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January 2004 Kite Newsletter Audubon Society of The Everglades

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(serving Palm Beach County, Florida)

Volume 44, No. 4 January 2004

Tues. Dec. 2nd — GENERAL MEETING
Claudine Laabs, Program Chair
7:30 PM at Howard Park
► ► Howard Park Recreation Center ◄ ◄
Sat. Jan. 3rd – Christmas Bird Count THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS
For more information contact Gloria Hunter at
561 – 585 – 7714 It is an honor to have Colonel Robert
M. Carpenter as the guest speaker on
Sat. Jan. 3rd 9:00 am – birding at John Prince
Park (at the Custard Apple Trail Nature Walk),
January 6, 2004. He is the new Com-
Lake Worth. Leader: Bruce Offord. mander of the U.S. Army Engineer Dis-
trict based in Jacksonville. This of-
Tues. Jan 13th 9:00 am – birding at John Prince fice supervises Everglades restoration
Park (at the Custard Apple Trail Nature Walk), as directed by Congress, so Colonel
Lake Worth. Leader: Dorothy Brindle. Carpenter is the person overseeing our
Everglades future. Please have your
Sat. Jan 17th – at the Belle Glade Campground. questions and comments ready!
Meet at Target, beside garden center, on South-
ern Blvd. At St. Rd. 7/441 at 7:00 am to carpool. Colonel Carpenter is a native of Mas-
Filed trip starts at 8:00 am. Bring lunch. sachusetts. He holds a Masters of Sci-
Leader: Chuck Webber. ence Degree in Civil Engineering from
Stanford University and a Bachelor of
Sat. Jan 24th. – All day bus trip to: Shark Valley, Science Degree from the U.S. Military
Everglades National Park. Details will be an-
Academy at West Point. His first as-
nounced at the General Meeting. For more infor-
signment was the 548th Engineer Bat-
mation contact
Linda Most 561- 626- 8844. talion at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina
and he has also served in Germany. The
Sat. Feb. 7th 9:00 am – birding at John Prince Colonel and his wife Deirdre have twin
Park (at the Custard Apple Trail Nature Walk), daughters.
Lake Worth. Leader: Bruce Offord.
Please join us on January 6 at 7:30 P.
M. at the Community Center in Howard
ASE would like to Park.
wish everyone a
Happy and NOTE: There will be a "Species at Risk"
art exhibition at the Nature Conser-
vancy's Blowing Rocks Preserve
New Year. beginning January 17, 2004
There are 2 upcoming events where we
could use help from our members.

Purina Wild Bird Seed Day January

17, ASE will be hosting a Bird Feeder
Day at the Red Barn on Okeechobee
Blvd. in Loxahatchee from 9 a.m. until 3
— Carol Shields — National Audubon is helping Purina
promote their wild bird seed while giving
This holiday season I was reminded that in the chapters an opportunity to connect with
movie, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas", that the community. Chapters are partnered
Whoville, the town the Grinch lived above, existed with a local feed store that stocks Purina
on a snowflake. Imagine a world on a snowflake. Wild Bird Seed. We will have a table
Actually there are many, many tiny natural worlds display for folks to find out about Audu-
that exist all around us. It is all relative isn't it? bon and answer bird questions in gen-
Then I was told about a website where there were eral. A few bird feeders will be set up for
images from the Hubble telescope, which is travel- display. Anyone becoming an Audubon
ing in space photographing our galaxy. Literally member that day get's a bag of Purina
billions and billions of stars and planets, surely Wild Bird Seed, compliments of Purina.
some solar system like ours. There will also be a birds of prey exhibit
from 10-1, given by Clive Pinnock from
So does it do any good for us to take action here on earth? We are Okeeheelee Nature Center.
but one in a billion. Then think again, The minute ecosystems that are
around us and their existence in life definitely makes a difference in We are looking for a few members
the world. And it is all interconnected. To help enlighten you this new for a morning and an afternoon shift to
year, I thought I would offer some small small quotes given through- help answer simple questions about
out the years, to know that YOU, as a single person, can make a differ- Audubon, bird feeders and birds. If
ence. you're available that Saturday, please
give Carol a call at 964-1522.
Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference, has
never been in bed with a mosquito. Everglades Day ASE is one of the
major partners in Everglades Day and we
Use what talents you possess; The woods would be very silent if no are looking for a few good people to help
birds sang there except those that sang best. with volunteering. Everglades Day falls
on February 14 and as always, is held at
A journey of a thousand miles always begins with one step. (ancient the Loxahatchee National Wildlife Ref-
Egyptian proverb) uge.
We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean,
but the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. (Mother There are volunteer positions
Teresa) throughout the Refuge and at our table
exhibit. If you're planning on coming out
It matters not how long you live, but how well. (Public Syrus 42 BC) anyway, perhaps you can volunteer 2
hours or more. We could use help in as-
An army of deer led by a lion is more to be feared than an army of li- sisting exhibitors, presentations, relief
ons led by a deer. duty, and general 'gophers.' If you can
help at our ASE table contact Carol at
A good example is the best sermon. 964-1522. If you wish to volunteer in the
event itself, contact Lois at the Refuge at
Have an excellent New Year 734-8303.
and keep that resolution!
Audubon Annual Meeting COLORS .
By Hank McCall
This year, our Annual meeting in April will once
again be held at a location with pleasant surround- If red is your favorite
ings. The annual meeting will be Saturday, April color, you must like the car-
3rd this year, so as not to conflict with the Passo- dinal and the tanagers,
ver holiday which begins on our regularly sched- scarlet and summer. For
uled night. blue, we think of teal blue
and the bluebirds. Mix red
This year, Doris Mager -- The Eagle Lady -- will and blue, and you have the
be coming for her final tour of South Florida -- her purple gallinule. The gold
"Swan's Song". For a $25 donation you can join us finch and yellow warbler
for hors d'oveures and a cash bar at the Airport bring us their bright bits of
Hilton from 4-5 p.m. After some necessary busi- color. But if you mix yellow
ness is conducted we will have the rich opportu- and blue you get varieties
nity to see Doris' presentation with her wonderful from gorgeous green par-
birds of prey for the final time. rots to the dark green
heron. For orange, we have
At this year's annual meeting we will also hold a the spotted breasted oriole.
raffle for digital camera binoculars, by Bushnell. The most delicate orange
You must be present to be eligible for the prize. can be seen looking down-
sun in the red light of sun-
Join us for what will surely be an entertaining set at a flight of white ibis.
evening. Tickets are available in advance either at
our general meetings, or you can mail your dona-
tion check to our treasurer:
Leah Schad, ASE Treasurer
3634 North Flagler Drive
West Palm Beach, FL 33407.
Your tickets will then be mailed to you.

Would you like to help an Eagle Project?

I need your help to complete my Eagle Project. I asked the Audubon of the Everglades
what I could do to help environmental education and they told me they needed benches
for classes in the Chickee Hut at the Loxahatchee National Wildlife refuge. The Refuge re-
quested they be made of recycled plastic lumber, which holds up very well, but is expen-
sive. I collected money at the General Meetings, but still need to raise $400. Any donations
are greatly appreciated. If you can help, please mail your check to the Audubon of the Ev-
erglades Society, marked “Eagle Project”.

Thank you,
Richard Byrnes
Life Scout, Boy Scout Troop 124
Memberships in the National Audubon Society make great gifts!
In Florida, a special 3-way membership automatically makes you a member in the National Audubon Society,
Audubon of Florida and Audubon Society of the Everglades. Your membership will include subscriptions to

Recipient of Gift Membership:

Name ______________________________________
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Address ______________________ Apt. _________
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City ________________________________________
City _________________________________________
State __________________ Zip ________________
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Phone _____________________________________
Make check payable to: National Audubon Society
e-mail ______________________________________
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How did you hear about us? _____________________ Membership Chair
Audubon Society of the Everglades
Regular Membership - - - - - - - - - $20.00 PO Box 16914
Senior Citizen - - - - -- - - - - - - - $15.00 West Palm Beach, FL, 33416-6914
Two year – - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $35.00 E00 7XCH

The Audubon Society of the Everglades General Meetings are held

the first Tuesday of every month, 7:30 p.m. at Howard Park Recreation Center in West Palm Beach.
The phone number for the Recreation center is: 561-835-7055. The public is welcome to attend.

Deadline for submissions for the Feb. 2004 issue is January 10th.

Audubon Society of the Everglades Non-profit Organization

U.S. Postage
PO Box 16914 PAID
West Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, Florida
FL, 33416-6914 Permit 46

The Everglade Kite

is published 12 times a year

Carol Shields - 561-964-1522

Kite Editor
Tammy Peeples

Field Trips
Linda Most - 561- 626- 8844

Bird Identification
Gloria Hunter – 561-585-7714

ASE Internet Address



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