RP Vs Marsman
RP Vs Marsman
RP Vs Marsman
(Note: We could probably get away with reciting the facts more or less this At any time during said three years said corporation is authorized
way: MDC is a timber license holder corporation … it had deficiencies with and empowered to convey all of its property to trustees for the
the BIR … because of its non-compliance and with a prior warning from the benefit of members, stock-holders, creditors, and others interested.
BIR, the BIR proceeded to have it extrajudicially dissolved.) From and after any such conveyance by the corporation of its
property in trust for the benefit of its members, stockholders,
creditors, and others in interest, all interest which the corporation perceptible, if the corporation had been dissolved without leaving
had in the property terminates, the legal interest vests in the any assets whatsoever with the liquidator.
trustee, and the beneficial interest in the members, stockholders,
creditors, or other persons in interest. --- MDC LOST