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Acne Scars Journal Final

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Acne scarring: A review and current

treatment modalities
Albert E. Rivera, DO
Kirksville, Missouri

Acne is a prevalent condition in society and often results in secondary damage in the form of scarring. Of
course, prevention is the optimal method to avoid having to correct the physically or emotionally
troublesome scars. However, even with the best efforts, scars will certainly arise. This article attempts to
give a broad overview of multiple management options, whether medically, surgically, or procedurally
based. The hope is that a general knowledge of the current available alternatives will be of value to the
physician when confronted with the difficult task of developing a treatment plan for acne-scarred
individuals, even in challenging cases. ( J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;59:659-76.)

Abbreviations used:
Acne is caused and characterized by multiple
factors, including: Propionibacterium acnes activity; Er:YAG: erbium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet
FDA: Food and Drug Administration
increased sebum production; androgenic stimula- HA: hyaluronic acid
tion; follicular hypercornification; lymphocyte, mac- IPL: intense pulsed light (not listed)
rophage, and neutrophil inflammatory response; Nd:YAG: neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet
PDL: pulsed dye laser
and cytokine activation. Multiple surveys and stud- TCA: trichloroacetic acid
ies have attempted to determine the prevalence of
acne within various groups. None of these are
without shortcoming but all have done well with girls. Cystic acne was present in 1.9 per 1000 for both
targeted, representative groups. A good review, too sexes, 3.3 per 1000 in men and boys and 0.6 per 1000
extensive to be included in this work, containing in women and girls. The common complication of
tables (consisting of 15 general population or acne scarring was found in 1.7 per 1000 for both
schoolchildren-based cross-sectional surveys along sexes, 2.0 per 1000 in men and boys and 1.3 per 1000
with 3 separate case-control studies) and discus- in women and girls. Approximately 80% of girls and
sions of several of these publications has been 90% of boys develop acne in their adolescent years.
compiled and published by a group of Australian The peak incidence for girls is age 14 to 17 years and
authors.1 age 16 to 19 years for boys and men. Furthermore, of
In 1978, the most comprehensive study to date, individuals aged 11 to 30 years, 80% have some
HANES-1,2 established the prevalence of acne vul- degree of active acne.
garis within 20,749 US citizens aged 1 to 74 years More recently, a community-based study, using
(excluding those hospitalized for another dermato- the Leeds grading technique for acne3 and including
logic condition and those with the disease in remis- 749 patients, all older than 25 years (range 25-58
sion) to be 68 per 1000 for both sexes, 70.4 per 1000 years, mean age 39.5 years), was used to determine
for men and boys and 65.8 per 1000 for women and overall acne prevalence as 58% of women and 40%
of men. ‘‘Clinical’’ ([0.75 on the Leeds scale) acne
From the Department of Dermatology, Northeast Regional Med- was present in 3% of men and 12% of women. The
ical Center. prevalence of clinical acne decreased significantly
Funding sources: None. only after age 45 years. Their definition of scarring
Conflicts of interest: None declared. was noted in 14% of the women and 11% of the men
Please see the Appendix for a listing of the manufacturers of
in the study.4 However, even in the two examples
brand name drugs mentioned in this article.
Reprint requests: Albert E. Rivera, DO, Department of Dermatology, above, statistics are often inaccurate because most
Northeast Regional Medical Center, 700 W Jefferson St, Kirksville, estimations are based on patients who seek treat-
MO 63501. E-mail: ment, physician diagnoses, hospital records, com-
Published online July 28, 2008. pensation claims, medication purchases, or various
ª 2008 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc.
exclusion or inclusion criteria, rather than a full
doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2008.05.029 cross-population sample.5


Even though this condition is widespread, pa- transient erythema or pigmentary changes and not
tients do not always present to physicians for prompt true scars as defined above.
diagnosis and treatment. Of those with acne, only In one study of 185 patients (101 female and 84
approximately 16% seek appropriate medical treat- male with various quantity, morphology, and sever-
ment: 74% wait greater than 1 year before seeking ity of acne of the face, chest, or back), it was found
evaluation, 12% wait 6 to 12 months, 6% wait 3 to 6 that facial scarring affected 95% of both sexes to
months, and only 7% waited less than 3 months to be some degree. The truncal region of male patients
seen.6 This is attributed to multiple factors that could showed significantly more total, hypertrophic, and
include financial limitations, physician access, and keloidal scarring than the same region of female
patient delay, among others. The delay in treatment, patients. The correlation with scar formation was
though, increases the probability of secondary se- related to those acne lesions with a time delay of up
quelae such as scarring. Educational efforts should to 3 years between initial onset and sufficient treat-
be undertaken to inform the public and physicians as ment regardless of sex or location.13
to the importance of preventative measures and A very touching and enlightening article by Koo14
urgency of early management. A good review of discussed psychosocial effects primarily in regard
such treatments, including topical or systemic med- to acne but it also applies to scars. They may both
ication and lasers, was authored fairly recently.7 lead to emotional debilitation, embarrassment, poor
self-esteem, social isolation, preoccupation, low
BACKGROUND confidence, altered social interactions, body image
It has been written that ‘‘there is no single disease alterations, identity difficulties, anger, frustration,
which causes more psychic trauma, more malad- confusion, unemployment, lowered academic per-
justment between parent and children, more general formance, exacerbation of psychiatric disease, anxi-
insecurity and feelings of inferiority and greater ety, or depression. Although these effects are difficult
sums of psychic suffering than does acne vulgaris.’’8 to quantify in patient terms, health care effect, or social
So too, and possibly more so through its perma- expense, the scarring that results from tissue damage
nence, is the effect of the resulting damage in the and inflammation is a significant issue that requires
form of a physical scar. ‘‘Scar,’’ as a noun, is defined attention and will be expanded. Now the focus will
as ‘‘the fibrous tissue that replaces normal tissue turn to the scars themselves; initially, the scar types are
destroyed by injury or disease’’ by the American covered and then several of the treatment options
Heritage Stedman’s Medical Dictionary.9 currently available are discussed.
An impressive study involving the histology, pa-
thology, and immunology of acne scarring found ACNE SCARS
that ‘‘the cellular infiltrate was large and active with a The two causes of acne scar formation can be
greater nonspecific response (few memory T cells) in broadly categorized as either a result of increased
early lesions of NS [not prone to develop scarring] tissue formation or, the more common cause, loss or
patients, which subsided in resolution. In contrast, a damage of tissue. Two examples of excess tissue
predominately specific immune response was pre- presence are hypertrophic scars and keloids.
sent in S [prone to develop scarring] patients, which Hypertrophic scars are confined within the margins
was initially smaller and ineffective, but was in- of the original injury. These scars are most prevalent
creased and activated in resolving lesions. Such within the first couple of months postinjury, and then,
excessive inflammation in healing tissue is condu- in contrast to keloids, tend to normally mature with
cive to scarring. . ..’’10 occasional spontaneous regression. However, some
Collagen and other tissue damage from the in- do also worsen. These scars are most often less
flammation of acne leads to permanent skin texture bothersome and treatment may or may not be needed
changes and fibrosis. Scars normally proceed based on severity. Keloids are a human-specific
through the specific phases of the wound-healing phenomenon that is characterized by disproportion-
cascade: inflammation, granulation, and remodeling. ate creation and deposition of collagen with an
However, even normal scars never reach the same excess outside of the original injury margins. They
level of strength as original skin, only about 80% at are commonly found on the chest, back, shoulders,
best.11 Dermal damage is more long lasting and and ears. These lesions are very persistent and are
results in an increase or decrease of tissue and often found almost equally among male and female pa-
worsens in appearance with age as a result of normal tients, less commonly in the very young or old. There
skin changes. In contrast, damage limited to the are familial and genetic influences with both autoso-
epidermis or papillary dermis can heal without scar mal dominant and recessive traits. Clinically, there
formation.12 Epidermal damage results in more may be pain, itching, burning, or limited range of

motion. Surgery is sometimes done for debulking sloped edges that merge with normal-appearing
and multiple modality treatment is recommended skin. There may be dermal or subdermal tethering,
because of the high recurrence with surgery alone; so treatment is commonly by subcision, which will
aggressive scars have a regrowth of 50% to 100%. be discussed later. An additional, sometimes catego-
Histologically, normal-appearing dermis demon- rized class, atrophic scars, exhibit a slightly wrinkled
strates relaxed, randomly aligned collagen. Both texture and may be somewhat pigmented because of
hypertrophic scars and keloids demonstrate thicker, the underlying vasculature. Treatment is most often
more abundant collagen that is stretched and aligned with abrasion, excision, or augmentation but occa-
in the same plane as the epidermis. More specifically, sionally with creams or peels that have generally
hypertrophic scars have islands of dermal collagen poor results.
fibers, small vasculature, and fibroblasts through- Objective evaluation of the scars is a necessity for
out.15 Suggested pathophysiology includes trans- discussion, treatment, and research. There are grad-
forming growth factor-beta-I, platelet-derived ing devices that focus on 3-dimensional grid-based
growth factor, matrix metalloproteinases, interleu- mapping of lesions and molded skin replicas for
kin-I-alpha, fibroblasts themselves, altered micro- comparison examination.22 However, these are not
vascular regeneration, histamine, carboxypeptidase as applicable in practical, daily use by the average
A, prostaglandin D2, and tryptase.16 Keloids, on the physician. There are grading scales for acne scars
other hand, reveal regions of reticular dermal acel- that are more practical for day-to-day implementa-
lular nodelike structures and are more acellular as a tion. In 1999, the ECLA (echelle d’evaluation clinique
whole compared with hypertrophic scars. des lesions d’acne)23 was introduced, followed by
Both keloids and hypertrophic scars have an the ECCA (echelle d’evaluation clinique des cicatri-
incidence 5 to 15 times higher in African Americans ces d’acne)24 in 2006. Using this scale, the qualitative
and 3 to 5 times higher in Asians compared with aspects of scars define the type of scar, which is then
Caucasians.17 It is estimated that they affect both the associated with a quantitative score (0-4) determined
African American and Hispanic populations between semiquantitatively and multiplied by a weighting
4.5% to 16%.18 As briefly noted above, both are factor (15-50) of clinical severity, leading to possible
treated either singly or in combination with multiple totals of 0 to 540. It was found to have good
therapies such as excision, abrasion, laser treatment interinvestigator reliability although it did not focus
and medication, among others. As an outside refer- on icepick, rolling, or boxcar specifically but rather
ence, Alster and West19 authored an excellent, thor- variations of atrophic and hypertrophic. Goodman
ough review on hypertrophic and keloid scars along and Baron25 described a quantitative grading system
with atrophic scars. based on counting (1-10, 11-20, [20) of scar type
The other cause of scars, loss or damage of tissue, (atrophic, macular, boxcar, hypertrophic, keloidal)
is demonstrated by the 3 primary acne scars as and severity (mild, moderate, severe). Points are
described by Jacob et al20: icepick, rolling, and assigned to each respective category and totaled
boxcar. The icepick scars are usually smaller in within the range of a minimum of 0 to a maximum of
diameter (\2 mm) and deep with tracts to the 84. This was found to be reasonably accurate and
dermis or subcutaneous tissue possible. Although reproducible with good interinvestigator reliability.
the orifice is smaller and steep-sided, there may be a The same physicians also outlined a qualitative
wide base that could evolve into a depressed, boxcar (rather than quantitative) grading system26 that is
scar. Commonly these are seen on the cheeks. simpler for quick, daily use. It distinguished 4 grades
Treatment is frequently done by punch excision for level of disease: (1) macular, (2) mild, (3)
with closure by small suture along relaxed skin moderate, and (4) severe. Subdivisions of macular
tension lines. Nonabsorbable suture is preferred disease are erythematous, hyperpigmented, or hy-
because of the predisposition of the skin to scar popigmented and those of mild to severe disease are
and the inflammatory response seen with absorb- atrophic and hypertrophic. Further specification in-
ables.21 Depressed or boxcar scars are described as cludes the number of cosmetic units involved: A for
shallow (\0.5 mm) or deep ([0.5 mm) and are often focal or one lesion and B for discrete or 2 to 3 lesions.
1.5 to 4 mm in diameter. They have sharply defined As the reader can appreciate, these systems and
edges with steep, almost vertical walls. Shallow scar variation therein can become quite confusing. In the
treatment can be with resurfacing or possibly punch literature, there is one attempt at creating a compre-
elevation whereas deep scar treatment is most often hensive classification system based on several other
done by punch excision, elevation, or other modal- systems.27 However, the lack of a true consensus
ity. Soft rolling scars can be circular or linear, are scale hinders standardization of diagnosis and treat-
often greater than 4 mm in diameter, and have gently ment of acne scarring.

Table I. Medical management or sponsorship/funding bias. The following sections,

although not totally comprehensive, will attempt to
cover a majority of the medical, procedural, and
Topical/injectable steroids
Silicone dressing surgical options. It is less often that acne lesions lead
Various other topical or injectable substances to hypertrophic scars or keloids, however, it is a
possibility and certainly is a side effect consideration
with treatments for other types of scars, so will
therefore be included in these discussions. There will
Some lesions are called ‘‘scars’’ but are not truly so
be an attempt to mention basic information or
by definition but, rather, are changes in skin color. A
pertinent advantages or disadvantages for each of
first is postinflammatory erythema. The resolving acne
the options from review of literature that is as fairly
site’s initial presentation may be pink or red but usually
contemporary as possible.
improves. Persistent redness can be addressed with
laser or other therapy. Postinflammatory hyperpig-
mentation is a very commonly seen variant. It is a black
There are numerous medical options available for
or brown residual discoloration in the location of
treatment of acne scars. Hypertrophic scars, keloids,
previous acne or other inflammatory reaction. These
and pigmentary changes are the usual focus of
lesions are more common in those with darker skin or
medical management whereas the other types re-
those who tan. Fading may occur but quite frequently
quire other forms of intervention. Only a few of the
takes a prolonged time period, sometimes up to a year.
more commonly used or proven selections will be
Chemical peels, lasers, or bleaching agents are usually
mentioned here (Table I). Of course, if desired, more
the first-line therapies. Hypopigmentation is a loss of
information can be researched for such topicals or
pigment in the area of the lesion. It can range from
injectables as vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, zinc,
lightening to total whitening of the skin. Often these
colchicine, hyaluronidase, cyclosporine, honey,
areas do not regain the level of previous pigmentation
onion extract, 5-fluorouracil, bleomycin, retinoids,
and only late if so. Multiple treatments can be con-
verapamil, pepsin, hydrochloric acid, formalin, and
sidered for all of these pigmentary lesions after the
almost unlimited others. Retinoids, specifically, have
acne is adequately addressed. Included are hydroqui-
supporting sparse reports of treatment to keloids,
none, tretinoin, cortisone, azelaic acid, camouflage,
hypertrophic scars, and very superficial scars.32 The
combination creams (primary choice is retinoid plus
benefit is attributed to an increase in elasticity with
hydroquinone), superficial chemical peels, microder-
dermal collagen deposition and alignment.33
mabrasion, laser therapy, or ultraviolet A/B sun-
One of the more popular choices for medical
screens.28 The one agreed-on facet is that the most
therapy, again, mostly for hypertrophic scars and
effective treatment for both the true scars and pigmen-
keloids, is the use of the generically termed ‘‘ste-
tary changes is to prevent and control the acne lesions
roids.’’ These are substances that are based on 4
themselves to limit inflammation and other sequelae.
fused carbon rings that derive from the cholesterol
molecule. The glucocorticoids (eg, triamcinolone,
ACNE SCAR TREATMENT hydrocortisone, methylprednisone, and dexametha-
Treatment of the true scars resulting from acne sone), in the corticosteroid family, have immuno-
must reflect several considerations by the physician. modulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. They
Cost of treatment, severity of lesions, physician reduce the expression of cytokines, cellular adhe-
goals, patient expectations, side-effect profiles, psy- sion molecules, and other enzymes related to the
chological or emotional effect to the patient, and inflammatory process.34 The exact mechanism is
prevention measures should all play a role. The unknown but it is thought to related directly to the
ultimate goal of any intervention is for improvement, anti-inflammatory properties, reduction of collagen,
not for a total cure or perfection. Single treatment, glycosaminoglycans, and fibroblasts, along with
multiple treatments, or combination therapy may be overall lesion growth retardation. Used as a topical,
required. An excellent review and discussion by both with and without occlusion, there is a wide
Goodman29 on postacne scarring treatments was range of clinical response. Steroids used in high
recently published as an update to a similar previous doses, typically intravenously, may lead to multiple
study by Goodman and Baron.30 Another in-depth systemic side effects but these are highly unlikely in
article by Tsau et al31 examined the procedural the topical doses used in scar treatment. However,
techniques available. Studies to evaluate these cutaneous use does include side effects that might
methods are often difficult because of sample sizes, include telangiectases, bruising, atrophy, pain, or
lack of controls, objective grading scales, follow-up, pigmentary change. The other route, some say the

first-line treatment, commonly used for hypertrophic Table II. Surgical management
scar and keloid treatment is intralesional injection
Punch excision
because surgery is often debatable for these lesions.
Elliptical excision
Often, multiple injections spaced one or several Punch elevation
months apart are required to determine the final Skin graft
result and prevent excess atrophy. If a permanent ‘‘Subcision’’
filler for augmentation is used and there is overcor- Debulking
rection, atrophy of the area may be a desired effect to
balance the contours. Other side effects of injected
steroids include intolerance, necrosis, allergy, bruis-
ing, hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation, injec- base should appear normal because it will be
tion pain, and telangiectases. elevated to the skin surface. After the punch is
Another treatment modality used that focuses on done and the base elevated, it is sutured flush with
hypertrophic scars and, although less effective, ke- the normal-appearing skin and allowed to heal in
loids is silicone dressing. There is variable support to place. Finally, the surgical choice for rolling or
the silicone itself, with results more likely attributable depressed scars (definitely not for icepick or atrophic
to occlusion or hydration. Pressure was also one scars or infected areas) is ‘‘subcision.’’ This was first
supported mechanism along with other rationales described by Orentreich and Orentreich37 in 1995 as
that include temperature, increased oxygen tension, an original word created from ‘‘subcutaneous inci-
electrostatic properties, or immunologic effects. sionless.’’ A tri-bevel needle is probed under the
There are conflicting reports as to its efficacy. One lesion through the needle’s puncture so it is not a
study noted improved pruritus, pain, and pliability true incision. This movement results in the releasing
but found no improvement in pigmentation, average of papillary skin from the binding connections of the
elevation, or minimum elevation of scars.35 A sepa- deeper tissues and creates controlled trauma that
rate review of effects, efficacy, and safety determined leads to wound healing and associated additional
that ‘‘although the mechanism of action of silicone connective tissue formation in the treated location. It
elastomer sheeting has not been completely eluci- may be necessary to perform variable depths of
dated. . .it appears to be an effective means of sweeping, fanning, or lancing to disrupt the fibrous
treating and preventing hypertrophic and keloid connections and multiple attempts or sessions may
scars and can be used with little risk of serious be required. Although uncommon, there is the
adverse effects.’’ The included commentary pointed potential for bruising, hypertrophy, cysts from pilo-
out that ‘‘they work clinically and are safe and quite sebaceous unit disruption, infection, additional scar,
frankly should be part of all hypertrophic scar and or worsening of the scar.
keloid therapy.’’36 Rarely, side effects include pruri- Intervention for hypertrophic scars or keloids
tus, contact dermatitis, maceration, skin breakdown, must be done with care because the patient is known
xerosis, and odors. to have a propensity for that type of response. There
is argument regarding the appropriateness of surgery
SURGICAL MANAGEMENT with both types of scars but more so with keloids. If
Surgical management is an essential tool in the undertaken, some say that the incision must be
armamentarium against acne scarring. The icepick, within the lesion boundaries to prevent further
boxcar, and rolling scars are frequently addressed by extension. In addition, steroids are commonly ad-
surgery (Table II). Punch or elliptical excision to the ministered locally. Therefore, the goal would be
subcutaneous level is preferred for icepick scars. A more to reduce overall size or debulk rather than
scar ‘‘requiring a punch larger than 3.5 mm is completely excise.
repaired by elliptical excision or punch elevation Secondary, refining procedures may also be used
because these larger defects lend to ‘dog ear’ forma- in the areas if desired or needed. It was found in a
tion on the face.’’19 The goal is to trade a larger, study of 21 patients (10 male, 11 female; age 17-59
deeper scar for a smaller, linear closure that will years, mean age 35.52 years; Fitzpatrick skin I-III)
hopefully be less noticeable and possibly fade with that there was good improvement, as rated by both
time. Rarely, a skin graft may be required rather than independent assessors and patients, when laser
primary closure. This usually only applies if a sinus resurfacing was done after punch excision of scars.38
tract or wide-based lesion is unroofed. A second The noted advantage was that punch excision elim-
alternative, punch elevation, is a method of treat- inates the deeper components and allows for only
ment for depressed boxcar scars. The biopsy tool superficial laser treatment with fewer passes. So, if
should match the inner diameter of the lesion and the surgery is done, laser resurfacing may also be a

Table III. Procedural management to prevent a recurrence rather than a stand-alone

treatment. A Japanese study of 38 keloids (ear, neck,
and upper lip) treated with surgical excision and
Radiation treatment postoperative irradiation on average day 4.0 6 4.9,
Chemical peels with follow-up at a mean of 4.4 6 2.5 years, showed
Microdermabrasion significant improvement of pigmentation, pliability,
Dermabrasion height, vascularity, and hardness. Recurrence rate
was 21.2% overall with none observed in the crani-
ofacial area. Thus, it was concluded that surgical
consideration because the chance of unwanted excision plus electron beam radiation started within
side effects could be reduced. Medical, additional a few days is beneficial in both controlling scar
surgical, or other procedural interventions are also quality and preventing recurrence.40 A controversial
available after any surgical management and may be risk-to-benefit ratio is sometimes cited as a deterrent
appropriate. to selection of radiation. These risks include hyper-
pigmentation or hypopigmentation, prolonged ery-
PROCEDURAL MANAGEMENT thema, telangiectases, atrophy, and questionable
Procedures will be addressed distinct from sur- increase in malignancies.
geries for the purposes of this article. Initially, several Topically, chemical peels are another prospect for
procedural options will be covered within this sec- addressing the scarring left from acne lesions. These
tion (Table III). Then following, although they are can be from superficial to deep effect and, unless the
technically also procedures, there will be dedicated very deep peels are used, are generally considered
discussions of augmentation and light, laser, and for milder acne scarring and certainly not icepick or
energy treatments because these topics require more keloid scars. Usually multiple treatments are neces-
review than some of the others as a result of the sary for efficacy, although some secondary benefit
diversity within those categories. is seen with acne lesions in earlier sessions. The
Two simple procedural treatment options include expected result is a mild blister and/or desquamation
cryosurgery and electrodessication. Cryosurgery in- with normal skin regeneration.
volves the use of liquid nitrogen spray, or historically Light or superficial peels include alpha hydroxy
solid carbon dioxide, locally. Its use is primarily for acid (glycolic, lactic, citric) or beta hydroxy acid
hypertrophic scars and keloids, although it is fairly (salicylic), Jessner’s solution, modified Jessner’s so-
ineffective for the latter. The mechanism is through lution, resorcinol, and low-strength (concentration
direct physical damage by thrombosis, cell damage, \ 10%) trichloroacetic acid (TCA). Beta hydroxy
or other changes. Side effects include possible atro- acids inhibit the arachidonic pathway and, therefore,
phy or hypopigmentation, which is quite often long decrease inflammation and may be better for sensi-
lasting or permanent. Electrodessication involves the tive skin. They do not require neutralization and are
use of electrical probes or elements that heat the contraindicated in pregnancy or breast-feeding.41 If
tissues to destruction and coagulation. This is a rarely resorcinol is used, awareness of pigmentary changes
used technique typically indicated for shaping or or direct toxicity must be kept in mind. A Jessner’s
reducing the sharp edges of boxcar scars. If used, this solution contains salicylic acid, resorcinol, lactic
is not isolated treatment but usually with adjunctive acid, and ethanol. Its primary risk is of hyperpig-
therapies as well. There are multiple obvious side mentation and to a lesser degree the toxicity of
effects that may arise, most importantly the creation resorcinol. That solution becomes ‘‘modified’’ with
of new scar. the addition of hydroquinone and kojic acid to lower
Radiation is another possible intervention also the risk of hyperpigmentation. TCA causes epider-
focused on hypertrophic scars and keloids that is mal coagulative necrosis and protein precipitation
available to the physician. Its use is derived from the along with dermal collagen necrosis and regenera-
destruction of fibroblast vasculature, decrease of tion. This mechanism may lead to scarring or pig-
fibroblast activity, and local cellular apoptosis. It mentary changes but not as frequently when used at
has been found that the regrowth of keloids is lower concentrations.
proportional to the total dose of irradiation given The medium-depth peels are primarily consid-
and that 900 cGy is the minimal effective dose ered to be the 10% to 40% TCA solutions. The risks
recommended. Initiation of treatment, size of the just mentioned increase as the concentration in-
largest fraction given, fractionation of doses, dura- creases. However, used with caution, they may be
tion of treatment, or location of lesion are less very beneficial. A study introducing the CROSS
important.39 This modality is used more as an adjunct (chemical reconstruction of skin scars) method

described the focal application of TCA at high contouring reduces these contrasts, lessening their
concentrations directly to scars. After 3 to 6 treat- visible impact. Essential removal of superficial scars
ments, 90% of patients showed good (50%-70%) can be achieved along with a reduction of deeper
improvement by blinded physician assessment. scars. In addition, it may be used as an adjunct to the
Within the 65% TCA group, 82% were satisfied with surgical procedures as previously mentioned.
results compared with 94% satisfaction in the 100% Dermabrasion is accomplished by use of a high-
TCA group. They found the technique to be safe, speed brush, diamond cylinder, fraise, or manual
with the 100% TCA treatments of atrophic scars more silicone carbide sandpaper. Superficial treatment
effective than the 65% TCA treatments.42 eliminates the epidermis and deep treatment re-
The peels considered to be deep are often phenol moves the epidermis and partial dermis. Once com-
(carbolic acid) or croton oil based. These can cer- plete, re-epithelialization by migration of cells to the
tainly be more effective but carry an even greater healing surface stems from the adnexal structures
potential for side effects including acne, milia, der- including hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and sweat
matitis, pigmentary alteration, secondary infection, ducts. Thus, neck, chest, and back are not ideally
atrophy, or scarring. Both the positive and negative suited for treatment because of paucity of adnexal
results of the peel are based on the concentration, structures.45 In addition, in similar fashion, burns and
duration, skin type, prior medical or surgical inter- hypertrophic scars, or more commonly keloids, have
vention, location, sun exposure preprocedure and a poor response because of their lack of adnexa.46
postprocedure, concomitant medications, and other Meticulous wound care should be emphasized
factors. One specific fact of great physician and throughout the entire postoperative course. After
patient importance is that phenol requires full cardi- healing is complete, improvements may continue to
opulmonary monitoring and intravenous hydration be seen for months. If active, inflammatory acne
because of direct cardiotoxicity that leads to lesions are present these must be controlled with
decreased myocardial contraction and electrical corticosteroids, antibiotics, or retinoids first. If infec-
activity.43 tion or a history of significant scarring is encountered,
Two other management options that use a direct then treatment should be postponed or avoided.
mechanical means of skin removal are microder- Many practitioners advocate testing for HIV, hepatitis,
mabrasion and the more invasive dermabrasion. or other blood-borne diseases prior. Others suggest
Microdermabrasion is a usually painless, superficial prophylactic treatment with antibiotics and antivirals.
treatment with more texture benefit than permanent The aggressiveness of this procedure correlates
surface change. There are variable results seen and with its side-effect profile. Included are prolonged
multiple sessions are frequently required. The most erythema and healing time, eczema, milia, bacterial
improvement is achieved with fine wrinkles and or viral infection, hypertrophic or keloidal scarring,
postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, although unroofing of unapparent wide-based scars, telangi-
superficial acne scars may benefit from deeper, ectases, sun-sensitivity, treatment demarcation lines,
more aggressive settings. Most often, aluminum ox- and prolonged or permanent hyperpigmentation or
ide crystals used with a pressurized application and hypopigmentation.47 As always, pigmentary con-
vacuum removal system or, sometimes, crystal-free cerns are greater for darker-skinned individuals.
diamond-tipped abrasive devices, are chosen. Hyperpigmentation typically slowly resolves during
Occasionally, sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, several months but initiation of pigmentary return in
or magnesium oxide crystals are used. Although hypopigmentation begins at approximately 4 to 6
cheaper, these crystal alternatives are not as abrasive weeks, if at all, with full results at up to 1 year. The
and are less efficacious.44 Side effects typically in- procedure is painful so at least local anesthesia or
clude temporary striping of the treatment area, bruis- regional blocks plus anxiolytics and anti-inflamma-
ing, burning or stinging sensation, photosensitivity, tories are used, but often light or occasionally gen-
and occasional pain. There is no wounding expected eral sedation are chosen.
with the force, suction, and speed determining the
ultimate depth attained. If using isotretinoin, it is TISSUE AUGMENTATION
common to wait up to 6 months after the last Augmentation is a further alternative for manage-
application to minimize probability of side effects. ment of acne scarring. This topic includes numerous
Arguably one of the most effective but operator- variations and compositions of filler substances.
dependent therapies is dermabrasion. Its benefits Those to be addressed may or may not be available
include removal of the skin surface and refined in the United States and the list is certainly not
contouring of scars. The sharp edges of some acne comprehensive or detailed for each product men-
scars cast a shadow that emphasizes the lesions; tioned. In addition, some products, such as

Table IV. Tissue augmentation

Xenografts Autografts Homografts
Zyderm (bovine) Autologen (not available) Dermalogen (not available)
Zyderm II (bovine) Isolagen (United Kingdom and Australia) Alloderm
Zyplast (bovine) Autologous fat Cymetra
Resoplast (bovine) Fascian
Endoplast-50 (bovine) Cosmoderm
Evolence (porcine) Cosmoplast

Autologen and Dermalogen, are mentioned for his- degradation so maintenance sessions are necessary.
torical interest. However, there is an excellent, com- Usually there is a benefit at 3 to greater than 6 months
prehensive, in-depth review of multiple filling agents with some accounts of up to several years. Common
published several years ago by Klein48; a recent to all of these products could be discomfort, inflam-
review of non-Food and Drug Administration (FDA)- mation, bruising, allergy, erythema, discoloration,
approved fillers by Ellis and Segall49; and a very and correction defects. Hypertrophic scars, keloids,
complete, easy-to-use dermal filler product compar- and icepick scars are not indicated for treatment with
ison chart in a separate publication.50 These alterna- this method. In addition, those with autoimmune
tives may be xenografts (from a different species), disease should avoid its use because of the higher risk
autografts (obtained from the patient), homografts of sensitization or allergy. Double allergy tests over 4
(same-species derived), or synthetics. to 6 weeks are even required for those with normal
An ideal filler material would be physiologic immune systems because of a delayed hypersensi-
(incorporates into the body’s tissues), simple to place tivity in approximately 3% of the population (2% will
(injection), permanent (no degradation), and risk sensitize after the first skin test exposure).53 The
free (no complications or side effects).51 Potential following paragraphs go into further depth for a few
superficial skin products may include collagen or collagen products and briefly mention multiple
hyaluronic acid and deep skin products include fat, others (Tables IV and V).
synthetics, silicone, implants, and permanents. The first injectable filler approved by the FDA was
Although close, none available meet all of these Zyderm. The other similar products are Zyderm II
criteria completely. Most of these are applicable to and Zyplast. These collagen products are derived
depressed scars such as the atrophic rolling variant or from a closed US bovine herd. Even though this
sometimes others. Potential side effects may include helps to ensure quality, purity, and safety, its immu-
pain, pigmentary changes, bruising, infection, aller- nologic basis is not effected, therefore, skin tests are
gic reaction, hypertrophic scarring or keloids, possi- still required.44 Type I collagen represents 95% to
ble granulomas, bleeding, migration of product, 99% and type III collagen represents 1% to 5% of the
ulceration, tissue death, significant distortion, or product contained in prefilled syringes. Zyderm I
technical error on placement. If a permanent sub- was approved in 1981. It is a 25% suspension (3.5%
stance is chosen and is placed too deep, too shallow, by weight) of collagen in saline and lidocaine solu-
or overcorrected, or if there is a persistent defect, tion. It is usually for shallow scars, so is placed in the
minor surgical removal, excision, electrodessication, papillary dermis. Overcorrection is initially required
or steroid treatment could be required. because of water loss after placement. Two to 3
The first FDA-approved fillers were collagen months of result are typically expected. Zyderm II
based. The reconstituted bovine class of collagen gained approval in 1983. It is a 50% suspension (6.5%
has been available since the late 1970s to early 1980s. by weight) of collagen. Larger scars are more often
However, there are various other derivations. addressed with this variant. Overcorrection is again
Collagen functions as a physical augmentation me- recommended and 4 to 6 months of effect can be
dium and a stimulus for scar base formation by expected. Zyplast, approved in 1985, is a 35-mg/mL
connective tissue encapsulation. The placement solution of collagen cross-linked with 0.0075% glu-
should focus on mature scars rather than those that taraldehyde to slow reabsorption. Injection into the
are newly created because static, noninflamed scars mid dermis allows for contouring and larger scar
or those with no ongoing disease demonstrate longer treatment. Overcorrection is not required and its
efficacy.52 Its use is very technique sensitive, which duration of effect may be up to 1 year.
also affects the quality and duration of the treatments. ArteFill or Artecoll are 20-volume percent suspen-
Placement should be superficially in the dermis and sions of 30 to 50 mediameter microspheres of
not in the subcutaneous tissue. There is fairly rapid polymethyl-methacrylate (also known as Plexiglas or

Lucite) in atelocollagen (3.5% collagen solution),

saline, and lidocaine.54 ArteFill (US) is the same

composition as Artecoll (Europe and Canada) but the
spheres are somewhat smaller and more symmetri-
cal. Polymethyl-methacrylate is used in bone ce-
ments for joint replacements, cataracts surgeries,

Epsilon-aminocaproic acid
dental procedures, and neurosurgical applications.

(plus porcine gelatin,

patient plasma)
The polymethyl-methacrylate is permanently depos-
ited and encapsulated with fibrous tissue after injec-

tion while the remaining collagen is gradually
resorbed.55 Both serve physical augmentation and
scar stimulus functions. As noted above, skin testing
is required because it is from a bovine source. There
may be initial inflammation, erythema, bruising, and

discomfort from the injection of these products. A

2006 article reporting 4- to 5-year outcomes with

ArteFill used as a filler for wrinkle lines evaluated its
safety and length of effect. Of the 128 patients who
received the product (of 251 total patients in the
initial study), a subgroup of 69 were reassessed.
There were 6 adverse events noted within 5 patients


treated with 272 injections. Four (1.5%) were mild


(lumpiness) and two (0.7%) were severe (nodular,

minimal to noninflammatory reactions in the naso-
labial folds bilaterally). These severe events were
treated with intralesional steroid injections and were

resolving as the article was being published. In

addition, somewhat surprisingly, it was noted in

the other patients that the results actually appeared
better at 5 years than at 3 months to 1 year. It was

Dermadeep (plus 40% acrylate)

Dermalive (plus 40% acrylate)
concluded that ArteFill was relatively free from side

Reviderm Intra (plus dextran)

effects and was an efficacious material that demon-
strated good long-term persistence and safety.56
Hyaluronic acid

Restylane Fine Lines

An initial harvest of the patient’s skin was required

to produce Autologen (a product no longer avail-
Hylaform Plus

able). Injectable product (1 mL) was obtained from 2

sq in of tissue. The autologous human collagen fibers


were sterilized and then provided as an injectable 4%


or 6% suspension. Several injections were required

and overcorrection had to be achieved because there
was approximately 20% to 30% volume loss after

injection from fluid reabsorption.57 Dermalogen,

also unavailable, was similar to Autologen but it

was allogenic, sterilized, primarily intact collagen

Silikon 1000
Table V. Tissue augmentation

fibers obtained from tissue-banked skin. It was


screened for viral, bacterial, fungal, and prion pres-


PMMA, Polymethyl-methacrylate.

ence. In addition, skin tests were not required before

use. Several injections of the 3.5% solution were
required over time and overcorrection should have
bovine collagen)

bovine collagen)

been done with each administration. A duration

of benefit around 3 to 6 months was regularly
Artecoll (plus
ArteFill (plus

Introduced in 1992, Alloderm is an allogenic

human collagen acellular graft derived from tissue-

banked skin. It must be implanted by incision rather

than injected so only a limited number of acne scars overcorrection must be done because a percentage
may benefit from its use. There is no skin testing of the injected material is initially or permanently
required and there is possible longer benefit as a nonviable. The reabsorption rate varies by location,
result of the method of placement. Cymetra is a amount injected, technique, or other factors.
micronized, injectable from of Alloderm. It is allo- Variable reports of 6 to 18 months’ duration may
genic acellular human collagen obtained from be seen. One study of autologous fat transplantation
screened, standardized US skin and tissue banks. It included 43 patients (24 women, 19 men; age 22-69
is a dried product that requires resuspension before years, mean 34.5 years), 23 specifically with acne
use. Again, no skin testing is necessary before scars, with 3- to 48-month (mean 26 months) follow-
injection but multiple injections over time and over- up to evaluate graft survival. It found that the
correction are both advised.59 greatest resorption was in areas of fibrotic acne
Isolagen, available in the United Kingdom and scars and 65% remained at 3 months, 50% at 6
Australia, is an autologous isolation of fibroblasts months, 40% at 9 months, and 30% at 12 months. The
obtained by a punch biopsy specimen from the authors suggested that this was possibly because of
patient. The tissue is sent to a laboratory where the decreased vascularity and, thus, viability.63 It has
company cultures the fibroblasts and then places also been reported that including adipose-derived
them in an injectable suspension. That product is stem cells with the injected fat improves results. At 6
returned to the clinician for use within 1 day of months, fat with the stem cells weighed 2.5 times
receipt. There are few side effects because it is more than the fat-only group and demonstrated a
autologous, however, the company does still suggest greater volume. In addition, the stem cellefree grafts
skin testing for this product. This is another sub- appeared more fibrous at 6 months as compared
stance that loses volume initially so more than one with the adipocytes richeappearing grafts.64 This
injection with overcorrection is usually standard. finding may improve long-term results or lead to
An available bovine collagen in 3.5% or 6.5% other valuable research. The benefit is direct aug-
solution is Resoplast. Because of its derivation, a skin mentation from the adipocytes if they are vascular-
test is required before use. Endoplast-50 consists of ized and can function normally or, some propose,
solubilized elastin peptides in bovine collagen. from their contribution to fibrosis and physical
Fascian was introduced in 1998 as allogenic human enhancement of the area. As stated, several sessions
cadaver collagen from fascia lata or gastrocnemius are required and bruising, erythema, or mild inflam-
fascia. There are 5 particle sizes: 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, mation may occur with a report of unilateral blind-
and 2.0 mm. Neocollagenesis from the ingrowth of ness as a result of intravascular injection even noted.
fibroblasts occurs after injection of the product.60 Excess fat may be frozen for later use and there are
Cosmoderm was created in 2003 as a human-derived no immunologic concerns because it comes from the
collagen produced under laboratory conditions with patient.
extensive safety testing. On completion, it is mixed ‘‘Silicone,’’ a term consisting of polymers in the
into a solution of lidocaine for injection. No skin family of the element silicon, most commonly poly-
testing is required and 3 to 7 months of benefit can dimethylsiloxane (silicon, oxygen, methane), is a
be expected. Cosmoplast is yet another laboratory- permanent injectable. It is safe, nonmutagenic, non-
created human-derived collagen. It is also put into a carcinogenic, and nonteratogenic despite scattered
lidocaine solution for use and does not require skin case reports of adverse events. The mechanism of
tests. This product, however, is cross-linked with action is from physical filling of connective tissue
glutaraldehyde to resist degradation and hopefully defects and possible production of fibrotic collagen
prolong effect.61 A newer, porcine-derived product that encapsulates the injected material (a foreign
is Evolence. It contains ribose moieties that are body) preventing migration. Final results could take
cross-linked to the collagen. No skin testing is months while the collagen is deposited and re-
necessary and refrigeration of the injectable is not models. In addition, it is not altered, metabolized,
needed. There may be up to 1 year of effect after or destroyed by the human body. Considering all of
placement.62 these facts, undercorrection is often prudent initially.
Autologous fat is another alternative for augmen- Side effects, including injection pain, mild inflam-
tation, first noted in 1893, to improve acne scars. mation, edema, hyperpigmentation or hypopigmen-
These cells are obtained from the patient’s own body tation, and poor placement, are possible but can be
so must be harvested by liposuction or other reduced with meticulous detail. Silicone is not a
methods. Injection is into the subcutaneous area, growth media for bacteria or other organisms and no
although some suggest dermal application is accept- true allergies have been reported, so skin tests are
able as well. It is good for contour defects but not required before use.

With any mention of silicone, there will always be rare reports of necrosis (most likely technique
those concerned with safety and who argue against related).70 There is very low true allergic potential
its use. There has been controversy about the safety so skin testing is not required although some physi-
profile but a meta-analysis based on 7 studies cians prefer to do so.
performed in 1996 by Hochberg and Perlmutter65 Developed in the 1980s, Hylaform and Hylaform
did not reveal any significant relationship between Plus are hyaluronic acid products derived from
silicone (specifically associated with augmentation rooster comb and cross-linked with divinyl sulfone.
mammaplasty) and the development of connective Hylaform Plus has larger particle sizes. A series of
tissue diseases, including systemic sclerosis. Another injections into the dermis are required and there
study that reviewed 524 patients receiving 422.5 mL are few adverse events, side effects, or allergies.71
of silicone through 4756 treatments over 20 years Restylane (with Restylane Fine Lines and Perlane),
only discovered 4 symptom reports or adverse approved in 2003, is a hyaluronic acid (HA) derived
events. One was ‘‘signs and symptoms of infection,’’ from production by Streptococcus equi. All are 20
another developed 1- 3 1.5-mm papules 1 cm remote mg/mL of HA but differ in the particle size and
from the injection site without evidence of silicone on viscosity. Restylane Fine Lines has 200,000 gel
histopathology (reported as ‘‘hyperkeratosis’’), a particles/mL with the smallest particles, in compar-
third had ‘‘erythema,’’ and the final was a symptom ison with Restylane, which has 100,000 gel
of ‘‘doughnutting’’ that required shave excision, particles/mL. Perlane has the largest particles and
resulting in localized infection.66 In fact, Barnett has a concentration of 8 to 10,000 gel particles/mL.
and Barnett67 discussed silicone use in relation to Restylane Fine Lines is the least viscous and Perlane
acne scarring and provided examples of 5 patients is the most viscous and is for deeper injection.72
with follow-up up to 30 years posttreatment that Captique was introduced in 2004 and is derived from
demonstrated its efficacy along with its safety and bacterial sources. It is for dermal injection as well.
permanence. The family of Juvederm products was FDA approved
There are several silicone products that are avail- in 2006. They are all derived from S equi and
able, with the usual difference based on viscosity. cross-linked with 1,4-butane-diol-diglycidyl ether.
The original silicone was 350-centistoke viscosity. Inflammation, erythema, papules, pustules, flushing,
Adatosil 5000 is medical-grade silicone of 5000- and swelling have all been reported but less so than
centistoke viscosity and Silikon 1000 is of 1000- with other hyaluronic acids.73 Dermalive is a 60%
centistoke viscosity. Polydimethylsiloxane gel is a hyaluronic acid plus 40% acrylate suspension of 45 to
silicone oil with viscosities from 350 to 5000 centi- 65 m, irregularly shaped hydroxyethyl methacry-
stokes and another is Silskin. One that is slightly late and ethyl methacrylate particles. Injections are to
different from these is Bioplastique. It consists of be done every 3 months to desired effect with
solid silicone particles (100-400 and 600 m) sus- approximately 40% retention of each treatment. No
pended in polyvinylpyrrolidone gel. There is gradual skin testing is required prior. Dermadeep is the same
replacement of the gel with fibrous tissue and native composition as Dermalive but the acrylate crystals
collagen. are larger, 80 to 110 m. Teosyl contains hyaluronic
Another valuable injectable filler material for acne acid microspheres at 15- to 25-mg/mL concentration.
scars is hyaluronic acid. This substance is a highly Polyacrylamides compose yet another form of
hydrophilic, natural, linear polysaccharide (alternat- injectable augmentation products and, once again,
ing residues of d-glucuronic acid and n-acetyl-d- several products exist. Outline is composed of ab-
glucosamine) component of connective tissue in all sorbable hydrophilic polyacrylamide gel particles
mammals so is not tissue or species specific.68 that are positively charged, thus attracting negatively
Hyaluronic acids do not require the initial overcor- charged glycosaminoglycans already in the skin such
rection as collagen does because there is less water as hyaluronic acid. Similarly, Evolution, positively
loss after injection. In addition, it displays isovolemic charged polyvinyl microspheres in hydrophilic gel,
degradation in which molecules of HA degrade also attracts the negatively charged molecules. Bio-
allowing those remaining to absorb more water. Alcamid is a polyalkylimide gel that is 96% water and
Thus, the total volume of gel remains stable. The 4% synthetic polymer that stimulates a fibrous
injectable concentration steadily decreases through response after injection. Agriform is a 5% water and
reabsorption while the relative volume is essentially 95% hydrophilic polyacrylamide gel combination, in
unchanged.69 The duration of effect for acne scars is contrast to Aquamid, a 97.5% water and 2.5% hydro-
roughly a year or more. Side effects potentially philic polyacrylamide gel mixture.
include erythema, edema, bruising, inflammation, The polylactic acids are a more recent addition to
delayed reactions, infection, pain, milia or acne, and the treatment options available for injection to scars.

Table VI. Laser, light, and energy Light, laser, and energy therapy
The concept of selective photothermolysis bases
Ablative lasers lasers Light and energy treatment on the wavelengths of various chromo-
Carbon-dioxide 532-nm KTP Intense pulsed phores, notably water, hemoglobin, and melanin. In
Er:YAG 510/585-nm light 1983, Anderson and Parrish75 authored a study
Fractionated Pulsed dye Radiofrequency outlining selective photothermolysis. They noted
(also nonablative) 1064/1320-nm Plasma that ‘‘selectively brief pulses of selectively absorbed
Nd:YAG optical radiation can cause selective damage to
1450-nm Diode pigmented structures, cells, and organelles in vivo.
1540 Er:glass Precise aiming is unnecessary in this unique form of
radiation injury because inherent optical and thermal
Er, Erbium; KTP, potassium-titanylphosphate; Nd, neodymium;
YAG, yttrium-aluminum-garnet. properties provide target selectivity.’’ Two key con-
cepts are, first, ‘‘in choosing the laser wavelength for
selective photothermolysis is to maximize selective
Previously, these materials were used in suture optical absorption in the desired targets’’ and, next,
materials and other treatments. NewFill, the primary that ‘‘the transition from specific to nonspecific
brand for Europe, was available in 1999, as freeze- thermal damage occurs as the laser exposure dura-
dried polylactic acid available for reconstitution with tion (pulse width) equals and then exceeds the
water. Poly-L-lactic acid was rebranded in the United thermal relaxation time.’’75 This established principle
States in 2000 as Sculptra.74 A frequent use, other is used in all of the following laser or wavelength-
than scars, is in lipoatrophy because of HIV. It is based treatments. Again, this is not an all-inclusive
thought to stimulate neocollagenesis over 3 to 6 discussion and does not cover the nuances of vari-
months and is for long-term augmentation. Side ation between different companies’ products or all of
effects are possibly worsened by excess injection the positives and negatives of a particular device,
material, inadequate duration between injections, or because that can be researched elsewhere if desired.
multiple single-session injections. No skin tests are However, each of the ablative or nonablative
necessary with the use of polylactic acids. methods discussed (Table VI) includes key points
Other substances are constantly being created or with an attempt to include at least one fairly recent
tried for use in augmentation of scars. It is impossible reference to its use.
to include each one and address them with the The first category will include those methods of
attention they deserve. Only 4 other products will be ablative skin resurfacing: carbon-dioxide laser, er-
briefly mentioned. However, others exist that can be bium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Er:YAG) laser, and
researched at the reader’s option (eg, Gore-Tex or fractionated lasers. The carbon-dioxide laser has a
SoftFoam that are typically reserved for facial im- wavelength of 10,600 nm as its target chromophore is
plantation but can used for acne scarring reconstruc- extracellular and intracellular water. This treatment
tion). Radiesse contains 25 to 45 mediameter is more aggressive and deeper than a chemical peel
calcium hydroxyapatite microspheres in polysac- but remains at a specific depth of 20 to 30 m with
charide (carboxymethylcellulose) aqueous gel. It is thermal damage of 50 to 150 m. It is usually
categorized as ‘‘semi-permanent’’ with earlier bloodless but still achieves total ablation of the
claimed durations of 2 to 5 years, but more recent epidermis and a portion of the dermis. In addition
estimates of a year to 16 months. There is little to the destructive nature, there may also be stimula-
inflammation or side-effect profile and no allergy tion of collagen by the procedure. The usefulness is
testing is required. Reviderm Intra consists of 40- to primarily for hypertrophic scars, boxcar scars (pref-
60-m Sephadex (dextran) beads suspended in erably shallow), and, less effectively, keloids. There
bacterial-derived hyaluronic acid. It stimulates in- are some who achieve fairly quick results, visible as
flammation and neocollagenesis. ProFill is a poly- soon as 2 weeks, but improvement because of the
oxyethylene and polyoxypropylene polymer wound-healing phases continues for at least 18
forming an injectable gel that must be refrigerated months. Walia and Alster76 studied 60 patients (50
as a liquid until used. Skin testing is not necessary. women, 10 men; age 18-53 years, mean age 38 years;
Fibrel is patient plasma that is mixed with porcine Fitzpatrick I-V) after treatment with the carbon-
gelatin plus epsilon-aminocaproic acid and lido- dioxide laser. The average improvement was 69%
caine. It serves as a physical filler and a media for at 1 month, 67% at 6 months (the decrease was
neocollagenesis. This product requires a patient attributed to resolution of edema with the temporary
blood draw and may be more painful on injection revisualization of some lesions), 73% at 12 months,
or lead to a local inflammatory response. and 75% at 18 months. Neocollagenesis and

remodeling were persistent up to the 18-month important development for use in the improvement
period of observation. It is not usually necessary to of acne scarring. Fractional photothermolysis ablates
repeat the procedure but the visible recovery time is tissue and stimulates collagen remodeling and neo-
prolonged, often 1 to 3 months or more. Other side collagenesis in a columnar fashion leaving surround-
effects could be protracted visible healing, pro- ing rings of viable tissue, sparing the noninvolved,
longed erythema, eczema, hyperpigmentation or intertreatment epidermal and dermal regions. As its
hypopigmentation, milia, acne, cysts, infection, tel- value and potential are being realized, there are new
angiectases, or additional scarring. fractionated devices being developed and tested
The Er:YAG laser is a more gentle ablative therapy constantly. One study used a 1550-nm erbium-doped
than the carbon-dioxide laser. Its targeted chromo- fractional laser to create microscopic thermal zones
phore is also water but there is 16 times more energy as described above on facial skin with mild to
absorption. There is more superficial penetration, moderate atrophic acne scars. In all, 53 patients (39
which leads to less collateral damage and more rapid women, 14 men; age 19-78 years, mean age 39.6
healing but that also makes it less efficacious for years; Fitzpatrick I-V) were treated with several
dermal remodeling and collagen stimulation. Again, sessions. Blinded assessments of photographs re-
this may be of benefit for hypertrophic scars, rarely vealed 91% to have 25% to 50% improvement after a
keloids, and shallower boxcar scars. There are avail- single treatment whereas 87% of patients undergoing
able short-, variable-, and dual-pulsed modes. Each 3 treatments had 51% to 75% improvement. Age, sex,
of these was evaluated in a study of 158 patients (70 and skin type did not alter the outcome. At the 6-
male, 88 female; age 18-46 years, average age 26.4 month follow-up, the results were maintained.80 Chiu
years; Fitzpatrick III-V) with icepick, rolling, and and Kridel81 note that energy levels of 25 to 40 mJ are
shallow or deep boxcar scars. In all, 83 were treated chosen for deeper skin lesions that include scars such
with short-pulsed Er:YAG, 35 were treated with as those from acne. It is discussed that those authors’
variable-pulsed Er:YAG, and 40 were treated with most impressive results have included those with
dual-mode Er:YAG. All 3 modes resulted in good to deep acne scarring and they summarize that frac-
excellent results for icepick and shallow boxcar scars. tional technology ‘‘represents a particularly useful
Rolling scars achieved good to excellent results only modality for difficult-to-treat conditions, such as
with dual-mode treatment. The best result for deep melasma and acne scarring.’’81 There are similar
boxcar scars was rated as good and was also after side-effect concerns as other ablatives but there
treatment with the dual-mode laser. The authors tend to be less problems overall because of the
reasoned that the rolling and deep boxcar scars selective sparing of skin rather than total ablation.82
required ‘‘a long-pulse duration for a thermal effect’’ There is still the possibility for transient erythema or
for successful treatment.77 Potential side effects again edema, dryness, scabbing, milia or acne, hyperpig-
may include delayed healing, erythema, milia, acne, mentation or hypopigmentation, prolonged healing,
edema, hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation, or infection. As with other aggressive or ablative
infection, or scarring but equal or less so than with procedures, isotretinoin is often stopped 6 to 12
the carbon-dioxide laser. A comparison study of months before treatment and the retinoids, glycolics,
postoperative healing and short- and long-term side or other acids are stopped 2 weeks prior. Fractionated
effects was done between the carbon-dioxide laser technology may be one of the groundbreaking
and the Er:YAG laser. This retrospective review was developments for the treatment of acne scarring
of 50 consecutive patients (49 female, 1 male; mean and future studies using this mechanism should be
age 51 years; Fitzpatrick I-V) treated with single pass eagerly anticipated and studied.
carbon-dioxide resurfacing and 50 consecutive The second category consists of the nonablative
patients (47 female, 3 male; mean age 47 years; therapies, which include multiple wavelength lasers,
Fitzpatrick I-V) treated with multiple pass, long- pulsed light, and other forms of energy delivery.
pulsed Er:YAG resurfacing. The average time to Because these modalities are less aggressive as a
reepithelialization, postoperative erythema, hyper- whole, they are more useful for atrophic, rolling, or
pigmentation, acne, milia, superficial bacterial infec- possibly hypertrophic scars rather than icepick,
tion, and patient satisfaction were all similar. There boxcar, or keloid scars. The morphology of the scar
were no occurrences of hypopigmentation or scar- seems to be more predictive of results than the extent
ring. The conclusion was that these two procedures or amount. In addition, these therapies are more
were of comparable postoperative period and com- often used with darker skin types because ablative
plication profile.78 management tends to have a higher risk of pigmen-
A newer concept, fractional photothermolysis, tary alterations.83 In general, there is selective ther-
introduced and discussed in 2004,79 may be a very mal stimulation of dermal collagen to increase local

proliferation while the epidermis is spared, although 3 female; 15-48 years, mean age 32 years; Fitzpatrick
cooling is often required to ensure superficial I-V; mild to severe scarring). There were 8 total
protection. treatments, each given 2 weeks apart. Physician
The first to mention is the 532-nm KTP laser, assessment was performed 1 to 2 months after the
which is safe and effective for improvement of final treatment and graded as 29.36% average im-
acne84 (more so than scar treatment), thus aiding in provement. Self-assessment revealed 8 of 9 patients
prevention of acne sequelae such as scarring. The thought improvement was 10% to 50%, whereas one
optimal nonablative laser to use for hypertrophic patient noted that they were less than 10% better.
scars or keloids is the 585-nm pulsed dye laser (PDL). However, all reported that they were satisfied with
Best results and least side effects are obtained on the results and would undergo the same treatment
Fitzpatrick skin types I or II because of less compe- again.87 Recent studies have evaluated the effective-
tition with melanin.16 This laser focuses on erythema ness for atrophic scars as well. For example, 12
and vascularity so incidental scar improvement is subjects (age 18-36 years, average age 27.6 years;
possibly because of decreasing vascularity (the scars Fitzpatrick II-V) with mild to moderate atrophic acne
are hyperemic because of angiogenesis) and its were treated with the 1064-nm Nd:YAG laser every
associated secondary effects in the local field or 4 to 6 weeks over 8 months to total 5 sessions.
other cellular alterations, specifically regarding col- Patients reported continual improvement on satis-
lagen. Improvement after use can be seen up to a faction surveys through the treatments. On comple-
year later. One study of 15 patients with erythema- tion, the mean satisfaction score was 8.6 of 10, with
tous, hypertrophic scars treated with 510- or 585-nm one patient reporting a grade of 6. Photographs
PDL with the objective of observing pigmentation evaluated by independent dermatologists revealed
and/or erythema improvement found incidental im- mild to moderate improvement for all patients (with
provement in scar texture and elevation. It was one patient being graded by one physician only as
suggested that this was most likely a result of the no improvement). Histology revealed a statistically
above explanation, which leads to decreased perfu- significant increase in dermal collagen.88
sion and nutrition with resultant anoxia, cell death, A minimal melanin absorption spectrum and deep
and enzymatic changes.85 However, the discussion papillary and midreticular dermal treatment is
after that article does not completely concur, noting achieved with the 1320-nm Nd:YAG laser. For 12
some shortcomings of the article, such as the im- patients (10 female, 2 male; 35-59 years, mean age 50
provement seen in younger scars that would poten- years; Fitzpatrick I-III) with mixed scars, photographs
tially improve as part of the natural maturation and nontreating physician and patient clinical evalu-
process. The author of that discussion performed ations at baseline and at 6 months after the last
her own study, using optical profilometry, to evalu- treatment were performed using the 10-point scale of
ate the 585-nm PDL when used for previous argon Jacob et al.20 The acne scars were rated as more
laseretreated port wine stains. It was found that severe by the subjects than by the physicians at all
there was improvement of hypertrophic and intervals. Those with a predominance of atrophic
atrophic scar regions as exhibited by flattening and scars, defined as greater than 90% of scars present,
reappearance of skin markings, respectively. The improved the most with mixed scars next. The trend
article went on to reason that part of the improve- was not found to be statistically significant. Physicians
ment could possibly be attributed to eradication of noted improvement in 100% of the subjects whereas
enlarged blood vessels trapped within the sclerotic only 67% of subjects believed they had seen improve-
collagen.86 So, to this author, it does seem plausible ment themselves. None of those involved reported a
that, within scars, both the laser’s primary effect on worsening of appearance or complications.89
vasculature and the proposed, secondary effect on Another laser variant is the 1450-nm diode. One
collagen (because of the nutrition changes and/or small study evaluating its effectiveness, primarily as
heat generation) both have benefit. an acne treatment, showed improvement in acne
The 1064-nm neodymium:YAG (Nd:YAG) laser scarring in 83% (of 6 who initially presented with
demonstrates low pigment effect with higher vascu- scarring, 5 improved; 9 of 11 finished the study
lar effect causing hemostasis and resultant infarctions proper) of subjects. A split-face bilaterally paired
within vessels. It could have effect similar to those treatment design was used with one half of the face
just discussed for PDLs used on hypertrophic scars receiving a single pass that was double-stacked and
or keloids. One small observational study using the other a double pass of single pulses. Mean acne
short-pulsed 1064-nm Nd:YAG lasers showed im- scar improvement on a scale of 0 to 3 was ranked as a
provement in 100% of subjects’ scars. Nine patients 1 and there was no difference between the two
completed the study of 10 initially enrolled (7 male, treatment protocols.90 Even if only an acne treatment,

this may carry importance as a measure for scar hypertrophic scars] since it minimizes the develop-
prevention. Further evaluation will be needed to ment of posttreatment purpura, although the trade-
evaluate this laser specifically for scar treatment. off is greater discomfort.’’93 The discussion of effect
Efficient absorption is seen by water but mini- on vasculature is similar to that already covered
mally by melanin when using the 1540 Er:glass laser. above for the PDL. Of course, it would be necessary
The primary depth is within the papillary dermis to corroborate these findings to facial scars to deter-
where collagen tightening and neocollagenesis are mine the benefit in that setting.
achieved. A review of several articles noted pro- Radiofrequency devices are another possible op-
gressive improvement and long-term benefit after tion for improving scars through stimulation of
treatment with this modality.91 It states that outcomes remodeling. A monopolar device uses a single con-
are often gradual with increased dermal collagen tact location for the area of origin of the electric
seen in approximately 6 months after 4 successive current. That current then diminishes as it flows to a
treatments and continued improvement occurs sev- remote grounding pad. A bipolar device has two
eral months after the session. The following included local electrodes so there is not a path of current
commentary on the study points out that typical through the body.94 Physicians are able to treat
responders show 20% to 30% improvement. variable skin types because this is electric energy
Although less than some other interventions, this use and not a chromophore-based intervention. It
may be an acceptable goal for some patients. leads to tissue tightening and skin appearance im-
The next few therapies are not true lasers by provement through dermal collagen denaturation
definition but are more reliant on different energy with subsequent neocollagenesis and remodeling
forms to achieve their effect. The first is intense without the ablation and invasion of other treat-
pulsed light (IPL). These machines emit a wide range ments. One study investigating the use of non-
of wavelengths from their source that can be pre- ablative radiofrequency for the treatment of
cisely narrowed using wavelength filters. Other pa- moderate to severe acne (scar preventative treat-
rameters such as pulse length, pulse delay, and ment) noted, as an incidental result, that there was
joules can be adjusted also. All of these options, in qualitative improvement in underlying scarring.95
combination, allow for tailoring therapy to a defined Still, large studies that evaluate treatment of acne
goal. One study done by Goldberg,92 focusing on scarring with this technology need to be performed.
rhytides, examined 5 women (age 40-55 years and A newer form of energy treatment used in skin
Fitzpatrick I-II). Punch biopsy specimens before remodeling is plasma. Plasma pulses are created by
intervention and 6 months after treatment with 4 passing ultrahigh radiofrequency energy through
IPL sessions were examined by an independent inert nitrogen gas, leading to stripping of electrons
dermatopathologist. These biopsy specimens re- and formation of the ionized gas. The energy is then
vealed an increase in superficial papillary dermal directed to the patient’s skin surface by the hand-
fibrosis and evidence of increased numbers of fibro- piece. No specific chromophore is targeted but the
blasts throughout the dermis. Both of these findings energy causes dermal collagen denaturation and
prove beneficial for superficial acne scarring and the stimulates neocollagenesis with minimal side ef-
rhytides studied. In comparison with atrophic or fects. A short discussion of the technology involved
depressed scar benefit, some studies note the effi- can be reviewed if wished.96 A presentation at the
cacy of IPL for reducing hypertrophic scars. One American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery
evaluated hypertrophic scars of 6 to 8 weeks’ dura- meeting included 11 patients (1 male, 10 female;
tion on 20 patients (all female; 10 breast reduction, Fitzpatrick I-II; 4 with fine-line wrinkles, 8 with acne
10 abdominoplasty) after treatment with either 595- scarring, one patient had both wrinkles and scar-
nm PDL or IPL. Two treatments with each device ring) treated with the plasma device. Acne scarring
were performed 2 months apart for designated showed a 34% reduction in depth at 10 days, 26% at
halves of the same scar of each patient. Single, 3 months, 23% at 6 months, and no significant
nontreating physician assessment of the results was change in findings between 6 months and 2 years.
then done. Both sides were found to be significantly There was no itchiness, weeping, exudates, lump-
improved with the difference in effectiveness not iness, pain, scarring, or hyperpigmentation or
statistically significant. The mean scar improvement hypopigmentation recorded. The greatest reepithe-
for IPL was 45% after the first treatment and 65% after lialization time was 5 days and the most persistent
the second. The authors attribute this to targeted erythema resolved by day 6. This article, although
treatment of the vascular proliferation within the limited, concluded that plasma resurfacing was an
scars. They conclude ‘‘IPL offers a therapeutic alter- effective long-term option with minimal side-effect
native to the gold standard PDL [for the treatment of profile.97

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after the lesions are already established, then knowl- 19. Alster TS, West TB. Treatment of acne scars: a review. Ann Plast
edge of proper treatment options is essential. There Surg 1997;39:418-32.
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21. Jemec JB, Jemec B. Acne: treatment of scars. Clin Dermatol
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23. Dreno B, Bodokh I, Chivot M, Daniel F, Humbert P, Poli F, et al. ECLA
Whatever the choice, it should be clearly understood grading: a system of acne classification for every day dermato-
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Appendix. Manufacturers of brand name drugs mentioned in this article*

Product Company Location
Zyderm Allergan/Inamed Irvine, CA
Zyderm II Allergan/Inamed Irvine, CA
Zyplast Allergan/Inamed Irvine, CA
Resoplast Rofil Medical Intl Breda, North Brabant, The Netherlands
Endoplast-50 Laboratories Filorgra Paris, France
Evolence ColBar LifeScience, Ltd Herzliya, Israel
Isologen Isologen, Inc Exton, Pa
Alloderm Lifecell Corporation Branchburg, NJ
Cymetra Lifecell Corporation Branchburg, NJ
Fascian Fascia Biosystems, LLC Beverly Hills, CA
Cosmoderm Allergan/Inamed Irvine, CA
Cosmoplast Allergan/Inamed Irvine, CA
Artefill Artes Medical San Diego, CA
Artecoll Rofil Medical Intl Breda, North Brabant, The Netherlands
Profill Laboratories Filorga Paris, France
Fibrel Mentor Santa Barbara, CA
Adatosil Bausch & Lomb Surgical Rochester, NY
Silskin RJ Development Chester, MO
Silikon 1000 Alcon Laboratories, Inc Fort Worth, TX
Bioplastique Uroplasty BV Geleen, The Netherlands
Hylaform Genzyme Cambridge, MA
Hylaform Plus Genzyme Cambridge, MA
Restylane Medicis Scottsdale, AZ
Restylane Fine Lines Medicis Scottsdale, AZ
Perlane Medicis Scottsdale, AZ
Captique Genzyme Cambridge, MA
Juvederm Allergan/Inamed Irvine, CA
Dermalive Dermatech Paris, France
Dermadeep Dermatech Paris, France
Teosyl Teoxane SA Geneva, Switzerland
Reviderm Intra Rofil Medical Intl/Philoderm Breda, North Brabant, The Netherlands
Newfill Dermik/Aventis Bridgewater, NJ
Sculptra Dermik/Aventis Bridgewater, NJ
Gore-Tex WL Gore & Assoc Medical Flagstaff, AZ
SoftFoam Johnson & Johnson Medical Langhorne, PA
Radiesse BioForm Medical San Mateo, CA
Outline ProCytech SA Bordeaux, France
Evolution ProCytech SA Bordeaux, France
Bio-Alcamid Polymekon Brindisi, Italy
Agriform Bioform Moscow, Russia
Aquamid Ferrosan A/S Soeborg, Denmark

*Listed in order of mention in article.

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