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DSWD-Acc Tool-001


Status of Application Residents Served: Scope/Coverage

 New Application Sector Number of Residents  More than one

 Renewal Mal Female Total Region/Nationwide

DSWD Previously Issued  Children  Regional

Accreditation No:____________  Youth  Provincial

Date of Issuance: ____________  Women  City/Municipality

Date of Expiration: __________  PWDs

 Older persons

Identifying Information:
1. Name of Agency: _________________________________________________________________
2. Address: ________________________________________________________________________
3. Agency Head and Designation: _____________________________________________________
4. Telephone/Mobile/Fax Number/s: __________________________________________________
5. E-mail Address and Website: ______________________________________________________
6. Registration & License No: ___________ Date Issued: __________ Expiry Date:___________

Documentary Requirements: (Please put check as appropriate) If available indicate under findings/
observations whether such document contains complete information or other concerns that need to be
Requirements Findings/Observations Recommendations
1. Pre-assessment report from the
concerned Field Office
2. Accomplished application form
3. Manual of Operation/Handbook
containing the SWDAs program
and administrative policies,
procedures and strategies to attain
its purpose/s among others (for
renewal, required if there are only
amendment in the Manual of
4. Profile of governing board or its
5. Profile of employees
6. Work and financial plan for the
succeeding two (2) years

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
Requirements Findings/Observations Recommendations
7. Audited Financial Report of the
previous year. Audited Financial
Report submitted to SEC, CDA
and/or Bureau of Internal Revenue
(BIR) shall be accepted. However,
financial report conform to the
DSWD template shall also be
submitted. If DSWD or
LGU/government agencies, it shall
be certified by Government
Accountant Officer.
8. Accomplishment report for the
previous year
 1 year - if the SWDA’s operating
more than one (1) year prior to
accreditation assessment visit
 Less than 1 year – to cover only
the period the SWDA operates
prior to accreditation assessment
9. Profile of client served/caseload
inventory of currently served
10.Valid Certificates (The Certificates
should be displayed in the Center’s
 Registration and License
Certificate of the SWDA
 An occupancy permit for a
newly constructed facility or
Valid Certificate of Annual
Building Inspection
 Updated Fire Safety Inspection
 Updated Sanitary Permit or
Water Potability Certificate

1. Assessment shall be based on all or combinations of any of the following methods, as long as
all possibilities are exhausted to determine presence or absence of indicators:
a. Review of pertinent documents such as records, reports, written plans and other materials;
b. Ocular survey/observation of facilities, offices, project sites, actual conduct of agency
c. Individual or focus group discussion/interview with residents on relevant information on
service delivery by the agency;
d. Individual or group interview with persons exercising managerial or supervisory functions
in the agency as well as to the Board of Incorporators
e. Individual or group interview with administrative and program staff;
DSWD-Acc Tool-001
f. Other useful and relevant method of data gathering in relation to the indicators. This has to
be specified by the administering SB personnel and indicate the reason for such method.

2. The Standards and Indicators are categorized in three (3) levels namely:
a. MUST /Level 1 (M) – these are MANDATORY compliance which should be complied
with since absence of one would compromise the safety and welfare of the residents served
and the service implementation as well.
b. DESIRED /Level 2 (D) – these are optimal but compliance would increase the quality of
service implementation to a higher level.
c. EXEMPLARY / Level 3 (E) – these are highest standards that, if complied, will make the

4. Summary of Ratings per Work Areas (Please include in the computation those not applicable
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Work Areas Expected Actual Expected Actual Expected Actual
Score Score Score Score Score Score
I. Administration
65 49 39
and Organization
II. Program
12 10 8
III. Case Management 50 6 6
IV. Helping
43 30 25
V. Physical Structure
40 23 12
and Safety
Total 210 118 90

Standards and Indicators: Please see attached

DSWD-Acc Tool-001

Please indicate check () mark if complied and cross (x) mark for non-compliance on the compliance column. However, if an agency where certain items does not apply,
indicate N/A and add the total N/A to the corresponding work areas per level.



I. Administration and Organization

A. Clear Statement of the VMG and Policies

1 The organization has VMG

consistent with its objectives, target
residents, programs and services.
2 The VMG is written, posted in a VMG is translated into It is translated into a resident’s guide
visible area such as bulletin boards, information, education and that is accessible and available. It
receiving areas, lobby etc., within communication (IEC) materials in contains among others the following
the Social Welfare Agency (SWA) a form or language that is information:
understood by the residents and the a. Summary of policies and procedures
public as well. b. Programs and services
c. Safety mechanism
d. Complaints and grievance
e. Residents' protection policy
3 VMG are known and can be VMG are known and can be
articulated by any of the governing articulated by all the staff and any
board or its equivalent, staff and of its governing board or its
residents equivalent as well as the residents.
4 Manual of operation is available Manual of Operations There is available Manual of operation
translating policies into operations. reviewed/updated at least every 5 that is translated to local dialect
It contains among others the years, if applicable
following information:
a. Administrative Policies and
Procedures such as but not
limited to (i) Core values of the
agency; (ii) Personnel policies
on staffing, job description,
filing of leave, trainings of staff,
DSWD-Acc Tool-001
wages, benefits, privileges,
incentives, rewards and
sanctions, etc; (iii) Shifting
schedule and turn-over of staff
for duty; (iv) Visitation
including communication
system between clients and
families are in place; (v)
Protection policies of staff and
residents from sexual
harassment and other forms of
abuse/ violation of human rights;
rewards and sanctions including
restitution and use of restraint.
(vi) Prohibition of corporal
punishments; (vii) Management
of Complaints and grievance for
the residents and staff; (viii)
Safety and emergency
procedures; (ix) Notification of
incidents which must be done
within 24 hours; (x) Receipt and
utilization of donations; (xi)
Food preparation/nutrition; and
(xii) Repairs and maintenance
included in the approved Work
and Financial plan for the
current year
b. Program Policies and Procedures
to include: (i) Contract setting
and intervention planning; (ii)
Case recordings and access to
records; (iii) Confidentiality; (iv)
Referral system and policies and
procedures in place; (v)
Termination/ Discharge of
residents; (vi) Institutionalized
tracking system and feedback
mechanism on the admission
DSWD-Acc Tool-001
and discharge of residents

B. Functional Organizational and Management Structure

1 There is an existing organizational Staff performs in accordance to All staff complement performing
structure which clearly defines the prescribed tasks and prescribed duties and responsibilities
delineation of responsibilities and responsibilities
duties of the governing body and the
personnel and based on written
2 Management structure – presence of
management personnel as reflected
in the organizational chart who
provide leadership, guidance and
support in all aspects of operation.
a. Executive/Program Director/
Manager or Head of the
Agency– who is responsible for
administering, planning,
managing and controlling the
daily activities and for ensuring
that the service quality
requirements are met.
Renders full time services with
corresponding appointment
b. Supervisors (Administrative and
Technical) – who is under the
direct supervision of the
Director/ Manager/Center Head
will supervises to not more than
15 staff
Renders full time services with
corresponding appointment

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
3 Policy-making structure- has a
governing board or its equivalent
that review and/or formulate
administrative and program policies
and discuss other organizational
concerns. Likewise, the Board
should not be part of the
management structure of the SWDA
to ensure the policy on no conflict of
a. Board meets as specified in their Board meets more than what is
Constitution and by-Laws specified in their Constitution
and by-laws
b. Minutes of Board meetings or its Director/Manager/Center Head Presence of the working committee who
equivalent to DSWD/LGU attends board meeting and recommends to the board policies for
Centers and Institutions are participates in the policy making decision
documented and available. process.
4 Staff supervision shall be done at Staff supervision shall be done Supervision is done weekly
least once (1) a month twice a month
5 An interfacing intervention for new Turn-over of documents to
and outgoing staff is undertaken. If incoming staff is documented
not possible, the interfacing should
be done by the Director/Center
Head/Supervisor to the incoming
6 Staff meeting
Meeting of program staff is Program staff meeting is General staff meeting is held once a
conducted per SWA/facility as conducted monthly with month to all the administrative and
indicated in its manual of operation available proceedings program staff of the agency with
with available proceedings proceedings available
7 Strategic and operational planning
system A three-year strategic plan is A five year strategic plan is formulated
A two-year strategic plan based on a formulated and translated into a and translated in a work and financial
set of desired outcomes for the work and financial plan plan. Institutionalized conduct of annual
residents is formulated and reviewed and updated annually program review and evaluation
translated into work and financial to determine whether these are workshop to assess past performance/
plan and updated annually responsive to the needs of the accomplishments and to re-plan re-direct

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
residents. activities based on SWA’s VMG.

8 Policy-making process and Staff and residents are Research activities or impact
procedures consulted in the review and evaluations/ studies are conducted or
The policies are written, formulation of policies institutionalized as basis for policy
disseminated and implemented. review and update/enhancement/
9 Ethical conduct

There are written and clear policies Conduct “character of the Planned activities/set indicators of
governing conflict of interest and month” activity in the workplace character for the month and its
ethical standards in dealing with i.e. among staff and residents sustainability as well as recognition of
residents. staff and residents who portray the set
C. Efficient Financial and Material Resource Management

1. Financial
Management System.
There are written and operational
policies, systems and procedures on
financial transactions are based on
approved budget and are reported to
fund sources/donors, receipt of
financial donation and utilization are
transparent and documented;
disbursements are covered by duly
authorized vouchers and are subjected
to annual internal and external
2 Fund allocation .
There shall be adequate funds for
program implementation which is
not less than 80% of the total budget
and for administrative expenses of
not more than 20% of the total

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
3 Stability of Funding-
There are regular source of funds to Sources of funds are Regular reporting and feedback on fund
provide appropriate funds for the documented utilization to donors and sponsors are
SWA’s operation in a given period done.
for two (2) years
4 Resource generation activities such Resource generation activities Availability of trust fund or related
as solicitation, fund raising projects institutionalized and monetary savings account to ensure the
international fund sourcing are documented with discussions financial stability of the agency for its
conducted in accordance with the on its impact to residents intended residents
existing laws and regulations,
properly reflected in the financial
5 Internal and external auditing of Registered with BIR as a non-
financial transactions is done profit organization, if private
annually by an external Certified SWA
Public Accountant or Commission of
Audit representative, whichever is
applicable specifically for those
SWAs with income of P500,000
above. Those with income below
P500,000 the financial report will
only be audited by an internal
6. All assets and facilities are Available budget for the annual A capital outlay for permanent
documented; annual inventory being repair and maintenance of improvement is carried out
done to monitor acquisition/ equipment and facilities
procurement, utilization,
distribution, disposal, repair and
7 There are written and operational
policies for securing,
acknowledging, allocating and
distributing non-monetary donations
for transparency purposes. These
should be just, and equitable,
properly recorded and accounted for.
8. Procurement Process/ System
Policies and systems on transactions Timeline for processing each Period for each transaction is completed
DSWD-Acc Tool-001
involving procurement, repair and transaction is indicated within the timeline indicated in the
maintenance of building/facilities, manual of operations
vehicles and equipment are written,
operational and properly
D. Human Resource Management and Development

1. Recruitment, selection, hiring and

retention system
There are written policies for
recruitment specifying among others
the qualification standards for each
position and the criteria for the
selection process consistent with Civil
Service rules and regulations or its
equivalent in the private sector;
qualifications and background of
applicants are assessed based on the
written policies on hiring personnel;
job description for each position are
written and actual tasks are aligned
with what is written.
2. Staff complement and their
corresponding competencies and
qualification standards
a. Executive/Program Director/
a.1. One (1) per SWA

a.2.A College degree holder who Graduate of Behavioral/Social Registered Social Worker (RSW) with
at least attended twenty (20) Science Courses with at least (10) two (2) years supervisory or managerial
days or one hundred-sixty days or eighty (80) hours of experience or its equivalent professional
(160) hours of relevant relevant trainings and two (2) grade eligibility or relevant training; or
trainings recognized by years supervisory or managerial
DSWD with one (1) year experience or its equivalent Completion of post graduate studies
supervisory/managerial professional grade eligibility or either in social work and with five (5)
experience in related field. relevant training. years supervisory/ managerial

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
b. Center Head –

b.1. one per facility, if the SWA

has two or more facilities in
different locations
b.2.A College degree holder who Graduate of Behavioral/Social Registered Social Worker (RSW) with
at least attended twenty (20) Science Courses with at least ten two (2) years supervisory or managerial
days or one hundred-sixty (10) days or eighty (80) hours of experience or its equivalent professional
(160) hours of relevant relevant trainings and two (2) grade eligibility or relevant training; or
trainings recognized by years supervisory or managerial
DSWD with one (1) year experience or its equivalent Completion of post graduate studies
supervisory/managerial professional grade eligibility or either in social work and with five (5)
experience in related field. relevant training. years supervisory/ managerial
c. Supervising Social Worker (if
c.1. 1 for every 5 SW One for every 4 social workers and One for every 3 social workers and at
supervisees and at most 10 at most 7 other technical staff most 4 other technical staff
other non-social
work/technical staff.
c.2. She/he is a RSW who has at Supervisory experience of two (2) Supervisory experience – three (3) years
least one (1) year years or more
supervisory experience and
in handling residents under
d. Social Workers (SWs) – number
of SWs will depend on the type of
residents and actual number of
cases at any given time (refer to RSW with at least 180 hours of RSW with at least 360 hours of formal
caseload under III. Case formal training in handling experience and one year work
Management) specific type of residents experience in handling specific type of
d.1. Registered Social Worker residents under care, or
Accredited as Service Provider on
his/her field of practice e.g. Accredited
SW Managing Court Cases
e Administrative Supervisors and 1 Supervisor per unit.
. Supervising Houseparents
DSWD-Acc Tool-001
e.1. 1 for at most 15 non-social One for every 10 non-social work One for every 5 non-social work staff/
work staff/ houseparents/ staff/ houseparents/ administrative houseparents/ administrative staff
administrative staff staff
e.2. Graduate of four-year course Supervisory experience of 2 years Supervisory experience of 3 years or
with at least one year of more
relevant supervisory
f. Houseparents (HPs)

f.1. He/She must be of the same

sex with the residents. (if
f.2. One for a 16 hour shift. In One for a 12 hour shift. In excess One per 8-hour shift with one reliever
excess of a regular 40/48 working of a regular 40/48 working hours
hours per week, for per week, for government/private
government/private SWA’s SWA’s respectively, a
respectively; a corresponding corresponding compensation or
compensation or day-off shall be day-off shall be remunerated based
remunerated based on actual on actual number of hours
number of hours served/rendered served/rendered.
f.3. High school graduate with 40 High School graduate with at least College level with at least 120 hours of
hours of related seminars/training 80 hours of related training/seminars in handling specific
on care giving. seminars/training on care giving type of residents under care.
Houseparent who is high
school level but has been
employed with the SWA for more
than two (2) years may be
consider provided he/she has at
least 40 hours related training.
g Cook/s (as applicable) – one per
. Center/facility, except for those
catering to older residents who
are at age of majority and can
perform the tasks as part of their
daily activities
h. Administrative Staff/Aide

h.1.At least one staff for every 5

technical staff in the SWA. If
DSWD-Acc Tool-001
more than 5 technical staff, said
staff must be computer literate
and could prepare their reports
electronically, hence no need to
require additional administrative
h.2.High school graduate with at High school graduate with at least College level and computer literate
least 40 hours of related 80 hours of related
seminars/training seminars/training
i.Security Guard/s (to be required for
residents handling court cases,
abused etc.)
i.1. 1 per 8-hour shift with 1
reliever; and to consider the
number of residents being served
especially for those children in
conflict with the law (CICL);
women in especial difficult
circumstances (WEDC), among
i.2. Licensed security guard with Licensed with at least 40 hours of College level and licensed with at least
basic training. training/seminars in handling 80 hours of relevant training/seminars in
specific type of residents under handling specific type of residents under
care. care
i.3. He/she has basic orientation If agency is catering exclusively
on gender and development for girls, guard is a female
j. Driver

Hired on on-call basis or part time Hired on a full time basis

(if applicable)
k. Other program and administrative
Completed the required training Administrative staff follows the
education, degree or obtained qualifications standards, all are
appropriate license/ registration college levels and with enough
or eligibility for the position as knowledge on office management.
provided by law or as stipulated
in the SWA’s written policies.

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
4 Training and development Newly hired staff attended mini
a. Basic orientation for newly hired orientation about the Haven for the
staff to include SWA’s VMG, Elderly. They are aware of the
types/ characteristics of residents center operations. Since the
being served, programs and manual of operation for the Haven
services, guiding principles, for the Elderly is not yet finished,
rules and regulations and their some policies are not yet provided
respective roles and to all the staff but will be
responsibilities conducted once the manual is
Provided within three (3) months Provided within two (2) months Provided within a month upon
upon assumption of duty upon assumption of duty assumption of duty

b Continuing training program for Continuing training is conducted

. key/core staff appropriate to to the internal staff,. The center
residents being cared for is invites resource persons to discuss
provided to upgrade and acquire topics related to the interest and
new skills and competencies. This needs of the clients and staff.
shall cover the following
b.1. at least 24 hours in a year 40 hours/year (5 days) 80 hours/year (10 days)

b.2. 30% of the staff are 60% of the staff are provided All staff on rotation basis are provided
provided and/or accessed and/or accessed to specialized and/or accessed to specialized training
to specialized training training locally per year per year
locally per year
c. Coverage of continuing training A program for career pathing and We have included budget for the
program may include any of the development is developed and conduct of trainings/seminars in the
following: (i) Relevant International implemented by the agency 2014 WFP.
Conventions/ Declarations and
national/local legislations for the
care and protection of the residents
under care; (ii) Care approaches and
skills appropriate to the residents
including the nature and analysis of
their situations, developmental
characteristics and dynamics in
working with them; communicating
DSWD-Acc Tool-001
with them especially those with
disabilities; (iii) Gender and
development and Gender Sensitivity
Training; (iv) Conduct of self-
care/human sexuality sessions (v)
Case management skills
development; (vi) Psycho-Social
Intervention; (vii) Skills on trauma
management for residents; (viii)
Health education and nutrition; (ix)
Safety at work, fire precaution and
other emergency measures; (x) First
Aid; (xi) Conduct of purposeful and
enjoyable activities as part of
positive care experience; (xii)
Interview techniques; and (xiii) Staff
supervision (for those with
supervisory functions)
3 Staff support services

a. Counseling/Stress Debriefing

Individual and/or group Critical incident stress Critical incident management stress
counseling/stress debriefing is management activities are activities are conducted once every
provided at least once a year conducted twice a year quarter
b Support mechanisms are in place,
. which include but are not limited
b.1. Social insurance system, There is an existing retirement plan for
i.e GSIS, SSS the staff
b.2. Annual physical, and Annual rest and recreation Annual stress debriefing is conducted to
medical examination as activities direct workers e.g. houseparents
well as health insurance
program is afforded to all Team building and other
personnel i.e. Philhealth organizational development
4 Performance Appraisal System

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
a. There is a developed
performance appraisal tool and
implemented establishing standards
for quantity and quality of output,
timeliness of results, manner of
performance, effectiveness in use of
resources, and includes trait-based
criteria (personal character and
attributes) both in dealing with co-
workers and residents
b Assessment of staff performance Performance appraisal is used as Performance appraisal is used as basis
is based on agreed upon plans and basis for performance bonus, for promotion
targets and systematic feedback specialized training and other
mechanisms on its result are forms of incentives
c Done when necessary Done annually Semi-annually

5 Compensation system

a For government agencies There is a signed and implemented Salaries of all staff are aligned with the
Salaries, benefits and incentives collective bargaining agreement government salary standardization law
are given in accordance with the
Salary Standardization Law, Civil
Service Commission rules and
regulations and other relevant
laws and government policies
b For non-government agencies

Compensation policies including Compensation for Social Work Provision of separation pay for 5 years
incentives and benefits system positions and other professionals is of employment; retirement plan
such as, but not limited to similar with the entry positions in
provision of separation pay for 5 government.
years of employment; retirement
plan among others are developed,
written and implemented in
accordance with existing wage
prescribed by the Regional Wage
Board, labor

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
6 Performance-based incentives,
rewards, and sanctions
a An appropriate rewards and Semestral recognition of high Quarterly recognition of high
. incentives are in place to motivate performing staff with performing staff with corresponding
the staff to work towards the corresponding reward system reward system
promotion and fulfillment of the
rights of the residents they serve.
b Appropriate sanctions for staff Grievance process is in place. A Appropriate and legal process for
misconduct are written properly committee been organized to sanctions implementation is in place
implemented. handle grievances.
7 Volunteer management (as
a Written and implemented policies Presence of clear supervisory and Support mechanisms for volunteers are
on the recruitment of volunteers, reportorial requirements; structures in place, to include intermittent
the kind of volunteers that will be for the volunteers processing of experiences and an exit
accepted, the work they are interview.
expected to do and their
b Volunteers are oriented to the There is existing mechanisms to Volunteers are given disciplinary control
organization and a programmed protect the residents from possible over residents shall meet the
interaction between the volunteer abuse by volunteers. Through qualification requirements for organic
and the residents policies and guidelines personnel
8 Discipline
a Appropriate complaints and Complaints and grievances
. grievance system/machinery is in addressed and resolved within the
place. Functional progressive set timeline in the SWA’s written
discipline system is properly policies
b Discipline of residents is based on Policies on discipline is prepared
. written policies and is always in consultation with the residents,
towards achieving helping if applicable
objectives and focused on
developing socially-constructive
and productive behavior
F. Availability of Support Services

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
1 Information Management System

Recording of administrative and Feedback mechanism such as Information communication technology

program files captures critical suggestion box, public satisfaction (ICT) devices including ICT system, i.e.
organizational events, and survey, etc. is installed and hardware, software, are available and
significant information on cases of operational. It is utilized in functional
residents in aid of organizational determining areas for improving
decision-making, policy and quality of service delivery
program development, research and
development as well as for
management and accountability
2 Advocacy and social marketing

a IEC Materials

Availability and accessibility of Existence of updated social

IEC materials produced by the marketing and advocacy plan
SWA and/or IEC materials produced by
the SWA relevant to the situation
of residents under care and the
programs and services being
b Advocacy and social marketing Conducted once a year Conducted twice a year
. activities for public awareness on
the issues affecting the residents
to improve public response; and
for generating fund support is
conducted every three (3) years
II. Program Management
A. Clear Written Program Plan is Available

1 The plan is consistent with the goals A plan developed in consultation Plan developed well-articulated by
and objectives for the residents with the residents, staff and other stakeholders involved in the planning
considering their priority issues to be concerned stakeholders process
addressed, expected output, time
frame, resources needed and
responsible person.
DSWD-Acc Tool-001
2 The plan formulated is supported
with baseline data and situational
B. Implementation of program and services is guided by the agency’s policies and procedures

1 Management Support With management support but the

The management supports program operation depends on the funding.
implementation through provision of
timely and necessary resources and
authority to implementors to
undertake the planned activities
2 Implementation of activities

At least 60% of the planned 61-90% of the planned activities 91-100% and beyond of the program of
activities are implemented are implemented activities are implemented as planned
3 Institutional linkages with other
GAs, NGOs/POs in implementing

There is an established and fully Fully functional mechanism for Existence of innovative program/s or
functional mechanism to sustain referral system and with strong strategies implemented with proper
inter-agency linkage. Referral linkages with other government documentation. Convergence/forging of
system is in place. agencies, people’s organizations partnership through Memorandum of
and non-government organizations Agreement/ Understanding (MOA/MOU)
among others
C. Monitoring is in place and conducted on a regular basis

1 Monitoring of program/service
A monitoring system has been Results of monitoring is
institutionalized and is fully documented
2 Accomplishment Report

a Agency accomplishment report Prepared and submitted every Prepared and submitted quarterly
including narrative and statistical semester
report prepared and submitted
annually to DSWD

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
b Annual Individual Semi-annual Individual Monthly Individual accomplishment report
accomplishment report of staff is accomplishment report of staff is of staff is prepared and submitted to the
prepared and submitted to the prepared and submitted to the agency head
agency head agency head
Accomplishment report of staff is The management take appropriate action
properly noted by the agency head to remedy the deficiencies made in order to
and/or concerned staff supervisor safeguard the welfare of the residents
c Inventory of cases –turned- Inventory of case is submitted to
. around period of cases served are DSWD within the set timeline
The organization maintains record Monitoring tools are formulated to Dialogue with residents at least once in a
or logbook of all significant check on the progress and/or gaps quarter.
incidents encountered in program/ in implementation as well as basis
service implementation. The to remedy the gaps Document best practices of the agency
supervisor or concerned staff
reviews the said record or
logbook and take appropriate
D. Evaluation

1 Annual assessment of plan vs. Mid-year assessment of plan vs. Impact evaluation conducted every 3 years
Accomplishment is done, result of Accomplishment is conducted as with determined/identified short term or
which is utilized as basis for basis for re-focusing/re-directing long term goal
program planning and enrichment, and re-targeting to address
among others with the participation implementation gaps.
of the residents, staff and other
2 Results of the assessment are
utilized in the modification/
development of programs/ policies
3 Results of evaluation are feedback to
the residents and partner agencies, if
III Case Management

A. Caseload of Staff

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
1 Social Worker – one full time social
worker for:
 1: 25 children for placement
 1:20 children in need of special
 1:15 youth/CICL
 1:30 disadvantaged women
 1:25 persons with disabilities
 1: 25 older persons
 Excess cases of the social
worker can be managed by the
Executive Director (Registered
Social Worker) or the
Supervising Social Worker but
limit to 5 cases each only
2 House parents – one houseparent per
shift for a number of residents as
a 1:5 children aged birth to 1 year
. old
b 1:10 children aged 13 months to 6
years old
c 1:15 children aged 7 to 12 years
d 1:25 children aged 13 to 17 years
e 1:20 CICL

f 1:20 able-bodied individuals aged

13 to below 18 years old
g 1:25-30 able bodied individuals
aged 18 and above.
h 1:10 bedridden or sickly older

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
i mentally-challenged individuals:
(upper trainable 1:15; lower
trainable 1:10; profound cases
j 1:20 deaf/hearing disability

k 1:15 with Orthopedic

(Muscoskeletal ) disability
l 1:15 with visual disability
m When age groups are mixed, the
ratio that should be followed shall
meet the requirements for the
youngest residents in the group.
B. Helping Process

1 Each resident has written

intervention plan based on the result
of intake and assessment of his/her
problem situation. Throughout the
following process, active
participation and self-determination
of the residents and their
families/relatives are elicited.
a Intake and assessment

a.1. Intake interview undertaken Presence of an interpreter, Residents with at risk behavior upon
after the resident was given some preferably of the same gender, if admission e.g. observed with mental
time to rest and calm down, but the resident cannot articulate problem, referral/endorsement to
initial information such as name, himself/herself due to age appropriate agency is made immediately.
age, name of parents/guardians, minority, illiteracy, language
place of origin and last known
address should be gathered upon
arrival. Assessment should
include the physical examination
report of the physician
a.2. Orientation regarding
services, leveling of expectations,
room/ cottage assignment,
DSWD-Acc Tool-001
provision of required set of
personal clothing and personal
effects are provided immediately
upon admission.
a.3. Pre admission conference
involving the parents, referring
party and center staff, if feasible
a.4. Proper endorsement or Referral/endorsement is made Referral/endorsement is made within 4
referral to other agency if services within 8 hours hours
needed are beyond the service
capacity of the facility
b Social case study report is Prepared within 15 days and is Prepared within 5 days and is reviewed or
. prepared within 30 days after the reviewed or updated as required updated as required
intake interview and is reviewed
or updated as required. Timeline
of other respective sectors shall
depend on the specific guidelines
e.g. adoption and CICL cases.
b.1. Problem identification -
problems and priorities to be
worked clearly identified,
whether it would be a change in
the behavior or a change in the
environment or both. Problems
were identified in consultation
with concerned residents
b.2. Assessment – reflects
significant life events of the
residents, the feelings, biological,
medical, psycho-social and
emotional condition, behavior,
relationship, safety and security,
support system as well as the
potential for change (awareness,
willingness, ability)

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
c. Goal and contract setting and
intervention planning– the residents
conformes with the intervention plan,
unless he/she is mentally incapable to
make the decision as in the case of infants,
toddlers, young children and those
individuals who are mentally challenged.
A intervention plan is formulated within 15
days after admission together with other
members of the multi-disciplinary helping
teams taking into consideration the
c.1. For abandoned and neglected
children, placement in foster homes
or adoptive families. Further, their
petition for the declaration of the
child legally available for adoption
should filed in the DSWD-Field
Office within a month from date of
admission while for those who are
voluntarily committed, submission
of complete documents forwarded to
DSWD Field Office for review of
dossiers and endorsement to Central
Office within three (3) months after
signing the deed of voluntary
commitment or as applicable
c.2. For those children who cannot be
placed for foster care or adoption,
activities for independent living and
development of life skills or as
c.3. Result of assessment

c.4 Support system shall be provided

after pre-discharge conference
c.5 Nature of cases, i.e suspected and
actual victims of trafficking, victims
of violence
DSWD-Acc Tool-001
c.6. Birth registration, as applicable for
those children below 18 years old
c.7 Preservation and integrity of ethnic,
cultural, faith and cultural identity,
if applicable
c.8 Social Preparation with the family
and/or community for possible
discharge of the residents
d. Implementation – activities or helping All activities are documented
strategies as reflected in the intervention
plan are carried out and any change should
be agreed upon with the residents. There is
multi-disciplinary/ multi-sectoral
involvement where relevant professionals/
disciplines are involved in all phases of the
helping process, i.e case conference,
consultation, provision of specialized
services, etc. Likewise, every activities
must indicate specific timeline of
implementation as basis for progress,
monitoring and evaluation.
e. Monitoring and Evaluation

Use of appropriate tools to determine Done monthly Done based on intervention plan
movement and progress of residents; Effect of helping interventions provided to
implementation of the intervention plan, the residents are evaluated with proper
observation reports of the rehabilitation documentation reflecting significant events
team, progress notes or recordings and that took place in the process of
identify gaps among others. This is done implementing the intervention plan, their
quarterly. Gaps among others based on feeling or reactions and feedback of the
intervention plan per resident residents are elicited
f. Closure and termination – written
policies and procedures on termination
are operational which cover the
following concerns:
f.1. Closure/ termination is done when
the helping goals are achieved or when
the needs of the residents are beyond
the service capacity of the facility.
DSWD-Acc Tool-001
f.2. Termination/pre-discharge plan
is finalized with the participation of
residents, their families/relatives and
concerned LGUs as applicable at
least three (3) months prior to
discharge for smooth transition
f.3. Conduct of exit interview and Conduct Pre discharge Conference
pre-discharge conference with accepting party.
The result of the pre-discharge
conference is confirmed to the
receiving LGU/Agency/other
facilities with reintegration
agreement duly signed by all
f.4. Discharge conference is
conducted with the presence of
client, family, concerned SWDAs,
LGU and case summary transfer
prepared and turn-over to the
accepting party.
f.5. After care services and other
support services are arranged prior
to discharge
g. Follow-up and after care services – Review of the reintegration agreement if it
presence of a mechanism that monitor is achieved or not.
the situation of the residents from six
(6) months to one year after discharge,
such as eliciting feedback from the
receiving LGUs or agencies.
C. Case recording and documentation

1 Basic records- all residents must

have an individual case folder to
include a checklist of the following
document marked confidential

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
a Admission slip with date and time
. of admission; contact
address/number/ persons; clothing
and other personal care materials
provided duly acknowledged by
the residents
b Intake sheet indicating among
. others reasons for placement
including letter of referral
c Social case study reports
indicating profile; family
composition and background;
presenting problem; brief
background of the case, i.e
history of abuse, significant
events, attitudes and behavior,
strengths and weaknesses
diagnostic impression/ assessment
and recommendations, among
d Intervention plan with clear
. helping goals/ objectives,
activities or various helping
strategies/interventions, time
frame and expected output.
d.1. Accomplished Social
Functioning Indicator (SFI)
d.2. Accomplished Rehabilitation
Indicator (RI)
e Lifebook of the child (if
. applicable)
f. Health, medical, and dental
records (growth monitoring chart
and immunization records for 0-6
years old; result of physical,
laboratory exam, medical history,

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
g. School records, if schooling
h. Psychological/psychiatric
evaluation records, as necessary in
the helping plan
i. Monthly progress report and
running records of the case
j. Anecdotal reports from the House
k. Parenting Capability Assessment
Report (PCAR), if applicable
l. Closing Summary and Discharge
m. Referral letters and other
communications/ correspondence
n. For those catering to children, the
following should also be included
n.1. Birth certificate or any other
recognized documents to
establish child’s identity and age
n.2. Foundling or death certificate
of parents, as applicable
n.3 Deed of voluntary
commitment for surrendered
children or certificate of
eligibility for adoption cases
n.4 Court decision, i.e
commitment order, declaration of
abandonment, disclosure of
confidential records for children
in conflict with the law/victims of
violence and trafficking
n.5 Notification to parents,
publications to locate families and
n.6 Home study report for those
with prospective foster/adoptive
DSWD-Acc Tool-001
n.7. Use of ECCD checklist for 0-
4 years old
n.8 Contact/information of
concerned LGUs in the
management of residents
n.9 Contract setting with parents
or waiver as applicable.
2 Confidentiality

a. The residents’ right to privacy

shall be respected at all times.
Any information that could
endanger them and their families
or that is contrary to their best
interest should not be disclosed
directly or indirectly to the public
and media. To guarantee their
protection, the following
measures should be observed:
a.1. Written consent from the
resident should be sought before
sensitive information is disclosed,
if applicable and when possible
a.2. Court order especially for
those children in conflict with the
law and victims of violence and
a.3. Use of coding system that
provides aliases or case number
a.4. Marking of the records as
a.5 Designated place for
confidential records properly

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
b Written and operational policies Records inventory and disposal is done
. on records access, use, and every five years except cases of adopted
disposal i.e classification of children there is a designated place to
records that are allowed for restore significant/important records
sharing among the staff and the properly marked as “archive”
public and those records that are
confidential, shredding of
unneeded records, designating
authorized persons, list of
destroyed records, etc.
IV. Helping Strategies/Interventions
A. Psycho-social care

1 Use of appropriate social work

2 Critical incidents stress debriefing Stress management activities Family Conferencing And Therapeutic
3 Group dynamic exercises Psychological/psychiatric
B. Homelife

1 Daily living experience that are Available criteria to assess coping, Criteria to determine level of functioning
flexible and yet balanced with interaction and leadership skills of of residents adopted
sufficient routines and controls to residents.
give them an opportunity to clarify
values and modify behavior as well
as develop a sense of responsibility,
foster discipline, and strengthen their
capacity for decision-making and
relationship with others.
2 House rules to govern the behavior House rules posted in conspicuous Residents participate in the formulation of
and conduct of the residents. places at the center house rules.
Corporal punishment and
deprivation of basic needs are
prohibited as a form of discipline.

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
3 Work assignment should be done Documentation on home life
with the participation of the meetings
residents and in accordance with
their age, health, interest and
capacity. They should not be made
to do work for personal services or
office work of any personnel
4 Personal care and other needs are
provided to each resident as follows:
a. Supervision from the house There is available daily Monthly inventory of the belongings of
parents in personal care like observation report on the residents residents
sanitation, grooming, brushing teeth homelife activities prepared by the
and other personal practices house parents on duty
b. Clothing and other personal
b.1. Upon admission – 4 sets (2 Accomplished and duly signed Monthly inventory of goods released
sets of sleeping clothes and 2 sets distribution sheets of the residents clothing and other goods to residents
daytime clothes including receipt clothing
bib/mittens, diapers/nappies for
infants and toddlers); 4 pcs
underwear; 1 pair of slipper; 1
pair of shoes. However,
availability of residents personal
clothing and other goods be
considered prior releases of items
prior his/her admission.
b.2.Quarterly – 1 pair of socks; 1 Distribution sheet of items issued There is a monthly inventory of items
pair of slipper. For infants & to residents is available released to residents
toddlers, at least 2 sets of clothing
consisting of baby dress &
underwear. To consider the
available stocks items of the
residents given by their
parents/guardians/ visiting donors

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
b.3 Annually – 2 sets daytime Accomplished and duly signed Monthly inventory of goods released
clothes; 1 set Sunday attire; 1 set for distribution sheets of the residents clothing and other goods to residents
special occasion; 2 sets casual attire; receipt clothing
1 pair of shoes. To consider the
available stocks items of the
residents given by their
parents/guardians/ visiting donors
c. Toiletries

c.1. 2 face & 1 bath towel/semestral Accomplished and duly signed Monthly inventory of goods released
distribution sheets of the residents toiletries and other goods to residents
receipt toiletries
c.2. 1 bath and 1 laundry soap/every
3 weeks
c.3. 1 tube 150 ml toothpaste/month

c.4. 1 pc toothbrush/quarter

c.5. 3 bottles 200 ml shampoo/

d. Linen

2 bed sheets, 1 pillow with two cases; Personal care items provided is Personal care items provided is increased
blankets and mosquito net (replacement increased by one set. by two sets.
may be done on an annual basis and/or
as need arises) Accomplished and duly signed Monthly inventory of goods released
distribution sheets of the residents clothing and other goods to residents
receipt clothing
e. Food and nutrition considers the
nutritional, social cultural and health needs
of the residents. Same food is served to
everyone except when special diet is
e.1 Meals served are well-planned
and prepared under the supervision
of or in consultation with a dietician
or nutritionist.

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
Weekly planned menu is prepared Monthly planned menu is prepared Quarterly planned menu is prepared and
and approved by the dietician or approved by the dietician or nutritionist
e.2. Daily provision of meals to
3 meals 3 meals and 1 snack 3 meals and 2 snacks

C. Educational services

1 Formal education for primary and Formal education is facilitated by Tertiary education is included.
secondary school-age children is the agency
accessed to other agencies. This is
monitored every grading period.
2 Adequate school supplies and School dropouts are accessed to Training on protection and safety, i.e
financial support are provided to appropriate acceleration and protective behavior
those in school such as but not equivalency program and
limited to: 2 sets of school uniform, Alternative Education or
1 set of PE uniform, as applicable, Alternative Learning System
school bags, school projects and (ALS) of the Department of
transportation as necessary Education.
3 Literacy class or other life skills
activities are availed for those who
cannot be enrolled in formal
4 Development of special interest such Empowerment seminars/ workshops based
as arts and crafts, dancing, music, on the categories/ types of residents i.e for
drama and other fields as identified women and children victim/survivors of
in the helping process. violence (VAWC) would include , cycle of
violence, laws on women and children’s
human rights, assertiveness, practicing
non-violence, balancing multiple roles of
women, while for older persons on the
prevention of debilitating ailments in old
age and capacitating persons with

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
5 Provision of self-enhancement Functional education for PWDs Access to job placement for PWDs
activities/services for PWDs such as,
daily living skills, sign language and
brail among others
6 Early childhood care and Character building and values Maintains a learning resource center for
development (ECCD) for those education with at least 4 sets of the residents
children below six (6) years old with each type of ECCD materials.
at least 4 sets of ECCD materials
(picture and story books, table ECCD materials must be increased
games/table blocks and other to 6 sets
manipulative materials, arts and
crafts and materials for dramatic
D. Medical/Health, Psychological and Dental Services

1 Annual physical and medical and Specialized medical treatment is Staff and residents demonstrating healthy
dental check-up provided for cases with special eating habits; conscious practice on health
medical needs and sanitation
2 Hired with regular paramedic staff Hired in-house nurse With regular visiting doctors

3 Laboratory examination, if applicable

4 Facilitate newborn screening for

5 Basic immunization for infants and
toddlers and older persons
6 Medicines should be administered Residents are provided with
according to the prescription of training on first aid and on
licensed physician. handling/management of common
health problems.
7 Conduct of psychological evaluation,
if necessary.
8 Hospitalization of residents need
further medical attention.
E. Alternative family care

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
Accessed to licensed and accredited child Recruits and orients prospective Participates in the regional and/or national
placement agencies to facilitate child’s foster and adoptive families matching conference
placement either through foster care or including kins, conduct pre and
adoption who shall assume the care, post adoption counseling
custody, protection and maintenance of Identified children for alternative Appropriate placements are determined.
residents for purposes of adoption, parental care
guardianship, foster care, or kinship; or
independent living for older children.
F. Socio-cultural recreation

Celebration of birthdays and special events Outing, picnic, swimming and Summer camp program; summer olympics;
such as women/children’s month/day, other sports activities quarterly paralympics/ abilympics; participation in
family week/ family thanksgiving day, conducted theater arts production; member of senior
nutrition month, and other special citizen federation and other similar
holidays. activities for the healing and recovery of
the residents.

Residents participated on regional/national


G. Spiritual enhancement

All residents are provided or accessed to Observes religious events Provision of space/room for the spiritual
worship service of their choice. enhances activities of the residents choice

H. Legal/paralegal assistance

1 Activities are conducted to prepare

residents before the scheduled court
hearings; guided during trials and
provided de-briefing sessions after
each hearing.
2 Residents are referred to legal counsel Pool of lawyers available to There is available retainer lawyer in the
of their choice and given options interpret the case proceedings and Center to responds on residents legal
before taking any legal actions. update the staff and residents on concerns
the progress of the case.

I. Livelihood, vocational skills/ entrepreneurial training

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
1 Skills training If livelihood activities are
implemented, residents served are
informed on policies and trained to
manage the project, i.e profit
sharing, accounting and
bookkeeping, earning and savings
2 Job orientation

3 Job matching and placement Provided capital assistance for residents

engaged in livelihood activities or access
to sub-contract jobs/sheltered workshops.
J. Progressive integration with family and community

1 Regular communication by immediate Provision of basic support services Network of Support services among
family members (except perpetrator) in the community are coordinated partner LGUs and SWAs in the community
are planned and agreed upon. with LGU concerned and other are established
2 Family reintegration shall be pursued Follow-up is done within one year Follow-up is done within 6 months
if the case study report shows that it is
the best intervention to achieve the
helping goals
3 Integration may also be in a form of
independent/group home living
arrangement, as applicable
V. Physical Structure and Safety
A. Location and design

1 Accessibility to community facilities

Accessible to, at least community

facilities to meet basic needs such as
schools, churches, clinic or hospitals,
recreation centers.
2 Safety conditions in the

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
There are some conditions in the Safety conditions in the
neighborhood that may be potentially neighborhood are high or at least
dangerous or hazardous to the facility manageable.
but are still manageable. Necessary The facility is far from dangerous
corrective measures/actions were structures like gas and power
already installed. stations, conflict areas, cliff, rivers,
or safety measures are installed to
prevent loss of life and harm to
physical and health condition that
may be caused by these structures/
3 Accessibility Features Presence of rail, ramp and toilet
and bath for PWDs in compliance
Necessary devices are installed to to Batas Pambansa 344 s. 1995
meet the needs of those with and/or other necessary devices are
disability installed to meet the needs of those
with disability
4. Doorways into communal areas, rooms,
bathing and toilet facilities and other
spaces to which a wheelchair users have
access should have a clear opening of at
least 85 cm or .85 meter.
5. All rooms are adequately lit, warm or
cool enough, well-ventilated by means
of windows that can be opened easily
by the staff, and/or functional air
conditioning systems/coolers/
fans/exhaust fans in toilets and kitchen
and in all enclosed areas.
6. Facilities and Structures The design, lay-out and Improvement of facilities and structures
There are improvements made for the furnishings create a pleasant are sustained.
necessary changes domestic and therapeutic
environment consistent with the
facility’s mandate and is
appropriate to the age, needs,
culture and ethnic background of
the residents.

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
7 Lighting and ventilation

Lighting in communal rooms is Night lights are installed in the Areas in periphery are well lighted
sufficient and appropriately designed bedrooms and in the living area
8 Security structures

Security structures that create a Call systems or accessible alarm CCTV camera is installed. Piped-in music;
prison-like setting shall not be facility are strategically located or video for monitoring, provided it is
installed. Window grills may be are provided in every room managed by responsible staff and for
installed provided that it can be specific purpose
opened easily in case of emergency
Emergency/fire exit are installed. Alarm system for security
measures / two way radio /fire
alarm, sprinkler are available.
B. Facilities and accommodation

1 Basic utilities for communication, Availability of fax machine and Computer with internet connection
electricity, adequate potable water other means of communication
are available and provided to staff
and residents.
2 There is a designated room for a
variety of social, cultural, religious,
official and personal activities with
adequate space for use of the staff
and residents, which include but not
limited to the following:
a Bedrooms

a.1. Should not be part of the

communal/living areas
a.2. Room dimensions and lay-out
options have space of about ½ meter
on either side of the bed to enable
access for caregiver and for any
equipment needed
a.3. Rooms for PWDs with
accessibility feature and with enough
space in between beds for their
DSWD-Acc Tool-001
a.4. Rooms shared measuring about
24 sq. m are occupied by no more
than four (4) adult resident, or 10
infants or 6 toddlers. For those
facilities catering to VAWC, women
and their children can be
accommodated in one room not
exceeding 6 individuals per room.
a.5 In case of a dormitory type room
measuring about 100 sq. m, dividing
the room into cubicles for privacy
may be adopted with no more than
15 residents per dormitory/ quarter.
a.6 Each resident has his/her own
bed, a storage/cabinet for clothing
and other personal belongings.
Double-decked bed is allowed
provided that children below 13
years old are at the lower bed.
a.7 No basement shall be used as
sleeping accommodation unless
declared fire-safe by the concerned
government authorities
a.8 No resident such as Older
persons/persons with
disability/children with difficulty
using stairways shall be placed in a
bedroom above or below the floor
level, or upper deck bed.
a.9 No resident shall occupy a room Doors shall have opening for
with member of the opposite sex visual check by the staff-on-duty
unless they are immediate members
of the same family
b Living/communal areas and
. facilities

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
b.1. There is a designated area for A separate area or garden space for
relaxation, leisure or receiving reflection
visitors separate from bedroom
and dining room, measuring
about 4 sq.m/resident including
open space for outdoor activities.
b.2. Other recreational
facilities/supplies/ materials (at
least 2 sets board games, 2 pcs
basketball/volleyballs, 1 set
badminton or table tennis for a
group of 25 individuals) are
c Bathrooms and washing facilities

c.1 One functional bathroom and One assisted bath for residents Bathrooms and washing facilities are
toilet with at least two lavatories with disability, at least one for designed for PWDs
for every 10 female or male every 8 PWD is preferred
c.2. Children-sized bathroom and A separate toilet facilities for
toilet facilities/amenities for those visitors
catering to children
c.3 When adult facilities are used,
non-tippable stairs or stalls are
c.4. One functional bathroom and
toilet each for male and female
D Kitchen and dining rooms

d.1 With chairs and table based on

the age level of the residents, with
no more than 10 individuals per
table for better interaction
d.2 Kitchen should be equipped
with basic kitchen furnishing,
tools and utensils

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
d.3 Equipped with adequate
dining wares, one set per resident
e Laundry area

e.1 Located in an area where it

can not obstruct in the day-to-day
activities of the staff and residents
e.2.Laundry area for PWDs
should be level with their
wheelchair (for wheelchair bound
F Storage area

f.1. Where foods, supplies, There is designated separate

wheelchairs and other equipment storage for food supplies.
are stored and properly accounted
f.2 Kept tidy, well-maintained and
organized to ensure safety of
f.3. Space should be enough to
store all items kept for
f.4. Well ventilated and items
properly labeled
g Study area/mini library
Mini library should be equipped Resource center in place; computer in joss
g.1. Study area is conducive to with appropriate reference/ reading for the blind
learning. Well ventilated with materials and other educational
proper lightning and study table materials, either formal or non-
formal; books and other reading
materials in brail
g.2 Brail for the blind; slates and
stylus are available, as applicable

h Infirmary/Clinic

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
Equipped with beds for isolation Has consultation bed and lavatory An infirmary room separate from clinic for
with basic first aid kit, medicines to accommodate those residents daily consultation is available
for common illnesses, clean and with communicable diseases, e.g
well maintained medical supplies chicken fox, sore eyes, and other
and equipment necessary for illnesses that does not require
medical consultation hospitalization

i Office space/administrative
i.1 Each staff should have one Computer system to facilitate Each staff is provided a desk top computer
table and chair and has his/her preparation of financial and
own cabinet/designated space for administrative reports; preparation
files and safekeeping of personal and updating of case studies, etc.

i.2. Has adequate space for the

day-to-day office operation, at
least 4 sq.m/staff

i.3. Furnished with appropriate

office equipment such as filing
cabinets, chairs/sofa and tables
for the inquiring public

i.4. Separate from the areas of

interaction and programmed
activities with the residents

j Conference/training room

Space for conference room is There is provision of

limited but the organization has conference/training room with
introduced alternative measure. adequate furniture and fixtures for
use by the staff and residents
during meetings, case conference,
seminars, trainings and other
related activities
K Interview/counseling/therapy
DSWD-Acc Tool-001
k.1. Space for visiting parent/s
and other visitors
There is no separate space for Separate from the office space Equipped with one-way mirror, audio-
visitors but some alternative used for day-to-day operation video and computer system and
measures were made instead (e.g. observation room for social laboratory and
convertible space is made training purposes; provision of aqua
available therapy for children with disability
Equipped with counseling
paraphernalia such as art materials,
throw pillow, dolls, toys, sandbox
and other furniture & fixtures
appropriate to the age and purpose
of the counseling/therapy sessions
3 In case of cottage type facilities
measuring about 100 sq. m, number
of occupants should not exceed 8
individuals including houseparents,
with kitchen and dining rooms,
bedrooms, toilet and bathroom,
study area, living room/communal
area, laundry area that conform with
the above specifications.
4 Staff quarters

There is no provision of separate Separate sleeping quarters for male Separate sleeping quarters for male and
living quarters for the staff. But and female staff female staff with separate bathroom and
alternative measures are provided. toilets.
5 Control/observation room – if
provided for those resident
manifesting violent behavior, his/her
physical safety should be considered
by making sure that the room:
a Has all switches for lights and
ventilation outside the room; no
electrical outlets in the room;
b Allows for total observation of
the behavior at all times;
c Has protected recessed ceiling
DSWD-Acc Tool-001
d. Is properly ventilated with
window/s that are/is secured and
protected to prevent harm to the
e. Has all doors, ceilings and walls
constructed of strength and
materials to prevent damage or
harm to the resident;
f Is a minimum of 6 ft by 9 ft in
size with at least 7.5 ft. ceiling
C. Sanitation and Waste Management System

1 Generally clean and free from

clutter, dirt or waste matter
2 Free from rodents, insects and stray
animals. If there are pets inside the
facility, proper hygiene is also
3 Functional drainage and sewerage
4 Implements proper waste disposal Zero waste management 5-s installed and practiced by the
system (segregation of management, staff and residents (sort –
biodegradable and non- take out unnecessary items and dispose;
biodegradable materials) and other systematize – arrange necessary items in
practices that supports the Clean Air good order; sweep – clean your workplace;
Act sanitize – maintain high standards; and
self-discipline- do 5s spontaneously)
D. Emergency and Safety Measures

1 Evacuation/exit plan, warning

system and emergency exits are
clearly installed with signages and
known to all staff and residents
2 Fire fighting gadgets available, e.g
functional fire extinguisher or its
equivalent like sand and water

DSWD-Acc Tool-001
3 Inflammable materials and other
dangerous home
implements/substances are kept in a
locked cabinets with designated
persons to monitor their use
4 Organize Disaster Management Conduct once a year a disaster There is available Risk Reduction
Committee/Team that will be in- preparedness trainings/seminars Management plan
charge of ensuring that disaster risks and emergency drills to be led by
and vulnerabilities are not present in the Disaster Management
the facility and that there will be Committee/Team e.g. fire and
zero casualties. earthquake drills and other safety
measures in 12-month period
including the testing/inspection of
emergency and firefighting
5 Staff are able to open the doors to Presence of security system within
any room from the outside in case of the facility for those that do not
emergency employ the services of security
6 Main exit doors should have
outward opening
7 First aid kits available and
strategically located, either in the
clinic or quarters/cottages.
Medicines are safely stored in a
secure cabinet and are administered
only by an authorized person and
with proper prescription or medical
8 Keeps electrical cords and electrical
outlets out of reach by infants and
toddlers and those unused electrical
outlets covered.
9 The facility is declared safe by
proper government authority.
Available and updated certificates on
fire safety, building and water
DSWD-Acc Tool-001

Other Findings:

Highlights of Focus Group Discussion (Include the development of residents in the facility such as physically, mentally, and emotionally etc.)

DSWD-Acc Tool-001


A. For Issuance of Accreditation Certificate

In view of the above findings, the __

(Name of SWA)
has satisfactorily met the standards of accreditation under Level _____. An issuance of
Certificate of Accreditation is hereby recommended with validity period of ____ years for
implementing residential care services for
(type of beneficiaries/clients)

B. For Non- Issuance of Accreditation Certificate

In view of the above findings, the issuance of accreditation certificate for
______________________________________________________________ is hereby held
in abeyance
(Name of SWA) .

The agency shall comply with the agreed action plan within _____ months after the
assessment visit. Likewise, non-compliance on the agreed action plan after two (2)
consecutive monitoring visits shall be accorded with the penalty stipulated in the Amended
Administrative Order No. 17 series of 2008, Rules and Regulations on the Registration and
Licensing of Social Welfare and Development Agencies and Accreditation of Social Welfare
and Development Programs and Services.

Areas for Activities Time Responsible Resources Needed

Compliance Frame Person

Assessed by:

(Name and Signature of DSWD Staff or Authorized Accreditor/Designation)/ Date

Concurred By:

(Name and Signature of Agency Head or Authorized Representative/Designation)/Date


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