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The Dripping Faucet: President's Message

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The Dripping Faucet



V O L U M E 4 , I S S U E 1 S P R I N G 2 0 1 0
 President:

President’s Message
David Marraccini

 V.P.:
Tristan Edgarian

 Secretary:

 Treasurer: Dear Members, thank you for Mr. & Mrs. T.J. Nightengale donation to the Native Plant
Martha Mallery
your generous donations. The Janet Parris Garden.
thought is greatly appreciated. Frances Quinn
 Recorder: The money will go a long Barbara Rankin If you haven’t yet sent in your
Dave Wagner way in maintaining the pro- Pamela Rapp & family dues, please do so soon. And
grams, exhibits and native Pamela & Rene Reyes please make your checks
COMMITTEE plant garden. We hope to see & family payable to :
CHAIRS you at the Nature Center in Nancy Shephard Oak Grove Docent Council.
the near future. Steve & Linda Stocking
 Animal Care: Sincerely, Ann Stone And we wish to thank all of
Darryl Pedro David Marraccini, Lynne Terry you that have contributed
Docent Council President Daniel Wolthers materially and of your time to
 Communications/ Vic Wykoff the betterment of the Nature
Newsletter: We would like to thank the Center and Oak Grove Park.
James Rexroth following people for renewing A special ‘Thank you’ to
their membership: Frances Quinn for the extra
 Education: Thank you!
Darryl Pedro Doris & Barbara Beckwith
Jim & Conni Bock
 Membership: Lydia Chadwick
James Rexroth Lois Davis
Lee & Elizabeth Fennell
 Native Plants: Janwyn Funamura
Martha Mallery Richard Ling &Laurie Cotulla
Martha Mallery
 Publicity:
Toni Moran
Pamela Reyes

Docent Tips for Encouraging Visitors
You might consider arriving and the kids will love it; open/ free"/ etc) on the
 James Rexroth at the park 10 or 15 min- come on over & visit before rolling cart and put it at the
utes before noon and get- 4 o'clock." To the corner edge of the parking
ting a little exercise by kids..."We have snakes & lot by the kiosk entrance,
walking around the lake/ lizards & frogs & lots of visible to folks as they drive
lawn area nearest the Na- other things; ask your fam- in.
ture Center. ( eg where ily to bring you over to see
people are fishing). Scout everything before you go Issuing personal invitations
out families with children home today." to visit the center seems to
and stop to encourage help raise the afternoon's
them to visit the cen- When opening the center, attendance :~).
ter..."The Nature Center remember to bring out the
will open at noon- it's free large sign ( "Nature Center Nancy Shephard-Docent

“Astronomy in the Park” Resumes!

“Astronomy in the Park” omy-themed crafts and ac- So please plan to join us as
star parties will resume at tivities for the kids (and the we renew our exploration of
Oak Grove Regional Park kids at heart) followed by the heavens from here on
this month. Saturday, April stargazing (weather permit- earth.
17th will be the first Star ting) in the park near the
Party of the season. Please Center from 8:00 to 10:00
join us at 7:00 PM in the PM.
Nature Center for astron-

“Bug Fest” 2010 “Bug Fest” needs

Raffle Prizes
“Bug Fest” 2010 will hap- have also included a raffle At this year’s “Bug Fest” it
pen on April 10th from 10 with an assortment of gifts was decided to include a
AM to 4 PM rain or shine. that include “Bug” related raffle to help defray the cost
items. All proceeds go to of butterfly hats, inverte-
Last year we had a good the Nature Center to defray brate photos and edible in-
turn out of would be the costs of the event and sects.
entomologists and we’re provide for future events
hoping for more this year. and displays. If you can donate any un-
used nature or otherwise
We have added a couple of Activities for this year in- interesting items please
things this year that we clude: Bug Safaris, face phone 953-8814. No dona-
hope will add to the enjoy- painting, educational dis- tion is too small. We can
ment that will be had by our plays and demonstrations, put small items together and
guests. First, a small snack insect races, arthropod pet- make a nice contributors
bar with drinks and snack ting zoo, fly tying and much basket.
foods will be available. We more. See you there!

Oak Grove Docent Council Board and General Meeting

On Tuesday, April 6th at lowed by a viewing of the So please plan to join us in
6:30 pm there will be a DVD “Sexual Encounters of exploring natures wonders
O.G.D.C. Board and Gen- the Floral Kind”. This film here at the Nature Center.
eral meeting. For the gen- illustrates the incredible
eral meeting portion we adaptations that plants have
will have a brief tour of the developed to attract polli-
Native Plant Garden fol- nators.



Meet our New Volunteers

Tristan Edgarian helps out with cil. He also recruited Nowana and
animal care at the Oak Grove Ben.
Nature Center. He is a wildlife
biologist working with endan-
gered mammals native to the
Central Valley -- riparian brush
rabbits and riparian woodrats.
Ann Stone His favorite activities are live-
" Hey!" I'm Ann Stone. Born trapping, drawing, and hiking
Tristan Edgarian
and raised in North Carolina. with his dog and friends. Tristan
Mother of 4, grandmother of 9, has taken on the job of Vice- Nowana Wright is a mother of three
and great-grandmother of 1. I President for the Docent Coun- active girls and is taking classes at
am a retired pediatric physical Delta College. She is assisting with
therapist having worked at the “Bug Fest” planning and imple-
Hoover and Hazelton schools in mentation and assisting on the Do-
S.U.S.D. I am so looking for- cent Council Board.
ward to learning with the chil-
Ben Valencia is a student at Delta
dren while they learn to explore
College and is involved with film-
and observe nature in the oak
making there. He is also helping with
“Bug Fest” activities and assisting on
Nowana Wright the Docent Council Board.

Spring has Sprung

Here are some of the wildflowers blooming around
the Nature Center. Come out and enjoy them.
The Dripping Faucet
Oak Grove Nature Center
and Docent Council
San Joaquin County Parks
and Recreation
4520 W. Eight Mile Road
Stockton, CA. 95209

Phone: 209-953-8814
Fax: 209-953-8814

Committed to preserving the natural environment of the Oak Grove and

educating others to the values of continuing such preservation.

Dates to Remember
April 6, 6:30 PM—Docent Council ”Astronomy in the Park” Crafts, Board & General Meeting.
Board & General Meeting. Garden activities and stargazing. July 16, 7 PM—Nature Nights
Tour & DVD “Sexual Encounters of June 1, 6:30 PM—Docent Council
the Floral Kind” July 17, 7 PM to 10 PM—”Astronomy
Board & General Meeting in the Park” (tentative)
April 10, 10 AM to 4 PM—”BugFest” June 18, 7 PM—Nature Nights
Come meet the inhabitance of the Aug. 3, 6:30 PM—Docent Council
arthropod world. Games, raffle, in- June 19, 7 PM to 10 PM— Board &General Meeting.
sect petting zoo. ”Astronomy in the Park” Crafts, ac- Aug. 14, 7 PM to 10 PM—
tivities and stargazing. (tentative) ”Astronomy in the Park” (tentative)
April 14, 2 PM—School Outreach
July 6, 6:30 PM—Docent Council Aug. 20, 7 PM—Nature Nights
April 17, 7 PM to 10 PM—
”Astronomy In the Park” Crafts,
activities and stargazing.
April 23, 7 PM—Nature Nights
May 4, 6:30 PM—Docent Council
Board & General Meeting.
May 14, 9 AM—School Tour
We’re on the web!
May 18, 9 AM—School Tour
“Bug Fest” will have more
May 21, 7 PM—Nature Nights creepy crawlies than you can
May 22, 7 PM to 10 PM— shake a scorpion at!

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