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Design and Analysis of Knuckle Joint by Using Fea: ISSN (PRINT) : 2393-8374, (ONLINE) : 2394-0697, VOLUME-4, ISSUE-6, 2017

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Suraj Yadav1, Sanket Benade2, Sushil Angchekar3, Vaibhav Dhokle4, Prof. Rakesh Kolhapure5
Students, 5Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Dept.,
Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji, India

Abstract Knuckle joint is a type of joint which is used in

Knuckle joint is joint between two parts steering system in between the steering rod and
allowing movement in one plane only. It is pinion of the steering gear, as the line of the
kind of hinged joint between two rods. action axis of both the mechanical parts are
Knuckle joint is used for connecting two rods intersecting and lies in different planes, so it is
whose axes either coincide or intersect and lies the only joint that we can employ here In order
in one plane only. They are widely used in to gain the maximum productivity for the plant,
tractor trailer, tie rod in roof truss, joint the manufacturingg technology must not be
between the links of suspension bridge and stiff. A Knuckle joint is used to connect two
also used in steering system in between the rods under tensile load. This joint permits
steering rod and pinion of the steering gear. If angular misalignment of the rods and may take
failure of knuckle joint occurs then compressive load if it is guided. These joints
possibilities of accident. So it is necessary that are used for different types of connections i.e.
design and analysis of knuckle joint should be tie rods, tension links in bridge structure. In
proper enough to withstand in working this, one of the rods as an eye at the rod end
condition without failure. So modelling and and other end is forked with eyes at the both
analysis of knuckle joint under a certain the legs. A pin (knuckle pin) is inserted
condition is carried out. Modelling and through the rod-end and fork end eyes and is
analysis of a knuckle joint was performed by secured by collar and a split pin [2].Failure of
using 3D software CATIA & Finite Element knuckle joint may causes accident so it necessary
Analysis (FEA) respectively. The commercial to design knuckle joint to withstand under
finite element package ANSYS version 15 was tension without failure. The effective design of
used for the solution of problem. Result shows mechanical device or assembly demand the
that 30C8 material having maximum predictive knowledge of its behavior in working
permissible stress are 400MPa and Maximum condition. It became necessary for the designer
stresses developed in knuckle joint are to know the forces and stress developed during
201MPa. So design is safe. The analysis shows its operation [3].
that pin of 25 mm diameter can sustain load We know that during working
of 50 KN without a failure. condition pin is subjected to high stress. As pin
Keywords: - Knuckle joint, FEA, ANSYS, is flexible element which can be easily replaced.
CATIA. So we can take pin for analyzing purpose. Then
we are using ANSYS software for analyzing
Introduction:- knuckle pin.
In mechanical & automobile domain the joints
play very crucial role, depending upon the Major components of knuckle joints:-
application the joints are used may be temporary •Eye
or permanent. For power transmission or motion •Fork
transfer application we generally uses temporary • Pin
joints like screwed joint, cotter joint, sleeve • Collar
cotter joint, universal joint or knuckle joint[1].The • Taper pin as shown in Fig..1

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-4, ISSUE-6, 2017

Knuckle joint used to connect two rods which a pin is passed through both the eye and fork.
are subjected to tensile force. An eye is formed This pin is secured in its place by the means of
at one end of the rod while a fork is formed at split pin. Due to this type of construction knuckle
other end of rod. The eye fit inside the fork and joint is sometimes called as forked-pin joint.

Fig.1: Components of knuckle joints

Problem:- Step 1) calculate the dimension of each rod
Example: - It is required to design a knuckle
joint connect two circular rods subjected to an D=
axial tensile force of 50 KN. The rods are co-
axial and a small amount of angular movement D=

between their axes is permissible. Design the D=28.21 mm
joint and specify the dimensions of its D≈30 mm
components. Select suitable materials for the Step 2) calculating the enlarged diameter of
parts [4]. each rod by emperical relationship
ANS: - Given, D1=1.1
P=50 KN= 50 10 N D1=1.1 X 30
I. Selection of material D1= 33 mm
The rods are subjected to tensile force. D1≈35 mm
Therefore, yield strength is the criterion for the Step 3) calculating the dimension a & b by
selection of the pin. On strength basis, the emperical relationship
material for two rods and pin is selected as plain a=0.75 X D
carbon steel of grade 30C8 (Syt= 400 N/mm2). It a=0.75 X 30
is further assumed that the yield strength in a=22.5 mm
compression is equal to yield strength in tension. a 25 mm
In practice, the compressive strength in tension. b=1.25 X D
In practice, the compressive strength of steel is b=1.25 X 30
much higher than its tensile strength. b=37.5 mm
II. Selection of factor of safety b 40 mm
In stress analysis of knuckle joint, the effect of Step 4) calculate the dimension of pin
stress concentration is neglected. To account for a) By shear consideration
this effect, a higher factor of safety of 5 is
assumed in present design. ds=
III. Calculation of dimensions
80 N/mm2 ds=

80 N/mm2 ds=28.21 mm
ds≈30 mm
. .
40 N/mm2

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-4, ISSUE-6, 2017

b) By bending consideration
31.25 80

db c)
= 50 10

40 80 40
db = 38.79 mm
db ≈40 mm 31.25 40
The maximum value of diameter of pin (d) =40
mm. Step 7) checking the tensile, crushing and
Step 5) calculate the dimension d0 & d1 by shear stress
empirical relationship
do=2 X d
do =2 X 40 50 10

do =80 mm 2 25 80 40

d1=1.5 X d 25 80
d1=1.5 X 40
d1=60 mm b)
Step 6) checking the tensile, crushing and
50 10
shear stress in eyes.
a) 2 25 40

50 10 c 25 80

40 80 40
31.25 80


b) 25 40

50 10

40 40

Therefore design is safe.



1 Syt Yield tensile strength
2 Tensile stress
3 Compressive stress
4 Shear stress
5 D Diameter of rod
6 D1 Enlarged diameter of rod
7 a Thickness of fork
8 b Thickness of eye
9 ds Diameter of knuckle pin considering shear failure
10 db Diameter of knuckle pin considering bending failure
11 d1 Diameter of knuckle pin head
12 fs Factor of safety
13 Syc Yield compressive strength
14 Sys Yield shear strength
15 p Tensile force
16 do Outside diameter of fork/eye

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-4, ISSUE-6, 2017

Geometric modelling of knuckle joint:- 3D software. Here we will be using CATIA V5
The first step in analysing any machine assembly for modelling. As per the dimensions calculated
using FEM package is to draw a solid model [5]. from design of knuckle modelling and drafting of
The modelling of the knuckle joint is done using all parts is carry out. As shown in Fig. no.2

Fig. 2: Drafting of knuckle joint

Analysis of knuckle pin:- using ANSYS software for analyzing knuckle

Finite element method is a numerical method pin.
for solving problem of engineering and Steps in FEA [6]:-
physics. It is also referred to as finite element
analysis (FEA). FEA is a numerical method 1. Preprocessing: first step in
that offer a means to find approximation preprocessing is to import or create
solution. FEA applied in engineering is model and define material properties
computational tool for performing then mesh generation is done. Then
engineering. During working condition knuckle boundary conditions are applied.
pin is subjected to high stress. As pin is flexible
2. Processing: This process is done by
element which can be easily replaced. So we can
take pin for analyzing purpose. Then we are

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-4, ISSUE-6, 2017

3. Post Processing: In this step view the be viewed in various formats: graph,
results of the solution. The result can value, animation etc.






RESULT Processing

RESULT Post processing

Flow chart in FEA

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-4, ISSUE-6, 2017


Fig.3: Steps in FEA

ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-4, ISSUE-6, 2017

Common Input Data:-
The material properties and some common input data used for 30C8 are mentioned in Table 1
Table 1 Material properties of 30C8

Mechanical properties Value Unit

Density 7800 Kg/m3
Compressive yield strength 400 Mpa
Tensile yield strength 400 Mpa
Young’s modulus 2X1011 Pa
Poisson ratio 0.3 -
Bulk modulus 1.6X1011 Pa
Shear modulus 7.69X1011 Pa

Mesh Generation:- Conclusions:-

After completing the draw the whole model is  Knuckle joint is widely used in
then import in the ANYSY 15 software. In application various such as in
order to carry out the stress analysis, mesh was automobiles and other field. So it
developed for the knuckle joint. The should be strong enough, to sustain
tetrahedral elements have been used for 3D various amount of load coming on
domain. The mesh consists of 181701 nodes system, otherwise there is possibility
and 105931 element and element size 3 mm. of accidents. So we designed the
The meshing of domains has been shown in knuckle joint pin.
Fig..3.1 & Fig. 3.2.  Modelling with gives correct design
Boundary condition [7]:- then 3D modelling carried out on
In this study following boundary condition CATIA & Analysis is carried out by
are applied ANSYS to find stress in the pin so we
1) Knuckle joint is hinged by the end of got perfect design of knuckle joint pin.
surface of fork Fig. 3.3.  Based on the ANSYS analysis, it show
2) Tensile force 50 KN is applied on the that pin of 25 mm diameter can be with
end surface of eye. As shown in Fig. stand load of 50 KN easily.
3.4.  After completing all the analysis
Solution of result:- process we conclude that, 30C8
Result shows how much stress develop in material having maximum permissible
knuckle joint is done. From the above results stress are 400MPa and Maximum
and discussion, Knuckle joint was design for stresses developed in knuckle joint are
50KN axial load by theoretical calculation. 201MPa.So design is safe.
Failures of knuckle joint were consider during
calculation. According to that calculated Reference
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ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-4, ISSUE-6, 2017

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ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-4, ISSUE-6, 2017


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