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Literacy Planner – Poetry

Overview of Student Learning

Australian Curriculum
Below Level (4) At Level (5) Above Level (6)
Content Descriptors Elaborations Content Descriptors Elaborations Content Descriptors Elaborations
Understand, interpret and • defining Understand, interpret and • discussing how Identify the relationship • identifying how
experiment with a range of spoonerisms, experiment with sound figurative language between words, sounds, language choice and
devices and deliberate word neologisms and puns devices and imagery, including including simile and imagery and language patterns imagery build
play in poetry and other and exploring how simile, metaphor and metaphor can make in narratives and poetry such emotional
literary texts they are used by personification, in narratives, use of a comparison as ballads, limericks and free connection and
authors to create a shape poetry, songs, anthems between different verse engagement with the
sense of freshness, and odes things, for example story or theme
originality and ‘My love is like a red, • describing how a
playfulness red rose’, ‘Tyger!, character’s
• discussing poetic Tyger! burning experience
language, including bright, In the forests expressed through a
unusual adjectival of the night’, and verse novel impacts
use and how it how by appealing to on students
engages us the imagination, it personally, how the
emotionally and provides new ways of author controls the
brings to life the looking at the world revelation of the
poet’s subject matter • investigating the experiences and how
(for example ‘He qualities of the verse story builds
grasps the crag with contemporary meaning to its climax
crooked hands’/wee protest songs, for when we understand
timorous beastie) example those about the whole
Indigenous peoples
and those about the
Overview of Assessment

Pre – 8 lessons Ongoing – throughout 8 lessons Post – after 8 lessons
Students are provided with a Sense poem. Students are asked Students are given comprehension questions throughout the Students are asked to complete their own Sense poem,
to identify the type of poem as well as the key features. course of the unit. highlighting key elements in their draft.

Essential Understandings Essential Vocabulary

- What is a poem? - Rhythm
- Key elements of Poetry - Beat
- Forms of Poems and their specific key elements - Verbs, adverbs, adjectives and nouns
- Similes and Metaphors

Common Misunderstandings Teacher References and Professional Reading

- Poems must rhyme Victorian Curriculum
- Poems are always short
Future Assessments
- Free and Fixed Verse poems
- Other forms of Poems (eg. Limerick poems, Haiku poems, Colour poems, Shape poems
Learning Intention Success Criteria Introduction Development
Lesson one We are learning to: I will be successful if: What is a poem? Students will learn the difference
Identify different forms I can identify what As a class discuss the ‘Elements of between a piece of text and a
of poetry. poetry is. Poetry’ power-point. poem.
I can define a poem. Once students are comfortable
with defining the difference ask
students what common elements
are in a poem.

Lesson two We are learning to: I will be successful if: Re-cap – What is a poem? Students will learn to find the
Read poems through I understand the Re-cap – What are the key meaning behind the poem,
the use of beat and structure of a Lament elements of poetry? through the use of
rhythm. poem. comprehension.
Write full sentences Watch YouTube video: Why do we
with the use of the create poetry?
question in the answer.
Lesson three We are learning to: I will be successful if: Re-cap – What is a poem? Students will learn the meaning
Read poems through I understand there a Re-cap – What are the key behind poems, as well as be able
the use of beat and number of different elements of poetry? to connect the poems meaning to
rhythm. elements for a poem. emotions.
Write full sentences
with the use of the
question in the answer.
Lesson four We are learning to: I will be successful if: Re-cap – What is a poem? Students will learn to complete
Read poems through I understand the Re-cap – What are the key questions in a more defined
the use of beat and structure, rhythm elements of poetry? sense.
rhythm. and rhyme of a
Write full sentences poem. Note: heavily explain structure,
with the use of the rhythm and rhyme.
question in the answer.
Lesson five We are learning to: I will be successful if: Re-cap – What is a poem? Students will begin to have an
Read poems through I can identify sound Re-cap – What are the key understanding of sound devices
the use of beat and devices within a elements of poetry? and their use within a poem.
rhythm. poem.
Write full sentences As a class discuss the use of sound
with the use of the devices within a poem.
question in the answer.
Lesson six We are learning to: I will be successful if: Revisit students prior knowledge on Students will be able to identify
Find verbs, adverbs, I create my own verbs, adverbs, adjectives and verbs, adverbs, adjectives and
adjectives and nouns to poem through the nouns. nouns through viewing a physical
use in a poem. use of verbs, adverbs, environment.
adjectives and nouns.
Lesson seven We are learning to: I will be successful if: Re-visit definitions made at the Students will be able to identify
Identify Similes and I can identify Similes start of the year on Similes and and highlight the Similes within a
Metaphors. and Metaphors in a Metaphors. piece of text.
piece of text. Students will be able to identify
and underline the Metaphors
within a piece of text.
Lesson eight We are learning to: I will be successful if: Inform students on a Sense poem. Students will be able to
Create our own Sense I create a Sense successfully create their own
Poem. poem with the Create a class Sense poem on a Sense poem, through the use of
correct structure and chosen topic. the previous lessons findings.
Reflection Improvements / Notes for next lesson
Lesson one From the beginning of the lesson all students were engaged with the new Tomorrow I will begin to allow Josh to use his
topic that had been presented to them. rubix cube only once instructions have been
Ensuring that I continued to develop my teacher knowledge, before the set.
lesson was conducted I read over my notes from the supervising teacher,
this allowed me to remind myself that I need to be firm with students when
needed, however ensuring that the lesson is fun and informative.

Throughout the lesson I ensured I was on top of students distracting others,

specifically Josh. Throughout the day my supervising teacher allows Josh to
have a rubix cube on his desk to use when he feels himself getting
distracted. I found this to be distracting to myself when teaching.
Lesson two Students really enjoyed the use of the YouTube video at the beginning of The next time I have students read a poem
this lesson, throughout the lesson the students asked me to replay the video allowed, I will first demonstrate what is asked
for them. of them, ensuring they understand the correct
tone, rhythm and beat of the poem.
By having the students first read the poem silently and then aloud, allowed
the students to find the way in which to correctly read a poem. Throughout
this time, I found that having students read the poem first did not allow
them to express the rhythm and beat of the poem correctly.
Lesson Reading the poem allowed for the students with the use of correct tone, The next lesson I will allow students a longer
three rhythm and beat, ensured that, once asked to read the poem aloud, they amount of time for completing the provided
presented the poem in a correct matter. comprehension questions.
The students enjoyed reading the poems aloud, they found it much more
engaging than expected.
Lesson four Students now feel comfortable reading to each other in pairs, and have The next lesson I have decided to set a timer
begun to use a much more comfortable and confident voice. for when giving students a certain amount of
Giving each student a booklet of comprehension questions has allowed time to complete a task. By doing this I am able
many of the early finishes to continue practicing reading of poems. to stay on track as well as giving students a
time frame to finish the work given.
Lesson five The students found great difficulty with this task of comprehension In future lessons, where I believe the task may
questions. Students had understanding of the sound devices used in this be difficult for individual work, I will create the
task and could verbally explain and answer comprehension questions, task as verbally answered. This will also allow
however, when needing to write this down majority of the class struggled for a variety of tasks within the classroom.
Lesson six The students thoroughly enjoyed this task. By taking the class outside to Next time I will allow for a longer period of
explore their surrounding senses/environment will allow them to create a time outside. Giving students 20 minutes
much more emotional and meaningful poem in future lessons. outside did not allow the class to move to
other areas of the school.
Lesson Many of the students in the class were able to successfully identify In future lessons I will continue to include a
seven Metaphors and Similes within a piece of text. Prior to starting the activity class made definition of new words. I will also
students asked to make a class definition of both a Simile and Metaphor. We ensure I ask students to create the definition
then decided to highlight/underline key words in the definitions. We also without my help, unless necessary.
included words that would make it easier to identify the difference between
a Simile and Metaphor.
Lesson eight The students loved this task! They all kept to the structure of the poem, as Next time I complete this task I will model a
well as drafting their poems and editing the work before creating their final ‘class Sense poem’ before sending students to
copy. complete their work.
Annotated Checklist
Student Name Observation Notes Teacher Action Required
and date What misconceptions, partially constructed ideas, inappropriate What possible teaching actions are required by you to address the
strategy use or further learning needs are evident with this student? learning needs of this student?
Home Group List and Check boxes

Student Name Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Good
one two three four five six seven copy
Aitken, Chloe
Asbury, Chloe
Coppens, Poppy
Delahoy, Zoe
Ferrall, Jake
Free, Joshua
Giles, Nikkita
Marcelo, Robin
Papenfuss, Logan
Parker, Breanna
Paul, Bella
Shanahan, Zoe
Smith, Mitchell
Temple, Stephanie
Trichia, Alexander
Vanin-Smith, Scarlett
Vinen, Makayla

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