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Bay Area Retired School Personnel: President's Message

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Bay Area

Retired School Personnel

Volume 26 – Issue 6 May 2018

President’s Message
President 2018 Verification of Coverage survey will be mailed once
Joyce Sigelko again in May, to all retirees. You MUST respond to this survey
or face losing your insurance coverage. It is usually a rather
President Elect short survey.
Barb Skowronski
Beginning this past April and throughout the next 11 months,
Program new Medicare cards will be mailed to all individuals in the
Vice President
Janet Brandt U.S. Please note this will take a full year to complete. There
Ardith Reszke will be an eleven digit number replacing your Social Security
number. Please keep this card for use. Keep your SS card in a safe place, too.
Secretary Do not throw it away, ever.
Margaret Bird
I understand there are important changes to durable medical equipment and
Treasurer diabetic supplies. Watch for MARSP’s
Connie Frank
Vanguard publication for coming In Memoriam
Past President information. Joyce Robert J Harrington, Sr, Midland
Sandy DeWaele 11/25/17 Age 91
MAY PREPAIDS Roland L Clink, Midland, MI
12/9/17 Age 92
Leeds Bird Joan Hildinger Phyllis Mohr
Margaret Bird Ron Hildinger 3/28/18
Dee Bishop Bill Jones
Dr. Mary Boettger Marion Jones Greeters for
Kathy Bremer Elaine Kirkpatrick 2017-2018
Grace Chevalier Arlene Lambert May, 2018:
Shirley Clemens Penny Martin
Dee Bishop, Kathryn Bremer, Penny Martin
BARSP Charles Crandall Marilyn Morales
Luncheon Meetings Lorraine Crandall Sue Post Substitutes: Jeanine Link, Mary Moskal, Barb
Lumber Barons Skowronski, Pat Wilson & Phyllis Woody
Kathy Cull Ardith Reszke
Brewery JoAnn
804 E. Midland St. Janet Dixon Mary San Clemente
2nd Floor Mary Ida Doan Florine Schutkowski
Nancy Durocher Joyce Sigelko
May 14 Judy Fletcher Barbara Skowronski
10:30 Connie Frank Bob Sporman
Mary Garcia Sylvia Sporman
Leon Giffel Becky Thompson
Marty Gilkey Jeanne Townsend
Lois Gottleber Gary Tusciuk NEW MEMBERS
Franklin Grant Yvonne Tusciuk Sharon Geiling, Coleman
Rosanne Heme JoAnn VanOver James Glasgow, Midland
Phyllis Woody Jerry Lombardo, Apollo Bch, FL
Thanks Deborah Reeths, Midland
Carl Learman David Sevener, Muskegon


From Membership:
Remember to look at your address on the newsletter/postcard label to determine when your membership
expires. If you see A18, your membership will expire June 30, 2018. If it says LIF, you have a Lifetime
Membership; if it says HON, you have an Honorary Membership. This label refers to your MARSP
membership. If you do not contribute to BARSP ($10; MARSP $35) then you will no longer be receiving the
BARSP newsletter. The BARSP dues are used to pay for printing, postage, scholarships, directories,
teachers’ grants, sending reps to conferences, etc. To those of you who were members of Midland, please
note that our dues are $5 more per year. You should have already seen this difference reflected in your
membership renewal notification this year. Your dues will now be $45 payable to MARSP; this includes the
$10 to BARSP. When you reach the age of 85 your membership dues to MARSP drop to $20. A decision will
be made at our next BARSP meeting in May to determine the age at which you may not have to pay dues to
BARSP or possibly a reduced amount.
You will be receiving a postcard early in May in an effort to check which addresses are valid. We suspect
many newsletters are not being received by their intended recipients. Because they are sent “bulk mail”,
newsletters that are not deliverable are simply thrown away. The postcard we will be sending will ensure that
it be returned to us if it is not deliverable. If you receive the postcard you should do nothing; if you know of
someone who is current with their membership and is not receiving our newsletter please let me know.

Dee Bishop, Chair

Blink of an Eye Rhubarb Pie (This is more of a coffee cake than a pie)

2 cups diced rhubarb

1/2 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup sugar
1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 eggs, lightly beaten

Preheat oven to 350.

Place diced rhubarb in a medium-sized bowl. Sift flour and baking powder over top.
Add sugar, nuts, vanilla, and eggs.
Mix all together and spread in a buttered, 9-inch pie plate or cake pan.
Bake 25-30 minutes or until done. Enjoy!
V O LU ME 2 6 I S S U E 6 B A Y A R E A R E T I R E D S C H O O L P E R S O N NE L PAGE 3

BARSP Meeting Reservation Form

Monday, May 14, 2018 10:30 am at Lumber Barons Brewery on Midland St.
$9.50 per person
Name(s)_________________________________________ ________________________________________

No. Attending ________________ Amount Enclosed __________________________(please do not staple)

Make check payable to BARSP and mail by May 7
Program presented by Carl Learman
6353 Lawndale Rd.
Saginaw, Mi 48604

BARSP MEETING MINUTES—April 9, 2018 sible for our next newsletter; Kathy would like all infor-
mation to her by April 11.
The meeting was called to order by President Joyce Si-
gelko at 11:00 AM. PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Another Freedom of Information
request has been sent to members. Joyce has received
PROGRAM: Bay City Players Recyclables entertained us a request from Do-All for funding for a community ser-
with songs and stories. vice project. Members may make additional sugges-
The meeting continued with the “Pledge of Allegiance” tions; awards will be made at the end of the year.
and the singing of “America the Beautiful.” April birth- Chuck Abshagen, from the MARSP Legislative Commit-
day celebrants were wished “Happy Birthday” in song. tee, will be present at our October meeting.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: accepted as printed. We have
renewed our
with Lumber
Barons as
Income $ 1,175.00 our meeting
Expenses $ 589.00 place for
Check Acc $ 9,636.00 next year.
Sav Acc $ 2,664.00 Luncheon
price will be
CD $ 7,369.00 $11.00, our
BARSP Life Acc-CD $ 7,368.00 only in-
crease since we began meeting here four years ago.
Grace Chevalier moved and JoAnn VanOver seconded MOTION TO ADJOURN: Lou Ann Thompson moved and
a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Cindy Bosco seconded a motion to adjourn.
MEMBERSHIP: Dee Bishop reported concern over the BLESSING: Joyce Sigelko offered this month’s blessing.
discrepancy between membership numbers as indicated
by MARSP and those of BARSP. There is also a differ- 50/50 DRAWINGS: Leroyce Lather, $41; Florine
ence between the two organizations as to the age at Schutkowski, $14; Lou Ann Thompson, $14.
which a reduction in dues is applied. A committee will Our next meeting is Monday, May 14, 2018 at 10.30
be formed to consider these and other issues relative AM. Note the earlier start time for the MARSP Annual
to membership. Meeting. Donations will be accepted for the Humane
INSURANCE: Members were reminded that Bay Area Society of Bay County.
Hearing is a local provider approved by TruHearing.
LUNCH RESERVATIONS: Carl Learman reported 57 res- Submitted by
ervations and 52 meal tickets.
NEWSLETTER: Rika Smith reminded members that Margaret Bird
email is the most efficient method to receive the news-
letter. She also reported that Kathy Cull will be respon-
3361 Canterbury Dr. Presorted
Bay City, Michigan 48706 U.S. Postage Paid
Bay City, MI
Permit No. 30

VOLUME 26—ISSUE 6 May 2018


Chuck Crandall met Lorraine Gornowicz at

Bay City Junior College, where Chuck broke
the State Javelin record in 1956. They were
married June 14, 1958, at Saint Hyacinth
Church, almost 60 years ago. They have
four daughters, the 3 oldest are retired
teachers and the youngest is a cosmetologist.
They have 10 grandchildren and seven, soon
to be eight, great-grand children.
Chuck worked at Dow Tech Service, then went back to school and got his teaching degree. He
taught at Linsday Elementary, Handy Intermediate and retired from Hampton Elementary with
30 years in 1994. He is remembered by many students for his time on the basketball court and
ball fields. He always brought in food for them to cook and taste, usually things they hadn’t ever
Lorraine taught at Highland Park Elementary in Saginaw, then worked for Bay City Schools at
Forest, Auburn, Kolb, MacGregor, and then retired from Hampton Elementary after 36 years of
teaching. Lorraine also started the community education program at MacGregor. Students
remember both of them for their high standards and expectations.

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