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Numerical modeling of heat transfer and pasteurizing value during thermal

processing of intact egg

Article  in  Journal of Food Science and Nutrition · July 2015

DOI: 10.1002/fsn3.257


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Numerical modeling of heat transfer and pasteurizing

value during thermal processing of intact egg
Behzad Abbasnezhad1, Nasser Hamdami1, Jean-Yves Monteau2 & Hamed Vatankhah1
1Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran
2UMR GEPEA (UA CNRS 6144 – SPI), ENITIAA, Rue de la G_eraudi_ere, BP 82225, Nantes F-44322, France

Keywords Abstract
Egg, heat transfer, numerical modeling,
pasteurization, Salmonella enteritidis, Thermal Pasteurization of Eggs, as a widely used nutritive food, has been simu-
thermophysical properties lated. A three-­dimensional numerical model, computational fluid dynamics codes
of heat transfer equations using heat natural convection, and conduction mecha-
Correspondence nisms, based on finite element method, was developed to study the effect of
Behzad Abbasnezhad, Department of
air cell size and eggshell thickness. The model, confirmed by comparing experi-
Food Science and Technology, Faculty of
Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology,
mental and numerical results, was able to predict the temperature profiles, the
Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran. slowest heating zone, and the required heating time during pasteurization of
Tel: +983133913428; Fax: +983133912254; intact eggs. The results showed that the air cell acted as a heat insulator. In-
E-mail: creasing the air cell volume resulted in decreasing of the heat transfer rate, and
the increasing the required time of pasteurization (up to 14%). The findings
Funding Information show that the effect on thermal pasteurization of the eggshell thickness was not
No funding information provided.
considerable in comparison to the air cell volume.
Received: 6 January 2015; Revised: 8 June
2015; Accepted: 17 June 2015

doi: 10.1002/fsn3.257

of both purposes depends on process conditions with

the assurance of the adequate temperature course during
Egg is a widely used as a highly nutritive food. Although processing, where consideration of the temperature pro-
it is available as different types such as frozen, powdered, files within the product has great importance
and liquid, the consumer is tends to buy the intact egg (Abbasnezhad et al. 2015). During the thermal process,
(Denys et al. 2005; Ramachandran et al. 2011). The food the temperature inside the food depends on time as
products containing egg have a high risk of microbial well as on the position inside the food system. The
spoilage due to being contaminated by different micro- design of the thermal process is, therefore, always based
organisms a specially Salmonella enteritidis and Escherichia on the temperature course in that position in food which
coli (Hema 2011; Hou et al. 1996). Salmonella enteritidis receives the least intense heat treatment, known as the
is the most heat resistant spoilage factor in egg slowest heating point (SHP) or the slowest heating zone
(D60  =  0.17 min, zvalue  =  4.08°C). American food and (SHZ). Heat transfer mechanisms in food are conduc-
drug association has recommended a 5D thermal process- tion for solid foods, natural convection, especially for
ing for eggs based on Salmonella enteritidis (Abbasnezhad low-­viscosity liquid foods, natural convection plus con-
et al. 2014). duction for liquid foods with solid particles and natural
Industrial processes of pasteurization have to ensure convection followed by conduction for liquid foods
the prolongation of food shelf life, while the quality containing starch or high viscosity modifiers (Chen and
of product should be preserved. The accomplishment Ramaswamy 2002). Temperature profiles are determined

© 2015 The Authors. Food Science & Nutrition published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Numerical Modeling of Heat Transfer and Pasteurizing B. Abbasnezhad et al.

using analytical and numerical solutions of partial dif- shown in Figure 1. The meshing was done in the
ferential equations governing the process (Kızıltaş et al. “Uniform” trigonal type. The total count of trigonal
2010). For realistic and more complicated heat transfer elements was 288186.
problems usually no analytic solution is available, and
a numerical solution becomes mandatory (Ruiz-­Cabrera
Assumptions of the model
et al. 2014).
Thermal pasteurization of intact eggs has been studied The egg is placed into a water bath and its surface
vastly to decrease microbial population and to increase directly exposed to hot water, and heated by natural
the shelf life, in recent years (Hou et al. 1996; Coimbra convection. The heating of the surface creates a tem-
et al. 2006; Denys et al. 2004; Ferreira et al. 1997; perature gradient, which is the origin of the driving force
Koen et al. 2007). Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) behind the heat transfer in the egg toward the center.
has been used to study heat transfer in various food Heat transfer inside the shell can be treated as heat
processes (Koen et al. 2007; Barbosa-­ Cánovas et al. conduction.
2011; Erdogdu et al. 2007; Ghani et al. 2001; Juliano In order to simplify the problem, the following
et al. 2011; Mahesh and Kannan 2006; Norton and ­assumptions were considered:
Sun 2006). Denys studied heat transfer and velocity
profiles of egg shells filled with viscous liquids. The 1. Egg white and yolk are homogeneous and isotropic dur-
slowest heating point (SHP) was reported to be about ing pasteurization.
the geometrical center of the samples (Denys et al. 2. The initial temperature is constant and same in all
2004). Denys developed a model based on CFD and eggs.
experimental estimation tools to calculate surface heat 3. Thermophysical properties were used as functions of
transfer coefficient of eggs (Denys et al. 2003). temperature, excluding the volumetric thermal expansion
Ramachandaran developed a three-­dimensional model coefficient and specific heat.
to simulate the thermal pasteurization of eggs in sta- 4. Viscous dissipation was neglected because of low shear
tionary and rotational conditions of heat treatment. rates.
The results showed that rotation of eggs highly de- 5. No-slip boundary condition was assumed for velocity
creased the time needed for thermal treatment components relative to boundaries.
(Ramachandran et al. 2011). Fabbri studied thermal 6. The natural convectional flow of fluid was assumed in
pasteurization of eggs in hot air currents, using CFD the gravitational direction.
modeling. They also included the air cell of eggs in 7. The moisture transfer was neglected during the
the model. The results showed that air cells have heat process.
resistant characteristics (Fabbri et al. 2012). However,
to our knowledge, no previous researchers have
­developed a general model for eggs pasteurization

considering all parts of an egg such as white, yolk,

and air cell.
The aims of the current work are: (1) to develop
a three-­dimensional heat transfer model for intact
egg pasteurization to allow prediction of temperature
profile, SHZ location and pasteurization efficiency,
and (2) to validate the theoretical model against
­e xperimental data.

Model Development

Geometry design and mesh generation

The geometry of the egg was designed as a 3D oval.
The length and the radius of the oval were 6 and
4.5 cm, respectively. A sphere with radius of 1.6 cm
was designed in the geometric center as the yolk. The air
cell was designed according to the measured sizes of
the real ones above and at the bottom of the shell as Figure 1. Designed and meshed geometry.

2 © 2015 The Authors. Food Science & Nutrition published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
B. Abbasnezhad et al. Numerical Modeling of Heat Transfer and Pasteurizing

Governing equations Ts is the water bath temperature that was 333 for heat-
ing part.
Partial differential equations, related to governing natural
Initially the egg yolk and white were at rest and at a
convection motion of fluids (Navier stokes equations),
uniform temperature
and heat transfer phenomenon (energy equation) in a
three-­dimensional x, y, and z coordinate system, are pre- T = Ti , u = 0, v = 0 at 0 ≤ r ≤ R, 0 ≤ z ≤ H. (9)
sented as (Ramachandran et al. 2011; Denys et al. 2003):
The yolk wall was given as a coupled wall to the egg
Continuity equation:
white for uniform heating.
𝜕ux 𝜕uy 𝜕uz
+ + =0 (1) Pasteurizing value (F) calculation
𝜕x 𝜕y 𝜕z
Momentum equation: The purpose of this calculations is to arrive at an appropri-
ate process time under a given set of heating conditions to
( )
𝜕𝜌V result in a given process lethality, or alternately to estimate
+ ▿.𝜌V ⊗ V = ▿.(−p𝛿 + 𝜇(▿V + (▿V)t )) + SM (2)
𝜎t the process lethality of a given process. In order to charac-
Energy equation: terize the effect of temperature evolution on micro-­organism
( ) destruction at a given location during pasteurization, the
𝜕T 𝜕T 𝜕T 𝜕T 𝜕2 T 𝜕2 T 𝜕2 T so-­called pasteurizing value (F) can be calculated:
+ ux + uy + uz =∝ + + (3)
𝜕t 𝜕x 𝜕y 𝜕z 𝜕x2 𝜕y2 𝜕z2 t

where u (m/s) is the velocity, p (Pa) is pressure, ρ (kg/ F= 10(T−Tref )∕Z dt (10)
m3) is the density, μ (m2/s) is the kinematic viscosity of
the fluid, and g (m/s2) is the gravitational acceleration where Tref is 60°C and Z is 4.08°C, based on the thermal
acting in the negative z-­direction, and α (m2/s) is the resistance of Salmonella enteritidis. A 5D inactivation of
thermal diffusivity. To consider buoyancy, the force driv- the mentioned microorganism (Dvalue = 0.17) is assumed
ing the convective motion of the egg white is the gravi- to be a good thermal process (Hema 2011; American Egg
tational force comprised in the equations, and the variation Board, 2012).
of the density with temperature is expressed using the
Boussinesq approximation that was very accurate to model Model parameters
the natural convection during thermal processing of egg The inputs of the mathematical model are as follows: the
bodies. water bath temperature was constant, product dimensions,
SM = 𝜌g (4) density, component mass fractions, surface heat transfer
coefficient of egg, initial product temperature, number of
𝜌 = 𝜌ref [1 − 𝛽(T − Tref )] (5) nodes in the space, heating and cooling, and time of
where Tref (°C) and ρref (kg/m3)
are the reference tem- pasteurization. Based on these inputs, the model will de-
perature and corresponding density, respectively, and β termine values of temperature at each node for each time
(1/K) is the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient of step. The thermophysical properties used in the model
the liquid. are shown in Table 1.
The dimensionless Rayleigh number, which measures
Numerical solution of the model
the strength of buoyancy driven flows, was calculated. The
Rayleigh number was lower than 108 and showed laminar In this study, the resulting system of the above partial
flow behavior during the process. (Erdogdu et al. 2007). differential equations were solved by the “finite element”
method by COMSOL Multiphysics 3.5a (COMSOL Inc.,
Burlington, MA). The solution of the equations was obtained
Initial and boundary conditions in the “Direct UMFPACK” mode and time intervals were
Yolk and white interface, set with the help of the algorithm present in the software.
T = Ts , u = 0, v = 0 for 0 ≤ r ≤ R. (6) The total process time was 2000 s and time step was 1 s.
Maximum relative error of 10−3 was selected as the criterion
Outside of eggshell, for convergence relative to the tolerance window.
= 0 v = 0 for 0 ≤ z ≤ H.
𝜕T 𝜕u
= 0, (7)
𝜕r 𝜕r
Inside of eggshell, Experimental Methodology

= 0, u = 0 v = 0 for 0 ≤ r ≤ R.
(8) The experiments were carried out on intact fresh eggs.
𝜕r Eggs, not older than 3 days, bought from local stores

© 2015 The Authors. Food Science & Nutrition published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 3
Numerical Modeling of Heat Transfer and Pasteurizing B. Abbasnezhad et al.

Table 1. Thermal properties of egg white, yolk, and egg shell, used in the modeling.

Value r2 Source

Thermal conductivity (W/m °C) Yolk T1

k = 0.0008 + 0.395 0.998 (Abbasnezhad et al. 2014)
White k = 0.0013 T + 0.5125 0.991 (Abbasnezhad et al. 2014)
Egg shell 2.25 – (Denys et al. 2004)
Density (kg/m3) Yolk ρ = −0.0023 T2 − 0.1386 0.997 (Abbasnezhad et al. 2014)
T + 1037.1
White ρ = −0.0041 T2 − 0.0115 0.995 (Abbasnezhad et al. 2014)
T + 1043.3
Egg shell 2300 – (Denys et al. 2005)
Specific heat capacity (J/kg °C) Yolk 3120 – (Denys et al. 2005)
White 3800 – (Denys et al. 2004)
Egg shell 888 – (Denys et al. 2004)
Surface heat transfer coefficient – 20722 – (Abbasnezhad et al. 2014)
(h) (W/m2 °C)
Viscosity (Pa s) White η = −0.0006 T + 0.0438 0.989 (Abbasnezhad et al. 2015)
Yolk η = −0.0118 T + 0.7915 0.996 (Abbasnezhad et al. 2015)
1T represents temperature in (°C).
2Calculated from data measured at 60°C.

Table 2. Average volume percent of egg components. Results and Discussion

Yolk White Shell Air cell
Model validation
Volume percent 26.5 63 7.5 0–7
The model validation was done by comparing the predicted
temperature history with experimental results. Figure 2
and kept in 4°C until the time of experiments. The eggs shows a typical graph of the comparison between the ex-
were classified into three groups as big (heavier than perimental and predicted temperature evolutions for both
60 g), medium (55–60 g), and small (<55 g) (Atılgan the supposed heat transfer mechanisms (conductive or
and Unluturk 2008). The volume percent of air cells conductive–convective) in the egg white. Considering a
studied in this paper ranged from zero to 7%. The vol- natural convection-­conduction mode in the white and con-
ume percent of the yolk, white, and shell were split ac- duction mode in the yolk, a better agreement is obtained
cording to Table 2. (RMSE  = 0.0023 and r2  = 0.991) than a conductive mode
The eggs were placed at 20°C for 2 h before pasteuri- for both (RMSE  = 1.256 and r2  = 0.89). It can be
zation. Pasteurization was carried out in a circulating water
bath (Memmert, Germany) at 60°C for 35 min. The water 60
bath used was equipped with an automatic temperature
controller (±0.1°C). K-­ type thermocouples (Omega, 50
Stamford, CT, USA) with 0.3 mm diameter (±0.1°C) were
placed in egg and water bath, to measure the temperature 40
Temperature (°C)

inside the egg and surrounding water. Before processing,

a calibrated thermocouple was inserted through a hole 30
into the egg (thermocouple tip positioned from the top
surface of the eggshell to 40 mm inside the egg in a 20

central axial vertical position) and sealed with glue.

Thermocouples were connected to a temperature data 10

logger (Datalog 20, AOIP, Evry, France) with 15 channels

to carry out the measurements. The egg was immersed 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
in a water bath and the temperature data acquisition was Time (sec)
started. The data were used to validate the finite-­element
Figure 2. Comparison of egg temperature profiles between
model. To determine the thermocouple probe position, measurement and CFD predictions for convection-­ conduction and
after completion of the thermal process, the temperature conduction only heating. Positions of the thermocouple probes and
of the water bath was raised and the eggs were cut and different mechanism for heat transfer are indicated. Exact location of
the exact location of the probe determined. thermocouple was (0.001, 0.006, 0.001).

4 © 2015 The Authors. Food Science & Nutrition published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
B. Abbasnezhad et al. Numerical Modeling of Heat Transfer and Pasteurizing

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Figure 3. Temperature distribution of eggs having different air cell locations, during pasteurization process. (A) The air cells located at the bottom (B)
Absence of air cell (C) two air cells, on top and bottom (D) The air cells located at the top.

concluded that the assumptions applied to develop the shell, was between the geometric center of the sample
model (conductive–convective and conductive heat transfer and upper zone of the air cell, as shown in Figure 3A.
in the white and yolk, respectively, and other assumptions) Assuming the absence of air cell, the SHZ would locate
describe the heat transfer mechanisms well during egg pas- in the geometric center zone (Fig. 3B). The SHZ of the
teurization (Ramachandran et al. 2011; Denys et al. 2004). eggs with two air cells, on top and bottom, was in the
geometric center (Fig. 3C). The air cells located at the
top of the egg resulted in the displacement of the SHZ
Effect of air cell on the slowest heating zone
toward the center of the yolk (Fig. 3D).
(SHZ) and flow patterns
Figure 4 shows that the fluid in eggs is warmed up and
After validation, the developed model was used to deter- flows upward in the boundary layer near the lateral eggshell.
mine the SHZ of the egg during pasteurization. Figure 3 The warm liquid coming from the boundary layer almost
represents the results of the simulation for the intact eggs, stagnates at the top of egg. In fact, according to the mass
without and with the air cell in three different positions, balance terms, it flows slowly inward and downward. The
heated in a water bath at 60°C. As can be seen, the air area with downward flow is much greater than the area
cell is capable of influencing the heat transfer during with the upward flow as can be seen on the horizontal
thermal pasteurization of the intact eggs. The SHZ of the cross section (Figure 4). As the liquid descends, its tem-
eggs with an air cell, be located in the bottom of the perature decreases because of conduction and mixing with

© 2015 The Authors. Food Science & Nutrition published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 5
Numerical Modeling of Heat Transfer and Pasteurizing B. Abbasnezhad et al.

Figure 4. White flow pattern of eggs having different positions of air cells at 50 s of the thermal process in 60°C.

Figure 6. Effect of different air cell sizes on pasteurization efficiency.

air cell at the bottom has a stronger flow movement than

with the air cell at the top and bottom of the egg.
As shown in Figure 5, the natural convectional flow
streams may decrease during the heat treatment, due to
the fact that at the initial stages of the process, the high
temperature gradient of the hot water and the inner fluid
reinforce the buoyancy driven flows.

Effect of the air cell volume and shell

thickness on pasteurizing value
Pasteurizing value can be calculated using the predicted
Figure 5. Velocity contours of models that having different air cell temperatures at the SHP of the egg. Figure 6 shows
positions at 5, 10, and 80 s of the thermal process. the impact of air cell volume of the egg on the pas-
teurizing value. The results of simulation studies on
the required heating time to achieve Fvalue  = 2.85 min,
the lower and colder liquid layers. Arriving near the bottom, for three egg models with different air cell volumes (0,
the liquid moves again toward the lateral wall and begins 3, and 7%) at 60°C, demonstrated that the eggs with
a new cycle. It can be seen that existence of air cells results larger air cells need more processing time to obtain the
in flow pattern change in the egg white. The egg with the same Fvalue. The required time for 0, 3, and 7% of the

6 © 2015 The Authors. Food Science & Nutrition published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
B. Abbasnezhad et al. Numerical Modeling of Heat Transfer and Pasteurizing

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