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On The: An Interview With Dr. Leo Cheng

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An interview with Dr. Leo Cheng

Q: Can you tell us what the Mercy Ships are
and what kind of work they do?
Mercy Ships run a hospital ship that
brings world-class surgical and medical services
Q: If you hadn’t worked on the Mercy Ships,
to people in countries where there is a need. The
do you think you’d be a different person today?
organization Mercy Ships was started by Don and
Deyon Stephens. Don and Deyon were caught in the Definitely. I would be a very different
Caribbean during a huge tropical storm, which caused person. When I first went to work for Mercy Ships,
a lot of devastation. There was a girl sitting beside my life changed. Everybody is there to offer service
them, and she was shaking – very cold – and praying to others. We do not get a salary. We do not have
for a ship to come and help the injured and sick, and to a pension. We have to pay our own expenses to
bring supplies to rebuild the hospitals and schools and travel out there, which is not cheap.
so on. That gave them their vision, and since 1978, Q: How does your work change people’s lives?
Mercy Ships has been doing just that – bringing hope Can you give me an example?
and healing and rebuilding lives. If Don and Deyon
hadn’t been caught in that storm, they might not have Well, let me tell you about a grandmother
had the idea for the Mercy Ships. who came to the ship, and then you’ll understand
how the surgery changed her life. This woman had
Q: So, what do you do on the Mercy Ships? a large growth on her neck. She realized that her
Can you tell us about your work? grandchildren were no longer sitting on her lap, and
I trained as a dentist, then a doctor, and she was devastated and spent all her time alone.
then a general surgeon. I specialize in the head and neck Her only wish was that her grandchildren would
areas, and I remove benign lumps or tumors. Here in sit on her lap again. The night before surgery,
the UK, it takes half an hour to treat a patient, but the she said, “I’m so looking forward to hugging my
problem in many developing countries is that a small grandchildren and to putting them on my knee
lump doesn’t get treated, so it grows into something again.” And obviously, to her, that was her pride and
enormous. That’s something that we don’t see here. joy. The surgery brought joy back into her life. There
are a lot of stories like that.

Mercy Ships is an international charity

that provides free medical care and
humanitarian aid. Over the last 30 years, it has
worked in more than 70 countries, performed
over 56,000 surgeries, and completed more
than 1,000 community-development projects
focusing on water, sanitation, and agriculture
and impacting about 2.9 million people.

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