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Subject: Math Trainee: Shamsa Juma Topic or Theme: Draw Equal Groups For Multiplication Class: Grade 3 Date & Duration: 3 March 2019

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LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: shamsa juma Topic or Theme: Draw Equal Groups for Multiplication

Class: Grade 3 Date & Duration: 3 March 2019

Trainee Personal Goals

time management I will give the students 15 minutes for each part of the lesson and put a timer
to control my lesson.

Lesson Focus

How to solve multiplication equations by drawing equal groups.

Lesson Outcomes

Draw Equal Groups to solve multiplication equations.

Links to Prior Learning

 In Grade 2 students used repeated addition as a way to calculate “how many” for groupings
of numbers other that 2, 5, or 10 . In Grade 3 students develop this technique to include
repeated addition of larger numbers and to larger totals
 Students should be using a mental strategy to find the answer, developing methods to
mentally “track” repeated addition or subtraction of numbers – This is likely to be a finger
count – using one or both hands.
 Initially students may use multi link cubes, counters or arrays to represent repeated addition
or repeated subtraction to check their answers or to “count” their additions.
21st Century Skills

Creativity students will make their activity by using many object.

Key vocabulary

 Continue
 Equal
 Group
 Factor
 Product

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

 Difficulty solving multiplication  Put the multiplication table in the center

equation. of each table in the classroom to help
the students use the draw equal groups

Resources/equipment needed

 Multiplication table
 Cubes
 Pencil
 markers
 baskets
 problem cards
 white board

& Time
In the begining the teacher will pass cards to the students and in each

5 minutes card there is strategy to solve equations.(number line, skip counting,

array, repeated addition, use fact families)
 The teacher will check students piror knowledge by asking them whos
holding a card that shows a strategy you can use to solve multiplication
 Student will answer and the teacher will ask the student how to use this
strategy and give us an example.
Main activities
& Time
 Teacher will model the lesson by using powerpoint slides on the

10 minutes smatboard.
 The first slide will be the “ I can draw eual groups to multiplication”.
The teacher will say to day we will learn a new strategy to solve multipcation
problem. Then she will make them read the sentence aloud.
 The next slide will be an examble to show the students how to
draw equal groups to solve multiplication equation. ( 5x3 ) the teacher will say
we will make five groups and she will draw five circle and three point in each
group. After that the teacher will say now who can find the answer. Then she
will start to count all the point on the groups with the student aloud and write
the answer.
 The teacher will put other equation on the boerd (6x5) and she will
choose a student randomly and make him solve it by drawing equal
Differentiation activities (Support) ( 15 minutes)

Emergent Activity:
In this activity students will work in pairs. they will
need more guidance. The teacher will give each
student a big paeperthat has an equation and the
groups together so they only have to put the points
inside the groups and counting and write the answer
in the end. Then when they are done the first one they
have to exchange with other group members and
sovle new one.
Developing activity:
In this activity the student will work in groups. The group will have many equations on cards,
several cups and a set of cubes. Students must solve the equations using equal groups strategy.
They must determine the number of correct cups for the equation and place the appropriate
number of cubes inside them, until they finsh all the cards.
Mastered Activity :
In this activity the student will work in groups. The group will have many word problems on
cards, several cups and a set of objctive. Students must solve equations using the equal groups
strategy. They must determine the number of correct cups for the equation and place the
appropriate number of cubes inside them.

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

The students who will finsh their activity

early he will do this activity it beads on
there old strategy and the new one.

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

5 minutes • Reread the objctiv for the studnts and ask one student to come up and
model what they learn today.
Then they will move to assessment.

Assessment • The last 5 minutes the teacher will pass the exit ticket for all the class .
• They have to solve multiplication equation with draw equal groups
strategy .
• If the students get 2\4. that mean they didn’t understand the lesson very
well and if the students get 4\4 or 3\4 that mean the students didn’t have
any understand problems.

☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment


☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback


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