = 80-85mm, PPS

E DN80 / 3", inside-d. = 76-78mm, PPS

G DN100 / 4", inside-d. = 100-110mm, PPS

H DN150 / 6", inside-d. = 152-164mm, PPS

J DN200 / 8", inside-d. = 210-215mm, PPS

K DN250 / 10", inside-d. = 253-269mm, PPS

Y Special version, TSP-no. to be spec.

98 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Accessories

Accessory Description

Mounting kit, isolated



1 Insulating sleeve
2 Eye-bolt

For reliably insulated fixing of the probe.

Maximum process temperature: 150 °C (300 °F)
For rope probes 4 mm (1/6 in) or 6 mm (1/4 in) with PA>steel:
• Eye-bolt M8 DIN 580
• Diameter D = 20 mm (0.8 in)
• Order-No.: 52014249
For rope probes 6 mm (1/4 in) or 8 mm (1/3 in) with PA>steel:
• Eye-bolt M10 DIN 580
• Diameter D = 25 mm (1 in)
• Order-No.: 52014250
Due to the risk of electrostatic charge, the insulating sleeve is not suitable for use in
hazardous areas. In these cases the fixing must be reliably grounded.
The mounting kit can also be ordered directly with the device (see the Levelflex
product structure, feature 620 "Accessory Enclosed", option PG "Mounting kit,
isolated, rope").

Endress+Hauser 99
Accessories Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Accessory Description

Centering disk PEEK Æ 48 to 95 mm 10 (0.39)

(1.89 to 3.74 inch)

can be used for

• FMP51

• FMP54

7 (0.28)
max. 50 (1.97)
Ø 48 (1.89)
Ø 75 (2.95)
Ø 95 (3.74)

mm (in)

The centering disk is suitable for probes with a rod diameter of Ø 16 mm

(0.63in) and can be used in pipes from DN40 (1½") up to DN100 (4"). Markings
on the 4-leg centering disk ensure a simple tailoring. Hence the centering disk
can be adapted to the pipe diameter. See also Operating Instructions BA377F.
• Material of centering disk: PEEK (statically dissipative)
• Material of retaining rings: PH15-7Mo (UNS S15700)
• Admissible process temperature: –60 to +200 °C (–76 to +392 °F)
• Order code: 71069064
If the centering disk is inserted in a bypass, it must be positioned below
the lower bypass outlet. This has to be accounted for when choosing the
probe length. Generally, the centering disk should not be mounted
higher than 50 mm (1.97") from the probe end. It is recommended not
to insert the PEEK centering disk in the measuring range of the rod probe.
The PEEK centering disk can also be ordered directly with the device
(see the Levelflex product structure, feature 610 "Accessory mounted",
option OD). In this case it is not fastened by the retaining rings. Instead
it is fixed to the end of the probe rod by a hexagonal headed bolt (A4-70)
and a Nord-Lock washer (1.4547).

Accessory Description

Centering disk PFA Æ 37 mm (1.46") 7.8 (0.3)

can be used for
10 (0.39)

• FMP51
• FMP52
• FMP54
Ø 37 (1.46)

mm (inch)

The centering disk is suitable for probes with a rod diameter of 16 mm

(0.63 inch) (also coated rod probes) and can be used in pipes from DN40 (1½")
up to DN50 (2"). See also Operating Instructions BA378F.
• Material: PFA
• Admissible process temperature: -200 to +150 °C (-328 to +302 °F)
• Order code: 71069065
The PFA centering disk can also be ordered directly with the device (see
the Levelflex product structure, feature 610 "Accessory mounted",
option OE).

100 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Accessories

14.2 Communication-specific accessories

Accessory Description

Commubox FXA195 HART For intrinsically safe HART communication with FieldCare via the USB interface.
For details refer to Technical Information TI404F/00

Accessory Description

Commubox FXA291 Connects Endress+Hauser field devices with CDI interface (= Endress+Hauser Common
Data Interface) to the USB interface of a computer.
For details refer to Technical Information TI405C/07

Accessory Description

HART Loop Converter Evaluates the dynamic HART variables and converts them to analog current signals or limit
HMX50 values.
For details refer to Technical Information TI429F/00 and Operating Instructions

Accessory Description

WirelessHART Adapter Connects field devices to a WirelessHART network.

SWA70 The WirelessHART adapter can be mounted directly at a HART device and is easly integrated
into an existing HART network. It ensures safe data transmission and can be operated in
parallel with other wireless networks.
For details refer to Operating Instructions BA061S/04

Accessory Description

Fieldgate FXA320 Gateway for remote monitoring of connected 4-20mA measuring devices via web browser.
For details refer to Technical Information TI025S/04 and Operating Instructions

Accessory Description

Fieldgate FXA520 Gateway for remote diagnosis and parametrization of connected HART measuring devices
via web browser.
For details refer to Technical Information TI025S/04/xx and Operating Instructions

Accessory Description

Field Xpert SFX100 Compact, flexible and robust industry handheld terminal for remote parametrization and
measured value inspection via the HART current output (4-20mA).
For details refer to Operating Instructions BA060S/04

Endress+Hauser 101
Accessories Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

14.3 Service-specific accessories

Accessory Description

FieldCare Endress+Hauser's FDT-based Plant Asset Management tool.

Helps to configure and maintain all field devices of your plant. By supplying status
information it also supports the diagnosis of the devices.
For details refer to Operating Instructions BA027S/04 and BA059S/04

14.4 System components

Accessory Description

Graphic Data Manager The graphic data manager Memograph M provides information on all the relevant process
Memograph M variables. Measured values are recorded correctly, limit values are monitored and measuring
points analyzed. The data are stored in the 256 MB internal memory and also on an SD card
or USB stick.
For details refer to Technical Information TI133R/09 and Operating Instructions

RN221N Active barrier with power supply for safe separation of 4 to 20 mA current circuits. Provides
bi-directional HART transmission.
For details refer to Technical Information TI073R/09 and Operating Instructions

RNS221 Transmitter supply for 2-wire sensors or transmitters exclusively for non-Ex areas. Provides
bi-directional communication using the HART communication sockets.
For details refer to Technical Information TI081R/09 and Operating Instructions

102 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Return

15 Return
The following procedures must be carried out before a transmitter is sent to Endress+Hauser e.g.
for repair or calibration:
• Remove all residue which may be present. Pay special attention to the gasket grooves and crevices
where fluid may be present. This is especially important if the fluid is dangerous to health, e.g.
corrosive, poisenous, carcinogenic, radioactive, etc.
• Always enclose a duly completed "Declaration of contaminatin" form (a copy of the "Declaration
of contamination" is included at the end of this operating manual). Only then can Endress+Hauser
transport, examine and repair a returned device.
• Enclose special handling instructions if necessary, for example a safety data sheet as per
Additionally specify:
• An exact description of the application
• The chemical and physical characteristics of the product
• A short description of the error that occurred (specify error code if possible)
• The operating time of the device.

Endress+Hauser 103
Disposal Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

16 Disposal
In case of disposal please separate the different components according to their material consistence.

104 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Overview of the operating menu

17 Overview of the operating menu

Language (® ä 109)

Display/operation ® Access status display (® ä 110)

Locking status (® ä 110)

Format display (® ä 110)

Contrast display (® ä 112)

Display interval (® ä 113)

Setup ® Operating mode (® ä 113)

Distance unit (® ä 113)

Tank type (® ä 114)

Tube diameter (® ä 114)

Tank level (® ä 114)

Distance upper connection (® ä 115)

DC value (® ä 116)

Medium group (® ä 116)

Empty calibration (® ä 116)

Full calibration (® ä 117)

Level (® ä 117)

Interface (® ä 118)

Distance (® ä 118)

Interface distance (® ä 119)

Signal quality (® ä 119)

Setup ® Mapping ® Confirm distance (® ä 121)

Mapping end point (® ä 121)

Record map (® ä 122)

Setup ® Advanced setup ® Locking status (® ä 110)

Access status display (® ä 110)

Enter access code (® ä 123)

Define access code (® ä 123)

Device tag (® ä 124)

Setup ® Advanced setup ® Level ® Medium type (® ä 125)

Medium property (® ä 125)

Process property (® ä 125)

Advanced conditions (® ä 126)

Level unit (® ä 127)

Blocking distance (® ä 127)

Level correction (® ä 128)

Endress+Hauser 105
Overview of the operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Setup ® Advanced setup ® Interface ® Process property (® ä 125)

DC lower medium (® ä 129)

Level unit (® ä 127)

Blocking distance (® ä 127)

Level correction (® ä 128)

Setup ® Advanced setup ® Interface / Automatic DC Manual interface thickness (® ä 132)

calculation ®

DC value (® ä 132)

Calculated DC (® ä 132)

Use calculated DC (® ä 133)

Setup ® Advanced setup ® Linearization ® Linearization type (® ä 134)

Unit linearized (® ä 134)

Free text (® ä 135)

Maximum value (® ä 135)

Diameter (® ä 136)

Intermediate height (® ä 136)

Table mode (® ä 136)

Table number (® ä 137)

Level (® ä 137)

Customer value (® ä 138)

Activate table (® ä 138)

Setup ® Advanced setup ® Safety settings ® Output echo lost (® ä 139)

Value echo lost (® ä 139)

Ramp echo lost (® ä 139)

Blocking distance (® ä 127)

Setup ® Advanced setup ® SIL/WHG confirmation ® (® ä 141)

Setup ® Advanced setup ® Deactivate SIL/WHG® (® ä 141)

Setup ® Advanced setup ® Probe length correction ® Confirm length (® ä 142)

Present length (® ä 143)

Setup ® Advanced setup ® Current output 1/2 ® Assign current (® ä 144)

Current span (® ä 144)

Fixed current (® ä 145)

Damping (® ä 145)

Failure mode (® ä 146)

106 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Overview of the operating menu

Failure current (® ä 146)

Output current 1/2 (® ä 147)

Setup ® Advanced setup ® Display ® Format display (® ä 110)

Value 1 display (® ä 148)

Decimal places 1 (® ä 148)

Value 2 display (® ä 149)

Decimal places 2 (® ä 149)

Value 3 display (® ä 150)

Decimal places 3 (® ä 150)

Value 4 display (® ä 151)

Decimal places 4 (® ä 151)

Display interval (® ä 113)

Display damping (® ä 152)

Header (® ä 152)

Header text (® ä 153)

Separator (® ä 153)

Number format (® ä 153)

Decimal places menu (® ä 154)

Setup ® Advanced setup ® Config. backup display ® Operating time (® ä 155)

Last backup (® ä 155)

Configuration management (® ä 155)

Comparison result (® ä 156)

Diagnostics ® Actual diagnostics (® ä 157)

Previous diagnostics (® ä 157)

Operating time from restart (® ä 157)

Operating time (® ä 155)

Diagnostics ® Diagnostics list ® Diagnostics 1 (® ä 159)

Diagnostics 2 (® ä 159)

Diagnostics 3 (® ä 159)

Diagnostics 4 (® ä 159)

Diagnostics 5 (® ä 159)

Diagnostics ® Event logbook ® Filter options (® ä 160)

Event list (® ä 160)

Diagnostics ® Device information ® Device (® ä 162)

Serial number (® ä 162)

Endress+Hauser 107
Overview of the operating menu Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Firmware version (® ä 162)

Device name (® ä 162)

Order code (® ä 162)

Extended order code 1 (® ä 163)

Extended order code 2 (® ä 163)

Extended order code 3 (® ä 163)

Device revision (® ä 163)

Device ID (® ä 163)

Device type (® ä 164)

Manufacturer ID (® ä 164)

Diagnostics ® Measured value ® Distance (® ä 118)

Level linearized (® ä 165)

Interface distance (® ä 119)

Interface linearized (® ä 165)

Interface thickness (® ä 165)

Output current 1/2 (® ä 147)

Measured current 1 (® ä 166)

Terminal voltage 1 (® ä 166)

Diagnostics ® Simulation ® Assignment of measured variable (® ä 167)

Value measured variable (® ä 167)

Simulation current output 1/2 (® ä 167)

Value current output 1/2 (® ä 168)

Simulation device alarm (® ä 168)

Diagnostics ® Device check ® Start device check (® ä 169)

Result device check (® ä 169)

Last check time (® ä 169)

Level signal (® ä 169)

Launch signal (® ä 170)

Interface signal (® ä 170)

Diagnostics ® Device reset ® Device reset (® ä 171)

Expert The "Expert" menu is described in the document GP01000F ("Description of device parameters").

108 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

18 Description of device parameters

• : Marks the navigation path to the parameter via the display and operating module.
• : Marks the navigation path to the parameter via an operating tool (e.g. FieldCare).
• : Marks parameters which can be locked via the software locking (® ä 69).


Navigation Language
Display/operation ® Language

Description Language setting for the local display

Options • English
• One additional operating language (see product structuture, feature 500, "Additional Operation

Factory setting English

Endress+Hauser 109
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

18.1 "Display/operation" menu

This menu only appears if the device has a local display.

Access status display

Navigation Display/operation ® Access stat. disp.

Setup ® Advanced setup ® Access stat. disp.

Description Use this function to view the access authorization to parameters via onsite operation. If a symbol
appears in front of a parameter, the parameter cannot be changed via the local display with the
current access authorization.
• The access authorization can be changed via the Enter access code parameter
(® ä 123).
• If additional write protection is active, this restricts the current access authorization even
further. The write protection status can be viewed via the Locking status parameter
(® ä 110).

Display options • Operator

• Maintenance

Additional information For information on the "Operator" and "Maintenance" user roles: (® ä 68)

Locking status

Navigation Display/operation ® Locking status

Setup ® Advanced setup ® Locking status

Description Use this function to view the active write protection. If two or more types of write protection are
active, the write protection with the highest priority is shown on the display.
The symbol appears in front of parameters that cannot be modified since they are write-

Display options • Hardware locked (priority 1)

The DIP switch for hardware locking is activated on the main electronics module. This locks write
access to the parameters (e.g. via local display or operating tool).
• Temporarily locked (priority 2)
Write access to the parameters is temporarily locked on account of internal processes in progress
in the device (e.g. data upload/download, reset etc.). The parameters can be modified as soon as
the processes are complete.
• See access status (priority 3)
The access authorization displayed in the Access status display parameter applies (® ä 110).

Format display

110 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

Navigation Display/operation ® Format display

Setup ® Advanced Setup ® Display ® Format display

Description Use this function to select how the measured value is shown on the local display. The display format
(size, bar graph etc.) and number of measured values displayed simultaneously (1 to 4) can be
configured. This setting only applies to normal operation.
• The Value 1 display - Value 4 display parameters are used to specify what measured
values are shown on the display and in what order (® ä 148).
• If more measured values are specified than the display mode selected permits, the values
alternate on the device display. The display time until the next change is configured using
the Display interval parameter (® ä 113).

Options • 1 value, max. size

• 1 bargraph + 1 value
• 2 values
• 1 value large + 2 values
• 4 values

Factory setting 1 value, max. size

Endress+Hauser 111
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Additional information 1 value, max. size


1 bargraph + 1 value


2 values


1 value large + 2 values


4 values


Contrast display

Navigation Display/operation ® Contrast display

Description Use this function to adapt the display contrast to the ambient conditions (e.g. the lighting or reading
Set the contrast via push-buttons:
• Brighter: press the E
buttons simultaneously
• Darker: press the E
buttons simultaneously

Input range 20 to 80 %

112 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

Factory setting 30 %

Display interval

Navigation Display/operation ® Display interval

Setup ® Advanced Setup ® Display ® Display interval

Description Use this function to set the length of time the measured values are displayed if the values alternate
on the display. This type of alternating display only occurs automatically if the number of measured
values defined exceeds the number of values the selected display format can display simultaneously.
• The Value 1 display - Value 4 display parameters are used to specify what measured
values are shown on the display (® ä 148).
• The display format of the displayed measured values is specified using the Format display
parameter (® ä 110).

Input range 1 to 10 s

Facotry setting 5s

18.2 "Setup" menu

Operating mode

Navigation Setup ® Operating mode

Conditions Only visible for devices with "interface measurement" application package (product structure:
Feature 540 "Application package", Option EB "Interface measurement").

Description Defines the operating mode

Selection • Level
• Interface

Factory setting Level

Distance unit

Navigation Setup ® Distance unit

Description Defines the distance unit

Endress+Hauser 113
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Selection •m
• ft
• in
• mm

Factory setting m

Tank type

Navigation Setup ® Tank type

Setup ® Advanced setup ® Interface ® Tank type

Description Defines the tank type

Selection • Metallic
• Bypass/pipe
• Non metallic
• Mounted outside
Depending on the probe there may be further options.

Factory setting Depending on the type of probe.

Additional information For coax probes the "Tank type" is always fixed to "Coax".

Tube diameter

Navigation Setup ® Tube diameter

Conditions Only visible if the following conditions are met:

• "Tank type" = "Bypass/pipe"
• The probe is coated.

Description Defines the diameter of the bypass or stilling well.

Input range 0 to 9999 mm (0 to 390 inch)

Factory setting 80 mm (3.15 inch)

Tank level

Navigation Setup ® Tank level

Conditions Only visible for devices with "interface measurement" application package (product structure:
Feature 540 "Application package", Option EB "Interface measurement").

114 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

Description Selection of the tank level

Selection • Partially filled

• Flooded

Factory setting Partially filled

Additional information • Partially filled: 1

The device searches for 2 echo signals, one for the
interface and one for the total level.
• Flooded:
The device searches for the interface level only.
With this setting it is essential that the upper level
signal always is within the upper blocking distance
(UB) so that it is not evaluated by mistake. UB


1 Partially filled
2 Flooded
UB Upper blocking distance

Distance upper connection

Navigation Setup ® Distance upper connection

Conditions Only visible for devices with "Interface measurement" application package (Product structure:
Feature 540 "Application package", option EB "Interface measurement")

Description Defines the distance DU to the upper connection

Input range 0 to 9999 mm (0 to 390 inch)

Factory setting • For "Tank level" = "Partially filled": 0 mm (0 ft)

• For "Tank level" = "Flooded": 250 mm (0.8202 ft)

Additional information • For "Tank level" = "Partially filled" (typical

selection for stilling well applications) this value
has no significance. Therefore the standard setting
(0 mm) can be kept.
• For "Tank level" = "Flooded" (typical selection for
bypass applications) enter the distance DU from DU
the reference point of the measurement to the
lower edge of the upper connection.


Endress+Hauser 115
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

DC value

Navigation Setup ® DC value

Conditions Only visible for devices with "Interface measurement" application package (Product structure:
Feature 540 "Application package", option EB "Interface measurement")

Description Defines the relative dielectric constant er of the

upper phase (DC1).



Input range 0 to 20

Factory setting 1.9

Additional information Dielectric constants of important media commonly used in the industry are summarized in the
document SD106F, which can be downloaded from the Endress+Hauser web page

Medium group

Navigation Setup ® Medium group

Condition Only visible for "Operating mode" = "Level".

Description Defines the medium group of the measured product.

Selection • Water bsed DC > 4

• Others DC ³ 1.9

Factory setting Others DC ³ 1.9

Empty calibration

Navigation Setup ® Empty calibration

116 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

Description Defines the empty calibration E.

E is the distance between the reference point (lower
edge of the flange or threaded connection) and the
minimum level (0%).



Input range Depending on the selected distance unit and the probe.

Factory setting Depending on the selected distance unit and the probe.

Full calibration

Navigation Setup ® Full calibration

Description Defines the full calibration F.

F is the distance between the minimum level (0%)
and the maximum level (100%).



Input range Depending on the selected distance unit and the probe.

Factory setting Depending on the selected distance unit and the probe.


Navigation Setup ® Level

Endress+Hauser 117
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Description Displays the measured level LL (before linearization)




Additional information The value is displayed in the selected "Level unit" (® ä 127).


Navigation Setup ® Interface

Description Displays the interface level LI (before linearization)


0% 0%


Additional information The value is displayed in the selected "Level unit" (® ä 127).


Navigation Setup ® Distance

Diagnostics ® Measured val. ® Distance

118 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

Description Displays the measured distance DL from the

reference point (lower edge of the flange or threaded
connection) to the level.


Additional Information The value is displayed in the selected "Level unit"(® ä 127).

Interface distance

Navigation Setup ® Interface distance

Diagnostics ® Measured val. ® Interface distance

Description Displays the measured distance DI from the

reference point (lower edge of the flange or threaded
connection) to the interface layer.




Additional Information The value is displayed in the selected "Level unit" (® ä 127).

Signal quality

Navigation Setup ® Signal quality

Description Displays the signal quality

Endress+Hauser 119
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Display options • Strong

The evaluated echo exceeds the threshold by at least 10 mV
• Medium
The evaluated echo exceeds the threshold by at least 5 mV.
• Weak
The evaluated echo exceeds the threshold by less than 5 mV.
• No signal
The device does not find a usable echo and generates the following error message
– F941 if the Alarm option has been selected in the Output echo lost parameter (® ä 139).
– S941 if another option has been selected in the Output echo lost parameter (® ä 139).

Additional information The signal quality indicated in this parameter always refers to the currently evaluated echo: either
the level/interface echo 1) or the end-of-probe echo. To differentiate between these two, the quality
of the end-of-probe echo is always displayed in brackets.

1) Of these two echos the one with the lower quality is indicated.

120 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

18.2.1 "Mapping" sequence

Confirm distance

Navigation Setup ® Mapping ® Confirm distance

Description Confirmation whether the measured distance matches the actual distance. Depending on the
selection, the device automatically determines the range over which the mapping will be recorded.

Selection • Manual map

To be selected if the range of mapping is to be defined manually in the Mapping end point
parameter. In this case it is not necessary to confirm the distance.
• Distance ok
To be selected if the measured distance matches the actual distance. The device performs a
mapping and quits the sequence ("End of sequence" appears on the display).
• Distance unknown
To be selected if the actual distance is unknown. A mapping can not be performed and the device
quits the sequence ("End of sequence" appears on the display).
• Distance too small
To be selected if the measured distance is smaller than the actual distance. The device performs
a mapping and returns to the Confirm distance parameter. The distance is recalculated and
displayed. The comparison must be repeated until the displayed distance matches the actual
• Distance too big
To be selected if the measured distance is bigger than the actual distance. The device adjusts the
signal evaluation and returns to the Confirm distance parameter. The distance is recalculated
and displayed. The comparison must be repeated until the displayed distance matches the actual
• Tank empty
To be selected if the tank is completely empty. The device records a mapping covering the complete
length of the probe and quits the sequence ("End of sequence" appears on the display).
• Delete all
To be selected if the present mapping curve (if one exists) is to be deleted. The device returns to
the Confirm distance parameter and a new mapping can be recorded.

Factory setting Distance unknown

Additional information For reference purposes the measured distance is displayed together with this parameter.
For interface measurements the distance always refers to the total level (not to the interface level).
If the teaching procedure Distance too small or Distance too big is quit before the distance
has been confirmed, a map is not recorded and the teaching procedure is reset after 60 s.
For FMP54 with gas phase compensation (product structure: feature 540 "Application
Package", option EF or EG) a map must NOT be recorded.

Mapping end point

Navigation Setup ® Mapping ® Map. end point

Condition Only visible if the Manual map option has been selected in the Confirm distance parameter.

Endress+Hauser 121
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Description Definition of the distance up to which the mapping curve will be recorded.

Input range 0.1 m (0.33 ft) to length of probe (LN)

Factory setting 0.1 m (0.33 ft)

Additional information The distance is measured from the reference point, i.e. from the lower edge of the mounting flange
or the threaded connection.
For reference purposes the Present mapping parameter is displayed together with this parameter.
Present mapping states up to which distance a mapping has already been recorded.

Record map

Navigation Setup ® Mapping ® Record map

Conditions Only visible if a value has been entered into the Mapping end point parameter.

Description Starts the recording of the map.

Selection • No
The map is not recorded. The device quits the sequence ("End of sequence" is displayed).
• Record map
The map is recorded. When the recording is completed, the new measured distance and the new
mapping range appear on the display. These values must be confirmed by pressing Â. The device
quits the sequence. ("End of sequence" is displayed.)
• Delete all
The mapping (if one exists) is deleted and the device displays the recalculated measured distance
and the mapping range. These values must be confirmed by pressing Â. The device quits the
sequence. "End of sequence" is displayed.

Factory setting No

122 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

18.2.2 "Advanced setup" submenu

Locking status (® ä 110)

Access status display (® ä 110)

Enter access code

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Enter access code

Description Use this function to enable write-protected parameters via local operation or an operating tool. For
local operation, the customer-specific access code defined in the Define access code parameter is
entered (® ä 123). If an incorrect access code is entered, the user retains his current access
The write protection affects all parameters marked with the symbol in the document. On the local
display, the symbol in front of a parameter indicates that the parameter is write-protected.
If no key is pressed for 10 minutes, or the user goes from the navigation and editing mode back to
the measured value display mode, the device automatically locks the write-protected parameters
after another 60 s .
Please contact your Endress+Hauser Sales Center if you lose your access code

Input range 0 to 9 999

Define access code

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Define access code

Description Use this function to restrict write-access to parameters to protect the configuration of the device
against unintentional changes via local operation. A user-specific access code is specified for this
The write protection affects all parameters marked with the symbol in the document. On the local
display, the symbol in front of a parameter indicates that the parameter is write-protected.
Once the access code has been defined, write-protected parameters can only be modified if the
access code is entered in the Enter access code parameter (® ä 123).
Changing the access code
• Enter the current access code in the Enter access code parameter and confirm.
• Define the new access code.
Please contact your Endress+Hauser Sales Center if you lose your access code

Input range 0 to 9 999

Factory setting 0

Endress+Hauser 123
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Additional information User entry

A message is displayed if the access code is not in the input range.

Factory setting
If the factory setting is not changed or 0 is defined as the access code, the parameters are not write-
protected and the configuration data of the device can then always be modified. The user is logged
on in the role of Maintenance .

Device tag

Navigation Setup ® Advanced Setup ® Device tag

Description Use this function to enter a unique name for the measuring point so it can be identified quickly
within the plant. The name is displayed in the header:



1 Header text

Input range Max. 32 characters, such as letters, numbers or special characters (e.g. @, %, /)

Factory setting Levelflex

124 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

The "Level" submenu

This submenu is only visible for "Operating mode" = "Level".

Medium type

Navigation Setup ® Advanced Setup ® Level ® Medium type

Description Defines the type of medium

Options • Liquid
• Solid

Factory setting Liquid

Medium property

Navigation Setup ® Advanced Setup ® Level ® Medium property

Description Defines the dielectric constant

Options • Unknown
• DC 1.4 ... 1.6
• DC 1.6 ... 1.9
• DC 1.9 ... 2.5
• DC 2.5 ... 4
• DC 4 ... 7
• DC 7 ... 15
• DC > 15

Factory setting Unknown

Additonal information Dielectric constants of important media commonly used in the industry are summarized in the
document SD106F, which can be downloaded from the Endress+Hauser web page

Process property

Navigation Setup ® Advanced Setup ® Level ® Process property

Description Defines a typical rate of level change

Endress+Hauser 125
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Options For "Medium type" = "Liquid"

• Fast > 1 m(40")/min
• Standard < 1 m(40")/min
• Medium < 10 cm(4")/min
• Slow < 1 cm(0.4")/min
• No filter
For "Medium type" = "Solid"
• Fast > 10 m(33ft)/h
• Standard < 10 m(33ft)/h
• Medium < 1 m(3ft)/h
• Slow < 0.1 m(0.3ft)/h
• No filter

Factory setting Standard < 1m(40")/min

Additional information The device adjusts the signal evaluation filters and the damping of
the output signal to the typical rate of level change defined in this
For "Medium type" = "Liquid"
Process property Step response time [s]
Fast > 1m(40")/min 3
Standard < 1 m(40")/min 13
Medium < 10 cm(4")/min 38
Slow < 1 cm(0.4")/min 73
No filter < 0.8
For "Medium type" = "Solid"
Process property Step response time [s]
Fast > 10 m(33ft)/h 37
Standard < 10 m(33 ft)/h 74
Medium < 1 m(3ft)/h 145
Slow < 0.1 m (0.03ft)/h 290
No filter < 0.8
Other than the given values (e.g. intermediate values) can be
defined in the "Expert" menu. For details please refer to
GP01000F, "Levelflex FMP50/51/52/53/54/55/56/57 -
Description of Device Parameters - HART".

Advanced conditions

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Level ® Adv. conditions

Description Defines additional process conditions (if necessary)

Options • Build up
• None
Additionally for "Medium type" = "Liquid"
• Emulsion layer
• Probe near bottom

Factory setting None

126 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

Additional information "Advanced conditions" should only be applied in the "Level" operating mode.
For two-phase media the "Emulsion layer" option ensures that always the total level is detected
(Example: Oil/condensate application).
The "Probe near bottom" option helps to improve the empty detection, especially if the probe is
mounted close to the tank bottom.

Level unit

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Level ® Level unit

Description Defines the level unit

Options •%
• mm
• ft
• in

Factory setting %

Additional information The level unit may differ from the distance unit as defined in the Distance unit parameter
(® ä 113):
• The distance unit is used for the basic calibration ("Empty calibration" and "Full calibration").
• The level unit is used to display the (unlinearized) level.

Blocking distance

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Level ® Blocking dist.

Setup ® Advanced setup ® Safety settings ® Blocking dist.

Description Defines the upper blocking distance UB

Input range 0 to 200 mm (0 to 7.8 in)

Factory setting For level measurement:

• with coax probes: 0 mm
• with rod and rope probes up to 8 m (26 ft): 200 mm (8")
• with rod and rope probes exceeding 8 m (26 ft): 0,025 * (length of probe)

Endress+Hauser 127
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Additional information No echos are evaluated within the blocking distance

UB. Therefore, UB can be used to suppress
interference echos within the upper end of the UB


Level correction

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Level ® Level correction

Description Defines a level correction

Input range Depending on the selected level unit:

• -100,0 to 100,0 %
• -200,0 to +200,0 m
• -656,2 to +656,2 ft
• -7874,0 to +7874,0 inch
• -200.000,0 to +200.000,0 mm

Factory setting 0%

Additional information The value specified in this parameter is added to the measured level (before linearization).

128 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

The "Interface" submenu

This submenu is only visible for "Operating mode" = "Interface".

Process property

Navigation Setup ® Advanced Setup ® Interface ® Process property

Description Defines a typical rate of level change

Options • Fast > 1 m(40")/min

• Standard < 1 m(40")/min
• Medium < 10 cm(4")/min
• Slow < 1 cm(0.4")/min
• No filter

Factory setting Standard < 1m(40")/min

Additional information The device adjusts the signal evaluation filters and the damping of
the output signal to the typical rate of level change defined in this
For interface measurements
Process property Step response time [s]
Fast > 1m(40")/min 5
Standard < 1 m(40")/min 15
Medium < 10 cm(4")/min 40
Slow < 1 cm(0.4")/min 74
No filter 2.2

DC lower medium

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Interface ® DC lower medium

Description Defines the dielectric constant of the lower medium




Input range 10 ... 100

Endress+Hauser 129
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Factory setting 80 (Dielelectric constant of water at 20 °C / 68 °F)

Additional information Dielectric constants of important media commonly used in the industry are summarized in the
document SD106F, which can be downloaded from the Endress+Hauser web page

Level unit

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Interface ® Level unit

Description Defines the level unit

Options •%
• mm
• ft
• in

Factory setting %

Additional information The level unit may differ from the distance unit as defined in the Distance unit parameter
(® ä 113):
• The distance unit is used for the basic calibration ("Empty calibration" and "Full calibration").
• The level unit is used to display the (unlinearized) level.

Blocking distance

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Interface ® Blocking dist.

Setup ® Advancede setup ® Safety settings ® Blocking dist.

Desription Defines the upper blocking distance, UB

Input range 0 to 200 mm (0 to 7.8 in)

Factory setting 0 m (0 ft)

130 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

Additional information Echoes from within the blocking distance are not 1
taken into account in the signal evaluation. The
upper blocking distance is used
• to suppress interference echoes at the top end of
the probe (1). 2
• to suppress the echo of the total level in the case
of flooded bypasses (2). UB


Level correction

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Interface ® Level correction

Description Defines the level correction

Input range Depending on the selected level unit:

• -100,0 ... 100,0 %
• -200,0 ... +200,0 m
• -656,2 ... +656,2 ft
• -7874,0 ... +7874,0 inch
• -200.000,0 ... +200.000,0 mm

Factory setting 0%

Additional information The value specified in this parameter is added to the measured total and interface level.

Endress+Hauser 131
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

The "Automatic DC calculation" sequence

If - in the case of interface measurements - the thickness of the upper medium is known at a certain
point of time (e.g. through a manual measurement), the Automatic DC calculation sequence can
be used to calculate the dielectric constant of the upper medium.

Manual interface thickness

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Interface ® Autom. DC calc. ® Man. int. thickn.

Meaning Input of the manually determined interface

thickness UP (i.e. the thickness of the upper



Input 0 to 200 m (0 to 656 ft)

Factory setting 0 m (0 ft)

Additional information The measured interface thickness is indicated on the display together with the manual interface
thickness. By comparing these two values the device can automatically adjust the DC value of the
upper medium.

DC value

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Interface ® Autom. DC calc. ® DC value

Meaning Displays the DC of the upper medium (before correction).

Calculated DC

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Interface ® Autom. DC calc. ® Calcul. DC

Meaning Displays the calculated DC of the upper medium.

132 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

Use calculated DC

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Interface ® Autom. DC calc. ® Use calc. DC

Meaning Confirm if the automatically calclualted DC is to be used.

Selection • Save and exit

The calculated DC is accepted. The device quits the sequence ("End of sequence" is displayed).
• Cancel and exit
The calculated DC is rejected; the device continues to use the old DC and quits the sequence
("End of sequence" is displayed).
• Re-input thickness
The calculated DC is rejected. The device returns to the Manual interface thickness parameter,
so that a corrected value of the manual interface thickness can be entered.

Factory setting Cancel and exit

Additional information The calculated DC is indicated on the display together with this parameter.

Endress+Hauser 133
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

The "Linearization" submenu

Linearization type

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Linearization ® Linearization type

Description Defines the type of linearization

Selection • None
The level is transmitted to the output without 100%
• Linear (A) A
• Table (B)
• Pyramid bottom (C) 0%
• Conical bottom (D)
• Angled bottom (E) 100%
• Horizontal cylinder (F)
• Sphere (G) B










Factory setting None

Unit linearized

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Linearization ® Unit linearized

Condition Only visible if a linearization has been selected (i.e. Linearization type ¹ None)

134 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

Description Defines the unit of the linearized value.

Selection • Free text

• lb
• ton
• kg
• impGal
• UsGal
• cf
• cm3
• dm3
• m3
• hl

Factory setting %

Additional information The selected unit is only used to be indicated on the display. The measured value is not transformed
according to the selected unit.

Free text

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Linearization ® Free text

Condition Only visible for Unit lienarized = Free text.

Description Definiton of the unit

Input range Up to 32 alphanumerical characters (letters, numbers, special characters)

Factory setting Free text

Maximum value

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Linearization ® Maximum value

Condition Only visible if one of the following linearization types has been selected:
• Linear
• Pyramid bottom
• Conical bottom
• Angled bottom
• Horizontal cylinder
• Sphere

Description Definition of the maximum content of the vessel (100%), as measured in the Unit linearized.

Input range -50000 ... +50000

Endress+Hauser 135
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Factory setting 100


Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Linearization ® Diameter

Condition Only visible if one of the following linearization types has been selected:
• Horizontal cylinder
• Sphere

Description Definition of the tank diameter

Input range 0 ... 9999.999 m (32808 ft)

Factory setting 2 m (6.6 ft)

Additional information The value must be specified in the selected distance unit (® ä 113).

Intermediate height

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Linearization ® Intermediate height

Condition Only visible if one of the following linearization types has been selected:
• Pyramid bottom
• Conical bottom
• Angled bottom

Description Definition of the intermediate height H



Input range 0 to 200 m (0 to 656 ft)

Factory setting 0 m (0 ft)

Additional information The value must be specified in the selected distance unit (® ä 113).

Table mode

136 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Linearization ® Table mode

Condition Only visible if the "Table" linearization type has been selected.

Description Defines the method used to enter linearization points into the table.

Selection • Manual
The level and the associated linearized value are entered manually for each linearization point.
• Semi-automatic
The level is measured by the device for each linearization point. The associated linearized value
is entered manually.
• Clear table
Deletes the existing linearization table.
• Sort table
Rearranges the linerization points into an ascending order.

Factory setting Manual

Additional information Conditions the linearization table must meet:

• The table may consist of up to 32 pairs of values "Level - Linearized Value".
• The table must be monotonic (monotonically increasing or decreasing).
• The first linearization point must refer to the minimum level.
• The last linearization point must refer to the maximum level.

Table number

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Linearization ® Table number

Condition Only visible if the "Table" linearization type has been selected.

Description Index of the linearization point which is entered in the subsequent parameters.

Input range 1 ... 32

Factory setting 1


Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Linearization ® Level

Condition Only visible if the "Table" linearization type has been selected.

Description Definition or display of the (unlinearized) level of the respective linearization point.

Input range Depending on the parametrized measuring range. See the parameters Empty calibration
(® ä 116) and Full calibration (® ä 117).

Factory setting 0

Endress+Hauser 137
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Additional information For Table mode = Manual: Level is a writable parameter.

For Table mode = Semi-automatic: Level is a read-only parameter.

Customer value

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Linearization ® Customer value

Condition Only visible if the "Table" linearization type has been selected.

Description Specification of the linearized value of the respective linearization point.

Input range -3,0 x 1038 ... +3,0 x 1038

Factory setting 0

Activate table

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Linearization ® Activate table

Condition Only visible if the "Table" linearization type has been selected.

Description Enables or disables the linearization table.

Selection • Disable
A linearization is not calculated. If the Linearization type parameter has been set to Table, the
error message F435 is generated.
• Enable
The measured value is linearized according to the table before being sent to the output.

Factory setting Disable

Additional information When editing the table, this parameter is automatically reset to the Disable option. After finishing
the editing procedure it must be set to the Enable option again.

138 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

The "Safety settings" submenu

Output echo lost

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Safety settings ® Output echo lost

Description Defines the output signal in the case of a lost echo.

Selection • Last valid value

The last valid value is kept in the case of a lost echo.
• Ramp echo lost
In the case of a lost echo the output value is continously shifted towards 0% or 100%. The slope
of the ramp is defined in the Ramp echo lost parameter.
• Value echo lost
In the case of a lost echo the output assumes the value defined in the Value echo lost parameter.
• Alarm
In the case of a lost echo the device generates an alarm and the output assumes the value defined
in the Failure mode parameter (® ä 146).

Factory settings Last valid value

Value echo lost

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Safety settings ® Value echo lost

Condition Only visible if the Value echo lost option has been selected in the Output echo lost parameter.

Description Defines the constant output value in the case of a lost echo.

Input range 0 to 200000

Factory setting 0

Additional information The unit is the same as for the output value:
• Without linearization: As defined in the Level unit parameter (® ä 127).
• With linearization: As defined in the Unit linearized parameter (® ä 134).

Ramp echo lost

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Safety settings ® Ramp echo lost

Condition Only visible if the Ramp echo lost option has been selected in the Output echo lost parameter.

Endress+Hauser 139
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Description Defines the slope of the ramp in the case of a lost

echo. 100%





A Delay echo lost

B Ramp echo lost (positive value)
C Ramp echo lost (negative value)

Input range -9999999,0 to + 9999999,0 %/min

Factory setting 0 %/min

Additional information • The unit for the slope of the ramp is "percentage of the measuring range per minute" (%/min).
• For a negative slope of the ramp: The measured value is continuously decreased until it reaches
• For a positive slope of the ramp: The measured value is continuosly increased until it reaches

Blocking distance (® ä 127)

140 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

The "SIL/WHG confirmation" sequence

The "SIL/WHG confirmation" sequence is only available for devices with SIL or WHG approval
(feature 590: "Additional Approval", option LA: "SIL" or LC: "WHG overfill prevention") which
are currently not in the SIL- or WHG-locked state.
The SIL/WHG confirmation sequence is required to lock the device according to SIL or WHG.
For details refer to the "Functional Safety Manual", SD00326F which describes the locking procedure
and the parameters of the sequence.

The "Deactivate SIL/WHG" sequence

The "Deactivate SIL/WHG" sequence is only available for devices with SIL or WHG approval
(feature 590: "Additional Approval", option LA: "SIL" or LC: "WHG overfill prevention") which
are currently in the SIL- or WHG-locked state.
The Deactivate SIL/WHG sequence is required to unlock the device if it has been locked according
to SIL or WHG.
For details refer to the "Functional Safety Manual", SD00326F which describes the unlocking
procedure and the parameters of the sequence.

Endress+Hauser 141
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

The "Probe length correction" sequence

The Probe length correction sequence helps to ensure that the end of probe signal within the
envelope curve is correctly assigned by the evaluation algorithm. The assignment is correct if the
length of probe indicated by the device matches the acutal lenght of the probe. The automatic probe
length correction can only be performed if the probe is installed in the vessel and is completely
uncovered (no medium). For partially filled vessels and if the probe length is known, select the
Manual input option in the Confirm length parameter in order to enter the value manually.
If a mapping (interference echo suppression) has been recorded after shortening the probe, it
is no longer possible to perform an automatic probe length correction. In this case there are
two options:
• Delete the map (® ä 121) before performing the automatic probe length correction.
Thereafter a new map can be recorded.
• Alternative: Select the Manual input option in the Confirm length parameter and enter
the probe length manually into the Present length parameter.
In the case of a grounded end of probe the Positive EOP option must be selected in the Expert
® Sensors ® EOP evaluation ® EOP search mode parameter. Otherwise the automatic
probe length correction will not work.

Confirm length

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Probe length corr. ® Confirm length

Description Confirm whether the value indicated in the Present length parameter matches the actual length
of the probe.

Selection • Probe length OK

To be selected if the indicated length is correct. An adjustment is not required. The device quits
the sequence. ("End of sequence" is displayed).
• Length too small
To be selected if the indicated length is smaller than the actual length of the probe. A different
end of probe signal is allocated and the newly calculated length is indicated in the Present
length parameter. This procedure has to be repeated until the displayed value matches the actual
length of the probe.
• Length too big
To be selected if the indicated length is bigger than the actual length of the probe. A different end
of probe signal is allocated and the newly calculated length is indicated in the Present length
parameter. This procedure has to be repeated until the displayed value matches the actual length
of the probe.
• Probe covered
To be selected if the probe is (partially or completely) covered. A probe length correction is
impossible in this case. The device quits the sequence. ("End of sequence" is displayed.)
• Manual input
To be selected if no automatic probe length correction is to be performed. Instead, the Present
length parameter appears and the actual length must be entered manually.
In the DTM Manual input needs not to be selected explicitly. Here, manual editing of the probe
length is always possible.
• Length unknown
A probe length correction is impossible in this case. The device quits the sequence. ("End of
sequence" is displayed.)

Factory setting Probe length OK

142 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

Present length

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Probe length corr. ® Pres. length

Description Depending on the parametrization:

• In most cases:
Displays the measured length of probe (according to the detected end of probe signal).
• Only for Confirm length = Manual input:
Input parameter for the actual length of the probe.

Input range 0 to 200 m (0 to 656 ft)

Factory setting 4 m (13 ft)

Endress+Hauser 143
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

The "Current output 1"/"Current output 2" submenus 2)

Assign current

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Curr. output 1 ® Assign curr.

Setup ® Advanced setup ® Curr. output 2 ® Assign curr.

Description Use this function to assign a process variable to the current output.

Options • Level linearized

• Distance
• Interface (only for Operating mode = Interface)
• Interface distance (only for Operating mode = Interface)
• Interface thickness (only for Operating mode = Interface)
• Electronic temperature
(-50 °C / -58 °F = 4mA; 100 °C / 212 °F = 20 mA)
• Relative echo amplitude
(0 mV = 4 mA; 2000 mV = 20 mA)
• Relative interface amplitude (only for Operating mode = Interface)
(0 mV = 4 mA; 2000 mV = 20 mA)

Factory setting For level measurements

• Current output 1: Level linearized
• Current output 2: Relative echo amplitude 1)
For interface measurements
• Current output 1:Interface
• Current output 2: Level linearized 2)

1) only for devices with 2 current outputs

2) only for devices with 2 current outputs

Current span

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Current output 1 ® Current span

Setup ® Advanced setup ® Current output 2 ® Current span

Description Use this function to select the current span. The selection specifies the operational range for the
process value and for the upper and lower level for signal on alarm.
• In the event of an error, the current output adopts the value defined in the Failure mode
parameter (® ä 146).
• If the measured value is outside the measuring range, the device displays the message S441
Current output. The measuring range is defined by the Empty calibration (® ä 116)
and Full calibration (® ä 117)parameters.

Options • 4 to 20 mA NAMUR
• 4 to 20 mA US
• 4 to 20 mA
• Fixed current

2) The "Current output 2" submenu is only available for devices with two current outputs.

144 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

Factory setting 4 to 20 mA NAMUR

Additional information Fixed current

The current value is set via the Fixed current parameter (® ä 145).

Shows the relationship between the current span for the output of the process variable and the lower
and upper alarm levels.

2 1 3

I [mA]

I Current
1 Current span for process value
2 Lower level for signal on alarm
3 Upper level for signal on alarm

Options 1 2 3

4 to 20 mA NAMUR 3.8 to 20.5 mA < 3.6 mA > 21.95 mA

4 to 20 mA US 3.9 to 20.8 mA US < 3.6 mA > 21.95 mA

4 to 20 mA 4 to 20.5 mA < 3.6 mA > 21.95 mA

Fixed current

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Curr. output 1® Fixed current

Setup ® Advanced setup ® Curr. output 2® Fixed current

Condition Only visible if the Fixed current option has been selected in the Current span parameter.

Description Defines the fixed value of the current.

Input range 3.6 to 20 mA

Factory setting 4.0 mA


Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Current output 1/2® Damping

Description Defines the time constant for the damping of the output current.

Input range 0 to 999.9 s

Factory setting 0 s (i.e.: no damping)

Endress+Hauser 145
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Additional information Fluctuations of the measured value affect the output current with an exponential delay, the time
constant of which is defined in this parameter.
With a small time constant the output reacts immediately to changes of the measrued value. With
a big time constant the reaction of the output is more delayed.

Failure mode

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Curr. output 1® Failure mode

Setup ® Advanced setup ® Curr. output 2® Failure mode

Prerequisite One of the following options is selected in the Current span parameter:
• 4 to 20 mA NAMUR
• 4 to 20 mA US
• 4 to 20 mA

Description Use this function to select the value of the current output in the event of an alarm condition. This
setting does not affect the error response mode of other outputs and totalizers. This is specified in
separate parameters.

Options • Min.
The current output adopts the value of the lower level for signal on alarm.
• Max.
The current output adopts the value of the upper level for signal on alarm.
• Last valid value
The current output is based on the last measured value that was valid before the error occurred.
• Actual value
The current output is based on the actual measured value on the basis of the current measurement;
the error is ignored.
• Defined value
The current output value is defined in the Failure current parameter (® ä 146).

Factory setting Max.

Additional information Min. and Max.

The signal on alarm level is specified using the Current span parameter (® ä 144).

Failure current

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Curr. output 1® Failure current

Setup ® Advanced setup ® Curr. output 2® Failure current

Prerequisite The Defined value option is selected in the Failure mode parameter (® ä 146).

Description Use this function to define the value the current output adopts in an alarm condition.

Input range 3.59 to 22.5 mA

Factory setting 22.5 mA

146 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

Output current 1 / Output current 2

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Curr. output 1 ® Output curr. 1

Diagnostics ® Measured value ® Output curr. 1
Setup ® Advanced setup ® Curr. output 2 ® Output curr. 2
Diagnostics ® Measured value ® Output curr. 2

Description Displays the output current in mA.

Endress+Hauser 147
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

The "Display" submenu

For operating tools: The Display submenu is only visible if a display module is connected to
the device.

Format display (® ä 110)

Value 1 display

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Display ® Value 1 display

Description Use this function to select one of the measured values to be shown on the local display. If several
measured values are displayed at once, the measured value selected here will be the first value to
be displayed. The value is only displayed during normal operation.
The Format display parameter is used to specify how many measured values are displayed
simultaneously and how (® ä 110).

Options • None
• Level linearized
• Distance
• Interface (only for Operating mode = Interface or Interface with capacity)
• Interface distance (only for Operating mode = Interface or Interface with capacity)
• Upper interface thickness (only for Operating mode = Interface or Interface with capacity)
• Current output 1
• Current output 2
• Measured current
• Terminal voltage
• Electronics temperature

Factory setting For level measurements

Level linearized
For interface measurements

Decimal places 1

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Display ® Decimal places 1

Prerequisite A measured value is specified in the Value 1 display parameter (® ä 148).

Description Use this function to specify the number of decimal places for measured value 1. This setting does
not affect the measuring or computational accuracy of the device. The arrow displayed between the
measured value and the unit indicates that the device computes with more digits than are shown
on the local display.

148 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

Options •x
• x.x
• x.xx
• x.xxxx

Factory setting x.xx

Value 2 display

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Display ® Value 2 display

Description Use this function to select one of the measured values to be shown on the local display. If several
measured values are displayed at once, the measured value selected here will be the second value
to be displayed. The value is only displayed during normal operation.
The Format display parameter is used to specify how many measured values are displayed
simultaneously and how (® ä 110).

Options • None
• Level linearized
• Distance
• Interface (only for Operating mode = Interface or Interface with capacity)
• Interface distance (only for Operating mode = Interface or Interface with capacity)
• Upper interface thickness (only for Operating mode = Interface or Interface with capacity)
• Current output 1
• Current output 2
• Measured current
• Terminal voltage
• Electronics temperature

Factory setting For level measurements

For interface measurements
Level linearized

Decimal places 2

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Display ® Decimal places 2

Prerequisite A measured value is specified in the Value 2 display parameter (® ä 149).

Description Use this function to specify the number of decimal places for measured value 2. This setting does
not affect the measuring or computational accuracy of the device. The arrow displayed between the
measured value and the unit indicates that the device computes with more digits than are shown
on the local display.
Defines the number of decimal places for the second display value.

Endress+Hauser 149
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Options •x
• x.x
• x.xx
• x.xxxx

Factory setting x.xx

Value 3 display

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Display ® Value 3 display

Description Use this function to select one of the measured values to be shown on the local display. If more than
two measured values are displayed at once, the measured value selected here will be the third value
to be displayed. The value is only displayed during normal operation.
The Format display parameter is used to specify how many measured values are displayed
simultaneously and how (® ä 110).

Options • None
• Level linearized
• Distance
• Interface (only for Operating mode = Interface or Interface with capacity)
• Interface distance (only for Operating mode = Interface or Interface with capacity)
• Upper interface thickness (only for Operating mode = Interface or Interface with capacity)
• Current output 1
• Current output 2
• Measured current
• Terminal voltage
• Electronics temperature

Factory setting For level measurements

Current output 1
For interface measurements and 1 current output
Upper interface thickness
For interface measurements and 2 current outputs
Current output 1

Decimal places 3

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Display ® Decimal places 3

Prerequisite A measured value is specified in the Value 3 display parameter (® ä 150).

Description Use this function to specify the number of decimal places for measured value 3. This setting does
not affect the measuring or computational accuracy of the device. The arrow displayed between the
measured value and the unit indicates that the device computes with more digits than are shown
on the local display.

150 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

Options •x
• x.x
• x.xx
• x.xxxx

Factory setting x.xx

Value 4 display

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Display ® Value 4 display

Description Use this function to select one of the measured values to be shown on the local display. If four
measured values are displayed at once, the measured value selected here will be the fourth value to
be displayed. The value is only displayed during normal operation.
The Format display parameter is used to specify how many measured values are displayed
simultaneously and how (® ä 110).

Options • None
• Level linearized
• Distance
• Interface (only for Operating mode = Interface or Interface with capacity)
• Interface distance (only for Operating mode = Interface or Interface with capacity)
• Upper interface thickness (only for Operating mode = Interface or Interface with capacity)
• Current output 1
• Current output 2
• Measured current
• Terminal voltage
• Electronics temperature

Factory setting For level measurements and 1 current output

For level measurements and 2 current outputs
Current output 2
For interface measurements and 1 current output
Current output 1
For interface measurements and 2 current outputs
Current output 2

Decimal places 4

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Display ® Decimal places 4

Prerequisite A measured value is specified in the Value 4 display parameter (® ä 151).

Endress+Hauser 151
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Description Use this function to specify the number of decimal places for measured value 4. This setting does
not affect the measuring or computational accuracy of the device. The arrow displayed between the
measured value and the unit indicates that the device computes with more digits than are shown
on the local display.

Selection •x
• x.x
• x.xx
• x.xxxx

Factory setting x.xx

Display interval (® ä 113)

Display damping

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Display ® Display damping

Description Use this function to set the reaction time of the local display to fluctuations in the measured value
caused by process conditions. A time constant is entered for this purpose: if a low time constant is
entered, the display reacts very quickly to fluctuating measured variables. If a high time constant is
entered, the display reaction is damped.

Input range 0 to 999 s

Factory setting 0 s


Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Display ® Header

Description Use this function to select the contents of the header of the local display. The header text only
appears during normal operation.



1 Position of the header text on the display

Options • Device tag

• Free text

Factory setting Device tag

152 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

Additional information Device tag

Is defined in the Device tag parameter (® ä 124).
Free text
Is defined in the Header text parameter (® ä 153).

Header text

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Display ® Header text

Prerequisite The Free text option is selected in the Header parameter (® ä 152).

Description Use this function to enter a customer-specific text for the header of the local display. The header
text only appears during normal operation.



1 Position of the header text on the display

User entry Max. 12 characters, such as letters, numbers or special characters (e.g. @, %, /)

Factory setting ------------

Additional information User entry

The number of characters displayed depends on the characters used.


Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Display ® Separator

Description Use this function to select the decimal separator.

Options • . (point)
• , (comma)

Factory setting . (point)

Number format

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Display ® Number format

Description Selection of the number format for the representation of measured values.

Endress+Hauser 153
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Selection • Decimal
• ft-in-1/16" (Only valid for distance units)

Factory setting Decimal

Decimal places menu

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Display ® Dec. places menu

Description Number of decimal places for the representation of numbers within the operating menu.

Selection •x
• x.x
• x.xx
• x.xxxx

Factory setting x.xxxx

Additional information This parameter only determines the representation of numbers within the operating menu (e.g.
Empty calibration, Full calibration). It does not affect the measured value representation.
For measured values, the number of decimal places is defined in the Decimal places 1 to Decimal
places 4 parameters (® ä 148).

154 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

The "Configuration backup display" submenu

The Configuration backup display submenu is only visible if a display module is connected
to the device.
The configuration of the device can be saved to the display module at a certain point of time (backup).
The saved configurateion can be restored to the device if required, e.g. in order to bring the device
back into a defined state. The configuration can also be transferred to a different device of the same
type using the display module.
Configurations can only be exchanged between devices which are in the same operating mode
(see the Setup ® Operating mode parameter).

Operating time

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Conf. backup display ® Operating time

Diagnostics ® Operating time

Description Use this function to display the length of time the device has been in operation up to now.

Display format Days (d), hours (h), minutes (m) and seconds (s)

Additional information Display

The maximum number of days is 9999, which is equivalent to 27 years.

Last backup

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Conf. backup display ® Last backup

Description Use this function to display the time when a backup copy of the data was last saved to the display

Display format Days (d), hours (h), minutes (m) and seconds (s)

Configuration management

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Conf. backup display ® Config. managem.

Description Use this function to select an action to save the data to the display module. While this action is in
progress, the configuration cannot be edited via the local display and a message on the processing
status appears on the display.

Endress+Hauser 155
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Options • Cancel
No action is executed and the user exits the parameter.
• Execute backup
A backup copy of the current device configuration in the HistoROM (built-in in the device) is
saved to the display module of the device. The backup copy comprises the transmitter and sensor
data of the device.
• Restore
The last backup copy of the device configuration is copied from the display module to the
HistoROM of the device. The backup copy comprises the transmitter and sensor data of the device.
• Duplicate
The transmitter configuration is duplicated to another device using the transmitter display module.
• Compare
The device configuration saved in the display module is compared to the current device
configuration of the HistoROM.
• Clear backup data
The backup copy of the device configuration is deleted from the display module of the device.

Factory setting Cancel

Additional information Compare

The result can be viewed in the Comparison result parameter (® ä 156).

A HistoROM is a "non-volatile" device memory in the form of an EEPROM.

Comparison result

Navigation Setup ® Advanced setup ® Conf. backup display ® Compar. result

Description Use this function to view the last result of comparing the current device configuration to the backup
copy in the display module.
The comparison is started via the Compare settings option in the Configuration
management parameter (® ä 155).

Display options • Settings identical

The current device configuration of the HistoROM is identical to the backup copy in the display
• Settings not identical
The current device configuration of the HistoROM is not identical to the backup copy in the display
• No backup available
There is no backup copy of the device configuration of the HistoROM in the display module.
• Backup settings corrupt
The current device configuration of the HistoROM is corrupt or not compatible with the backup
copy in the display module.
• Check not done
The device configuration of the HistoROM has not yet been compared to the backup copy in the
display module.

156 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

18.3 The "Diagnostics" menu

Actual diagnostics

Navigation Diagnostics ® Actual diagnos.

Description Use this function to display the current diagnostics message. If two or more messages occur
simultaneously, the message with the highest priority is shown on the display.
Information on what is causing the message, and remedy measures, can be viewed via the
symbol on the display.

User interface Symbol for event behavior, diagnostics event, time the event occurred and event text

Additional information User interface

Example for display format:
S441 01d4h12min30s
Current output 1

Previous diagnostics

Navigation Diagnostics ® Prev. diagnsotics

Description Use this function to display the diagnostics message last displayed before the current message. This
condition can still apply.
Information on what is causing the message, and remedy measures, can be viewed via the
symbol on the display.

Zusätzliche Information Anzeige

Beispiel zum Anzeigeformat:
C411 01d5h14min20s
Up-/Download aktiv

Additional information User interface

Example for display format:
C411 01d5h14min20s
Upload/download active

Operating time from restart

Navigation Diagnostics ® Operatint time fr. restart

Description Use this function to display the time the device has been in operation since the last device restart.

User interface Days (d), hours (h), minutes (m) and seconds (s)

Endress+Hauser 157
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Operating time (® ä 155)

158 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

18.3.1 "Diagnsotics list" submenu

Up to 5 diagnostics messages currently pending are displayed in this submenu. If more than 5
messages are pending, the messages with the highest priority are shown on the display.
Information on what is causing the message, and remedy measures, can be viewed via the
symbol on the display.
Information on diagnostics measures in the device and an overview of all the diagnostics
messages: (® ä 90)

Diagnsotics 1-5

Navigation Diagnostics ® Diagnose list ® Diagnostics 1

Diagnostics ® Diagnose list ® Diagnostics 2
Diagnostics ® Diagnose list ® Diagnostics 3
Diagnostics ® Diagnose list ® Diagnostics 4
Diagnostics ® Diagnose list ® Diagnostics 5

Description Use this function to display the current diagnostics messages with the highest priority to the fifth-
highest priority.

User interface Symbol for event behavior, diagnostics event, time the event occurred and event text

Additional information User interface

Example 1 for display format:
S441 01d4h12min30s
Current output 1

Example 2 for display format:

F276 10d8h12min22s
I/O module error

Endress+Hauser 159
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

18.3.2 The "Event logbook" submenu

Filter options

Navigation Diagnostics ® Event logbook ® Filter options

Description Use this function to select the category (status signal) whose event messages are displayed in the
events list.
The status signals are categorized according to NAMUR NE 107: F = failure, M = maintenance
request, C = function check, S = out of specification

Options • All
• Failure (F)
• Maintenance required (M)
• Function check (C)
• Out of specification (S)
• Information (I)

Factory setting All

Event list

Navigation Diagnostics ® Event logbook ® Event list

Description Use this function to display the history of event messages of the category selected in the Filter
options parameter (® ä 160). A maximum of 20 event messages are displayed in chronological
order. If the advanced HistoROM function is enabled in the device, the event list can contain up to
100 entries.
The following symbols indicate whether an event has occurred or has ended (status symbols):
• : Event has occurred
• : Event has ended
Information on what is causing the message, and remedy measures, can be viewed via the
symbol on the display.

User interface • For event messages in category I (status signal): status signal, event number, time event occurred,
event text
• For event messages in category F, M, C, S (status signal): diagnostics event, status symbol, time
event occurred, event text

160 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

Additional information User interface

Example 1 for display format:
I 1091 24d12h13m00s
Configuration modified

Example 2 for display format:

S441 01d4h12min30s
Current output 1

A HistoROM is a "non-volatile" device memory in the form of an EEPROM.
To order the HistoROM with advanced capabilities, see the "Accessories" section of the
"Technical Information" document.

Endress+Hauser 161
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

18.3.3 "Device information" submenu


Navigation Diagnostics ® Device info ® Device

Description Use this function to view the device designation.

Display Max. 32-digit character string comprising letters, numbers or special characters (e.g. @, %, /)

Factory setting Levelflex

Serial number

Navigation Diagnostics ® Device info ® Serial number

Description Use this function to view the serial number of the device. It can also be found on the nameplate.
Uses of the serial number
• To identify the device quickly, e.g. when contacting Endress+Hauser.
• To obtain specific information on the device using the Device Viewer:

Display Max. 11-digit character string comprising letters and numbers

Firmware version

Navigation Diagnostics ® Device info ® Firmware version

Description Use this function to view the device firmware version installed.

Display Max. 6-digit character string in the format xx.yy.zz

Device name

Navigation Diagnostics ® Device info ® Device name

Description Use this function to view the name of the transmitter. It can also be found on the nameplate of the

Order code

162 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

Navigation Diagnostics ® Device info ® Order code

Description Use this function to view the order code of the device. It can also be found on the nameplate. The
order code is generated by a one-to-one transformation from the extended order code, which defines
all the device features of the product structure. In contrast, the device features can not be read
directly from the order code.
Uses of the order code
• To order an identical spare device.
• To identify the device quickly and easily, e.g. when contacting Endress+Hauser.

Display Max. 20-digit character string comprising letters, numbers, punctuation marks or +, -

Extended order code 1-3

Navigation Diagnostics ® Device info ® Extended order code 1

Diagnostics ® Device info ® Extended order code 2
Diagnostics ® Device info ® Extended order code 3

Description Use this function to display the first, second or third part of the extended order code. On account
of length restrictions, the extended order code is split into a maximum of 3 parameters.
The extended order code indicates the selected options of all the features of the product structure
for the device and thus uniquely identifies the device. It can also be found on the nameplate.
Uses of the extended order code
• To order an identical spare device.
• To check the ordered device features against the shipping note.

Display Max. 20-digit character string

Device revision

Navigation Diagnostics ® Devfice info ® Device revision

Prerequisite Device with HART protocol

Description Use this function to view the device revision with which the device is registered with the HART
Communication Foundation. It is needed to assign the appropriate device description file (DD) to
the device.

Display 2-digit hexadecimal number

Device ID

Navigation Diagnostics ® Device info ® Device ID

Prerequisite Device with HART protocol

Endress+Hauser 163
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Description Use this function to view the device ID for identifying the device in a HART network.
In addition to the device type and manufacturer ID, the device ID is part of the unique ID.
Each HART device is identified uniquely by the unique device ID.

Display 6-digit hexadecimal number

Device type

Navigation Diagnostics ® Device info ® Device type

Prerequisite Device with HART protocol

Description Use this function to view the device type with which the device is registered with the HART
Communication Foundation. The device type is specified by the manufacturer. It is needed to assign
the appropriate device description file (DD) to the device.

Display 2-digit hexadecimal number

Factory setting 0x34 (for Levelflex FMP5x)

Manufacturer ID

Navigation Diagnostics ® Device info ® Manufacturer ID

Prerequisite Device with HART protocol

Description Use this function to view the manufacturer ID with which the device is registered with the HART
Communication Foundation.

Display 2-digit hexadecimal number

Factory setting 0x11 (for Endress+Hauser)

164 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

18.3.4 "Measured value" submenu

Distance (® ä 118)

Level linearized

Navigation Diagnostics ® Measured val. ® Level linearized

Description Displays the linearized level.

Interface distance (® ä 119)

Interface linearized

Navigation Diagnostics ® Measured val. ® Interf. lineariz.

Description Displays the linearized interface height.

Interface thickness

Navigation Diagnostics ® Measured val. ® Interface thickness

Description Displays the thickness of the upper medium, UP



Output current 1 / Output (® ä 147)

current 2

Endress+Hauser 165
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Measured current 1

Navigation Diagnostics ® Measured val. ® Measured current 1

Description Use this function to view the current value of the current output currently measured.

Display ran ge 3.59 to 22.5 mA

Terminal voltage 1

Navigation Diagnostics ® Measured val. ® Terminal volt. 1

Description Use this function to view the current terminal voltage that is present at the current output.

Display range 12 to 36 V

166 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

18.3.5 "Simulation" submenu

Assignment of measured variable

Navigation Diagnostics ® Simulation ® Assign. meas. var.

Description Use this function to select a process variable for the simulation process that is activated. The display
alternates between the measured value and a diagnostics message of the "function check" category
(C) while simulation is in progress:
The simulation value of the selected process variable is defined in the Value process
variable parameter (® ä 167).

Selection • Off
• Level
• Interface (for Operating mode = Interface)
• Interface thickness (for Operating mode = Interface)
• Level linearized
• Interface linearized (for Operating mode = Interface)
• Thickness linearized (for Operating mode = Interface)

Factory setting Off

Value process variable

Navigation Diagnostics ® Simulation ® Value proc. var.

Prerequisite One of the following options is selected in the Assignment of measured variable parameter :
• Level
• Interface
• Interface thickness
• Level linearized
• Interface linearized
• Thickness linearized

Description Use this function to enter a simulation value for the selected process variable. Subsequent measured
value processing and the signal output use this simulation value. In this way, users can verify whether
the measuring device has been configured correctly.

Input range Depends on the process variable selected

Factory setting The current value of the selected process variable (at the moment the simulation is activated).

Simulation current output 1-2

Navigation Diagnostics ® Simulation ® Sim.curr.out. 1

Diagnostics ® Simulation ® Sim.curr.out. 2 (for devices with 2 current outputs)

Endress+Hauser 167
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Description Use this function to switch simulation of the current output on and off. The display alternates
between the measured value and a diagnostics message of the "function check" category (C) while
simulation is in progress:
The simulation value is defined in the Value current output 1-2 parameter (® ä 168).

Options • On
Current simulation is active.
• Off
Current simulation is switched off. The device is in normal measuring mode or another process
variable is being simulated.

Factory setting Off

Value current output 1-2

Navigation Diagnostics ® Simulation ® Value curr.out. 1

Diagnostics ® Simulation ® Value curr.out. 2 (only for devices with 2 current outputs)

Prerequisite The On option is selected in the Simulation current output 1-2 parameter .

Description Use this function to enter a current value for the simulation. In this way, users can verify the correct
adjustment of the current output and the correct function of downstream switching units.

Input range 3.6 to 22.5 mA

Factory setting Current value at the moment the simulation is activated.

Simulation device alarm

Navigation Diagnostics ® Simulation ® Sim. alarm

Description Use this function to switch the device alarm on and off. In this way, users can verify the correct
adjustment of the current output and the correct function of downstream switching units.
The display alternates between the measured value and a diagnostics message of the "function
check" category (C) while simulation is in progress:

Options • On
• Off

Factory setting Off

168 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

18.3.6 The "Device check" submenu

Start device check

Navigation Diagnostics ® Device check ® Start device check

Description Start of a device check.

Selection • No
No device check is performed.
• Yes
A device check is performed.
If the error S941 "Echo lost" is present, a device check is not possible. First you have to eliminte
the cause of this error.

Factory setting No

Result device check

Navigation Diagnostics ® Device check ® Result device check

Description Indicates the result of the device check.

Display • Installation ok
• Accuracy reduced
A measurement is possible. However, the measuring accuracy may be reduced due to the signal
• Measurement capability reduced
A measurement is currently possible. Howerver, there is the risk of an echo loss. Check the
mounting position of the device and the dielectric constant of the medium.
• Check not done

Last check time

Navigation Diagnostics ® Device check ® Last check time

Description Displays the operating time at which the last device check has been performed.

Additional information Display format

Days (d), hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s): 0000d00h00m00s

Level signal

Endress+Hauser 169
Description of device parameters Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Navigation Diagnostics ® Device check ® Level signal

Conditions Only visible if a device check has been performed.

Description Displays the result of the device check for the level signal.

Display • Check not done

• Check not ok
Check the mounting position of the device and the dielectric constant of the medium.
• Check ok

Launch signal

Navigation Diagnostics ® Device check ® Launch signal

Condition Only visible if a device check has been performed.

Description Displays the result of the device check for the launch signal (fiducial).

Display • Check not done

• Check not ok
Check the mounting position of the device. In non-metallic vessels use a metal plate or a metal
• Check ok

Interface signal

Navigation Diagnostics ® Device check ® Interface signal

Condition Only visible for devices with interface measurement option and if a device check has been performed.

Description Displays the result of the device check for the interface signal.

Display • Check not done

• Check not ok
• Check ok

170 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Description of device parameters

18.3.7 "Device reset" submenu

Device reset

Navigation Diagnostics ® Device reset ® Device reset

Description Use this function to reset the device configuration - either entirely or in part - to a defined state.

Options • Cancel
No action is executed and the user exits the parameter.
• To factory defaults
Every parameter is reset to the order-code specific factory setting.
• To delivery settings
Every parameter is reset to the delivery setting. The delivery setting may differ from the factory
default if customer specific settings have been ordered.
• Of customer settings
Every customer parameter is reset to its factory setting. Service parameters, however, retain their
current value.
• To transducer defaults
Every measurment-related parameter is reset to its factory setting. Service parameters and
communication-related parameters, however, retain their current value.
• Restart device
The restart resets every parameter whose data are in the volatile memory (RAM) to the factory
setting (e.g. measured value data). The device configuration is not modified.

Factory setting Cancel

Endress+Hauser 171
Index Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

A Decimal places 3 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Accessories Decimal places 4 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Communication specific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Decimal places menu (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Device specific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Declaration of conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Service specific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Define access code (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Access status display (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Designated use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Activate table (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Device (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Actual diagnostics (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Device check (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Advanced conditions (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Device Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Advanced setup (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Device ID (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Device information (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Residual risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Device name (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Assign current (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Device replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Assignment of measured variable (Parameter) . . . . . . . . 167 Device reset (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Automatic DC calculation (Sequence) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Device reset (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Device revision (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
B Device tag (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Bedienmenü Device type (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Übersicht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Diagnostic events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Blocking distance (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127, 130 Diagnostic message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Bypass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Diagnostics
Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
C Diagnostics (Menu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Cable diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Diagnostics 1 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Calculated DC (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Diagnostics 2 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
CE mark (Declaration of conformity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Diagnostics 3 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Diagnostics 4 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Coax probe Diagnostics 5 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Diagnostics event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Coax probes Diagnostics list (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Bending strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Diameter (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Shortening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Dimensions
Comparison result (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Electronics housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Configuration backup display (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 Process connection/Probe FMP51 . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 28
Configuration failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Process connection/Probe FMP52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Configuration management (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 Process connection/Probe FMP54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Configuration of a level measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Display/Operation (Menu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Configuration of an interface measurement . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Display (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Confirm distance (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Display damping (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Confirm length (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Display interval (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Contrast display (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Display module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Contrast of the display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Display symbols for submenus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Cross-section of cable strands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Display symbols for the locking state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Current output 1 (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Current output 2 (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Distance (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Current span (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Distance unit (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Customer value (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Distance upper connection (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

Damping (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Electronic failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
DC lower medium (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Electronics housing
DC value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
DC value (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Turning
DD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 see Turning the transmitter housing
Decimal places 1 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Empty calibration (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Decimal places 2 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Enter access code (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

172 Endress+Hauser
Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54 Index

Envelope curve display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Last backup (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

Error messages Last check time (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Configuration failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Launch signal (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Electronic failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Level (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117, 137
Process induced failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Level (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Sensor element failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Level correction (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128, 131
Error symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Level linearized (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Event level Level measurement configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Explanation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Level signal (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Level unit (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127, 130
Event list (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Linearization (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Event logbook (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Linearization type (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Event text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Local display
Extended order code 1 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 see Diagnostics message
Extended order code 2 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 see In alarm condition
Extended order code 3 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Locking status (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Exterior cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
External mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 M
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
F Manual interface thickness (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Failure current (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Manufacturer ID (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Failure mode (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Mapping (Sequence) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Filter options (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Mapping end point (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Firmware version (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Maximum value (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Fixed current (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Measured current 1 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Flange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Measured materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Format display (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Measured value (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Free text (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Measured value symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Full calibration (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Medium group (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
FV (HART device variable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Medium property (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Medium type (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
G Menu
Gas phasen compensation Description of parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Mounting the probe rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Menü
Übersicht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
H Mounting position for level measurements . . . . . . . . . . . 32
HART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
HART device variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 N
HART integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Nameplate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
HART loop converter HMX50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Non-metallic vessels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Header (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Number format (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Header text (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Heat insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 O
HMX50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 On-site operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Housing Operating elements
Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Diagnostics message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Operating menu
I Description of parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Interface (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Hardware locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Interface (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Software locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Interface distance (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Interface linearized (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Submenus and user roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Interface measurement configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Operating mode (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Interface signal (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Operating module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Interface thickness (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Operating time (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Intermediate height (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Operating time from restart (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Operational safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
L Order code (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Output current 1 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Language (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

Endress+Hauser 173
Index Levelflex FMP51, FMP52, FMP54

Output current 2 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Spare parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Output echo lost (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Nameplate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Overvoltage protection Staff
General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Start device check (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
P Status signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Patente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Stilling well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Present length (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Submenus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Previous diagnostics (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 SV (HART device variable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Probe length correction (Sequence) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 System components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Process induced failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Process property (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125, 129 T
Product safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Table mode (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Product structure FMP51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Table number (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Product structure FMP52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Tank level (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Product structure FMP54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Tank type (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
PV (HART device variable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Terminal voltage 1 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Threaded connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
R Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Ramp echo lost (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Transmitter
Record map (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Turning the display module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Registered trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Turning the housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Remedial measures Transmitter housing
Calling up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Turning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Close . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Trouble-shooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Remote operation via HART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Tube diameter (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Repair concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Turning the display module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Replacing a device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 TV (HART device variable) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Result device check (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 U
Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Underground tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Rod probe Unit linearized (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Use calculated DC (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Rod probes User roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Bending strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Shortening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 V
Rope probe Value 1 display (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Value 2 display (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Rope probes Value 3 display (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Value 4 display (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Shortening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Value current output 1 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Tensile load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Value echo lost (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Value measured variable (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Safety instructions W
Basic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 W@M Device Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Safety Instructions (XA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Workplace safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Safety settings (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Securing coax probes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Z
Securing rod probes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Zubehör
Securing rope probes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Systemkomponenten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Sensor element failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Separator (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Serial number (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Setup (Menu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Signal quality (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Simulation (Submenu) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Simulation current output 1 (Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Simulation device alarm (parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

174 Endress+Hauser
Declaration of Hazardous Material and De-Contamination
Erklärung zur Kontamination und Reinigung
Please reference the Return Authorization Number (RA#), obtained from Endress+Hauser, on all paperwork and mark the RA#
clearly on the outside of the box. If this procedure is not followed, it may result in the refusal of the package at our facility.
RA No. Bitte geben Sie die von E+H mitgeteilte Rücklieferungsnummer (RA#) auf allen Lieferpapieren an und vermerken Sie diese
auch außen auf der Verpackung. Nichtbeachtung dieser Anweisung führt zur Ablehnung ihrer Lieferung.

and De-Contamination", with your signature, before your order can be handled. Please make absolutely sure to attach it to the outside of the
Aufgrund der gesetzlichen Vorschriften und zum Schutz unserer Mitarbeiter und Betriebseinrichtungen, benötigen wir die unterschriebene
"Erklärung zur Kontamination und Reinigung", bevor Ihr Auftrag bearbeitet werden kann. Bringen Sie diese unbedingt außen an der
Verpackung an.

Type of instrument / sensor Serial number

Geräte-/Sensortyp ____________________________________________ Seriennummer ________________________

Used as SIL device in a Safety Instrumented System / Einsatz als SIL Gerät in Schutzeinrichtungen

Process data/Prozessdaten Temperature / Temperatur_____ [°F] _____ [°C] Pressure / Druck _____ [psi] _____ [ Pa ]
Conductivity / Leitfähigkeit ________ [µS/cm] Viscosity /Viskosität _____ [cp] _____ [mm /s]

Medium and warnings

Warnhinweise zum Medium

Medium /concentration Identification flammable toxic corrosive irritant other * harmless
Medium /Konzentration CAS No. entzündlich giftig ätzend gesundheits- sonstiges* unbedenklich
Medium im
Medium for
process cleaning
Medium zur
Returned part
cleaned with
Medium zur
* explosive; oxidising; dangerous for the environment; biological risk; radioactive
*explosiv; brandfördernd; umweltgefährlich; biogefährlich; radioaktiv
Please tick should one of the above be applicable, include safety data sheet and, if necessary, special handling instructions.
Zutreffendes ankreuzen; trifft einer der Warnhinweise zu, Sicherheitsdatenblatt und ggf. spezielle Handhabungsvorschriften beilegen.

Description of failure / Fehlerbeschreibung __________________________________________________________________________


Company data /Angaben zum Absender

Company /Firma ___________________________________ Phone number of contact person /Telefon-Nr. Ansprechpartner:

_________________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Address / Adresse Fax / E-Mail ____________________________________________
_________________________________________________ Your order No. / Ihre Auftragsnr. ____________________________

“We hereby certify that this declaration is filled out truthfully and completely to the best of our knowledge.We further certify that the returned
parts have been carefully cleaned. To the best of our knowledge they are free of any residues in dangerous quantities.”
“Wir bestätigen, die vorliegende Erklärung nach unserem besten Wissen wahrheitsgetreu und vollständig ausgefüllt zu haben. Wir bestätigen
weiter, dass die zurückgesandten Teile sorgfältig gereinigt wurden und nach unserem besten Wissen frei von Rückständen in gefahrbringen-
der Menge sind.”
P/SF/Konta XIV

(place, date / Ort, Datum) Name, dept./Abt. (please print /bitte Druckschrift) Signature / Unterschrift


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